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Ontological Schema Construction

Original Data Preparation and Introduction

  1. download the ontology file of NELL from here and put it into the folder ori_data;

  2. relations in datasets and their triples, including splits for training, validation and testing

    • NELL: NELL.train_tasks.json (training relations), NELL.dev_tasks.json (validation relations) and NELL.test_tasks.json (testing relations);
    • Wiki: relation file and triple file, Wiki.train_tasks.json (training relations), Wiki.dev_tasks.json (validation relations) and Wiki.test_tasks.json (testing relations), and Wiki.relation2ids_1 with all relations in Wikidata-ZS

Data Processing

We run the following scripts to construct ontological schemas for NELL-ZS and Wikidata-ZS:


  1. extract RDFS axioms and literal information of relations and concepts, output rdfs_triples.txt and literals.txt

  2. extract 6 kinds of relation characteristics, output owl1.txt

  3. extract relation compositions, output owl2_composition.txt

For Wikidata-ZS

  1. For efficiency, we first run to lookup the relation information in Wikidata. Each relation has a queried json file named by its name and saved in ori_data/WikidataRelsInfo/

  2. Then, we run to parse the json file to extract RDFS axioms, including relation hierarchy, relation domain and range, and output rdfs_triples_sp_domain_range.txt

  3. The subclass triples can be looked up by running and output rdfs_triples_sc.txt

  4. Next, we look up the textual meta data (including label names and descriptions) for relations and concepts, run and output literals.txt

  5. Run for extract the relation characteristics semantics and inverse triples, output owl1.txt

  6. Mine rules from relations' facts to extract relation compositions, the steps are as follows:

    • We first gather the facts of relations in Wikidata-ZS by running the function prepare_data() in and save facts in a CSV file wiki_triples.csv
    • Then, we mine rules from these facts using AMIE, a detailed illustration for using AMIE is here
    • For the mined rules, we save them in a CSV file, we have provided the rules mined by ours in output_data/Wiki/mined_rules.csv
    • Finally, we process these rules with and output the composition axioms owl2_composition.txt.
  7. Run to save the ontological schemas in the form of RDF triples. Note we set different parameters to output schema graphs with different semantic settings. Taking NELL-ZS as an example:

    • generate schema graph with all semantics by running python --dataset NELL --all
    • generate schema graph with semantics in RDFS by running python --dataset NELL --rdfs
    • generate schema graph with semantics in RDFS and text by running python --dataset NELL --rdfs --literal
  8. Run to save KGs with Turtle and XML files.