0.0.9 (2024-03-15)
- upload to s3 (515a3a9)
0.0.8 (2024-03-15)
- add mirror fee management refinement (039b1e8)
- add mirror working with corrected logic (6204175)
- added add mirror modal url input validation and field placeholder values (f6f54a1)
- added get ip rtkquery (9d916eb)
- added mirror button to owned stores page (9a8e676)
- added prototype of mirrors page (1c10cc7)
- added simple webview protocol (d98c753)
- ConfirmDeleteMirrorModal (b6ec87e)
- encapsulated mirror management logic in reusable StoreMirrorButton component (8fc49a9)
- feat added add mirror wallet balance check (16eca1d)
- ground work for mirrors integration into the owned stores and subscriptions tables (2dc0268)
- minor tweaks (367f77c)
- mirror related code clean up and correction to add mirror default fee handling (65890dd)
- prototyped adding subscription mirrors (debba36)
- refined url regex and modal close behavior (e20d8ea)
- renamed SimpleWebView to KeyPreview and updated routes (aeeffde)
- simple webview and back button fuctional (af94b1b)
- subscription store addition and deletion working for subscriptions table (87df3a2)
- usage fees are processed after successful datalayer action and fee processing does not conflict with processing datalayer action (536ad92)
0.0.6 (2024-03-13)
0.0.5 (2024-03-11)
0.0.4 (2024-03-11)
0.0.3 (2024-03-11)
- release to public repo (84284a3)
0.0.2 (2024-03-11)
- added all tags to tagTypes (536d7d5)
- corrected potentially uncoupled modal control (18b4a5f)
- corrected usage fees (210b82b)
- create datastore bug (686e810)
- datalayer handles wallet balance check logic (0f39946)
- edited vite confguration to support importing via the @/module syntax (8845dc5)
- folder size calculation on windows (b087f03)
- forward backward slice logic (3bf08a3)
- missing modal export (e8cd447)
- missing modal export (5856760)
- not accessible modal showing when the wallet is not synced (0a95e5a)
- open key in browser (c36eb9c)
- removed hanging export (38508f1)
- removed necessary translation tokens and corrected token formatting (cd43d44)
- removed unnecessary navigate state prop (623a714)
- return promise during create stores (022777f)
- rounded variable usage fee to 5 decimal places (10e6af0)
- storeId component (e234eee)
- WaitingForWalletSyncModal (549def7)
- add better cover photo (18a6f67)
- add dat seeder ipc (8711726)
- add datalayer web2 gateway viewer (56d3dd3)
- add deploy script (2dbfe32)
- add eslintignore (6bf7591)
- add husky scripts (9a035ff)
- add own stores shortcut (77e8680)
- add-state-management-system: added statemanagment system. created prelimiary redux toolkit slices and api (9833227)
- added additional settings deployment configuration (3a782fc)
- added back button to view and edit store pages (342a25b)
- added back to myStores link (76e45c7)
- added checkmark toggles for verbose and ignoreOrphan settings (dc22fcd)
- added checks to enforce blockchain fee usage and available balance for relevant datalayer.handles (f6a7201)
- added checks to enforce blockchain fee usage and available balance for relevant datalayer.handles (1986be6)
- added chia not accessible modal (245bcf5)
- Added confirm create store button (7cb2ccb)
- added confirm deploy modal (c99a2bf)
- added datalayer deployment settings (1783ab0)
- added datatable, progress-overlay, and spacer layouts (4f8cc89)
- added deploy folder and create store fees (86adca4)
- added EditStore and ViewStore pages (8ef1fa1)
- added fees for data store creation and folder deploy (b9dbafb)
- added InvalidStoreIdError modal (4fd03b1)
- added minimum deployment fee of 0.01 xch (ac64a2a)
- added my mystore slice to the redux redux store (1ca5f62)
- added page to view keys in a given store (18659a2)
- added project module paths to tsconfig and replaced relative import paths with new project paths (9731500)
- added prototype functionality to move the MyStore page from the store selection view to the folder selection view (fab2a09)
- added prototype of my stores page to allow the user to deploy folders to datalayer. currently displays a list of available stores (2c7c825)
- added reusable back button (74b143b)
- added routes and leftnav buttons for edit and view store pages (4f38ea3)
- added settings page for access key and access secret (1552051)
- added unsubscribe modal (1b0939d)
- added variable deployment fees based on folder size (3b9ec76)
- added wallet configt tag varialble and revised datalayer tags (d6be31b)
- added wallet not synced and insufficient wallet balance error modals and (0c4d974)
- app layout prototype complete (874710b)
- app translation infrastructure (e88ed32)
- begining of browser implementation (f0e6e44)
- better transaction detection (c9842f9)
- better transaction detection (dbb3985)
- better transaction detection (5b28427)
- better transaction detection (44890b5)
- blockchain and usage fees are now concurrent (b0c711e)
- break out electron logic (d195b91)
- browser component renders webpages. begun work on browser nav bar (b0ffe7a)
- changed unsubscribe and store label modal display mechanism (7e99c26)
- completed refactor of settings components (43ba65c)
- completed refactor of userOptions deployment settings slice (2bed170)
- data size based variable deploy fees (527c692)
- electron builder (348eed1)
- electron-renderer-RPCs: prototyped the ipcMain handles to call the datalayer and wallet API's. created preload.js and defined api's for the ipcRenderer (8f6e958)
- finished addsubscriptions table (d7e98fd)
- finished addsubscriptions table (abb4bcf)
- fix refresh on mystores (2d1fd8e)
- general app polish (4159bcc)
- handle page refresh logic (ee8978a)
- handle page refresh logic (e770545)
- handle url change (aed44eb)
- implemented prototype for browser forward and back buttons (96d468c)
- implemented prototype of redux toolkit queries to manage application state based on RPC calls (c674dbe)
- implemented redux toolkit browser slice and prototyped logic to load webpages using the browser nav bar (0d8eff5)
- improved setting styles (fc9bd01)
- initial style revision for the browser navigation bar (5261917)
- initial subscription table prototype (86c4475)
- locale set based on appStore.locale and not hardcoded to english (c45a24d)
- made chia not accessible modal self-controlled (edaf1ae)
- moved send fee function into utils (2b0c437)
- partialy complete prototype of collapsable left-nav component. the component can cycle between a collapsed and expanded state but the expanding and collapsing action needs to be implemented (21f4d2c)
- prototype for app layout navigation (1a5fdeb)
- prototyped add subscription functionality (ecdabd4)
- prototyped callback to add in-page navigation to history (615ee7b)
- reconfigured os ipc for folder selection (d66cd1a)
- refactored deployment settings slice to 1 setter (4ea0518)
- restyled waiting for sync modal (5000847)
- set up project (c92d1d9)
- started navbar stylizing. add style to forward, back, home, and refresh buttons (7776c99)
- subscriptions page prototype (ed3eda0)
- subscriptions table body (6859a81)
- updated browser implementation prototype (3e29532)
- working connection to ipc from rtkquery (4ecafcb)