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Suppressing @info statement during construction of AtmosSimulation #3658

glwagner opened this issue Feb 26, 2025 · 6 comments

Suppressing @info statement during construction of AtmosSimulation #3658

glwagner opened this issue Feb 26, 2025 · 6 comments


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glwagner commented Feb 26, 2025

I'd be nice to design a way to suppress @info statements during the construction of AtmosSimulation. In a scripting context it is nice for users to be able to pick the output they desire; ie @show simulation, or properties thereof.

In a development (or coupling) context the extensive output becomes a hindrance rather than merely a distraction: the long output drowns out important warnings and errors that occur on package import. As a result, developing packages that depend on ClimaAtmos is difficult.

This is the output I get with a fairly simple configuration (I think):

┌ Warning: Failed to convert `config_dict["vert_diff"] = DecayWithHeightDiffusion` to default type Bool, keeping original value
└ @ ClimaAtmos ~/Projects/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/yaml_helper.jl:80
┌ Info: Making AtmosConfig with config files:/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/../../config/default_configs/default_config.yml
└    simple_atmos_simulation.yml
[ Info: Running on CPUMultiThreaded
[ Info: Setting up single-process ClimaAtmos run
┌ Info: Time info:
│   dt = "400secs"
│   t_end = "1days"
└   floor_n_steps = 216
┌ Warning: nothing does nothing if RRTMGP is not used
└ @ ClimaAtmos ~/Projects/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/type_getters.jl:45
[ Info: Using CAM_SE hyperdiffusion. vorticity_hyperdiffusion_coefficient, scalar_hyperdiffusion_coefficient and divergence_damping_factor in the config will be ignored.
┌ Info: numerics
│            `energy_upwinding`::`Val{:vanleer_limiter}``tracer_upwinding`::`Val{:vanleer_limiter}``edmfx_upwinding`::`Val{:none}``edmfx_sgsflux_upwinding`::`Val{:none}``test_dycore_consistency`::`Nothing``limiter`::`Nothing`
┌ Info: AtmosModel:
│                       `moisture_model`::`ClimaAtmos.EquilMoistModel``precip_model`::`ClimaAtmos.Microphysics0Moment``cloud_model`::`ClimaAtmos.GridScaleCloud``call_cloud_diagnostics_per_stage`::`Nothing``forcing_type`::`Nothing``subsidence`::`Nothing``ozone`::`ClimaAtmos.IdealizedOzone``co2`::`Nothing``radiation_mode`::`Nothing``ls_adv`::`Nothing``external_forcing`::`Nothing``edmf_coriolis`::`Nothing``tendency_model`::`ClimaAtmos.UseAllTendency``edmfx_model`::`ClimaAtmos.EDMFXModel{ClimaAtmos.NoEntrainment, ClimaAtmos.NoDetrainment, Val{false}, Val{false}, Val{false}, Val{false}}``turbconv_model`::`Nothing``non_orographic_gravity_wave`::`Nothing``orographic_gravity_wave`::`Nothing``hyperdiff`::`ClimaAtmos.ClimaHyperdiffusion{Float32}``vert_diff`::`ClimaAtmos.DecayWithHeightDiffusion{true, Float32}``diff_mode`::`ClimaAtmos.Implicit``sgs_adv_mode`::`ClimaAtmos.Explicit``viscous_sponge`::`Nothing``smagorinsky_lilly`::`Nothing``rayleigh_sponge`::`ClimaAtmos.RayleighSponge{Float32}``sfc_temperature`::`ClimaAtmos.ZonallySymmetricSST``insolation`::`ClimaAtmos.IdealizedInsolation``surface_model`::`ClimaAtmos.PrescribedSurfaceTemperature``surface_albedo`::`ClimaAtmos.ConstantAlbedo{Float32}``numerics`::`ClimaAtmos.AtmosNumerics{Val{:vanleer_limiter}, Val{:vanleer_limiter}, Val{:none}, Val{:none}, Nothing, Nothing}`
┌ Info: Simulation info
│   job_id = "simple_atmos_simulation"
└   output_dir = "output/simple_atmos_simulation/output_0023"
┌ Info: z heights
│   z_mesh.faces =32-element Vector{ClimaCore.Geometry.ZPoint{Float32}}:ZPoint(0.0)
│     ZPoint(50.0)
│     ZPoint(111.19333)
│     ZPoint(186.07025)
│     ZPoint(277.6673)
│     ZPoint(389.68335)
│     ZPoint(526.6181)
│     ZPoint(693.93726)
│     ZPoint(898.2667)
│     ZPoint(1147.6201)
│     ZPoint(1451.6614)
│     ZPoint(1822.0024)
│     ZPoint(2272.5344)
│     ZPoint(2819.7852)
│     ZPoint(3483.2854)
│     ZPoint(4285.923)
│     ZPoint(5254.238)
│     ZPoint(6418.6025)
│     ZPoint(7813.2017)
│     ZPoint(9475.693)
│     ZPoint(11446.42)
│     ZPoint(13767.015)
│     ZPoint(16478.242)
│     ZPoint(19616.984)
│     ZPoint(23212.363)
│     ZPoint(27281.178)
│     ZPoint(31823.062)
│     ZPoint(36816.08)
│     ZPoint(42213.59)
│     ZPoint(47943.434)
│     ZPoint(53910.074)
└     ZPoint(60000.0)
[ Info: Remapping Earth orography from ETOPO2022 data onto horizontal space
[ Info: Linear mesh warp
┌ Info: Resolution stats:
│   Nq = 4
│   h_elem = 6
│   z_elem = 31
│   ncols = 3456
└   ndofs_total = 107136
[ Info: Allocating Y: 761.887 ms (3522994 allocations: 275.19 MiB)
[ Info: using deep atmosphere
[ Info: Allocating cache (p): 6.826 s (63114931 allocations: 3.66 GiB)
[ Info: Using ODE config: `ClimaTimeSteppers.ARS343`
[ Info: ode_configuration: 322.954 ms (1247294 allocations: 76.36 MiB)
[ Info: Progress logging enabled
[ Info: Checking NaNs in the state every 1024 steps
[ Info: get_callbacks: 97.493 ms (263770 allocations: 18.26 MiB)
┌ Warning: Disabling vertical interpolation, the provided number of points is ignored (using 31)
└ @ ClimaDiagnostics.Writers ~/.julia/packages/ClimaDiagnostics/K1oj5/src/netcdf_writer.jl:144
[ Info: Saving accumulated diagnostics to disk with frequency: 1 day
[ Info: DictWriter: String[]
[ Info: HDF5Writer: String[]
[ Info: NetCDFWriter: ["orog_inst", "ts_1d_average", "ta_1d_average", "tas_1d_average", "uas_1d_average", "vas_1d_average", "thetaa_1d_average", "ha_1d_average", "pfull_1d_average", "zg_1d_average", "rhoa_1d_average", "ua_1d_average", "va_1d_average", "wa_1d_average", "hfes_1d_average", "ts_1d_min", "ts_1d_max", "hur_1d_average", "hus_1d_average", "cl_1d_average", "clw_1d_average", "cli_1d_average", "hussfc_1d_average", "evspsbl_1d_average", "pr_1d_average", "prra_1d_average", "prsn_1d_average", "prw_1d_average", "lwp_1d_average", "clwvi_1d_average", "clivi_1d_average"]
[ Info: initializing diagnostics: 2.909 s (14307966 allocations: 989.62 MiB)
[ Info: Prepared SciMLBase.CallbackSet callbacks: 3.972 ms (408 allocations: 29.27 KiB)
[ Info: n_steps_per_cycle_per_cb (non diagnostics): [1024, 1, 27]
[ Info: n_steps_per_cycle (non diagnostics): 27648
[ Info: Define ode function: 2.326 s (16006610 allocations: 1000.7 MiB)
[ Info: dt_save_to_sol: 86400.0, length(saveat): 2
[ Info: init integrator: 4.936 s (30324338 allocations: 1.86 GiB)
[ Info: Added diagnostics: 5.378 s (33169192 allocations: 2.11 GiB)
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yml file:

z_max: 60000.0
z_elem: 31
dz_bottom: 50.0
dt: "400secs"
t_end: "1days"
topography: "Earth"
rayleigh_sponge: true
implicit_diffusion: true
approximate_linear_solve_iters: 2
moist: "equil"
surface_setup: "PrescribedSurface" #DefaultMoninObukhov"
vert_diff: "DecayWithHeightDiffusion"
precip_model: "0M"
cloud_model: "grid_scale"
toml: [sphere_aquaplanet.toml]

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We already largely have this, in some way.

We use the Julia Logging system, so you can filter logs as you want.

Here's some docs

What we don't have is a simple way to pass the logger to the simulation

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Ok I will see if I can experiment with this. We still want logging with @info, we merely want to suppress the ones from ClimaAtmos during construction. (Note, Oceananigans Simulation also will print things by default, but users can suppress them with verbose=false in the construction of Simulation).

I am not quite sure if what I would like to achieve can merely be achieved by filtering @info --- would this suppress all @info statements?

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Ok I will see if I can experiment with this. We still want logging with @info, we merely want to suppress the ones from ClimaAtmos during construction. (Note, Oceananigans Simulation also will print things by default, but users can suppress them with verbose=false in the construction of Simulation).

I am not quite sure if what I would like to achieve can merely be achieved by filtering @info --- would this suppress all @info statements?

We can suppress @info only from atmos (as shown at the bottom of the documentation page) (and atmos pretty much only uses @info in the init)

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nefrathenrici commented Feb 28, 2025

I agree, it would be nice to have a simple verbose option. For now, you can use this snippet to filter out logs from individual modules

using Logging, LoggingExtras, ClimaAtmos

filter_climaatmos = log_args -> log_args._module != ClimaAtmos

logger = EarlyFilteredLogger(filter_climaatmos, Logging.current_logger())

config = ClimaAtmos.AtmosConfig()

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glwagner commented Mar 6, 2025

Getting an error, with

import ClimaAtmos as Atmos
using Printf

# Making ClimaAtmos a little less chatty
using Logging
using LoggingExtras

filter_climaatmos = log_args -> log_args._module != ClimaAtmos
logger = EarlyFilteredLogger(filter_climaatmos, Logging.current_logger())

output_prefix = "aquaplanet"

config_dict = Dict(
    "device" => "CUDADevice",
    "z_max" => 60000.0,
    "z_elem" => 31,
    "h_elem" => 12, # h_elem = 30 => ~ 1 degree
    "dz_bottom" => 50.0,
    "dt" => "200secs",
    "topography" => "NoWarp", # "Earth"
    "rayleigh_sponge" => true,
    "implicit_diffusion" => true,
    "approximate_linear_solve_iters" => 2,
    "moist" =>  "equil",
    "surface_setup" => "PrescribedSurface", #DefaultMoninObukhov"
    "vert_diff" => "DecayWithHeightDiffusion",
    "precip_model" =>  "0M",
    "cloud_model" =>  "grid_scale",
    "log_progress" =>  false,
    "output_dir" => output_prefix,
    "toml" => ["sphere_aquaplanet.toml"]

atmosphere = Atmos.AtmosSimulation(config_dict)

I get an error

  [1] (::var"#1#2")(log_args::@NamedTuple{level::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, _module::Module, group::Symbol, id::Symbol})
    @ Main /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaEarth.jl/examples/coupled_global_model/aquaplanet.jl:13
  [2] shouldlog(::EarlyFilteredLogger{ConsoleLogger, var"#1#2"}, ::Base.CoreLogging.LogLevel, ::Module, ::Symbol, ::Symbol)
    @ LoggingExtras /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/.julia/packages/LoggingExtras/cFgEq/src/CompositionalLoggers/earlyfiltered.jl:32
  [3] #invokelatest#2
    @ ./essentials.jl:892 [inlined]
  [4] invokelatest
    @ ./essentials.jl:889 [inlined]
  [5] macro expansion
    @ ./logging.jl:394 [inlined]
  [6] override_default_config(config_dict::Dict{String, Any})
    @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/yaml_helper.jl:80
  [7] ClimaAtmos.AtmosConfig(configs::Tuple{Dict{String, Any}}; comms_ctx::Nothing, config_files::Vector{String}, job_id::String)
    @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:736
  [8] AtmosConfig
    @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:723 [inlined]
  [9] AtmosConfig
    @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:721 [inlined]
 [10] ClimaAtmos.AtmosSimulation(args::Dict{String, Any}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
    @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/simulation/AtmosSimulations.jl:40
 [11] ClimaAtmos.AtmosSimulation(args::Dict{String, Any})
    @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/simulation/AtmosSimulations.jl:39
 [12] top-level scope
    @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaEarth.jl/examples/coupled_global_model/aquaplanet.jl:51
 [13] include(fname::String)
    @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:494
 [14] top-level scope
    @ REPL[1]:1
in expression starting at /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaEarth.jl/examples/coupled_global_model/aquaplanet.jl:51

caused by: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type Bool

Closest candidates are:
  convert(::Type{Bool}, ::LLVM.ConstantInt)
   @ LLVM /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/.julia/packages/LLVM/b3kFs/src/core/value/constant.jl:171
  convert(::Type{T}, ::VectorizationBase.AbstractSIMD) where T<:Union{Bool, Float16, Float32, Float64, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, SIMDTypes.Bit}
   @ VectorizationBase /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/.julia/packages/VectorizationBase/wHnQd/src/base_defs.jl:201
  convert(::Type{T}, ::VectorInterface.Zero) where T<:Number
   @ VectorInterface /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/.julia/packages/VectorInterface/Vk8YT/src/onezero.jl:83

 [1] override_default_config(config_dict::Dict{String, Any})
   @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/yaml_helper.jl:76
 [2] ClimaAtmos.AtmosConfig(configs::Tuple{Dict{String, Any}}; comms_ctx::Nothing, config_files::Vector{String}, job_id::String)
   @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:736
 [3] AtmosConfig
   @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:723 [inlined]
 [4] AtmosConfig
   @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/solver/types.jl:721 [inlined]
 [5] ClimaAtmos.AtmosSimulation(args::Dict{String, Any}; kwargs::@Kwargs{})
   @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/simulation/AtmosSimulations.jl:40
 [6] ClimaAtmos.AtmosSimulation(args::Dict{String, Any})
   @ ClimaAtmos /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaAtmos.jl/src/simulation/AtmosSimulations.jl:39
 [7] top-level scope
   @ /orcd/data/raffaele/001/glwagner/ClimaEarth.jl/examples/coupled_global_model/aquaplanet.jl:51
 [8] include(fname::String)
   @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:494
 [9] top-level scope
   @ REPL[1]:1

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