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581 lines (491 loc) · 35 KB

File metadata and controls

581 lines (491 loc) · 35 KB

Electron FolderView

Screen shot with layout menu

I originally created this as a nodejs app to view local images. I was frustrated with the free and paid image apps I had--I needed something to simply display images in a folder. With the many wonderful image handling libraries available for the web, I thought it would be simple enough to throw something together in node...then I found the awesomeness of Electron!

This app allows me to quickly add functionality to handle various file management tasks. The immediate one was to be able to view media files quickly without clunky widgets or ui chrome getting in the way. With Electron I was able to create a general purpose directory browser with custom functionality using web technology in a Windows executable!

This is a work in progress. Feel free to use and modify as you wish.

Important Note, Sep 24/21

I've discontinued development of this app on GitHub. The changes made since Electron v9 are too substantial to manage at this point in time. The app uses Electron v9 and v15 is the latest.

I use the app daily without incident in the isolation of my LAN. The security issues addressed by updates to Electron and other modules are not relevant in the context of personal use. To exploit the security issues addressed by the updates one would have to manually insert code into the application--but this is true of any application and security issue.

In addition, the app was started in in 2017. Technology has changed a lot since then and the experiments represented here are only relevant in the context of the most basic CSS/HTML/Javascript usage. There are libraries and tools available now that simplify many of the technical problems addressed.


  • main purpose is to view folder items
  • item functions: copy, clipboard..., delete, explore, folder size, open, move, rename, set image as background, zero
  • items displayed in a grid
  • grid functions: hide items, filter, folder up, last folder, order, scale, scroll, shuffle, click an image to start slideshow, double-click item to launch with Windows' default application
  • grid layouts: cols, rows, vert, wall
  • clicking an image opens slideshow
  • slideshow functions: copy, delete, fullscreen, move, zoom, auto play, set delay
  • "Tools/Open With" context menu: run any application on disk with selected file as argument
  • SFTP functions: auto download, browse, delete, download, minimize by clicking dialog title bar
  • create zero length files; when a folder is selected this function will delete all files in sub-folders but sub-folders will remain
  • export list of file properties as: CSV, JSON, m3u, txt
  • pathBar dialog: handy dialog for selecting a folder
  • rename dialog: handy tools for renaming a file
  • log messages are written to Javascript console (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+i)
  • find dialog with advanced search functions (regex, case, invert results, search subfolders)
  • Youtube video download
  • FireFox extenstion to transfer video urls to FolderView for downloading, and other tools
  • Video wall layout, plays all videos in a folder in a grid.

App Notes

  1. Install:

    • Windows only; I use it on Win10, Win81 and Win7
    • requires Node.js be installed on your system (
    • download to a local folder:
      > git clone
      > cd Electron-FolderView
    • to use with a global installation of Electron:
      > npm install electron -g
    • install required packages (installs local Electron if not installed globally):
      > npm install
    • if you want to generate an executable, install Electron Package Manager:
      > npm install electron-packager -g
  2. Test:

    • the test script is not included as it is specific to my sytem
    • create this batch file to execute your tests: ./scripts/testFolderView.bat
    • then run
      > npm run test
  3. Execute main.js:

    • with a local installation of Electron
      > "node_modules/electron/dist/electron.exe" main.js
    • with a global installation of Electron
      > electron main.js
  4. Build FolderView.exe:
    > npm run build

    • the app is built with Electron Packager so it can be used as a regular Windows program.
    • Electron Packager must be install globally: npm install electron-packager -g
    • npm executes "build..." scripts from package.json: npm run build
    • the scripts will build, then zip, the Win64 version in the ./dist/ folder.
    • you can modify this to use for your own purposes, see scripts/electronPackager.bat and scripts/zip.bat
    • the executable is: dist\FolderView-win32-x64\FolderView.exe
    • the source and settings are in: dist\FolderView-win32-x64\resources\app

Commandline Switches

  • its safest to prefix path with --:
    FolderView.exe --path="c:/users/chris/pictures" shuffle=true scroll=true (it looks like path conflicts with an internal switch)
  • commandline arguments documented in main.js:
var argmap =
	descending:{ type:'boolean', default:false, notes:'sort items in descending order' },
	devtools:{ type:'boolean', default:false },
	folders:{ type:'string',  default:'default', range:['default','first','hidden','last'] },
	fontsize:{ type:'string',  default:'12px',	notes:'set the default font size for the document.' },
	fullscreen:{ type:'boolean', default:false },
	height:{ type:'number', default:0, notes:'default window height; 0 = max height' },
	iconsOnly:{	type:'boolean', default:false, notes:'display icons instead of audio/image/video controls' },
	layout:{ type:'string',	default:'wall',	range:['cols','rows','vert','wall']
				, notes:`cols:"default to item.width=(window.innerWidth/3).",rows:"item.height=300px",vert:"single col",wall:"wallboard of images"` },
	order:{ type:'string',	default:'name', range:['date','name','size','type'], notes:'Sort order of items' },
	path:{ type:'string',	default:'',	notes:'file or folder to open; always prefix with --', alias:['--path'] },
	scale:{	type:'number',  default:1, range:{greaterThan:0}, notes:"scale size of grid items." },
	scroll:{ type:'boolean', default:false,	notes:"turn on/off scrolling grid whenever items loaded." },
	sftpDownloadMax:{	type:'number', default:2,	notes:"Set max number of files to download at once." },
	showSlideCaptions:{	type:'boolean',	default:true,	notes:"Display slideshow captions" },
    shuffle:{	type:'boolean',	default:false,	notes:"shuffle grid items via arrShuffle()" },
	videoMetadata:{		type:'boolean',	default:false,		notes:'Load video metadata (thumbnails), will slow large folders', alias:['videometadata'] },
	videoURL:{		type:'string',	default:'',		notes:'Open Video Download with this URL selected; true = automatically open VideoDownload window.', alias:['videourl','--videoURL'] },
  width:{	type:'number', default:0, notes:'default window width; 0 = max width' }

Keyboard Shortcuts

see keyboardshortcuts.txt

Sample tmp/customLibraries.ini



This file is used to store SFTP and FireFox Tools settings. Here is example content:



Filtering Folder Items

  • filtering is based on item type, either a folder or file extension. It may be expanded in the future as new needs arise.
  • the filter menu displays all the item types found in the current folder. Click on an item type to view only that item type.
  • multiple item types may be filtered together.
  • Show All is autommatically selected when a folder is opened.

About FireFox Tools

  • built to test FireFox extension development and simplify Youtube video downloads
  • added a few extra features to see whether they would work
  • some features are not fully implemented, however, there are no plans to expand beyond the existing functionality
  • to use, the extension must be loaded into FireFox as a temporary extension and the client muse be listening in FolderView, top menu/FireFox Tools
  • the server in FolderView.exe will be installed via "npm install". So older installations will need to run "npm install" to get the code.
  • the client exists within the FireFox folder
  • instructions to install a temporary FireFox extension:

About VideoWall Layout

  • displays a grid of videos (tiles). The default grid is 3 X 3. Be careful increasing the number of tiles as it will affect system performance (default settings failed on an old Win7 i7, 6MB RAM).
  • when a video finishes, the next unplayed video is played in the tile
  • click a tile to play in the larger video player
  • press Alt+T or click main menu/Layout/Video Wall to activate
  • press ESC to toggle the VideoWall settings dialog
  • settings: order/shuffle, grid width/height, play (videos in all tiles), scroll videos, reset application
  • video tile context menu: copy, delete, move, scroll next/last set, fullscreen, inspect
  • video player context menu: scroll next/last set, fullscreen, inspect
  • when scrolling videos, videos are always displayed in sort order


  • ChangeFolder: add new folder to folder history
  • ChangeFolder: ESC does not always close
  • multi-select: sometimes Delete key does not activate delete function
  • selectList: allow Shift+Click to select a range of items
  • gallery zoom: fix mouse wheel zoom algorithm to zoom area under mouse only; currently zooms from center of image
  • create new dialog: view keyboardshortcuts.txt, F1 key
  • filter menu: ?add invert filter function?
  • add version to zip file name
  • SFTP dialog: re-write with async/await
  • SFTP dialog: sftpDownloadMax option only limits downloads of top level files and folders. So if a folder contains many files they won't be affected by sftpDownloadMax.
  • personal settings remain in config as example of how to use application


Jul 8/21

  • Video Download: when switch videoURL=true the VideoDL window will open on startup
  • Video Download: change VideoTitle control to an edit box so videos can be renamed

Jul 2/21

  • did an "npm update" to get the latest code for ytdl-core, this will resolve video download errors.
  • dis "npm audit fix" to address vulnerabilities in dependent packages
  • electron-packager needs to be updated, but will test (and fix) before uploading

May 31/21

  • did an "npm update" to get the latest code for ytdl-core, this will resolve video download errors.
  • forgot to upload the Feb 12 changes.

Feb 12/21

  • VideoWall: fixed bug in tilePlayNext() when tile == null received
  • VideoWall dlg: mute button is now a toggle switch
  • VideoWall dlg: added "Find Dupes" context menu
  • dlgFind: added options parameter to control default settings

Jan 21/21

  • VideoWall: code refactoring/optimizations
  • VideoWall dlg: changing values automatically updates layout
  • VideoWall dlg: added controls to view next/prior set of videos
  • VideoWall: fixed handling for videos.length < tiles.length
  • VideoWall: now displays < three columns correctly

Jan 15/21
This update adds functionality to the VideoWall layout. A few functions had to be converted to async to facilitate the new operations. In particular I'm watching the ExecQue for side effects.

  • videoWall: no longer runs in fullscreen by default. This allows the main menu to be accessed while videos are playing.
  • videoWall: added main video context menu: fullscreen, inspect
  • videoWal: added video tile context menu: copy, delete, move, play last/next video, fullscreen, inspect

Dec 5/20

  • videoDl.js: update ytdl-core to 4.01; modified usage of ytdl.getInfo() to be compatible
  • dlgRename not editable bug: added "isContentEditable=true"; Seems to be working so far???
  • change startup behaviour to only show open dialog, when folder not found on startup

Sep 07/20
There are a lot of changes that I am still monitoring for issues. The main update is the addition of a VideoWall layout. It displays a grid of video tiles, clicking a tile opens the video in the larger player. File management routines could not be integrated because the browser's file locks are not released immediately. Also, The VideoWall setting dialog is using new code based on the polyfill for the HTML Dialog Element. New dialogs will use this technology; at this point the old dialog code will remain as it works, therefore little is gained by refactoring.

  • VideoWall layout: new, see "About VideoWall Layout" above
  • gallery zoom: no longer scrolls image when zooming with mouse wheel (see ToDo for details)
  • find dlg: add "Paste and search" button
  • find dlg: results now display search text
  • refactored Layout menu
  • more integrations of filter functionality into UI functions

Jul --- (forgot to upload)
The filtering functionality was lost to the mists of time. It has been re-worked to be more intuitive and added filtering by mediaTypes.

  • filter menu update: filter menu was displaying content for previous folder viewed
  • filter menu update: menu items are no longer checked by default
  • filter menu update: when menu item selected all other items are hidden
  • filter menu update: added mediaTypes
  • dlgFind: when rolled up header will also shrink to take less space vertically
  • icons only menu: now retains existing filter
  • layout menus: now retains existing filter
  • order menus: now retains existing filter
  • scale menus: now retains existing filter
  • shuffle menu: now retains existing filter

Jun 16/20 - 3

  • Windows Explorer menu: Electron changed shell function from shell.openItem to shell.openPath

Jun 16/20 - 2
Removed the zip file and Git LFS because the quota limits were reached. If the product was better documented I would not have even attempted it as a 1GB download limit on a 160MB file is ridiculous.

Jun 16/20
I'm not sure if the issues addressed here are long standing or introduced by new versions of Electron/nodejs. But I was able to achieve substanital speed increases to the sorting algorithms of the pathBar and item grid. They should be noticeable on folders with lots of files--but still looking for other ways to optimize the loading and handling of grid items.

New functions in dlgRename are working well. I've used them a lot without incident.

  • folderNew() fix: requires the default path be translated from posix to win32
  • folderNew() update: changed to accept a default path (was using the default application path)
  • pathBar fix: folder items are now sorted alphabetically
  • pathBar update: optimized loading of folder items
  • pathBar update: renamed ui.var.apipath to ui.var.pathBarPath for clarity
  • item grid update: optimized sort algorithm to speed loading folder items

Jun 10/20
Installed Git LFS to include a zip version of the application in ./dist/. Tested: zip file works when downloaded from GitHub (via download button on the page).

Jun 9/20
Pushed this through while testing changes to dlgFind, dlgRename and Electron 9.x because found error in ytdl-core that caused downloads to fail. Resovled by updating to the latest version--no repository code changes required.

Main goal was to simplify cleaning up media file names. Created two major dlgRename features. The first "Auto select left", automatically selects the trailing part of media file names containing format data. The other feature allows selection steps (including "Delete Selection" and "Apply Changes") to be recorded, then played back against other files. Although its fairly simple at this point, the code can be optimized and adapted for other file naming conventions. Still being tested.

Along the way used dlgFind to lookup obscure media file names. The RegEx search and Invert Results functions were previously implemented and are working well. But added regex examples to th UI because despite being useful regex is terribly documented everywhere.

  • dlgRename update: added "Auto select left" button to automatically highight text to be trimmed. Designed for media files. Very simple at this point.
  • dlgRename update: added Record/Play selection operations (see actionMap.js).
  • dlgRename update: added checkbox to indicate whether selection controls should keep file extension. Default to true for files, false for folders.
  • dlgFind update: added regex examples for a quick reference
  • NewFolder function fixed: looks like the usage of showSaveDialog function changed from when the new folder function was originally created
  • vert layout fixed: dlgReplace fails to update ui element with message: "Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of undefined"
  • changed: video tag's preload=none (was metadata) because it was slowing down folders with lots of videos (>200)
  • fixed: when path argument points to an image, the image is now correctly displayed in the slideshow
  • fixed: first argument to FolderView.exe was not processed
  • found: strange error where under certain conditons the path must be prefixed with -- (eg electron main.js --path="c:/a/b/c" shuffle=true).
  • found: path operations will accept posix paths (so far) so will continue to use posix paths internally
  • update: startup errors are now written to Electron console
  • added: VSCode debugging for main process (main.js):
  • updated: Electron to v9.x
  • updated: ytdl-core to v3.x

May 22/2020

  • FireFox Tools Extension: sends video urls to FolderView for downloading and other functions
  • grinder: fixed bug that occured when parsing strings like "url=https://a.b?c=1" (the part after the second = was lost)
  • Video Download: added commandline argument to open on startup (videoURL=http...)
  • dlgRename: now indicates whether a rename failure was due to a locked file.
  • dlgMove: tweaked error messages to be more readable

Apr 23/2020

  • the Jul 2019 update was not uploaded to Git
  • updated Electron to v8.x
  • updated ytdl-core to 2.01
  • updated Video Download to work with the new ytdl-core

Jul --/2019

  • Last Folder (F8): updated algorithm to find last folder viewed
  • Video Download menu (F10): created to download Youtube videos
  • ffmpeg.exe: application now includes ./bin/ffmpeg.exe to combine audio and video streams into an .mkv file
  • execQue.js: modified to handle video downloads be creating cmdType=immediate, runs command immediately
  • removed node-iniparser: duplicated functionality provided by ini
  • removed argv-to-obj: replaced by custom library, commandline arguments no longer require "--" prefixes
  • added Inspect context menu: allows UI controls to be inpsected in Chrome debugger
  • dlgFind: expanded Find functionality
  • removed dlgIdx.js: functionality duplicated and expanded by dlgFind
  • removed sizeable: functionality duplicated and expanded by folderWalk.js

Jun 16/2019
Added a find dialog and an item index to make it easier to navigate large lists. The item index slides from the left side of the page--clicking an item scrolls it into view. The item index is only available when the main window has scroll bars.

  • Find menu: opens a dialog to find folder items, Ctrl+F
  • dlgIdx: item index slides out from the left side of page when more that 10 items in folder
  • dlgExecQue: mouseover hint displays list of remaining jobs
  • ui.var.execQueTitleMaxJobs: controls number of jobs listed in dlgExecQue mouseover hint, default=10
  • isotope: updated to latest version
  • removed from package.json because not used: "packery": "^2.1.2",
  • small tweaks and fixes

Jun 9/2019
The vert layout was broken after the May 26 update. I took the opportunity to update the app to handle folders with over 400 audio/image/video items. In these situations Chrome does a lot of disk thrashing as it tries to create thumbnails for the HTML controls--it looks like Chrome (as well as Windows) doesn't throttle disk access. To avoid this I added the iconOnly menu item to only display file type icons. And made vert layout much easier to read and select items so working with long lists is easier. The new column sort function of the FolderSize dialog also helps by allowing max/min item counts/sizes to be easily identified.

The execQue has been very stable. The item move functionality has been implemented there now. And added the ability to kill copy jobs and pause/resume/stop the que; move jobs can't be killed because they are functions.

  • FolderSize dialog: added column sorting
  • FolderSize menu: added F9 keyboard shortcut
  • "open With.../Default Application" context menu: fixed opening Directories; creates a new FolderView instance containing Directory contents
  • move context menu: now executed through execQue
  • dlbBulk: move function now executed through execQue
  • execQue: refactored code
  • execQue: can now execute functions as well as console commands
  • execQue: kill copy jobs by clicking status dialog
  • execQue: added que pause/resume/stop functionality
  • now using file type icons from
  • vert layout: re-constructed as it was very broken after the May 26 updated
  • vert layout screenshot: created new, deleted old
  • "Layout/Icons Only" menu: added functionality to allow folders with > 400 items to be displayed without disk thrashing caused by Chrome creating icons for images and videos
  • iconsOnly application argument (main.js/argmap): boolean, display file icons instead of audio/image/video controls
  • more bug fixes and tweaks
  • added .m4v and .webp to the media types

Jun 1/2019
Mainly bug fixes. Added "Folder Size" menu. Tried to display videos in the slideshow put ran into some issues with Photoswipe's zoom function.

  • ui.var.dblClickDelay: manually handling dlbclick events because the default click/dblclick events are triggered at the same time. For example, double-clicking an image will also trigger the click event, thereby launching the slideshow while the shell associated application is run.
  • grid: double-clicking an image will now open it in the shell associated application
  • slideshow: now only handles keyboard events with it's (pswpMain); update for Photoswipe v4.1.3
  • "Folder Size" menu: display folder and subfolder sizes and file counts via sizeable (
  • "Tools/Folder Size" context menu: display size of subfolders
  • dlgBulk: click dialog caption to rollup dialog
  • dlgRename: no longer defaults to "Autoload Items" as modified item is updated in place
  • dlgRename: arrow keys now work when slideshow open due to Photoswipe keyboard event update

May 26/2019
Refactored ui.js/gridLoad() and main.js/fldrObjGen(). It was a long time coming as the code was originally written for a web slideshow application, with a hasty conversion to Electron.

  • slideshow: now using Photoswipe v4.1.3,
  • slideshow: removed animations so images display quicker; background is black, no longer translucent
  • ui.js/gridLoad(): refactored code that loads grid items
  • main.js/fldrLoad(): optimized code that reads folder items; this started back in the April 29 update or so
  • random UI and code tweaks

May 22/2019
Created a dialog box for execQue, dlgExecQ, to display status of commands executed. Still monitoring execQue; the limit of ui.var.execQueMax=1 still provides best performance for large files--probably due to my laptop hardware.

  • execQue: added dlgExecQ to display status of commands that are executed
  • pathBar: decreased hoverDelayMs for menu buttons, so their lists popup faster
  • recent list: list size now controlled by ui.var.recentListMax; increased to 25 from 15
  • dlgBulk: tweaks

May 21/2019 (or May 112/2019)

Lots of bug fixes and refactoring for the many changes in the last update--expect more because of the number of changes. Also created an execution que (execQue.js) to copy files asynchronously, thereby freeing the UI and allowing an opportunity for performance optimization. The que will eventually be used to spawn all commands for now I'm watching it for bugs and optimizations.

  • Recent menu: added to main menu for quick access to previosly opened folders
  • dlgRename: reload button was incrementing file name before replacing
  • dlgRename: fixed bug where the replace function was working on last file name instead of the current
  • dlgRename: refactored
  • Order/Shuffle menu: moved from Layout menu and changed to checkbox so it can override other sort orders
  • Layout/Folders menu: moved from Order menu
  • Layout/Show Hidden menu: deleted because it duplicates "Filter/Show All" menu
  • "Open With/Find..." context menu: fixed error that was attaching trailing slash to paths
  • execQue.js: implemented to control the execution of console commands
  • execQue.js: ui.var.execQueMax controls number of parallel commands executed
  • execQue.js: found that when copying files, execQueMax=1 gives best performance; testing with 4 folders ~5GB, found ~15% faster than Explorer dragging and dropping the same folders
  • copy menu: now using execQue
  • dlgBulk: now using execQue for copying files
  • dlgBulk: bug fixes and refactored
  • slideshow: new feature allows viewing only items in selectList (if item clicked in selectList then only display images in selectList, else display all images)
  • grid: clicking background removes all selections

May 10/2019
Primarily made it easier to copy/delete/edit/move/rename folder items. After many years of use its a new direction for the application. And it seems to be working pretty well. With the new rename dialog, I've gone rename crazy (perhaps due to years of trauma with Windows Explorer: F2, Home, delete, delete, etc)

  • added screenshot of new rename dialog
  • copying folders now works
  • removed keyboard shortcuts: c(col mode), r(row mode), s(scroll), v(vert mode), w(wall mode); use Alt+ combintaions
  • showSlideCaptions application argument: enabled and documented, default=true; displays captions filename, dimensions, size in slideshow
  • fontsize application argument: now defaults to 20px
  • "Last Folder" menu: new function opens the second item in the recent folders list, "-" keyboard shortcut
  • "New Folder" menu: additonal shortcut key = n
  • Exit context menu: removed
  • slideshow: now only handles keyboard events with it's (pswpMain)
  • slideshow: added item functions to context menu
  • slideshow: pressing c/m/delete will operate on the current item
  • pathBar dialog: added subtitle
  • pathBar dialog: after creating a new folder, items reloaded to display new folder
  • Open With context menu: moved to top of context menu
  • Open With context menu: applications are now sorted by executable name (instead of path) when execApps.json written
  • Open With context menu: execApps.json contents formatted with tab characters for easy editing
  • Open With context menu: created ui.calc.execSpawn() to spawn applications without blocking events or causing maxBuffer errors
  • Rename dialog: items are no longer automatically renamed by incrementing numeric portion of file name
  • Rename dialog: when Reload enabled, item is now selected after being renamed
  • Rename dialog: when closing, now closes slideshow
  • Rename dialog: no longer using fs.rename() because renaming a folder generates an EBUSY error
  • Rename dialog: added functions to select/unselect text
  • Rename dialog: added search and replace function
  • ui.var.selectList: implemented code to manage a subset of items, items in list have a green border, last item added has red border (a standard selection)
  • Filter/Selected All menu (Alt+A/Ctrl+A): if selectList is empty and itemselected is null, add all items to selectList, else empty selectList and/or unselect item
  • Ctrl+Left Click: Toggle assigning to selectList
  • Left Click: Empty selectList, execute default click action for item
  • Copy context menu: new function to copy items or selectList, keyboard shortcut = "c"
  • Copy context menu: created ui.calc.execAsync() to copy asynchronously (prevent large files from slowing UI)
  • Move context menu: if item in selectList, will open bulkOps
  • Tools/Delete context menu: if item in selectList will open bulkOps
  • Delete function: if item in selectList, will open bulkOps
  • Delete function: now activated by "Delete" key
  • BulkOps dialog: added "Auto Mode" checkbox, disables confirmation and closes dialog after selected operation completes.
  • BulkOps dialog: automode is OFF only when opened via "Tools/Bulk Operations" context menu
  • BulkOps dialog: tried to make interface easier to use
  • BulkOps dialog: many bug fixes
  • Tools/"Bulk Operations" context menu: will use selectList if item in list; default to autoMode = false
  • keyboardshortcuts.txt: updated

Apr 28/19

  • run under Node.js v10 LTS
  • upgraded to Electron v3.1.8; could not upgrade Electron to v5.0.0 because the browser's default double-click hanlder is run before the user defined handler
  • upgraded to Electron Package Manager v13.1.1
  • added mv ( because fs.rename fails between drives and the file system's move command fails with certain file names
  • pathBar.js: clicking header buttons toggles associated list
  • pathBar.js: added hoverDelayMs (500ms) to header buttons, this smooths navigation by preventing the lists from popping up immediately when mouse enters a header buttons
  • pathBar.js: added highlighting to folder item under mouse cursor (.btnFolderItem:hover)
  • pathBar.js: sped up loading folder items
  • pathBar.js: folder items now display file date and size in tooltip
  • pathBar.js: fixed bug that occurred when selecting a file, a new file list would be returned
  • updated keyboardshortcuts.txt with slideshow keys
  • included sample and note for settings.ini

Jan 22/19

  • upgraded to Node v10
  • upgraded to Electron v3.1.1; electron v4.0.2 has problem where dblcick event maximizes video before calling user code
  • upgraded to Electron Package Manager v13.0.1
  • addresssed new security issue:
  • ignored all warnings "[Violation] 'XXX' handler took NNNms"
  • fixed Move operation error when moving items between drives: "EXDEV: cross-device link not permitted ..."
  • changed on all menus: "Close" to "Exit (Alt+F4)"
  • added to context menu: "Folder Up (Backspace)"
  • added to context menu: "Copy to Clipboard"; when selected text available
  • removed from context menu: "Dev Tools (F12)"; currently available on "App Menu"
  • removed Application memory usage due to deprecation of process.getProcessMemoryInfo() in Electron v4 (will add later)

Nov 5/17

  • bug fixes for sftpDlg Auto functions
  • update to Node v8.9
  • update to Electron v1.7.9
  • added tmp/settings to store default sftp connection settings (using node-iniparser)

Oct 30/17

  • no errors in bulkOpsDlg since last update
  • add to bulkOps: create zero length files (and empty folders of all files)
  • add to dlgSftp: auto connect and auto download functions
  • add to top Order menu: "File Date, Descending" "File Name, Ascending" "File Size, Descending"

Oct 6/17

  • SFTP testing done; no errors since last git update in July.
  • added Bulk Copy/Delete/Move dialog, F7 shortcut key
  • added New Folder function, F8 shortcut key
  • added folder selected in Move operations to recent folder list
  • added height argument, if height=== 0 then max height
  • added width argument, if width === 0 then max width
  • updates to rename dlg
  • updates to pathBar
  • added text functions context menu for input, textarea
  • top menu items in alpha order
  • move item function: remove item from items array
  • included changes from
    1. added .webm video file type
    2. included keyboardshortcuts.txt (requires more updates)
  • general tweaks and fixes:
    1. comment out height/width px of item names; text is no longer vertically truncated with large fonts
    2. comment out galleryScale() in renderer.js; was generating error
    3. exclude tmp and scrnshots folders from zip files (npm run build:zip)
    4. store paths internally using '/' (not Windows '\') to maintain compatibility with Linux file handling
    5. add Elusive Icons to replace usage of HTML entities

Jul 20/17

  • context menu/Tools/Delete now deletes the item from the internal list so sort functions no longer display them from browser cache
  • items tooltips now include file size in GB/MB/KB/bytes as appropriate
  • changed context menu/Delete to not use shell function due to limitations on drives with no RecycleBin
  • added context menu/"Open With...". Allows files to be opened with any app in file system. Apps selected are stored in tmp/execApps.json and displayed on submenu.
  • added SFTP dialog with remote browse/download/delete functions
  • updated node.js and Electron versions to latest

Apr 27/17

  • added F5 accelerator to menu App/Reload
  • added a separator and Reload to top menu

Apr 15/17

  • configured Export List's save dialog
  • added path supplied on commandline to recent folders
  • removed Filter from context menu
  • fixed bugs in Filter menu handling
  • added menu App/Folder Up, Backspace shortcut key
  • created menus Up and Change to quickly access the these functions
  • set folders to be displayed first by default
  • fixed bug in pathBar when path has no trailing slash
  • added package.json version number to menu App/"System Info",F2
  • added path export to Export List
  • recent list now stores last 15 folders (was 10)
  • changed app version to date format (ui.updateDate)

Apr 14/17

  • manually changed version to 0.6.0
  • fixed bug in clipboard functions
  • added menu App/"Export List" F4, to save file properties to file or clipboard
  • changed shortcut for "Change Folder" from F3 to F6
  • added menu App/"Windows Explorer" F3
  • modified folder double-click action to load new folder items (not open new app)

Apr 4/17

  • added this section
  • added pathBar.js to select files and folders. This is a custom control I created because I didn't like the default dialog box. I have tried to find all the bugs but...
  • the pathBar's library paths are loaded from an .ini file: customLibraries.ini
  • fixed issues with rename dialog box
  • fixed "Change Folder" and Reload functions
  • changed shortcut for "Change Folder" to F3 (changed to F6 April 14/17)
  • added menu item: App/"System Info", F2 to toggle
  • changed double-clicking folder icon to open new folderView.exe instance. This will probably change in the future.
  • updated dev to electron 1.6.2
  • added and updated screen shots

Thanks To

Good Luck!
