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README for laplan package

The laplan package is created for the Los Angeles Department of City Planning. There are 3 sub-modules, each of which can be used independently.

The sub-modules that allow users to clean up zoning data from ZIMAS, entitlement data from PCTS, and Census data from the American Community Survey.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Zoning
  3. PCTS
  4. Census

Getting Started

This package is installed in our Docker image.

To install it into another GitHub repo:

pip install "git+" 

# Ways to use within notebook/script
import laplan
import laplan.census
from laplan import census 


The sub-module is Zoning data comes from ZIMAS, and is publicly available on the GeoHub. Planning's Guide to Zoning String shows that the zoning string is made up of component parts.

The zoning string contains information about prefix on (Q)ualified or (T)entative zone classifications, zone class, the height district, (D)evelopment limits, and specific plans and overlays applicable.

The ZoningInfo dataclass takes a zoning string and returns any or all of the components as a new dataframe.

Ex 1: Return all the components

import laplan 

parsed_col_names = ['Q', 'T', 
                    'zone_class', 'specific_plan', 
                    'height_district', 'D', 'overlay']

# ZONE_CMPLT is the column to be parsed.
def parse_zoning(row):
        z = laplan.zoning.ZoningInfo(row.ZONE_CMPLT)
        return pd.Series([z.Q, z.T, 
                            z.zone_class, z.specific_plan, 
                            z.height_district, z.D, z.overlay], 
                            index = parsed_col_names)
    # If it can't be parsed, return either a failed or blank string
    except ValueError:
        return pd.Series(['failed', 'failed',  
                            'failed', 'failed', 
                            'failed', 'failed', ''], 
                            index = parsed_col_names)

parsed = df.apply(parse_zoning, axis = 1)
df = pd.concat([df, parsed], axis = 1)
ZONE_CMPLT Q T zone_class height_district D overlay
C2-1-SP False False C2 1 False [SP]
[Q]C1.5-1VLD-RIO True False C1.5 1 True [RIO]

Ex 2: Return just one of the components

parsed_col_names = ['zone_class']

def parse_zoning(row):
        z = laplan.zoning.ZoningInfo(row.ZONE_CMPLT)
        return pd.Series([z.zone_class], 
                         index = parsed_col_names)
    except ValueError:
        return pd.Series(['failed'], 
                         index = parsed_col_names)

parsed = df.apply(parse_zoning, axis = 1)


The sub-module is PCTS case strings contain prefixes and suffixes. Planning's PCTS Prefix & Suffix Report lists the valid values.

The PCTSCaseNumber dataclass takes a string and returns any or all of the components as a new dataframe (note that year and case are available columns in PCTS, and parsing these may not be necessary). This dataclass is used infrequently.

The function subset_pcts can be used once a PCTS connection is made. It standardizes the initial steps in the data cleaning pipeline so that the PCTS data is extracted and parent/child cases are combined in a standardized way before analysis. The function has optional args. subset_pcts and drop_child_cases should be used in conjunction with one another. The default is that the full dataset is returned.

  • pcts: pandas.DataFrame of PCTS data.
  • start_date: defaults to "1/1/2010".
  • end_date: defaults to present day.
  • prefix_list: a list of prefixes of interest, defaults to all prefixes.
  • suffix_list: a list of suffixes of interest, defaults to all suffixes.
  • get_dummies: bool, defaults to False. True returns columns for all the prefixes/suffixes of interest.
  • verbose: bool, defaults to False. True returns some comments for prefixes/suffixes that have no cases.

Ex: Return PCTS entitlement cases between Oct 2017-Dec 2019 for the ADM and DIR prefixes and TOC suffixes.

import laplan

prefix_list = ['ADM', 'DIR']
suffix_list = ['TOC']

df = laplan.pcts.subset_pcts(
    start_date = "10/1/17",
    end_date = "12/31/19", 
DIR-2017-81-TOC-SPR 2018-10-19 False True True
ADM-2017-4594-TOC 2017-11-08 True False True

The function drop_child_cases returns a dataframe of only parent cases.

  • df: pandas.DataFrame returned from subset_pcts.
  • keep_child_entitlements: bool, defaults to True. True means that the parent case should also hold all of the prefixes and suffixes from any child cases. get_dummies must be True in subset_pcts. False means all the prefix/suffix dummies of the parent case show up, but child cases are dropped, and the prefixes/suffixes of the child cases are not stored. If a child case holds a different suffix not found in the parent case, keep_child_entitlements = True would store this information.
df2 = laplan.pcts.drop_child_cases(


The sub-module is

Cleaning ACS Data

The American Community Survey (ACS) data for various years, topics, and geographies all follow a similar pattern. Browse the Census Data Catalog or Census API to get the tables needed.

The scripts to download clean Census data are provided below. These scripts can be adapted to include other Census tables; our project dealt with a limited subset of ACS tables for census tracts.

  1. Download Census data
  2. Clean Census data, part 1
  3. Clean Census data, part2
  4. Subset Census

The resulting table from these scripts has this form. At minimum, the table MUST have columns ['GEOID', 'year', 'table', 'main_var', 'second_var', 'num'], in order to use the functions in These necessary columns have stars next to the column name in the table below.

Column Description
GEOID * str preferable, but numeric works, geographic identifier for county, tract, block group, etc.
variable str, the original Census variable name, such as B01001_001 or S0801_C01_001. This is tagged as more human-readable columns, main_var and second_var.
year * numeric, year associated with the table
table * str, a human-readable name given to the table in Ex: For S0801_C01_001, the table is S0801, and is commute.
main_var * str, a human-readable name that captures what the variable is mainly about. Ex: For S0801_C01_001, the C01 portion what tags main_var as workers. C02 would be male, C03 would be female, etc.
last2 str. The last 2 digits of variable.
second_var * str, a human-readable name that captures what the last two digits from the variable. Ex: For S0801_C01_001, the last 2 digits is 01 and designates total.
new_var * str, combines main_var and second_var. Ex: For S0801_C01_001, this value is workers_total.
pct numeric, holds percent values, ranging from 0-1.
num * numeric, holds count values. The method of standardizing across tables is to have one column holding counts and one column holding percents, and filling in all the values for all tables.

Three Types of ACS Tables

ACS tables always provide a summary statistic with a total, the denominator, representing the universe from which this summary statistic is derived. This universe can be the entire population, the population 16 years and up, workers 16 years and up, etc.

When downloading ACS tables through the Census API, remember these things:

  • Know the unit of the numerator and denominator.
  • Does the unit change across years? Sometimes, the table will undergo a change; it will change from reporting count values to percent values after a certain year.
  • Are variables are stable in reporting the same information? Particuarly, if the table has undergone a change, new columns might be added, such as C02. The same information might be found in C01 from 2010-2013, and then in C02 from 2014-onward.

We broadly group ACS tables into 3 types in our data cleaning process:

  1. Count tables: counts are provided for numerator and denominator. Ex: # households that fall into particular income range, as well as the total # households overall within a census tract (or any other geography)
  2. Percent tables: percent for numerator and count for denominator. Ex: 15 for people with less than HS education (which is 15%, not a count of 15 people), and 1,000 households in census tract. These need to be converted to counts from percents using the denominator.
  3. Dollar tables: median household income or aggregate income, inflation-adjusted for each year. These tables separate, particularly because median household income is a tricky topic. Users beware! Do not calculate summary statistics from median income values (average median income is meaningless); only report values as is. Users should think carefully about what the ACS is reporting and how to use it meaningfully in analysis.

General Functions

The main function is transform_census_percent, which uses 3 sub-functions, each of which can be used on its own. transform_census_percent takes a long, cleaned Census df, grabs one or more columns to aggregate, and reshapes the df to be wide. Example notebook.

transform_census_percent(): this function subsets the Census df for a particular table and year, grabs the relevant rows, aggregates them, renames the aggregated row, and then calculates the percent. The specifics of the function are best illustrated in an example.

import laplan

commute_group = [

# Grab the 2018 commute table for all workers
# Aggregate transit, walk and bike
# Rename aggregated group as "non_car_workers"
# Calculate percent (non_car_workers / workers_total)
# Numerator is non_car_workers
# Denominator is workers_total
# Rename this new column "pct_non_car_workers"


Cleaned, long Census df:

GEOID variable year table main_var second_var new_var num
A S0801_C01_001 2018 commute workers total workers_total 1000
A S0801_C01_009 2018 commute workers transit workers_transit 50
A S0801_C01_010 2018 commute workers walk workers_walk 10
A S0801_C01_011 2018 commute workers bike workers_bike 20

transform_census_percent returns a wide df that looks like:

GEOID non_car_workers workers_total pct_non_car_workers
A 80 1000 0.08

The sub-functions can be used individually, and should be used to construct reshaped income and race/ethnicity tables.

  • Median household income: subset_census_table will return those values needed. No aggregation should be done!
  • Households by income ranges: this table is used in conjunction with the income_percentiles function to re-calculate median household incomes.
  • Race/ethnicity: use sub-functions because race/ethnicity groups can sum over 100%; race and ethnicity are not mutually exclusive.

subset_census_table(table, table_name, year, main_var): subsets our cleaned, long Census df and grabs a particular table, year, and main_var.

# census_df is a df of 
# cleaned, long Census data described above.

# 2018 commute mode table

aggregate_group(df, aggregate_me, name="aggregated_group"): this function takes the df from subset_census_table and aggregates several rows into one. If no aggregation is needed, simply provide a list of 1. The list is made up of value(s) from new_var.

# To aggregate 3 groups:
# Rename new_var to "non_car_workers"
commute_group = [


# To aggregate 1 group 
# Rename new_var to "zero_veh_workers"

vehicle_group = ["workers_veh0"]

make_wide(df, cols): this function takes reshapes the df from long to wide, or takes rows and pivots them to be columns. Cols is a list of values in from new_var.

reshape_me = ['non_car_workers', 'workers_total']

make_wide(df, reshape_me)

Income Functions

The income functions are make_income_range_wide and income_percentiles.

make_income_range_wide(df, year, main_var="total"): subsets the long, cleaned Census df and grabs the incomerange table for a particular year and main_var. The default main_var is total, which is all households, rather than a specific race or ethnicity.

# 2018 all households by income bins 

# 2018 white households by income bins

income_percentiles: takes a df and returns the estimated income percentiles. This can be used to re-calculate the median household income (50th percentile). The households are aggregated done to a larger geographic area after make_income_range_wide, after which the median household income is re-calculated over this larger geographic area. If no aggregation is needed, then using the median household income table is sufficient in itself. The function returns percentiles in thousands of dollars, so multiply by 1,000 to get the result in dollars.

# Calculate 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles.
iqr_df = (df.apply(
        lambda r: 
            r, [25,50,75]),
        columns={0: "Q1", 
                1: "Q2",   
                2: "Q3"})

iqr_df looks like (note: units are thousands of dollars):

A 30.5 55.7 82.6
B 40.5 58.7 90.6