Off the top of my head
choose best output format: df with x and y coordinates as columns seems maybe the most intuitive?
document unit of radius?
sensible choices for the default parameters, e.g.
- if
not provided, defaults to TRUE for all points provided - radius which does behave more or less nicely
- if
input checks: x and y same length, and numeric
check the behaviour itself of the function in cases where the labels would be a lot
wishlist: some anchor segments to refer to the points?
maybe encapsulate the whole thing into a label + segments plotter?
if it gets full, well, package up
- If so, a vignette would be very nice
- or at least, a README with outputs - for that, meaningful way would be to use README.Rmd and render that to github-md
check what the behaviour of ggrepel is in edge cases?