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File metadata and controls

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The BIDSme workflow

The BIDSme workflow is composed in two steps:

  1. Data preparation, in which the source dataset is reorganized into the standard bids-like structure
  2. Data bidsification, in which prepared data is bidsified.

This organisation allows the user to intervene before the bidsification in case of detected errors, or to complete the data manually if it could not be completed numerically.

Data preparation

In order to be bidsified, dataset should be put into a form:


where subId and sesId are the subject and session label, as defined by BIDS standard. DataType is a unique label identifying the modality of data, e.g. EEG or MRI. seriesNo and seriesId are the unique identifiers of a given recording series, defined as a set of recordings sharing the same recording parameters (e.g. a set of 2D slices from the same fMRI scan).

A generic dataset can be organized into a prepared dataset using the prepare command. In addition to the parameters cited above, some additional parameters are defined:

  • --part-template allows to specify the path to the sidecar json file (template) used to create the future participant.tsv file. It is expected to follow the BIDS-defined structure. It should include all needed column descriptions, including the mandatory participant_id
  • --sub-prefix allows to specify the prefix identified the subject data in the original dataset. It can include parts of the path to the subjects folders. For example, if in the original dataset the subject folders are stored in participants folder (participants/001, participants/002 etc.. ), then setting the sub-prefix to participants/ (note the slash) will make prepare search for subjects in the correct folder(s). The specified path can contain a wildcard character *, to reach data stored in folders with different naming. For example, in case different participants are stored in different folders (e.g. patients/001 and control/002), both will be reached by setting --sub-prefix '*/'. If used, wildcard characters must be protected by single quote in order to avoid shell expansion. Note that the non-path part of the prefix, if any, is removed from subject Id. For this reason wildcard is forbidden outside the path.
  • --ses-prefix allows to specify the session prefix in the same manner as sub-prefix above
  • --no-subject and --no-session are mandatory to designate the case in which the original data of subjects and their respective sessions are not stored in dedicated folders.
  • --recfolder folder=type allows to specify in which folders the original data are stored, and which one is the type of data. For example, nii=MRI tells that the nii subfolders contains MRI data. The wildcard is allowed in the folder name.

prepare iteratively scans the original dataset and determines the subjects and sessions Ids based on the folder names. Subject Id is derived from the name of the top-most folder, whereby session Id is derived from its sub-folder (modulo the prefix parameters).

The Ids are taken as they are, with removal of all non alphanumerical characters. For example, if subject folder is called s0123-control, the subject Id will be sub-s0123control. If the folder's name contains a prefix, that the user wants to exclude from the subject Id, this can be specified in the --sub-prefix option. For example, with option --sub-prefix s, the subject folder s0123-control will result in subject Id sub-0123control.

If in the original dataset data is not organized in subject/session folders, one should use options --no-subject and --no-session. The session Id will be set to an empty string, and subject Id will be retrieved from data files.

N.B. If data are stored in subjects and sessions folders but the user prefers to set subjects and sessions Ids from data files, this can be implemented through plugins. In the corresponding plugin, the session.subject must be set to None, making it undefined. But undefined subjects and sessions make subject selection unavailable.

If the user wishes to rename subjects and/or sessions, it can be done with plug-in functions SubjectEP and SessionEP or by renaming directly folders in the prepared dataset.

Once the data-files are identified, they are placed into prepared dataset, which follows loosely the basic BIDS structure:


The sub-<subId> and ses-<sesId> folders' names will be the bidsified version of subjects and sessions Ids. Note that if the original dataset does not have sessions, the folder sub- will still be present, with an empty <sesId>.

The <DataType> folder will correspond to one of the bidsme defined data types, as specified in `--recfolder folder=type', and will contain all data files identified as being of this type.

<Sequence> folders will group all data files corresponding to the same recording (for example, different scanned volumes for the same MRI acquisition), it will be named as <seqNo>-<secId> which will uniquely identify the sequence.

Note that prepare does not modify/convert/rename data files, only copies them. If an actual modification of data is needed (e.g. anonymisation, or conversion), this can be implemented either in plugin functions FileEP, SequenceEndEP or manually in the prepared dataset. When manually implementing a modification in the prepared dataset, the user should ensure that the data files remain in the prepared folders and that the data format is supported by BIDSme. If so, data bidsification should perform normally.

This structure has been chosen to be as rigid possible, in order to make it easier to treat numerically, but still human-readable. It naturally supports multimodal dataset.

A working example of source dataset and prepare configuration can be found here.

NB: The logs for standard output and separately errors and warnings are stored in destination folder in code/bidsme/prepare/log directory.

Data processing

The processing is completely optional step between data preparation and bidsification. It is intended to allow data modification based on data identification of bidsme. For example, it can be used to check, pre-process, convert or merge data.

If plugins are not implemented, this step will only check if data are identifiable.

Data bidsification

Considering that the data are prepared together with bidsmap and plugins, the bidsification is performed by bidsify command: bidsify prepared bidsified

It will run over data-files in prepared dataset, determine the correct modalities and BIDS entities, extract the meta-data needed for sidecar JSON files, and create BIDS dataset in destination folder.

In addition to options cited above, bidsify accepts one additional parameter:

  • -b, --bidsmap with path to the bidsmap file used to identify data files. If omitted, the bidsmap.yaml will be used. Bidsmap will be searched first in local path, then in bidsified/code/bidsme/.

N.B. It is advisable to first run bidsification in "dry mode", using switch --dry-run, then if no errors are detected, proceed to run bidsification in normal mode.

The subjects and session Id are by default retrieved from the folder structure, but still can be modified in the plugins. It can be useful if the user plans to perform a random permutation on the subjects, to add additional layers of anonymisation.

NB: The log files with messages and, separately the errors are stored in destination directory in source/bidsme/bidsify/log sub-directory.

Bidsmap configuration

Bidsmap is the central piece of BIDSme. It allows bidsme to identify any data file, and select modalities and BIDS labels to attribute.

Bidsmap is a configuration file written in YAML format, providing the optimal trade-off between human readability and machine parsing.

By default, once created, the bidsmap file is stored within the bidsified dataset in code/bidsme/bidsmap.yaml.

The structure of a valid bidsmap is described in the section Bidsmap file structure.

The first step in creating a bidsmap is to prepare a reference dataset, which is a subset of the full dataset, containing only one or two subjects. It is important that these subjects possess complete data (i.e. no missing scans), organized correctly (no duplicated scans, scans in good order etc...). This reference dataset will serve as a model for bidsmap.

Once the reference dataset is ready, the bidsmap is created by command map: map prepeared/ bidsified/

The map command accepts two additional parameters:

  • -b, --bidsmap (default: bidsmap.yaml), with path to the bidsmap file. As in bidsify command, the given file will be searched first locally, then in bidsified/code/bidsme/ directory.
  • -t, --template (default: bidsmap-template.yaml), with path to template map. This file will be searched according to the following precedence order: local directory, default configuration directory ($HOME/$XDG_CONFIG/bidsme/ on *NIX, \User\AppData\bidsme\ on Windows), and bidsme installation directory.

At first pass, 'map' will scan the reference dataset and try to guess the correct parameters for bidsification. If 'map' can't find the correct parameters or could not identify the run, a corresponding warning or error will be shown on stdout (and reported in the log file). These warnings and errors should be corrected before re-running bidsmapper. The final goal is to achieve a state in which the bidsmapper will not produce anymore warnings and errors.

NB:If bidsifigation requires plugins, it is important to run bidsmapper with the same plugin.

A series of notable warnings are provided below. These warning are generated based on the example 1; in this dataset, the first pass of bidsmapper will produce around 500 warnings.

WARNING MRI/001-localizer/0: No run found in bidsmap. Looking into template`

This warning indicates that the given sample (first file - index 0, of sequence 001-localizer, of type MRI) could not be identified by 'bidsmapper'. bidsmapper will try to look in the template map to identify the sample. If sample is identified, then bidsmapper will complete the bidsmap using the information found in the template. If sample is not identified in the template, a corresponding error will show and samples attributes will be stored in code/bidsmap/unknown.yaml. It is up to the user to manually integrate this sample into bidsmap (and eventually complete the template).

WARNING 002-cmrr_mbep2d_bold_mb2_invertpe/0: Placehoder found

This warning indicates that the given sample is identified, but bids parameters contain placeholder. To correct this warning the user should find a corresponding entry in bidsmap and replace the placeholders by needed values. The easiest way is to search for line 002-cmrr_mbep2d_bold_mb2_invertpe:

- provenance: /home/beliy/Works/bidsme_example/example1/renamed/sub-001/ses-HCL/MRI/002-cmrr_mbep2d_bold_mb2_invertpe/f1513-0002-00001-000001-01.nii
        example: func/sub-001_ses-HCL_task-placeholder_acq-nBack_dir-PA_run-1_echo-1_bold
        template: true
        checked: false
        suffix: bold
          ProtocolName: cmrr_mbep2d_bold_mb2_invertpe
          ImageType: ORIGINAL\\PRIMARY\\M\\MB\\ND\\MOSAIC
        bids: !!omap
          - dir: PA
          - task: <<placeholder>>

and replace task: <<placeholder>> by task: nBack.

NB: If the run is edited, it is good practice to change template: true to template: false. It will mark that this run is no more automatically generated from template.

WARNING func/0: also checks run: func/1 This warning indicates that first run of func modality and second one check the same scan. This warning will normally appears during the first run, as samples are identified from template, and some overlaps are expected. If this warning remains in subsequent runs, then the attributes of mentioned runs must be moved apart.

WARNING 012-t1_mpr_sag_p2_iso/0: Can't find 'ContrastBolusIngredient' attribute from '<ContrastBolusIngredient>' This warning indicates that bidsmapper can't extract the specified attribute from a certain scan. To correct the warning, the specified attribute must be set manually, for example in :

json: !!omap
          - ContrastBolusIngredient: <ContrastBolusIngredient>

change <ContrastBolusIngredient> to a used value (if contrast element is used), or an empty string (otherwise).

WARNING 014-al_B1mapping/9: Naming schema not BIDS

This warning appears when specified BIDS schema do not follow the standard. To correct this warning, the user should modify the bids section in bidsmap so as it conforms to the BIDS specifications. Alternately, if the deviation from the standard is intentional (e.g. given data type is not officially supported by BIDS), the warning can be silenced by setting checked to true.

Bidsmap contains several automatically filled fields to simplify map adjustments:

  • provenience: contains the path to the first data file matched to this run. This field is updated at each run of bidsmapper, but only if checked is set to 'false'
  • example: this field shows the generated bids name for the file in provenience
  • template: this field indicates whether run was generated from the template map or not. This value is not updated across runs, and should be set to false at first manual edit
  • checked: this field indicates whether the user checked the run and is satisfied with the result. In order to bidsify dataset, the user should check all runs and set this field to 'true'.

Finally the bidsify command should be run on the reference dataset, to ensure that there are no conflicts in definitions and the bidsified dataset is correct.