This is the Complete Unity Developer - one of the most successful e-learning courses on the internet! Completely re-worked from scratch with brand-new projects and our latest teaching techniques. You will benefit from the fact we have already taught over 360,336 students game development, many shipping commercial games as a result.
You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files! The real value is in our huge, high-quality online tutorials that accompany this repo. You can check out the course here: Complete Unity Developer
In this video Ben Tristem explains what you will learn about Unity 5 in this tutorial section, including...
- How to build a 2.5D game in Unity.
- How to save your game to PlayerPrefs.
- Using World Space UI in a 3D game.
- More about using anchors for a responsive UI.
- Making your game cross platform in Unity.
A PDF of the slides used in this section.
- Why you may want to use version control.
- An overview of how we use it.
- Follow us on GitHub.
- Where to find the course repositories.
How Git can help you share your project.
How we use Git for the course.
What's different about how you may use it.
Read Dan's blog post*
- Download SourceTree
- Creating local & remote repos.
- Using a .gitignore file for Unity.
- Connect to GitHub (or BitBucket).
- Share your repo in the discussions.
- What is CrossPlatformInputManager.
- How a virtual control layer works.
- Setting-up and reading control values.
- About using gamepad input.
- Setting up a PS4 controller on a Mac.
- Using an Xbox controller on a PC.
- Using the input gravity setting.
- Other input settings such as sensitivity.
- Import the Characters standard asset pack.
- Use the RollerBall prefab game object.
- Using physics freeze position constraints.
- Explore the control options.
- An overview of replay systems.
- Deterministic vs. non-deterministic replays.
- An overview of how we will do things.
- Introducing a circular (ring) buffer.
- Why we're not using Unity's Keyframe struct*
- Comparing classes and structs as options.
- Creating our own MyKeyframe struct.
* Unity Scripting API - Keyframe
- An overview of our replay system code.
- Implementing a ring buffer for frames.
- Testing our record and playback.
- Create a simple Game Manager.
- Use it to keep track of recording / playback.
- Wire it to the ReplaySystem.cs script.
- Test playback.
- Create a simple Game Manager.
- Use it to keep track of recording / playback.
- Wire it to the ReplaySystem.cs script.
- Test playback.
- Dig-up your old PlayerPrefsManager
- Add code to handle level unlocks.
- Create a simple proof of concept.
- Reading from 3rd and 4th joystick axis.
- Import & explore “selfie stick” prefab.
- Write code to make camera track player.
- Write code to make right stick orbit the camera.
- Test it’s all working.