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executable file
242 lines (171 loc) · 13.5 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
242 lines (171 loc) · 13.5 KB


A workflow calling structural variants in cancer samples. This repository code allows to run Sophia with Roddy.


Sophia is a tool for identifying somatic structural variations in tumor-control sample pairs. It was developed by Umut Toprak at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Please have a look at Umut's dissertation at, in particular chapter 2. Section 2.2.1 describes the method in more details. Sophia is very CPU and memory efficient and can detect variants with a single pass of the input BAM files (resoure requirements shown in the default config are sufficient for extreme cases, such as chromothripsis). The algorithm relies on the noisy information present in "supplementary alignments" produced by the aligner (usually BWA) combined with filters based on expert-knowledge to increase specificity. No local assembly is done. The workflow is optimized for human assembly hg37.

You can cite Sophia as follows:

Integrative Analysis of Omics Datasets.
Doctoral dissertation, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg.
Umut Toprak (2019).
DOI 10.11588/heidok.000274296


Software Stack & Reference Data

Please refer to the documentation of the Sophia tool for information on the bioinformatic software stack and reference data.

Please refer to the documentation of Roddy for software requirements of the workflow management system.

The workflow depends on the COWorkflowBasePlugin. Please refer to the buildinfo.txt in the plugin root directory to see which version is required for the specific version of this plugin you want to install.


All output goes to outputAnalysisBaseDirectory, which is the output base directory (outputBaseDirectory) given on the command line via --useiodir with the dataset identifier as subdirectory, i.e.


The output includes the roddyExecutionStore with the execution metadata. Usually, one additionally configures a sophiaOutputDirectory into which all SOPHIA output datat is written. Thus the output will go to:


If you want all output to go into the outputAnalysisBaseDirectory just set sophiaOutputDirectory to an empty string or ".".

Run flags / switches / passable values

Switch Default Description
REFERENCES_BASE Path to the installation of the reference files.
bamfile_list A semicolon separated list of bamfiles (1. control, 2. tumor, ...)
sample_list Semicolon-separated list of sample names
possibleControlSampleNamePrefixes Space-separated list of prefix identifying control samples. Used for matching sample names in files when retrieving BAM metadata from pathnames. Always required.
possibleTumorSampleNamePrefixes Space-separated list of prefixes identifying tumor samples. Used for matching sample names in files when retrieving BAM metadata from pathnames. Always required.
controlDefaultReadLength Default read length [base pairs]
tumorDefaultReadLength Default read length [base pairs]
controlMedianIsize Median of control insert size distribution [base pairs]
tumorMedianIsize Median of tumor insert size distribution [base pairs]
controlStdIsizePercentage [median insert size / standard deviation insert size * 100]
tumorStdIsizePercentage [median insert size / standard deviation insert size * 100]
controlProperPairPercentage Properly paired read pairs in control [#(properly paired) / #(paired) * 100]
tumorProperPairPercentage Properly paired read pairs in tumor [#(properly paired) / #(paired) * 100]
isNoControlWorkflow If "true" then the tumor samples are analysed without controls

Starting the Workflow

Most metadata are best provided via dedicated variables. run $configName@$analysisName $pid \
  --useconfig=/path/to/your/applicationProperties.ini \

With version 2, it is not possible anymore to provide the insert sizes via the insertsizesfile_list variable, like it was for the version 1. We strongly suggest you configure the workflow metadata manually, like shown above. However, if you want to retrieve the BAM files and their metadata from the filesystem, you can set extractSamplesFromOutputFiles to "true". This mode is less safe and clear than the more explicit way of calling the workflow and it should only work smoothly with the output of the AlignmentAndQCWorkflows Roddy-plugin. Furthermore, the alignmentOutputDirectory (default "alignment"), insertSizesOutputDirectory (default "insertsize_distribution", and qcOutputDirectory (default "qualitycontrol") need to be set correctly (and be of type "string" as preconfigured in the XML).

No control?

You can run the Sophia workflow without a control sample. For this you need to set the isNoControlWorkflow variable to "true". You still need to set the possibleTumorSampleNamePrefixes to the prefixes of the allowed tumor samples and all the other "tumor"-related variables, but variables refering to "control", such as controlStdIsizePercentage, are then not required.


The workflow produces the following files:

Filename Pattern Content
{$tumor,$control}_$pid_bps.tsv.gz Output of the sophia binary.
$tumor_$pid_bps_annotatedAbridged.bedpe.WARNINGS Warning from the sophiaAnnotation binary.
svs_*_filtered.tsv_score_3_scaled_merged.pdf Summary information.
qualitycontrol.json Some quality control information in JSON format.

The svs_*_filtered_*.tsv files, except of the *_overhangCandidates.tsv have the same format with a very large number of columns listing genes and particularly known cancer-related genes close to structural variations.

Column Description
chrom{1,2} Mapping chromosomes of the fragment ends
start{1,2} Start positions of the fragment ends
end{1,2} End positions of the fragment ends
directFusionCandidates See below.
directFusionCandidatesBothCancer See below.
indirectFusionCandidatesLeftCancerRightAny See below.
indirectFusionCandidatesRightCancerLeftAny See below
indirectFusionCandidatesAny See below.

Please refer to Umut Toprak's dissertation, which may make the semantics of some of the columns clearer.

The script generates some of the columns. Please refer to that script for the exact logic. The following only gives a rough description of what is happening there. In total there are 5 colums added by that script, 2 for direct fusions and 3 for indirect fusions.

The columns "directFusionCandidates" and "directFusionCandidatesBothCancer" are direct fusion candidates displayed in the format "leftComponent-rightComponent" with the candidates taken both from the gene{1,2}Raw or gene{1,2}RawCancer columns for the "directFusionCandidates" or "directFusionCandidatesBothCancer" columns, respectively. If one of the components has the value "" or "." in the gene column, the component is displayed as "(TRUNC)", if they are identical (both "(TRUNC)") then the value "." is given.

The columns "indirectFusionCandidatesLeftCancerRightAny", "indirectFusionCandidatesRightCancerLeftAny", and "indirectFusionCandidatesAny" show indirect fusion candidates in the format "leftComponent-rightComponent" where the components have the format "~nearestDownstream/~nearestUpstream". Generally, nearest gene neighbors are ignored if farther than 2 Mb away.

A bit of developer docs: Comparing results between identical runs

For debugging purposes, e.g. during development, a script is available that checks the svs_*_filtered_*.tsv files for identity. This script also does some basic format checks for the columns (like checking gene list formats, etc.). You can install Scala via SDKman!. Execute the script with the two directories containing the svs_*.tsv files. Note that because prior to version 2.2.2 the fusion candidate columns were processed by quasi randomly selecting from the processed gene identifiers columns, results from <2.2.2 and >=2.2.2 cannot be compared directly. A check that the identifiers in the fusion candidate strings may have been, taken from the other colunms, has not yet been implemented in the script (due to its complexity). To compare results involving versions <2.2.2, use "false" as the first parameter additionally to the two directories to compare. The candidates columns are then ignored and not checked at all.

Change Log

  • 2.2.3

    • Refactorings and documentation to improve code clarity
    • Added comparison script compareSVsTSVs for svs*.tsv files.
  • 2.2.2

    • Bugfix in Produced columns with set() output and lines were put out instead of withheld, resulting in alignment errors in subsequent unchecked paste commands. Bug was fixed, script refactored and Python 3 type hints employed (not enforced by Python, though).
    • Added to shield against similar bugs in the future
    • Added basic check to shield against yet unfixed potential unnoticable IO-errors in sophia binary (see Bitbucket PR)
  • 2.2.1 (deprecated)

    • Bugfix: produces empty output instead of dot-line on empty input. Avoid downsteam int-cast error
  • 2.2.0

    • Fix ignoring of sophiaOutputDirectory for $sampleType_$pid_bps_annotatedAbridged.bedpe.WARNINGS file resulting in wrong location of the file
    • Update to Roddy 3.5
    • Update to COWorkflowBasePlugin 1.4.0
    • Bugfix: grepIgnoreEmpty (set +e on global environment was removed)
    • Bugfix: correct location of tumor file in caller
    • Added executability check for sample metadata configuration values
    • Refactorings to improve Bash code robustness
    • Consistent usage of grepIgnoreEmpty to handle input files without matches for low-coverage/WES input data
    • Update to newer workflow API (Roddy 3.5)
    • Documentation
    • GPL 2+
  • Version 2.1.2

    • Bugfix: In no-control case a PDF file path was not defined.
  • Version 2.1.1

    • Bugfix: Fixed another situation where PDFs were not generated
  • Version 2.1.0

    • Updated to COWorkflowBasePlugin 1.3.0 that provides an alternative sample-name extraction algorithm.
  • Version 2.0.3

    • Bugfix: PDF generation in very low data WES failed. Added "no data" PDFs.
  • Version 2.0.2

    • Bugfix: PDF merging for samples without called germline variations.
    • Bugfix: Undefined newSize in on some datasets.
  • Version 2.0.1

    • Produce again a single merged PDF instead of three independent PDFs.
  • Version 2.0.0

    • Sophia version 35.
  • Version 1.2.18

    • Consistent usage of grepIgnoreEmpty to handle input files without matches for low-coverage/WES input data
  • Version 1.2.17

    • Fixed some greps to ignore non-matching input files for low-coverage/WES input data
  • Version 1.2.16

    • Migration to Roddy 3 and its LSF support
    • Environment scripts for DKFZ-ODCF cluster
  • Version 1.0.16

    • Sophia version 34.


See the licence file.