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196 lines (148 loc) · 18.5 KB

StructureDataset D-PLACE aggregated dataset

CLDF Metadata: StructureDataset-metadata.json

Sources: sources.bib

property value
dc:bibliographicCitation Kathryn R. Kirby, Russell D. Gray, Simon J. Greenhill, Fiona M. Jordan, Stephanie Gomes-Ng, Hans-Jörg Bibiko, Damián E. Blasi, Carlos A. Botero, Claire Bowern, Carol R. Ember, Dan Leehr, Bobbi S. Low, Joe McCarter, William Divale, and Michael C. Gavin. (2016). D-PLACE: A Global Database of Cultural, Linguistic and Environmental Diversity. PLoS ONE, 11(7): e0158391. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158391.
dc:conformsTo CLDF StructureDataset
  1. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-binford v3.1
  2. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-carneiro/ v3.1
  3. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-ccmc v3.1
  4. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-ea v3.1
  5. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-ecoclimate v3.1
  6. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-gmted2010 v3.1
  7. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-gshhs v3.1
  8. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-jenkins v3.1
  9. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-kreft v3.1
  10. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-modis v3.1
  11. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-sccs v3.1
  12. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-teow v3.1
  13. D-PLACE/dplace-dataset-wnai v3.0
  14. phlorest/atkinson2006 v1.2
  15. phlorest/birchall_et_al2016 v1.1
  16. phlorest/bouckaert_et_al2012 v1.1
  17. phlorest/bouckaert_et_al2018 v1.1
  18. phlorest/bowern_and_atkinson2012 v1.1
  19. phlorest/chacon_and_list2015 v1.1
  20. phlorest/chang_et_al2015 v1.1
  21. phlorest/defilippo_et_al2012 v1.1
  22. phlorest/dunn_et_al2011 v1.1
  23. phlorest/gray_et_al2009 v1.1.1
  24. phlorest/greenhill2015 v1.1
  25. phlorest/grollemund_et_al2015 v1.1
  26. phlorest/honkola_et_al2013 v1.1
  27. phlorest/hruschka_et_al2015 v1.1
  28. phlorest/kitchen_et_al2009 v1.1
  29. phlorest/kolipakam_et_al2018 v1.1
  30. phlorest/lee2015 v1.1
  31. phlorest/lee_and_hasegawa2011 v1.1
  32. phlorest/lee_and_hasegawa2013 v1.1
  33. phlorest/robinson_and_holton2012 v1.1
  34. phlorest/sagart_et_al2019 v1.1
  35. phlorest/sicoli_and_holton2014 v1.1
  36. phlorest/walker_and_ribeiro2011 v1.1
  37. phlorest/zhang_et_al2019 v1.1
  38. d-place/dplace-cldf v3.0.0
  39. Glottolog v5.0
  1. python: 3.10.12
  2. python-packages: requirements.txt
rdf:ID dplace

Table data.csv

Values are coded datapoints, i.e. measurements of a variable for a society.

Note: Missing data is signaled by an empty Value column.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF ValueTable
dc:extent 631668


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Soc_ID string References societies.csv::ID
Var_ID string References variables.csv::ID
Value string Values for categorical and ordinal variables reference the corresponding code via the Code_ID column. Values for continuous variables have the measured number in the Value column and an empty Code_ID.
Code_ID string References codes.csv::ID
Comment string
Source list of string (separated by ;) References sources.bib::BibTeX-key
sub_case string More specific description of the population the data refer to in terms of society or area.
year string
Regex: -?[0-9]{1,4}(-[0-9]{4})?
Focal year, i.e. the time period to which the data refer.
source_coded_data string The source of the coded data, which was aggregated in this dataset.
admin_comment string

The aggregated D-PLACE data lists two kinds of entities in its LanguageTable: Societies, i.e. cultural groups for which D-PLACE datasets provide data, and Languoids, i.e. language (varieties) which are referenced in Phlorest phylogenies. The two kinds are marked as "society" and "languoid"respectively in the type column.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF LanguageTable
dc:extent 6174


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Name string
Latitude decimal
≥ -90
≤ 90
Longitude decimal
≥ -180
≤ 180
Glottocode string
Regex: [a-z0-9]{4}[1-9][0-9]{3}
Name_and_ID_in_source string Society names identified as pejorative have been replaced with a preferred, English-language ethnonym. The name (and ID) as given in the source dataset is kept in this field.
xd_id string “cross-data-set” identifier, used to link societies present in different datasets, if they share a focal location. Note: If this field is empty, other fields such as Name, Glottocode, focal year and location may be used to identify societies across datasets if appropriate.
alt_names_by_society list of string (separated by ; ) A list of ‘alternate’ names for the society; includes, where available, one or more autonyms in the society’s own language, as well as other commonly encountered ethnonyms.
main_focal_year integer Focal year specifying the time period to which the data refer, given as number of years BCE - if negative - or CE.
HRAF_name_ID string Name(s) and ID(s) of the corresponding society in HRAF (the Human Relations Area Files)
HRAF_ID string ID of the corresponding society in HRAF
origLat decimal
≥ -90
≤ 90
Uncorrected latitude as given in the source.
origLong decimal
≥ -270
≤ 180
Uncorrected longitude as given in the source.
comment string
glottocode_comment string Comment on the Glottocode assignment.
region string World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions level2 region
type string
Valid choices:
society languoid
Language_Level_Glottocodes list of string (separated by ) Glottocode(s) of the language-level languoid(s) in Glottolog associated with the languoid specified by Glottocode. Matches the "Glottocode" column for languages, but differs for dialects and lists all contained languages for subgroups. The language-level Glottocodes can be used to match societies to languages in the Glottolog classification trees.
ISO639P3code string
Contribution_ID string References contributions.csv::ID

Variables are cultural features or practices, or environmental descriptors.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF ParameterTable
dc:extent 2987


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [A-Za-z.0-9_]+([0-9]+)?
Primary key
Name string
Description string
ColumnSpec json
category list of string
Valid choices:
Anthropometry Architecture Ceramics and Art Ceremony Childhood Class Climate Clothing Community Community organization Data Quality Death Demography Dwelling Dwellings Ecology Economics Economy Games Gender Gossip Health Household Housing Infancy Kinship Labor Labour Law and Judicial Process Leadership Life cycle Marriage Material culture Metalworking Modernization Mourning Physical Landscape Political Organization Politics Population Property Religion Ritual Settlement Settlements Sexual practices Social Organization and Stratification Special Knowledge and Practices Subsistence Technology Tools Utensils War Warfare Watercraft and Navigation Wealth Transactions Wealth transactions and Textiles (separated by , )
type string
Valid choices:
Continuous Categorical Ordinal
Variables may be categorical (and then must be accompanied by a list of possible ‘codes’, i.e. rows in Codetable. Variables can also be continuous (e.g. Population size) or ordinal. Ordinal variables are accompanied by a list of codes (like categorical variables). The order of codes is encoded as ord column in CodeTable.
unit string The unit of measurement
source_comment string A note about the source of this variable.
changes string Notes about how a variable may have been derived from the source.
comment string
Contribution_ID string References contributions.csv::ID

Table codes.csv

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF CodeTable
dc:extent 15450


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Var_ID string The parameter or variable the code belongs to.
References variables.csv::ID
Name string
Description string
ord integer

Table media.csv

For better re-usability, D-PLACE provides the Glottolog classification trees and Phlorest phylogenies in the NEXUS file format.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF MediaTable
dc:extent 109


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Name string
Description string
Media_Type string
Regex: [^/]+/.+
Download_URL anyURI
Path_In_Zip string

Both, individual D-PLACE datasets as well as Phlorest phylogenies and Glottolog classification trees are citable units - and should be cited, if their data is used.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF ContributionTable
dc:extent 122


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Name string
Description string
Contributor string
Citation string
DOI string
type string
Valid choices:
dataset phylogeny
D-PLACE aggregates two kinds of data: D-PLACE datasets, i.e. lists variables and coded values for cultural groups and language phylogenies from Phlorest.
Source list of string (separated by ;) References sources.bib::BibTeX-key

Table trees.csv

D-PLACE contains the summary trees of Phlorest phylogenies and classification trees for Glottolog families which are associated with at least two societies in D-PLACE.

property value
dc:conformsTo CLDF TreeTable
dc:extent 109


Name/Property Datatype Description
ID string
Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+
Primary key
Name string Name of tree as used in the tree file, i.e. the tree label in a Nexus file or the 1-based index of the tree in a newick file
Description string Describe the method that was used to create the tree, etc.
Tree_Is_Rooted boolean
Valid choices:
Yes No
Whether the tree is rooted (Yes) or unrooted (No) (or no info is available (null))
Tree_Type string
Valid choices:
summary sample
Whether the tree is a summary (or consensus) tree, i.e. can be analysed in isolation, or whether it is a sample, resulting from a method that creates multiple trees
Tree_Branch_Length_Unit string
Valid choices:
change substitutions years centuries millennia
The unit used to measure evolutionary time in phylogenetic trees.
Media_ID string References a file containing a Newick representation of the tree, labeled with identifiers as described in the LanguageTable (the Media_Type column of this table should provide enough information to chose the appropriate tool to read the newick)
References media.csv::ID
Source list of string (separated by ;) References sources.bib::BibTeX-key
Contribution_ID string References contributions.csv::ID