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147 lines (136 loc) · 4.53 KB

File metadata and controls

147 lines (136 loc) · 4.53 KB

To use the JavaScript files in this repository, you must include it in a webpage. You must also have the following on your page, in this order:

<script src="decimal.js"></script>
<script src="color.js"></script>
<script src="element.js"></script>
<script src="pen.min.js"></script>
<script src="funcs.js"></script>
<script src="stacked.js"></script>


  1. Decimal.js
  2. Color.js--included.
  3. Element.js--included.
  4. pen.min.js
  5. Funcs.js--included.
  6. Stacked.js--included.

Calling stacked("code") returns the stacked instance. You can use stacked("code").stack to obtain the stack, and then use pp to observe its contents in a human-readable way.

You must have a canvas on the page with an id of canvas if you want pen.js to work.

The following JS is used to initialize pen.js (subject to change) and various interactive elements concerning the language:

let encountered = new Map([]);
// vars.set("canvas", document.getElementById("canvas"));
let pen = new Pen(canvas);
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
let props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Pen.prototype);
pen.font("20px Consolas");
props.forEach(k => {
    let name = k;
        console.log("`" + k + "` name conflict; renaming to `pen" + k + "`");
        name = "pen" + k;
    ops.set(name, function(){
        let args = this.stack.splice(-pen[k].length).map(e => e instanceof Decimal ? +e : e);
ops.set("back", function(){
    let k = this.stack.pop();
    assureTyped(k, Decimal);
ops.set("width", func(() => Decimal(pen.tag.width)));
ops.set("height", func(() => Decimal(pen.tag.height)));
ops.set("snap", function(){
    let arr = this.stack.pop();
    if(typeof arr === "string"){
        arr = arr.split(" ");
    } else if(!(k instanceof Array)){
        arr = [arr];
    for(let k of arr){
        if(k === "left" || k === 0){
            pen.jump(0, pen.y);
        } else if(k === "bottom" || k === 1){
            pen.jump(pen.x, pen.tag.height);
const getPixel = (x, y) =>
    new Color(pen.canvas.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data);

let globalPicId = pen.canvas.createImageData(1, 1);
let globalD =;

const setPixel = (x, y, c) => {
    c = [...c];
    for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){
        globalD[i] = c[i];
    pen.canvas.putImageData(globalPicId, x, y);

const floodFill = (x, y, tcol, rcol) => {
    if(tcol.equal(rcol)) return;
    if(!getPixel(x, y).equal(tcol)) return;
    setPixel(x, y, rcol);
    floodFill(x, y + 1, tcol, rcol);
    floodFill(x + 1, y, tcol, rcol);
    floodFill(x, y - 1, tcol, rcol);
    floodFill(x - 1, y, tcol, rcol);
ops.set("setpixel", typedFunc([
    [[Decimal, Decimal, Color], setPixel]
], 3));
ops.set("fill", typedFunc([
    [[Decimal, Decimal, Color], (x, y, c) => floodFill(x, y, getPixel(x, y), c)],
], 3));
ops.set("reset", function(){
    pen.tag.getContext("2d").clearRect(0, 0, pen.tag.width, pen.tag.height);
    pen.jump(pen.tag.width / 2, pen.tag.height / 2);
ops.set("setwidth", function(){
    pen.tag.width = +this.stack.pop();
ops.set("setheight", function(){
    pen.tag.height = +this.stack.pop();
ops.set("setbg", typedFunc([
    [[Color], (c) => {
        ctx.fillStyle = c.toString();
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, pen.tag.width, pen.tag.height);
], 1));
bootstrap("[neg turn] @:tleft");
bootstrap("[turn] @:tright");
bootstrap("[go stroke] @:forth");
bootstrap("[:setwidth setheight reset] @:squaredim");
bootstrap("['#CCC' penstyle stdfg setbg] @:initpen")
vars.set("stdbg", new Color(34));
vars.set("stdfg", new Color(51));
const highlight = (prog) =>
    tokenize(prog, true).map(e => "<span class=\"" + e.type + "\">" + e.raw + "</span>").join("");

const before = () => {
    if(document && document.getElementById("stacked-output")){
        document.getElementById("stacked-output").innerHTML = "";
    let c = code.value;
    let res = encountered.has(c) ? encountered.get(c) : Decimal(0);
    vars.set("execCounter", res);
    encountered.set(c, res.add(1));

run.addEventListener("click", function(e){
runSlow.addEventListener("click", function(e){
    stacked(code.value, true);
stylize.addEventListener("click", function(e){
    document.getElementById("stacked-output").innerHTML = highlight(code.value);