This is the repository for the PWA Cohabify.
This project contains mainly the Spring Boot 3 backend for the PWA Cohabify.
- Java 17
- Maven 3.9.5 or later (The project is bundled with Maven Wrapper, that is, a Maven executable mvnw and mvnw.cmd for linux/mac-os and windows, so feel free to use that instead of installing a system wide maven).
- MongoDB 7
- An IDE of your choice
- A Git client
- Clone the project in a folder of your choice.
- Install with Maven
- Rename to remove ".example" and change the MongoDB uri in the, if needed.
- Now you are ready to execute this Spring Boot application
You can follow either the command line set up or one of the IDEs.
- Go to the backend folder
- Installing: mvnw install -e
- Properties: Rename as you like.
- Running: mvnw spring-boot:run
The following extensions are recommended but not necessary:
- Extension pack for Java
- Spring Boot Dashboard
It is recommended to execute the command line commands in a terminal instead of using the GUI.
- Cloning: Command (Open with Ctrl+Shift+P) "Git: clone".
- Installing (Two options, extensions required):
- Command: "Maven: Execute commands..." and select install.
- Command: "Explorer: Focus on maven view", in the opened maven view right click the project, run maven commands and install.
- Properties: Rename as you like.
- Running (Three options, extensions required):
- Open the Spring Boot Dashboard view and press run.
- Command: "Spring Boot Dashboard: Run...".
- Command: "Maven: Execute commands...", select "custom..." and input "spring-boot:run".
The following marketplace solutions are recommended but not necessary:
- Spring Boot Dashboard
- Cloning:
- Open Git Repositories view and clone the repository (Don't import it yet, but copy the clone directory destination or set one different yourself).
- Import as "Existing Maven Projects" using the copied clone directory destination.
- Installing: Right click the project and Run as "Maven install".
- Properties: Rename as you like.
- Running (Three options, extensions required):
- Open the Boot Dashboard view and press start.
- Right click the project and Run as "9 Spring Boot App".
- Right click the class "" and Run as "Java application".
The Vue.js frontend project for the PWA Cohabify is located in the folder "Frontend".
- Node.js v20.10.0 or newer
- NPM 10.2.3 or newer (No need to install as it is part of Node.js)
- Install with npm.
- Rename .env.example to remove ".example" and change any needed properties.
- Now you are ready to execute this Vue.js application.
You can follow either the command line set up or one of the IDEs.
- Go to frontend folder
- Installing: npm install
- Environment: Rename as you like.
- Running: npm run dev
The following extensions are recommended but not necessary:
- Vue Language Features (Volar)
- Follow the command line instructions in a terminal.