CoC Inheritance 2022 || Error._.503
Table of Contents
This website provides a platform for NGO to raise request and the donors to serach for any NGO and connect with them for donating the listed categories accordingly
- JavaScript
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB Atlas
- MapBox(For Map)
Fully implemented features in our project :
- Implemented all the features as pitched by us during our interview
- Implemented an extra feature: Added third access level i.e. Admin
Future plans for the project :
- We will add a real-time messaging system between Donors and NGOs.
- Adding a search bar where we show all the NGOs
How can our project do its part in solving a real-life problem?
One of the challenging problem till now was that donors weren't aware what to donate & to which NGO. As a result some NGOs used to get surplus goods whereas some couldn't fulfill their requirements. Hence we made our site to solve this huge problem and also connect the interested donors to NGO. Donors can now find out NGO requirements without any hassle in just one click.
Can it be monetized?
This site can be monetized in several ways but we need this site to solve a bigger social problem, so charging fees won't be an ideal option. However it can be monetized using advertisements.
Firstly, you will need to clone the repository using the clone link above using the command in terminal in a dedicated folder:
git clone [Link]
Then, you will need to install all the node modules which are required for running the project on your machine using the command in terminal:
npm install
After installing the node modules, you will need to setup the .env file which contains your mapbox token. Please refer the following docs on how to create one.
To run the project, run the following command:
npm start
There are three access levels :
- NGOs
They have to login with their Username and Password and after logging in they have three options to: Raise a request, View their raised request or Update their existing details. They can raise a request in 4 categories in total 10 subcategories, write upto maximum 5 items in each request. In pending requests on expanding the accordion they can view all the details of donor and also the quantity they wish to donate.
- Donors
Firstly they have to enter their PinCode then select the subcategory they wish to donate and accordingly the NGOS will be displayed on the screen. They can now select which NGO they wish to Donate, enter their Contact details and click on the Donate button.
- Admin
When any NGO Signs In in our website, they instantly can't access the features. So whenever Admin Logs In, he will get a page of all the Users who have signed In and accordingly validate the NGO after checking their information. Only after doing this NGOS can access the features. Admin has one more page in which he can toggle existing valid NGOs but if the admin finds out that NGO is not validate enough he can delete their request and then the NGO has to come and visit our office. Also once Admin deletes the request the user is pulled out from our database and he will have to once again fill the valid details.
- Siddhant Baheti:
- Raunak Singh Kalsi:
- Srushti Gaidhane:
- Aryaan Pandhare:
- Abhishek Gupta:
- Bhavik Bharambe:
- Naman Kothari:
Screenshot Link has been provided above :D