can operate in ephemeral mode which won't attempt to read or write any config file to disk. All necessary information is provided via command line flags.
$ ctrld run --help
Run the DNS proxy server
ctrld run [flags]
--base64_config string base64 encoded config
--cache_size int Enable cache defined amount of slots
--cd string Control D resolver uid
-c, --config string Path to config file
-d, --daemon Run as daemon
--domains strings list of domain to apply in a split DNS policy
-h, --help help for run
--listen string listener address and port, in format: address:port
--log string path to log file
--primary_upstream string primary upstream endpoint
--secondary_upstream string secondary upstream endpoint
Global Flags:
-v, --verbose count verbose log output, "-v" means query logging enabled, "-vv" means debug level logging enabled
For example:
ctrld run --listen= --primary_upstream=https://freedns.controld.com/p2 --secondary_upstream= --domains=*.company.int,*.net --log /path/to/log.log
Above command will be translated roughly to this config:
log_level = "debug"
log_path = "/path/to/log.log"
name = "Network 0"
cidrs = [""]
name = "https://freedns.controld.com/p2"
endpoint = "https://freedns.controld.com/p2"
type = "doh"
name = ""
endpoint = ""
type = "legacy"
ip = ""
port = 53
rules = [
{"*.company.int" = ["upstream.1"]},
{"*.net" = ["upstream.1"]},
Only listen
and primary_upstream
flags are required.
can read a complete base64 encoded config via command line flag. This allows you to supply complex configurations.
ctrld run --base64_config="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"