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This module called assetft is responsible to provide tokenization features for the fungible token part, described in Coreum's whitepaper. There is also another module under development called assetnft which is responsible for the NFT part of asset tokenization.

Here in this doc we will provide the detailed behavior of fungible tokens as they are implemented. Please note that at the time of writing this doc, the behavior described here is closer to the implementation than the whitepaper and if there are differences, the behavior described here should be considered correct. This doc will describe transaction types and their behavior. For the fields and their meaning used in transactions please consult the proto files in coreum/proto/coreum/asset/ft.

Here is the list of the transactions provided by this module, we will discuss each of them separately.

  • Issue
  • Mint
  • Burn
  • Freeze
  • Global Freeze
  • Whitelist

Interaction with bank module, introducing wbank module

Since Coreum is based on Cosmos SDK, We should mention that Cosmos SDK provides the native bank module which is responsible to track fungible token creation and balances for each account. But this module does not allow anyone to create a fungible token, mint/burn it, and also does not allow for other features such as freezing and whitelisting. To work around this issue we have wrapped the bank module into the wbank module.

In wbank module we wrap the Send method of the bank module and intercept it with BeforeSend functions provided by assetft module. This allows assetft module to inject custom logic into bank's Send method and reject some transaction if whitelisting or freezing criteria is not met.

In a nutshell, assetft module interacts with wbank which in turn wraps the original bank module.

This structure allows to reuse the code provided by Cosmos SDK, and also reuse the infrastructure that the community provides (e.g explorers and wallets), but the downside is that the data regarding for each fungible token must be split and stored in 2 different places. It is apparent in the query structure. For example you want to query for frozen balances of a fungible token you need to query the assetft module but to get total supply, you must query the bank module.

Token Interactions


Coreum provides a decentralized platform which allows everyone to tokenize their assets. Although the functionality of fungible token creation and minting is present in the original bank module of Cosmos SDK, it is not exposed to the end users, and it is only possible to create new fungible tokens via either the governance or IBC. The Issue method described here, makes it possible for everyone to create a fungible token and manage its supplies. When the issuer issues a token, they specify the initial total supply which will be delivered to the issuers account address.

All the information provided at the time of issuance is immutable and cannot be changed later.

Issuance fee

Whenever a user wants to issue a fungible token, they have to pay some extra money as issuance fee, which is calculated on type of tx execution fee and will be burnt.

Denom naming, Symbol and Precision

The way that denom is created is that the user provides a name for their subunit, and the Denom for the token, which is the main identifier of the token, will be created by appending the subunit with the issuer address separated with a dash (subunit-address). The user also provides the symbol and precision which will only be used for display purposes and will be stored in bank modules metadata field.

For example to represent bitcoin on Coreum, once could choose satoshi as subunit, BTC as Symbol and 8 as precision. It means that if the issuer address is core1tr3w86yesnj8f290l6ve02cqhae8x4ze0nk0a8 then the denom will be satoshi-devcore1tr3w86yesnj8f290l6ve02cqhae8x4ze0nk0a8 and since we have chosen BTC as symbol and 8 as precision, it will follow that (1 BTC = 10^8 satoshi-devcore1tr3w86yesnj8f290l6ve02cqhae8x4ze0nk0a8)

Burn Rate

The issuer has the option to provide BurnRate when issuing a new token. This values is a number between 0 and 1, and if it is above zero, in every transfer, some additional tokens will be burnt on top of the transfered value, from the senders address. The tokens to be burnt value are calculated by multiplying the transfer amount by burn rate, and rounding it up to an integer value.

Send Commission Rate

Exactly same as the Burn Rate, but the calculated value will be transferred to the issuer's account addressed instead of being burnt.

Token Features

When issuing a token, the issuer must decide which features are enabled on the token. For example if minting feature is enabled then it will allow the issuer to mint further tokens on top of the initial supply, otherwise no new tokens can be minted. Here is a list of all the features that can be enabled on the token. Each of these features affects how the token will behave and a detail description will be provided in the dedicated section for each feature.

  • minting
  • burning
  • freezing
  • whitelisting


If the minting feature is enabled, then issuer of the token can submit a Mint transaction to apply more tokens to the total supply. All the minted tokens will be transferred to the issuers account address.


The issuer of the token can burn the tokens that they hold. If the burning flag is enabled, then every holder of the token can burn the tokens they hold.


If the freezing feature is enabled on a token, then the issuer of the token can freeze an account up to a limit for that token. The frozen amount can be more than what the user currently holds, an works even if the user holds zero. The user can only send the tokens that they hold in excess of the frozen amount. For example if the issuer freezes 1000 ABC tokens on account Y and this account holds 800, then they cannot move any of their tokens, but if the account receives 400 extra ABC tokens, their total balance will become 1200 and then can only spend 200 of it, since 1000 is Frozen.

Here is the description of behavior of the freezing feature:

  • The issuer can freeze an account up to amount if the freezing feature is enabled.
  • The issuer can increase the frozen amount by submitting new freeze transaction on top of already frozen account. The frozen amount of the account will be increased by the new value.
  • The issuer can unfreeze a portion of the frozen amount on an account.
  • The issuer cannot freeze their own account
  • The user can only send their tokens in excess of the frozen amount.
  • The user can receive tokens regardless of frozen limitation.
  • The user can send their tokens to the issuer regardless of frozen limitation.
  • Issuer cannot freeze their own account
  • Frozen amount cannot be a negative value, it means that amount present in unfreeze transaction cannot be bigger than the current frozen amount

Global Freeze

If the freezing feature is enabled on a token, then the issuer of the token can globally freeze that token, which means that nobody except the issuer can send or receive that token. In other words, only the issuer will be able to send to other accounts and all other accounts will be able to send only to issuer.


If the whitelisting feature is enabled, then every account that wishes to receive this token, must first be whitelisted by the issuer, otherwise they will not be able to receive that token. This feature allows the issuer to set whitelisted limit on any account, and then that account will be able to receive tokens only up to the whitelisted limit. If someone tries to send tokens to an account which will result in the whitelisted amount to be exceeded, the transaction will fail.

Here is the description of behavior of the whitelisting feature:

  • The issuer can set whitelisted limit on any account.
  • The issuer can set whitelisted amount higher or lower than what the user currently holds.
  • The issuer account is whitelisted to infinity by default.
  • The user can receive tokens as long as their total balance after the transaction is not higher that their whitelisted amount