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FFC Payment Submission


FFC microservice to submit payment requests to Microsoft Dynamics 365.

This service is part of the Strategic Payment Service.

flowchart LR
ffc-pay-submission(Kubernetes - ffc-pay-submission)
topic-submit[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-submit]
topic-file-send[Azure Service Bus Topic - ffc-pay-file-send]
blob-storage[Azure Blob Storage - outbound]
topic-submit ==> ffc-pay-submission
ffc-pay-submission ==> topic-file-send
ffc-pay-submission ==> blob-storage



Azure Service Bus

This service depends on a valid Azure Service Bus connection string for asynchronous communication. The following environment variables need to be set in any non-production (!config.isProd) environment before the Docker container is started or tests are run.

When deployed into an appropriately configured AKS cluster (where AAD Pod Identity is configured) the microservice will use AAD Pod Identity through the manifests for azure-identity and azure-identity-binding.

Name Description
MESSAGE_QUEUE_HOST Azure Service Bus hostname, e.g.
MESSAGE_QUEUE_PASSWORD Azure Service Bus SAS policy key
MESSAGE_QUEUE_USER Azure Service Bus SAS policy name, e.g. RootManageSharedAccessKey
MESSAGE_QUEUE_SUFFIX Developer initials, eg -sd
FILESEND_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for file send messages, eg ffc-pay-submit
PAYMENTSUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS Azure Service Bus topic name for payment submit messages, eg ffc-pay-file-send

Message schemas

All message schemas are fully documented in an AsyncAPI specification.

Azure Storage

This repository writes files to Azure Blob Storage within a dax container.

The following directory is automatically created within this container:

  • outbound - files ready for DAX



These configuration values should be set in the docker-compose.yaml file or Helm values file if running Kubernetes.

Name Description
APPINSIGHTS_CLOUDROLE Azure App Insights cloud role
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY Azure App Insights instrumentation key


Docker Compose can be used to build the container image.

docker compose build

The service will file watch application and test files so no need to rebuild the container unless a change to an npm package is made.

How to start the service

The service can be run using the start script.


This script accepts any Docker Compose Up argument.


A debugger can be attached to the running application using port 9243.

How to get an output

Submit a valid payment request to the PAYMENTSUBMIT_TOPIC_ADDRESS

This will generate two outputs from the service:

  1. A DAX submission file in csv format generated in the local version of Azure Storage in the following directory: Blob containers > dax
  2. A new message sent to the service bus topic FILESEND_TOPIC_ADDRESS.

Batch sequencing

Both Accounts Payable (AP) and Accounts Receivable (AR) output files include an integer sequence number. This number is incremented on each batch generation. As the maximum number DAX can accept is 9999, subsequent batches will restart from 1.

Example resources

Example inbound payment request

An example inbound payment request is available from the async api documentation. Note that duplicate message detection is based on a referenceId property which must be a UUID. If this property is not provided then the invoiceNumber property is used instead.

DAX file specification

SFI Pilot

Example AP file

Ledger,SOS273,,DRD10,80001,2022,RP00,SFI12345678,100.21,GBP,legacy,,,,1,,,G00 - Gross value of payment,,,,,,,,,,SFI12345678,,END
Ledger,SOS273,,DRD10,80001,2022,RP00,SFI12345678,-20.05,GBP,legacy,,,,2,,,P02 - Over declaration penalty,,,,,,,,,,SFI12345678,,END
Ledger,SOS274,,DRD10,80002,2022,RP00,SFI12345678,100.00,GBP,legacy,,,,1,,,G00 - Gross value of payment,,,,,,,,,,SFI12345678,,END
Ledger,SOS277,,DRD10,80003,2022,RP00,SFI12345678,0.20,GBP,legacy,,,,1,,,G00 - Gross value of payment,,,,,,,,,,SFI12345678,,END
Ledger,SOS275,,DRD10,80003,2022,RP00,SFI12345678,-0.10,GBP,legacy,,,,2,,,P02 - Over declaration penalty,,,,,,,,,,SFI12345678,,END


Vendor line
Name Description
Line type Always Vendor
FRN Firm Reference Number
Empty value Not used
Fund code Fund code, eg DRD10
Scheme code Scheme code, eg 80001
Marketing year Scheme year for agreement
Delivery body Delivery body delivering payment, eg RP00
Invoice number Unique identifier for request
Value Total value for funding group in decimal
Currency Currency of request, eg GBP
Legacy farmer account Always legacy
Empty value Not used
Contract number Unique contract number for agreement
Advance payment 0 for true, 1 for false, always 0
Empty value Not used
Approved 0 for false, 1 for true
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Payment method and currency Format, METHOD_CURRENCY, eg. BACS_GBP
Source system Service payment request originated from, eg SitiELM
Empty value Not used
Batch sequence number Unique identifier of batch file for ledger, eg 0001
Empty value Not used
Due date Earliest date to make payment in format DD/MM/YYYY
Currency Currency of request, eg GBP
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Payment schedule Schedule to split payment value over, eg Q4 for quarterly payments
Line end Always END
Ledger line
Name Description
Line type Always Ledger
Account code Account code eg. SOS270
Empty value Not used
Fund code Fund code, eg DRD10
Scheme code Scheme code, eg 80001
Marketing year Scheme year for agreement
Delivery body Delivery body delivering payment, eg RP00
Invoice number Unique identifier for request
Value Total value of invoice line in decimal
Currency Currency of request, eg GBP
Legacy farmer account Always legacy
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Line number Incremental identifier for invoice line
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Line description Description of invoice line, eg G00 - Gross value of payment
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Invoice number Unique identifier for request
Empty value Not used
Line end Always END

Example AR file

L,G00 - Gross value of payment,SOS273,100.21,,02/08/2021,03/08/2021,,,DRD10,80001,2022,RP00,,END
L,P02 - Over declaration penalty,SOS273,-20.05,,02/08/2021,03/08/2021,,,DRD10,80001,2022,RP00,,END
L,G00 - Gross value of payment,SOS274,100.00,,02/08/2021,03/08/2021,,,DRD10,80002,2022,RP00,,END
L,G00 - Gross value of payment,SOS277,0.20,,02/08/2021,03/08/2021,,,DRD10,80003,2022,RP00,,END
L,P02 - Over declaration penalty,SOS275,-0.10,,02/08/2021,03/08/2021,,,DRD10,80003,2022,RP00,,END


Vendor line
Name Description
Line type Always H
FRN Firm Reference Number
Empty value Not used
Currency Currency of request, eg GBP
Unknown Always No
Invoice number Unique identifier for request
Unknown Always None
Empty value Not used
Source system Service payment request originated from, eg SitiELM
Empty value Not used
Original invoice number Original invoice number if invoice split
Invoice correction reference Invoice number of AR correction request if AR correction
Unknown Always No
FRN Firm Reference Number
Empty value Not used
Currency Currency of request, eg GBP
Empty value Not used
Fund code Fund code, eg DRD10
Scheme code Scheme code, eg 80001
Marketing year Scheme year for agreement
Delivery body Delivery body delivering payment, eg RP00
Line end Always END
Ledger line
Name Description
Line type Always L
Line description Description of invoice line, eg G00 - Gross value of payment
Account code Account code eg. SOS270
Value Total value of invoice line in decimal
Empty value Not used
Due date Earliest date to make payment in format DD/MM/YYYY
Recovery date Date overpayment identified in format DD/MM/YYYY
Empty value Not used
Empty value Not used
Fund code Fund code, eg DRD10
Scheme code Scheme code, eg 80001
Marketing year Scheme year for agreement
Delivery body Delivery body delivering payment, eg RP00
Empty value Not used
Line end Always END

How to stop FFC Pay Submission

The service can be stopped in different ways:

Bring the service down

docker compose down

Bring the service down and clear its data

docker compose down -v

How to test FFC Pay Submission

Test structure

The tests have been structured into subfolders of ./test as per the Microservice test approach and repository structure

Running tests

The service can be tested using the test script.


The script accepts the following arguments:

  • --watch/-w - run tests with file watching to support Test Driven Development scenarios (TDD)
  • --debug/-d - run tests in debug mode. Same as watch mode but will wait for a debugger to be attached before running tests.

CI pipeline

This service uses the FFC CI pipeline



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Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government license v3

About the licence

The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.

It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.