- Correct $output variable #11
- Remove Freemius #12
- Replace deprecated filter #13
- WordPress 6.7.1 Tested
- Freemius upgrade
- Activation issue #8
- WordPress 5.4 Tested
- Modified how robots.txt file is generated within class-robotstxt.php
- Added website override option to ignore network robots.txt file
- Removed Freemius nag notice.
- Corrected class-do-build-robotstxt.php array pairs for class-option-manager.php
- Corrected class-option-manager.php to correctly checking for array key before building the array
- Moved robotstxt build call in class-do-save-append-rules.php to fire only if the setting was updated
- Added {APPEND_WEBSITE_ROBOTSTXT} to open robots.txt file within class-do-save-preset-as-robotstxt.php
- Removed plugin-activation level upgrade in favor of manual upgrade
- Moved admin/network/public class includes into plugins_loaded hook
- Modified class-translate.php to use new translation call format
- Modified sidebar hardcoded images to use plugin_dir_url()
- Modified plugin settings upgrade message for new installs
- Corrected network delete all settings to correctly delete all settings
- Corrected function call in class-do-network-robotstxt-build.php
- Corrected function call in class-do-robotstxt-cleaner.php
- Corrected bump.js gulp task
- Created manual upgrade and delete old settings notice.
- Tested: Wordpress Version 5.2.2
- Major code base upgrade
- Migrated settings to single option
- Tested: Wordpress Version 4.8
- Changed: Network & Admin Area Plugin Update Notice Handler.
- Fixed: Remove Rewrite Rule Flush After Correcting Rewrite Rules.
- Added: Added more Sitemap filenames to check/build for.
- Changed: Sitemap check/build, added rewrite rule & physical file checks if fopen is not enabled.
- Tested: Wordpress Version 4.7.4
- Changed: Review/Rating URL within templates/sidebar.php
- Fixed: Cleaner option name checks, using previous version names.
- Fixed: Cleaner rewrite_rule to delete/update the option when missing the robots.txt array.
- Fixed: Bad method call in class-cleaner.php.
- Fixed: Multiple incorrect update_option formats.
- Fixed: Network Robots.txt now saves when published #5
- Fixed: Removed append marker, if no append rules found.
- Fixed: Wrapped is_writable() check to physical robots.txt removal.
- Change: Option names for cleaner, appended cleaner_.
- Change: Modified update success/fail messages.
- Change: Deleted uninstall.php #6
- New plugin structure/files, using the same option names.
- Added: New tab "Cleaner" to the Network Admin area.
- Added: Two stage cleaning process - check & clean.
- Added: Check for a physical robots.txt file.
- Added: Check for missing robots.txt file rewrite rule.
- Added: Network tab to Websites for quick access to plugin admin within the Network.
- Added: Option to disable network robots.txt file on websites, allowing for full customization of websites robots.txt file.
- Change: Plugin admin areas to be more visually friendly.
- Moved: Screenshots/header/thumbnail images into the svn/assets folder.
- Bug: Fixed bad calls from helper class causing options not saving for each site. Thanks https://github.com/benjaminniess
- Bug: Corrected class_helper->getSitemapUrl() - printing "No Sitemap Found" in robots.txt files
- Bug: Moved class_admin->updateNetwork()->throwMessage() outside of foreach when updating the network
- Change: templates/home.php to display No Sitemap Found within input field
- Modified class_helper->getSitemapUrl(): added get_option( 'siteurl' ) check for sitemap url
- Corrected commented out redirect action
- Corrected marketup in robots.txt file, again.
- Added final public to class_presets methods
- Add options to update the full network or only blogs the admin is a user of
- Added message for missing sitemap.xml files within website plugin admin
- Added user notice & error message to all form actions
- Corrected readme.txt file formating
- Corrected notice locations for all 3 detection rules
- Corrected network admin showing website admin status messages
- Corrected message when updating network from disabled network
- Corrected missing new line in the preset WordPress Limited option
- Adjusted disable/delete input names to be code-reader friendly
- Removed class_core.php, functions moved to plugin root
- Commented out $rewrite_rule check/update, until new solution is found
- Moved upgrade process outside of activation method, into unique class
- Added message/method to detect and replace old plugin data with new data
- Re-added old robots.txt plugin detection and cleaning option
- Re-added bad rewrite rule detection and cleaning option
- Upgrade Bug Corrected
- Changed how Extention loads in
- Adjusted Extension calls throughout plugin
- Adjusted plugin activation order for detecting old plugin options
- Corrected static function calls for register_activation_hook
- Added feature to copy old sitemap url to new append option
- Because SVN sucks!
- Major rebuild, all files recreated, new code
- Set network robots.txt file as global file
- Created append rules for Websites
- Improved Sitemap Detection
- Added Theme & Upload Path Support
- Adjusted admin area layout and look
- Adjusted how Pro Extension adapts in
- Expanded automation features
- Major rebuild
- Modified how and when the sitemap urls are created.
- Created top-level domain array for sitemap url breakdown.
- Removed network map checks due to alt setup methods.
- Update preset robots.txt files and create 2 new styles.
- Rebuilt all options to use array format.
- Renamed classes and functions.
- Added better sanitization and escaping throughout.
- Adjusted how pro extension integrates in.
- Modified admin html/css to work better for mobile.
- Removed a few pounds of code.
- Improved help text throughout.
- Improved error checking.
- Adjusted install/uninstall functions for non-network installs.
- Merged network admin and website admin template.
- Add old robots.txt plugin detection and cleaning option.
- Created website admin areas.
- Added is_user_member_of_blog function for super admins.
- Modified add_submenu_page calls.
- Modified DB prepare() statements.
- Structure change to make room for automation feature.
- Cleaned undefined index errors.
- Ran PHP Debug and WP Debug and removed related errors.
- Modified add_submenu_page calls.
- Modified DB prepare() statements.
- Structure change to make room for automation feature.
- Made robots.txt file display when a Website within a directory (domain.com/domain-path) is called.
- Added is_network_admin() and $_SERVER script checks around extra links function.
- Cleaned up activation & deactivation hook calls to only be called when executed.
- Added do_action( 'do_robotstxt' ); call after header call of robots.txt display.
- Adjusted robots.txt display to use public/private blog feature correctly.
- Removed is_user_member_of_blog() check around add_submenu_page() calls.
- Added $_GET['page'] :: "ms_robotstxt.php" wrap around tab display call.
- Improved sitemap structure url output with various domain structures.
- Added current_user_can() && is_super_admin() check to uninstall.php
- Added / adjusted wp_nonce_field and check_admin_referer calls.
- Created second set of tab links at the bottom of plugin admin.
- Cleaned up robots.txt display class - add_filter call.
- Setup better error handling on all form submits.
- Added in version check and file check calls.
- Improved sitemap structure function.
- More comments.
- Made the site dropdown list populate in a new way, and list site names insted of domains.
- Added sitemap option, url, and structure to default robots.txt, per site, and pre-sets.
- Adjusted all post types and preset values, and option arrays to use sitemap structure.
- Adjusted default option for websites robots.txt to store data within an array.
- Created a new sitemap option to store sitemap data at the Website level.
- Adusted, cleaned html and corrected typos within admin area template.
- Adjusted default robots.txt option to store data within an array.
- Created instructions for the Sitemap URL Structure feature.
- Adjusted robots.txt display to include sitemap urls.
- Adjusted uninstall.php to use new option names.
- Removed transient cache and related db calls.
- New screenshot file and readme.txt updated.
- Updated WordPress Function References.
- Added non-network check on install.
- Serialize proper option data.
- Replaced action do_robots with filter robots_txt at call.
- Removed ob_gzhandler
- Created March 08, 2012