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Medical Exams App

This is a Ruby application that provides access to medical exams data. It uses Sinatra as the web framework and PostgreSQL as the database. It also uses Sidekik and Redis to run asynchronous jobs, all installed inside docker containers. The frontend is a Single Page Application built with Vanilla JavaScript.

The exams are paginated and can be filtered by token. The application also allows importing exams data from a csv file.

Table of Contents


Ruby Sinatra PostgreSQL Sidekiq Redis Docker Docker Compose RSpec JavaScript HTML CSS Bootstrap

Page Screenshots

Top Pagination

Exams Page

Bottom Pagination

Exams Page, bottom pagination

Exams Details

Exams Details Page


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

Running the Application

Be sure to not having a postgresql service running on your machine in port 5432. You can check it by typing the following command:

sudo lsof -i :5432

If yes, it will show you the process id of the service.

postgres 14087 postgres    3u  IPv4 126791      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)

Type the following command to stop it:

sudo systemctl stop postgresql

To run the Application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Run the following commands:

Change the permissions of bin/dev to make it executable

chmod +x bin/dev

To build, (re)create, start and attach to the application with Docker Compose (Recommended), because it's easier to see the logs and the containers are created in the correct order to function properly, run the following command:

bin/dev up

To stop containers and remove containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up:

bin/dev down

To start existing containers for a service:

bin/dev start

To stop existing containers for a service without removing them. hey can be started again with bin/dev start:

bin/dev stop

To rebuild the application with Docker Compose:

bin/dev rebuild

The command bin/dev start will start three (5) Docker containers: one for the PostgreSQL database, one for the Ruby/Sinastra API, one for the frontend Ruby/Sinastra App, one for the Redis DB and the last for Sidekik. The API will be available at http://localhost:3001/tests in your local machine. Inside the containers, the API will be available at http://backend:3001/tests.

Firstly, the database will be created and be connected. This message will be on the console for a while if you are using the bin/dev start command:

db-1   | 2024-03-04 17:02:25.373 UTC [36] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

After this, the database will be seeded with some data.

Then, the API will be started. In the console, you will see the API logs. You will be granted access to the API once you see this message. It could take a while to see it:

Puma starting in single mode...
app-1  | * Puma version: 6.4.2 (ruby 3.2.3-p157) ("The Eagle of Durango")
app-1  | *  Min threads: 0
app-1  | *  Max threads: 5
app-1  | *  Environment: development
app-1  | *          PID: 8
app-1  | * Listening on
app-1  | Use Ctrl-C to stop

Accessing the Frontend App

To access the frontend app, open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ after this log appears in the console:

medical_exams_frontend  | backend:3001 is available after 2 seconds
medical_exams_frontend  | Puma starting in single mode...
medical_exams_frontend  | * Puma version: 6.4.2 (ruby 3.2.3-p157) ("The Eagle of Durango")
medical_exams_frontend  | *  Min threads: 0
medical_exams_frontend  | *  Max threads: 5
medical_exams_frontend  | *  Environment: development
medical_exams_frontend  | *          PID: 1
medical_exams_frontend  | * Listening on
medical_exams_frontend  | Use Ctrl-C to stop

View containers information

To view the containers information, run:

docker ps

Accessing the Containers

To access the API backend container, run:

docker exec -it medical_exams_backend bash


bin/dev backend_bash

To access the App frontend container, run:

docker exec -it medical_exams_frontend bash

Accessing the Database

To access the PostgreSQL database, run:

docker exec -it medical_exams_db psql -U postgres -d medical_exams

View container logs

To view the logs of the containers, run:

docker logs <container_name>

if you started the containers with bin/dev start, you can use the following command to view the logs of the containers:

bin/dev logs

Running the Tests

To run the tests, you need to access the specific containers as described above. Then, run:

cd src && bundle exec rspec

Importing csv file manually

To import a csv file manually, you need to access the API backend containeras described above:

bin/dev backend_bash

Then, run the following command inside the container terminal:

cd src && ruby import_from_csv.rb


All exams

GET /tests

You can make GET requests to the /tests endpoint to retrieve medical exams data. Here's an example using curl:

curl http://localhost:3001/tests

This will return a JSON hash with the medical exams data and STATUS CODE = 200

  "previous": null,
  "next": null,
  "results": [
      "token": "5UP5FA",
      "exam_date": "2022-03-27",
      "cpf": "081.878.172-67",
      "name": "Emanuel Beltrão Neto",
      "email": "",
      "birthday": "1989-10-28",
      "address": "5538 Avenida Lívia",
      "city": "Pão de Açúcar",
      "state": "Roraima",
      "doctor": {
        "crm": "B000B7CDX4",
        "crm_state": "SP",
        "name": "Sra. Calebe Louzada",
        "email": ""
      "tests": [
          "type": "hdl",
          "limits": "19-75",
          "result": "59"
          "type": "plaquetas",
          "limits": "11-93",
          "result": "10"
          "type": "leucócitos",
          "limits": "9-61",
          "result": "84"
          "type": "hemácias",
          "limits": "45-52",
          "result": "21"
          "type": "ácido úrico",
          "limits": "15-61",
          "result": "25"
          "type": "t4-livre",
          "limits": "34-60",
          "result": "61"
          "type": "tsh",
          "limits": "25-80",
          "result": "48"
          "type": "eletrólitos",
          "limits": "2-68",
          "result": "61"
          "type": "tgp",
          "limits": "38-63",
          "result": "27"
          "type": "tgo",
          "limits": "50-84",
          "result": "86"
          "type": "glicemia",
          "limits": "25-83",
          "result": "99"
          "type": "vldl",
          "limits": "48-72",
          "result": "7"
          "type": "ldl",
          "limits": "45-54",
          "result": "24"
      "token": "85OIFQ",
      "exam_date": "2022-03-27",
      "cpf": "071.868.284-00",
      "name": "Dra. Vitória Soares",
      "email": "",
      "birthday": "1963-09-29",
      "address": "27106 Ponte Francisca Munhoz",
      "city": "São Felipe d'Oeste",
      "state": "São Paulo",
      "doctor": {
        "crm": "B0002W2RBG",
        "crm_state": "CE",
        "name": "Dra. Isabelly Rêgo",
        "email": ""
      "tests": [
          "type": "tsh",
          "limits": "25-80",
          "result": "52"
          "type": "eletrólitos",
          "limits": "2-68",
          "result": "89"
        // more tests data
    // More exams data

GET /tests?page=2&limit=2

The exams can also be paginated. The response will contain a previous and next keys alongside the exams results. If there are no more pages, the value will be null.

curl http://localhost:3001/tests?page=2&limit=2
  "previous": {
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 2
  "next": {
    "page": 3,
    "limit": 2
  "results": [
      "token": "T9O6AI",
      "exam_date": "2021-11-21",
      "cpf": "066.126.400-90",
      "name": "Matheus Barroso",
      "email": "",
      "birthday": "1972-03-09",
      "address": "9378 Rua Stella Braga",
      "city": "Senador Elói de Souza",
      "state": "Pernambuco",
      "doctor": {
        "crm": "B000B7CDX4",
        "crm_state": "SP",
        "name": "Sra. Calebe Louzada",
        "email": ""
      "tests": [
          "type": "hemácias",
          "limits": "45-52",
          "result": "48"
          "type": "leucócitos",
          "limits": "9-61",
          "result": "75"
          "type": "plaquetas",
          "limits": "11-93",
          "result": "67"
          "type": "hdl",
          "limits": "19-75",
          "result": "3"
          "type": "ldl",
          "limits": "45-54",
          "result": "27"
          "type": "vldl",
          "limits": "48-72",
          "result": "27"
          "type": "glicemia",
          "limits": "25-83",
          "result": "78"
          "type": "tgo",
          "limits": "50-84",
          "result": "15"
          "type": "tgp",
          "limits": "38-63",
          "result": "34"
          "type": "eletrólitos",
          "limits": "2-68",
          "result": "92"
          "type": "tsh",
          "limits": "25-80",
          "result": "21"
          "type": "t4-livre",
          "limits": "34-60",
          "result": "95"
          "type": "ácido úrico",
          "limits": "15-61",
          "result": "10"
      "token": "TJUXC2",
      "exam_date": "2021-10-05",
      "cpf": "089.034.562-70",
      "name": "Patricia Gentil",
      "email": "",
      "birthday": "1998-02-25",
      "address": "5334 Rodovia Thiago Bittencourt",
      "city": "Jequitibá",
      "state": "Paraná",
      "doctor": {
        "crm": "B0002W2RBG",
        "crm_state": "CE",
        "name": "Dra. Isabelly Rêgo",
        "email": ""
      "tests": [
          "type": "hemácias",
          "limits": "45-52",
          "result": "75"
          "type": "leucócitos",
          "limits": "9-61",
          "result": "24"
          "type": "plaquetas",
          "limits": "11-93",
          "result": "26"
          "type": "hdl",
          "limits": "19-75",
          "result": "87"
          "type": "ldl",
          "limits": "45-54",
          "result": "21"
          "type": "vldl",
          "limits": "48-72",
          "result": "76"
          "type": "glicemia",
          "limits": "25-83",
          "result": "86"
          "type": "tgo",
          "limits": "50-84",
          "result": "2"
          "type": "tgp",
          "limits": "38-63",
          "result": "84"
          "type": "eletrólitos",
          "limits": "2-68",
          "result": "90"
          "type": "tsh",
          "limits": "25-80",
          "result": "94"
          "type": "t4-livre",
          "limits": "34-60",
          "result": "35"
          "type": "ácido úrico",
          "limits": "15-61",
          "result": "94"

And returns an empty array if there is no data in the database and STATUS CODE = 404


Filtering by Token

GET /tests/:token

This endpoint also accepts a token named parameter to filter the exams by token. Here's an example:

curl http://localhost:3001/tests/IQCZ17

This will return a JSON object with the medical exam data for the token IQCZ17.

    "token": "IQCZ17",
    "exam_date": "2021-08-05",
    "cpf": "048.973.170-88",
    "name": "Emilly Batista Neto",
    "email": "",
    "birthday": "2001-03-11",
    "address": "165 Rua Rafaela",
    "city": "Ituverava",
    "state": "Alagoas",
    "doctor": {
      "crm": "B000BJ20J4",
      "crm_state": "PI",
      "name": "Maria Luiza Pires",
      "email": ""
    "tests": [
        "type": "hemácias",
        "limits": "45-52",
        "result": "97"
        "type": "leucócitos",
        "limits": "9-61",
        "result": "89"
      // rest of the tests

And returns an empty array if there is no data in the database and STATUS CODE = 404


Importing csv file

POST /tests/import

You can make POST requests to the /tests/import endpoint to import medical exams data from a csv file. Here's an example using curl:

curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/your/file.csv" http://localhost:3001/tests/import

This will return a JSON object with the message File imported successfully and STATUS CODE = 200

{ "success": true, "message": "Data imported successfully" }

And returns an error message if the file is not a csv file and STATUS CODE = 400

{ "success": false, "message": "Invalid file type. Please, upload a csv file" }

Server Errors

If the server encounters an error, it will return a JSON object with the error message and STATUS CODE = 500

{ "error": true,  "message": "An error has occurred. Try again" }