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Developer Pull Request Process

  1. Github issue created or assigned.
  2. Feature branch is created based on the latest from the master branch.
    • Developer forks the repository if (s)he isn't part of the core team and thus does not have permission to commit to the main CrisisCleanup repo.
  3. Local development and testing is performed including writing unit and functional tests for new features and bugs.
  4. Create a pull request into the master branch. Add reviewers and comments. (will trigger CircleCI)
  5. Reviewers will then approve the PR, provide feedback, and then merge into the staging environment.

Reviewers and Testers

  1. Reviewer triggers a staging environment deployment
  2. Testers verify PR/issue in the staging environment.
  3. All parties approve developer PR. Reviewer merges and closes PR into master and triggers a production deployment.
  4. Smoke testing in production environment

Docker-based Development Environment (ideal)


  1. docker 1.17+ and docker-compose 1.22+


  1. Clone repo: git clone
    • Clone fork, if applicable, instead of main repo.
  2. cd crisiscleanup
  3. API keys and environment variables
    • Create your own .env.docker in the repository base, based on .env.development.sample.
      • i.e. cp .env.docker.sample .env.docker and replace the values in .env.docker
    • (Required) You will need your own Google Maps API key
    • (Optional) You will also need to use your own Google reCAPTCHAv2 Site/Secret key if you need to develop user forms.
    • (Optional) You will also need to use your own AWS API key if you need to develop SNS or S3 features.
  4. docker-compose build
  5. docker-compose up -d
  6. docker-compose exec web bash -c "yarn install" - Install yarn dependencies manually
  7. docker-compose exec web bash -c "RAILS_ENV=docker bin/rake db:setup" - Run seed migrations
  8. Access web app at http://localhost:8080
  9. Web container will hot-reload with code changes

Useful commands

  • docker-compose up -d - Start all containers
  • docker-compose stop - Stop all containers
  • docker-compose restart web - Restart web container manually
  • docker-compose stop web && docker-compose rm web && docker-compose build --no-cache web && docker-compose up -d web - Stop, remove, clean build, and re-deploy web container only
  • docker-compose down -v - Take down entire app including postgres data volumes
  • docker-compose exec web bash -c "RAILS_ENV=docker bin/rake db:setup" - Run seed migrations

Docker - Testing

  1. docker-compose exec web bash -c "RAILS_ENV=test POSTGRES_HOST=postgres bin/rake db:create"
  2. docker-compose exec web bash -c "RAILS_ENV=test POSTGRES_HOST=postgres bundle exec rspec"

Local (outside of docker) Environment


  1. Ruby 2.2.5 (use rbenv or RVM)
    • with bundler gem installed i.e. gem install bundler
  2. docker and docker-compose
  3. node/npm (Optionally, but preferred also install yarn)


  1. Homebrew
  2. Command-line tools - either install Xcode or run xcode-select --install from a terminal
  3. Postgres headers (for pg gem installation) - brew install postgres


  1. Clone repo: git clone
    • Clone fork, if applicable, instead of main repo.
  2. cd crisiscleanup
  3. bundle install
  4. docker-compose up -d postgres redis (docker should be installed and running)
  5. API keys and environment variables
    • Create your own .env.development in the repository base, based on .env.development.sample.
    • (Required) You will need your own Google Maps API key
    • (Optional) You will also need to use your own AWS API key if you need to develop SNS or S3 features.
  6. Data Migration -
    • Using seed data:
      • bin/rake db:setup (creates and migrates in one step)
        • (Mac/HomeBrew) If you encounter an error about byebug and readline, you can work around it by symlinking readline:
          ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
    • (OPTIONAL) Using a DB dumpfile:
      • bin/rake db:create
      • pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres dev.dump (PW: crisiscleanup)
  7. Use NPM or YARN to install node dependencies
    • For NPM: npm install
    • For YARN: yarn (preferred)
  8. Server Start
    • bin/rails server - App should be available at http://localhost:3000
      • Default credentials:
        • Admin user: with password password
        • Primary Contact user: with password password
  9. Testing
    • chromedriver is required for now (use homebrew or place binary on PATH)
    • RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rspec
  10. Cleanup
    • docker-compose down -v (will destroy your local dev database)