2018-10-15: Pseudoreplication: How To Avoid It In Experimental Design and Analysis -- Desiree DeLeón
2018-09-24: Biomedical Data Science -- Christian McDaniel and Andrew Durden from Quinn lab, UGA
2018-08-28: Kaggle: the good, the bad, the code -- Varun Saravanan
2018-08-07: Interactive visualization with R tutorial -- Trent Ryan
2018-06-27: Quick and Easy Data Science Websites -- David Nicholson. group business: Software Carpentry
2018-06-04: Transitioning from Academia to the Commercial Domain -- Jeff Kolve, eHire
2018-04-30: discussed goals for group + interactive scientific computing. Jupyter notebook demos from Jeremy Jacobson, Elyse Morin and Rett Morrisette.
2018-03-26: Ten Things You Didn't Know about Jupyter -- Tony Fast
2018-02-19: Data Mining for Biomedical Engineering -- Doug White
2017-11-20: SQL -- Lukas Hoffman
2017-10-16: Data Science Career Panel
- with Emory and GT Alumni · Eli Fine, PhD: Sr. Director of Data Science & Operations at Coyne Scientific (Emory/GT Biomedical Engineering Alumni) · Korin Reid, PhD: Principal Data Scientist at Craneware, formerly at McKessen (GT Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Alumni) · Doug White, PhD, Director of Computation and Software at PercepTx; Co-Founder at Fractal Therapeutics (Emory/GT Biomedical Engineering Alumni) · Megan Winter, MS: Merchandise Planner at Home Depot (Emory Neuroscience Alumni)