Digital Marketplace base docker images
If you want to build images on your machine, use the Makefile
and it will take care of everything for you; it will make sure you build off the latest version of the Python base image, label the builds with the date and time of build and tag them as well.
$ make build
$ docker images
digitalmarketplace/base-frontend 3.3.0 ffab96c99623 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base-frontend 3.3.0-20180813T135211Z ffab96c99623 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base-frontend latest ffab96c99623 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base-api 3.3.0 648b914dd28c 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base-api 3.3.0-20180813T135211Z 648b914dd28c 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base-api latest 648b914dd28c 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base 3.3.0 987aeb4f0121 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base 3.3.0-20180813T135211Z 987aeb4f0121 2 weeks ago 610MB
digitalmarketplace/base latest 987aeb4f0121 2 weeks ago 610MB
Once you're happy with the result, remember to push them to DockerHub so they can be used for the Digital Marketplace apps
$ make push
It will ask you to log in if you haven't already.
Sometimes it's useful to know what's happening inside a container built from an image.
To start a container from an image and get a bash prompt:
$ docker run -it <image_name>:<image_tag> bash
If you are upgrading the Node version on the frontend.docker
image, include the hash of the tarball. You
can generate this by downloading the tarball locally from and running:
$ sha256sum node-<VERSION>-linux-x64.tar.xz | cut -d " " -f 1
Note that this is not a guarantee of a secure download, but it does ensure we're getting a more reproducible image.
Unless stated otherwise, the codebase is released under the MIT License. This covers both the codebase and any sample code in the documentation.
The documentation is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.