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File metadata and controls

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Example project for the node-test-bed-adapter.

The example assumes that the DRIVER-EU Apache Kafka-based test-bed is running. If not, see the test-bed installation instructions for installing a local version of the test-bed. Alternatively, copy example.env to .env and run docker compose up -d locally to start the main services.

The example performs the following actions:

  • Installing the required npm packages, including the node-test-bed-adapter.
  • producer.mts: Upload the AVRO schemas from the src/schemas folder to the Kafka schema registry (note that this is not required during production, when the test-bed admin tool takes over this role, so use it only once after starting the Docker-based test-bed to register all schemas). You can turn it off by settings autoRegisterSchemas: false.
  • producer.mts: Send 4 CAP messages to the test-bed. You can inspect them by visiting the Kafka topics UI.
  • silent-producer.mts: Uploads schema's from the SCHEMA_FOLDER environment variable (or from the docker image), and creates topics on the test-bed without sending data to those topics. You can inspect them by visiting the Kafka topics UI. There is also a docker image you can use, drivereu/silent-producer:v2.0.0.
  • consumer.mts: Receives CAP messages and log them to screen.


Assuming you have Node.js 16 or another recent version running, you should install the dependencies and build it:

npm i
npm run build
# npm start  # If you are developping/debugging


In the .env file, you need to specify the URL of the Kafka broker and the schema registry (see .example.env), or you can manually edit it in the configuration of the consumer.mts and producer.mts file. If you are using vscode, you can use the debugger to first launch the producer and next the consumer in order to test it.

Alternatively, you can run it manually using node (v16):

node --experimental-json-modules dist/producer.js
node dist/consumer.js


npm run docker:build:silentproducer
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE Default value Example
CLIENT_ID tno-bootstrapper
KAFKA_HOST localhost:3501
SCHEMA_REGISTRY localhost:3502
SCHEMA_FOLDER $PWD/src/schemas
PARTITION_SPECIFICATION '' system_heartbeat:1:360000,topic:partitions:retention_in_ms

This will create a docker local image with the name 'silent-producer'. See the docker-compose.yml for an example service configuration to add in your test-bed composition.

To publish the local docker image to drivereu dockerhub:

docker login --username=<<GIT USERNAME e.g. kluiverjh>>
npm run docker:build:silentproducer
npm run docker:tag:silentproducer
npm run docker:publish:silentproducer


You can start them in two terminals, or one after the other.

npm run producer # To produce some CAP messages. Use CTRL-C to stop it.
npm run consumer # To consume these CAP messages. Use CTRL-C to stop it.
npm run silent-producer # To create some topics. Use CTRL-C to stop it.


npm start