Exports is core package for exporting/importing yoopta content in different formats
The package @yoopta/exports
supports exporting/importing in the next formats:
- Markdown
- Plain text
yarn add @yoopta/exports
HTML exports/imports example
import { html } from '@yoopta/exports';
const Editor = () => {
const editor = useMemo(() => createYooptaEditor(), []);
// from html to @yoopta content
const deserializeHTML = () => {
const htmlString = '<h1>First title</h1>';
const content = html.deserialize(editor, htmlString);
// from @yoopta content to html string
const serializeHTML = () => {
const data = editor.getEditorValue();
const htmlString = html.serialize(editor, data);
console.log('html string', htmlString);
return (
<button onClick={deserializeHTML}>Deserialize from html to content</button>
<button onClick={serializeHTML}>Serialize from content to html</button>
<YooptaEditor editor={editor} plugins={plugins} />
Markdown exports/imports example
import { markdown } from '@yoopta/exports';
const Editor = () => {
const editor = useMemo(() => createYooptaEditor(), []);
// from markdown to @yoopta content
const deserializeMarkdown = () => {
const markdownString = '# First title';
const value = markdown.deserialize(editor, markdownString);
// from @yoopta content to markdown string
const serializeMarkdown = () => {
const data = editor.getEditorValue();
const markdownString = markdown.serialize(editor, data);
console.log('markdown string', markdownString);
return (
<button onClick={deserializeMarkdown}>Deserialize from markdown to content</button>
<button onClick={serializeMarkdown}>Serialize from content to markdown</button>
<YooptaEditor editor={editor} plugins={plugins} />
Plain text exports/imports example
import { plainText } from '@yoopta/exports';
const Editor = () => {
const editor = useMemo(() => createYooptaEditor(), []);
// from plain text to @yoopta content
const deserializeText = () => {
const textString = '# First title';
const value = plainText.deserialize(editor, textString);
// from @yoopta content to plain text string
const serializeText = () => {
const data = editor.getEditorValue();
const textString = plainText.serialize(editor, data);
console.log('plain text string', textString);
return (
<button onClick={deserializeText}>Deserialize from plain text to content</button>
<button onClick={serializeText}>Serialize from content to plain text</button>
<YooptaEditor editor={editor} plugins={plugins} />
- Page - https://yoopta.dev/examples/withExports
- Example with HTML - https://yoopta.dev/examples/withExports/html
- Example with Markdown - https://yoopta.dev/examples/withExports/markdown