If you are running this as a standalone plan then You must thoroughly reinitialise the terraform state before running the plan again in a different region of the same AWS account Failure to do this will result in terraform destroying the IAM policies for the previous host.
Set aws-profile for first region
Initialise backend (for remote state)
terraform init -backend-config=config/?/config.remote
Apply terraform plan
terraform apply -var-file=config/?/config.tfvars
next region (see note below)
rm -rf .terraform
Set aws-profile for next region
init backend for next region
terraform init -backend -backend-config=config/?/config.remote
run plan
terraform apply -var-file=config/?/config.tfvars
Note During terraform init there can be the question: Do you want to copy existing state to the new backend? Just say "no" It is an issue when switching from different backend inside the same directory As alternative before you run terraform init you can run "rm -rf .terraform" then this question will not popup