- Install Plugin.WowzaClient package into your Android project.
Project configured to compile against Android 4.0(Ice Cream Sandwich) or newer.
Complete the Wowza Cloud Console Setup and OBS Setup to be able to broadcast succesfully to our Wowza Cloud Server and play it back in our Mobile Device.
Add this permission.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
- On the OnCreate method just before calling base.OnCreate:
WowzaClientManager.Initialize(this, "<Wowza GoCoder SDK Key>");
- Install Plugin.WowzaClient package into your iOS project.
- Complete the Wowza Cloud Console Setup and OBS Setup to be able to broadcast succesfully to our Wowza Cloud Server and play it back in our Mobile Device.
- On the FinishedLaunching method just before calling global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init():
WowzaClientManager.Initialize("<Wowza GoCoder SDK Key>");
Here is an example on how to create the WowzaConfig class needed for the Plugin Setup method:
public class WowzaCloudConfig : IWowzaConfig
public string HostAddress => "<Host address>";
public int PortNumber => 1935;
public string ApplicationName => "<Application Name>";
public string StreamName => "<Stream Name>";
public string Username => "<Username>";
public string Password => "<Password>";
Here is an example on how to setup the Wowza Client:
CrossWowzaClient.Current.Setup(new WowzaCloudConfig());
Here is an example on how to play or stop the Wowza Client:
if (!CrossWowzaClient.Current.IsPlaying)
- IsPlaying
- Volume
- OnPlayerStatusChanged
- OnError
Types of exceptions the user can handle from the Wowza Client plugin.
// Indicates Wowza Client Plugin was not initialized correctly on the platform.
// Indicates Wowza Client Plugin is not setup.
// Indicates our Wowza Player View is not currently attached.
// Indicates a problem with the Wowza Client License Key.
// Indicates the HslURL is Null or Empty
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