diff --git a/ext/numicroM0.cfg b/ext/numicroM0.cfg
index b3e7635571..a92f71e27a 100644
--- a/ext/numicroM0.cfg
+++ b/ext/numicroM0.cfg
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ $_TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0x20000000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE
# flash size will be probed
set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_aprom
flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x00000000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME
+# TODO this is configurable in NUC126 family
set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_data
flash bank $_FLASHNAME numicro 0x0001F000 0 0 0 $_TARGETNAME
set _FLASHNAME $_CHIPNAME.flash_ldrom
@@ -78,4 +79,4 @@ proc exitDebugging {} {
-$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-detach { exitDebugging }
\ No newline at end of file
+$_TARGETNAME configure -event gdb-detach { exitDebugging }
diff --git a/lgtm.yml b/lgtm.yml
index 983bb78f91..b2f89eb6a8 100644
--- a/lgtm.yml
+++ b/lgtm.yml
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ extraction:
- export PATH=${LGTM_WORKSPACE}/gcc-arm/bin:${PATH}
- - ./tools/chbuild.sh testhal/{STM32,NRF51,NRF52,KINETIS}
- - ./tools/chbuild.sh demos/{STM32,NRF51,NRF52,KINETIS}
+ - ./tools/chbuild.sh testhal/{STM32,NRF51,NRF52,KINETIS,NUMICRO}
+ - ./tools/chbuild.sh demos/{STM32,NRF51,NRF52,KINETIS,NUMICRO}
diff --git a/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/NUC126.h b/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/NUC126.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e51abf3f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/NUC126.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17571 @@
+ * @file NUC126.h
+ * @version V3.0
+ * $Revision: 39 $
+ * $Date: 16/10/25 4:25p $
+ * @brief NUC126 Series Peripheral Access Layer Header File
+ *
+ * @note
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ \mainpage Introduction
+ *
+ *
+ * This user manual describes the usage of NUC126 MCU device driver
+ *
+ * Disclaimer
+ *
+ * The Software is furnished "AS IS", without warranty as to performance or results, and
+ * the entire risk as to performance or results is assumed by YOU. Nuvoton disclaims all
+ * warranties, express, implied or otherwise, with regard to the Software, its use, or
+ * operation, including without limitation any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness
+ * for a particular purpose, and non-infringement of intellectual property rights.
+ *
+ * Copyright Notice
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#ifndef __NUC126_H__
+#define __NUC126_H__
+ * ==========================================================================
+ * ---------- Interrupt Number Definition -----------------------------------
+ * ==========================================================================
+ */
+ * @details Interrupt Number Definition. The maximum of 32 Specific Interrupts are possible.
+ */
+typedef enum IRQn
+ /****** Cortex-M0 Processor Exceptions Numbers ***************************************************/
+ NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */
+ HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< 3 Cortex-M0 Hard Fault Interrupt */
+ SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M0 SV Call Interrupt */
+ PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M0 Pend SV Interrupt */
+ SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M0 System Tick Interrupt */
+ /****** ARMIKMCU Swift specific Interrupt Numbers ************************************************/
+ BOD_IRQn = 0, /*!< Brown-Out Low Voltage Detected Interrupt */
+ WDT_IRQn = 1, /*!< Watch Dog Timer Interrupt */
+ EINT024_IRQn = 2, /*!< EINT0, EINT2 and EINT4 Interrupt */
+ EINT135_IRQn = 3, /*!< EINT1, EINT3 and EINT5 Interrupt */
+ GPAB_IRQn = 4, /*!< GPIO_PA/PB Interrupt */
+ GPCDEF_IRQn = 5, /*!< GPIO_PC/PD/PE/PF Interrupt */
+ PWM0_IRQn = 6, /*!< PWM0 Interrupt */
+ PWM1_IRQn = 7, /*!< PWM1 Interrupt */
+ TMR0_IRQn = 8, /*!< TIMER0 Interrupt */
+ TMR1_IRQn = 9, /*!< TIMER1 Interrupt */
+ TMR2_IRQn = 10, /*!< TIMER2 Interrupt */
+ TMR3_IRQn = 11, /*!< TIMER3 Interrupt */
+ UART02_IRQn = 12, /*!< UART0 and UART2 Interrupt */
+ UART1_IRQn = 13, /*!< UART1 Interrupt */
+ SPI0_IRQn = 14, /*!< SPI0 Interrupt */
+ SPI1_IRQn = 15, /*!< SPI1 Interrupt */
+ I2C0_IRQn = 18, /*!< I2C0 Interrupt */
+ I2C1_IRQn = 19, /*!< I2C1 Interrupt */
+ USCI_IRQn = 22, /*!< USCI0, USCI1 and USCI2 interrupt */
+ USBD_IRQn = 23, /*!< USB Device Interrupt */
+ SC01_IRQn = 24, /*!< SC0 and SC1 Interrupt */
+ ACMP01_IRQn = 25, /*!< ACMP0/1 Interrupt */
+ PDMA_IRQn = 26, /*!< PDMA Interrupt */
+ PWRWU_IRQn = 28, /*!< Power Down Wake Up Interrupt */
+ ADC_IRQn = 29, /*!< ADC Interrupt */
+ CLKDIRC_IRQn = 30, /*!< Clock fail detect and IRC TRIM Interrupt */
+ RTC_IRQn = 31 /*!< Real Time Clock Interrupt */
+} IRQn_Type;
+ * ==========================================================================
+ * ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section ------------------------
+ * ==========================================================================
+ */
+/* Configuration of the Cortex-M0 Processor and Core Peripherals */
+#define __MPU_PRESENT 0 /*!< armikcmu does not provide a MPU present or not */
+#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 2 /*!< armikcmu Supports 2 Bits for the Priority Levels */
+#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
+#include "core_cm0.h" /*!< Cortex-M0 processor and core peripherals */
+#include "system_NUC126.h" /*!< NUC126 System */
+#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
+#pragma anon_unions
+ * Initialize the system clock
+ *
+ * @param None
+ * @return None
+ *
+ * @brief Setup the microcontroller system
+ * Initialize the PLL and update the SystemFrequency variable
+ */
+extern void SystemInit(void);
+/* Device Specific Peripheral registers structures */
+/** @addtogroup REGISTER Control Register
+ @{
+/*---------------------- Analog Comparator Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup ACMP Analog Comparator Controller(ACMP)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for ACMP Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var ACMP_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 Analog Comparator 0 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ACMPEN |Comparator Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Comparator 0 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Comparator 0 Enabled.
+ * |[1] |ACMPIE |Comparator Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Comparator 0 interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Comparator 0 interrupt Enabled
+ * | | |If WKEN (ACMP_CTL0[16]) is set to 1, the wake-up interrupt function will be enabled as well.
+ * |[2] |HYSEN |Comparator Hysteresis Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Comparator 0 hysteresis Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Comparator 0 hysteresis Enabled.
+ * |[3] |ACMPOINV |Comparator Output Inverse
+ * | | |0 = Comparator 0 output inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Comparator 0 output inverse Enabled.
+ * |[5:4] |NEGSEL |Comparator Negative Input Selection
+ * | | |00 = ACMP0_N pin.
+ * | | |01 = Internal comparator reference voltage (CRV).
+ * | | |10 = Band-gap voltage.
+ * | | |11 = ReservedGround.
+ * |[7:6] |POSSEL |Comparator Positive Input Selection
+ * | | |00 = Input from ACMP0_P0.
+ * | | |01 = Input from ACMP0_P1.
+ * | | |10 = Input from ACMP0_P2.
+ * | | |11 = Input from ACMP0_P3.
+ * |[9:8] |INTPOL |Interrupt Condition Polarity Selection
+ * | | |ACMPIF0 will be set to 1 when comparator output edge condition is detected.
+ * | | |00 = Rising edge or falling edge.
+ * | | |01 = Rising edge.
+ * | | |10 = Falling edge.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[12] |OUTSEL |Comparator Output Selection
+ * | | |0 = Comparator 0 output to ACMP0_O pin is unfiltered comparator output.
+ * | | |1 = Comparator 0 output to ACMP0_O pin is from filter output.
+ * |[15:13] |FILTSEL |Comparator Output Filter Count Selection
+ * | | |000 = Filter function is Disabled.
+ * | | |001 = ACMP output is sampled 1 consecutive PCLK.
+ * | | |010 = ACMP output is sampled 2 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * | | |011 = ACMP output is sampled 4 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * | | |100 = ACMP output is sampled 8 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * | | |101 = ACMP output is sampled 16 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * | | |110 = ACMP output is sampled 32 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * | | |111 = ACMP output is sampled 64 consecutive PCLKs.
+ * |[16] |WKEN |Power-down Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled.
+ * |[17] |WLATEN |Window Mode SelectionLatch Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Window Latch Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Window Latch Function Enabled.
+ * |[18] |WCMPSEL |Window Compare Mode Selection
+ * | | |0 = Window Compare Mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Window Compare Mode is Selected.
+ * @var ACMP_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x08 Analog Comparator Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ACMPIF0 |Comparator 0 Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when the edge condition defined by INTPOL (ACMP_CTL0[9:8]) is detected on comparator 0 output
+ * | | |This will generate an interrupt if ACMPIE (ACMP_CTL0[1]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
+ * |[1] |ACMPIF1 |Comparator 1 Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when the edge condition defined by INTPOL (ACMP_CTL1[9:8]) is detected on comparator 1 output
+ * | | |This will cause an interrupt if ACMPIE (ACMP_CTL1[1]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
+ * |[4] |ACMPO0 |Comparator 0 Output
+ * | | |Synchronized to the PCLK to allow reading by software
+ * | | |Cleared when the comparator 0 is disabled, i.e
+ * | | |ACMPEN (ACMP_CTL0[0]) is cleared to 0.
+ * |[5] |ACMPO1 |Comparator 1 Output
+ * | | |Synchronized to the PCLK to allow reading by software
+ * | | |Cleared when the comparator 1 is disabled, i.e
+ * | | |ACMPEN (ACMP_CTL1[0]) is cleared to 0.
+ * |[8] |WKIF0 |Comparator 0 Power-down Wake-up Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit will be set to 1 when ACMP0 wake-up interrupt event occurs.
+ * | | |0 = No power-down wake-up occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Power-down wake-up occurred.
+ * | | |Note: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
+ * |[9] |WKIF1 |Comparator 1 Power-down Wake-up Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit will be set to 1 when ACMP1 wake-up interrupt event occurs.
+ * | | |0 = No power-down wake-up occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Power-down wake-up occurred.
+ * | | |Note: Write 1 to clear this bit to 0.
+ * |[12] |ACMPS0 |Comparator 0 StatusResult
+ * | | |Synchronized to the PCLK to allow reading by software
+ * | | |Cleared when the comparator 0 is disabled, i.e
+ * | | |ACMPEN (ACMP_CTL0[0]) is cleared to 0.Window Compare Output
+ * |[13] |ACMPS1 |Window Comparator 1 StatusResultOutput
+ * | | |Synchronized to the PCLK to allow reading by software
+ * | | |Cleared when the comparator 1 is disabled, i.e
+ * | | |ACMPEN (ACMP_CTL1[0]) is cleared to 0.
+ * |[16] |ACMPWO |Comparator Window Compare Output
+ * | | |This bit shows the output status of window compare mode
+ * | | |0 = The positvie input voltage is outside the window.
+ * | | |1 = The positive input voltage is in the window.
+ * @var ACMP_T::VREF
+ * Offset: 0x0C Analog Comparator Reference Voltage Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |CRVCTL |Comparator Reference Voltage Setting
+ * | | |CRV = CRV source voltage * (1/6+CRVCTL/24).
+ * |[6] |CRVSSEL |CRV Source Voltage Selection
+ * | | |0 = AVDD is selected as CRV voltage source.
+ * | | |1 = The reference voltage defined by SYS_VREFCTL register is selected as CRV source voltage.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL[2]; /*!< [0x0000~0x0004] Analog Comparator 0/1 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x0008] Analog Comparator Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t VREF; /*!< [0x000c] Analog Comparator Reference Voltage Control Register */
+} ACMP_T;
+ @addtogroup ACMP_CONST ACMP Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for ACMP Controller
+@{ */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPEN_Pos (0) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPEN Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPEN_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_ACMPEN_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPEN Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPIE_Pos (1) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPIE Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPIE_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_ACMPIE_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPIE Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_HYSEN_Pos (2) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: HYSEN Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_HYSEN_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_HYSEN_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: HYSEN Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPOINV_Pos (3) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPOINV Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_ACMPOINV_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_ACMPOINV_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: ACMPOINV Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_NEGSEL_Pos (4) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: NEGSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_NEGSEL_Msk (0x3ul << ACMP_CTL_NEGSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: NEGSEL Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_POSSEL_Pos (6) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: POSSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_POSSEL_Msk (0x3ul << ACMP_CTL_POSSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: POSSEL Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_INTPOL_Pos (8) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: INTPOL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_INTPOL_Msk (0x3ul << ACMP_CTL_INTPOL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: INTPOL Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_OUTSEL_Pos (12) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: OUTSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_OUTSEL_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_OUTSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: OUTSEL Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_FILTSEL_Pos (13) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: FILTSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_FILTSEL_Msk (0x7ul << ACMP_CTL_FILTSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: FILTSEL Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WKEN_Pos (16) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WKEN Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WLATEN_Pos (17) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WLATEN Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WLATEN_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_WLATEN_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WLATEN Mask */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WCMPSEL_Pos (18) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WCMPSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_CTL_WCMPSEL_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_CTL_WCMPSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::CTL: WCMPSEL Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF0_Pos (0) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPIF0 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF0_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF0_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPIF0 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF1_Pos (1) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPIF1 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF1_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPIF1_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPIF1 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO0_Pos (4) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPO0 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO0_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO0_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPO0 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO1_Pos (5) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPO1 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO1_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPO1_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPO1 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_WKIF0_Pos (8) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: WKIF0 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_WKIF0_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_WKIF0_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: WKIF0 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_WKIF1_Pos (9) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: WKIF1 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_WKIF1_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_WKIF1_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: WKIF1 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS0_Pos (12) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPS0 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS0_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS0_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPS0 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS1_Pos (13) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPS1 Position */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS1_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_STATUS_ACMPS1_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPS1 Mask */
+#define ACMP_STATUS_ACMPWO_Pos (16) /*!< ACMP_T::STATUS: ACMPWO Position */
+#define ACMP_VREF_CRVCTL_Pos (0) /*!< ACMP_T::VREF: CRVCTL Position */
+#define ACMP_VREF_CRVCTL_Msk (0xful << ACMP_VREF_CRVCTL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::VREF: CRVCTL Mask */
+#define ACMP_VREF_CRVSSEL_Pos (6) /*!< ACMP_T::VREF: CRVSSEL Position */
+#define ACMP_VREF_CRVSSEL_Msk (0x1ul << ACMP_VREF_CRVSSEL_Pos) /*!< ACMP_T::VREF: CRVSSEL Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* ACMP_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of ACMP register group */
+/*---------------------- Analog to Digital Converter -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup ADC Analog to Digital Converter(ADC)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for ADC Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var ADC_T::ADDR
+ * Offset: 0x00~0x4C, 0x74~0x7C ADC Data Register 0~19, 29~31
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RSLT |A/D Conversion Result (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field contains conversion result of ADC.
+ * |[16] |OVERRUN |Overrun Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |If converted data in RSLT bits has not been read before new conversion result is loaded to this register, OVERRUN bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |It is cleared by hardware after ADDR register is read.
+ * | | |0 = Data in RSLT bits is not overwrote.
+ * | | |1 = Data in RSLT bits is overwrote..
+ * |[17] |VALID |Valid Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit will be set to 1 when the conversion of the corresponding channel is completed.
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware after ADDR register is read.
+ * | | |0 = Data in RSLT bits is not valid.
+ * | | |1 = Data in RSLT bits is valid.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADCR
+ * Offset: 0x80 ADC Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ADEN |A/D Converter Enable
+ * | | |0 = A/D converter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = A/D converter Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Before starting A/D conversion function, this bit should be set to 1.
+ * | | |Clear it to 0 to disable A/D converter analog circuit to save power consumption.
+ * |[1] |ADIE |A/D Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |A/D conversion end interrupt request is generated if ADIE bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = A/D interrupt function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = A/D interrupt function Enabled.
+ * |[3:2] |ADMD |A/D Converter Operation Mode Control
+ * | | |00 = Single conversion.
+ * | | |01 = Burst conversion.
+ * | | |10 = Single-cycle Scan.
+ * | | |11 = Continuous Scan.
+ * | | |Note1: When changing the operation mode, software should clear ADST bit first.
+ * | | |Note2: In Burst mode, the A/D result data is always at ADC Data Register 0.
+ * |[5:4] |TRGS |Hardware Trigger Source
+ * | | |00 = A/D conversion is started by external STADC pin.
+ * | | |01 = Timer0 ~ Timer3 overflow pulse trigger.
+ * | | |10 = Reserved.
+ * | | |11 = A/D conversion is started by PWM trigger.
+ * | | |Note: Software should clear TRGEN bit and ADST bit to 0 before changing TRGS bits.
+ * |[7:6] |TRGCOND |External Trigger Condition
+ * | | |These two bits decide external pin STADC trigger event is level or edge.
+ * | | |The signal must be kept at stable state at least 8 PCLKs for level trigger and at least 4 PCLKs for edge trigger.
+ * | | |00 = Low level.
+ * | | |01 = High level.
+ * | | |10 = Falling edge.
+ * | | |11 = Rising edge.
+ * |[8] |TRGEN |External Trigger Enable Control
+ * | | |Enable or disable triggering of A/D conversion by external STADC pin, PWM trigger and Timer trigger.
+ * | | |If external trigger is enabled, the ADST bit can be set to 1 by the selected hardware trigger source.
+ * | | |0 = External trigger Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = External trigger Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: The ADC external trigger function is only supported in Single-cycle Scan mode.
+ * |[9] |PTEN |PDMA Transfer Enable Bit
+ * | | |When A/D conversion is completed, the converted data is loaded into ADDR0~19, ADDR29~ADDR31.
+ * | | |Software can enable this bit to generate a PDMA data transfer request.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA data transfer Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA data transfer in ADDR0~19, ADDR29~ADDR31 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When PTEN=1, software must set ADIE=0 to disable interrupt.
+ * |[10] |DIFFEN |Differential Input Mode Control
+ * | | |0 = Single-end analog input mode.
+ * | | |1 = Differential analog input mode.
+ * | | |Differential input voltage (Vdiff) = Vplus - Vminus,
+ * | | |where Vplus is the analog input; Vminus is the inverted analog input.
+ * | | |The Vplus of differential input paired channel x is from ADC0_CHy pin; Vminus is from ADC0_CHz pin, x=0,1..9, y=2*x, z=y+1.
+ * | | |0 = Single-end analog input mode.
+ * | | |1 = Differential analog input mode.
+ * | | |Note: In Differential Input mode, only the even number of the two corresponding channels needs to be enabled in ADCHER register
+ * | | |The conversion result will be placed to the corresponding data register of the enabled channel.
+ * |[11] |ADST |A/D Conversion Start
+ * | | |ADST bit can be set to 1 from four sources: software, external pin STADC, PWM trigger and Timer trigger.
+ * | | |ADST bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware automatically at the ends of Single mode and Single-cycle Scan mode.
+ * | | |In Continuous Scan mode and Burst mode, A/D conversion is continuously performed until software writes 0 to this bit or chip is reset.
+ * | | |0 = Conversion stops and A/D converter enters idle state.
+ * | | |1 = Conversion starts.
+ * |[18:16] |SMPTSEL |ADC Internal Sampling Time Selection
+ * | | |Total ADC conversion cycle = sampling cycle + 12
+ * | | |000 = 4 ADC clock for sampling; 16 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |001 = 5 ADC clock for sampling; 17 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |010 = 6 ADC clock for sampling; 18 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |011 = 7 ADC clock for sampling; 19 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |100 = 8 ADC clock for sampling; 20 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |101 = 9 ADC clock for sampling; 21 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |110 = 10 ADC clock for sampling; 22 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * | | |111 = 11 ADC clock for sampling; 23 ADC clock for complete conversion.
+ * |[31] |DMOF |Differential Input Mode Output Format
+ * | | |If user enables differential input mode, the conversion result can be expressed with binary straight format (unsigned format) or 2's complement format (signed format).
+ * | | |0 = A/D Conversion result will be filled in RSLT at ADDRx registers with unsigned format (straight binary format).
+ * | | |1 = A/D Conversion result will be filled in RSLT at ADDRx registers with 2's complement format.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADCHER
+ * Offset: 0x84 ADC Channel Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |CHEN |Analog Input Channel Enable Control
+ * | | |Set ADCHENR[19:0] bits to enable the corresponding analog input channel 19 ~ 0
+ * | | |If DIFFEN bit is set to 1, only the even number channel needs to be enabled.
+ * | | |Besides, set ADCHENR[29] to ADCHENR[31] bits will enable internal channel for band-gap voltage, temperature sensor and battery power respectively.
+ * | | |Other bits are reserved.
+ * | | |0 = Channel Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Channel Enabled.
+ * | | |Note 1 : If the internal channel for band-gap voltage (CHEN[29]) is active, the maximum sampling rate will be 300k SPS.
+ * | | |Note 2 : If the internal channel for temperature sensor (CHEN[30]) is active, the maximum sampling rate will be 300k SPS.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADCMPR
+ * Offset: 0x88/0x8C ADC Compare Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CMPEN |Compare Enable Control
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable ADC controller to compare CMPD (ADCMPRx[27:16]) with specified channel conversion result when converted data is loaded into ADDR register.
+ * | | |0 = Compare function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |CMPIE |Compare Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |If the compare function is enabled and the compare condition matches the setting of CMPCOND and CMPMATCNT, CMPFx bit will be asserted, in the meanwhile, if CMPIE bit is set to 1, a compare interrupt request is generated.
+ * | | |0 = Compare function interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare function interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[2] |CMPCOND |Compare Condition
+ * | | |0 = Set the compare condition as that when a 12-bit A/D conversion result is less than the 12-bit CMPD (ADCMPRx[27:16])bits, the internal match counter will increase one.
+ * | | |1 = Set the compare condition as that when a 12-bit A/D conversion result is greater than or equal to the 12-bit CMPD (ADCMPRx[27:16])bits, the internal match counter will increase one.
+ * | | |Note: When the internal counter reaches to (CMPMATCNT +1), the CMPFx bit will be set.
+ * |[7:3] |CMPCH |Compare Channel Selection
+ * | | |00000 = Channel 0 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00001 = Channel 1 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00010 = Channel 2 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00011 = Channel 3 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00100 = Channel 4 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00101 = Channel 5 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00110 = Channel 6 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |00111 = Channel 7 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01000 = Channel 8 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01001 = Channel 9 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01010 = Channel 10 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01011 = Channel 11 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01100 = Channel 12 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01101 = Channel 13 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01110 = Channel 14 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |01111 = Channel 15 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |10000 = Channel 16 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |10001 = Channel 17 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |10010 = Channel 18 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |10011 = Channel 19 conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |11101 = Band-gap voltage conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |11110 = Temperature sensor conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |11111 = Battery power conversion result is selected to be compared.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[11:8] |CMPMATCNT |Compare Match Count
+ * | | |When the specified A/D channel analog conversion result matches the compare condition defined by CMPCOND bit, the internal match counter will increase 1.
+ * | | |When the internal counter reaches the value to (CMPMATCNT +1), the CMPFx bit will be set.
+ * |[15] |CMPWEN |Compare Window Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Compare Window Mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare Window Mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is only presented in ADCMPR0 register.
+ * |[27:16] |CMPD |Comparison Data
+ * | | |The 12-bit data is used to compare with conversion result of specified channel.
+ * | | |Note: CMPD bits should be filled in unsigned format (straight binary format).
+ * @var ADC_T::ADSR0
+ * Offset: 0x90 ADC Status Register0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ADF |A/D Conversion End Flag
+ * | | |A status flag that indicates the end of A/D conversion. Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |ADF bit is set to 1 at the following three conditions:
+ * | | |1. When A/D conversion ends in Single mode.
+ * | | |2. When A/D conversion ends on all specified channels in Single-cycle Scan mode and Continuous Scan mode.
+ * | | |3. When more than or equal to 8 samples in FIFO in Burst mode.
+ * |[1] |CMPF0 |Compare Flag 0
+ * | | |When the A/D conversion result of the selected channel meets setting condition in ADCMPR0 register then this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |0 = Conversion result in ADDR does not meet ADCMPR0 setting.
+ * | | |1 = Conversion result in ADDR meets ADCMPR0 setting.
+ * |[2] |CMPF1 |Compare Flag 1
+ * | | |When the A/D conversion result of the selected channel meets setting condition in ADCMPR1 register then this bit is set to 1; it is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |0 = Conversion result in ADDR does not meet ADCMPR1 setting.
+ * | | |1 = Conversion result in ADDR meets ADCMPR1 setting.
+ * |[7] |BUSY |BUSY/IDLE (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is a mirror of ADST bit in ADCR register.
+ * | | |0 = A/D converter is in idle state.
+ * | | |1 = A/D converter is busy at conversion.
+ * |[8] |VALIDF |Data Valid Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |If any one of VALID (ADDRx[17]) is set, this flag will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: When ADC is in burst mode and any conversion result is valid, this flag will be set to 1.
+ * |[16] |OVERRUNF |Overrun Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |If any one of OVERRUN (ADDRx[16]) is set, this flag will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: When ADC is in burst mode and the FIFO is overrun, this flag will be set to 1.
+ * |[31:27] |CHANNEL |Current Conversion Channel (Read Only)
+ * | | |When BUSY=1, this filed reflects current conversion channel.
+ * | | |When BUSY=0, it shows the number of the next converted channel.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADSR1
+ * Offset: 0x94 ADC Status Register1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |VALID |Data Valid Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |VALID[31:29, 19:0] are the mirror of the VALID bits in ADDR31[17] ~ ADDR29[17], ADDR19[17]~ ADDR0[17].
+ * | | |The other bits are reserved.
+ * | | |Note: When ADC is in burst mode and any conversion result is valid, VALID[31:29, 19:0] will be set to 1.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADSR2
+ * Offset: 0x98 ADC Status Register2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |OVERRUN |Overrun Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |OVERRUN[31:29, 19:0] are the mirror of the OVERRUN bit in ADDR31[16] ~ADDR29[16], ADDR19[16] ~ ADDR0[16].
+ * | | |The other bits are reserved.
+ * | | |Note: When ADC is in burst mode and the FIFO is overrun, OVERRUN[31:29, 19:0] will be set to 1.
+ * @var ADC_T::ADTDCR
+ * Offset: 0x9C ADC Trigger Delay Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |PTDT |PWM Trigger Delay Time
+ * | | |Set this field will delay ADC start conversion time after PWM trigger.
+ * | | |PWM trigger delay time is (4 * PTDT) * system clock
+ * @var ADC_T::ADPDMA
+ * Offset: 0x100 ADC PDMA Current Transfer Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[17:0] |CURDAT |ADC PDMA Current Transfer Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When PDMA transferring, read this register can monitor current PDMA transfer data.
+ * | | |Current PDMA transfer data could be the content of ADDR0 ~ ADDR19 and ADDR29 ~ ADDR31 registers.
+ */
+ __I uint32_t ADDR[32]; /*!< [0x0000 ~ 0x007c] ADC Data Register 31 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADCR; /*!< [0x0080] ADC Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ADCHER; /*!< [0x0084] ADC Channel Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ADCMPR[2]; /*!< [0x0088 ~ 0x008C] ADC Compare Register 0 & 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADSR0; /*!< [0x0090] ADC Status Register0 */
+ __I uint32_t ADSR1; /*!< [0x0094] ADC Status Register1 */
+ __I uint32_t ADSR2; /*!< [0x0098] ADC Status Register2 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADTDCR; /*!< [0x009c] ADC Trigger Delay Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[24];
+ __I uint32_t ADPDMA; /*!< [0x0100] ADC PDMA Current Transfer Data Register */
+} ADC_T;
+ @addtogroup ADC_CONST ADC Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for ADC Controller
+@{ */
+#define ADC_ADDR_RSLT_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: RSLT Position */
+#define ADC_ADDR_RSLT_Msk (0xfffful << ADC_ADDR_RSLT_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: RSLT Mask */
+#define ADC_ADDR_OVERRUN_Pos (16) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: OVERRUN Position */
+#define ADC_ADDR_OVERRUN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADDR_OVERRUN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: OVERRUN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADDR_VALID_Pos (17) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: VALID Position */
+#define ADC_ADDR_VALID_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADDR_VALID_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADDR: VALID Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADEN_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_ADEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADIE_Pos (1) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADIE Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADIE_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_ADIE_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADIE Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADMD_Pos (2) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADMD Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADMD_Msk (0x3ul << ADC_ADCR_ADMD_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADMD Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGS_Pos (4) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGS Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGS_Msk (0x3ul << ADC_ADCR_TRGS_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGS Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGCOND_Pos (6) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGCOND Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGCOND_Msk (0x3ul << ADC_ADCR_TRGCOND_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGCOND Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGEN_Pos (8) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_TRGEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_TRGEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: TRGEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_PTEN_Pos (9) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: PTEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_PTEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_PTEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: PTEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_DIFFEN_Pos (10) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: DIFFEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_DIFFEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_DIFFEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: DIFFEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADST_Pos (11) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADST Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_ADST_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_ADST_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: ADST Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_SMPTSEL_Pos (16) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: SMPTSEL Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_SMPTSEL_Msk (0x7ul << ADC_ADCR_SMPTSEL_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: SMPTSEL Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCR_DMOF_Pos (31) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: DMOF Position */
+#define ADC_ADCR_DMOF_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCR_DMOF_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCR: DMOF Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCHER_CHEN_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADCHER: CHEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCHER_CHEN_Msk (0xfffffffful << ADC_ADCHER_CHEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCHER: CHEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPEN_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCMPR_CMPEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPIE_Pos (1) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPIE Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPIE_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCMPR_CMPIE_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPIE Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPCOND_Pos (2) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPCOND Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPCH_Pos (3) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPCH Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPCH_Msk (0x1ful << ADC_ADCMPR_CMPCH_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPCH Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPMATCNT_Pos (8) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPMATCNT Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPWEN_Pos (15) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPWEN Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPWEN_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADCMPR_CMPWEN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPWEN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPD_Pos (16) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPD Position */
+#define ADC_ADCMPR_CMPD_Msk (0xffful << ADC_ADCMPR_CMPD_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADCMPR: CMPD Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_ADF_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: ADF Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_ADF_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_ADF_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: ADF Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CMPF0_Pos (1) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CMPF0 Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CMPF0_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_CMPF0_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CMPF0 Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CMPF1_Pos (2) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CMPF1 Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CMPF1_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_CMPF1_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CMPF1 Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_BUSY_Pos (7) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: BUSY Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_BUSY_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_BUSY_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: BUSY Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_VALIDF_Pos (8) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: VALIDF Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_VALIDF_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_VALIDF_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: VALIDF Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_OVERRUNF_Pos (16) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: OVERRUNF Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_OVERRUNF_Msk (0x1ul << ADC_ADSR0_OVERRUNF_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: OVERRUNF Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CHANNEL_Pos (27) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CHANNEL Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR0_CHANNEL_Msk (0x1ful << ADC_ADSR0_CHANNEL_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR0: CHANNEL Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR1_VALID_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR1: VALID Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR1_VALID_Msk (0xfffffffful << ADC_ADSR1_VALID_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR1: VALID Mask */
+#define ADC_ADSR2_OVERRUN_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR2: OVERRUN Position */
+#define ADC_ADSR2_OVERRUN_Msk (0xfffffffful << ADC_ADSR2_OVERRUN_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADSR2: OVERRUN Mask */
+#define ADC_ADTDCR_PTDT_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADTDCR: PTDT Position */
+#define ADC_ADTDCR_PTDT_Msk (0xfful << ADC_ADTDCR_PTDT_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADTDCR: PTDT Mask */
+#define ADC_ADPDMA_CURDAT_Pos (0) /*!< ADC_T::ADPDMA: CURDAT Position */
+#define ADC_ADPDMA_CURDAT_Msk (0x3fffful << ADC_ADPDMA_CURDAT_Pos) /*!< ADC_T::ADPDMA: CURDAT Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* ADC_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of ADC register group */
+/*---------------------- System Clock Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup CLK System Clock Controller(CLK)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for CLK Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var CLK_T::PWRCTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 System Power-down Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |HXTEN |HXT Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The bit default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CONFIG0 [26:24].
+ * | | |When the default clock source is from HXT, this bit is set to 1 automatically.
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz External High Speed Crystal (HXT) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz External High Speed Crystal (HXT) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |LXTEN |LXT Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 32.768 KHz External Low Speed Crystal (LXT) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 32.768 KHz External Low Speed Crystal (LXT) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |HIRCEN |HIRC Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3] |LIRCEN |LIRC Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |PDWKDLY |Enable the Wake-up Delay Counter (Write Protect)
+ * | | |When the chip wakes up from Power-down mode, the clock control will delay certain clock cycles to wait system clock stable.
+ * | | |The delayed clock cycle is 4096 clock cycles when chip work at 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT), 256 clock cycles when chip work at 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) and 512 clock cycles when chip work at 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48).
+ * | | |0 = Clock cycles delay Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Clock cycles delay Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |PDWKIEN |Power-down Mode Wake-up Interrupt Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Power-down mode wake-up interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Power-down mode wake-up interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: The interrupt will occur when both PDWKIF and PDWKIEN are high.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[6] |PDWKIF |Power-down Mode Wake-up Interrupt Status
+ * | | |Set by u201CPower-down wake-up eventu201D, it indicates that resume from Power-down modeu201D
+ * | | |The flag is set if the EINT0~5, GPIO, USBD, UART0~2, WDT, ACMP01, BOD, EBOD, RTC, TMR0~3, I2C0~1 or USCI0~2 wake-up occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: Write 1 to clear the bit to 0.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit works only if PDWKIEN (CLK_PWRCTL[5]) set to 1.
+ * |[7] |PDEN |System Power-down Enable (Write Protect)
+ * | | |When this bit is set to 1, Power-down mode is enabled and chip keeps active till the CPU sleep mode is also active and then the chip enters Power-down mode.
+ * | | |When chip wakes up from Power-down mode, this bit is auto cleared.
+ * | | |Users need to set this bit again for next Power-down.
+ * | | |In Power-down mode, HXT, HIRC and the HIRC48 will be disabled in this mode, but LXT and LIRC are not controlled by Power-down mode.
+ * | | |In Power-down mode, the PLL and system clock are disabled, and ignored the clock source selection.
+ * | | |The clocks of peripheral are not controlled by Power-down mode, if the peripheral clock source is from LXT or LIRC.
+ * | | |0 = Chip operating normally or chip in idle mode because of WFI command.
+ * | | |1 = Chip waits CPU sleep command WFI and then enters Power-down mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[11:10] |HXTGAIN |HXT Gain Control Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Gain control is used to enlarge the gain of crystal to make sure crystal work normally.
+ * | | |If gain control is enabled, crystal will consume more power than gain control off.
+ * | | |00 = HXT frequency is lower than from 8 MHz.
+ * | | |01 = HXT frequency is from 8 MHz to 12 MHz.
+ * | | |10 = HXT frequency is from 12 MHz to 16 MHz.
+ * | | |11 = HXT frequency is higher than 16 MHz.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |HXTSELTYP |HXT Crystal Type Select Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This is a protected register. Please refer to open lock sequence to program it.
+ * | | |0 = Select INV type.
+ * | | |1 = Select GM type.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[13] |HIRC48EN |HIRC48 Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var CLK_T::AHBCLK
+ * Offset: 0x04 AHB Devices Clock Enable Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |PDMACKEN |PDMA Controller Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PDMA peripheral clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA peripheral clock Enabled.
+ * |[2] |ISPCKEN |Flash ISP Controller Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Flash ISP peripheral clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Flash ISP peripheral clock Enabled.
+ * |[3] |EBICKEN |EBI Controller Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = EBI peripheral clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = EBI peripheral clock Enabled.
+ * |[4] |HDIVCKEN |Hardware Divider Controller Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Hardware divider peripheral clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Hardware divider peripheral clock Enabled.
+ * |[7] |CRCCKEN |CRC Generator Controller Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = CRC peripheral clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = CRC peripheral clock Enabled.
+ * |[15] |FMCIDLE |Flash Memory Controller Clock Enable Bit in IDLE Mode
+ * | | |0 = FMC peripheral clock Disabled when chip operating at IDLE mode.
+ * | | |1 = FMC peripheral clock Enabled when chip operating at IDLE mode.
+ * |[16] |GPIOACKEN |General Purpose I/O PA Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PA group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PA group clock Enabled.
+ * |[17] |GPIOBCKEN |General Purpose I/O PB Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PB group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PB group clock Enabled.
+ * |[18] |GPIOCCKEN |General Purpose I/O PC Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PC group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PC group clock Enabled.
+ * |[19] |GPIODCKEN |General Purpose I/O PD Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PD group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PD group clock Enabled.
+ * |[20] |GPIOECKEN |General Purpose I/O PE Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PE group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PE group clock Enabled.
+ * |[21] |GPIOFCKEN |General Purpose I/O PF Group Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = GPIO PF group clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO PF group clock Enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::APBCLK0
+ * Offset: 0x08 APB Devices Clock Enable Control Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WDTCKEN |Watchdog Timer Clock Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Watchdog Timer Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Watchdog Timer Clock Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |RTCCKEN |Real-time-clock APB Interface Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to control the RTC APB clock only
+ * | | |The RTC peripheral clock source is selected from RTCSEL(CLK_CLKSEL2[18]).
+ * | | |It can be selected to external 32.768 kHz low speed crystal (LXT) or 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC).
+ * | | |0 = RTC Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RTC Clock Enabled.
+ * |[2] |TMR0CKEN |Timer0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Timer0 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer0 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[3] |TMR1CKEN |Timer1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Timer1 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer1 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[4] |TMR2CKEN |Timer2 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Timer2 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer2 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[5] |TMR3CKEN |Timer3 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Timer3 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer3 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[6] |CLKOCKEN |CLKO Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = CLKO Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = CLKO Clock Enabled.
+ * |[8] |I2C0CKEN |I2C0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C0 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = I2C0 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[9] |I2C1CKEN |I2C1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C1 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = I2C1 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[12] |SPI0CKEN |SPI0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SPI0 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SPI0 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[13] |SPI1CKEN |SPI1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SPI1 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SPI1 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[16] |UART0CKEN |UART0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = UART0 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = UART0 clock Enabled.
+ * |[17] |UART1CKEN |UART1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = UART1 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = UART1 clock Enabled.
+ * |[18] |UART2CKEN |UART2 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = UART2 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = UART2 clock Enabled.
+ * |[20] |PWM0CKEN |PWM0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM0 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM0 clock Enabled.
+ * |[21] |PWM1CKEN |PWM1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM1 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM1 clock Enabled.
+ * |[27] |USBDCKEN |USB Device Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USB Device clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USB Device clock Enabled.
+ * |[28] |ADCCKEN |Analog-digital-converter (ADC) Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = ADC clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADC clock Enabled.
+ * |[30] |ACMP01CKEN|Analog Comparator 0/1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Analog Comparator 0/1 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Analog Comparator 0/1 clock Enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x0C Clock Status Monitor Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |HXTSTB |HXT Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT)clock is stable and enabled.
+ * |[1] |LXTSTB |LXT Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock is stabled and enabled.
+ * |[2] |PLLSTB |Internal PLL Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Internal PLL clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Internal PLL clock is stable and enabled.
+ * |[3] |LIRCSTB |LIRC Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock is stable and enabled.
+ * |[4] |HIRCSTB |HIRC Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock is stable and enabled.
+ * |[5] |HIRC48STB |HIRC48 Clock Source Stable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock is not stable or disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock is stable and enabled.
+ * |[7] |CLKSFAIL |Clock Switching Fail Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is updated when software switches system clock source.
+ * | | |If switch target clock is stable, this bit will be set to 0.
+ * | | |If switch target clock is not stable, this bit will be set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = Clock switching success.
+ * | | |1 = Clock switching failure.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * | | |After selected clock source is stable, hardware will switch system clock to selected clock automatically, and CLKSFAIL will be cleared automatically by hardware.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKSEL0
+ * Offset: 0x10 Clock Source Select Control Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |HCLKSEL |HCLK Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Before clock switching, the related clock sources (both pre-select and new-select) must be turned on.
+ * | | |The default value is reloaded from the value of CFOSC (CONFIG0[26:24]) in user configuration register of Flash controller by any reset.
+ * | | |Therefore the default value is either 000b or 111b.
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from HXT.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from LXT.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from LIRC.
+ * | | |100 = Clock source from HIRC48.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from HIRC clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: These bits are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5:3] |STCLKSEL |Cortex-M0 SysTick Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |If SYST_CTRL[2]=0, SysTick uses listed clock source below.
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from HXT.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from LXT.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from HXT/2.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from HCLK/2.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from HIRC/2.
+ * | | |Note1: if SysTick clock source is not from HCLK (i.e. SYST_CTRL[2] = 0), SysTick clock source must less than or equal to HCLK/2.
+ * | | |Note2: These bits are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[6] |PCLK0SEL |PCLK0 Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = APB0 BUS clock source from HCLK.
+ * | | |1 = APB0 BUS clock source from HCLK/2.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |PCLK1SEL |PCLK1 Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = APB1 BUS clock source from HCLK.
+ * | | |1 = APB1 BUS clock source from HCLK/2.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKSEL1
+ * Offset: 0x14 Clock Source Select Control Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |WDTSEL |Watchdog Timer Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = Reserved.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from HCLK/2048 clock.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |Note: This These bits is are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3:2] |ADCSEL |ADC Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * |[10:8] |TMR0SEL |TIMER0 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from external clock T0 pin.
+ * | | |101 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[14:12] |TMR1SEL |TIMER1 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from external clock T1 pin.
+ * | | |101 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[18:16] |TMR2SEL |TIMER2 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from PCLK1.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from external clock T2 pin.
+ * | | |101 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[22:20] |TMR3SEL |TIMER3 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from PCLK1.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from external clock T3 pin.
+ * | | |101 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |111 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[25:24] |UARTSEL |UART Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * |[28] |PWM0SEL |PWM0 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |The peripheral clock source of PWM0 is defined by PWM0SEL.
+ * | | |0 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |1 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * |[29] |PWM1SEL |PWM1 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |The peripheral clock source of PWM1 is defined by PWM1SEL.
+ * | | |0 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |1 = Clock source from PCLK1.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKDIV0
+ * Offset: 0x18 Clock Divider Number Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |HCLKDIV |HCLK Clock Divide Number From HCLK Clock Source
+ * | | |HCLK clock frequency = (HCLK clock source frequency) / (HCLKDIV + 1).
+ * |[7:4] |USBDIV |USB Clock Divide Number From PLL Clock
+ * | | |USB clock frequency = (PLL clock source frequency) / (USBDIV + 1).
+ * | | |Note: If the HIRC48 is selected, it is delivery to USB clock directly.
+ * |[11:8] |UARTDIV |UART Clock Divide Number From UART Clock Source
+ * | | |UART clock frequency = (UART clock source frequency) / (UARTDIV + 1).
+ * |[23:16] |ADCDIV |ADC Clock Divide Number From ADC Clock Source
+ * | | |ADC clock frequency = (ADC clock source frequency) / (ADCDIV + 1).
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKSEL2
+ * Offset: 0x1C Clock Source Select Control Register 2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4:2] |CLKOSEL |Clock Divider Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |000 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |001 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |010 = Clock source from HCLK.
+ * | | |011 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * | | |100 = Clock source from SOF (USB start of frame event).
+ * | | |101 = Clock source from 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[17:16] |WWDTSEL |Window Watchdog Timer Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from HCLK/2048 clock.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC).
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[18] |RTCSEL |RTC Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = Clock source from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT).
+ * | | |1 = Clock source from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC).
+ * |[25:24] |SPI0SEL |SPI0 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock.
+ * |[27:26] |SPI1SEL |SPI1 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from PCLK0.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock.
+ * @var CLK_T::PLLCTL
+ * Offset: 0x20 PLL Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:0] |FBDIV |PLL Feedback Divider Control
+ * | | |Refer to the PLL formulas.
+ * |[13:9] |INDIV |PLL Input Divider Control
+ * | | |Refer to the PLL formulas.
+ * |[15:14] |OUTDIV |PLL Output Divider Control
+ * | | |Refer to the PLL formulas.
+ * |[16] |PD |Power-down Mode
+ * | | |If set PDEN(CLK_PWRCTL[7]) bit to 1, the PLL will enter Power-down mode, too.
+ * | | |0 = PLL is in normal mode.
+ * | | |1 = PLL is in Power-down mode (default).
+ * |[17] |BP |PLL Bypass Control
+ * | | |0 = PLL is in normal mode (default).
+ * | | |1 = PLL clock output is same as PLL input clock.
+ * |[18] |OE |PLL OE (FOUT Enable) Control
+ * | | |0 = PLL FOUT Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = PLL FOUT is fixed low.
+ * |[19] |PLLSRC |PLL Source Clock Selection
+ * | | |0 = PLL source clock from external 4~24 MHz high-speed crystal (HXT).
+ * | | |1 = PLL source clock from internal 22.1184 MHz high-speed oscillator (HIRC).
+ * |[23] |STBSEL |PLL Stable Counter Selection
+ * | | |0 = PLL stable time is 6144 PLL source clock (suitable for source clock is equal to or less than 12MHz).
+ * | | |1 = PLL stable time is 12288 PLL source clock (suitable for source clock is larger than 12MHz).
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKOCTL
+ * Offset: 0x24 Clock Output Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |FREQSEL |Clock Output Frequency Selection
+ * | | |The formula of output frequency is Fout = Fin/2(N+1).
+ * | | |Fin is the input clock frequency.
+ * | | |Fout is the frequency of divider output clock.
+ * | | |N is the 4-bit value of FREQSEL[3:0].
+ * |[4] |CLKOEN |Clock Output Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Clock Output function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Clock Output function Enabled.
+ * |[5] |DIV1EN |Clock Output Divide One Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Clock Output will output clock with source frequency divided by FREQSEL.
+ * | | |1 = Clock Output will output clock with source frequency.
+ * |[6] |CLK1HZEN |Clock Output 1Hz Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 1 Hz clock output for 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) frequency compensation Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 1 Hz clock output for 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) frequency compensation Enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::APBCLK1
+ * Offset: 0x30 APB Devices Clock Enable Control Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SC0CKEN |SC0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SC0 Clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SC0 Clock Enabled.
+ * |[1] |SC1CKEN |SC1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SC1 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SC1 clock Enabled.
+ * |[8] |USCI0CKEN |USCI0 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USCI0 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USCI0 clock Enabled.
+ * |[9] |USCI1CKEN |USCI1 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USCI1 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USCI1 clock Enabled.
+ * |[10] |USCI2CKEN |USCI2 Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USCI2 clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USCI2 clock Enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKSEL3
+ * Offset: 0x34 Clock Source Select Control Register 3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |SC0SEL |SC0 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator(HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from PCLK1.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * |[3:2] |SC1SEL |SC1 Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |00 = Clock source from 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock.
+ * | | |01 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |10 = Clock source from PCLK1.
+ * | | |11 = Clock source from 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) clock.
+ * |[8] |USBDSEL |USBD Clock Source Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Clock source from 48MHz internal hight speed RC oscillator (HIRC48) clock.
+ * | | |1 = Clock source from PLL clock.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKDIV1
+ * Offset: 0x38 Clock Divider Number Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |SC0DIV |SC0 Clock Divide Number From SC0 Clock Source
+ * | | |SC0 clock frequency = (SC0 clock source frequency ) / (SC0DIV + 1).
+ * |[15:8] |SC1DIV |SC1 Clock Divide Number From SC1 Clock Source
+ * | | |SC1 clock frequency = (SC1 clock source frequency ) / (SC1DIV + 1).
+ * @var CLK_T::BODCLK
+ * Offset: 0x40 Clock Source Select for BOD Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |VDETCKSEL |Clock Source Selection for Voltage Detector
+ * | | |The Voltage Detector clock source for detecting external input voltage is defined by VDETCKSEL.
+ * | | |0 = Clock source is from 10 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) clock.
+ * | | |1 = Clock source is from 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock.
+ * | | |Note1: If LIRC is selected, LIRCEN (CLK_PWRCTL[3]) must be enabled.
+ * | | |Note2: If LXT is selected, LXTEN (CLK_PWRCTL[1]) must be enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKDCTL
+ * Offset: 0x70 Clock Fail Detector Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4] |HXTFDEN |HXT Clock Fail Detector Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock Fail detector Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock Fail detector Enabled.
+ * |[5] |HXTFIEN |HXT Clock Fail Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT)clock Fail interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT)clock Fail interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[12] |LXTFDEN |LXT Clock Fail Detector Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock Fail detector Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock Fail detector Enabled.
+ * |[13] |LXTFIEN |LXT Clock Fail Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock Fail interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock Fail interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[16] |HXTFQDEN |HXT Clock Frequency Monitor Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock frequency monitor Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock frequency monitor Enabled.
+ * |[17] |HXTFQIEN |HXT Clock Frequency Monitor Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock frequency monitor fail interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock frequency monitor fail interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var CLK_T::CLKDSTS
+ * Offset: 0x74 Clock Fail Detector Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |HXTFIF |HXT Clock Fail Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock normal.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock stop.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared to 0 by software writing 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |LXTFIF |LXT Clock Fail Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) clock normal.
+ * | | |1 = 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) stop.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared to 0 by software writing 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |HXTFQIF |HXT Clock Frequency Monitor Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock normal.
+ * | | |1 = 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) clock frequency abnormal.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared to 0 by software writing 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var CLK_T::CDUPB
+ * Offset: 0x78 Clock Frequency Detector Upper Boundary Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |UPERBD |HXT Clock Frequency Detector Upper Boundary
+ * | | |The bits define the high value of frequency monitor window.
+ * | | |When HXT frequency monitor value higher than this register, the HXT frequency detect fail interrupt flag will set to 1.
+ * @var CLK_T::CDLOWB
+ * Offset: 0x7C Clock Frequency Detector Low Boundary Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |LOWERBD |HXT Clock Frequency Detector Low Boundary
+ * | | |The bits define the low value of frequency monitor window.
+ * | | |When HXT frequency monitor value lower than this register, the HXT frequency detect fail interrupt flag will set to 1.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t PWRCTL; /*!< [0x0000] System Power-down Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t AHBCLK; /*!< [0x0004] AHB Devices Clock Enable Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t APBCLK0; /*!< [0x0008] APB Devices Clock Enable Control Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x000c] Clock Status Monitor Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKSEL0; /*!< [0x0010] Clock Source Select Control Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKSEL1; /*!< [0x0014] Clock Source Select Control Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDIV0; /*!< [0x0018] Clock Divider Number Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKSEL2; /*!< [0x001c] Clock Source Select Control Register 2 */
+ __IO uint32_t PLLCTL; /*!< [0x0020] PLL Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKOCTL; /*!< [0x0024] Clock Output Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[2];
+ __IO uint32_t APBCLK1; /*!< [0x0030] APB Devices Clock Enable Control Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKSEL3; /*!< [0x0034] Clock Source Select Control Register 3 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDIV1; /*!< [0x0038] Clock Divider Number Register 1 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[1];
+ __IO uint32_t BODCLK; /*!< [0x0040] Clock Source Select for BOD Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[11];
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDCTL; /*!< [0x0070] Clock Fail Detector Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDSTS; /*!< [0x0074] Clock Fail Detector Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CDUPB; /*!< [0x0078] Clock Frequency Detector Upper Boundary Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CDLOWB; /*!< [0x007c] Clock Frequency Detector Low Boundary Register */
+} CLK_T;
+ @addtogroup CLK_CONST CLK Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for CLK Controller
+@{ */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HXTEN_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HXTEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HXTEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_HXTEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HXTEN Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_LXTEN_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: LXTEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_LXTEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_LXTEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: LXTEN Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HIRCEN_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HIRCEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HIRCEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_HIRCEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HIRCEN Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_LIRCEN_Pos (3) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: LIRCEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_LIRCEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_LIRCEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: LIRCEN Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDWKDLY_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDWKDLY Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDWKIEN_Pos (5) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDWKIEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDWKIF_Pos (6) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDWKIF Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDWKIF_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_PDWKIF_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDWKIF Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDEN_Pos (7) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDEN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_PDEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_PDEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: PDEN Mask */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HXTGAIN_Pos (10) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HXTGAIN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HXTSELTYP_Pos (12) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HXTSELTYP Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HIRC48EN_Pos (13) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HIRC48EN Position */
+#define CLK_PWRCTL_HIRC48EN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PWRCTL_HIRC48EN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PWRCTL: HIRC48EN Mask */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_PDMACKEN_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: PDMACKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_ISPCKEN_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: ISPCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_EBICKEN_Pos (3) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: EBICKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_HDIVCKEN_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: HDIVCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_CRCCKEN_Pos (7) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: CRCCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_FMCIDLE_Pos (15) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: FMCIDLE Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIOACKEN_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIOACKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIOBCKEN_Pos (17) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIOBCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIOCCKEN_Pos (18) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIOCCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIODCKEN_Pos (19) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIODCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIOECKEN_Pos (20) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIOECKEN Position */
+#define CLK_AHBCLK_GPIOFCKEN_Pos (21) /*!< CLK_T::AHBCLK: GPIOFCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_WDTCKEN_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: WDTCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_WDTCKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_WDTCKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: WDTCKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_RTCCKEN_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: RTCCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_RTCCKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_RTCCKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: RTCCKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR0CKEN_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_TMR0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR1CKEN_Pos (3) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_TMR1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR2CKEN_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR2CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR2CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_TMR2CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR2CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR3CKEN_Pos (5) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR3CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_TMR3CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_TMR3CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: TMR3CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_CLKOCKEN_Pos (6) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: CLKOCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_I2C0CKEN_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: I2C0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_I2C0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_I2C0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: I2C0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_I2C1CKEN_Pos (9) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: I2C1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_I2C1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_I2C1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: I2C1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_SPI0CKEN_Pos (12) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: SPI0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_SPI0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_SPI0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: SPI0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_SPI1CKEN_Pos (13) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: SPI1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_SPI1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_SPI1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: SPI1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART0CKEN_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_UART0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART1CKEN_Pos (17) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_UART1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART2CKEN_Pos (18) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART2CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_UART2CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_UART2CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: UART2CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_PWM0CKEN_Pos (20) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: PWM0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_PWM0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_PWM0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: PWM0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_PWM1CKEN_Pos (21) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: PWM1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_PWM1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_PWM1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: PWM1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_USBDCKEN_Pos (27) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: USBDCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_ADCCKEN_Pos (28) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: ADCCKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_ADCCKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_ADCCKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: ADCCKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_ACMP01CKEN_Pos (30) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: ACMP01CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK0_ACMP01CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK0_ACMP01CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK0: ACMP01CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: HXTSTB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: HXTSTB Mask */
+#define CLK_STATUS_LXTSTB_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: LXTSTB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_LXTSTB_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_STATUS_LXTSTB_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: LXTSTB Mask */
+#define CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: PLLSTB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: PLLSTB Mask */
+#define CLK_STATUS_LIRCSTB_Pos (3) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: LIRCSTB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_HIRCSTB_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: HIRCSTB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_HIRC48STB_Pos (5) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: HIRC48STB Position */
+#define CLK_STATUS_HIRC48STB_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_STATUS_HIRC48STB_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: HIRC48STB Mask */
+#define CLK_STATUS_CLKSFAIL_Pos (7) /*!< CLK_T::STATUS: CLKSFAIL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: HCLKSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: HCLKSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_STCLKSEL_Pos (3) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: STCLKSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK0SEL_Pos (6) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: PCLK0SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK0SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: PCLK0SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK1SEL_Pos (7) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: PCLK1SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK1SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL0_PCLK1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL0: PCLK1SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_WDTSEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: WDTSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_WDTSEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_WDTSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: WDTSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_ADCSEL_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: ADCSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_ADCSEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_ADCSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: ADCSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR0SEL_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR0SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR0SEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR0SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_Pos (12) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR1SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR1SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR2SEL_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR2SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR2SEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR2SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR2SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR3SEL_Pos (20) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR3SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR3SEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_TMR3SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: TMR3SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_UARTSEL_Pos (24) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: UARTSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_UARTSEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_UARTSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: UARTSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM0SEL_Pos (28) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: PWM0SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM0SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: PWM0SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM1SEL_Pos (29) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: PWM1SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM1SEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL1_PWM1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL1: PWM1SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: HCLKDIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Msk (0xful << CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: HCLKDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_USBDIV_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: USBDIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_USBDIV_Msk (0xful << CLK_CLKDIV0_USBDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: USBDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_UARTDIV_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: UARTDIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_UARTDIV_Msk (0xful << CLK_CLKDIV0_UARTDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: UARTDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_ADCDIV_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: ADCDIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_ADCDIV_Msk (0xfful << CLK_CLKDIV0_ADCDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV0: ADCDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_CLKOSEL_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: CLKOSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_CLKOSEL_Msk (0x7ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_CLKOSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: CLKOSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_WWDTSEL_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: WWDTSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_WWDTSEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_WWDTSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: WWDTSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_RTCSEL_Pos (18) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: RTCSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_RTCSEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_RTCSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: RTCSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI0SEL_Pos (24) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: SPI0SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI0SEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: SPI0SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI1SEL_Pos (26) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: SPI1SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI1SEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL2_SPI1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL2: SPI1SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_FBDIV_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: FBDIV Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_FBDIV_Msk (0x1fful << CLK_PLLCTL_FBDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: FBDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_INDIV_Pos (9) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: INDIV Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_INDIV_Msk (0x1ful << CLK_PLLCTL_INDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: INDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_OUTDIV_Pos (14) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: OUTDIV Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_OUTDIV_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_PLLCTL_OUTDIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: OUTDIV Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_PD_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: PD Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_PD_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PLLCTL_PD_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: PD Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_BP_Pos (17) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: BP Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_BP_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PLLCTL_BP_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: BP Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_OE_Pos (18) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: OE Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_OE_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PLLCTL_OE_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: OE Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_PLLSRC_Pos (19) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: PLLSRC Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_PLLSRC_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PLLCTL_PLLSRC_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: PLLSRC Mask */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_STBSEL_Pos (23) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: STBSEL Position */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_STBSEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_PLLCTL_STBSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::PLLCTL: STBSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKOCTL_FREQSEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKOCTL: FREQSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKOCTL_CLKOEN_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::CLKOCTL: CLKOEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKOCTL_DIV1EN_Pos (5) /*!< CLK_T::CLKOCTL: DIV1EN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKOCTL_DIV1EN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKOCTL_DIV1EN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKOCTL: DIV1EN Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKOCTL_CLK1HZEN_Pos (6) /*!< CLK_T::CLKOCTL: CLK1HZEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_SC0CKEN_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: SC0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_SC0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK1_SC0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: SC0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_SC1CKEN_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: SC1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_SC1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK1_SC1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: SC1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI0CKEN_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI0CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI0CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK1_USCI0CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI0CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI1CKEN_Pos (9) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI1CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI1CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK1_USCI1CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI1CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI2CKEN_Pos (10) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI2CKEN Position */
+#define CLK_APBCLK1_USCI2CKEN_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_APBCLK1_USCI2CKEN_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::APBCLK1: USCI2CKEN Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_SC0SEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: SC0SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_SC0SEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL3_SC0SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: SC0SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_SC1SEL_Pos (2) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: SC1SEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_SC1SEL_Msk (0x3ul << CLK_CLKSEL3_SC1SEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: SC1SEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_USBDSEL_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: USBDSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKSEL3_USBDSEL_Msk (0x1ul << CLK_CLKSEL3_USBDSEL_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKSEL3: USBDSEL Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV1_SC0DIV_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV1: SC0DIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV1_SC0DIV_Msk (0xfful << CLK_CLKDIV1_SC0DIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV1: SC0DIV Mask */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV1_SC1DIV_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV1: SC1DIV Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV1_SC1DIV_Msk (0xfful << CLK_CLKDIV1_SC1DIV_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDIV1: SC1DIV Mask */
+#define CLK_BODCLK_VDETCKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::BODCLK: VDETCKSEL Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_HXTFDEN_Pos (4) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: HXTFDEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_HXTFIEN_Pos (5) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: HXTFIEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_LXTFDEN_Pos (12) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: LXTFDEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_LXTFIEN_Pos (13) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: LXTFIEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_HXTFQDEN_Pos (16) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: HXTFQDEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDCTL_HXTFQIEN_Pos (17) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDCTL: HXTFQIEN Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDSTS_HXTFIF_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDSTS: HXTFIF Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDSTS_LXTFIF_Pos (1) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDSTS: LXTFIF Position */
+#define CLK_CLKDSTS_HXTFQIF_Pos (8) /*!< CLK_T::CLKDSTS: HXTFQIF Position */
+#define CLK_CDUPB_UPERBD_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CDUPB: UPERBD Position */
+#define CLK_CDUPB_UPERBD_Msk (0x3fful << CLK_CDUPB_UPERBD_Pos) /*!< CLK_T::CDUPB: UPERBD Mask */
+#define CLK_CDLOWB_LOWERBD_Pos (0) /*!< CLK_T::CDLOWB: LOWERBD Position */
+/**@}*/ /* CLK_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of CLK register group */
+/*---------------------- Cyclic Redundancy Check Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check Controller(CRC)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for CRC Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var CRC_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 CRC Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CRCEN |CRC Channel Generator Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit 1 to enable CRC generator for CRC operation.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = CRC operation generator is activeEnabled.
+ * |[1] |CHKSINIT |CChecksum Initialization
+ * | | |Set this bit will auto reolad SEED (CRC_SEED [31:0]) to CHECKSUM (CRC_CHECKSUM[31:0]) as CRC operation initial value.RC Engine Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = InitialReolad SEED value to CHECKSUM as CRC operation initial value checksum value by auto reloadReset CRC_SEED register value to CRC_CHECKSUM register value.the internal CRC state machine
+ * | | |The others contents of CRC_CTL register will not be cleared.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit will be cleared automatically
+ * | | |Note2: Setting this bit will reload the seed value from CRC_SEED register as checksum initial value.
+ * |[24] |DATREV |Write Data Bit Order Reverse Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable the bit order reverse function per byte for write data value DATA (CRC_DATA[31:0]) write data value in CRC_DAT register.
+ * | | |0 = Bit order reversed for CRC DATACRC write data in Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Bit order reversed for CRC DATACRC write data in Enabled (per byte).
+ * | | |Note: If the write data is 0xAABBCCDD, the bit order reverse for CRC write data in is 0x55DD33BB.
+ * |[25] |CHKSREV |Checksum Bit Order Reverse Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable the bit order reverse function for checksum result CHECKSUM (CRC_CHECKSUM[31:0]) write data value in CRC_CHECKSUM register.
+ * | | |0 = Bit order reverse for CRC CHECKSUMCRC checksum Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Bit order reverse for CRC CHECKSUMCRC checksum Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If the checksum result is 0xDD7B0F2E, the bit order reverse result for CRC checksum is 0x74F0DEBB.
+ * |[26] |DATFMT |Write Data 1u2019s Complement Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable the 1u2019s complement function for write data value DATA (CRC_DATA[31:0]).in CRC_DAT register.
+ * | | |0 = 1u2019s complement for CRC CRC writes data inDATA Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 1u2019s complement for CRC DATACRC writes data in Enabled.
+ * |[27] |CHKSFMT |Checksum 1u2019s Complement Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable the 1u2019s complement function for checksum result in CHECKSUM (CRC_CHECKSUM[31:0]) register.
+ * | | |0 = 1u2019s complement for CRC CRC checksumCHECKSUM Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = 1u2019s complement for CRC CHECKSUMCRC checksum Enabled.
+ * |[29:28] |DATLEN |CPU Write Data Length
+ * | | |This field indicates the valid write data length of DATA (CRC_DAT[31:0]).
+ * | | |00 = Data length is 8-bit mode.
+ * | | |01 = Data length is 16-bit mode.
+ * | | |1x = Data length is 32-bit mode.
+ * | | |Note: When the write data length is 8-bit mode, the valid data in CRC_DAT register is only DATA[7:0] bits; if the write data length is 16-bit mode, the valid data in CRC_DAT register is only DATA[15:0]
+ * |[31:30] |CRCMODE |CRC Polynomial Mode
+ * | | |This field indicates the CRC operation polynomial mode.
+ * | | |00 = CRC-CCITT Polynomial mode.
+ * | | |01 = CRC-8 Polynomial mode.
+ * | | |10 = CRC-16 Polynomial mode.
+ * | | |11 = CRC-32 Polynomial mode.
+ * @var CRC_T::DAT
+ * Offset: 0x04 CRC Write Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |DATA |CRC Write Data Bits
+ * | | |User can write data directly by CPU mode or use PDMA function to write data to this field to perform CRC operation.
+ * | | |Note: When the write data length is 8-bit mode, the valid data in CRC_DAT register is only DATA[7:0] bits; if the write data length is 16-bit mode, the valid data in CRC_DAT register is only DATA[15:0].
+ * @var CRC_T::SEED
+ * Offset: 0x08 CRC Seed Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |SEED |CRC Seed Value
+ * | | |This field indicates the CRC seed value.
+ * | | |Note1: This field SEED value will be reloaded to as checksum initial value CHECKSUM (CRC_CHECKSUM[31:0]) register) a after perform set CRC engine resetCHKSINIT (CRC_CTL[1]) to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: The valid bits of CRC_SEED[31:0] is correlated to CRCMODE (CRC_CTL[31:30]).
+ * @var CRC_T::CHECKSUM
+ * Offset: 0x0C CRC Checksum Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |CHECKSUM |CRC Checksum Results
+ * | | |This field indicates the CRC checksum result.
+ * | | |Note: The valid bits of CRC_CHECKSUM[31:0] is correlated to CRCMODE (CRC_CTL[31:30]).
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] CRC Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t DAT; /*!< [0x0004] CRC Write Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SEED; /*!< [0x0008] CRC Seed Register */
+ __I uint32_t CHECKSUM; /*!< [0x000c] CRC Checksum Register */
+} CRC_T;
+ @addtogroup CRC_CONST CRC Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for CRC Controller
+@{ */
+#define CRC_CTL_CRCEN_Pos (0) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CRCEN Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_CRCEN_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_CRCEN_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CRCEN Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSINIT_Pos (1) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSINIT Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSINIT_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_CHKSINIT_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSINIT Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATREV_Pos (24) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATREV Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATREV_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_DATREV_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATREV Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSREV_Pos (25) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSREV Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSREV_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_CHKSREV_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSREV Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATFMT_Pos (26) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATFMT Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATFMT_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_DATFMT_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATFMT Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSFMT_Pos (27) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSFMT Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_CHKSFMT_Msk (0x1ul << CRC_CTL_CHKSFMT_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CHKSFMT Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATLEN_Pos (28) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATLEN Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_DATLEN_Msk (0x3ul << CRC_CTL_DATLEN_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: DATLEN Mask */
+#define CRC_CTL_CRCMODE_Pos (30) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CRCMODE Position */
+#define CRC_CTL_CRCMODE_Msk (0x3ul << CRC_CTL_CRCMODE_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::CTL: CRCMODE Mask */
+#define CRC_DAT_DATA_Pos (0) /*!< CRC_T::DAT: DATA Position */
+#define CRC_DAT_DATA_Msk (0xfffffffful << CRC_DAT_DATA_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::DAT: DATA Mask */
+#define CRC_SEED_SEED_Pos (0) /*!< CRC_T::SEED: SEED Position */
+#define CRC_SEED_SEED_Msk (0xfffffffful << CRC_SEED_SEED_Pos) /*!< CRC_T::SEED: SEED Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* CRC_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of CRC register group */
+/*---------------------- External Bus Interface Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup EBI External Bus Interface Controller(EBI)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for EBI Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var EBI_T::CTL0
+ * Offset: 0x00 External Bus Interface Bank0 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |EN |EBI Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is the functional enable bit for EBI.
+ * | | |0 = EBI function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = EBI function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |DW16 |EBI Data Width 16-bit Select
+ * | | |This bit defines if the EBI data width is 8-bit or 16-bit.
+ * | | |0 = EBI data width is 8-bit.
+ * | | |1 = EBI data width is 16-bit.
+ * |[2] |CSPOLINV |Chip Select Pin Polar Inverse
+ * | | |This bit defines the active level of EBI chip select pin (EBI_nCSx), x = 0 or 1..
+ * | | |0 = Chip select pin (EBI_nCSx) is active low.
+ * | | |1 = Chip select pin (EBI_nCSx) is active high.
+ * | | |x = 0, 1
+ * |[4] |CACCESS |Continuous Data Access Mode
+ * | | |When con ttinuousenuous access mode enabled, the tASU, tALE and tLHD cycles are bypass for continuous data transfer request.
+ * | | |0 = Continuous data access mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Continuous data access mode Enabled.
+ * |[10:8] |MCLKDIV |External Output Clock Divider
+ * | | |The frequency of EBI output clock (MCLK) is controlled by MCLKDIV as follow:
+ * | | |000 = HCLK/1.
+ * | | |001 = HCLK/2.
+ * | | |010 = HCLK/4.
+ * | | |011 = HCLK/8.
+ * | | |100 = HCLK/16.
+ * | | |101 = HCLK/32.
+ * | | |110 = HCLK/64.
+ * | | |111 = HCLK/128.
+ * |[18:16] |TALE |Extend Time Of of ALE
+ * | | |The EBI_ALE high pulse period (tALE) to latch the address can be controlled by TALE.
+ * | | |tALE = (TALE + 1)*EBI_MCLK.
+ * | | |Note: This field only available in EBI_CTL0 register
+ * |[24] |WBUFEN |EBI Write Buffer Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = EBI write buffer Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = EBI write buffer Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only available in EBI_CTL0 register
+ * @var EBI_T::TCTL0
+ * Offset: 0x04 External Bus Interface Bank0 Timing Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:3] |TACC |EBI Data Access Time
+ * | | |TACC define data access time (tACC).
+ * | | |tACC = (TACC + 1) * EBI_MCLK.
+ * |[10:8] |TAHD |EBI Data Access Hold Time
+ * | | |TAHD define data access hold time (tAHD).
+ * | | |tAHD = (TAHD + 1) * EBI_MCLK.
+ * |[15:12] |W2X |Idle Cycle After Write
+ * | | |This field defines the number of W2X idle cycle.
+ * | | |When write action is finish, W2X idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state, x = 0 or 1.
+ * | | |W2X idle cycle = (W2X * EBI_MCLK).
+ * | | |When write action is finish, W2X idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state. (x = 0, 1)
+ * |[22] |RAHDOFF |Access Hold Time Disable Control When Read
+ * | | |0 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI reading is Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI reading is Disabled.
+ * |[23] |WAHDOFF |Access Hold Time Disable Control When Write
+ * | | |0 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI writing is Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI writing is Disabled.
+ * |[27:24] |R2R |Idle Cycle Between Read-to-read
+ * | | |This field defines the number of R2R idle cycle.
+ * | | |When read action is finish and next action is going to read, R2R idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state, x = 0 or 1.
+ * | | |R2R idle cycle = (R2R * EBI_MCLK).
+ * | | |When read action is finish and next action is going to read, R2R idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state
+ * | | |(x = 0, 1)
+ * @var EBI_T::CTL1
+ * Offset: 0x10 External Bus Interface Bank1 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |EN |EBI Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is the functional enable bit for EBI.
+ * | | |0 = EBI function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = EBI function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |DW16 |EBI Data Width 16-bit Select
+ * | | |This bit defines if the EBI data width is 8-bit or 16-bit.
+ * | | |0 = EBI data width is 8-bit.
+ * | | |1 = EBI data width is 16-bit.
+ * |[2] |CSPOLINV |Chip Select Pin Polar Inverse
+ * | | |This bit defines the active level of EBI chip select pin (EBI_nCSx), x = 0 or 1..
+ * | | |0 = Chip select pin (EBI_nCSx) is active low.
+ * | | |1 = Chip select pin (EBI_nCSx) is active high.
+ * | | |x = 0, 1
+ * |[4] |CACCESS |Continuous Data Access Mode
+ * | | |When con ttinuousenuous access mode enabled, the tASU, tALE and tLHD cycles are bypass for continuous data transfer request.
+ * | | |0 = Continuous data access mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Continuous data access mode Enabled.
+ * |[10:8] |MCLKDIV |External Output Clock Divider
+ * | | |The frequency of EBI output clock (MCLK) is controlled by MCLKDIV as follow:
+ * | | |000 = HCLK/1.
+ * | | |001 = HCLK/2.
+ * | | |010 = HCLK/4.
+ * | | |011 = HCLK/8.
+ * | | |100 = HCLK/16.
+ * | | |101 = HCLK/32.
+ * | | |110 = HCLK/64.
+ * | | |111 = HCLK/128.
+ * |[18:16] |TALE |Extend Time Of of ALE
+ * | | |The EBI_ALE high pulse period (tALE) to latch the address can be controlled by TALE.
+ * | | |tALE = (TALE + 1)*EBI_MCLK.
+ * | | |Note: This field only available in EBI_CTL0 register
+ * |[24] |WBUFEN |EBI Write Buffer Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = EBI write buffer Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = EBI write buffer Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only available in EBI_CTL0 register
+ * @var EBI_T::TCTL1
+ * Offset: 0x14 External Bus Interface Bank1 Timing Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:3] |TACC |EBI Data Access Time
+ * | | |TACC define data access time (tACC).
+ * | | |tACC = (TACC + 1) * EBI_MCLK.
+ * |[10:8] |TAHD |EBI Data Access Hold Time
+ * | | |TAHD define data access hold time (tAHD).
+ * | | |tAHD = (TAHD + 1) * EBI_MCLK.
+ * |[15:12] |W2X |Idle Cycle After Write
+ * | | |This field defines the number of W2X idle cycle.
+ * | | |When write action is finish, W2X idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state, x = 0 or 1.
+ * | | |W2X idle cycle = (W2X * EBI_MCLK).
+ * | | |When write action is finish, W2X idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state. (x = 0, 1)
+ * |[22] |RAHDOFF |Access Hold Time Disable Control When Read
+ * | | |0 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI reading is Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI reading is Disabled.
+ * |[23] |WAHDOFF |Access Hold Time Disable Control When Write
+ * | | |0 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI writing is Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Data Access Hold Time (tAHD) during EBI writing is Disabled.
+ * |[27:24] |R2R |Idle Cycle Between Read-to-read
+ * | | |This field defines the number of R2R idle cycle.
+ * | | |When read action is finish and next action is going to read, R2R idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state, x = 0 or 1.
+ * | | |R2R idle cycle = (R2R * EBI_MCLK).
+ * | | |When read action is finish and next action is going to read, R2R idle cycle is inserted and EBI_nCSx return to idle state
+ * | | |(x = 0, 1)
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL0; /*!< [0x0000] External Bus Interface Bank0 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TCTL0; /*!< [0x0004] External Bus Interface Bank0 Timing Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[2];
+ __IO uint32_t CTL1; /*!< [0x0010] External Bus Interface Bank1 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TCTL1; /*!< [0x0014] External Bus Interface Bank1 Timing Control Register */
+} EBI_T;
+ @addtogroup EBI_CONST EBI Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for EBI Controller
+@{ */
+#define EBI_CTL_EN_Pos (0) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: EN Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_EN_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_CTL_EN_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: EN Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_DW16_Pos (1) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: DW16 Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_DW16_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_CTL_DW16_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: DW16 Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_CSPOLINV_Pos (2) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: CSPOLINV Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_CSPOLINV_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_CTL_CSPOLINV_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: CSPOLINV Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_CACCESS_Pos (4) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: CACCESS Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_CACCESS_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_CTL_CACCESS_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: CACCESS Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_MCLKDIV_Pos (8) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: MCLKDIV Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_MCLKDIV_Msk (0x7ul << EBI_CTL_MCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: MCLKDIV Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_TALE_Pos (16) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: TALE Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_TALE_Msk (0x7ul << EBI_CTL_TALE_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: TALE Mask */
+#define EBI_CTL_WBUFEN_Pos (24) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: WBUFEN Position */
+#define EBI_CTL_WBUFEN_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_CTL_WBUFEN_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::CTL: WBUFEN Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_TACC_Pos (3) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: TACC Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_TACC_Msk (0x1ful << EBI_TCTL_TACC_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: TACC Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_TAHD_Pos (8) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: TAHD Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_TAHD_Msk (0x7ul << EBI_TCTL_TAHD_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: TAHD Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_W2X_Pos (12) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: W2X Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_W2X_Msk (0xful << EBI_TCTL_W2X_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: W2X Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_RAHDOFF_Pos (22) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: RAHDOFF Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_RAHDOFF_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_TCTL_RAHDOFF_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: RAHDOFF Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_WAHDOFF_Pos (23) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: WAHDOFF Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_WAHDOFF_Msk (0x1ul << EBI_TCTL_WAHDOFF_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: WAHDOFF Mask */
+#define EBI_TCTL_R2R_Pos (24) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: R2R Position */
+#define EBI_TCTL_R2R_Msk (0xful << EBI_TCTL_R2R_Pos) /*!< EBI_T::TCTL: R2R Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* EBI_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of EBI register group */
+/*---------------------- Flash Memory Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup FMC Flash Memory Controller(FMC)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for FMC Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPCTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 ISP Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ISPEN |ISP Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |ISP function enable bit. Set this bit to enable ISP function.
+ * | | |0 = ISP function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ISP function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |BS |Boot Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Set/clear this bit to select next booting from LDROM/APROM, respectively.
+ * | | |This bit also functions as chip booting status flag, which can be used to check where chip booted from.
+ * | | |This bit is initiated with the inversed value of CBS[1] (CONFIG0[7]) after any reset is happened except CPU reset (CPU is 1) or system reset (SYS) is happened.
+ * | | |0 = Booting from APROM.
+ * | | |1 = Booting from LDROM.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |SPUEN |SPROM Update Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = SPROM cannot be updated.
+ * | | |1 = SPROM can be updated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3] |APUEN |APROM Update Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = APROM cannot be updated when the chip runs in APROM.
+ * | | |1 = APROM can be updated when the chip runs in APROM.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |CFGUEN |CONFIG Update Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = CONFIG cannot be updated.
+ * | | |1 = CONFIG can be updated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |LDUEN |LDROM Update Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |LDROM update enable bit.
+ * | | |0 = LDROM cannot be updated.
+ * | | |1 = LDROM can be updated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[6] |ISPFF |ISP Fail Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a triggered ISP meets any of the following conditions:
+ * | | |This bit needs to be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |(1) APROM writes to itself if APUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(2) LDROM writes to itself if LDUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(3) CONFIG is erased/programmed if CFGUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(4) SPROM is erased/programmed if SPUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(5) SPROM is programmed at SPROM secured mode.
+ * | | |(6) Page Erase command at LOCK mode with ICE connection.
+ * | | |(7) Erase or Program command at brown-out detected.
+ * | | |(8) Destination address is illegal, such as over an available range.
+ * | | |(9) Invalid ISP commands.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPADDR
+ * Offset: 0x04 ISP Address Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPADDR |ISP Address
+ * | | |The NuMicrou00AEu00E4 NUC126 series is equipped with embedded flash.
+ * | | |ISPADDR[1:0] must be kept 00 for ISP 32-bit operation.
+ * | | |ISPADDR[2:0] must be kept 000 for ISP 64-bit operation.
+ * | | |For Checksum Calculation command, this field is the flash starting address for checksum calculation, 512 bytes alignment is necessary for checksum calculation.
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPDAT
+ * Offset: 0x08 ISP Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPDAT |ISP Data
+ * | | |Write data to this register before ISP program operation.
+ * | | |Read data from this register after ISP read operation.
+ * | | |For Run Checksum Calculation command, ISPDAT is the memory size (byte) and 512 bytes alignment.
+ * | | |For ISP Read Checksum command, ISPDAT is the checksum result.
+ * | | |If ISPDAT = 0x0000_0000, it means that (1) the checksum calculation is in progress, (2) the memory range for checksum calculation is incorrect.
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPCMD
+ * Offset: 0x0C ISP CMD Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[6:0] |CMD |ISP CMD
+ * | | |ISP command table is shown below:
+ * | | |0x00= FLASH Read.
+ * | | |0x40= FLASH 64-bit Read.
+ * | | |0x04= Read Unique ID.
+ * | | |0x08= Read Flash All-One Result.
+ * | | |0x0B= Read Company ID.
+ * | | |0x0C= Read Device ID.
+ * | | |0x0D= Read Checksum.
+ * | | |0x21= FLASH 32-bit Program.
+ * | | |0x22= FLASH Page Erase.
+ * | | |0x26= FLASH Mass Erase.
+ * | | |0x27= FLASH Multi-Word Program.
+ * | | |0x28= Run Flash All-One Verification.
+ * | | |0x2D= Run Checksum Calculation.
+ * | | |0x2E= Vector Remap.
+ * | | |0x61= FLASH 64-bit Program.
+ * | | |The other commands are invalid.
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPTRG
+ * Offset: 0x10 ISP Trigger Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ISPGO |ISP Start Trigger (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to start ISP operation and this bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware automatically when ISP operation is finished.
+ * | | |0 = ISP operation is finished.
+ * | | |1 = ISP is progressed.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var FMC_T::DFBA
+ * Offset: 0x14 Data Flash Base Address
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |DFBA |Data Flash Base Address
+ * | | |This register indicates Data Flash start address. It is a read only register.
+ * | | |The Data Flash is shared with APROM. the content of this register is loaded from CONFIG1.
+ * | | |This register is valid when DFEN (CONFIG0[0]) =0 .
+ * @var FMC_T::FTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x18 Flash Access Time Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[6:4] |FOM |Frequency Optimization Mode (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The NuMicro M0564X series support adjustable flash access timing to optimize the flash access cycles in different working frequency.
+ * | | |0x1 = Frequency <= 24MHz.
+ * | | |1x1 = Frequency <= 72MHz.
+ * | | |Others = Frequency <= 48MHz.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |CACHEOFF |Flash Cache Disable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Flash Cache function Enabled (default).
+ * | | |1 = Flash Cache [PT1]function Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var FMC_T::ISPSTS
+ * Offset: 0x40 ISP Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ISPBUSY |ISP Busy Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |Write 1 to start ISP operation and this bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware automatically when ISP operation is finished.
+ * | | |This bit is the mirror of ISPGO(FMC_ISPTRG[0]).
+ * | | |0 = ISP operation is finished.
+ * | | |1 = ISP is progressed.
+ * |[2:1] |CBS |Boot Selection of CONFIG (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is initiated with the CBS (CONFIG0[7:6]) after any reset is happened except CPU reset (CPU is 1) or system reset (SYS) is happened.
+ * | | |00 = LDROM with IAP mode.
+ * | | |01 = LDROM without IAP mode.
+ * | | |10 = APROM with IAP mode.
+ * | | |11 = APROM without IAP mode.
+ * |[6] |ISPFF |ISP Fail Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit is the mirror of ISPFF (FMC_ISPCTL[6]), it needs to be cleared by writing 1 to FMC_ISPCTL[6] or FMC_ISPSTS[6].
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a triggered ISP meets any of the following conditions:
+ * | | |(1) APROM writes to itself if APUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(2) LDROM writes to itself if LDUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(3) CONFIG is erased/programmed if CFGUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(4) SPROM is erased/programmed if SPUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(5) SPROM is programmed at SPROM secured mode.
+ * | | |(6) Page Erase command at LOCK mode with ICE connection.
+ * | | |(7) Erase or Program command at brown-out detected.
+ * | | |(8) Destination address is illegal, such as over an available range.
+ * | | |(9) Invalid ISP commands.
+ * | | |(10) system vector address is remapped to SPROM.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write-protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |ALLONE |Flash All-one Verification Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware if all of flash bits are 1, and clear if flash bits are not all 1 after "Run Flash All-One Verification" complete; this bit also can be clear by writing 1.
+ * | | |0 = Flash bits are not all 1 after "Run Flash All-One Verification" complete.
+ * | | |1 = All of flash bits are 1 after "Run Flash All-One Verification" complete.
+ * |[29:9] |VECMAP |Vector Page Mapping Address (Read Only)
+ * | | |All access to 0x0000_0000~0x0000_01FF is remapped to the flash memory or SRAM address {VECMAP[20:0], 9u2019h000} ~ {VECMAP[20:0], 9u2019h1FF}, except SPROM.
+ * | | |VECMAP [20:19] = 00 system vector address is mapped to flash memory.
+ * | | |VECMAP [20:19] = 10 system vector address is mapped to SRAM memory.
+ * | | |VECMAP [18:12] should be 0.
+ * |[31] |SCODE |Security Code Active Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when detecting SPROM secured code is active at flash initiation, or software writes 1 to this bit to make secured code active; this bit is clear by SPROM page erase operation.
+ * | | |0 = Secured code is inactive.
+ * | | |1 = Secured code is active.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPDAT0
+ * Offset: 0x80 ISP Data0 Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPDAT0 |ISP Data 0
+ * | | |This register is the first 32-bit data for 32-bit/64-bit/multi-word programming, and it is also the mirror of FMC_ISPDAT, both registers keep the same data.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPDAT1
+ * Offset: 0x84 ISP Data1 Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPDAT1 |ISP Data 1
+ * | | |This register is the second 32-bit data for 64-bit/multi-word programming.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPDAT2
+ * Offset: 0x88 ISP Data2 Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPDAT2 |ISP Data 2
+ * | | |This register is the third 32-bit data for multi-word programming.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPDAT3
+ * Offset: 0x8C ISP Data3 Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |ISPDAT3 |ISP Data 3
+ * | | |This register is the fourth 32-bit data for multi-word programming.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPSTS
+ * Offset: 0xC0 ISP Multi-Program Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MPBUSY |ISP Multi-word Program Busy Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |Write 1 to start ISP Multi-Word program operation and this bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware automatically when ISP Multi-Word program operation is finished.
+ * | | |This bit is the mirror of ISPGO(FMC_ISPTRG[0]).
+ * | | |0 = ISP Multi-Word program operation is finished.
+ * | | |1 = ISP Multi-Word program operation is progressed.
+ * |[1] |PPGO |ISP Multi-program Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = ISP multi-word program operation is not active.
+ * | | |1 = ISP multi-word program operation is in progress.
+ * |[2] |ISPFF |ISP Fail Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is the mirror of ISPFF (FMC_ISPCTL[6]), it needs to be cleared by writing 1 to FMC_ISPCTL[6] or FMC_ISPSTS[6].
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a triggered ISP meets any of the following conditions:
+ * | | |(1) APROM writes to itself if APUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(2) LDROM writes to itself if LDUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(3) CONFIG is erased/programmed if CFGUEN is set to 0.
+ * | | |(4) Page Erase command at LOCK mode with ICE connection.
+ * | | |(5) Erase or Program command at brown-out detected.
+ * | | |(6) Destination address is illegal, such as over an available range.
+ * | | |(7) Invalid ISP commands.
+ * |[4] |D0 |ISP DATA 0 Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when FMC_MPDAT0 is written and auto-clear to 0 when the FMC_MPDAT0 data is programmed to flash complete.
+ * | | |0 = FMC_MPDAT0 register is empty, or program to flash complete.
+ * | | |1 = FMC_MPDAT0 register has been written, and not program to flash complete.
+ * |[5] |D1 |ISP DATA 1 Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when FMC_MPDAT1 is written and auto-clear to 0 when the FMC_MPDAT1 data is programmed to flash complete.
+ * | | |0 = FMC_MPDAT1 register is empty, or program to flash complete.
+ * | | |1 = FMC_MPDAT1 register has been written, and not program to flash complete.
+ * |[6] |D2 |ISP DATA 2 Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when FMC_MPDAT2 is written and auto-clear to 0 when the FMC_MPDAT2 data is programmed to flash complete.
+ * | | |0 = FMC_MPDAT2 register is empty, or program to flash complete.
+ * | | |1 = FMC_MPDAT2 register has been written, and not program to flash complete.
+ * |[7] |D3 |ISP DATA 3 Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when FMC_MPDAT3 is written and auto-clear to 0 when the FMC_MPDAT3 data is programmed to flash complete.
+ * | | |0 = FMC_MPDAT3 register is empty, or program to flash complete.
+ * | | |1 = FMC_MPDAT3 register has been written, and not program to flash complete.
+ * @var FMC_T::MPADDR
+ * Offset: 0xC4 ISP Multi-Program Address Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |MPADDR |ISP Multi-word Program Address
+ * | | |MPADDR is the address of ISP multi-word program operation when ISPGO flag is 1.
+ * | | |MPADDR will keep the final ISP address when ISP multi-word program is complete.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t ISPCTL; /*!< [0x0000] ISP Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ISPADDR; /*!< [0x0004] ISP Address Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ISPDAT; /*!< [0x0008] ISP Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ISPCMD; /*!< [0x000c] ISP CMD Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ISPTRG; /*!< [0x0010] ISP Trigger Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t DFBA; /*!< [0x0014] Data Flash Base Address */
+ __IO uint32_t FTCTL; /*!< [0x0018] Flash Access Time Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[9];
+ __IO uint32_t ISPSTS; /*!< [0x0040] ISP Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[15];
+ __IO uint32_t MPDAT0; /*!< [0x0080] ISP Data0 Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MPDAT1; /*!< [0x0084] ISP Data1 Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MPDAT2; /*!< [0x0088] ISP Data2 Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MPDAT3; /*!< [0x008c] ISP Data3 Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[12];
+ __I uint32_t MPSTS; /*!< [0x00c0] ISP Multi-Program Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t MPADDR; /*!< [0x00c4] ISP Multi-Program Address Register */
+} FMC_T;
+ @addtogroup FMC_CONST FMC Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for FMC Controller
+@{ */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_ISPEN_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: ISPEN Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_ISPEN_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_ISPEN_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: ISPEN Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_BS_Pos (1) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: BS Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_BS_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_BS_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: BS Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_SPUEN_Pos (2) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: SPUEN Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_SPUEN_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_SPUEN_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: SPUEN Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_APUEN_Pos (3) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: APUEN Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_APUEN_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_APUEN_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: APUEN Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_CFGUEN_Pos (4) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: CFGUEN Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_CFGUEN_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_CFGUEN_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: CFGUEN Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_LDUEN_Pos (5) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: LDUEN Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_LDUEN_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_LDUEN_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: LDUEN Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_ISPFF_Pos (6) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: ISPFF Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCTL_ISPFF_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPCTL_ISPFF_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCTL: ISPFF Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPADDR_ISPADDR_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPADDR: ISPADDR Position */
+#define FMC_ISPADDR_ISPADDR_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_ISPADDR_ISPADDR_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPADDR: ISPADDR Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPDAT_ISPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPDAT: ISPDAT Position */
+#define FMC_ISPDAT_ISPDAT_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_ISPDAT_ISPDAT_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPDAT: ISPDAT Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPCMD_CMD_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCMD: CMD Position */
+#define FMC_ISPCMD_CMD_Msk (0x7ful << FMC_ISPCMD_CMD_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPCMD: CMD Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPTRG: ISPGO Position */
+#define FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPTRG_ISPGO_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPTRG: ISPGO Mask */
+#define FMC_DFBA_DFBA_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::DFBA: DFBA Position */
+#define FMC_DFBA_DFBA_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_DFBA_DFBA_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::DFBA: DFBA Mask */
+#define FMC_FTCTL_FOM_Pos (4) /*!< FMC_T::FTCTL: FOM Position */
+#define FMC_FTCTL_FOM_Msk (0x7ul << FMC_FTCTL_FOM_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::FTCTL: FOM Mask */
+#define FMC_FTCTL_CACHEOFF_Pos (7) /*!< FMC_T::FTCTL: CACHEOFF Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_ISPBUSY_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: ISPBUSY Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_CBS_Pos (1) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: CBS Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_CBS_Msk (0x3ul << FMC_ISPSTS_CBS_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: CBS Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_ISPFF_Pos (6) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: ISPFF Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_ISPFF_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPSTS_ISPFF_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: ISPFF Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_ALLONE_Pos (7) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: ALLONE Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_ALLONE_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPSTS_ALLONE_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: ALLONE Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_VECMAP_Pos (9) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: VECMAP Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_VECMAP_Msk (0x1ffffful << FMC_ISPSTS_VECMAP_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: VECMAP Mask */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_SCODE_Pos (31) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: SCODE Position */
+#define FMC_ISPSTS_SCODE_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_ISPSTS_SCODE_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::ISPSTS: SCODE Mask */
+#define FMC_MPDAT0_ISPDAT0_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT0: ISPDAT0 Position */
+#define FMC_MPDAT0_ISPDAT0_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_MPDAT0_ISPDAT0_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT0: ISPDAT0 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPDAT1_ISPDAT1_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT1: ISPDAT1 Position */
+#define FMC_MPDAT1_ISPDAT1_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_MPDAT1_ISPDAT1_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT1: ISPDAT1 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPDAT2_ISPDAT2_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT2: ISPDAT2 Position */
+#define FMC_MPDAT2_ISPDAT2_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_MPDAT2_ISPDAT2_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT2: ISPDAT2 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPDAT3_ISPDAT3_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT3: ISPDAT3 Position */
+#define FMC_MPDAT3_ISPDAT3_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_MPDAT3_ISPDAT3_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPDAT3: ISPDAT3 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_MPBUSY_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: MPBUSY Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_MPBUSY_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_MPBUSY_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: MPBUSY Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_PPGO_Pos (1) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: PPGO Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_PPGO_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_PPGO_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: PPGO Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_ISPFF_Pos (2) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: ISPFF Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_ISPFF_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_ISPFF_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: ISPFF Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D0_Pos (4) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D0 Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D0_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_D0_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D0 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D1_Pos (5) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D1 Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D1_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_D1_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D1 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D2_Pos (6) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D2 Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D2_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_D2_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D2 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D3_Pos (7) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D3 Position */
+#define FMC_MPSTS_D3_Msk (0x1ul << FMC_MPSTS_D3_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPSTS: D3 Mask */
+#define FMC_MPADDR_MPADDR_Pos (0) /*!< FMC_T::MPADDR: MPADDR Position */
+#define FMC_MPADDR_MPADDR_Msk (0xfffffffful << FMC_MPADDR_MPADDR_Pos) /*!< FMC_T::MPADDR: MPADDR Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* FMC_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of FMC register group */
+/*---------------------- General Purpose Input/Output Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup GPIO General Purpose Input/Output Controller(GPIO)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for GPIO Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var GPIO_T::MODE
+ * Offset: 0x00/0x40/0x80/0xC0/0x100/0x140 PA-F I/O Mode Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2n+1:2n]|MODEn |Port A-F I/O Pin[n] Mode Control
+ * | | |Determine each I/O mode of Px.n pins.
+ * | | |00 = Px.n is in Input mode.
+ * | | |01 = Px.n is in Push-pull Output mode.
+ * | | |10 = Px.n is in Open-drain Output mode.
+ * | | |11 = Px.n is in Quasi-bidirectional mode.
+ * | | |Note1: The initial value of this field is defined by CIOINI (CONFIG0 [10]).
+ * | | |If CIOINI is set to 1, the default value is 0xFFFF_FFFF and all pins will be quasi-bidirectional mode after chip powered on.
+ * | | |If CIOINI is set to 0, the default value is 0x0000_0000 and all pins will be input mode after chip powered on.
+ * | | |Note2:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note3: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::DINOFF
+ * Offset: 0x04/0x44/0x84/0xC4/0x104/0x144 PA-F Digital Input Path Disable Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n+16] |DINOFFn |Port A-F Pin[n] Digital Input Path Disable Control
+ * | | |Each of these bits is used to control if the digital input path of corresponding Px.n pin is disabled.
+ * | | |If input is analog signal, users can disable Px.n digital input path to avoid input current leakage.
+ * | | |0 = Px.n digital input path Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n digital input path Disabled (digital input tied to low).
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::DOUT
+ * Offset: 0x08/0x48/0x88/0xC8/0x108/0x148 PA-F Data Output Value
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |DOUTn |Port A-F Pin[n] Output Value
+ * | | |Each of these bits controls the status of a Px.n pin when the Px.n is configured as Push-pull output, Open-drain output or Quasi-bidirectional mode.
+ * | | |0 = Px.n will drive Low if the Px.n pin is configured as Push-pull output, Open-drain output or Quasi-bidirectional mode.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n will drive High if the Px.n pin is configured as Push-pull output or Quasi-bidirectional mode.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::DATMSK
+ * Offset: 0x0C/0x4C/0x8C/0xCC/0x10C/0x14C PA-F Data Output Write Mask
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |DATMSKn |Port A-F Pin[n] Data Output Write Mask
+ * | | |These bits are used to protect the corresponding DOUT (Px_DOUT[n]) bit.
+ * | | |When the DATMSK (Px_DATMSK[n]) bit is set to 1, the corresponding DOUT (Px_DOUT[n]) bit is protected.
+ * | | |If the write signal is masked, writing data to the protect bit is ignored.
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding DOUT (Px_DOUT[n]) bit can be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding DOUT (Px_DOUT[n]) bit protected.
+ * | | |Note1: This function only protects the corresponding DOUT (Px_DOUT[n]) bit, and will not protect the corresponding PDIO (Pxn_PDIO[0]) bit.
+ * | | |Note2:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note3: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::PIN
+ * Offset: 0x10/0x50/0x90/0xD0/0x110/0x150 PA-F Pin Value
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |PINn |Port A-F Pin[n] Pin Value
+ * | | |Each bit of the register reflects the actual status of the respective Px.n pin.
+ * | | |If the bit is 1, it indicates the corresponding pin status is high; else the pin status is low.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::DBEN
+ * Offset: 0x14/0x54/0x94/0xD4/0x114/0x154 PA-F De-Bounce Enable Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |DBEN0 |Port A-F Pin[n] Input Signal De-bounce Enable Bit
+ * | | |The DBEN[n] bit is used to enable the de-bounce function for each corresponding bit.
+ * | | |If the input signal pulse width cannot be sampled by continuous two de-bounce sample cycle, the input signal transition is seen as the signal bounce and will not trigger the interrupt.
+ * | | |The de-bounce clock source is controlled by DBCLKSRC (GPIO_DBCTL [4]), one de-bounce sample cycle period is controlled by DBCLKSEL (GPIO_DBCTL [3:0]).
+ * | | |0 = Px.n de-bounce function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n de-bounce function Enabled.
+ * | | |The de-bounce function is valid only for edge triggered interrupt.
+ * | | |If the interrupt mode is level triggered, the de-bounce enable bit is ignored.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::INTTYPE
+ * Offset: 0x18/0x58/0x98/0xD8/0x118/0x158 PA-F Interrupt Trigger Type Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |TYPEn |Port A-F Pin[n] Edge or Level Detection Interrupt Trigger Type Control
+ * | | |TYPE (Px_INTTYPE[n]) bit is used to control the triggered interrupt is by level trigger or by edge trigger.
+ * | | |If the interrupt is by edge trigger, the trigger source can be controlled by de-bounce.
+ * | | |If the interrupt is by level trigger, the input source is sampled by one HCLK clock and generates the interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Edge trigger interrupt.
+ * | | |1 = Level trigger interrupt.
+ * | | |If the pin is set as the level trigger interrupt, only one level can be set on the registers RHIEN (Px_INTEN[n+16])/FLIEN (Px_INTEN[n]).
+ * | | |If both levels to trigger interrupt are set, the setting is ignored and no interrupt will occur.
+ * | | |The de-bounce function is valid only for edge triggered interrupt.
+ * | | |If the interrupt mode is level triggered, the de-bounce enable bit is ignored.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x1C/0x5C/0x9C/0xDC/0x11C/0x15C PA-F Interrupt Enable Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |FLIENn |Port A-F Pin[n] Falling Edge or Low Level Interrupt Trigger Type Enable Bit
+ * | | |The FLIEN (Px_INTEN[n]) bit is used to enable the interrupt for each of the corresponding input Px.n pin.
+ * | | |Set bit to 1 also enable the pin wake-up function.
+ * | | |When setting the FLIEN (Px_INTEN[n]) bit to 1 :
+ * | | |If the interrupt is level trigger (TYPE (Px_INTTYPE[n]) bit is set to 1), the input Px.n pin will generate the interrupt while this pin state is at low level.
+ * | | |If the interrupt is edge trigger(TYPE (Px_INTTYPE[n]) bit is set to 0), the input Px.n pin will generate the interrupt while this pin state changed from high to low.
+ * | | |0 = Px.n level low or high to low interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n level low or high to low interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * |[n+16 |RHIENn |Port A-F Pin[n] Rising Edge or High Level Interrupt Trigger Type Enable Bit
+ * | | |The RHIEN (Px_INTEN[n+16]) bit is used to enable the interrupt for each of the corresponding input Px.n pin.
+ * | | |Set bit to 1 also enable the pin wake-up function.
+ * | | |When setting the RHIEN (Px_INTEN[n+16]) bit to 1 :
+ * | | |If the interrupt is level trigger (TYPE (Px_INTTYPE[n]) bit is set to 1), the input Px.n pin will generate the interrupt while this pin state is at high level.
+ * | | |If the interrupt is edge trigger (TYPE (Px_INTTYPE[n]) bit is set to 0), the input Px.n pin will generate the interrupt while this pin state changed from low to high.
+ * | | |0 = Px.n level high or low to high interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n level high or low to high interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::INTSRC
+ * Offset: 0x20/0x60/0xA0/0xE0/0x120/0x160 PA-F Interrupt Source Flag
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |INTSRCn |Port A-F Pin[n] Interrupt Source Flag
+ * | | |Write Operation :
+ * | | |0 = No action.
+ * | | |1 = Clear the corresponding pending interrupt.
+ * | | |Read Operation :
+ * | | |0 = No interrupt at Px.n.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n generates an interrupt.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::SMTEN
+ * Offset: 0x24/0x64/0xA4/0xE4/0x124/0x164 PA-F Input Schmitt Trigger Enable
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |SMTENn |Port A-F Pin[n] Input Schmitt Trigger Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Px.n input schmitt trigger function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n input schmitt trigger function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::SLEWCTL
+ * Offset: 0x28/0x68/0xA8/0xE8/0x128/0x168 PA-F High Slew Rate Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |HSRENn |Port A-F Pin[n] High Slew Rate Control
+ * | | |0 = Px.n output with basic slew rate.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n output with higher slew rate.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |Max. n=15 for port A/B/C/D/E.
+ * | | |Max. n=7 for port F.
+ * | | |Note2: The PE.14/PE.15 pin is ignored.
+ * @var GPIO_T::DRVCTL
+ * Offset: 0x12C PE High Drive Strength Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[n] |HDRVENn |Port E Pin[n] Driving Strength Control
+ * | | |0 = Px.n output with basic driving strength.
+ * | | |1 = Px.n output with high driving strength.
+ * | | |Note:
+ * | | |n=8,9..13 for port E.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t MODE; /*!< [0x00/0x40/0x80/0xC0/0x100/0x140] PA-F I/O Mode Control */
+ __IO uint32_t DINOFF; /*!< [0x04/0x44/0x84/0xC4/0x104/0x144] PA-F Digital Input Path Disable Control */
+ __IO uint32_t DOUT; /*!< [0x08/0x48/0x88/0xC8/0x108/0x148] PA-F Data Output Value */
+ __IO uint32_t DATMSK; /*!< [0x0C/0x4C/0x8C/0xCC/0x10C/0x14C] PA-F Data Output Write Mask */
+ __I uint32_t PIN; /*!< [0x10/0x50/0x90/0xD0/0x110/0x150] PA-F Pin Value */
+ __IO uint32_t DBEN; /*!< [0x14/0x54/0x94/0xD4/0x114/0x154] PA-F De-Bounce Enable Control */
+ __IO uint32_t INTTYPE; /*!< [0x18/0x58/0x98/0xD8/0x118/0x158] PA-F Interrupt Trigger Type Control */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x1C/0x5C/0x9C/0xDC/0x11C/0x15C] PA-F Interrupt Enable Control */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSRC; /*!< [0x20/0x60/0xA0/0xE0/0x120/0x160] PA-F Interrupt Source Flag */
+ __IO uint32_t SMTEN; /*!< [0x24/0x64/0xA4/0xE4/0x124/0x164] PA-F Input Schmitt Trigger Enable */
+ __IO uint32_t SLEWCTL; /*!< [0x28/0x68/0xA8/0xE8/0x128/0x168] PA-F High Slew Rate Control */
+ __IO uint32_t DRVCTL; /*!< [0x012c] PE High Drive Strength Control */
+} GPIO_T;
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * Offset: 0x180 Interrupt De-bounce Control
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |DBCLKSEL |De-bounce Sampling Cycle Selection
+ * | | |0000 = Sample interrupt input once per 1 clocks.
+ * | | |0001 = Sample interrupt input once per 2 clocks.
+ * | | |0010 = Sample interrupt input once per 4 clocks.
+ * | | |0011 = Sample interrupt input once per 8 clocks.
+ * | | |0100 = Sample interrupt input once per 16 clocks.
+ * | | |0101 = Sample interrupt input once per 32 clocks.
+ * | | |0110 = Sample interrupt input once per 64 clocks.
+ * | | |0111 = Sample interrupt input once per 128 clocks.
+ * | | |1000 = Sample interrupt input once per 256 clocks.
+ * | | |1001 = Sample interrupt input once per 2*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1010 = Sample interrupt input once per 4*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1011 = Sample interrupt input once per 8*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1100 = Sample interrupt input once per 16*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1101 = Sample interrupt input once per 32*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1110 = Sample interrupt input once per 64*256 clocks.
+ * | | |1111 = Sample interrupt input once per 128*256 clocks.
+ * |[4] |DBCLKSRC |De-bounce Counter Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = De-bounce counter clock source is the HCLK.
+ * | | |1 = De-bounce counter clock source is the internal 10 kHz internal low speed oscillator.
+ * |[5] |ICLKON |Interrupt Clock on Mode
+ * | | |0 = Edge detection circuit is active only if I/O pin corresponding RHIEN (Px_INTEN[n+16])/FLIEN (Px_INTEN[n]) bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |1 = All I/O pins edge detection circuit is always active after reset.
+ * | | |Note: It is recommended to disable this bit to save system power if no special application concern.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t DBCTL; /*!< [0x0180] Interrupt De-bounce Control */
+ @addtogroup GPIO_CONST GPIO Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for GPIO Controller
+@{ */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE0 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE0_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE1_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE1 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE1_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE2_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE2 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE2_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE3_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE3 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE3_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE4_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE4 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE4_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE5_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE5 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE5_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE6_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE6 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE6_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE7_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE7 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE7_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE8_Pos (16) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE8 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE8_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE9_Pos (18) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE9 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE9_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE10_Pos (20) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE10 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE10_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE11_Pos (22) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE11 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE11_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE12_Pos (24) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE12 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE12_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE13_Pos (26) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE13 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE13_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE14_Pos (28) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE14 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE14_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE15_Pos (30) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE15 Position */
+#define GPIO_MODE_MODE15_Msk (0x3ul << GPIO_MODE_MODE15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::MODE: MODE15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF0_Pos (16) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF0 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF1_Pos (17) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF1 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF2_Pos (18) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF2 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF3_Pos (19) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF3 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF4_Pos (20) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF4 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF5_Pos (21) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF5 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF6_Pos (22) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF6 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF7_Pos (23) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF7 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF8_Pos (24) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF8 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF9_Pos (25) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF9 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF10_Pos (26) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF10 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF11_Pos (27) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF11 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF12_Pos (28) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF12 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF13_Pos (29) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF13 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF14_Pos (30) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF14 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF15_Pos (31) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF15 Position */
+#define GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DINOFF_DINOFF15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DINOFF: DINOFF15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT0 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT1 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT2 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT3 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT4 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT5 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT6 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT7 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT8 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT9 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT10 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT11 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT12 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT13 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT14 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT15 Position */
+#define GPIO_DOUT_DOUT15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DOUT_DOUT15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DOUT: DOUT15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK0 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK1 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK2 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK3 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK4 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK5 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK6 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK7 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK8 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK9 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK10 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK11 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK12 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK13 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK14 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK15 Position */
+#define GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DATMSK_DATMSK15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DATMSK: DATMSK15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_PIN_PIN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_PIN_PIN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::PIN: PIN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_DBEN_DBEN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DBEN_DBEN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DBEN: DBEN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE0 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE1 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE2 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE3 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE4 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE5 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE6 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE7 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE8 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE9 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE10 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE11 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE12 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE13 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE14 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE15 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTTYPE_TYPE15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTTYPE: TYPE15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_FLIEN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: FLIEN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN0_Pos (16) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN1_Pos (17) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN2_Pos (18) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN3_Pos (19) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN4_Pos (20) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN5_Pos (21) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN6_Pos (22) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN7_Pos (23) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN8_Pos (24) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN9_Pos (25) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN10_Pos (26) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN11_Pos (27) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN12_Pos (28) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN13_Pos (29) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN14_Pos (30) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN15_Pos (31) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTEN_RHIEN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTEN: RHIEN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC0 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC1 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC2 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC3 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC4 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC5 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC6 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC7 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC8 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC9 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC10 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC11 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC12 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC13 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC14 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC15 Position */
+#define GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_INTSRC_INTSRC15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::INTSRC: INTSRC15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SMTEN_SMTEN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SMTEN: SMTEN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN0_Pos (0) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN0 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN0_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN0_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN0 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN1_Pos (1) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN1 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN1_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN1_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN1 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN2_Pos (2) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN2 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN2_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN2_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN2 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN3_Pos (3) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN3 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN3_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN3_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN3 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN4_Pos (4) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN4 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN4_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN4_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN4 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN5_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN5 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN5_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN5_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN5 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN6_Pos (6) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN6 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN6_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN6_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN6 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN7_Pos (7) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN7 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN7_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN7_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN7 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN14_Pos (14) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN14 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN14_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN14_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN14 Mask */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN15_Pos (15) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN15 Position */
+#define GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN15_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_SLEWCTL_HSREN15_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::SLEWCTL: HSREN15 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN8_Pos (8) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN8 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN8_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN8_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN8 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN9_Pos (9) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN9 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN9_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN9_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN9 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN10_Pos (10) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN10 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN10_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN10_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN10 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN11_Pos (11) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN11 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN11_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN11_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN11 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN12_Pos (12) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN12 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN12_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN12_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN12 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN13_Pos (13) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN13 Position */
+#define GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN13_Msk (0x1ul << GPIO_DRVCTL_HDRVEN13_Pos) /*!< GPIO_T::DRVCTL: HDRVEN13 Mask */
+#define GPIO_DBCTL_ICLKON_Pos (5) /*!< GPIO_DBCTL_T::DBCTL: ICLKON Position */
+/**@}*/ /* GPIO_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of GPIO register group */
+/*---------------------- Hardware Divider --------------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup HDIV Hardware Divider(HDIV)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for HDIV Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * Offset: 0x00 Dividend Source Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |DIVIDEND |Dividend Source
+ * | | |This register is given the dividend of divider before calculation starting.
+ * @var HDIV_T::DIVISOR
+ * Offset: 0x04 Divisor Source Resister
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |DIVISOR |Divisor Source
+ * | | |This register is given the divisor of divider before calculation starts.
+ * | | |Note: When this register is written, hardware divider will start calculate.
+ * @var HDIV_T::DIVQUO
+ * Offset: 0x08 Quotient Result Resister
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |QUOTIENT |Quotient Result
+ * | | |This register holds the quotient result of divider after calculation complete.
+ * @var HDIV_T::DIVREM
+ * Offset: 0x0C Remainder Result Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |REMAINDER |Remainder Result
+ * | | |The remainder of hardware divider is 16-bit sign integer (REMAINDER[15:0]), which holds the remainder result of divider after calculation complete.
+ * | | |The remainder of hardware divider with sign extension (REMAINDER[31:16]) to 32-bit integer.
+ * | | |This register holds the remainder result of divider after calculation complete.
+ * @var HDIV_T::DIVSTS
+ * Offset: 0x10 Divider Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FINISH |Division Finish Flag
+ * | | |0 = Under Calculation.
+ * | | |1 = Calculation finished.
+ * | | |The flag will become low when the divider is in calculation.
+ * | | |The flag will go back to high once the calculation finished.
+ * |[1] |DIV0 |Divisor Zero Warning
+ * | | |0 = The divisor is not 0.
+ * | | |1 = The divisor is 0.
+ * | | |Note: The DIV0 flag is used to indicate divide-by-zero situation and updated whenever DIVISOR is written
+ * | | |This register is read only.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t DIVIDEND; /*!< [0x0000] Dividend Source Register */
+ __IO uint32_t DIVISOR; /*!< [0x0004] Divisor Source Resister */
+ __IO uint32_t DIVQUO; /*!< [0x0008] Quotient Result Resister */
+ __IO uint32_t DIVREM; /*!< [0x000c] Remainder Result Register */
+ __I uint32_t DIVSTS; /*!< [0x0010] Divider Status Register */
+} HDIV_T;
+ @addtogroup HDIV_CONST HDIV Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for HDIV Controller
+@{ */
+#define HDIV_DIVISOR_DIVISOR_Pos (0) /*!< HDIV_T::DIVISOR: DIVISOR Position */
+#define HDIV_DIVQUO_QUOTIENT_Pos (0) /*!< HDIV_T::DIVQUO: QUOTIENT Position */
+#define HDIV_DIVSTS_FINISH_Pos (0) /*!< HDIV_T::DIVSTS: FINISH Position */
+#define HDIV_DIVSTS_DIV0_Pos (1) /*!< HDIV_T::DIVSTS: DIV0 Position */
+#define HDIV_DIVSTS_DIV0_Msk (0x1ul << HDIV_DIVSTS_DIV0_Pos) /*!< HDIV_T::DIVSTS: DIV0 Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* HDIV_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of HDIV register group */
+/*---------------------- Inter-IC Bus Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup I2C Inter-IC Bus Controller(I2C)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for I2C Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var I2C_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 I2C Control Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2] |AA |Assert Acknowledge Control
+ * | | |When AA=1 prior to address or data is received, an acknowledged (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when 1.) A slave is acknowledging the address sent from master, 2.) The receiver devices are acknowledging the data sent by transmitter,
+ * | | |When AA=0 prior to address or data received, a Not acknowledged (high level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line.
+ * |[3] |SI |I2C Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When a new I2C state is present in the I2C_STATUS register, the SI flag is set by hardware.
+ * | | |If bit INTEN (I2C_CTL [7]) is set, the I2C interrupt is requested.
+ * | | |SI must be cleared by software.Clear SI by writing 1 to this bit.
+ * | | |For ACKMEN is set in slave read mode, the SI flag is set in 8th clock period for user to confirm the acknowledge bit and 9th clock period for user to read the data in the data buffer.
+ * |[4] |STO |I2C STOP Control
+ * | | |In Master mode, setting STO to transmit a STOP condition to bus then I2C controller will check the bus condition if a STOP condition is detected.
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared by hardware automatically.
+ * |[5] |STA |I2C START Control
+ * | | |Setting STA to logic 1 to enter Master mode, the I2C hardware sends a START or repeat START condition to bus when the bus is free.
+ * |[6] |I2CEN |I2C Controller Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set to enable I2C serial function controller.When I2CEN=1 the I2C serial function enable.
+ * | | |The multi-function pin function must set to SDA, and SCL of I2C function first.
+ * | | |0 = I2C serial function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = I2C serial function Enabled.
+ * |[7] |INTEN |Enable Interrupt
+ * | | |0 = I2C interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = I2C interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDR0
+ * Offset: 0x04 I2C Slave Address Register0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |GC |General Call Function
+ * | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
+ * |[7:1] |ADDR |I2C Address
+ * | | |The content of this register is irrelevant when I2C is in Master mode.
+ * | | |In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the chip's own address.
+ * | | |The I2C hardware will react if either of the address is matched.
+ * @var I2C_T::DAT
+ * Offset: 0x08 I2C Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |DAT |I2C Data
+ * | | |Bit [7:0] is located with the 8-bit transferred/received data of I2C serial port.
+ * @var I2C_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x0C I2C Status Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |STATUS |I2C Status
+ * | | |There are 28 possible status codes. When the content of I2C_STATUS is F8H, no serial interrupt is requested.
+ * | | |Others I2C_STATUS values correspond to defined I2C states.
+ * | | |When each of these states is entered, a status interrupt is requested (SI = 1).
+ * | | |A valid status code is present in I2C_STATUS one cycle after SI is set by hardware and is still present one cycle after SI has been reset by software.
+ * | | |In addition, states 00H stands for a Bus Error. A Bus Error occurs when a START or STOP condition is present at an illegal position in the formation frame.
+ * | | |Example of illegal position are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte or an acknowledge bit.
+ * @var I2C_T::CLKDIV
+ * Offset: 0x10 I2C Clock Divided Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |DIVIDER |I2C Clock Divided
+ * | | |Indicates the I2C clock rate: Data Baud Rate of I2C = (system clock) / (4x (I2C_CLKDIV+1)).
+ * | | |Note: The minimum value of I2C_CLKDIV is 4.
+ * @var I2C_T::TOCTL
+ * Offset: 0x14 I2C Time-out Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TOIF |Time-out Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when I2C time-out happened and it can interrupt CPU if I2C interrupt enable bit (INTEN) is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |TOCDIV4 |Time-out Counter Input Clock Divided by 4
+ * | | |When Enabled, The time-out period is extend 4 times.
+ * | | |0 = Time-out period is extend 4 times Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Time-out period is extend 4 times Enabled.
+ * |[2] |TOCEN |Time-out Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |When Enabled, the 14-bit time-out counter will start counting when SI is clear.
+ * | | |Setting flag SI to '1' will reset counter and re-start up counting after SI is cleared.
+ * | | |0 = Time-out counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Time-out counter Enabled.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDR1
+ * Offset: 0x18 I2C Slave Address Register1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |GC |General Call Function
+ * | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
+ * |[7:1] |ADDR |I2C Address
+ * | | |The content of this register is irrelevant when I2C is in Master mode.
+ * | | |In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the chip's own address.
+ * | | |The I2C hardware will react if either of the address is matched.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDR2
+ * Offset: 0x1C I2C Slave Address Register2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |GC |General Call Function
+ * | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
+ * |[7:1] |ADDR |I2C Address
+ * | | |The content of this register is irrelevant when I2C is in Master mode.
+ * | | |In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the chip's own address.
+ * | | |The I2C hardware will react if either of the address is matched.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDR3
+ * Offset: 0x20 I2C Slave Address Register3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |GC |General Call Function
+ * | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
+ * |[7:1] |ADDR |I2C Address
+ * | | |The content of this register is irrelevant when I2C is in Master mode.
+ * | | |In the slave mode, the seven most significant bits must be loaded with the chip's own address.
+ * | | |The I2C hardware will react if either of the address is matched.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDRMSK0
+ * Offset: 0x24 I2C Slave Address Mask Register0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:1] |ADDRMSK |I2C Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
+ * | | |I2C bus controllers support multiple address recognition with four address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care.
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDRMSK1
+ * Offset: 0x28 I2C Slave Address Mask Register1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:1] |ADDRMSK |I2C Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
+ * | | |I2C bus controllers support multiple address recognition with four address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care.
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDRMSK2
+ * Offset: 0x2C I2C Slave Address Mask Register2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:1] |ADDRMSK |I2C Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
+ * | | |I2C bus controllers support multiple address recognition with four address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care.
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var I2C_T::ADDRMSK3
+ * Offset: 0x30 I2C Slave Address Mask Register3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:1] |ADDRMSK |I2C Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is don't care.).
+ * | | |I2C bus controllers support multiple address recognition with four address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care.
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var I2C_T::WKCTL
+ * Offset: 0x3C I2C Wake-up Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKEN |I2C Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C wake-up function Disabled.
+ * | | |1= I2C wake-up function Enabled.
+ * |[7] |NHDBUSEN |I2C No Hold BUS Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C don't hold bus after wake-up disable.
+ * | | |1 = I2C don't hold bus after wake-up enable.
+ * | | |Note: I2C controller could response when WKIF event is not clear, it may cause error data transmitted or received.
+ * | | |If data transmitted or received when WKIF event is not clear, user must reset I2C controller and execute the original operation again.
+ * @var I2C_T::WKSTS
+ * Offset: 0x40 I2C Wake-up Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKIF |I2C Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |When chip is woken up from Power-down mode by I2C, this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |WKAKDONE |Wakeup Address Frame Acknowledge Bit Done
+ * | | |0 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame isn't done.
+ * | | |1 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame is done in power-down.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can't release WKIF. Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[2] |WRSTSWK |Read/Write Status Bit in Address Wakeup Frame
+ * | | |0 = Write command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
+ * | | |1 = Read command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared when software can write 1 to WKAKDONE bit.
+ * @var I2C_T::CTL1
+ * Offset: 0x44 I2C Control Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TXPDMAEN |PDMA Transmit Channel Available
+ * | | |0 = Transmit PDMA function disable.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit PDMA function enable.
+ * |[1] |RXPDMAEN |PDMA Receive Channel Available
+ * | | |0 = Receive PDMA function disable.
+ * | | |1 = Receive PDMA function enable.
+ * |[2] |PDMARST |PDMA Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the PDMA control logic. This bit will be cleared to 0 automatically.
+ * |[3] |OVRIEN |I2C over Run Interrupt Control Bit
+ * | | |Setting OVRIEN to logic 1 will send a interrupt to system when the TWOBUFEN bit is enabled and there is over run event in received buffer.
+ * |[4] |UDRIEN |I2C Under Run Interrupt Control Bit
+ * | | |Setting UDRIEN to logic 1 will send a interrupt to system when the TWOBUFEN bit is enabled and there is under run event happened in transmitted buffer.
+ * |[5] |TWOBUFEN |Two-level Buffer Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Two-level buffer Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Two-level buffer Enabled.
+ * | | |Set to enable the two-level buffer for I2C transmitted or received buffer.
+ * | | |It is used to improve the performance of the I2C bus.
+ * | | |If this bit is set = 1, the control bit of STA for repeat start or STO bit should be set after the current SI is clear.
+ * | | |For example: if there are 4 data shall be transmitted and then stop it.
+ * | | |The STO bit shall be set after the 3rd data's SI event being clear.
+ * | | |In this time, the 4th data can be transmitted and the I2C stop after the 4th data transmission done.
+ * |[6] |TWOBUFRST |Two-level Buffer Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the related counters, two-level buffer state machine, and the content of data buffer.
+ * |[7] |NSTRETCH |No Stretch on the I2C Bus
+ * | | |0 = The I2C SCL bus is stretched by hardware if the SI is not cleared in master mode.
+ * | | |1 = The I2C SCL bus is not stretched by hardware if the SI is not cleared in master mode.
+ * |[8] |PDMASTR |PDMA Stretch Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C send STOP automatically after PDMA transfer done. (only master TX)
+ * | | |1 = I2C SCL bus is stretched by hardware after PDMA transfer done if the SI is not cleared. (only master TX)
+ * @var I2C_T::STATUS1
+ * Offset: 0x48 I2C Status Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4] |FULL |Two-level Buffer Full
+ * | | |This bit indicates two-level buffer TX or RX full or not when the TWOBUFEN = 1.
+ * | | |This bit is set when POINTER is equal to 2.
+ * |[5] |EMPTY |Two-level Buffer Empty
+ * | | |This bit indicates two-level buffer TX or RX empty or not when the TWOBUFEN = 1.
+ * | | |This bit is set when POINTER is equal to 0.
+ * |[6] |OVR |I2C over Run Status Bit
+ * | | |This bit indicates the received two-level buffer TX or RX is over run when the TWOBUFEN = 1.
+ * |[7] |UDR |I2C Under Run Status Bit
+ * | | |This bit indicates the transmitted two-level buffer TX or RX is under run when the TWOBUFEN = 1.
+ * |[8] |ONBUSY |on Bus Busy
+ * | | |Indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus. It is set by hardware when a START condition is detected.
+ * | | |It is cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected.
+ * | | |0 = The bus is IDLE (both SCLK and SDA High).
+ * | | |1 = The bus is busy.
+ * @var I2C_T::TMCTL
+ * Offset: 0x4C I2C Timing Configure Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |STCTL |Setup Time Configure Control Register
+ * | | |This field is used to generate a delay timing between SDA falling edge and SCL rising edge in transmission mode.
+ * | | |The delay setup time is numbers of peripheral clock = STCTL x PCLK.
+ * | | |Note: Setup time setting should not make SCL output less than three PCLKs.
+ * |[11:6] |HTCTL |Hold Time Configure Control Register
+ * | | |This field is used to generate the delay timing between SCL falling edge and SDA rising edge in transmission mode.
+ * | | |The delay hold time is numbers of peripheral clock = HTCTL x PCLK.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] I2C Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDR0; /*!< [0x0004] I2C Slave Address Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t DAT; /*!< [0x0008] I2C Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x000c] I2C Status Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /*!< [0x0010] I2C Clock Divided Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOCTL; /*!< [0x0014] I2C Time-out Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDR1; /*!< [0x0018] I2C Slave Address Register1 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDR2; /*!< [0x001c] I2C Slave Address Register2 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDR3; /*!< [0x0020] I2C Slave Address Register3 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK0; /*!< [0x0024] I2C Slave Address Mask Register0 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK1; /*!< [0x0028] I2C Slave Address Mask Register1 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK2; /*!< [0x002c] I2C Slave Address Mask Register2 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK3; /*!< [0x0030] I2C Slave Address Mask Register3 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[2];
+ __IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x003c] I2C Wake-up Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0040] I2C Wake-up Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL1; /*!< [0x0044] I2C Control Register 1 */
+ __I uint32_t STATUS1; /*!< [0x0048] I2C Status Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t TMCTL; /*!< [0x004c] I2C Timing Configure Control Register */
+} I2C_T;
+ @addtogroup I2C_CONST I2C Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for I2C Controller
+@{ */
+#define I2C_CTL_AA_Pos (2) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: AA Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_AA_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_AA_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: AA Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL_SI_Pos (3) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: SI Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_SI_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_SI_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: SI Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL_STO_Pos (4) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: STO Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_STO_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_STO_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: STO Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL_STA_Pos (5) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: STA Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_STA_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_STA_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: STA Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL_I2CEN_Pos (6) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: I2CEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_I2CEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_I2CEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: I2CEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL_INTEN_Pos (7) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: INTEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL_INTEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL_INTEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL: INTEN Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR0_GC_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR0: GC Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR0_GC_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_ADDR0_GC_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR0: GC Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR0_ADDR_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR0: ADDR Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR0_ADDR_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDR0_ADDR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR0: ADDR Mask */
+#define I2C_DAT_DAT_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::DAT: DAT Position */
+#define I2C_DAT_DAT_Msk (0xfful << I2C_DAT_DAT_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::DAT: DAT Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS_STATUS_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS: STATUS Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS_STATUS_Msk (0xfful << I2C_STATUS_STATUS_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS: STATUS Mask */
+#define I2C_CLKDIV_DIVIDER_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::CLKDIV: DIVIDER Position */
+#define I2C_CLKDIV_DIVIDER_Msk (0xfful << I2C_CLKDIV_DIVIDER_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CLKDIV: DIVIDER Mask */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOIF Position */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_TOCTL_TOIF_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOIF Mask */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOCDIV4_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOCDIV4 Position */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOCDIV4_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_TOCTL_TOCDIV4_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOCDIV4 Mask */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOCEN_Pos (2) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOCEN Position */
+#define I2C_TOCTL_TOCEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_TOCTL_TOCEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::TOCTL: TOCEN Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR1_GC_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR1: GC Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR1_GC_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_ADDR1_GC_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR1: GC Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR1_ADDR_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR1: ADDR Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR1_ADDR_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDR1_ADDR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR1: ADDR Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR2_GC_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR2: GC Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR2_GC_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_ADDR2_GC_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR2: GC Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR2_ADDR_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR2: ADDR Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR2_ADDR_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDR2_ADDR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR2: ADDR Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR3_GC_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR3: GC Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR3_GC_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_ADDR3_GC_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR3: GC Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDR3_ADDR_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR3: ADDR Position */
+#define I2C_ADDR3_ADDR_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDR3_ADDR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDR3: ADDR Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK2_ADDRMSK_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK2: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK2_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDRMSK2_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK2: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK3_ADDRMSK_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK3: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define I2C_ADDRMSK3_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x7ful << I2C_ADDRMSK3_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::ADDRMSK3: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define I2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Position */
+#define I2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define I2C_WKCTL_NHDBUSEN_Pos (7) /*!< I2C_T::WKCTL: NHDBUSEN Position */
+#define I2C_WKCTL_NHDBUSEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_WKCTL_NHDBUSEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::WKCTL: NHDBUSEN Mask */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WKIF Position */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_WKSTS_WKIF_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WKIF Mask */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WKAKDONE_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WKAKDONE Position */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WKAKDONE_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_WKSTS_WKAKDONE_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WKAKDONE Mask */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WRSTSWK_Pos (2) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WRSTSWK Position */
+#define I2C_WKSTS_WRSTSWK_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_WKSTS_WRSTSWK_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::WKSTS: WRSTSWK Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TXPDMAEN_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TXPDMAEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TXPDMAEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_TXPDMAEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TXPDMAEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_RXPDMAEN_Pos (1) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: RXPDMAEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_RXPDMAEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_RXPDMAEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: RXPDMAEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_PDMARST_Pos (2) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: PDMARST Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_PDMARST_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_PDMARST_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: PDMARST Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_OVRIEN_Pos (3) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: OVRIEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_OVRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_OVRIEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: OVRIEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_UDRIEN_Pos (4) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: UDRIEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_UDRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_UDRIEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: UDRIEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFEN_Pos (5) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TWOBUFEN Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFEN_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFEN_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TWOBUFEN Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFRST_Pos (6) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TWOBUFRST Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFRST_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_TWOBUFRST_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: TWOBUFRST Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_NSTRETCH_Pos (7) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: NSTRETCH Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_NSTRETCH_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_NSTRETCH_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: NSTRETCH Mask */
+#define I2C_CTL1_PDMASTR_Pos (8) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: PDMASTR Position */
+#define I2C_CTL1_PDMASTR_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_CTL1_PDMASTR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::CTL1: PDMASTR Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_FULL_Pos (4) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: FULL Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_FULL_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_STATUS1_FULL_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: FULL Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_EMPTY_Pos (5) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: EMPTY Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_EMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_STATUS1_EMPTY_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: EMPTY Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_OVR_Pos (6) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: OVR Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_OVR_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_STATUS1_OVR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: OVR Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_UDR_Pos (7) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: UDR Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_UDR_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_STATUS1_UDR_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: UDR Mask */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_ONBUSY_Pos (8) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: ONBUSY Position */
+#define I2C_STATUS1_ONBUSY_Msk (0x1ul << I2C_STATUS1_ONBUSY_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::STATUS1: ONBUSY Mask */
+#define I2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos (0) /*!< I2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Position */
+#define I2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Msk (0x3ful << I2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Mask */
+#define I2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos (6) /*!< I2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Position */
+#define I2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Msk (0x3ful << I2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos) /*!< I2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* I2C_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of I2C register group */
+/*---------------------- Peripheral Direct Memory Access Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup PDMA Peripheral Direct Memory Access Controller(PDMA)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for PDMA Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var DSCT_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00/0x10/0x20/0x30/0x40 Descriptor Table Control Register of PDMA Channel 0~4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |OPMODE |PDMA Operation Mode Selection
+ * | | |00 = Idle state: Channel is stopped or this table is complete, when PDMA finish channel table task, OPMODE will be cleared to idle state automatically.
+ * | | |01 = Basic mode: The descriptor table only has one task
+ * | | |When this task is finished, the TDIF(PDMA_INTSTS[1]) will be asserted.
+ * | | |10 = Scatter-Gather mode: When operating in this mode, user must give the first descriptor table address in PDMA_DSCT_FIRST register; PDMA controller will ignore this task, then load the next task to execute.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: Before filling transfer task in the Descriptor Table, user must check if the descriptor table is complete.
+ * |[2] |TXTYPE |Transfer Type
+ * | | |0 = Burst transfer type.
+ * | | |1 = Single transfer type.
+ * |[6:4] |BURSIZE |Burst Size
+ * | | |This field is used for peripheral to determine the burst size or used for determine the re-arbitration size.
+ * | | |000 = 128 Transfers.
+ * | | |001 = 64 Transfers.
+ * | | |010 = 32 Transfers.
+ * | | |011 = 16 Transfers.
+ * | | |100 = 8 Transfers.
+ * | | |101 = 4 Transfers.
+ * | | |110 = 2 Transfers.
+ * | | |111 = 1 Transfers.
+ * | | |Note: This field is only useful in burst transfer type.
+ * |[7] |TBINTDIS |Table Interrupt Disable Bit
+ * | | |This field can be used to decide whether to enable table interrupt or not
+ * | | |If the TBINTDIS bit is enabled when PDMA controller finishes transfer task, it will not generates transfer done interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Table interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = Table interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: If this bit set to 1, the TEMPTYF will not be set.
+ * |[9:8] |SAINC |Source Address Increment
+ * | | |This Field Is Used To Set The Source Address Increment Size.
+ * | | |11 = No Increment (Fixed Address).
+ * | | |Others = Increment And Size Is Depended On TXWIDTH Selection.
+ * |[11:10] |DAINC |Destination Address Increment
+ * | | |This field is used to set the destination address increment size.
+ * | | |11 = No increment (fixed address).
+ * | | |Others = Increment and size is depended on TXWIDTH selection.
+ * |[13:12] |TXWIDTH |Transfer Width Selection
+ * | | |This field is used for transfer width.
+ * | | |00 = One byte (8 bit) is transferred for every operation.
+ * | | |01 = One half-word (16 bit) is transferred for every operation.
+ * | | |10 = One word (32-bit) is transferred for every operation.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: The PDMA transfer source address (PDMA_DSCT_SA) and PDMA transfer destination address (PDMA_DSCT_DA) should be alignment under the TXWIDTH selection
+ * | | |For example, if source address is 0x2000_0202, but TXWIDTH is word transfer, the source address is not word alignment
+ * | | |The source address is aligned when TXWIDTH is byte or half-word transfer.
+ * |[29:16] |TXCNT |Transfer Count
+ * | | |The TXCNT represents the required number of PDMA transfer, the real transfer count is (TXCNT + 1); The maximum transfer count is 16384 , every transfer may be byte, half-word or word that is dependent on TXWIDTH field.
+ * | | |Note: When PDMA finish each transfer data, this field will be decrease immediately.
+ * @var DSCT_T::SA
+ * Offset: 0x04/0x14/0x24/0x34/0x44 Source Address Register of PDMA Channel 0~4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |SA |PDMA Transfer Source Address Register
+ * | | |This field indicates a 32-bit source address of PDMA controller.
+ * | | |Note: The PDMA transfer source address should be aligned with the TXWIDTH(PDMA_DSCTn_CTL[13:12], n=0,1..4) selection.
+ * @var DSCT_T::DA
+ * Offset: 0x08/0x18/0x28/0x38/0x48 Destination Address Register of PDMA Channel 0~4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |DA |PDMA Transfer Destination Address Register
+ * | | |This field indicates a 32-bit destination address of PDMA controller.
+ * | | |Note: The PDMA transfer destination address should be aligned with the TXWIDTH(PDMA_DSCTn_CTL[13:12], n=0,1..4) selection.
+ * @var DSCT_T::FIRST
+ * Offset: 0x0C/0x1C/0x2C/0x3C/0x4C First Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Offset of PDMA Channel 0~4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FIRST |PDMA First Descriptor Table Offset
+ * | | |This field indicates the offset of the first descriptor table address in system memory.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |If the system memory based address is 0x2000_0000 (PDMA_SCATBA), and the first descriptor table is start from 0x2000_0100, then this field must fill in 0x0100.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |When operating in scatter-gather mode, the last two bits FIRST[1:0] will become reserved.
+ * | | |Note1: The first descriptor table address must be word boundary.
+ * | | |Note2: Before filled transfer task in the descriptor table, user must check if the descriptor table is complete.
+ * |[31:16] |NEXT |PDMA Next Descriptor Table Offset
+ * | | |This field indicates the offset of next descriptor table address in system memory.
+ * | | |Note: write operation is useless in this field.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x00/0x10/0x20/0x30/0x40] Descriptor Table Control Register of PDMA Channel 0~4 */
+ __IO uint32_t SA; /*!< [0x04/0x14/0x24/0x34/0x44] Source Address Register of PDMA Channel 0~4 */
+ __IO uint32_t DA; /*!< [0x08/0x18/0x28/0x38/0x48] Destination Address Register of PDMA Channel 0~4 */
+ union
+ {
+ __IO uint32_t FIRST; /*!< [0x0C/0x1C/0x2C/0x3C/0x4C] First Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Offset of PDMA Channel 0~4 */
+ __IO uint32_t NEXT; /*!< Next Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Offset */
+ };
+} DSCT_T;
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var PDMA_T::CURSCAT
+ * Offset: 0x50/0x54/0x58/0x5C/0x60 Current Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Address of PDMA Channel 0~4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |CURADDR |PDMA Current Description Address Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates a 32-bit current external description address of PDMA controller.
+ * | | |Note: This field is read only and only used for Scatter-Gather mode to indicate the current external description address.
+ * @var PDMA_T::CHCTL
+ * Offset: 0x400 PDMA Channel Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CHEN0 |PDMA Channel N Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable PDMAn operation. Channel cannot be active if it is not set as enabled.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel [n] Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel [n] Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Set PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register will also clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |CHEN1 |PDMA Channel N Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable PDMAn operation. Channel cannot be active if it is not set as enabled.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel [n] Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel [n] Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Set PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register will also clear this bit.
+ * |[2] |CHEN2 |PDMA Channel N Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable PDMAn operation. Channel cannot be active if it is not set as enabled.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel [n] Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel [n] Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Set PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register will also clear this bit.
+ * |[3] |CHEN3 |PDMA Channel N Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable PDMAn operation. Channel cannot be active if it is not set as enabled.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel [n] Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel [n] Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Set PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register will also clear this bit.
+ * |[4] |CHEN4 |PDMA Channel N Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable PDMAn operation. Channel cannot be active if it is not set as enabled.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel [n] Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel [n] Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Set PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register will also clear this bit.
+ * @var PDMA_T::PAUSE
+ * Offset: 0x404 PDMA Transfer Pause Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PAUSE0 |PDMA Channel N Transfer Pause Control Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |User can set PAUSEn bit field to pause the PDMA transfer
+ * | | |When user sets PAUSEn bit, the PDMA controller will pause the on-going transfer, then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [n], n=0,1..4) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable the paused channel agian, the remaining transfers will be processed.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Pause PDMA channel n transfer.
+ * |[1] |PAUSE1 |PDMA Channel N Transfer Pause Control Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |User can set PAUSEn bit field to pause the PDMA transfer
+ * | | |When user sets PAUSEn bit, the PDMA controller will pause the on-going transfer, then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [n], n=0,1..4) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable the paused channel agian, the remaining transfers will be processed.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Pause PDMA channel n transfer.
+ * |[2] |PAUSE2 |PDMA Channel N Transfer Pause Control Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |User can set PAUSEn bit field to pause the PDMA transfer
+ * | | |When user sets PAUSEn bit, the PDMA controller will pause the on-going transfer, then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [n], n=0,1..4) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable the paused channel agian, the remaining transfers will be processed.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Pause PDMA channel n transfer.
+ * |[3] |PAUSE3 |PDMA Channel N Transfer Pause Control Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |User can set PAUSEn bit field to pause the PDMA transfer
+ * | | |When user sets PAUSEn bit, the PDMA controller will pause the on-going transfer, then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [n], n=0,1..4) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable the paused channel agian, the remaining transfers will be processed.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Pause PDMA channel n transfer.
+ * |[4] |PAUSE4 |PDMA Channel N Transfer Pause Control Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |User can set PAUSEn bit field to pause the PDMA transfer
+ * | | |When user sets PAUSEn bit, the PDMA controller will pause the on-going transfer, then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [n], n=0,1..4) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable the paused channel agian, the remaining transfers will be processed.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Pause PDMA channel n transfer.
+ * @var PDMA_T::SWREQ
+ * Offset: 0x408 PDMA Software Request Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SWREQ0 |PDMA Channel N Software Request Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to generate a software request to PDMA [n].
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Generate a software request.
+ * | | |Note1: User can read PDMA_TRGSTS register to know which channel is on active
+ * | | |Active flag may be triggered by software request or peripheral request.
+ * | | |Note2: If user does not enable corresponding PDMA channel, the software request will be ignored.
+ * |[1] |SWREQ1 |PDMA Channel N Software Request Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to generate a software request to PDMA [n].
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Generate a software request.
+ * | | |Note1: User can read PDMA_TRGSTS register to know which channel is on active
+ * | | |Active flag may be triggered by software request or peripheral request.
+ * | | |Note2: If user does not enable corresponding PDMA channel, the software request will be ignored.
+ * |[2] |SWREQ2 |PDMA Channel N Software Request Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to generate a software request to PDMA [n].
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Generate a software request.
+ * | | |Note1: User can read PDMA_TRGSTS register to know which channel is on active
+ * | | |Active flag may be triggered by software request or peripheral request.
+ * | | |Note2: If user does not enable corresponding PDMA channel, the software request will be ignored.
+ * |[3] |SWREQ3 |PDMA Channel N Software Request Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to generate a software request to PDMA [n].
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Generate a software request.
+ * | | |Note1: User can read PDMA_TRGSTS register to know which channel is on active
+ * | | |Active flag may be triggered by software request or peripheral request.
+ * | | |Note2: If user does not enable corresponding PDMA channel, the software request will be ignored.
+ * |[4] |SWREQ4 |PDMA Channel N Software Request Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to generate a software request to PDMA [n].
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Generate a software request.
+ * | | |Note1: User can read PDMA_TRGSTS register to know which channel is on active
+ * | | |Active flag may be triggered by software request or peripheral request.
+ * | | |Note2: If user does not enable corresponding PDMA channel, the software request will be ignored.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TRGSTS
+ * Offset: 0x40C PDMA Channel Request Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |REQSTS0 |PDMA Channel N Request Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates whether channel[n] have a request or not, no matter request from software or peripheral
+ * | | |When PDMA controller finishes channel transfer, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel n has no request.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel n has a request.
+ * | | |Note: If user pauses or resets each PDMA transfer by setting PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register respectively, this bit will be cleared automatically after finishing current transfer.
+ * |[1] |REQSTS1 |PDMA Channel N Request Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates whether channel[n] have a request or not, no matter request from software or peripheral
+ * | | |When PDMA controller finishes channel transfer, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel n has no request.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel n has a request.
+ * | | |Note: If user pauses or resets each PDMA transfer by setting PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register respectively, this bit will be cleared automatically after finishing current transfer.
+ * |[2] |REQSTS2 |PDMA Channel N Request Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates whether channel[n] have a request or not, no matter request from software or peripheral
+ * | | |When PDMA controller finishes channel transfer, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel n has no request.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel n has a request.
+ * | | |Note: If user pauses or resets each PDMA transfer by setting PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register respectively, this bit will be cleared automatically after finishing current transfer.
+ * |[3] |REQSTS3 |PDMA Channel N Request Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates whether channel[n] have a request or not, no matter request from software or peripheral
+ * | | |When PDMA controller finishes channel transfer, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel n has no request.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel n has a request.
+ * | | |Note: If user pauses or resets each PDMA transfer by setting PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register respectively, this bit will be cleared automatically after finishing current transfer.
+ * |[4] |REQSTS4 |PDMA Channel N Request Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates whether channel[n] have a request or not, no matter request from software or peripheral
+ * | | |When PDMA controller finishes channel transfer, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel n has no request.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel n has a request.
+ * | | |Note: If user pauses or resets each PDMA transfer by setting PDMA_PAUSE or PDMA_RESET register respectively, this bit will be cleared automatically after finishing current transfer.
+ * @var PDMA_T::PRISET
+ * Offset: 0x410 PDMA Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FPRISET0 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable fixed priority level
+ * | | |The fixed priority channel has higher priority than round-robin priority channel
+ * | | |If multiple channels are set as the same priority, the higher number of channels have higher priority.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set PDMA channel [n] to fixed priority channel.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding PDMA channel is round-robin priority.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding PDMA channel is fixed priority.
+ * | | |Note: This field only set to fixed priority, clear fixed priority use PDMA_PRICLR register.
+ * |[1] |FPRISET1 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable fixed priority level
+ * | | |The fixed priority channel has higher priority than round-robin priority channel
+ * | | |If multiple channels are set as the same priority, the higher number of channels have higher priority.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set PDMA channel [n] to fixed priority channel.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding PDMA channel is round-robin priority.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding PDMA channel is fixed priority.
+ * | | |Note: This field only set to fixed priority, clear fixed priority use PDMA_PRICLR register.
+ * |[2] |FPRISET2 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable fixed priority level
+ * | | |The fixed priority channel has higher priority than round-robin priority channel
+ * | | |If multiple channels are set as the same priority, the higher number of channels have higher priority.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set PDMA channel [n] to fixed priority channel.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding PDMA channel is round-robin priority.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding PDMA channel is fixed priority.
+ * | | |Note: This field only set to fixed priority, clear fixed priority use PDMA_PRICLR register.
+ * |[3] |FPRISET3 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable fixed priority level
+ * | | |The fixed priority channel has higher priority than round-robin priority channel
+ * | | |If multiple channels are set as the same priority, the higher number of channels have higher priority.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set PDMA channel [n] to fixed priority channel.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding PDMA channel is round-robin priority.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding PDMA channel is fixed priority.
+ * | | |Note: This field only set to fixed priority, clear fixed priority use PDMA_PRICLR register.
+ * |[4] |FPRISET4 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Setting Register
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable fixed priority level
+ * | | |The fixed priority channel has higher priority than round-robin priority channel
+ * | | |If multiple channels are set as the same priority, the higher number of channels have higher priority.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set PDMA channel [n] to fixed priority channel.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = Corresponding PDMA channel is round-robin priority.
+ * | | |1 = Corresponding PDMA channel is fixed priority.
+ * | | |Note: This field only set to fixed priority, clear fixed priority use PDMA_PRICLR register.
+ * @var PDMA_T::PRICLR
+ * Offset: 0x414 PDMA Fixed Priority Clear Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FPRICLR0 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Clear Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to clear fixed priority level.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear PDMA channel [n] fixed priority setting.
+ * | | |Note: User can read PDMA_PRISET register to know the channel priority.
+ * |[1] |FPRICLR1 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Clear Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to clear fixed priority level.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear PDMA channel [n] fixed priority setting.
+ * | | |Note: User can read PDMA_PRISET register to know the channel priority.
+ * |[2] |FPRICLR2 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Clear Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to clear fixed priority level.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear PDMA channel [n] fixed priority setting.
+ * | | |Note: User can read PDMA_PRISET register to know the channel priority.
+ * |[3] |FPRICLR3 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Clear Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to clear fixed priority level.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear PDMA channel [n] fixed priority setting.
+ * | | |Note: User can read PDMA_PRISET register to know the channel priority.
+ * |[4] |FPRICLR4 |PDMA Channel N Fixed Priority Clear Register (Write Only)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to clear fixed priority level.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear PDMA channel [n] fixed priority setting.
+ * | | |Note: User can read PDMA_PRISET register to know the channel priority.
+ * @var PDMA_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x418 PDMA Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |INTEN0 |PDMA Channel N Interrupt Enable Register
+ * | | |This field is used for enabling PDMA channel[n] interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel n interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel n interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[1] |INTEN1 |PDMA Channel N Interrupt Enable Register
+ * | | |This field is used for enabling PDMA channel[n] interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel n interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel n interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[2] |INTEN2 |PDMA Channel N Interrupt Enable Register
+ * | | |This field is used for enabling PDMA channel[n] interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel n interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel n interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |INTEN3 |PDMA Channel N Interrupt Enable Register
+ * | | |This field is used for enabling PDMA channel[n] interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel n interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel n interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[4] |INTEN4 |PDMA Channel N Interrupt Enable Register
+ * | | |This field is used for enabling PDMA channel[n] interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel n interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel n interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var PDMA_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x41C PDMA Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ABTIF |PDMA Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates that PDMA has target abort error; Software can read PDMA_ABTSTS register to find which channel has target abort error.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received.
+ * |[1] |TDIF |Transfer Done Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates that PDMA controller has finished transmission; User can read PDMA_TDSTS register to indicate which channel finished transfer.
+ * | | |0 = Not finished yet.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * |[2] |TEIF |Table Empty Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty
+ * | | |User can read PDMA_SCATSTS register to indicate which channel scatter-gather table is empty.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty.
+ * |[8] |REQTOF0 |PDMA Channel N Request Time-out Flag for Each Channel [N]
+ * | | |This flag indicates that PDMA controller has waited peripheral request for a period defined by PDMA_TOC0, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No request time-out.
+ * | | |1 = Peripheral request time-out.
+ * |[9] |REQTOF1 |PDMA Channel N Request Time-out Flag for Each Channel [N]
+ * | | |This flag indicates that PDMA controller has waited peripheral request for a period defined by PDMA_TOC10, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No request time-out.
+ * | | |1 = Peripheral request time-out.
+ * @var PDMA_T::ABTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x420 PDMA Channel Read/Write Target Abort Flag Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ABTIF0 |PDMA Channel 0 Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA controller has target abort error; User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * |[1] |ABTIF1 |PDMA Channel 1 Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA controller has target abort error; User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * |[2] |ABTIF2 |PDMA Channel 2 Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA controller has target abort error; User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * |[3] |ABTIF3 |PDMA Channel 3 Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA controller has target abort error; User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * |[4] |ABTIF4 |PDMA Channel 4 Read/Write Target Abort Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA controller has target abort error; User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = No AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * | | |1 = AHB bus ERROR response received when channel n transfer.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TDSTS
+ * Offset: 0x424 PDMA Channel Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TDIF0 |PDMA Channel 0 Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether PDMA controller channel transfer has been finished or not, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel transfer has not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * |[1] |TDIF1 |PDMA Channel 1 Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether PDMA controller channel transfer has been finished or not, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel transfer has not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * |[2] |TDIF2 |PDMA Channel 2 Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether PDMA controller channel transfer has been finished or not, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel transfer has not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * |[3] |TDIF3 |PDMA Channel 3 Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether PDMA controller channel transfer has been finished or not, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel transfer has not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * |[4] |TDIF4 |PDMA Channel 4 Transfer Done Flag Register
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether PDMA controller channel transfer has been finished or not, user can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel transfer has not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel has finished transmission.
+ * @var PDMA_T::SCATSTS
+ * Offset: 0x428 PDMA Scatter-Gather Table Empty Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TEMPTYF0 |Table Empty Flag Register
+ * | | |T This bit indicates which PDMA channel table is empty when channel have a request , no matter request from software or peripheral, but operation mode of channel descriptor table is idle state, or channel has finished current transfer and next table operation mode is idle state for PDMA Scatter-Gather mode
+ * | | |User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty and PDMA SWREQ has be set.
+ * |[1] |TEMPTYF1 |Table Empty Flag Register
+ * | | |T This bit indicates which PDMA channel table is empty when channel have a request , no matter request from software or peripheral, but operation mode of channel descriptor table is idle state, or channel has finished current transfer and next table operation mode is idle state for PDMA Scatter-Gather mode
+ * | | |User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty and PDMA SWREQ has be set.
+ * |[2] |TEMPTYF2 |Table Empty Flag Register
+ * | | |T This bit indicates which PDMA channel table is empty when channel have a request , no matter request from software or peripheral, but operation mode of channel descriptor table is idle state, or channel has finished current transfer and next table operation mode is idle state for PDMA Scatter-Gather mode
+ * | | |User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty and PDMA SWREQ has be set.
+ * |[3] |TEMPTYF3 |Table Empty Flag Register
+ * | | |T This bit indicates which PDMA channel table is empty when channel have a request , no matter request from software or peripheral, but operation mode of channel descriptor table is idle state, or channel has finished current transfer and next table operation mode is idle state for PDMA Scatter-Gather mode
+ * | | |User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty and PDMA SWREQ has be set.
+ * |[4] |TEMPTYF4 |Table Empty Flag Register
+ * | | |T This bit indicates which PDMA channel table is empty when channel have a request , no matter request from software or peripheral, but operation mode of channel descriptor table is idle state, or channel has finished current transfer and next table operation mode is idle state for PDMA Scatter-Gather mode
+ * | | |User can write 1 to clear these bits.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel scatter-gather table is empty and PDMA SWREQ has be set.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TACTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x42C PDMA Transfer Active Flag Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TXACTF0 |PDMA Channel 0 Transfer on Active Flag Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA channel is in active.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel is active.
+ * |[1] |TXACTF1 |PDMA Channel 1 Transfer on Active Flag Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA channel is in active.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel is active.
+ * |[2] |TXACTF2 |PDMA Channel 2 Transfer on Active Flag Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA channel is in active.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel is active.
+ * |[3] |TXACTF3 |PDMA Channel 3 Transfer on Active Flag Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA channel is in active.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel is active.
+ * |[4] |TXACTF4 |PDMA Channel 4 Transfer on Active Flag Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates which PDMA channel is in active.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA channel is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA channel is active.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TOUTPSC
+ * Offset: 0x430 PDMA Time-out Prescaler Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |TOUTPSC0 |PDMA Channel 0 Time-out Clock Source Prescaler Bits
+ * | | |000 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^8.
+ * | | |001 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^9.
+ * | | |010 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^10.
+ * | | |011 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^11.
+ * | | |100 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^12.
+ * | | |101 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^13.
+ * | | |110 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^14.
+ * | | |111 = PDMA channel 0 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^15.
+ * |[6:4] |TOUTPSC1 |PDMA Channel 1 Time-out Clock Source Prescaler Bits
+ * | | |000 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^8.
+ * | | |001 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^9.
+ * | | |010 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^10.
+ * | | |011 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^11.
+ * | | |100 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^12.
+ * | | |101 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^13.
+ * | | |110 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^14.
+ * | | |111 = PDMA channel 1 time-out clock source is HCLK/2^15.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TOUTEN
+ * Offset: 0x434 PDMA Time-out Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TOUTEN0 |PDMA Channel 0 Time-out Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel 0 time-out function Disable.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel 0 time-out function Enable.
+ * |[1] |TOUTEN1 |PDMA Channel 1 Time-out Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel 1 time-out function Disable.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel 1 time-out function Enable.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TOUTIEN
+ * Offset: 0x438 PDMA Time-out Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TOUTIEN0 |PDMA Channel 0 Time-out Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel 0 time-out interrupt Disable.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel 0 time-out interrupt Enable.
+ * |[1] |TOUTIEN1 |PDMA Channel 1 Time-out Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PDMA Channel 1 time-out interrupt Disable.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA Channel 1 time-out interrupt Enable.
+ * @var PDMA_T::SCATBA
+ * Offset: 0x43C PDMA Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Base Address Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:16] |SCATBA |PDMA Scatter-gather Descriptor Table Address Register
+ * | | |In Scatter-Gather mode, this is the base address for calculating the next link - list address
+ * | | |The next link address equation is
+ * | | |Next Link Address = PDMA_SCATBA + PDMA_DSCT_FIRST.
+ * | | |Note: Only useful in Scatter-Gather mode.
+ * @var PDMA_T::TOC0_1
+ * Offset: 0x440 PDMA Channel 0 and Channel 1 Time-out Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |TOC0 |Time-out Counter for Channel 0
+ * | | |This controls the period of time-out function for channel 0
+ * | | |The calculation unit is based on TOUTPSC0 (PDMA_TOUTPSC[2:0]) clock.
+ * | | |Time-out period = (Period of time-out clock) * (16-bit TOCn),n = 0,1.
+ * |[31:16] |TOC1 |Time-out Counter for Channel 1
+ * | | |This controls the period of time-out function for channel 1
+ * | | |The calculation unit is based on TOUTPSC1 (PDMA_TOUTPSC[5:3]) clock
+ * | | |The example of time-out period can refer TOC0 bit description.
+ * @var PDMA_T::RESET
+ * Offset: 0x460 PDMA Channel Reset Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RESET0 |PDMA Channel 0 Reset Control Register
+ * | | |User can set this bit field to reset the PDMA channel
+ * | | |When user sets RESETn bit, the PDMA controller will finish the on-going transfer then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [0]) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable channel after channel reset, PDMA will re-load the channel description table to execute PDMA task.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset PDMA channel 0.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically after finishing reset process.
+ * |[1] |RESET1 |PDMA Channel 1 Reset Control Register
+ * | | |User can set this bit field to reset the PDMA channel
+ * | | |When user sets RESETn bit, the PDMA controller will finish the on-going transfer then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [1]) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable channel after channel reset, PDMA will re-load the channel description table to execute PDMA task.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset PDMA channel 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically after finishing reset process.
+ * |[2] |RESET2 |PDMA Channel 2 Reset Control Register
+ * | | |User can set this bit field to reset the PDMA channel
+ * | | |When user sets RESETn bit, the PDMA controller will finish the on-going transfer then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [2]) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable channel after channel reset, PDMA will re-load the channel description table to execute PDMA task.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset PDMA channel 2.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically after finishing reset process.
+ * |[3] |RESET3 |PDMA Channel 3 Reset Control Register
+ * | | |User can set this bit field to reset the PDMA channel
+ * | | |When user sets RESETn bit, the PDMA controller will finish the on-going transfer then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [3]) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable channel after channel reset, PDMA will re-load the channel description table to execute PDMA task.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset PDMA channel 3.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically after finishing reset process.
+ * |[4] |RESET4 |PDMA Channel 4 Reset Control Register
+ * | | |User can set this bit field to reset the PDMA channel
+ * | | |When user sets RESETn bit, the PDMA controller will finish the on-going transfer then clear the channel enable bit CHEN(PDMA_CHCTL [4]) and clear request active flag
+ * | | |If re-enable channel after channel reset, PDMA will re-load the channel description table to execute PDMA task.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset PDMA channel 4.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically after finishing reset process.
+ * @var PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3
+ * Offset: 0x480 PDMA Channel 0 to Channel 3 Request Source Select Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |REQSRC0 |Channel 0 Request Source Selection
+ * | | |This filed defines which peripheral is connected to PDMA channel 0
+ * | | |User can configure the peripheral by setting REQSRC0.
+ * | | |0 = Disable PDMA.
+ * | | |1 = Reserved.
+ * | | |2 = Channel connects to USB_TX.
+ * | | |3 = Channel connects to USB_RX.
+ * | | |4 = Channel connects to UART0_TX.
+ * | | |5 = Channel connects to UART0_RX.
+ * | | |6 = Channel connects to UART1_TX.
+ * | | |7 = Channel connects to UART1_RX.
+ * | | |8 = Channel connects to UART2_TX.
+ * | | |9 = Channel connects to UART2_RX.
+ * | | |16 = Channel connects to SPI0_TX.
+ * | | |17 = Channel connects to SPI0_RX.
+ * | | |18 = Channel connects to SPI1_TX.
+ * | | |19 = Channel connects to SPI1_RX.
+ * | | |20 = Channel connects to ADC_RX.
+ * | | |21 = Channel connects to PWM0_P1_RX.
+ * | | |22 = Channel connects to PWM0_P2_RX.
+ * | | |23 = Channel connects to PWM0_P3_RX.
+ * | | |24 = Channel connects to PWM1_P1_RX.
+ * | | |25 = Channel connects to PWM1_P2_RX.
+ * | | |26 = Channel connects to PWM1_P3_RX.
+ * | | |27 = Reserved.
+ * | | |28 = Channel connects to I2C0_TX.
+ * | | |29 = Channel connects to I2C0_RX.
+ * | | |30 = Channel connects to I2C1_TX.
+ * | | |31 = Channel connects to I2C1_RX.
+ * | | |32 = Channel connects to TMR0.
+ * | | |33 = Channel connects to TMR1.
+ * | | |34 = Channel connects to TMR2.
+ * | | |35 = Channel connects to TMR3.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note 1: A request source cannot assign to two channels at the same time.
+ * | | |Note 2: This field is useless when transfer between memory and memory.
+ * |[13:8] |REQSRC1 |Channel 1 Request Source Selection
+ * | | |This filed defines which peripheral is connected to PDMA channel 1
+ * | | |User can configure the peripheral setting by REQSRC1.
+ * | | |Note: The channel configuration is the same as REQSRC0 field
+ * | | |Please refer to the explanation of REQSRC0.
+ * |[21:16] |REQSRC2 |Channel 2 Request Source Selection
+ * | | |This filed defines which peripheral is connected to PDMA channel 2
+ * | | |User can configure the peripheral setting by REQSRC2.
+ * | | |Note: The channel configuration is the same as REQSRC0 field
+ * | | |Please refer to the explanation of REQSRC0.
+ * |[29:24] |REQSRC3 |Channel 3 Request Source Selection
+ * | | |This filed defines which peripheral is connected to PDMA channel 3
+ * | | |User can configure the peripheral setting by REQSRC3.
+ * | | |Note: The channel configuration is the same as REQSRC0 field
+ * | | |Please refer to the explanation of REQSRC0.
+ * @var PDMA_T::REQSEL4
+ * Offset: 0x484 PDMA Channel 4 Request Source Select Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |REQSRC4 |Channel 4 Request Source Selection
+ * | | |This filed defines which peripheral is connected to PDMA channel 4
+ * | | |User can configure the peripheral setting by REQSRC4.
+ * | | |Note: The channel configuration is the same as REQSRC0 field
+ * | | |Please refer to the explanation of REQSRC0.
+ */
+ DSCT_T DSCT[5]; /*!< [0x0000 ~ 0x004C] DMA Embedded Description Table 0~4 */
+ __I uint32_t CURSCAT[5]; /*!< [0x0050~0x0060] Current Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Address of PDMA Channel 0~4 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[231];
+ __IO uint32_t CHCTL; /*!< [0x0400] PDMA Channel Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t PAUSE; /*!< [0x0404] PDMA Transfer Pause Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t SWREQ; /*!< [0x0408] PDMA Software Request Register */
+ __I uint32_t TRGSTS; /*!< [0x040c] PDMA Channel Request Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PRISET; /*!< [0x0410] PDMA Fixed Priority Setting Register */
+ __O uint32_t PRICLR; /*!< [0x0414] PDMA Fixed Priority Clear Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0418] PDMA Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x041c] PDMA Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ABTSTS; /*!< [0x0420] PDMA Channel Read/Write Target Abort Flag Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TDSTS; /*!< [0x0424] PDMA Channel Transfer Done Flag Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SCATSTS; /*!< [0x0428] PDMA Scatter-Gather Table Empty Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t TACTSTS; /*!< [0x042c] PDMA Transfer Active Flag Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOUTPSC; /*!< [0x0430] PDMA Time-out Prescaler Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOUTEN; /*!< [0x0434] PDMA Time-out Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOUTIEN; /*!< [0x0438] PDMA Time-out Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SCATBA; /*!< [0x043c] PDMA Scatter-Gather Descriptor Table Base Address Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOC0_1; /*!< [0x0440] PDMA Channel 0 and Channel 1 Time-out Counter Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[7];
+ __IO uint32_t RESET; /*!< [0x0460] PDMA Channel Reset Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[7];
+ __IO uint32_t REQSEL0_3; /*!< [0x0480] PDMA Channel 0 to Channel 3 Request Source Select Register */
+ __IO uint32_t REQSEL4; /*!< [0x0484] PDMA Channel 4 Request Source Select Register */
+} PDMA_T;
+ @addtogroup PDMA_CONST PDMA Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for PDMA Controller
+@{ */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_OPMODE_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: OPMODE Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TXTYPE_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: TXTYPE Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_BURSIZE_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: BURSIZE Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TBINTDIS_Pos (7) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: TBINTDIS Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_SAINC_Pos (8) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: SAINC Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_SAINC_Msk (0x3ul << PDMA_DSCT_CTL_SAINC_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: SAINC Mask */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_DAINC_Pos (10) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: DAINC Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_DAINC_Msk (0x3ul << PDMA_DSCT_CTL_DAINC_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: DAINC Mask */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TXWIDTH_Pos (12) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: TXWIDTH Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TXCNT_Pos (16) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: TXCNT Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TXCNT_Msk (0x3ffful << PDMA_DSCT_CTL_TXCNT_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_CTL: TXCNT Mask */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_SA_SA_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_SA: SA Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_SA_SA_Msk (0xfffffffful << PDMA_DSCT_SA_SA_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_SA: SA Mask */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_DA_DA_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_DA: DA Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_DA_DA_Msk (0xfffffffful << PDMA_DSCT_DA_DA_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_DA: DA Mask */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_FIRST_FIRST_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_FIRST: FIRST Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_FIRST_NEXT_Pos (16) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_FIRST: NEXT Position */
+#define PDMA_DSCT_FIRST_NEXT_Msk (0xfffful << PDMA_DSCT_FIRST_NEXT_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::DSCT_FIRST: NEXT Mask */
+#define PDMA_CURSCAT_CURADDR_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::CURSCAT: CURADDR Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN0 Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN1 Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN2 Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN3 Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN4 Position */
+#define PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_CHCTL_CHEN4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::CHCTL: CHEN4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE0 Position */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE1 Position */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE2 Position */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE3 Position */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE4 Position */
+#define PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_PAUSE_PAUSE4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::PAUSE: PAUSE4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ0 Position */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ1 Position */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ2 Position */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ3 Position */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ4 Position */
+#define PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_SWREQ_SWREQ4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SWREQ: SWREQ4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS2 Position */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS3 Position */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS4 Position */
+#define PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TRGSTS_REQSTS4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TRGSTS: REQSTS4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_PRISET_FPRISET0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::PRISET: FPRISET0 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRISET_FPRISET1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::PRISET: FPRISET1 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRISET_FPRISET2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::PRISET: FPRISET2 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRISET_FPRISET3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::PRISET: FPRISET3 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRISET_FPRISET4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::PRISET: FPRISET4 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRICLR_FPRICLR0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::PRICLR: FPRICLR0 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRICLR_FPRICLR1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::PRICLR: FPRICLR1 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRICLR_FPRICLR2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::PRICLR: FPRICLR2 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRICLR_FPRICLR3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::PRICLR: FPRICLR3 Position */
+#define PDMA_PRICLR_FPRICLR4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::PRICLR: FPRICLR4 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN0 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTEN_INTEN0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN1 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTEN_INTEN1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN2 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTEN_INTEN2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN3 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTEN_INTEN3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN4 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTEN_INTEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTEN_INTEN4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTEN: INTEN4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_ABTIF_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: ABTIF Position */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_ABTIF_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTSTS_ABTIF_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: ABTIF Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_TDIF_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: TDIF Position */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_TDIF_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTSTS_TDIF_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: TDIF Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_TEIF_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: TEIF Position */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_TEIF_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTSTS_TEIF_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: TEIF Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF0_Pos (8) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: REQTOF0 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: REQTOF0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF1_Pos (9) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: REQTOF1 Position */
+#define PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_INTSTS_REQTOF1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::INTSTS: REQTOF1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF0 Position */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF1 Position */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF2 Position */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF3 Position */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF4 Position */
+#define PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_ABTSTS_ABTIF4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::ABTSTS: ABTIF4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF2 Position */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF3 Position */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF4 Position */
+#define PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TDSTS_TDIF4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TDSTS: TDIF4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_SCATSTS_TEMPTYF0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATSTS: TEMPTYF0 Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATSTS_TEMPTYF1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATSTS: TEMPTYF1 Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATSTS_TEMPTYF2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATSTS: TEMPTYF2 Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATSTS_TEMPTYF3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATSTS: TEMPTYF3 Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATSTS_TEMPTYF4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATSTS: TEMPTYF4 Position */
+#define PDMA_TACTSTS_TXACTF0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TACTSTS: TXACTF0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TACTSTS_TXACTF1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::TACTSTS: TXACTF1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TACTSTS_TXACTF2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::TACTSTS: TXACTF2 Position */
+#define PDMA_TACTSTS_TXACTF3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::TACTSTS: TXACTF3 Position */
+#define PDMA_TACTSTS_TXACTF4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::TACTSTS: TXACTF4 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTPSC_TOUTPSC0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTPSC: TOUTPSC0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTPSC_TOUTPSC1_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTPSC: TOUTPSC1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTEN: TOUTEN0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTEN: TOUTEN0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTEN: TOUTEN1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_TOUTEN_TOUTEN1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTEN: TOUTEN1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TOUTIEN_TOUTIEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTIEN: TOUTIEN0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOUTIEN_TOUTIEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::TOUTIEN: TOUTIEN1 Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATBA_SCATBA_Pos (16) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATBA: SCATBA Position */
+#define PDMA_SCATBA_SCATBA_Msk (0xfffful << PDMA_SCATBA_SCATBA_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::SCATBA: SCATBA Mask */
+#define PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::TOC0_1: TOC0 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC0_Msk (0xfffful << PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TOC0_1: TOC0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC1_Pos (16) /*!< PDMA_T::TOC0_1: TOC1 Position */
+#define PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC1_Msk (0xfffful << PDMA_TOC0_1_TOC1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::TOC0_1: TOC1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET0 Position */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET0_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_RESET_RESET0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET1_Pos (1) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET1 Position */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET1_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_RESET_RESET1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET2_Pos (2) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET2 Position */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET2_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_RESET_RESET2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET3_Pos (3) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET3 Position */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET3_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_RESET_RESET3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET4_Pos (4) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET4 Position */
+#define PDMA_RESET_RESET4_Msk (0x1ul << PDMA_RESET_RESET4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::RESET: RESET4 Mask */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC0_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC0 Position */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC0_Msk (0x3ful << PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC0_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC0 Mask */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC1_Pos (8) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC1 Position */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC1_Msk (0x3ful << PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC1_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC1 Mask */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC2_Pos (16) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC2 Position */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC2_Msk (0x3ful << PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC2_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC2 Mask */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC3_Pos (24) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC3 Position */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC3_Msk (0x3ful << PDMA_REQSEL0_3_REQSRC3_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL0_3: REQSRC3 Mask */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL4_REQSRC4_Pos (0) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL4: REQSRC4 Position */
+#define PDMA_REQSEL4_REQSRC4_Msk (0x3ful << PDMA_REQSEL4_REQSRC4_Pos) /*!< PDMA_T::REQSEL4: REQSRC4 Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* PDMA_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of PDMA register group */
+/*---------------------- Pulse Width Modulation Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup PWM Pulse Width Modulation Controller(PWM)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for PWM Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var PWM_T::CTL0
+ * Offset: 0x00 PWM Control Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CTRLD0 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 0 controls the PWM channel 0.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD0 register will load to PBUF0 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT0 register will load to CMPBUF0 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[1] |CTRLD1 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 1 controls the PWM channel 1.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD1 register will load to PBUF1 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT1 register will load to CMPBUF1 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[2] |CTRLD2 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 2 controls the PWM channel 2.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD2 register will load to PBUF2 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT2 register will load to CMPBUF2 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[3] |CTRLD3 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 3 controls the PWM channel 3.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD3 register will load to PBUF3 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT3 register will load to CMPBUF3 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[4] |CTRLD4 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 4 controls the PWM channel 4.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD4 register will load to PBUF4 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT4 register will load to CMPBUF4 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[5] |CTRLD5 |Center Re-load
+ * | | |Bit 5 controls the PWM channel 5.
+ * | | |In up-down counter type, PERIOD5 register will load to PBUF5 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT5 register will load to CMPBUF5 register at the center point of a period.
+ * |[8] |WINLDEN0 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 0 controls the PWM channel 0.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD0 register will load to PBUF0 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT0 register will load to CMPBUF0 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD0 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD0 register will load to PBUF0 and CMPDAT0 registers will load to CMPBUF0 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[9] |WINLDEN1 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 1 controls the PWM channel 1.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD1 register will load to PBUF1 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT1 register will load to CMPBUF1 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD1 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD1 register will load to PBUF1 and CMPDAT1 registers will load to CMPBUF1 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[10] |WINLDEN2 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 2 controls the PWM channel 2.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD2 register will load to PBUF2 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT2 register will load to CMPBUF2 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD2 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD2 register will load to PBUF2 and CMPDAT2 registers will load to CMPBUF2 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[11] |WINLDEN3 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 3 controls the PWM channel 3.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD3 register will load to PBUF3 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT3 register will load to CMPBUF3 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD3 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD3 register will load to PBUF3 and CMPDAT3 registers will load to CMPBUF3 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[12] |WINLDEN4 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 4 controls the PWM channel 4.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD4 register will load to PBUF4 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT4 register will load to CMPBUF4 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD4 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD4 register will load to PBUF4 and CMPDAT4 registers will load to CMPBUF4 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[13] |WINLDEN5 |Window Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 5 controls the PWM channel 5.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD5 register will load to PBUF5 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT5 register will load to CMPBUF5 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD5 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD5 register will load to PBUF5 and CMPDAT5 registers will load to CMPBUF5 register at the end point of each period when valid reload window is set.
+ * | | |The valid reload window is set by software write 1 to PWM_LOAD register, and cleared by hardware after load success.
+ * |[16] |IMMLDEN0 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Bit 0 controls the PWM channel 0.
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD0 register will load to PBUF0 register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT0 register will load to CMPBUF0 register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLD0 bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD0/CMPDAT0 registers will load to PBUF0 and CMPBUF0 register immediately when software update PERIOD0/CMPDAT0 register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDEN0 bit is enabled, WINLDEN0 bit and CTRLD0 bits will be invalid.
+ * |[17] |IMMLDEN1 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PERIODn register will load to PBUFn register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT n register will load to CMPBUFn register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLDn bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIODn/CMPDATn registers will load to PBUFn and CMPBUFn register immediately when software update PERIODn/CMPDATn register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn bit is enabled, WINLDENn bit and CTRLDn bits will be invalid.
+ * |[18] |IMMLDEN2 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PERIODn register will load to PBUFn register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT n register will load to CMPBUFn register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLDn bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIODn/CMPDATn registers will load to PBUFn and CMPBUFn register immediately when software update PERIODn/CMPDATn register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn bit is enabled, WINLDENn bit and CTRLDn bits will be invalid.
+ * |[19] |IMMLDEN3 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PERIODn register will load to PBUFn register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT n register will load to CMPBUFn register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLDn bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIODn/CMPDATn registers will load to PBUFn and CMPBUFn register immediately when software update PERIODn/CMPDATn register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn bit is enabled, WINLDENn bit and CTRLDn bits will be invalid.
+ * |[20] |IMMLDEN4 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PERIODn register will load to PBUFn register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT n register will load to CMPBUFn register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLDn bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIODn/CMPDATn registers will load to PBUFn and CMPBUFn register immediately when software update PERIODn/CMPDATn register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn bit is enabled, WINLDENn bit and CTRLDn bits will be invalid.
+ * |[21] |IMMLDEN5 |Immediately Load Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PERIODn register will load to PBUFn register at the end point of each period.
+ * | | |CMPDAT n register will load to CMPBUFn register at the end point or center point of each period by setting CTRLDn bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIODn/CMPDATn registers will load to PBUFn and CMPBUFn register immediately when software update PERIODn/CMPDATn register.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDENn bit is enabled, WINLDENn bit and CTRLDn bits will be invalid.
+ * |[24] |GROUPEN |Group Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The output waveform of each PWM channel are independent.
+ * | | |1 = Unify the PWMx_CH2 and PWMx_CH4 to output the same waveform as PWMx_CH0 and unify the PWMx_CH3 and PWMx_CH5 to output the same waveform as PWMx_CH1.
+ * |[30] |DBGHALT |ICE Debug Mode Counter Halt (Write Protect)
+ * | | |If counter halt is enabled, PWM all counters will keep current value until exit ICE debug mode.
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode counter halt disable.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode counter halt enable.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[31] |DBGTRIOFF |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects PWM output.
+ * | | |PWM pin will be forced as tri-state while ICE debug mode acknowledged.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement disabled.
+ * | | |PWM pin will keep output no matter ICE debug mode acknowledged or not.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::CTL1
+ * Offset: 0x04 PWM Control Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |CNTTYPE0 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[3:2] |CNTTYPE1 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[5:4] |CNTTYPE2 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[7:6] |CNTTYPE3 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[9:8] |CNTTYPE4 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[11:10] |CNTTYPE5 |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Up counter type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |01 = Down count type (supports in capture mode).
+ * | | |10 = Up-down counter type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[16] |CNTMODE0 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[17] |CNTMODE1 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[18] |CNTMODE2 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[19] |CNTMODE3 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[20] |CNTMODE4 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[21] |CNTMODE5 |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[24] |OUTMODE0 |PWM Output Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the output mode of corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM independent mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWM complementary mode.
+ * | | |Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode.
+ * |[25] |OUTMODE2 |PWM Output Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the output mode of corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM independent mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWM complementary mode.
+ * | | |Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode.
+ * |[26] |OUTMODE4 |PWM Output Mode
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the output mode of corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM independent mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWM complementary mode.
+ * | | |Note: When operating in group function, these bits must all set to the same mode.
+ * @var PWM_T::SYNC
+ * Offset: 0x08 PWM Synchronization Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PHSEN0 |SYNC Phase Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n denotes controls corresponding PWM channel 0,2,4 and m denotes channel 1,3,5.
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter disable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter enable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * |[1] |PHSEN2 |SYNC Phase Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n denotes controls corresponding PWM channel 0,2,4 and m denotes channel 1,3,5.
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter disable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter enable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * |[2] |PHSEN4 |SYNC Phase Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n denotes controls corresponding PWM channel 0,2,4 and m denotes channel 1,3,5.
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter disable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter enable to load value of PHS(PWM_PHSn_m[15:0]) bits.
+ * |[9:8] |SINSRC0 |PWM0_SYNC_IN Source Selection
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC.
+ * | | |01 = Counter equal to 0.
+ * | | |10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5.
+ * | | |11 = SYNC_OUT signal will not be generated.
+ * |[11:10] |SINSRC2 |PWM0_SYNC_IN Source Selection
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC.
+ * | | |01 = Counter equal to 0.
+ * | | |10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5.
+ * | | |11 = SYNC_OUT signal will not be generated.
+ * |[13:12] |SINSRC4 |PWM0_SYNC_IN Source Selection
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Synchronize source from SYNC_IN or SWSYNC.
+ * | | |01 = Counter equal to 0.
+ * | | |10 = Counter equal to PWM_CMPDATm, m denotes 1, 3, 5.
+ * | | |11 = SYNC_OUT signal will not be generated.
+ * |[16] |SNFLTEN |PWM0_SYNC_IN Noise Filter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Noise filter of input PWM0_SYNC_IN pin is Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Noise filter of input PWM0_SYNC_IN pin is Enabled.
+ * |[19:17] |SFLTCSEL |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
+ * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
+ * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
+ * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
+ * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
+ * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
+ * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
+ * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
+ * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
+ * |[22:20] |SFLTCNT |SYNC Edge Detector Filter Count
+ * | | |The register bits control the counter number of edge detector.
+ * |[23] |SINPINV |SYNC Input Pin Inverse
+ * | | |0 = The state of PWM0_SYNC_IN pin is passed to the negative edge detector.
+ * | | |1 = The inversed state of PWM0_SYNC_IN pin is passed to the negative edge detector.
+ * |[24] |PHSDIR0 |PWM Phase Direction Control
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing.
+ * | | |1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing.
+ * |[25] |PHSDIR2 |PWM Phase Direction Control
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing.
+ * | | |1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing.
+ * |[26] |PHSDIR4 |PWM Phase Direction Control
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Control PWM counter count decrement after synchronizing.
+ * | | |1 = Control PWM counter count increment after synchronizing.
+ * @var PWM_T::SWSYNC
+ * Offset: 0x0C PWM Software Control Synchronization Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SWSYNC0 |Software SYNC Function
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit.
+ * |[1] |SWSYNC2 |Software SYNC Function
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit.
+ * |[2] |SWSYNC4 |Software SYNC Function
+ * | | |Each bit n controls corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |When SINSRCn (PWM_SYNC[13:8]) is selected to 0, SYNC_OUT source is come from SYNC_IN or this bit.
+ * @var PWM_T::CLKSRC
+ * Offset: 0x10 PWM Clock Source Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |ECLKSRC0 |PWMx_CH0/1 External Clock Source Select
+ * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
+ * | | |001 = TIMER0 time-out event.
+ * | | |010 = TIMER1 time-out event.
+ * | | |011 = TIMER2 time-out event.
+ * | | |100 = TIMER3 time-out event.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[10:8] |ECLKSRC2 |PWMx_CH2/3 External Clock Source Select
+ * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
+ * | | |001 = TIMER0 time-out event.
+ * | | |010 = TIMER1 time-out event.
+ * | | |011 = TIMER2 time-out event.
+ * | | |100 = TIMER3 time-out event.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[18:16] |ECLKSRC4 |PWMx_CH4/5 External Clock Source Select
+ * | | |000 = PWMx_CLK, x denotes 0 or 1.
+ * | | |001 = TIMER0 time-out event.
+ * | | |010 = TIMER1 time-out event.
+ * | | |011 = TIMER2 time-out event.
+ * | | |100 = TIMER3 time-out event.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC0_1
+ * Offset: 0x14 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
+ * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
+ * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC2_3
+ * Offset: 0x18 PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2/3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
+ * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
+ * @var PWM_T::CLKPSC4_5
+ * Offset: 0x1C PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4/5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is decided by clock prescaler.
+ * | | |Each PWM pair share one PWM counter clock prescaler.
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC+ 1).
+ * @var PWM_T::CNTEN
+ * Offset: 0x20 PWM Counter Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTEN0 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * |[1] |CNTEN1 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * |[2] |CNTEN2 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * |[3] |CNTEN3 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * |[4] |CNTEN4 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * |[5] |CNTEN5 |PWM Counter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Counter and clock prescaler Start Running.
+ * @var PWM_T::CNTCLR
+ * Offset: 0x24 PWM Clear Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTCLR0 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * |[1] |CNTCLR1 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * |[2] |CNTCLR2 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * |[3] |CNTCLR3 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * |[4] |CNTCLR4 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * |[5] |CNTCLR5 |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0x0000(CNT(PWM_CNTn[15:0])).
+ * @var PWM_T::LOAD
+ * Offset: 0x28 PWM Load Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LOAD0 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * |[1] |LOAD1 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * |[2] |LOAD2 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * |[3] |LOAD3 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * |[4] |LOAD4 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * |[5] |LOAD5 |Re-load PWM Comparator Register (CMPDAT) Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is software write, and hardware clear when current PWM period end
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Set load window of window loading mode.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |0 = No load window is set.
+ * | | |1 = Load window is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit only use in window loading mode, WINLDENn(PWM_CTL0[13:8]) = 1.
+ * @var PWM_T::PERIOD
+ * Offset: 0x30/0x34/0x38/0x3C/0x40/0x44 PWM Period Register 0~5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PERIOD |PWM Period Register
+ * | | |Up-Count mode:
+ * | | |In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, and restarts from 0.
+ * | | |PWM period time = (PERIOD+1) * (CLKPSC+1) * PWMx_CLK.
+ * | | |Down-Count mode:
+ * | | |In this mode, PWM counter counts from PERIOD to 0, and restarts from PERIOD.
+ * | | |PWM period time = (PERIOD+1) * (CLKPSC+1) * PWMx_CLK.
+ * | | |Up-Down-Count mode:
+ * | | |In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again.
+ * | | |PWM period time = (2 * PERIOD) * (CLKPSC+1) * PWMx_CLK.
+ * @var PWM_T::CMPDAT
+ * Offset: 0x50/0x54/0x58/0x5C/0x60/0x64 PWM Comparator Register 0~5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CMP |PWM Comparator Register
+ * | | |CMP bits use to compare with CNTR(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) bits to generate PWM waveform, interrupt and trigger ADC.
+ * | | |In independent mode, CMPDAT0~5 registers denote as 6 independent PWMx_CH0~5 compared point.
+ * | | |In complementary mode, CMPDAT0, 2, 4 registers denote as first compared point, and CMPDAT1, 3, 5 register denote as second compared point for the corresponding 3 complementary pairs PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1, PWMx_CH2 and PWMx_CH3, PWMx_CH4 and PWMx_CH5.
+ * @var PWM_T::DTCTL0_1
+ * Offset: 0x70 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-time Counter (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 0.
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * (CLKPSC (PWM_CLKPSCn [11:0])+1)*PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 1.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-time Insertion for PWM Pair (PWMx_CH0, PWMx_CH1) (PWMx_CH2, PWMx_CH3) (PWMx_CH4, PWMx_CH5) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
+ * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-time Clock Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWMx_CLK without counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output with counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::DTCTL2_3
+ * Offset: 0x74 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2/3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-time Counter (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 0.
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * (CLKPSC (PWM_CLKPSCn [11:0])+1)*PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 1.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-time Insertion for PWM Pair (PWMx_CH0, PWMx_CH1) (PWMx_CH2, PWMx_CH3) (PWMx_CH4, PWMx_CH5) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
+ * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-time Clock Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWMx_CLK without counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output with counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::DTCTL4_5
+ * Offset: 0x78 PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4/5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-time Counter (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following formula:
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 0.
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT+1) * (CLKPSC (PWM_CLKPSCn [11:0])+1)*PWMx_CLK period, if DTCKSEL bit is 1.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-time Insertion for PWM Pair (PWMx_CH0, PWMx_CH1) (PWMx_CH2, PWMx_CH3) (PWMx_CH4, PWMx_CH5) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Dead-time insertion is only active when this pair of complementary PWM is enabled.
+ * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin pair are complementary without any delay.
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-time Clock Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from PWMx_CLK without counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from prescaler output with counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::PHS0_1
+ * Offset: 0x80 PWM Counter Phase Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
+ * | | |PHS bits determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
+ * @var PWM_T::PHS2_3
+ * Offset: 0x84 PWM Counter Phase Register 2/3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
+ * | | |PHS bits determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
+ * @var PWM_T::PHS4_5
+ * Offset: 0x88 PWM Counter Phase Register 4/5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PHS |PWM Synchronous Start Phase Bits
+ * | | |PHS bits determines the PWM synchronous start phase value. These bits only use in synchronous function.
+ * @var PWM_T::CNT
+ * Offset: 0x90/0x94/0x98/0x9C/0xA0/0xA4 PWM Counter Register 0~5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CNT |PWM Counter Data Bits (Read Only)
+ * | | |User can monitor CNT to know the current value in 16-bit period counter.
+ * |[16] |DIRF |PWM Direction Indicator Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Counter is Down count.
+ * | | |1 = Counter is UP count.
+ * @var PWM_T::WGCTL0
+ * Offset: 0xB0 PWM Generation Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |ZPCTL0 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[3:2] |ZPCTL1 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[5:4] |ZPCTL2 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[7:6] |ZPCTL3 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[9:8] |ZPCTL4 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[11:10] |ZPCTL5 |PWM Zero Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on zero point event. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM zero point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM zero point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM zero point output Toggle.
+ * |[17:16] |PRDPCTL0 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * |[19:18] |PRDPCTL1 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * |[21:20] |PRDPCTL2 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * |[23:22] |PRDPCTL3 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * |[25:24] |PRDPCTL4 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * |[27:26] |PRDPCTL5 |PWM Period (Center) Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on period(center) point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM period (center) point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM period (center) point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM period (center) point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is center point control when PWM counter operating in up-down counter type.
+ * @var PWM_T::WGCTL1
+ * Offset: 0xB4 PWM Generation Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |CMPUCTL0 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[3:2] |CMPUCTL1 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[5:4] |CMPUCTL2 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[7:6] |CMPUCTL3 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[9:8] |CMPUCTL4 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[11:10] |CMPUCTL5 |PWM Compare Up Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare up point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare up point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare up point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare up point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[17:16] |CMPDCTL0 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[19:18] |CMPDCTL1 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[21:20] |CMPDCTL2 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[23:22] |CMPDCTL3 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[25:24] |CMPDCTL4 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[27:26] |CMPDCTL5 |PWM Compare Down Point Control
+ * | | |PWM can control output level on compare down point event
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |00 = Do nothing.
+ * | | |01 = PWM compare down point output Low.
+ * | | |10 = PWM compare down point output High.
+ * | | |11 = PWM compare down point output Toggle.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDCTL1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDCTL for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * @var PWM_T::MSKEN
+ * Offset: 0xB8 PWM Mask Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MSKEN0 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * |[1] |MSKEN1 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * |[2] |MSKEN2 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * |[3] |MSKEN3 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * |[4] |MSKEN4 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * |[5] |MSKEN5 |PWM Mask Enable Bits
+ * | | |The PWM output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled.
+ * | | |The corresponding PWM channel n will output MSKDATn (PWM_MSK[5:0]) data.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWM output signal is masked and output MSKDATn data.
+ * @var PWM_T::MSK
+ * Offset: 0xBC PWM Mask Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MSKDAT0 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * |[1] |MSKDAT1 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * |[2] |MSKDAT2 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * |[3] |MSKDAT3 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * |[4] |MSKDAT4 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * |[5] |MSKDAT5 |PWM Mask Data Bit
+ * | | |This data bit control the state of PWMx_CHn output pin, if corresponding mask function is enabled.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic low to PWMx_CHn.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic high to PWMx_CHn.
+ * @var PWM_T::BNF
+ * Offset: 0xC0 PWM Brake Noise Filter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRK0NFEN |PWM Brake 0 Noise Filter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 0 Enabled.
+ * |[3:1] |BRK0NFSEL |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
+ * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
+ * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
+ * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
+ * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
+ * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
+ * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
+ * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
+ * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
+ * |[6:4] |BRK0FCNT |Brake 0 Edge Detector Filter Count
+ * | | |The register bits control the Brake0 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK0FCNT.
+ * |[7] |BRK0PINV |Brake 0 Pin Inverse
+ * | | |0 = Brake pin event will be detected if PWM0_BRAKEx pin status transfer from low to high in edge-detect, or pin status is high in level-detect.
+ * | | |1 = Brake pin event will be detected if PWM0_BRAKEx pin status transfer from high to low in edge-detect, or pin status is low in level-detect.
+ * |[8] |BRK1NFEN |PWM Brake 1 Noise Filter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Noise filter of PWM Brake 1 Enabled.
+ * |[11:9] |BRK1NFSEL |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Clock Selection
+ * | | |000 = Filter clock = HCLK.
+ * | | |001 = Filter clock = HCLK/2.
+ * | | |010 = Filter clock = HCLK/4.
+ * | | |011 = Filter clock = HCLK/8.
+ * | | |100 = Filter clock = HCLK/16.
+ * | | |101 = Filter clock = HCLK/32.
+ * | | |110 = Filter clock = HCLK/64.
+ * | | |111 = Filter clock = HCLK/128.
+ * |[14:12] |BRK1FCNT |Brake 1 Edge Detector Filter Count
+ * | | |The register bits control the Brake1 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK1FCNT.
+ * |[15] |BRK1PINV |Brake 1 Pin Inverse
+ * | | |0 = Brake pin event will be detected if PWM1_BRAKEx pin status transfer from low to high in edge-detect, or pin status is high in level-detect.
+ * | | |1 = Brake pin event will be detected if PWM1_BRAKEx pin status transfer from high to low in edge-detect, or pin status is low in level-detect.
+ * |[16] |BK0SRC |Brake 0 Pin Source Select
+ * | | |For PWM0 setting:
+ * | | |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
+ * | | |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
+ * | | |For PWM1 setting:
+ * | | |0 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE0.
+ * | | |1 = Brake 0 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE0.
+ * |[24] |BK1SRC |Brake 1 Pin Source Select
+ * | | |For PWM0 setting:
+ * | | |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.
+ * | | |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
+ * | | |For PWM1 setting:
+ * | | |0 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM1_BRAKE1.
+ * | | |1 = Brake 1 pin source come from PWM0_BRAKE1.
+ * @var PWM_T::FAILBRK
+ * Offset: 0xC4 PWM System Fail Brake Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CSSBRKEN |Clock Security System Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by clock fail detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by clock fail detection Enabled.
+ * |[1] |BODBRKEN |Brown-out Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by BOD event Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by BOD event Enabled.
+ * |[3] |CORBRKEN |Core Lockup Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup event Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by Core lockup event Enabled.
+ * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1
+ * Offset: 0xC8 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select for Even Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect even channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select for Odd Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect odd channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[20] |ADCEBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[28] |ADCLBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3
+ * Offset: 0xCC PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2/3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select for Even Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect even channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select for Odd Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect odd channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[20] |ADCEBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[28] |ADCLBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5
+ * Offset: 0xD0 PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4/5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BRKP0EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE0 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |BRKP1EEN |Enable PWMx_BRAKE1 Pin As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP0_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP1_O as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |BRKP0LEN |Enable BKP0 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE0 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[13] |BRKP1LEN |Enable BKP1 Pin As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_BRAKE1 pin as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System Fail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select for Even Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect even channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM even channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM even channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM even channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select for Odd Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = PWMx brake event will not affect odd channels output.
+ * | | |01 = PWM odd channel output tri-state when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWM odd channel output low level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWM odd channel output high level when PWMx brake event happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[20] |ADCEBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[28] |ADCLBEN |Enable ADC Result Monitor (ADCRM) As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = ADCRM as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::POLCTL
+ * Offset: 0xD4 PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PINV0 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * |[1] |PINV1 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * |[2] |PINV2 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * |[3] |PINV3 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * |[4] |PINV4 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * |[5] |PINV5 |PWM PIN Polar Inverse Control
+ * | | |The register controls polarity state of PWMx_CHn output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * @var PWM_T::POEN
+ * Offset: 0xD8 PWM Output Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |POEN0 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * |[1] |POEN1 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * |[2] |POEN2 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * |[3] |POEN3 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * |[4] |POEN4 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * |[5] |POEN5 |PWMx_CHn Pin Output Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CHn pin at tri-state.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CHn pin in output mode.
+ * @var PWM_T::SWBRK
+ * Offset: 0xDC PWM Software Brake Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKETRG0 |PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger Edge brake, and set BRKEIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toREGWRPROT register.
+ * |[1] |BRKETRG2 |PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger Edge brake, and set BRKEIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toREGWRPROT register.
+ * |[2] |BRKETRG4 |PWM Edge Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger Edge brake, and set BRKEIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toREGWRPROT register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLTRG0 |PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |BRKLTRG2 |PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[10] |BRKLTRG4 |PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger level brake, and set BRKLIFn bits to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM pair n.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::INTEN0
+ * Offset: 0xE0 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ZIEN0 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[1] |ZIEN1 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[2] |ZIEN2 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[3] |ZIEN3 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[4] |ZIEN4 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[5] |ZIEN5 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[7] |IFAIEN0_1 |PWM Channel 0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[8] |PIEN0 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[9] |PIEN1 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[10] |PIEN2 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[11] |PIEN3 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[12] |PIEN4 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[13] |PIEN5 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When up-down counter type period point means center point.
+ * | | |Note2: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[15] |IFAIEN2_3 |PWM Channel 2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[16] |CMPUIEN0 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[17] |CMPUIEN1 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[18] |CMPUIEN2 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[19] |CMPUIEN3 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[20] |CMPUIEN4 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[21] |CMPUIEN5 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPUIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[23] |IFAIEN4_5 |PWM Channel 4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Interrupt Flag accumulator interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[24] |CMPDIEN0 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[25] |CMPDIEN1 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[26] |CMPDIEN2 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[27] |CMPDIEN3 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[28] |CMPDIEN4 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[29] |CMPDIEN5 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In complementary mode, CMPDIEN1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIEN for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * @var PWM_T::INTEN1
+ * Offset: 0xE4 PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKEIEN0_1|PWM Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |BRKEIEN2_3|PWM Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |BRKEIEN4_5|PWM Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Edge-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLIEN0_1|PWM Level-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |BRKLIEN2_3|PWM Level-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel2/3 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel2/3 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[10] |BRKLIEN4_5|PWM Level-detect Brake Interrupt Enable for Channel4/5 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Level-detect Brake interrupt for channel4/5 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var PWM_T::INTSTS0
+ * Offset: 0xE8 PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ZIF0 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[1] |ZIF1 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[2] |ZIF2 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[3] |ZIF3 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[4] |ZIF4 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[5] |ZIF5 |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * |[7] |IFAIF0_1 |PWM Channel 0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL0_1 bits in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[8] |PIF0 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[9] |PIF1 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[10] |PIF2 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[11] |PIF3 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[12] |PIF4 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[13] |PIF5 |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when PWM counter reaches PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]), software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[15] |IFAIF2_3 |PWM Channel 2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL2_3 bits in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[16] |CMPUIF0 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[17] |CMPUIF1 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[18] |CMPUIF2 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[19] |CMPUIF3 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[20] |CMPUIF4 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[21] |CMPUIF5 |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter up count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in up counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPUIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPUIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[23] |IFAIF4_5 |PWM_Channel 4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when condition match IFSEL4_5 bits in PWM_IFA register, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[24] |CMPDIF0 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[25] |CMPDIF1 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[26] |CMPDIF2 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[27] |CMPDIF3 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[28] |CMPDIF4 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * |[29] |CMPDIF5 |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag is set by hardware when PWM counter down count and reaches CMP(PWM_CMPDATn[15:0]), software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note1: If CMP equal to PERIOD, this flag is not working in down counter type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: In complementary mode, CMPDIF1, 3, 5 use as another CMPDIF for channel 0, 2, 4.
+ * @var PWM_T::INTSTS1
+ * Offset: 0xEC PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKEIF0 |PWM Channel 0 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 0 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 0 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |BRKEIF1 |PWM Channel 1 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 1 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 1 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |BRKEIF2 |PWM Channel 2 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 2 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 2 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3] |BRKEIF3 |PWM Channel 3 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 3 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 3 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BRKEIF4 |PWM Channel 4 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 4 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 4 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[5] |BRKEIF5 |PWM Channel 5 Edge-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 5 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 5 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLIF0 |PWM Channel 0 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 0 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 0 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |BRKLIF1 |PWM Channel 1 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 1 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 1 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[10] |BRKLIF2 |PWM Channel 2 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 2 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 2 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[11] |BRKLIF3 |PWM Channel 3 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 3 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 3 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |BRKLIF4 |PWM Channel 4 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 4 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 4 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[13] |BRKLIF5 |PWM Channel 5 Level-detect Brake Interrupt Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 5 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 5 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer to SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |BRKESTS0 |PWM Channel 0 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 0 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 0 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 0 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[17] |BRKESTS1 |PWM Channel 1 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 1 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 1 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 1 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[18] |BRKESTS2 |PWM Channel 2 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 2 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 2 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 2 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[19] |BRKESTS3 |PWM Channel n5 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 3 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 3 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 3 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[20] |BRKESTS4 |PWM Channel 4 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 4 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 4 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 4 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[21] |BRKESTS5 |PWM Channel 5 Edge-detect Brake Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 5 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 5 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 5 at brake state, writing 1 to clear.
+ * |[24] |BRKLSTS0 |PWM Channel 0 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 0 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 0 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 0 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[25] |BRKLSTS1 |PWM Channel 1 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 1 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 1 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 1 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[26] |BRKLSTS2 |PWM Channel 2 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 2 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 2 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 2 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[27] |BRKLSTS3 |PWM Channel 3 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 3 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 3 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 3 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[28] |BRKLSTS4 |PWM Channel 4 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 4 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 4 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 4 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[29] |BRKLSTS5 |PWM Channel 5 Level-detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel 5 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel 5 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel 5 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished.
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * @var PWM_T::IFA
+ * Offset: 0xF0 PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |IFCNT0_1 |PWM Channel 0/1 Interrupt Flag Counter
+ * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM Channel 0/1 period occurs to set IFAIF0_1 bit to request the PWM period interrupt.
+ * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT0_1 [3:0] times of PWM period.
+ * |[6:4] |IFSEL0_1 |PWM Channel 0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
+ * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 0.
+ * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 0.
+ * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 0.
+ * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 0.
+ * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 1.
+ * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 1.
+ * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 1.
+ * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 1.
+ * |[7] |IFAEN0_1 |PWM Channel 0/1 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel 0/1 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel 0/1 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
+ * |[11:8] |IFCNT2_3 |PWM Channel 2/3 Interrupt Flag Counter
+ * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM Channel 2/3 period occurs to set IFAIF2_3 bit to request the PWM period interrupt.
+ * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT2_3[3:0] times of PWM period.
+ * |[14:12] |IFSEL2_3 |PWM Channel 2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
+ * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 2.
+ * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 2.
+ * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 2.
+ * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 2.
+ * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 3.
+ * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 3.
+ * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 3.
+ * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 3.
+ * |[15] |IFAEN2_3 |PWM Channel 2/3 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel 2/3 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel 2/3 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
+ * |[19:16] |IFCNT4_5 |PWM Channel 4/5 Interrupt Flag Counter
+ * | | |The register sets the count number which defines how many times of PWM Channel 4/5 period occurs to set IFAIF4_5 bit to request the PWM period interrupt.
+ * | | |PWM flag will be set in every IFCNT4_5[3:0] times of PWM period.
+ * |[22:20] |IFSEL4_5 |PWM Channel 4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Source Select
+ * | | |000 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 4.
+ * | | |001 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 4.
+ * | | |010 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 4.
+ * | | |011 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 4.
+ * | | |100 = CNT equal to Zero in channel 5.
+ * | | |101 = CNT equal to PERIOD in channel 5.
+ * | | |110 = CNT equal to CMPU in channel 5.
+ * | | |111 = CNT equal to CMPD in channel 5.
+ * |[23] |IFAEN4_5 |PWM Channel 4/5 Interrupt Flag Accumulator Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel 4/5 interrupt flag accumulator disable.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel 4/5 interrupt flag accumulator enable.
+ * @var PWM_T::ADCTS0
+ * Offset: 0xF8 PWM Trigger ADC Source Select Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |TRGSEL0 |PWM_CH0 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[7] |TRGEN0 |PWM_CH0 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * |[11:8] |TRGSEL1 |PWM_CH1 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH0 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH0 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH0 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH0 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH0 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH1 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH1 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH1 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH1 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH1 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[15] |TRGEN1 |PWM_CH1 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * |[19:16] |TRGSEL2 |PWM_CH2 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[23] |TRGEN2 |PWM_CH2 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * |[27:24] |TRGSEL3 |PWM_CH3 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH2 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH2 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH2 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH2 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH2 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH3 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH3 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH3 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH3 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH3 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[31] |TRGEN3 |PWM_CH3 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * @var PWM_T::ADCTS1
+ * Offset: 0xFC PWM Trigger ADC Source Select Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |TRGSEL4 |PWM_CH4 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[7] |TRGEN4 |PWM_CH4 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * |[11:8] |TRGSEL5 |PWM_CH5 Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |0000 = PWM_CH4 zero point.
+ * | | |0001 = PWM_CH4 period point.
+ * | | |0010 = PWM_CH4 zero or period point.
+ * | | |0011 = PWM_CH4 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |0100 = PWM_CH4 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |0101 = PWM_CH5 zero point.
+ * | | |0110 = PWM_CH5 period point.
+ * | | |0111 = PWM_CH5 zero or period point.
+ * | | |1000 = PWM_CH5 up-count compared point.
+ * | | |1001 = PWM_CH5 down-count compared point.
+ * | | |1010 = PWM_CH0 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1011 = PWM_CH0 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1100 = PWM_CH2 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1101 = PWM_CH2 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1110 = PWM_CH4 up-count free trigger compared point.
+ * | | |1111 = PWM_CH4 down-count free trigger compared point.
+ * |[15] |TRGEN5 |PWM_CH5 Trigger ADC enable bit
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT0_1
+ * Offset: 0x100 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0/1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
+ * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNT(PWM_CNTm[15:0], m=0,2,4) to trigger ADC
+ * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1, PWMx_CH2 and PWMx_CH3, PWMx_CH4 and PWMx_CH5.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT2_3
+ * Offset: 0x104 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2/3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
+ * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNT(PWM_CNTm[15:0], m=0,2,4) to trigger ADC
+ * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1, PWMx_CH2 and PWMx_CH3, PWMx_CH4 and PWMx_CH5.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCMPDAT4_5
+ * Offset: 0x108 PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4/5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMP |PWM Free Trigger Compare Register
+ * | | |FTCMP use to compare with even CNT(PWM_CNTm[15:0], m=0,2,4) to trigger ADC
+ * | | |FTCMPDAT0, 2, 4 corresponding complementary pairs PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1, PWMx_CH2 and PWMx_CH3, PWMx_CH4 and PWMx_CH5.
+ * @var PWM_T::SSCTL
+ * Offset: 0x110 PWM Synchronous Start Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SSEN0 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |SSEN1 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[2] |SSEN2 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[3] |SSEN3 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[4] |SSEN4 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[5] |SSEN5 |PWM Synchronous Start Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |When synchronous start function is enabled, the PWM counter enable register (PWM_CNTEN) can be enabled by writing PWM synchronous start trigger bit (CNTSEN).
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM synchronous start function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM synchronous start function Enabled.
+ * |[8] |SSRC |PWM Synchronous Start Source Select Bit
+ * | | |0 = Synchronous start source come from PWM0.
+ * | | |1 = Synchronous start source come from PWM1.
+ * @var PWM_T::SSTRG
+ * Offset: 0x114 PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTSEN |PWM Counter Synchronous Start Enable (Write Only)
+ * | | |PMW counter synchronous enable function is used to make selected PWM channels (PWMx_CHn) start counting at the same time.
+ * | | |Writing this bit to 1 will also set the counter enable bit (CNTENn, n denotes channel 0 to 5) if correlated PWM channel counter synchronous start function is enabled.
+ * @var PWM_T::LEBCTL
+ * Offset: 0x118 PWM Leading Edge Blanking Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LEBEN |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Enabled.
+ * |[8] |SRCEN0 |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From PWMx_CH0 Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH0 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH0 Enabled.
+ * |[9] |SRCEN2 |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From PWMx_CH2 Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH2 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH2 Enabled.
+ * |[10] |SRCEN4 |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source From PWMx_CH4 Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH4 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Leading Edge Blanking Source from PWMx_CH4 Enabled.
+ * |[17:16] |TRGTYPE |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Trigger Type
+ * | | |00 = When detect leading edge blanking source rising edge, blanking counter start counting.
+ * | | |01 = When detect leading edge blanking source falling edge, blanking counter start counting.
+ * | | |10 = When detect leading edge blanking source rising or falling edge, blanking counter start counting.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * @var PWM_T::LEBCNT
+ * Offset: 0x11C PWM Leading Edge Blanking Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:0] |LEBCNT |PWM Leading Edge Blanking Counter
+ * | | |This counter value decides leading edge blanking window size.
+ * | | |Blanking window size = LEBCNT+1, and LEB counter clock base is ECLK.
+ * @var PWM_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x120 PWM Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTMAXF0 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |CNTMAXF1 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[2] |CNTMAXF2 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[3] |CNTMAXF3 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[4] |CNTMAXF4 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[5] |CNTMAXF5 |Time-base Counter Equal to 0xFFFF Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = indicates the time-base counter(PWM_CNTn[15:0]) reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[8] |SYNCINF0 |Input Synchronization Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[9] |SYNCINF2 |Input Synchronization Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[10] |SYNCINF4 |Input Synchronization Latched Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no SYNC_IN event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an SYNC_IN event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[16] |ADCTRGF0 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[17] |ADCTRGF1 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[18] |ADCTRGF2 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[19] |ADCTRGF3 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[20] |ADCTRGF4 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[21] |ADCTRGF5 |ADC Start of Conversion Flag
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * @var PWM_T::CAPINEN
+ * Offset: 0x200 PWM Capture Input Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CAPINEN0 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * |[1] |CAPINEN1 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * |[2] |CAPINEN2 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * |[3] |CAPINEN3 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * |[4] |CAPINEN4 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * |[5] |CAPINEN5 |Capture Input Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWM Channel capture input path Disabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function is always regarded as 0.
+ * | | |1 = PWM Channel capture input path Enabled.
+ * | | |The input of PWM channel capture function comes from correlative multifunction pin.
+ * @var PWM_T::CAPCTL
+ * Offset: 0x204 PWM Capture Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CAPEN0 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[1] |CAPEN1 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[2] |CAPEN2 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[3] |CAPEN3 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[4] |CAPEN4 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[5] |CAPEN5 |Capture Function Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture function Disabled. RCAPDAT/FCAPDAT registers will not be updated.
+ * | | |1 = Capture function Enabled
+ * | | |Capture latched the PWM counter value when detected rising or falling edge of input signal and saved to RCAPDAT (Rising latch) and FCAPDAT (Falling latch) registers.
+ * |[8] |CAPINV0 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[9] |CAPINV1 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[10] |CAPINV2 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[11] |CAPINV3 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[12] |CAPINV4 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[13] |CAPINV5 |Capture Inverter Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture source inverter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture source inverter Enabled. Reverse the input signal from GPIO.
+ * |[16] |RCRLDEN0 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[17] |RCRLDEN1 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[18] |RCRLDEN2 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[19] |RCRLDEN3 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[20] |RCRLDEN4 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[21] |RCRLDEN5 |Rising Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Rising capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Rising capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[24] |FCRLDEN0 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[25] |FCRLDEN1 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[26] |FCRLDEN2 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[27] |FCRLDEN3 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[28] |FCRLDEN4 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * |[29] |FCRLDEN5 |Falling Capture Reload Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Falling capture reload counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Falling capture reload counter Enabled.
+ * @var PWM_T::CAPSTS
+ * Offset: 0x208 PWM Capture Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CRLIFOV0 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[1] |CRLIFOV1 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[2] |CRLIFOV2 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[3] |CRLIFOV3 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[4] |CRLIFOV4 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[5] |CRLIFOV5 |Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if rising latch happened when the corresponding CRLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[5:0]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CRLIFn bit.
+ * |[8] |CFLIFOV0 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * |[9] |CFLIFOV1 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * |[10] |CFLIFOV2 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * |[11] |CFLIFOV3 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * |[12] |CFLIFOV4 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * |[13] |CFLIFOV5 |Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag Overrun Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This flag indicates if falling latch happened when the corresponding CFLIFn(PWM_CAPIF[13:8]) bit is 1.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared automatically when user clear corresponding CFLIFn bit.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT0
+ * Offset: 0x20C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT0
+ * Offset: 0x210 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT1
+ * Offset: 0x214 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT1
+ * Offset: 0x218 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT2
+ * Offset: 0x21C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT2
+ * Offset: 0x220 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT3
+ * Offset: 0x224 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT3
+ * Offset: 0x228 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT4
+ * Offset: 0x22C PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT4
+ * Offset: 0x230 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::RCAPDAT5
+ * Offset: 0x234 PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RCAPDAT |PWM Rising Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When rising capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FCAPDAT5
+ * Offset: 0x238 PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FCAPDAT |PWM Falling Capture Data Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |When falling capture condition happened, the PWM counter value will be saved in this register.
+ * @var PWM_T::PDMACTL
+ * Offset: 0x23C PWM PDMA Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CHEN0_1 |Channel 0/1 PDMA Enable
+ * | | |0 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Channel 0/1 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 0/1 captured data and transfer to memory.
+ * |[2:1] |CAPMOD0_1 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |00 = Reserved.
+ * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 register.
+ * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 register.
+ * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 and PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 registers.
+ * |[3] |CAPORD0_1 |Capture Channel 0/1 Rising/Falling Order
+ * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 or PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 register is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD0_1 bits are set to = 0x3.
+ * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT0/1 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT0/1 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * |[4] |CHSEL0_1 |Select Channel 0/1 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |0 = Channel0.
+ * | | |1 = Channel1.
+ * |[8] |CHEN2_3 |Channel 2/3 PDMA Enable
+ * | | |0 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Channel 2/3 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 2/3 captured data and transfer to memory.
+ * |[10:9] |CAPMOD2_3 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 or PWM_FCAODAT2/3 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |00 = Reserved.
+ * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 register.
+ * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 register.
+ * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 and PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 registers.
+ * |[11] |CAPORD2_3 |Capture Channel 2/3 Rising/Falling Order
+ * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 or PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 register is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD2_3 bits are set to =0x3.
+ * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT2/3 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT2/3 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * |[12] |CHSEL2_3 |Select Channel 2/3 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |0 = Channel2.
+ * | | |1 = Channel3.
+ * |[16] |CHEN4_5 |Channel 4/5 PDMA Enable
+ * | | |0 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Channel 4/5 PDMA function Enabled for the channel 4/5 captured data and transfer to memory.
+ * |[18:17] |CAPMOD4_5 |Select PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |00 = Reserved.
+ * | | |01 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 register.
+ * | | |10 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 register.
+ * | | |11 = Both PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 and PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 registers.
+ * |[19] |CAPORD4_5 |Capture Channel 4/5 Rising/Falling Order
+ * | | |Set this bit to determine whether the PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 or PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 register is the first captured data transferred to memory through PDMA when CAPMOD4_5 bits =are set to 0x3.
+ * | | |0 = PWM_FCAPDAT4/5 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * | | |1 = PWM_RCAPDAT4/5 register is the first captured data to memory.
+ * |[20] |CHSEL4_5 |Select Channel 4/5 to Do PDMA Transfer
+ * | | |0 = Channel4.
+ * | | |1 = Channel5.
+ * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP0_1
+ * Offset: 0x240 PWM Capture Channel 0/1 PDMA Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
+ * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP2_3
+ * Offset: 0x244 PWM Capture Channel 2/3 PDMA Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
+ * @var PWM_T::PDMACAP4_5
+ * Offset: 0x248 PWM Capture Channel 4/5 PDMA Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CAPBUF |PWM Capture PDMA Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |This register is use as a buffer to transfer PWM capture rising or falling data to memory by PDMA.
+ * @var PWM_T::CAPIEN
+ * Offset: 0x250 PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CAPRIEN0 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[1] |CAPRIEN1 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[2] |CAPRIEN2 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[3] |CAPRIEN3 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[4] |CAPRIEN4 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[5] |CAPRIEN5 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPRIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[8] |CAPFIEN0 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[9] |CAPFIEN1 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[10] |CAPFIEN2 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[11] |CAPFIEN3 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[12] |CAPFIEN4 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * |[13] |CAPFIEN5 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Enable Bits
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling edge latch interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CAPFIENn bit must be disabled.
+ * @var PWM_T::CAPIF
+ * Offset: 0x254 PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CRLIF0 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[1] |CRLIF1 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[2] |CRLIF2 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[3] |CRLIF3 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[4] |CRLIF4 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[5] |CRLIF5 |PWM Capture Rising Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture rising latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture rising latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CRLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[8] |CFLIF0 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[9] |CFLIF1 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[10] |CFLIF2 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[11] |CFLIF3 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[12] |CFLIF4 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * |[13] |CFLIF5 |PWM Capture Falling Latch Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is writing 1 to clear. Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = No capture falling latch condition happened.
+ * | | |1 = Capture falling latch condition happened, this flag will be set to high.
+ * | | |Note: When Capture with PDMA operating, corresponding channel CFLIFn bit will cleared by hardware after PDMA transfer data.
+ * @var PWM_T::PBUF
+ * Offset: 0x304/0x308/0x30C/0x310/0x314/0x318 PWM PERIOD0/PERIOD1/PERIOD2/PERIOD3/PERIOD4/PERIOD5 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PBUF |PWM Period Register Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as PERIOD active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::CMPBUF
+ * Offset: 0x31C/0x320/0x324/0x328/0x32C/0x330 PWM CMPDAT0/CMPDAT1/CMPDAT2/CMPDAT3/CMPDAT4/CMPDAT5 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CMPBUF |PWM Comparator Register Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as CMPDAT active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::CPSCBUF0_1
+ * Offset: 0x334 PWM CLKPSC0_1 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CPSCBUF |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale Buffer
+ * | | |Use as PWM counter clock pre-scare active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::CPSCBUF2_3
+ * Offset: 0x338 PWM CLKPSC2_3 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CPSCBUF |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale Buffer
+ * | | |Use as PWM counter clock pre-scare active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::CPSCBUF4_5
+ * Offset: 0x33C PWM CLKPSC4_5 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CPSCBUF |PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale Buffer
+ * | | |Use as PWM counter clock pre-scare active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF0_1
+ * Offset: 0x340 PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF2_3
+ * Offset: 0x344 PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCBUF4_5
+ * Offset: 0x348 PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |FTCMPBUF |PWM FTCMPDAT Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as FTCMPDAT active register.
+ * @var PWM_T::FTCI
+ * Offset: 0x34C PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FTCMU0 |PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_CTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bitsn and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16])= bit is 1, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[1] |FTCMU2 |PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_CTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bitsn and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16])= bit is 1, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[2] |FTCMU4 |PWM FTCMPDAT Up Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_CTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIOD(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bitsn and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16])= bit is 1, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[8] |FTCMD0 |PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_FTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIODn(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bits and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16]) bit= is 0, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[9] |FTCMD2 |PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_FTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIODn(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bits and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16]) bit= is 0, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * |[10] |FTCMD4 |PWM FTCMPDAT Down Indicator
+ * | | |Indicator will be set to high when FTCMPDATn(PWM_FTCMPDATn[15:0]) bits equal to PERIODn(PWM_PERIODn[15:0]) bits and DIRF(PWM_CNTn[16]) bit= is 0, software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL0; /*!< [0x0000] PWM Control Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL1; /*!< [0x0004] PWM Control Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t SYNC; /*!< [0x0008] PWM Synchronization Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SWSYNC; /*!< [0x000c] PWM Software Control Synchronization Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKSRC; /*!< [0x0010] PWM Clock Source Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC0_1; /*!< [0x0014] PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 0/1 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC2_3; /*!< [0x0018] PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 2/3 */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKPSC4_5; /*!< [0x001c] PWM Clock Pre-scale Register 4/5 */
+ __IO uint32_t CNTEN; /*!< [0x0020] PWM Counter Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CNTCLR; /*!< [0x0024] PWM Clear Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LOAD; /*!< [0x0028] PWM Load Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
+ __IO uint32_t PERIOD[6]; /*!< [0x0030~0x0044] PWM Period Register 0~5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[2];
+ __IO uint32_t CMPDAT[6]; /*!< [0x0050~0x0064] PWM Comparator Register 0~5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[2];
+ __IO uint32_t DTCTL0_1; /*!< [0x0070] PWM Dead-Time Control Register 0/1 */
+ __IO uint32_t DTCTL2_3; /*!< [0x0074] PWM Dead-Time Control Register 2/3 */
+ __IO uint32_t DTCTL4_5; /*!< [0x0078] PWM Dead-Time Control Register 4/5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[1];
+ __IO uint32_t PHS0_1; /*!< [0x0080] PWM Counter Phase Register 0/1 */
+ __IO uint32_t PHS2_3; /*!< [0x0084] PWM Counter Phase Register 2/3 */
+ __IO uint32_t PHS4_5; /*!< [0x0088] PWM Counter Phase Register 4/5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE4[1];
+ __I uint32_t CNT[6]; /*!< [0x0090~0x00A4 PWM Counter Register 0~5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE5[2];
+ __IO uint32_t WGCTL0; /*!< [0x00b0] PWM Generation Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t WGCTL1; /*!< [0x00b4] PWM Generation Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t MSKEN; /*!< [0x00b8] PWM Mask Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MSK; /*!< [0x00bc] PWM Mask Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BNF; /*!< [0x00c0] PWM Brake Noise Filter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FAILBRK; /*!< [0x00c4] PWM System Fail Brake Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL0_1; /*!< [0x00c8] PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 0/1 */
+ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL2_3; /*!< [0x00cc] PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 2/3 */
+ __IO uint32_t BRKCTL4_5; /*!< [0x00d0] PWM Brake Edge Detect Control Register 4/5 */
+ __IO uint32_t POLCTL; /*!< [0x00d4] PWM Pin Polar Inverse Register */
+ __IO uint32_t POEN; /*!< [0x00d8] PWM Output Enable Register */
+ __O uint32_t SWBRK; /*!< [0x00dc] PWM Software Brake Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN0; /*!< [0x00e0] PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN1; /*!< [0x00e4] PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS0; /*!< [0x00e8] PWM Interrupt Flag Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS1; /*!< [0x00ec] PWM Interrupt Flag Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t IFA; /*!< [0x00f0] PWM Interrupt Flag Accumulator Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE6[1];
+ __IO uint32_t ADCTS0; /*!< [0x00f8] PWM Trigger ADC Source Select Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADCTS1; /*!< [0x00fc] PWM Trigger ADC Source Select Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT0_1; /*!< [0x0100] PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 0/1 */
+ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT2_3; /*!< [0x0104] PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 2/3 */
+ __IO uint32_t FTCMPDAT4_5; /*!< [0x0108] PWM Free Trigger Compare Register 4/5 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE7[1];
+ __IO uint32_t SSCTL; /*!< [0x0110] PWM Synchronous Start Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t SSTRG; /*!< [0x0114] PWM Synchronous Start Trigger Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LEBCTL; /*!< [0x0118] PWM Leading Edge Blanking Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LEBCNT; /*!< [0x011c] PWM Leading Edge Blanking Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x0120] PWM Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE8[55];
+ __IO uint32_t CAPINEN; /*!< [0x0200] PWM Capture Input Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CAPCTL; /*!< [0x0204] PWM Capture Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t CAPSTS; /*!< [0x0208] PWM Capture Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT0; /*!< [0x020c] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT0; /*!< [0x0210] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT1; /*!< [0x0214] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 1 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT1; /*!< [0x0218] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 1 */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT2; /*!< [0x021c] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 2 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT2; /*!< [0x0220] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 2 */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT3; /*!< [0x0224] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 3 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT3; /*!< [0x0228] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 3 */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT4; /*!< [0x022c] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 4 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT4; /*!< [0x0230] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 4 */
+ __I uint32_t RCAPDAT5; /*!< [0x0234] PWM Rising Capture Data Register 5 */
+ __I uint32_t FCAPDAT5; /*!< [0x0238] PWM Falling Capture Data Register 5 */
+ __IO uint32_t PDMACTL; /*!< [0x023c] PWM PDMA Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t PDMACAP0_1; /*!< [0x0240] PWM Capture Channel 0/1 PDMA Register */
+ __I uint32_t PDMACAP2_3; /*!< [0x0244] PWM Capture Channel 2/3 PDMA Register */
+ __I uint32_t PDMACAP4_5; /*!< [0x0248] PWM Capture Channel 4/5 PDMA Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE9[1];
+ __IO uint32_t CAPIEN; /*!< [0x0250] PWM Capture Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CAPIF; /*!< [0x0254] PWM Capture Interrupt Flag Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE10[43];
+ __I uint32_t PBUF[6]; /*!< [0x0304~0x0318 PWM PERIOD0~5 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t CMPBUF[6]; /*!< [0x031C~0x0330 PWM CMPDAT0~5 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t CPSCBUF0_1; /*!< [0x0334] PWM CLKPSC0_1 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t CPSCBUF2_3; /*!< [0x0338] PWM CLKPSC2_3 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t CPSCBUF4_5; /*!< [0x033c] PWM CLKPSC4_5 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t FTCBUF0_1; /*!< [0x0340] PWM FTCMPDAT0_1 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t FTCBUF2_3; /*!< [0x0344] PWM FTCMPDAT2_3 Buffer */
+ __I uint32_t FTCBUF4_5; /*!< [0x0348] PWM FTCMPDAT4_5 Buffer */
+ __IO uint32_t FTCI; /*!< [0x034c] PWM FTCMPDAT Indicator Register */
+} PWM_T;
+ @addtogroup PWM_CONST PWM Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for PWM Controller
+@{ */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD1 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD3 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD5 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_CTRLD5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_CTRLD5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: CTRLD5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_WINLDEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: WINLDEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_IMMLDEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: IMMLDEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_GROUPEN_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: GROUPEN Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_GROUPEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_GROUPEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: GROUPEN Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_DBGHALT_Pos (30) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: DBGHALT Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_DBGHALT_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_DBGHALT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: DBGHALT Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL0_DBGTRIOFF_Pos (31) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: DBGTRIOFF Position */
+#define PWM_CTL0_DBGTRIOFF_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL0_DBGTRIOFF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL0: DBGTRIOFF Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE1_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE1 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE2_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE3_Pos (6) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE3 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE4_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE5_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE5 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTTYPE5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTTYPE5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE1 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE3 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE5 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_CNTMODE5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: CNTMODE5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE0 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE2_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE2 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE4_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE4 Position */
+#define PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CTL1_OUTMODE4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CTL1: OUTMODE4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN2_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN4_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC0 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_SYNC_SINSRC0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC2 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_SYNC_SINSRC2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC4 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINSRC4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_SYNC_SINSRC4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINSRC4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SNFLTEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SNFLTEN Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SNFLTEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_SNFLTEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SNFLTEN Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SFLTCSEL_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SFLTCSEL Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SFLTCSEL_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_SYNC_SFLTCSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SFLTCSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SFLTCNT_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SFLTCNT Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SFLTCNT_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_SYNC_SFLTCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SFLTCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINPINV_Pos (23) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINPINV Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_SINPINV_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_SINPINV_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: SINPINV Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR0 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR2_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR2 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR4_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR4 Position */
+#define PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SYNC_PHSDIR4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SYNC: PHSDIR4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC0 Position */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC2_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC2 Position */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC4_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC4 Position */
+#define PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWSYNC_SWSYNC4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWSYNC: SWSYNC4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC0 Position */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC0_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC2_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC2 Position */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC2_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC4_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC4 Position */
+#define PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC4_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_CLKSRC_ECLKSRC4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKSRC: ECLKSRC4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC0_1_CLKPSC_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC0_1: CLKPSC Position */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC0_1_CLKPSC_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CLKPSC0_1_CLKPSC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC0_1: CLKPSC Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC2_3_CLKPSC_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC2_3: CLKPSC Position */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC2_3_CLKPSC_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CLKPSC2_3_CLKPSC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC2_3: CLKPSC Mask */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC4_5_CLKPSC_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC4_5: CLKPSC Position */
+#define PWM_CLKPSC4_5_CLKPSC_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CLKPSC4_5_CLKPSC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CLKPSC4_5: CLKPSC Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTEN_CNTEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTEN: CNTEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR0 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR1 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR2 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR3 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR4 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR5 Position */
+#define PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNTCLR_CNTCLR5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNTCLR: CNTCLR5 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD0 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD0 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD1 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD1 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD2 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD2 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD3 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD3 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD4 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD4 Mask */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD5 Position */
+#define PWM_LOAD_LOAD5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LOAD_LOAD5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LOAD: LOAD5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PERIOD_PERIOD_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PERIOD: PERIOD Position */
+#define PWM_PERIOD_PERIOD_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PERIOD_PERIOD_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PERIOD: PERIOD Mask */
+#define PWM_CMPDAT_CMP_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CMPDAT: CMP Position */
+#define PWM_CMPDAT_CMP_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_CMPDAT_CMP_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CMPDAT: CMP Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCNT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTCNT Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCNT_Msk (0xffful << PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTEN Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTEN Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCKSEL_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTCKSEL Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL0_1_DTCKSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL0_1: DTCKSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCNT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTCNT Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCNT_Msk (0xffful << PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTEN Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTEN Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCKSEL_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTCKSEL Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL2_3_DTCKSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL2_3: DTCKSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCNT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTCNT Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCNT_Msk (0xffful << PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTEN Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTEN Mask */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCKSEL_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTCKSEL Position */
+#define PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_DTCTL4_5_DTCKSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::DTCTL4_5: DTCKSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_PHS0_1_PHS_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PHS0_1: PHS Position */
+#define PWM_PHS0_1_PHS_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PHS0_1_PHS_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PHS0_1: PHS Mask */
+#define PWM_PHS2_3_PHS_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PHS2_3: PHS Position */
+#define PWM_PHS2_3_PHS_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PHS2_3_PHS_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PHS2_3: PHS Mask */
+#define PWM_PHS4_5_PHS_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PHS4_5: PHS Position */
+#define PWM_PHS4_5_PHS_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PHS4_5_PHS_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PHS4_5: PHS Mask */
+#define PWM_CNT_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CNT: CNT Position */
+#define PWM_CNT_CNT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_CNT_CNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNT: CNT Mask */
+#define PWM_CNT_DIRF_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::CNT: DIRF Position */
+#define PWM_CNT_DIRF_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CNT_DIRF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CNT: DIRF Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL0 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL0 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL1_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL1 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL1 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL2_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL2 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL2 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL3_Pos (6) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL3 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL3 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL4_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL4 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL4 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL5_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL5 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_ZPCTL5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: ZPCTL5 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL0 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL0 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL1_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL1 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL1 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL2_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL2 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL2 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL3_Pos (22) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL3 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL3 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL4_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL4 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL4 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL5_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL5 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL0_PRDPCTL5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL0: PRDPCTL5 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL0 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL0 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL1_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL1 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL1 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL2_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL2 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL2 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL3_Pos (6) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL3 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL3 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL4_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL4 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL4 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL5_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL5 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPUCTL5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPUCTL5 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL0 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL0_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL0 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL1_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL1 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL1 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL2_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL2 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL2_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL2 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL3_Pos (22) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL3 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL3 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL4_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL4 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL4_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL4 Mask */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL5_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL5 Position */
+#define PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_WGCTL1_CMPDCTL5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::WGCTL1: CMPDCTL5 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSKEN_MSKEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSKEN: MSKEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT0 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT0 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT1 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT1 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT2 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT2 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT3 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT3 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT4 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT4 Mask */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT5 Position */
+#define PWM_MSK_MSKDAT5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_MSK_MSKDAT5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::MSK: MSKDAT5 Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0NFEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0NFEN Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0NFEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BRK0NFEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0NFEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0NFSEL_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0NFSEL Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0NFSEL_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_BNF_BRK0NFSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0NFSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0FCNT_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0FCNT Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0FCNT_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_BNF_BRK0FCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0FCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0PINV_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0PINV Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK0PINV_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BRK0PINV_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK0PINV Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1NFEN_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1NFEN Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1NFEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BRK1NFEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1NFEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1NFSEL_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1NFSEL Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1NFSEL_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_BNF_BRK1NFSEL_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1NFSEL Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1FCNT_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1FCNT Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1FCNT_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_BNF_BRK1FCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1FCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1PINV_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1PINV Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BRK1PINV_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BRK1PINV_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BRK1PINV Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BK0SRC_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BK0SRC Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BK0SRC_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BK0SRC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BK0SRC Mask */
+#define PWM_BNF_BK1SRC_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BK1SRC Position */
+#define PWM_BNF_BK1SRC_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BNF_BK1SRC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BNF: BK1SRC Mask */
+#define PWM_FAILBRK_CSSBRKEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FAILBRK: CSSBRKEN Position */
+#define PWM_FAILBRK_BODBRKEN_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::FAILBRK: BODBRKEN Position */
+#define PWM_FAILBRK_CORBRKEN_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::FAILBRK: CORBRKEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0EBEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO0EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO0EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1EBEN_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO1EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO1EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0EEN_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP0EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP0EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1EEN_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP1EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP1EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: SYSEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: SYSEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0LBEN_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO0LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO0LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO0LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1LBEN_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO1LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_CPO1LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: CPO1LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0LEN_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP0LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP0LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP0LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1LEN_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP1LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKP1LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKP1LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: SYSLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_SYSLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: SYSLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAEVEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKAEVEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAEVEN_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAEVEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKAEVEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAODD_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKAODD Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAODD_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_BRKAODD_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: BRKAODD Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCEBEN_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: ADCEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: ADCEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCLBEN_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: ADCLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL0_1_ADCLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL0_1: ADCLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0EBEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO0EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO0EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1EBEN_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO1EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO1EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0EEN_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP0EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP0EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1EEN_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP1EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP1EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSEBEN_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: SYSEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: SYSEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0LBEN_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO0LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO0LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO0LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1LBEN_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO1LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_CPO1LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: CPO1LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0LEN_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP0LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP0LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP0LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1LEN_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP1LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKP1LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKP1LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSLBEN_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: SYSLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_SYSLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: SYSLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAEVEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKAEVEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAEVEN_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAEVEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKAEVEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAODD_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKAODD Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAODD_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_BRKAODD_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: BRKAODD Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCEBEN_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: ADCEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: ADCEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCLBEN_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: ADCLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL2_3_ADCLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL2_3: ADCLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0EBEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO0EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO0EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1EBEN_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO1EBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1EBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1EBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO1EBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0EEN_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP0EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP0EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1EEN_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP1EEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1EEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1EEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP1EEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSEBEN_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: SYSEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: SYSEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0LBEN_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO0LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO0LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO0LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1LBEN_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO1LBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1LBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_CPO1LBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: CPO1LBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0LEN_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP0LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP0LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP0LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1LEN_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP1LEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1LEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKP1LEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKP1LEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSLBEN_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: SYSLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_SYSLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: SYSLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAEVEN_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKAEVEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAEVEN_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAEVEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKAEVEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAODD_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKAODD Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAODD_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_BRKAODD_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: BRKAODD Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCEBEN_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: ADCEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: ADCEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCLBEN_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: ADCLBEN Position */
+#define PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCLBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_BRKCTL4_5_ADCLBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::BRKCTL4_5: ADCLBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV0 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV0 Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV1 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV1 Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV2 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV2 Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV3 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV3 Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV4 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV4 Mask */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV5 Position */
+#define PWM_POLCTL_PINV5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POLCTL_PINV5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POLCTL: PINV5 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_POEN_POEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_POEN_POEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::POEN: POEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG0 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG2_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG2 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG4_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG4 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKETRG4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKETRG4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG0 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG2_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG2 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG4_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG4 Position */
+#define PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SWBRK_BRKLTRG4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SWBRK: BRKLTRG4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_ZIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: ZIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN0_1_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_PIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_PIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: PIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN2_3_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPUIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPUIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN4_5_Pos (23) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_IFAIEN4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: IFAIEN4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN1_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN2_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN3_Pos (27) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN4_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN5_Pos (29) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN0_CMPDIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN0: CMPDIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN0_1_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN2_3_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN4_5_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKEIEN4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKEIEN4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN0_1_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN2_3_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN4_5_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTEN1_BRKLIEN4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTEN1: BRKLIEN4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_ZIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: ZIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF0_1_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_PIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_PIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: PIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF2_3_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPUIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPUIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF4_5_Pos (23) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_IFAIF4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: IFAIF4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF1_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF2_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF3_Pos (27) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF4_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF5_Pos (29) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS0_CMPDIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS0: CMPDIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKEIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKEIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLIFn_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLIFn Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLIFn_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLIFn_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLIFn Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKESTS5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKESTS5 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS0 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS0 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS1_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS1 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS1 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS2_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS2 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS2 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS3_Pos (27) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS3 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS3 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS4_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS4 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS4 Mask */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS5_Pos (29) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS5 Position */
+#define PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_INTSTS1_BRKLSTS5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::INTSTS1: BRKLSTS5 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT0_1_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT0_1_Msk (0xful << PWM_IFA_IFCNT0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL0_1_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL0_1_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_IFA_IFSEL0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN0_1_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_IFA_IFAEN0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT2_3_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT2_3_Msk (0xful << PWM_IFA_IFCNT2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL2_3_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL2_3_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_IFA_IFSEL2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN2_3_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_IFA_IFAEN2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT4_5_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFCNT4_5_Msk (0xful << PWM_IFA_IFCNT4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFCNT4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL4_5_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFSEL4_5_Msk (0x7ul << PWM_IFA_IFSEL4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFSEL4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN4_5_Pos (23) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_IFA_IFAEN4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_IFA_IFAEN4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::IFA: IFAEN4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL0 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL0_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL0 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN0_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL1_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL1 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL1_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL1 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN1_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL2_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL2 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL2_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL2 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN2_Pos (23) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL3_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL3 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL3_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGSEL3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGSEL3 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN3_Pos (31) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS0_TRGEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS0: TRGEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL4_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGSEL4 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL4_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGSEL4 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN4_Pos (7) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL5_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGSEL5 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL5_Msk (0xful << PWM_ADCTS1_TRGSEL5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGSEL5 Mask */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN5_Pos (15) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_ADCTS1_TRGEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::ADCTS1: TRGEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT0_1_FTCMP_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT0_1: FTCMP Position */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT0_1_FTCMP_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCMPDAT0_1_FTCMP_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT0_1: FTCMP Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT2_3_FTCMP_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT2_3: FTCMP Position */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT2_3_FTCMP_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCMPDAT2_3_FTCMP_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT2_3: FTCMP Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT4_5_FTCMP_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT4_5: FTCMP Position */
+#define PWM_FTCMPDAT4_5_FTCMP_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCMPDAT4_5_FTCMP_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCMPDAT4_5: FTCMP Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSRC Position */
+#define PWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSCTL_SSRC_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSCTL: SSRC Mask */
+#define PWM_SSTRG_CNTSEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::SSTRG: CNTSEN Position */
+#define PWM_SSTRG_CNTSEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_SSTRG_CNTSEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::SSTRG: CNTSEN Mask */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_LEBEN_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: LEBEN Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_LEBEN_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LEBCTL_LEBEN_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: LEBEN Mask */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_LEBCTL_SRCEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: SRCEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_LEBCTL_TRGTYPE_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCTL: TRGTYPE Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCNT_LEBCNT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCNT: LEBCNT Position */
+#define PWM_LEBCNT_LEBCNT_Msk (0x1fful << PWM_LEBCNT_LEBCNT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::LEBCNT: LEBCNT Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF0 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF1 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF2 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF3 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF4 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF5 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_CNTMAXF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: CNTMAXF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF0 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF2_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF2 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF4_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF4 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_SYNCINF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: SYNCINF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF0 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF1 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF2 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF3 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF4 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF5 Position */
+#define PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_STATUS_ADCTRGF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::STATUS: ADCTRGF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPINEN_CAPINEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CAPINEN: CAPINEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_CAPINV5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: CAPINV5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN0_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN1_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN2_Pos (18) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN3_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN4_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN5_Pos (21) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_RCRLDEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: RCRLDEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN0_Pos (24) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN1_Pos (25) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN2_Pos (26) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN3_Pos (27) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN4_Pos (28) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN5_Pos (29) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPCTL_FCRLDEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPCTL: FCRLDEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CRLIFOV5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CRLIFOV5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPSTS_CFLIFOV5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPSTS: CFLIFOV5 Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT0_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT0: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT0_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT0_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT0: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT0_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT0: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT0_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT0_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT0: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT1_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT1: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT1_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT1_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT1: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT1_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT1: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT1_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT1_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT1: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT2_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT2: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT2_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT2_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT2: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT2_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT2: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT2_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT2_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT2: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT3_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT3: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT3_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT3_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT3: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT3_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT3: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT3_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT3_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT3: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT4_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT4: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT4_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT4_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT4: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT4_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT4: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT4_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT4_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT4: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT5_RCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT5: RCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_RCAPDAT5_RCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_RCAPDAT5_RCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::RCAPDAT5: RCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT5_FCAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT5: FCAPDAT Position */
+#define PWM_FCAPDAT5_FCAPDAT_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FCAPDAT5_FCAPDAT_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FCAPDAT5: FCAPDAT Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN0_1_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD0_1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD0_1_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD0_1_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL0_1_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL0_1 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL0_1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL0_1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL0_1 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN2_3_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD2_3_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD2_3_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD2_3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL2_3_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL2_3 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL2_3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL2_3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL2_3 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN4_5_Pos (16) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHEN4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHEN4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD4_5_Pos (17) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD4_5_Msk (0x3ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPMOD4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPMOD4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD4_5_Pos (19) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CAPORD4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CAPORD4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL4_5_Pos (20) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL4_5 Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL4_5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_PDMACTL_CHSEL4_5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACTL: CHSEL4_5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP0_1_CAPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP0_1: CAPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP0_1_CAPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PDMACAP0_1_CAPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP0_1: CAPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP2_3_CAPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP2_3: CAPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP2_3_CAPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PDMACAP2_3_CAPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP2_3: CAPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP4_5_CAPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP4_5: CAPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_PDMACAP4_5_CAPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PDMACAP4_5_CAPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PDMACAP4_5: CAPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPRIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPRIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIEN_CAPFIEN5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIEN: CAPFIEN5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF1_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF2_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF3_Pos (3) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF4_Pos (4) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF5_Pos (5) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CRLIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CRLIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF0 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF0 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF1_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF1 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF1_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF1_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF1 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF2_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF2 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF2 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF3_Pos (11) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF3 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF3_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF3_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF3 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF4_Pos (12) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF4 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF4 Mask */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF5_Pos (13) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF5 Position */
+#define PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF5_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_CAPIF_CFLIF5_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CAPIF: CFLIF5 Mask */
+#define PWM_PBUF_PBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::PBUF: PBUF Position */
+#define PWM_PBUF_PBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_PBUF_PBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::PBUF: PBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_CMPBUF_CMPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CMPBUF: CMPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_CMPBUF_CMPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_CMPBUF_CMPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CMPBUF: CMPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF0_1_CPSCBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF0_1: CPSCBUF Position */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF0_1_CPSCBUF_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CPSCBUF0_1_CPSCBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF0_1: CPSCBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF2_3_CPSCBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF2_3: CPSCBUF Position */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF2_3_CPSCBUF_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CPSCBUF2_3_CPSCBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF2_3: CPSCBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF4_5_CPSCBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF4_5: CPSCBUF Position */
+#define PWM_CPSCBUF4_5_CPSCBUF_Msk (0xffful << PWM_CPSCBUF4_5_CPSCBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::CPSCBUF4_5: CPSCBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF0_1_FTCMPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF0_1: FTCMPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF0_1_FTCMPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCBUF0_1_FTCMPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF0_1: FTCMPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF2_3_FTCMPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF2_3: FTCMPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF2_3_FTCMPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCBUF2_3_FTCMPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF2_3: FTCMPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF4_5_FTCMPBUF_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF4_5: FTCMPBUF Position */
+#define PWM_FTCBUF4_5_FTCMPBUF_Msk (0xfffful << PWM_FTCBUF4_5_FTCMPBUF_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCBUF4_5: FTCMPBUF Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU0_Pos (0) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU0 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMU0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU0 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU2_Pos (1) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU2 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMU2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU2 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU4_Pos (2) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU4 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMU4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMU4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMU4 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD0_Pos (8) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD0 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD0_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMD0_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD0 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD2_Pos (9) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD2 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD2_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMD2_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD2 Mask */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD4_Pos (10) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD4 Position */
+#define PWM_FTCI_FTCMD4_Msk (0x1ul << PWM_FTCI_FTCMD4_Pos) /*!< PWM_T::FTCI: FTCMD4 Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* PWM_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of PWM register group */
+/*---------------------- Real Time Clock Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup RTC Real Time Clock Controller(RTC)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for RTC Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var RTC_T::INIT
+ * Offset: 0x00 RTC Initiation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |INIT_ACTIVE|RTC Active Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = RTC is at reset state.
+ * | | |1 = RTC is at normal active state.
+ * |[31:1] |INIT |RTC Initiation
+ * | | |When RTC block is first powered on, RTC is at reset state
+ * | | |User has to write a special number (0xA5EB13570x a5eb1357) to INIT to make RTC leaving reset state
+ * | | |Once the INIT is written as 0xa5eb13570xA5EB1357, the RTC will be in un-resetat normal active state permanently.
+ * | | |The INIT[31:1] is a write-only field and read value will be always 0.
+ * @var RTC_T::RWEN
+ * Offset: 0x04 RTC Access Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RWEN |RTC Register Access Enable Password (Write Only)
+ * | | |Writing 0xA965 to this field register will enable RTC register access period and keep 1024 RTC clocks.
+ * | | |Note: Writing others vaule will clear RWENF and disable RTC register access function immediately.
+ * |[16] |RWENF |RTC Register Access Enable Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = RTC register read/write Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RTC register read/write Enabled.
+ * | | |This bit will be set after RWEN RTC_RWEN[15:0] register is load a 0xA965, and be cleared automatically after 1024 RTC clocks expired.
+ * | | |Note: RWENF will be mask to u201C0u201D during RTCBUSY is= 1, and first turn on RTCCKEN (CLK_APBCLK[1]) also.
+ * |[24] |RTCBUSY |RTC Write Busy Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates RTC registers are writable or not.
+ * | | |0: RTC register write canu2019t writeaccess enable .
+ * | | |1: RTC register are writablewrite access disable , RTC under Busy Status..
+ * | | |Note: RTCBUSY falg will be set when execute write RTC register command exceed 6 times within By Exceed RTC IP Prcessing Write Counter Capacity ( 6 counts Per 1 1120 PCLK cycles.).
+ * @var RTC_T::FREQADJ
+ * Offset: 0x08 RTC Frequency Compensation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[21:0] |FREQADJ |Frequency Compensation RegisterValue
+ * | | |User must to get actual clock freqency of LXT, LXT frequency.
+ * | | |When CLK_CLKSEL2[18] = 0.
+ * | | |FCR = 0x200000 * (32768 / LXT freqency period).
+ * | | |LXT Note: This formula is suitable only when RTCSEL (CLK_CLKSEL2[18]) is 0, RTC clock source is from LXT.period: the clock period (Hz) of LXT.
+ * | | |uLIRC period: the clock period (Hz) of LIRC.
+ * | | |Note : LIRC can measure by softwaremethod.
+ * @var RTC_T::TIME
+ * Offset: 0x0C RTC Time Loading Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |SEC |1-Sec Time Digit (0~9)
+ * |[6:4] |TENSEC |10-Sec Time Digit (0~5)
+ * |[11:8] |MIN |1-Min Time Digit (0~9)
+ * |[14:12] |TENMIN |10-Min Time Digit (0~5)
+ * |[19:16] |HR |1-Hour Time Digit (0~9)
+ * |[21:20] |TENHR |10-Hour Time Digit (0~2)
+ * | | |Note: When RTC runs as 12-hour time scale mode, RTC_TIME[21] (the high bit of TENHR[1:0]) means AM/PM indication, RTC_TIME[21] is 0 means AM hour and RTC_TIME[21] is 1 means PM hour (If RTC_TIME[21] is 1, it indicates PM time message.).
+ * @var RTC_T::CAL
+ * Offset: 0x10 RTC Calendar Loading Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |DAY |1-Day Calendar Digit (0~9)
+ * |[5:4] |TENDAY |10-Day Calendar Digit (0~3)
+ * |[11:8] |MON |1-Month Calendar Digit (0~9)
+ * |[12] |TENMON |10-Month Calendar Digit (0~1)
+ * |[19:16] |YEAR |1-Year Calendar Digit (0~9)
+ * |[23:20] |TENYEAR |10-Year Calendar Digit (0~9)
+ * @var RTC_T::CLKFMT
+ * Offset: 0x14 RTC Time Scale Selection Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |24HEN |24-hour / 12-hour Time Scale Selection
+ * | | |Indicates that RTC_TIME and RTC_TALM register are in 24-hour time scale or 12-hour time scale
+ * | | |0 = 12-hour time scale with AM and PM indication selected.
+ * | | |1 = 24-hour time scale selected.
+ * @var RTC_T::WEEKDAY
+ * Offset: 0x18 RTC Day of the Week Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |WEEKDAY |Day of the Week Register
+ * | | |000 = Sunday.
+ * | | |001 = Monday.
+ * | | |010 = Tuesday.
+ * | | |011 = Wednesday.
+ * | | |100 = Thursday.
+ * | | |101 = Friday.
+ * | | |110 = Saturday.
+ * | | |111 = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: RTC will not check WEEKDAY setting with RTC_CAL is reasonable or not.
+ * @var RTC_T::TALM
+ * Offset: 0x1C RTC Time Alarm Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |SEC |1-Sec Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[6:4] |TENSEC |10-Sec Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~5)
+ * |[11:8] |MIN |1-Min Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[14:12] |TENMIN |10-Min Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~5)
+ * |[19:16] |HR |1-Hour Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[21:20] |TENHR |10-Hour Time Digit of Alarm Setting (0~2) When RTC runs as 12-hour time scale mode, RTC_TIME[21] (the high bit of TENHR[1:0]) means AM/PM indication (If RTC_TIME[21] is 1, it indicates PM time message.)
+ * @var RTC_T::CALM
+ * Offset: 0x20 RTC Calendar Alarm Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |DAY |1-Day Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[5:4] |TENDAY |10-Day Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~3)
+ * |[11:8] |MON |1-Month Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[12] |TENMON |10-Month Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~1)
+ * |[19:16] |YEAR |1-Year Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * |[23:20] |TENYEAR |10-Year Calendar Digit of Alarm Setting (0~9)
+ * @var RTC_T::LEAPYEAR
+ * Offset: 0x24 RTC Leap Year Indicaton Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LEAPYEAR |Leap Year Indication Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = This year is not a leap year.
+ * | | |1 = This year is leap year.
+ * @var RTC_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x28 RTC Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ALMIEN |Alarm Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = RTC aAlarm interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RTC aAlarm interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[1] |TICKIEN |Time Tick Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = RTC tTime tTick interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RTC tTime tTick interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var RTC_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x2C RTC Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ALMIF |RTC Alarm Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When RTC current RTC counter in time counters RTC_TIME and RTC_CAL are matched the alarm setting time registers RTC alarm settings in RTC_TALM and RTC_CALM, ALMIFthis bit will be set to 1 and an alarm interrupt signal will be generated if RTC Alarm Interrupt enabled ALMIEN (RTC_INTEN[0]) is enabledset to 1.
+ * | | |Chip will also be waken up if RTC Alarm when alarm interrupt signal occurred Interrupt if chip is running at Power-down modeis enabled when chip is at Power-down mode.
+ * | | |0 = Alarm condition is not matched.
+ * | | |1 = Alarm condition is matched.
+ * | | |Note: Write Writing 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |TICKIF |RTC Time Tick Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When RTC time tick event happened, this bit TICKIF will be set to 1 and an time tick interrupt signal will be generated if RTC Tick Interrupt enabled TICKIEN (RTC_INTEN[1]) is enabledset to 1
+ * | | |Chip will also be waken up when time tick interrupt signal occurred if RTC Tick Interrupt is enabled and this bit is set to 1 ifwhen chip is running at Power-down mode.
+ * | | |0 = Tick condition does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Tick condition occurred.
+ * | | |Note: Writing Write 1 to clear to clear this bit.
+ * @var RTC_T::TICK
+ * Offset: 0x30 RTC Time Tick Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |TICK |Time Tick Register
+ * | | |These bits are used to select RTC time tick period for pPeriodic tTime tTick iInterrupt request.
+ * | | |000 = Time tick is 1 second.
+ * | | |001 = Time tick is 1/2 second.
+ * | | |010 = Time tick is 1/4 second.
+ * | | |011 = Time tick is 1/8 second.
+ * | | |100 = Time tick is 1/16 second.
+ * | | |101 = Time tick is 1/32 second.
+ * | | |110 = Time tick is 1/64 second.
+ * | | |111 = Time tick is 1/128 second.
+ * | | |Note: This register can be read back after the RTC register access enable bit RWENF (RTC_RWEN[16]) is active.
+ * @var RTC_T::TAMSK
+ * Offset: 0x34 RTC Time Alarm Mask Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MSEC |Mask 1-Sec Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~9)
+ * |[1] |MTENSEC |Mask 10-Sec Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~5)
+ * |[2] |MMIN |Mask 1-Min Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~9)
+ * |[3] |MTENMIN |Mask 10-Min Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~5)
+ * |[4] |MHR |Mask 1-Hour Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~9)
+ * | | |Note: MHR function is only for 24-hour time scale mode.
+ * |[5] |MTENHR |Mask 10-Hour Time Digit of aAlarm sSetting (0~2)
+ * | | |Note: MTENHR function is only for 24-hour time scale mode.
+ * @var RTC_T::CAMSK
+ * Offset: 0x38 RTC Calendar Alarm Mask Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MDAY |Mask 1-Day Calendar Digit of Alarm alarm Setting setting (0~9)
+ * |[1] |MTENDAY |Mask 10-Day Calendar Digit of Alarm alarm Setting setting (0~3)
+ * |[2] |MMON |Mask 1-Month Calendar Digit of Alarm alarm Setting setting (0~9)
+ * |[3] |MTENMON |Mask 10-Month Calendar Digit of A alarm Setting setting (0~1)
+ * |[4] |MYEAR |Mask 1-Year Calendar Digit of Alarm alarm Setting setting (0~9)
+ * |[5] |MTENYEAR |Mask 10-Year Calendar Digit of A alarm Setting setting (0~9)
+ * @var RTC_T::LXTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x100 RTC 32 kHz Oscillator Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:1] |GAIN |Oscillator Gain Option
+ * | | |User can select oscillator gain according to crystal external loading and operating temperature range
+ * | | |The larger gain value corresponding to stronger driving capability and higher power consumption.
+ * | | |000 = L0 mode.
+ * | | |001 = L1 mode.
+ * | | |010 = L2 mode.
+ * | | |011 = L3 mode.
+ * | | |100 = L4 mode.
+ * | | |101 = L5 mode.
+ * | | |110 = L6 mode.
+ * | | |111 = L7 mode (Default).
+ * @var RTC_T::LXTOCTL
+ * Offset: 0x104 RTC X32KO Pin Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |OPMODE |GPF0 IO Pin Operation Mode
+ * | | |00 = X32KO (P5.0) is in Iinput only mode, without pull-up resistor.
+ * | | |01 = X32KO (P5.0) is in output pPush- pull output mode.
+ * | | |10 = X32KO (P5.0) is in Oopen- drain output mode.
+ * | | |11 = X32KO (P5.0) is in Quasi-bidirectional modeinput only mode with internal pull up.
+ * |[2] |DOUT |IO Pin Output Data
+ * | | |0 = X32KO (P5.0) will driver output low in output mode.
+ * | | |1 = X32KO (P5.0) will driver high in output mode output high.
+ * |[3] |CTLSEL |IO Pin State Backup Selection
+ * | | |When low speed 32 kHz oscillator (LXT) is disabled, X32KO (P5.0) pin can be used as GPIO P5.0 function
+ * | | |User can program CTLSEL bit to decide X32KO (P5.0) I/O function is controlled by system power domain GPIO module or VBAT power domain RTC_LXTOCTL control register.
+ * | | |0 = X32KO (P5.0) pin I/O function is controlled by GPIO module
+ * | | |Hardware auto becomes CTLSEL =1 when system power is turned off..
+ * | | |1 = X32KO (P5.0) pin I/O function is controlled by OPMODE and DOUT in RTC_LXTOCT at VBAT power domain, X32KO (P5.0) pin function and I/O status are controlled by OPMODE[1:0] and DOUT after CTLSEL it set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: CTLSEL (this bit) will automatically be set to 1 automatically by hardware to 1 when system power is turned off andoff RTC is at normal active state, ACTIVE (RTC_INIT[0]) is 1 and RTC Active Status = 1.
+ * @var RTC_T::LXTICTL
+ * Offset: 0x108 RTC X32KI Pin Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |OPMODE |IO Pin Operation Mode
+ * | | |00 = X32KI (P5.1) is in Input mode without pull-up resistor.
+ * | | |01 = X32KI (P5.1) is in Push-pull output mode.
+ * | | |10 = X32KI (P5.1) is in Open-drain output mode.
+ * | | |11 = X32KI (P5.1) is in Quasi-bidirectional mode.00 = X32KI (P5.1) is input only mode, without pull-up resistor.
+ * | | |01 = X32KI (P5.1) is output push pull mode.
+ * | | |10 = X32KI (P5.1) is open drain mode.
+ * | | |11 = X32KI (P5.1) is input only mode with internal pull up.
+ * |[2] |DOUT |IO Pin Output Data
+ * | | |0 = X32KI (P5.1) will driver low in output mode.
+ * | | |1 = X32KI (P5.1) will driver high in output mode.0 = X32KI (P5.1) output low.
+ * | | |1 = X32KI (P5.1) output high.
+ * |[3] |CTLSEL |IO Pin State Backup Selection
+ * | | |When low speed 32 kHz oscillator (LXT) is disabled, X32KO pin can be used as GPIO P5.1 function
+ * | | |User can program CTLSEL to decide X32KI (P5.1) I/O function is controlled by system power domain GPIO module or VBAT power domain RTC_LXTICTL register.
+ * | | |0 = X32KI (P5.1) pin I/O function is controlled by GPIO module.
+ * | | |1 = X32KI (P5.1) pin I/O function is controlled by OPMODE and DOUT in RTC_LXTICTL at VBAT power domain.
+ * | | |Note: CTLSEL will be set to 1 automatically by hardware when system power is turned off and RTC is at normal active state, ACTIVE (RTC_INIT[0]) is 1.When low speed 32 kHz oscillator is disabled, X32KI (P5.1) pin can be used as GPIO function
+ * | | |User can program CTLSEL bit to decide X32KI (P5.1) I/O function is controlled by system power domain GPIO module or VBAT power domain RTC_LXTICTL control register.
+ * | | |0 = X32KI (P5.1) pin I/O function is controlled by GPIO module
+ * | | |Hardware auto becomes CTLSEL =1 when system power is turned off.
+ * | | |1 = X32KI (P5.1) pin I/O function is controlled by VBAT power domain, X32KI (P5.1) pin function and I/O status are controlled by OPMODE[1:0] and DOUT after CTLSEL it set to 1.
+ * | | |Note:CTLSEL (this bit) will automatically be set by hardware to 1 when system power is off and RTC Active Status = 1.
+ * @var RTC_T::P52CTL
+ * Offset: 0x10C RTC P52 Pin Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |OPMODE |IO Pin Operation Mode
+ * | | |00 = P5.2 is in Input mode without pull-up resistor.
+ * | | |01 = P5.2 is in Push-pull output mode.
+ * | | |10 = P5.2 is in Open-drain output mode.
+ * | | |11 = P5.2 is in Quasi-bidirectional mode.00 = GPIO(P5.2) is input only mode, without pull-up resistor.
+ * | | |01 = GPIO(P5.2) is output push pull mode.
+ * | | |10 = GPIO(P5.2) is open drain mode.
+ * | | |11 = GPIO(P5.2) is input only mode with internal pull up.
+ * |[2] |DOUT |IO Pin Output Data
+ * | | |0 = GPIO P5.2 will driver low in output mode.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO P5.2 will driver high in output mode.0 = GPIO(P5.2) output low.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO (P5.2) output high.
+ * |[3] |CTLSEL |IO Pin State Backup Selection
+ * | | |User can program CTLSEL to decide GPIO P5.2 I/O function is controlled by system power domain GPIO module or VBAT power domain RTC_LXTICTL register.
+ * | | |0 = GPIO P5.2 pin I/O function is controlled by GPIO module.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO P5.2 pin I/O function is controlled by OPMODE and DOUT in RTC_P52CTL at VBAT power domain.
+ * | | |Note: CTLSEL will be set to 1 automatically by hardware when system power is turned off and RTC is at normal active state, ACTIVE (RTC_INIT[0]) is 1.User can program CTLSEL bit to decide GPIO (P5.2) I/O function is controlled by system power domain GPIO module or VBAT power domain RTC_GPIOCTL control register.
+ * | | |0 = GPIO (P5.2) pin I/O function is controlled by GPIO module
+ * | | |Hardware auto becomes CTLSEL =1 when system power is turned off.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO (P5.2) pin I/O function is controlled by VBAT power domain, GPIO (P5.2) pin function and I/O status are controlled by OPMODE[1:0] and DOUT after CTLSEL it set to 1.
+ * | | |Note:CTLSEL (this bit) will automatically be set by hardware to 1 when system power is off and RTC Active Status = 1.
+ * @var RTC_T::DSTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x110 RTC Daylight Saving Time Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ADDHR |Add 1 Hour
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates RTC hour digit has been addedAdds 1 one hour for summer time change.
+ * |[1] |SUBHR |Subtract 1 Hour
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Indicates RTC hour digit has been sSubtractsed one1 hour for winter time change.
+ * | | |Note: Writing this bit has no effect when RTC_TIME[21:16] is 0x00 in 24-hour time scale mode and RTC_TIME[21:16] is 0x12 in 12-hour time scale mode.
+ * |[2] |DSBAK |Daylight Saving Back
+ * | | |0= Daylight Saving Time function isChange is not performed.
+ * | | |1= Daylight Saving Time function Change is performed.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t INIT; /*!< [0x0000] RTC Initiation Register */
+ __IO uint32_t RWEN; /*!< [0x0004] RTC Access Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FREQADJ; /*!< [0x0008] RTC Frequency Compensation Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TIME; /*!< [0x000c] RTC Time Loading Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CAL; /*!< [0x0010] RTC Calendar Loading Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKFMT; /*!< [0x0014] RTC Time Scale Selection Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WEEKDAY; /*!< [0x0018] RTC Day of the Week Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TALM; /*!< [0x001c] RTC Time Alarm Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CALM; /*!< [0x0020] RTC Calendar Alarm Register */
+ __I uint32_t LEAPYEAR; /*!< [0x0024] RTC Leap Year Indicaton Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0028] RTC Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x002c] RTC Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TICK; /*!< [0x0030] RTC Time Tick Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TAMSK; /*!< [0x0034] RTC Time Alarm Mask Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CAMSK; /*!< [0x0038] RTC Calendar Alarm Mask Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[49];
+ __IO uint32_t LXTCTL; /*!< [0x0100] RTC 32 kHz Oscillator Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LXTOCTL; /*!< [0x0104] RTC X32KO Pin Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LXTICTL; /*!< [0x0108] RTC X32KI Pin Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t P52CTL; /*!< [0x010c] RTC P52 Pin Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t DSTCTL; /*!< [0x0110] RTC Daylight Saving Time Control Register */
+} RTC_T;
+ @addtogroup RTC_CONST RTC Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for RTC Controller
+@{ */
+#define RTC_INIT_ACTIVE_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::INIT: ACTIVE Position */
+#define RTC_INIT_ACTIVE_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_INIT_ACTIVE_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INIT: ACTIVE Mask */
+#define RTC_INIT_INIT_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::INIT: INIT Position */
+#define RTC_INIT_INIT_Msk (0x7ffffffful << RTC_INIT_INIT_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INIT: INIT Mask */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RWEN_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RWEN Position */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RWEN_Msk (0xfffful << RTC_RWEN_RWEN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RWEN Mask */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Pos (16) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RWENF Position */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_RWEN_RWENF_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RWENF Mask */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RTCBUSY_Pos (24) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RTCBUSY Position */
+#define RTC_RWEN_RTCBUSY_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_RWEN_RTCBUSY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::RWEN: RTCBUSY Mask */
+#define RTC_FREQADJ_FREQADJ_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::FREQADJ: FREQADJ Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_SEC_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: SEC Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_SEC_Msk (0xful << RTC_TIME_SEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: SEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENSEC_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENSEC Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENSEC_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_TIME_TENSEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENSEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TIME_MIN_Pos (8) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: MIN Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_MIN_Msk (0xful << RTC_TIME_MIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: MIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENMIN_Pos (12) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENMIN Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENMIN_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_TIME_TENMIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENMIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TIME_HR_Pos (16) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: HR Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_HR_Msk (0xful << RTC_TIME_HR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: HR Mask */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENHR_Pos (20) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENHR Position */
+#define RTC_TIME_TENHR_Msk (0x3ul << RTC_TIME_TENHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TIME: TENHR Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_DAY_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: DAY Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_DAY_Msk (0xful << RTC_CAL_DAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: DAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENDAY_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENDAY Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENDAY_Msk (0x3ul << RTC_CAL_TENDAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENDAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_MON_Pos (8) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: MON Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_MON_Msk (0xful << RTC_CAL_MON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: MON Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENMON_Pos (12) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENMON Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENMON_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAL_TENMON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENMON Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_YEAR_Pos (16) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: YEAR Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_YEAR_Msk (0xful << RTC_CAL_YEAR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: YEAR Mask */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENYEAR_Pos (20) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENYEAR Position */
+#define RTC_CAL_TENYEAR_Msk (0xful << RTC_CAL_TENYEAR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAL: TENYEAR Mask */
+#define RTC_CLKFMT_24HEN_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::CLKFMT: 24HEN Position */
+#define RTC_CLKFMT_24HEN_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CLKFMT_24HEN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CLKFMT: 24HEN Mask */
+#define RTC_WEEKDAY_WEEKDAY_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::WEEKDAY: WEEKDAY Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_SEC_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: SEC Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_SEC_Msk (0xful << RTC_TALM_SEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: SEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENSEC_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENSEC Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENSEC_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_TALM_TENSEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENSEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TALM_MIN_Pos (8) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: MIN Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_MIN_Msk (0xful << RTC_TALM_MIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: MIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENMIN_Pos (12) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENMIN Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENMIN_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_TALM_TENMIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENMIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TALM_HR_Pos (16) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: HR Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_HR_Msk (0xful << RTC_TALM_HR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: HR Mask */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENHR_Pos (20) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENHR Position */
+#define RTC_TALM_TENHR_Msk (0x3ul << RTC_TALM_TENHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TALM: TENHR Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_DAY_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: DAY Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_DAY_Msk (0xful << RTC_CALM_DAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: DAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENDAY_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENDAY Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENDAY_Msk (0x3ul << RTC_CALM_TENDAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENDAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_MON_Pos (8) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: MON Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_MON_Msk (0xful << RTC_CALM_MON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: MON Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENMON_Pos (12) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENMON Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENMON_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CALM_TENMON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENMON Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_YEAR_Pos (16) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: YEAR Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_YEAR_Msk (0xful << RTC_CALM_YEAR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: YEAR Mask */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENYEAR_Pos (20) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENYEAR Position */
+#define RTC_CALM_TENYEAR_Msk (0xful << RTC_CALM_TENYEAR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CALM: TENYEAR Mask */
+#define RTC_INTEN_ALMIEN_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::INTEN: ALMIEN Position */
+#define RTC_INTEN_ALMIEN_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_INTEN_ALMIEN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INTEN: ALMIEN Mask */
+#define RTC_INTEN_TICKIEN_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::INTEN: TICKIEN Position */
+#define RTC_INTEN_TICKIEN_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_INTEN_TICKIEN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INTEN: TICKIEN Mask */
+#define RTC_INTSTS_ALMIF_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::INTSTS: ALMIF Position */
+#define RTC_INTSTS_ALMIF_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_INTSTS_ALMIF_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INTSTS: ALMIF Mask */
+#define RTC_INTSTS_TICKIF_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::INTSTS: TICKIF Position */
+#define RTC_INTSTS_TICKIF_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_INTSTS_TICKIF_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::INTSTS: TICKIF Mask */
+#define RTC_TICK_TICK_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::TICK: TICK Position */
+#define RTC_TICK_TICK_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_TICK_TICK_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TICK: TICK Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MSEC_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MSEC Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MSEC_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MSEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MSEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENSEC_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENSEC Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENSEC_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MTENSEC_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENSEC Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MMIN_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MMIN Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MMIN_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MMIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MMIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENMIN_Pos (3) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENMIN Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENMIN_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MTENMIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENMIN Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MHR_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MHR Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MHR_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MHR Mask */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENHR_Pos (5) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENHR Position */
+#define RTC_TAMSK_MTENHR_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_TAMSK_MTENHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::TAMSK: MTENHR Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MDAY_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MDAY Position */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MDAY_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAMSK_MDAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MDAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MTENDAY_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MTENDAY Position */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MTENDAY_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAMSK_MTENDAY_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MTENDAY Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MMON_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MMON Position */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MMON_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAMSK_MMON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MMON Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MTENMON_Pos (3) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MTENMON Position */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MTENMON_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAMSK_MTENMON_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MTENMON Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MYEAR_Pos (4) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MYEAR Position */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MYEAR_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_CAMSK_MYEAR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MYEAR Mask */
+#define RTC_CAMSK_MTENYEAR_Pos (5) /*!< RTC_T::CAMSK: MTENYEAR Position */
+#define RTC_LXTCTL_GAIN_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::LXTCTL: GAIN Position */
+#define RTC_LXTCTL_GAIN_Msk (0x7ul << RTC_LXTCTL_GAIN_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::LXTCTL: GAIN Mask */
+#define RTC_LXTOCTL_OPMODE_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::LXTOCTL: OPMODE Position */
+#define RTC_LXTOCTL_DOUT_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::LXTOCTL: DOUT Position */
+#define RTC_LXTOCTL_DOUT_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_LXTOCTL_DOUT_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::LXTOCTL: DOUT Mask */
+#define RTC_LXTOCTL_CTLSEL_Pos (3) /*!< RTC_T::LXTOCTL: CTLSEL Position */
+#define RTC_LXTICTL_OPMODE_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::LXTICTL: OPMODE Position */
+#define RTC_LXTICTL_DOUT_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::LXTICTL: DOUT Position */
+#define RTC_LXTICTL_DOUT_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_LXTICTL_DOUT_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::LXTICTL: DOUT Mask */
+#define RTC_LXTICTL_CTLSEL_Pos (3) /*!< RTC_T::LXTICTL: CTLSEL Position */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_OPMODE_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: OPMODE Position */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_OPMODE_Msk (0x3ul << RTC_P52CTL_OPMODE_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: OPMODE Mask */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_DOUT_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: DOUT Position */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_DOUT_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_P52CTL_DOUT_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: DOUT Mask */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_CTLSEL_Pos (3) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: CTLSEL Position */
+#define RTC_P52CTL_CTLSEL_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_P52CTL_CTLSEL_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::P52CTL: CTLSEL Mask */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_ADDHR_Pos (0) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: ADDHR Position */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_ADDHR_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_DSTCTL_ADDHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: ADDHR Mask */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_SUBHR_Pos (1) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: SUBHR Position */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_SUBHR_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_DSTCTL_SUBHR_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: SUBHR Mask */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_DSBAK_Pos (2) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: DSBAK Position */
+#define RTC_DSTCTL_DSBAK_Msk (0x1ul << RTC_DSTCTL_DSBAK_Pos) /*!< RTC_T::DSTCTL: DSBAK Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* RTC_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of RTC register group */
+/*---------------------- Smart Card Host Interface Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup SC Smart Card Host Interface Controller(SC)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for SC Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var SC_T::DAT
+ * Offset: 0x00 SC Receive/Transmit Holding Buffer Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |DAT |Receive/Transmit Holding Buffer
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |By writing data to DAT, the SC will send out an 8-bit data.
+ * | | |Note: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, DAT cannot be programmed.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |By reading DAT, the SC will return an 8-bit received data.[WH1]
+ * | | |Note: If SCEN (SC_CTL[0]) is not enabled, DAT cannot be programmed.
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag59
+ * @var SC_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x04 SC Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SCEN |SC Controller Enable Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 to enable SC operation function. If this bit is cleared,
+ * | | |0 = SC will force all transition to IDLE state.
+ * | | |1 = SC controller is enabled and all function can work correctly.
+ * | | |Note1: SCEN must be set to 1 before filling in other SC registers, or smart card will not work properly.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag66
+ * |[1] |RXOFF |RX Transition Disable Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used for disable Rx receive transition function.
+ * | | |0 = The receiver Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The receiver Disabled.
+ * | | |Note1: If AUTOCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[3]) is enabled, this field is ignored.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag65
+ * |[2] |TXOFF |TX Transition Disable Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used for disable Tx transmit ftransition function.
+ * | | |0 = The transceiver Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = The transceiver Disabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag64
+ * |[3] |AUTOCEN |Auto Convention Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used for enable auto convention function.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-convention Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-convention Enabled.
+ * | | |If user enables auto convention function, the setting step must be done before Answer to Reset (ATR) state and the first data must be 0x3B or 0x3F
+ * | | |After hardware received first data and stored it at buffer, hardware will decided the convention and change the CONSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[5:4]) bits automatically when received first data is 0x3B or 0x3F
+ * | | |If received first byte is 0x3B, TS is direct convention, CONSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[5:4]) will be set to 00 automatically, otherwise the TS is inverse convention, and CONSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[5:4]) will be set to 11.
+ * | | |If the first data is not 0x3B or 0x3F, hardware will set ACERRIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[10]) and generate an interrupt signal to inform CPU when ACERRIEN (SC_SCn_INTEN[10]) is enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag10, 33, 34, 35
+ * |[5:4] |CONSEL |Convention Selection
+ * | | |00 = Direct convention.
+ * | | |01 = Reserved.
+ * | | |10 = Reserved.
+ * | | |11 = Inverse convention.
+ * | | |Note: If AUTOCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[3]) is enabled, this field is ignored.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag10, 33, 34, 35
+ * |[7:6] |RXTRGLV |Rx Buffer Trigger Level
+ * | | |When the number of bytes in the receiving buffer equals the RXTRGLV, the RDAIF (SC_INTSTS[0]) will be set
+ * | | |If RDAIEN (SC_SCn_INTEN[0]) is enabled, an interrupt signal will be generated to inform CPU.
+ * | | |00 = Rx Buffer Trigger Level with 01 bytes.
+ * | | |01 = Rx Buffer Trigger Level with 02 bytes.
+ * | | |10 = Rx Buffer Trigger Level with 03 bytes.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag7
+ * |[12:8] |BGT |Block Guard Time (BGT)
+ * | | |Block guard time means the minimum interval between the leading edges of two consecutive characters between different transfer directions
+ * | | |This field indicates the counter for the bit length of block guard time
+ * | | |According to ISO7816-3, in T = 0 mode, user must fill 15 (real block guard time = 16.5) to this field; in T = 1 mode, user must fill 21 (real block guard time = 22.5) to it.
+ * | | |Note: The real block guard time is BGT + 1.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag8
+ * |[14:13] |TMRSEL |Timer Channel Selection
+ * | | |00 = All internal timer function Disabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |.
+ * | | |11 = Internal 24- bit Timer0timer and two 8- bit Timer0 and Timer1 are etimers Enabled
+ * | | |User can configure them by setting SC_SCn_TMRCTL0[23:0], SC_SCn_TMRCTL1[7:0] and SC_SCn_TMRCTL2[7:0].
+ * | | |Other configurations are reserved[WH2]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9
+ * | | |[WH2]Tag9
+ * |[15] |NSB |Stop Bit Length
+ * | | |This field indicates the length of stop bit.
+ * | | |0 = The stop bit length is 2 ETU.
+ * | | |1 = The stop bit length is 1 ETU.
+ * | | |Note1: The default stop bit length is 2. SC and UART adopts NSB to program the stop bit length.
+ * | | |Note2: In UART mode, RX can receive the data sequence in 1 stop bit or 2 stop bits with NSB is set to 0.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag22
+ * |[18:16] |RXRTY |RX Error Retry Count Number
+ * | | |This field indicates the maximum number of receiver retries that are allowed when parity error has occurred
+ * | | |Note1: The real retry number is RXRTY + 1, so 8 is the maximum retry number.
+ * | | |Note2: This field cannot be changed when RXRTYEN enabled
+ * | | |The change flow is to disable RXRTYEN first and then fill in new retry value.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11
+ * |[19] |RXRTYEN |RX Error Retry Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables receiver retry function when parity error has occurred.
+ * | | |0 = RX error retry function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RX error retry function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: User must fill in the RXRTY value before enabling this bit.
+ * |[22:20] |TXRTY |TX Error Retry Count Number
+ * | | |This field indicates the maximum number of transmitter retries that are allowed when parity error has occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: The real retry number is TXRTY + 1, so 8 is the maximum retry number.
+ * | | |Note2: This field cannot be changed when TXRTYEN enabled
+ * | | |The change flow is to disable TXRTYEN first and then fill in new retry value.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11
+ * |[23] |TXRTYEN |TX Error Retry Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables transmitter retry function when parity error has occurred.
+ * | | |0 = TX error retry function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = TX error retry function Enabled.
+ * |[25:24] |CDDBSEL |Card Detect De-bounce Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the card detect de-bounce selection.
+ * | | |00 = De-bounce sample card insert once per 384 (128 * 3) SC modue clocks and de-bounce sample card removal once per 128 SC modue clocks.[WH1]
+ * | | |Other configurations are reserved.[WH2]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag63
+ * | | |[WH2]Tag63
+ * |[26] |CDLV |Card Detect Level Selection
+ * | | |0 = When hardware detects the card detect pin (SC_SCn_CD) from high to low, it indicates a card is detected.
+ * | | |1 = When hardware detects the card detect pin (SC_SCn_CD) from low to high, it indicates a card is detected.
+ * | | |Note: User must select card detect level before Smart Card controller enabled. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag2
+ * |[30] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, user should check this bit before writing a new value to RXRTY and TXRTY fields.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to RXRTY and TXRTY.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag62
+ * @var SC_T::ALTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x08 SC Alternate Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TXRST |TX Software Reset
+ * | | |When TXRST is set, all the bytes in the transmit buffer and TX Tx internal state machine will be cleared.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the TX Tx internal state machine and pointers.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be auto cleared after reset is complete.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag71
+ * |[1] |RXRST |Rx RX Software Reset
+ * | | |When RXRST is set, all the bytes in the receive buffer and Rx internal state machine will be cleared.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the Rx internal state machine and pointers.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be auto cleared after reset is complete.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag70
+ * |[2] |DACTEN |Deactivation Sequence Generator Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables SC controller to initiate the card by deactivation sequence.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Deactivation sequence generator Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When the deactivation sequence completed, this bit will be cleared automatically and the INITIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[8]) will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This field will be cleared by setT TXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[0]) and or RXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[1])
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this bit DACTEN, TXRST and or RXRST at the same time.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag14, 65
+ * |[3] |ACTEN |Activation Sequence Generator Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables SC controller to initiate the card by activation sequence.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Activation sequence generator Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When the activation sequence completed, this bit will be cleared automatically and the INITIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[8]) will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This field will be cleared by set TXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[0]) and or RXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[1])
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this bit ACTEN, TXRST and or RXRST at the same time.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag12, 65
+ * |[4] |WARSTEN |Warm Reset Sequence Generator Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables SC controller to initiate the card by warm reset sequence.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Warm reset sequence generator Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When the warm reset sequence completed, this bit will be cleared automatically and the INITIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[8]) will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This field will be cleared by set TXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[0]) and or RXRST (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[1])
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this bit WARSTEN, TXRST and or RXRST at the same time.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag13, 65
+ * |[5] |CNTEN0 |Internal Timer0 Start Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables Timer 0 to start counting
+ * | | |User can fill 0 to stop count it and set 1 to reload and start count
+ * | | |The counter unit is ETU base.
+ * | | |0 = Stops counting.
+ * | | |1 = Start counting.
+ * | | |Note1: This field is used for internal 24- bit timer when TMRSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[14:13]) is 11 only
+ * | | |Do not fill CNTEN0 when TMRSEL (SC_CTL[14:13]) is not equale to 11.
+ * | | |Note2: If the operation mode is not in auto-reload mode (SC_SCn_TMRCTL0[26] = 0), this bit will be auto-cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag37
+ * |[6] |CNTEN1 |Internal Timer1 Start Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables Timer 1 to start counting
+ * | | |User can fill 0 to stop count it and set 1 to reload and start count
+ * | | |The counter unit is ETU base.
+ * | | |0 = Stops counting.
+ * | | |1 = Start counting.
+ * | | |Note1: This field is used for internal 8- bit timer when TMRSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[14:13]) is 11 only
+ * | | |Do not fill CNTEN1 when TMRSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[14:13]) is not equale to 11.
+ * | | |Note2: If the operation mode is not in auto-reload mode (SC_SCn_TMRCTL1[26] = 0), this bit will be auto-cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.
+ * |[7] |CNTEN2 |Internal Timer2 Start Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables Timer 2 to start counting
+ * | | |User can fill 0 to stop it count and set 1 to reload and start count
+ * | | |The counter unit is ETU base.
+ * | | |0 = Stops counting.
+ * | | |1 = Start counting.
+ * | | |Note1: This field is used for internal 8- bit timer when TMRSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[14:13]) is 11 only
+ * | | |Do not fill in CNTEN2 when TMRSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[14:13]) is not equale to 11.
+ * | | |Note2: If the operation mode is not in auto-reload mode (SC_SCn_TMRCTL2[26] = = 0), this bit will be auto-cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |Note3: If SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is not enabled, this filed cannot be programmed.
+ * |[9:8] |INITSEL |Initial Timing Selection
+ * | | |This fields indicates the initial timing of hardware activation, warm-reset or deactivation.
+ * | | |The unit of initial timing is SC module clock.
+ * | | |Activation: refer to SC Activation Sequence in Figure 1.1-4 Figure 1.1-4.
+ * | | |Warm-reset: refer to Warm-Reset Sequence in Figure 1.1-5 Figure 1.1-5.
+ * | | |Deactivation: refer to Deactivation Sequence in Figure 1.1-6 Figure 1.1-6.
+ * | | |Note: When set activation and warm reset in Timer0 operation mode 0011, it may have deviation at most 128 SC module clock cycles.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag12~15
+ * |[11] |ADACEN |Auto Deactivation When Card Removal
+ * | | |This bit is usde for enable hardware auto deactivation when smart card is removed.
+ * | | |0 = Auto deactivation Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto deactivation Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When the card is removed, hardware will stop any process and then do deactivation sequence if this bit is set
+ * | | |If auto deactivation process completes, hardware will set INITIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[8]) also.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag15
+ * |[12] |RXBGTEN |Receiver Block Guard Time Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the receiver block guard time function.
+ * | | |0 = Receiver block guard time function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver block guard time function Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag69
+ * |[13] |ACTSTS0 |Internal Timer0 Active Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the timer counter status of timer0.
+ * | | |0 = Timer0 is not active.
+ * | | |1 = Timer0 is active.
+ * | | |Note: Timer0 is active does not always mean timer0 is counting the CNT (SC_SCn_TMRCTL0[23:0]).[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag68
+ * |[14] |ACTSTS1 |Internal Timer1 Active Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the timer counter status of timer1.
+ * | | |0 = Timer1 is not active.
+ * | | |1 = Timer1 is active.
+ * | | |Note: Timer1 is active does not always mean timer1 is counting the CNT (SC_SCn_TMRCTL1[7:0]).
+ * |[15] |ACTSTS2 |Internal Timer2 Active Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the timer counter status of timer2.
+ * | | |0 = Timer2 is not active.
+ * | | |1 = Timer2 is active.
+ * | | |Note: Timer2 is active does not always mean timer2 is counting the CNT (SC_SCn_TMRCTL2[7:0]).
+ * |[31] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, user should check this bit when writing a new value to SC_SCn_ALTCTL register.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to SC_SCn_ALTCTL register.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag67
+ * @var SC_T::EGT
+ * Offset: 0x0C SC Extra Guard Time Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |EGT |Extra Guard Time
+ * | | |This field indicates the extra guard time value.
+ * | | |Note: The extra guard time unit is ETU base.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag53
+ * @var SC_T::RXTOUT
+ * Offset: 0x10 SC Receive Buffer Time-out Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:0] |RFTM |SC Receiver FIFO Time-out Counter
+ * | | |The time-out down counter resets and starts counting whenever the RX Rx buffer received a new data
+ * | | |Once the counter decrease to 1 and no new data is received or CPU does not read data by reading SC_SCn_DAT (SC_DAT[7:0]), a receiver time-out flag RBXTOIF (SC_SCn_INTSTS[9]) will be set, and hardware will generate an interrupt signal to inform CPU when RXBTOIEN (SC_SCn_INTEN[9]) is enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: The counter unit is ETU based and the interval of time-out is (RFTM + 0.5) ETU time.
+ * | | |Note2: Filling in all 0 to this field indicates willto disable this function.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag72
+ * @var SC_T::ETUCTL
+ * Offset: 0x14 SC Element Time Unit Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |ETURDIV |ETU Rate Divider
+ * | | |The field is used for define ETU time unit.clock rate divider.
+ * | | |The real ETU time unit is (ETURDIV + 1) * SC clock time.[WH1]
+ * | | |Note: User can configure this field, but this field must be greater than 0x004.[WH2]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag6
+ * | | |[WH2]Tag74
+ * @var SC_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x18 SC Interrupt Enable Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RDAIEN |Receive Data Reach Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable received data bytes in Rx buffer reaching trigger level RXTRGLV (SC_SCn_CTL[7:6]) interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Received data bytes in Rx buffer reach trigger level interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Received data bytes in Rx buffer reach trigger level interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag7
+ * |[1] |TXEIEN |Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable transmit buffer empty interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer empty interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer empty interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag64, 71
+ * |[2] |TERRIEN |Transfer Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable transfer error interrupt
+ * | | |The transfer error status states is at SC_SCn_STATUS register which includes receiver break error BEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[6]), frame error FEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[5]), parity error PEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[4]), receive buffer overflow error RXOV (SC_SCn_STATUS[0]), transmit buffer overflow error TXOV (SC_SCn_STATUS[8]), receiver retry over limit error RXOVERR (SC_SCn_STATUS[22]) and or transmitter retry over limit error TXOVERR (SC_SCn_STATUS[30]).
+ * | | |0 = Transfer error interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transfer error interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11, 36
+ * |[3] |TMR0IEN |Timer0 Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable Timer0 interrupt function.
+ * | | |0 = Timer0 interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer0 interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag76
+ * |[4] |TMR1IEN |Timer1 Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable the Timer1 interrupt function.
+ * | | |0 = Timer1 interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer1 interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[5] |TMR2IEN |Timer2 Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable Timer2 interrupt function.
+ * | | |0 = Timer2 interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer2 interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[6] |BGTIEN |Block Guard Time Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable block guard time interrupt in recevive direction.
+ * | | |0 = Block guard time interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Block guard time interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is valid only for recvive receive direction block guard time.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag8, 50~53
+ * |[7] |CDIEN |Card Detect Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable card detect interrupt
+ * | | |The card detect status is CDPINSTS (SC_SCn_STATUS[13]).
+ * | | |0 = Card detect interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Card detect interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |Note: Either cared insert or card remove event will generate crad detect event.
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag75
+ * |[8] |INITIEN |Initial End Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable activation (ACTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[3] = 1)), deactivation (DACTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[2] = 1)) and warm reset (WARSTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL [4])) sequence complete interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Initial end interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Initial end interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag12~15
+ * |[9] |RXTOIEN |Receiver Buffer Time-out Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable receiver buffer time-out interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Receiver buffer time-out interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver buffer time-out interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag72
+ * |[10] |ACERRIEN |Auto Convention Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This field is used to enable auto-convention error interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-convention error interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-convention error interrupt Enabled.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag10
+ * @var SC_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x1C SC Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RDAIF |Receive Data Reach Interrupt Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field is used for received data bytes in Rx buffer reaching trigger level RXTRGLV (SC_SCn_CTL[7:6]) interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Number of receive buffer is less than RXTRGLV setting.
+ * | | |1 = Number of receive buffer data equals the RXTRGLV setting.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only
+ * | | |If user reads data from DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]) and remains receiver buffer data byte number is less than RXTRGLV, this bit will be cleared automatically.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag7
+ * |[1] |TXEIF |Transmit Buffer Empty Interrupt Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field is used for transmit buffer empty interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer is empty.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only
+ * | | |If user wants to clear this bit, user must write data to DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]) and then this bit will be cleared automatically.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag64, 71
+ * |[2] |TERRIF |Transfer Error Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for indicate transfer error interrupt status flag
+ * | | |The transfer error states status is at SC_SCn_STATUS register which includes receiver break error BEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[6]), frame error FEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[5]), parity error PEF (SC_SCn_STATUS[4]), and receive buffer overflow error RXOV (SC_SCn_STATUS[0]), transmit buffer overflow error TXOV (SC_SCn_STATUS[8]), receiver retry over limit error RXOVERR (SC_SCn_STATUS[22]) or transmitter retry over limit error TXOVERR (SC_SCn_STATUS[30]).
+ * | | |0 = Transfer error interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Transfer error interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This field is the status flag of BEF, FEF, PEF, RXOV, TXOV, RXOVERR or TXOVERR.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11, 36
+ * |[3] |TMR0IF |Timer0 Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for Timer0 interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Timer0 interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Timer0 interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag76
+ * |[4] |TMR1IF |Timer1 Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for Timer1 interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Timer1 interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Timer1 interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[5] |TMR2IF |Timer2 Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for Timer2 interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Timer2 interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Timer2 interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[6] |BGTIF |Block Guard Time Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for indicate block guard time interrupt status flag in recvive receive direction.
+ * | | |0 = Block guard time interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Block guard time interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is valid only when RXBGTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[12]) is enabled.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[7] |CDIF |Card Detect Interrupt Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field is used for card detect interrupt status flag
+ * | | |The actual card detect status is in CINSERT (SC_SCn_STATUS[12]) and CREMOVE (SC_SCn_STATUS[11]).
+ * | | |0 = Card detect event did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Card detect event occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is read only, and will be cleared after user must to clear CINSERT or CREMOVE [WH1]status has been clearedto clear it.
+ * | | |Note2: Either cared insert or card remove event will generate crad detect event.
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag75
+ * |[8] |INITIF |Initial End Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field is used for activation (ACTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[3])), deactivation (DACTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[2])) and warm reset (WARSTEN (SC_SCn_ALTCTL[4])) sequence interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Initial sequence is not complete.
+ * | | |1 = Initial sequence is completed.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag12~15
+ * |[9] |RXTOIF |Receive Buffer Time-out Interrupt Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field is used for indicate receive buffer time-out interrupt status flag.
+ * | | |0 = Receive buffer time-out interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receive buffer time-out interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only, user must read all receive buffer remaining data by reading SC_SCn_DAT (SC_DAT[7:0])register to clear it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag72
+ * |[10] |ACERRIF |Auto Convention Error Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This field indicates auto convention sequence error.
+ * | | |0 = Received TS at ATR state is 0x3B or 0x3F.
+ * | | |1 = Received TS at ATR state is neither 0x3B nor 0x3F.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag10
+ * @var SC_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x20 SC Transfer Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RXOV |Receive Overflow Error Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set when Rx buffer overflow.
+ * | | |0 = Rx buffer is not overflow.
+ * | | |1 = Rx buffer is overflow when the number of received bytes is greater than Rx buffer size (4 bytes).
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag5
+ * |[1] |RXEMPTY |Receive Buffer Empty Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates Rx buffer is empty or not.
+ * | | |0 = Rx buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Rx buffer is empty, it means the last byte of in Rx buffer has been read from DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]) by CPU.
+ * |[2] |RXFULL |Receive Buffer Full Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates Rx buffer is full or not.
+ * | | |0 = Rx buffer count is less than 4.
+ * | | |1 = Rx buffer count equals to 4.
+ * |[4] |PEF |Receiver Parity Error Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid u201Cparity bitu201D.
+ * | | |0 = Receiver parity error flag did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver parity error flag occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: If user CPU sets receiver retries function by setting RXRTYEN (SC_SCn_CTL[19]), hardware will not set this flag.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag80
+ * |[5] |FEF |Receiver Frame Error Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid u201Cstop bitu201D (that is, the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as logic 0).
+ * | | |0 = Receiver frame error flag did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver frame error flag occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: If user CPU sets receiver retries function by setting RXRTYEN (SC_SCn_CTL[19]), hardware will not set this flag.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag79
+ * |[6] |BEF |Receiver Break Error Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received data input (Rx) held in the u201Cspacing stateu201D (logic 0) is longer than a full word transmission time (that is, the total time of u201Cstart bitu201D + u201Cdata bitsu201D + u201Cparity bitu201D + u201Cstop bitsu201D).
+ * | | |0 = Receiver break error flag did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver break error flag occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: If CPU user sets receiver retries function by setting RXRTYEN (SC_SCn_CTL[19]), hardware will not set this flag.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag78
+ * |[8] |TXOV |Transmit Overflow Error Interrupt Status Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set when Tx buffer overflow.
+ * | | |0 = Tx buffer is not overflow.
+ * | | |1 = Tx buffer is overflow, it means when Tx buffer is full and an additional write operation to DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]) when Tx buffer is already full.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag5
+ * |[9] |TXEMPTY |Transmit Buffer Empty Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates TX buffer is empty or not.
+ * | | |0 = Tx buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Tx buffer is empty, it means the last byte of Tx buffer has been transferred to Transmitter Shift Register.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared when writing data into DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]).
+ * |[10] |TXFULL |Transmit Buffer Full Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates Tx buffer is full or not.
+ * | | |0 = Tx buffer count is less than 4.
+ * | | |1 = Tx buffer count equals to 4.
+ * |[11] |CREMOVE |Card Removal Status of SC_SCn_CD Pin
+ * | | |This bit is set whenever card has been removal.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Card removed.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing u201C1u201D to it.
+ * | | |Note2: Card detect function will start after SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) is set.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag2
+ * |[12] |CINSERT |Card Insert Status of SC_SCn_CD Pin
+ * | | |This bit is set whenever card has been inserted.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Card insert.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing u201C1u201D to it.
+ * | | |Note2: The card detect function will start after SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]) setis set.
+ * |[13] |CDPINSTS |Card Detect Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is the pin status of SC_SCn_CD.
+ * | | |0 = The SC_SCn_CD pin state at low.
+ * | | |1 = The SC_SCn_CD pin state at high.
+ * |[18:16] |RXPOINT |Receive Buffer Pointer Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the Rx buffer pointer status
+ * | | |When SC controller receives one byte from external device, RXPOINT increases one
+ * | | |When one byte of in Rx buffer is read by CPUreading DAT (SC_DAT[7:0]), RXPOINT decreases one.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag5
+ * |[21] |RXRTYERR |Receiver Retry ErrorRetry Error
+ * | | |This bit is used for indicate receiver error retry error retry and set by hardware.
+ * | | |0 = No Rx retry transfer.
+ * | | |1 = Rx has any error and retries transfer.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is a flag and cannot generate any interrupt signal to CPU.
+ * | | |Note3: If CPU user enables receiver retries function by setting RXRTYEN (SC_SCn_CTL[19]), the PEF (SC_STATUS[4]) bit hardware will not set this flag.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11
+ * |[22] |RXOVERR |Receiver Oover Retry Error
+ * | | |This bit is used for indicate receiver retry counts over than retry number limitation.
+ * | | |0 = Receiver retries counts is not over than RXRTY (SC_SCn_CTL[18:16]) + 1.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver retries counts over than RXRTY (SC_SCn_CTL[18:16]) + 1.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: If CPU user enables receiver retries function by setting RXRTYEN (SC_SCn_CTL[19]), the PEF (SC_STATUS[4]) bit will not set hardware will not set this flag.
+ * |[23] |RXACT |Receiver in Active Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates Rx transfer status.
+ * | | |0 = This bit is cleared automatically when Rx transfer is finished.
+ * | | |1 = This bit is set by hardware when Rx transfer is in active.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag78
+ * |[26:24] |TXPOINT |Transmit Buffer Pointer Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the Tx buffer pointer status
+ * | | |When CPU writes data into DAT (SC_SCn_DAT[7:0]), TXPOINT increases one
+ * | | |When one byte of Tx buffer is transferred to Transmitter Shift Registertransmitter shift register, TXPOINT decreases one.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag5
+ * |[29] |TXRTYERR |Transmitter Retry ErrorRetry Error
+ * | | |This bit is used for indicate transmitter error retry and set by hardware..
+ * | | |0 = No Tx retry transfer.
+ * | | |1 = Tx has any error and retries transfer.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is a flag and cannot generate any interrupt signal to CPU.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag11
+ * |[30] |TXOVERR |Transmitter Oover Retry Error
+ * | | |This bit is used for transmitter retry counts over than retry number limitation.
+ * | | |0 = Transmitter retries counts is not over than TXRTY (SC_SCn_CTL[22:20]) + 1.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitter retries counts over than TXRTY (SC_SCn_CTL[22:20]) + 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[31] |TXACT |Transmit in Active Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates Tx transmit status.
+ * | | |0 = This bit is cleared automatically when Tx transfer is finished or the last byte transmission has completed.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit is active or the STOP bit of last byte has not been transmitted when Tx transfer is in active.and this bit is set by hardware when Tx transfer is in active and the STOP bit of the last byte has not been transmitted.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag77
+ * @var SC_T::PINCTL
+ * Offset: 0x24 SC Pin Control State Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PWREN |SC_SCn_PWR Pin Signal
+ * | | |User can set PWRINV (SC_SCn_PINCTL[11]) and PWREN (SC_SCn_PINCTL[0]) to decide SC_SCn_PWR pin is in high or low level.
+ * | | |Write this field bit can to drive SC_SCn_PWR pin
+ * | | |Refer PWRINV (SC_SCn_PINCTL[11]) description for programming SC_SCn_PWR pin voltage level.
+ * | | |Read this field bit to get SC_SCn_PWR signal status.
+ * | | |0 = SC_SCn_PWR signal status is low.
+ * | | |1 = SC_SCn_PWR signal status is high.
+ * | | |Note: When operating at activation, warm reset or deactivation mode, this bit will be changed automatically
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this field when operating in these modes.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag84
+ * |[1] |SCRST |SC_SCn_RST Pin Signal
+ * | | |This bit is the signal status of SC_SCn_RST but user can drive SC_SCn_RST pin to high or low by setting control this bit.
+ * | | |Write this bit can field to drive SC_SCn_RST pin.
+ * | | |0 = Drive SC_SCn_RST pin to low.
+ * | | |1 = Drive SC_SCn_RST pin to high.
+ * | | |Read this bit field to get SC_SCn_RST signal status.
+ * | | |0 = SC_SCn_RST signal status is low.
+ * | | |1 = SC_SCn_RST signal status is high.
+ * | | |Note: When operating at activation, warm reset or deactivation mode, this bit will be changed automatically
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this field when operating in these modes.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag84
+ * |[6] |CLKKEEP |SC Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SC clock generation Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SC clock always keeps free running.
+ * | | |Note: When operating in activation, warm reset or deactivation mode, this bit will be changed automatically
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this field when operating in these modes.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag66
+ * |[9] |SCDATA |SC_SCn_DATA Pin Signal
+ * | | |This bit is the signal status of SC_SCn_DATA but user can also drive SC_SCn_DATA pin to high or low by control this setting this bit.
+ * | | |Write this bit can drive SC_RST pin.
+ * | | |0 = Drive SC_SCn_DATA pin to low.
+ * | | |1 = Drive SC_SCn_DATA pin to high.
+ * | | |Read this bit field to get SC_SCn_DATA signal status.
+ * | | |0 = SC_SCn_DATA signal status is low.
+ * | | |1 = SC_SCn_DATA signal status is high.
+ * | | |Note: When SC is at activation, warm reset or deactivation mode, this bit will be changed automatically
+ * | | |Thus, do not fill in this field when SC is in these modes.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag85
+ * |[11] |PWRINV |SC_SCn_PWR Pin Inverse
+ * | | |This bit is used for inverse the SC_SCn_PWR pin.
+ * | | |There are four kinds of combination for SC_SCn_PWR pin setting by PWRINV (SC_SCn_PINCTL[11]) and PWREN (SC_SCn_PINCTL[0])
+ * | | |A
+ * | | |PWRINV (SC_SCn_PINCTL[11]) is bit 1 and PWREN (SC_SCn_PINCTL[0]) is bit 0 and all conditions as below list.,
+ * | | |00 = SC_SCn_PWR pin is 0.
+ * | | |01 = SC_SCn_PWR pin is 1.
+ * | | |10 = SC_SCn_PWR pin is 1.
+ * | | |11 = SC_SCn_PWR pin is 0.
+ * | | |Note: User must select PWRINV (SC_SCn_PINCTL[11]) before smart card is enabled by SCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[0]).[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag84
+ * |[16] |DATSTS |SC_SCn_DATA Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is the pin status of SC_SCn_DATA.
+ * | | |0 = The SC_SCn_DATA pin status is low.
+ * | | |1 = The SC_SCn_DATA pin status is high.
+ * |[17] |PWRSTS |SCn_PWR Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is the pin status of SC_SCn_PWR.
+ * | | |0 = SC_SCn_PWR pin to low.
+ * | | |1 = SC_SCn_PWR pin to high.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag84
+ * |[18] |RSTSTS |SC_SCn_RST Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is the pin status of SC_SCn_RST.
+ * | | |0 = SC_SCn_RST pin is low.
+ * | | |1 = SC_SCn_RST pin is high. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag83
+ * |[30] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, user should check this bit when writing a new value to SC_SCn_PINCTL register.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to SC_SCn_PINCTL register.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag82
+ * @var SC_T::TMRCTL0
+ * Offset: 0x28 SC Timer0 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[23:0] |CNT |Timer 0 Counter Value
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal Timer0 counter values.
+ * | | |Note: Unit of Timer01 counter is ETU base.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[27:24] |OPMODE |Timer 0 Operation Mode Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal 824-bit Timer0 operation selection.
+ * | | |Refer to Table 1.1-3 Table 1.1-3 for programming Timer0.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[31] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, softwareuser should check this bit when writing a new value to SCn_TMRCTL0 register.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to SCn_TMRCTL0 register.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag88
+ * @var SC_T::TMRCTL1
+ * Offset: 0x2C SC Timer1 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |CNT |Timer 1 Counter Value
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal Timer1 counter values.
+ * | | |Note: Unit of Timer1 counter is ETU base.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[27:24] |OPMODE |Timer 1 Operation Mode Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal 8-bit Timer1 operation selection.
+ * | | |Refer to Table 1.1-3 Table 1.1-3 for programming Timer1.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[31] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, softwareuser should check this bit when writing a new value to SCn_TMRCTL1 register.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to SCn_TMRCTL1 register.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag88
+ * @var SC_T::TMRCTL2
+ * Offset: 0x30 SC Timer2 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |CNT |Timer 2 Counter Value
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal Timer2 counter values.
+ * | | |Note: Unit of Timer2 counter is ETU base.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[27:24] |OPMODE |Timer 2 Operation Mode Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the internal 8-bit Timer2 operation selection
+ * | | |Refer to Table 1.1-3 Table 1.1-3 for programming Timer2.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag9, 37~49
+ * |[31] |SYNC |SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |Due to synchronization, user should check this bit when writing a new value to SCn_TMRCTL2 register.
+ * | | |0 = Synchronizing is completion, user can write new data to SCn_TMRCTL2 register.
+ * | | |1 = Last value is synchronizing. [WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag88
+ * @var SC_T::UARTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x34 SC UART Mode Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |UARTEN |UART Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |Sets this bit to enable UART mode function.
+ * | | |0 = Smart Card mode.
+ * | | |1 = UART mode.
+ * | | |Note1: When operating in UART mode, user must set CONSEL (SC_SCn_CTL[5:4]) = 00 and AUTOCEN (SC_SCn_CTL[3]) = 0.
+ * | | |Note2: When operating in Smart Card mode, user must set UARTEN (SC_SCn_UARTCTL[0]) = 0.
+ * | | |Note3: When UART mode is enabled, hardware will generate a reset SC event to reset FIFO and internal state machine.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag94
+ * |[5:4] |WLS |Word Length Selection
+ * | | |This field is used for select uart UART data transfer length.
+ * | | |00 = Word length is 8 bits.
+ * | | |01 = Word length is 7 bits.
+ * | | |10 = Word length is 6 bits.
+ * | | |11 = Word length is 5 bits.
+ * | | |Note: In smart card mode, this WLS field must be u201800u2019.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag93
+ * |[6] |PBOFF |Parity Bit Disable Control
+ * | | |Sets tThis bit is used for disable parity check function.
+ * | | |0 = Parity bit is generated or checked between the u201Clast data word bitu201D and u201Cstop bitu201D of the serial data.
+ * | | |1 = Parity bit is not generated (transmitting data) or checked (receiving data) during transfer.
+ * | | |Note: In smart card mode, this field bit must be u20180u2019 (default setting is with parity bit)[WH1].
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag21
+ * |[7] |OPE |Odd Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |This is used for odd/even parity selection.
+ * | | |0 = Even number of logic 1u2019s are transmitted or check the data word and parity bits in receiving mode.
+ * | | |1 = Odd number of logic 1u2019s are transmitted or check the data word and parity bits in receiving mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has effect only when PBOFF bit is u20180u2019.
+ * @var SC_T::TMRDAT0
+ * Offset: 0x38 SC Timer0 Current Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[23:0] |CNT0 |Timer0 Current Data Value (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the current counter values of Timer0.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag37
+ * @var SC_T::TMRDAT12
+ * Offset: 0x3C SC Timer1/2 Current Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |CNT1 |Timer1 Current Data Value (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the current counter values of Timer1.[WH1]
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag37
+ * |[15:8] |CNT2 |Timer2 Current Data Value (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the current counter values of Timer2.
+ * @var SC_T::ACTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x4C SC Activation Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4:0] |T1EXT |T1 Extend Time of Hardware Activation
+ * | | |This field provide the configurable cycles to extend the activation time T1 period.
+ * | | |Please refer to SC activation sequence in Figure 1.1-4.
+ * | | |The cycle scaling factor is 2048 and .
+ * | | |Extend cycles = (filled valueT1EXT * 2048) cycles.
+ * | | |Refer to SC activation sequence in Figure 1.1-4 SC Activation Sequence.
+ * | | |For example:,
+ * | | |If SCLK is= 4MHz, each clock cycle cyiscle = 0.25us.,.
+ * | | |Filled 20 to this T1EXT, thenfield
+ * | | |Extend time == 20 * 2048 * 0.25us = 10.24 ms.
+ * | | |Note: Setting 0 to this field conforms to the protocol ISO/IEC 7816-3[WH1].
+ * | | |[WH1]Tag98
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t DAT; /*!< [0x0000] SC Receive/Transmit Holding Buffer Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0004] SC Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ALTCTL; /*!< [0x0008] SC Alternate Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t EGT; /*!< [0x000c] SC Extra Guard Time Register */
+ __IO uint32_t RXTOUT; /*!< [0x0010] SC Receive Buffer Time-out Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ETUCTL; /*!< [0x0014] SC Element Time Unit Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0018] SC Interrupt Enable Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x001c] SC Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x0020] SC Transfer Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PINCTL; /*!< [0x0024] SC Pin Control State Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TMRCTL0; /*!< [0x0028] SC Timer0 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TMRCTL1; /*!< [0x002c] SC Timer1 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TMRCTL2; /*!< [0x0030] SC Timer2 Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t UARTCTL; /*!< [0x0034] SC UART Mode Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t TMRDAT0; /*!< [0x0038] SC Timer0 Current Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t TMRDAT12; /*!< [0x003c] SC Timer1/2 Current Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[3];
+ __IO uint32_t ACTCTL; /*!< [0x004c] SC Activation Control Register */
+//// __IO uint32_t DAT; /* Offset: 0x00 SC Receiving/Transmit Holding Buffer Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t CTL; /* Offset: 0x04 SC Control Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t ALTCTL; /* Offset: 0x08 SC Alternate Control Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t EGT; /* Offset: 0x0C SC Extend Guard Time Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t RXTOUT; /* Offset: 0x10 SC Receive buffer Time-out Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t ETUCTL; /* Offset: 0x14 SC ETU Control Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t INTEN; /* Offset: 0x18 SC Interrupt Enable Control Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /* Offset: 0x1C SC Interrupt Status Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t STATUS; /* Offset: 0x20 SC Status Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t PINCTL; /* Offset: 0x24 SC Pin Control State Register. */
+//// __IO uint32_t TMRCTL0; /* Offset: 0x28 SC Internal Timer Control Register 0. */
+//// __IO uint32_t TMRCTL1; /* Offset: 0x2C SC Internal Timer Control Register 1. */
+//// __IO uint32_t TMRCTL2; /* Offset: 0x30 SC Internal Timer Control Register 2. */
+//// __IO uint32_t UARTCTL; /* Offset: 0x34 SC UART Mode Control Register. */
+//// __I uint32_t TMRDAT0; /* Offset: 0x38 SC Timer0 Current Data Register. */
+//// __I uint32_t TMRDAT1_2; /* Offset: 0x3C SC Timer1/2 Current Data Register. */
+////// __I uint32_t RESERVE[3];
+//// /* Not released in TRM */
+//// __IO uint32_t PETCTL; /*!< Offset: 0x0040 SC Parity Error Timing Setting Register */
+//// __IO uint32_t BGTEXT; /*!< Offset: 0x0044 SC Block Guard Timing Extent Register */
+//// __IO uint32_t EGTADJ; /*!< Offset: 0x0048 SC Block Guard Timing Extent Register */
+//// __IO uint32_t ACTCTL; /* Offset: 0x4C SC Activation Control Register. */
+} SC_T;
+ @addtogroup SC_CONST SC Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for SC Controller
+@{ */
+#define SC_DAT_DAT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::DAT: DAT Position */
+#define SC_DAT_DAT_Msk (0xfful << SC_DAT_DAT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::DAT: DAT Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_SCEN_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::CTL: SCEN Position */
+#define SC_CTL_SCEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_SCEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: SCEN Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_RXOFF_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXOFF Position */
+#define SC_CTL_RXOFF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_RXOFF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXOFF Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_TXOFF_Pos (2) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXOFF Position */
+#define SC_CTL_TXOFF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_TXOFF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXOFF Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_AUTOCEN_Pos (3) /*!< SC_T::CTL: AUTOCEN Position */
+#define SC_CTL_AUTOCEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_AUTOCEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: AUTOCEN Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_CONSEL_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CONSEL Position */
+#define SC_CTL_CONSEL_Msk (0x3ul << SC_CTL_CONSEL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CONSEL Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_RXTRGLV_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXTRGLV Position */
+#define SC_CTL_RXTRGLV_Msk (0x3ul << SC_CTL_RXTRGLV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXTRGLV Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_BGT_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::CTL: BGT Position */
+#define SC_CTL_BGT_Msk (0x1ful << SC_CTL_BGT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: BGT Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_TMRSEL_Pos (13) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TMRSEL Position */
+#define SC_CTL_TMRSEL_Msk (0x3ul << SC_CTL_TMRSEL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TMRSEL Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_NSB_Pos (15) /*!< SC_T::CTL: NSB Position */
+#define SC_CTL_NSB_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_NSB_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: NSB Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_RXRTY_Pos (16) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXRTY Position */
+#define SC_CTL_RXRTY_Msk (0x7ul << SC_CTL_RXRTY_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXRTY Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_RXRTYEN_Pos (19) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXRTYEN Position */
+#define SC_CTL_RXRTYEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_RXRTYEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: RXRTYEN Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_TXRTY_Pos (20) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXRTY Position */
+#define SC_CTL_TXRTY_Msk (0x7ul << SC_CTL_TXRTY_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXRTY Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_TXRTYEN_Pos (23) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXRTYEN Position */
+#define SC_CTL_TXRTYEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_TXRTYEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: TXRTYEN Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_CDDBSEL_Pos (24) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CDDBSEL Position */
+#define SC_CTL_CDDBSEL_Msk (0x3ul << SC_CTL_CDDBSEL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CDDBSEL Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_CDLV_Pos (26) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CDLV Position */
+#define SC_CTL_CDLV_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_CDLV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: CDLV Mask */
+#define SC_CTL_SYNC_Pos (30) /*!< SC_T::CTL: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_CTL_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_CTL_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::CTL: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_TXRST_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: TXRST Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_TXRST_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_TXRST_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: TXRST Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_RXRST_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: RXRST Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_RXRST_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_RXRST_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: RXRST Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_DACTEN_Pos (2) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: DACTEN Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_DACTEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_DACTEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: DACTEN Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTEN_Pos (3) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTEN Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_ACTEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTEN Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_WARSTEN_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: WARSTEN Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_WARSTEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_WARSTEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: WARSTEN Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN0_Pos (5) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN0 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN0_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN0_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN0 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN1_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN1 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN1_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN1_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN1 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN2_Pos (7) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN2 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN2_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_CNTEN2_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: CNTEN2 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_INITSEL_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: INITSEL Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_INITSEL_Msk (0x3ul << SC_ALTCTL_INITSEL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: INITSEL Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ADACEN_Pos (11) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ADACEN Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ADACEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_ADACEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ADACEN Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_RXBGTEN_Pos (12) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: RXBGTEN Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_RXBGTEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_RXBGTEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: RXBGTEN Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS0_Pos (13) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS0 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS0_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS0_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS0 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS1_Pos (14) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS1 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS1_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS1_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS1 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS2_Pos (15) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS2 Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS2_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_ACTSTS2_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: ACTSTS2 Mask */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_SYNC_Pos (31) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_ALTCTL_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_ALTCTL_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ALTCTL: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_EGT_EGT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::EGT: EGT Position */
+#define SC_EGT_EGT_Msk (0xfful << SC_EGT_EGT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::EGT: EGT Mask */
+#define SC_RXTOUT_RFTM_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::RXTOUT: RFTM Position */
+#define SC_RXTOUT_RFTM_Msk (0x1fful << SC_RXTOUT_RFTM_Pos) /*!< SC_T::RXTOUT: RFTM Mask */
+#define SC_ETUCTL_ETURDIV_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::ETUCTL: ETURDIV Position */
+#define SC_ETUCTL_ETURDIV_Msk (0xffful << SC_ETUCTL_ETURDIV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ETUCTL: ETURDIV Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_RDAIEN_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: RDAIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_RDAIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: RDAIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_TXEIEN_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TXEIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_TXEIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_TXEIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TXEIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_TERRIEN_Pos (2) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TERRIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_TERRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_TERRIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TERRIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR0IEN_Pos (3) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR0IEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR0IEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_TMR0IEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR0IEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR1IEN_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR1IEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR1IEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_TMR1IEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR1IEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR2IEN_Pos (5) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR2IEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_TMR2IEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_TMR2IEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: TMR2IEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_BGTIEN_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: BGTIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_BGTIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_BGTIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: BGTIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_CDIEN_Pos (7) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: CDIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_CDIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_CDIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: CDIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_INITIEN_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: INITIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_INITIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_INITIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: INITIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Pos (9) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: RXTOIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: RXTOIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTEN_ACERRIEN_Pos (10) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: ACERRIEN Position */
+#define SC_INTEN_ACERRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTEN_ACERRIEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTEN: ACERRIEN Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_RDAIF_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: RDAIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_RDAIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_RDAIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: RDAIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TXEIF_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TXEIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TXEIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_TXEIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TXEIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TERRIF_Pos (2) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TERRIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TERRIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_TERRIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TERRIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR0IF_Pos (3) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR0IF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR0IF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_TMR0IF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR0IF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR1IF_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR1IF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR1IF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_TMR1IF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR1IF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR2IF_Pos (5) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR2IF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_TMR2IF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_TMR2IF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: TMR2IF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_BGTIF_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: BGTIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_BGTIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_BGTIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: BGTIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_CDIF_Pos (7) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: CDIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_CDIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_CDIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: CDIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_INITIF_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: INITIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_INITIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_INITIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: INITIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_RXTOIF_Pos (9) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: RXTOIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_RXTOIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_RXTOIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: RXTOIF Mask */
+#define SC_INTSTS_ACERRIF_Pos (10) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: ACERRIF Position */
+#define SC_INTSTS_ACERRIF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_INTSTS_ACERRIF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::INTSTS: ACERRIF Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXOV_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXOV Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXOV_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_RXOV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXOV Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXEMPTY_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_RXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXEMPTY Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXFULL_Pos (2) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXFULL Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_RXFULL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXFULL Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_PEF_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: PEF Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_PEF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_PEF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: PEF Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_FEF_Pos (5) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: FEF Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_FEF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_FEF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: FEF Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_BEF_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: BEF Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_BEF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_BEF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: BEF Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXOV_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXOV Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXOV_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_TXOV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXOV Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXEMPTY_Pos (9) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_TXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXEMPTY Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXFULL_Pos (10) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXFULL Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_TXFULL_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXFULL Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_CREMOVE_Pos (11) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: CREMOVE Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_CREMOVE_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_CREMOVE_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: CREMOVE Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_CINSERT_Pos (12) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: CINSERT Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_CINSERT_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_CINSERT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: CINSERT Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_CDPINSTS_Pos (13) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: CDPINSTS Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXPOINT_Pos (16) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXPOINT Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXPOINT_Msk (0x7ul << SC_STATUS_RXPOINT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXPOINT Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXRTYERR_Pos (21) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXRTYERR Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXOVERR_Pos (22) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXOVERR Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXOVERR_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_RXOVERR_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXOVERR Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXACT_Pos (23) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXACT Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_RXACT_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_RXACT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: RXACT Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXPOINT_Pos (24) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXPOINT Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXPOINT_Msk (0x7ul << SC_STATUS_TXPOINT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXPOINT Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXRTYERR_Pos (29) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXRTYERR Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXOVERR_Pos (30) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXOVERR Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXOVERR_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_TXOVERR_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXOVERR Mask */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXACT_Pos (31) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXACT Position */
+#define SC_STATUS_TXACT_Msk (0x1ul << SC_STATUS_TXACT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::STATUS: TXACT Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWREN_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWREN Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWREN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_PWREN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWREN Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SCRST_Pos (1) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SCRST Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SCRST_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_SCRST_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SCRST Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_CLKKEEP_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: CLKKEEP Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_CLKKEEP_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_CLKKEEP_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: CLKKEEP Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SCDATA_Pos (9) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SCDATA Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SCDATA_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_SCDATA_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SCDATA Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWRINV_Pos (11) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWRINV Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWRINV_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_PWRINV_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWRINV Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_DATSTS_Pos (16) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: DATSTS Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_DATSTS_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_DATSTS_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: DATSTS Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWRSTS_Pos (17) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWRSTS Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_PWRSTS_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_PWRSTS_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: PWRSTS Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_RSTSTS_Pos (18) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: RSTSTS Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_RSTSTS_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_RSTSTS_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: RSTSTS Mask */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SYNC_Pos (30) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_PINCTL_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_PINCTL_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::PINCTL: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: CNT Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_CNT_Msk (0xfffffful << SC_TMRCTL0_CNT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: CNT Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_OPMODE_Pos (24) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: OPMODE Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_OPMODE_Msk (0xful << SC_TMRCTL0_OPMODE_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: OPMODE Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_SYNC_Pos (31) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL0_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_TMRCTL0_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL0: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: CNT Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_CNT_Msk (0xfful << SC_TMRCTL1_CNT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: CNT Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_OPMODE_Pos (24) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: OPMODE Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_OPMODE_Msk (0xful << SC_TMRCTL1_OPMODE_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: OPMODE Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_SYNC_Pos (31) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL1_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_TMRCTL1_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL1: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: CNT Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_CNT_Msk (0xfful << SC_TMRCTL2_CNT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: CNT Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_OPMODE_Pos (24) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: OPMODE Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_OPMODE_Msk (0xful << SC_TMRCTL2_OPMODE_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: OPMODE Mask */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_SYNC_Pos (31) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: SYNC Position */
+#define SC_TMRCTL2_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << SC_TMRCTL2_SYNC_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRCTL2: SYNC Mask */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_UARTEN_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: UARTEN Position */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_UARTEN_Msk (0x1ul << SC_UARTCTL_UARTEN_Pos) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: UARTEN Mask */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_WLS_Pos (4) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: WLS Position */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_WLS_Msk (0x3ul << SC_UARTCTL_WLS_Pos) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: WLS Mask */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_PBOFF_Pos (6) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: PBOFF Position */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_PBOFF_Msk (0x1ul << SC_UARTCTL_PBOFF_Pos) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: PBOFF Mask */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_OPE_Pos (7) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: OPE Position */
+#define SC_UARTCTL_OPE_Msk (0x1ul << SC_UARTCTL_OPE_Pos) /*!< SC_T::UARTCTL: OPE Mask */
+#define SC_TMRDAT0_CNT0_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT0: CNT0 Position */
+#define SC_TMRDAT0_CNT0_Msk (0xfffffful << SC_TMRDAT0_CNT0_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT0: CNT0 Mask */
+#define SC_TMRDAT12_CNT1_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT12: CNT1 Position */
+#define SC_TMRDAT12_CNT1_Msk (0xfful << SC_TMRDAT12_CNT1_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT12: CNT1 Mask */
+#define SC_TMRDAT12_CNT2_Pos (8) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT12: CNT2 Position */
+#define SC_TMRDAT12_CNT2_Msk (0xfful << SC_TMRDAT12_CNT2_Pos) /*!< SC_T::TMRDAT12: CNT2 Mask */
+#define SC_ACTCTL_T1EXT_Pos (0) /*!< SC_T::ACTCTL: T1EXT Position */
+#define SC_ACTCTL_T1EXT_Msk (0x1ful << SC_ACTCTL_T1EXT_Pos) /*!< SC_T::ACTCTL: T1EXT Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* SC_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of SC register group */
+/*---------------------- Serial Peripheral Interface Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Controller(SPI)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for SPI Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var SPI_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 SPI Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SPIEN |SPI Transfer Control Enable Bit
+ * | | |In Master mode, the transfer will start when there is data in the FIFO buffer after this bit is set to 1
+ * | | |In Slave mode, this device is ready to receive data when this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = Transfer control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transfer control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Before changing the configurations of SPIx_CTL, SPIx_CLKDIV, SPIx_SSCTL and SPIx_FIFOCTL registers, user shall clear the SPIEN (SPIx_CTL[0]) and confirm the SPIENSTS (SPIx_STATUS[15]) is 0.
+ * |[1] |RXNEG |Receive on Negative Edge
+ * | | |0 = Received data input signal is latched on the rising edge of SPI bus clock.
+ * | | |1 = Received data input signal is latched on the falling edge of SPI bus clock.
+ * |[2] |TXNEG |Transmit on Negative Edge
+ * | | |0 = Transmitted data output signal is changed on the rising edge of SPI bus clock.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitted data output signal is changed on the falling edge of SPI bus clock.
+ * |[3] |CLKPOL |Clock Polarity
+ * | | |0 = SPI bus clock is idle low.
+ * | | |1 = SPI bus clock is idle high.
+ * |[7:4] |SUSPITV |Suspend Interval (Master Only)
+ * | | |The four bits provide configurable suspend interval between two successive transmit/receive transaction in a transfer
+ * | | |The definition of the suspend interval is the interval between the last clock edge of the preceding transaction word and the first clock edge of the following transaction word
+ * | | |The default value is 0x3
+ * | | |The period of the suspend interval is obtained according to the following equation.
+ * | | |(SUSPITV[3:0] + 0.5) * period of SPICLK clock cycle
+ * | | |Example:
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0x0 u2026. 0.5 SPICLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0x1 u2026. 1.5 SPICLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |u2026u2026
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0xE u2026. 14.5 SPICLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0xF u2026. 15.5 SPICLK clock cycle.
+ * |[12:8] |DWIDTH |Data Width
+ * | | |This field specifies how many bits can be transmitted / received in one transaction
+ * | | |The minimum bit length is 8 bits and can up to 32 bits.
+ * | | |DWIDTH = 0x08 u2026. 8 bits.
+ * | | |DWIDTH = 0x09 u2026. 9 bits.
+ * | | |u2026u2026
+ * | | |DWIDTH = 0x1F u2026. 31 bits.
+ * | | |DWIDTH = 0x00 u2026. 32 bits.
+ * |[13] |LSB |Send LSB First
+ * | | |0 = The MSB, which bit of transmit/receive register depends on the setting of DWIDTH, is transmitted/received first.
+ * | | |1 = The LSB, bit 0 of the SPI TX register, is sent first to the SPI data output pin, and the first bit received from the SPI data input pin will be put in the LSB position of the RX register (bit 0 of SPI_RX).
+ * |[14] |HALFDPX |SPI Half-duplex duplex TRANSMISSION Transfer Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to select full-duplex or half-duplex for SPI transmissiontransfer
+ * | | |The bit field DATDIR (SPIx_CTL[20]) can be used to set the data direction while in half-duplex transmissiontransfer.
+ * | | |0 = SPI operates in full-duplex transmissiontransfer.
+ * | | |1 = SPI operates in half-duplex transmissiontransfer.
+ * |[15] |RXONLY |Receive-only FUNCTION Mode Enable Bit (Master Only)
+ * | | |This bit field is only available in Master mode
+ * | | |In receive-only mode, SPI Master will generate SPI bus clock continuously for receiving data bit from SPI slave device and assert the BUSY status
+ * | | |If both AUTOSS (SPI_SSCTL[3]) and RXONLY are enabled, the output slave select signal will be activated.
+ * | | |0 = Receive-only function mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive-only functionmode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: We suggest users switch to receive-only mode when BUSY (SPI_STATUS[0]) is low.
+ * |[17] |UNITIEN |Unit Transfer Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SPI unit transfer interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SPI unit transfer interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[18] |SLAVE |Slave Mode Control
+ * | | |0 = Master mode.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode.
+ * |[19] |REORDER |Byte Reorder Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Byte Reorder function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Byte Reorder function Enabled
+ * | | |A byte suspend interval will be inserted among each byte
+ * | | |The period of the byte suspend interval depends on the setting of SUSPITV.
+ * | | |Note:
+ * | | |Byte Reorder function is only available if DWIDTH is defined as 16, 24, and 32 bits.
+ * | | |Byte Reorder function is not supported when the Quad or Dual I/O mode is enabled.
+ * |[20] |DATDIR |Data Port Direction Control
+ * | | |This bit is used to select the data input/output direction while in half-duplex transfer.ransmission.
+ * | | |0 = SPI data is input direction.
+ * | | |1 = SPI data is output direction.
+ * @var SPI_T::CLKDIV
+ * Offset: 0x04 SPI Clock Divider Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |DIVIDER |Clock Divider
+ * | | |The value in this field is the frequency divider for generating the peripheral clock, fspi_eclk, and the SPI bus clock of SPI Master
+ * | | |The frequency is obtained according to the following equation.
+ * | | |where
+ * | | |is the peripheral clock source, which is defined in the clock control register, CLK_CLKSEL2.
+ * | | |Note: Not supported in I2S mode.
+ * @var SPI_T::SSCTL
+ * Offset: 0x08 SPI Slave Select Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SS |Slave Selection Control (Master Only)
+ * | | |If AUTOSS bit is cleared to 0,
+ * | | |0 = set the SPIx_SS line to inactive state.
+ * | | |1 = set the SPIx_SS line to active state.
+ * | | |If the AUTOSS bit is set to 1,
+ * | | |0 = Keep the SPIx_SS line at inactive state.
+ * | | |1 = SPIx_SS line will be automatically driven to active state for the duration of data transfer, and will be driven to inactive state for the rest of the time
+ * | | |The active state of SPIx_SS is specified in SSACTPOL (SPIx_SSCTL[2]).
+ * |[2] |SSACTPOL |Slave Selection Active Polarity
+ * | | |This bit defines the active polarity of slave selection signal (SPIx_SS).
+ * | | |0 = The slave selection signal SPIx_SS is active low.
+ * | | |1 = The slave selection signal SPIx_SS is active high.
+ * |[3] |AUTOSS |Automatic Slave Selection Function Enable Bit (Master Only)
+ * | | |0 = Automatic slave selection function Disabled
+ * | | |Slave selection signal will be asserted/de-asserted according to SS (SPIx_SSCTL[0]).
+ * | | |1 = Automatic slave selection function Enabled.
+ * |[8] |SLVBEIEN |Slave Mode Bit Count Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Slave mode bit count error interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode bit count error interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[9] |SLVURIEN |Slave Mode TX Under Run Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Slave mode TX under run interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode TX under run interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[12] |SSACTIEN |Slave Select Active Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Slave select active interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select active interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[13] |SSINAIEN |Slave Select Inactive Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Slave select inactive interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select inactive interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var SPI_T::PDMACTL
+ * Offset: 0x0C SPI PDMA Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TXPDMAEN |Transmit PDMA Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Transmit PDMA function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit PDMA function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI Master mode with full duplex transfer, if both TX and RX PDMA functions are enabled, RX PDMA function cannot be enabled prior to TX PDMA function
+ * | | |User can enable TX PDMA function firstly or enable both functions simultaneously.
+ * |[1] |RXPDMAEN |Receive PDMA Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receiver PDMA function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver PDMA function Enabled.
+ * |[2] |PDMARST |PDMA Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the PDMA control logic of the SPI controller. This bit will be automatically cleared to 0.
+ * @var SPI_T::FIFOCTL
+ * Offset: 0x10 SPI FIFO Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RXRST |Receive Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset receive FIFO pointer and receive circuit
+ * | | |The RXFULL bit will be cleared to 0 and the RXEMPTY bit will be set to 1
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware about 3 system clock cycles + 2 peripheral clock cycles after it is set to 1
+ * | | |User can read TXRXRST (SPIx_STATUS[23]) to check if reset is accomplished or not.
+ * | | |Note: If there is slave receive time-out event, the RXRST will be set 1 when the SLVTORST (SPI_SSCTL[6]) is enabled.
+ * |[1] |TXRST |Transmit Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset transmit FIFO pointer and transmit circuit
+ * | | |The TXFULL bit will be cleared to 0 and the TXEMPTY bit will be set to 1
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware about 3 system clock cycles + 2 peripheral clock cycles after it is set to 1
+ * | | |User can read TXRXRST (SPIx_STATUS[23]) to check if reset is accomplished or not.
+ * | | |Note: If TX under-runflow event occurs in SPI Slave mode, this bit can be used to make SPI return to idle state.Note: If there is slave receive time-out event, the TXRST will be set to 1 when the SLVTORST (SPI_SSCTL[6]) is enabled.
+ * |[2] |RXTHIEN |Receive FIFO Threshold Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = RX FIFO threshold interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RX FIFO threshold interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |TXTHIEN |Transmit FIFO Threshold Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = TX FIFO threshold interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = TX FIFO threshold interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[4] |RXTOIEN |Slave Receive Time-out Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive time-out interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive time-out interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[5] |RXOVIEN |Receive FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive FIFO overrun interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO overrun interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[6] |TXUFPOL |TX Underflow Data Polarity
+ * | | |0 = The SPI data out is keep 0 if there is TX underflow event in Slave mode.
+ * | | |1 = The SPI data out is keep 1 if there is TX underflow event in Slave mode.
+ * | | |Note:
+ * | | |1
+ * | | |The TX underflow event occurs if there is not any data in TX FIFO when the slave selection signal is active.
+ * | | |2. This bit should be set as 0 in I2S mode.
+ * | | |3
+ * | | |When TX underflow event occurs, SPIx_MISO pin state will be determined by this setting even though TX FIFO is not empty afterward
+ * | | |Data stored in TX FIFO will be sent through SPIx_MISO pin in the next transfer frame.
+ * |[7] |TXUFIEN |TX Underflow Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Slave TX underflow interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave TX underflow interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[8] |RXFBCLR |Receive FIFO Buffer Clear
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear receive FIFO pointer
+ * | | |The RXFULL bit will be cleared to 0 and the RXEMPTY bit will be set to 1
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware about 1 system clock after it is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: The RX shift register will not be cleared.
+ * |[9] |TXFBCLR |Transmit FIFO Buffer Clear
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear transmit FIFO pointer
+ * | | |The TXFULL bit will be cleared to 0 and the TXEMPTY bit will be set to 1
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared to 0 by hardware about 1 system clock after it is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: The TX shift register will not be cleared.
+ * |[25:24] |RXTH |Receive FIFO Threshold
+ * | | |If the valid data count of the receive FIFO buffer is larger than the RXTH setting, the RXTHIF bit will be set to 1, else the RXTHIF bit will be cleared to 0
+ * |[29:28] |TXTH |Transmit FIFO Threshold
+ * | | |If the valid data count of the transmit FIFO buffer is less than or equal to the TXTH setting, the TXTHIF bit will be set to 1, else the TXTHIF bit will be cleared to 0.
+ * @var SPI_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x14 SPI Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BUSY |Busy Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = SPI controller is in idle state.
+ * | | |1 = SPI controller is in busy state.
+ * | | |The following listing are the bus busy conditions:
+ * | | |a. SPIx_CTL[0] = 1 and the TXEMPTY = 0.
+ * | | |b
+ * | | |For SPI Master mode, SPIx_CTL[0] = 1 and the TXEMPTY = 1 but the current transaction is not finished yet.
+ * | | |c. For SPI Master mode, SPIx_CTL[0] = 1 and RXONLY = 1.
+ * | | |d
+ * | | |For SPI Slave mode, the SPIx_CTL[0] = 1 and there is serial clock input into the SPI core logic when slave select is active.
+ * | | |For SPI Slave mode, the SPIx_CTL[0] = 1 and the transmit buffer or transmit shift register is not empty even if the slave select is inactive.
+ * |[1] |UNITIF |Unit Transfer Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = No transaction has been finished since this bit was cleared to 0.
+ * | | |1 = SPI controller has finished one unit transfer.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[2] |SSACTIF |Slave Select Active Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Slave select active interrupt was cleared or not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select active interrupt event occurred.
+ * | | |Note: Only available in Slave mode. This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[3] |SSINAIF |Slave Select Inactive Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Slave select inactive interrupt was cleared or not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select inactive interrupt event occurred.
+ * | | |Note: Only available in Slave mode. This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[4] |SSLINE |Slave Select Line Bus Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The slave select line status is 0.
+ * | | |1 = The slave select line status is 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is only available in Slave mode
+ * | | |If SSACTPOL (SPIx_SSCTL[2]) is set 0, and the SSLINE is 1, the SPI slave select is in inactive status.
+ * |[6] |SLVBEIF |Slave Mode Bit Count Error Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |In Slave mode, when the slave select line goes to inactive state, if bit counter is mismatch with DWIDTH, this interrupt flag will be set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No Slave mode bit count error event.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode bit count error event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: If the slave select active but there is no any bus clock input, the SLVBCEEIF also active when the slave select goes to inactive state
+ * | | |This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[7] |SLVURIF |Slave Mode TX Under Run Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |In Slave mode, if TX underflow event occurs and the slave select line goes to inactive state, this interrupt flag will be set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No Slave TX under run event.
+ * | | |1 = Slave TX under run event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[8] |RXEMPTY |Receive FIFO Buffer Empty Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Receive FIFO buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is empty.
+ * |[9] |RXFULL |Receive FIFO Buffer Full Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Receive FIFO buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is full.
+ * |[10] |RXTHIF |Receive FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The valid data count within the RXreceive FIFO buffer is smaller than or equal to the setting value of RXTH.
+ * | | |1 = The valid data count within the receive FIFO buffer is larger than the setting value of RXTH.
+ * |[11] |RXOVIF |Receive FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When the receive FIFO buffer is full, the follow-up data will be dropped and this bit will be set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No FIFO is over run.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO is over run.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[12] |RXTOIF |Receive Time-out Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = No receive FIFO time-out event.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is not empty and no read operation on receive FIFO buffer over 64 SPI peripheral clock periods in Master mode or over 576 SPI peripheral clock periods in Slave mode
+ * | | |When the received FIFO buffer is read by software, the time-out status will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[15] |SPIENSTS |SPI Enable Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The SPI controller is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The SPI controller is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: The SPI peripheral clock is asynchronous with the system clock
+ * | | |In order to make sure the SPI control logic is disabled, this bit indicates the real status of SPI controller.
+ * |[16] |TXEMPTY |Transmit FIFO Buffer Empty Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Transmit FIFO buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit FIFO buffer is empty.
+ * |[17] |TXFULL |Transmit FIFO Buffer Full Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Transmit FIFO buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit FIFO buffer is full.
+ * |[18] |TXTHIF |Transmit FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The valid data count within the transmit FIFO buffer is larger than the setting value of TXTH.
+ * | | |1 = The valid data count within the transmit FIFO buffer is less than or equal to the setting value of TXTH.
+ * |[19] |TXUFIF |TX Underflow Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When the TX underflow event occurs, this bit will be set to 1, the state of data output pin depends on the setting of TXUFPOL.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = No data in Transmit FIFO and TX shift register when the slave selection signal is active.
+ * | | |Note 1: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note 2: If reset slaveu2019s transmission circuit when slave selection signal is active, this flag will be set to 1 after 2 peripheral clock cycles + 3 system clock cycles since the reset operation is done.
+ * |[23] |TXRXRST |TX or RX Reset Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The reset function of TXRST or RXRST is done.
+ * | | |1 = Doing the reset function of TXRST or RXRST.
+ * | | |Note: Both the reset operations of TXRST and RXRST need 3 system clock cycles + 2 peripheral clock cycles
+ * | | |User can check the status of this bit to monitor the reset function is doing or done.
+ * |[27:24] |RXCNT |Receive FIFO Data Count (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit field indicates the valid data count of receive FIFO buffer.
+ * |[31:28] |TXCNT |Transmit FIFO Data Count (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit field indicates the valid data count of transmit FIFO buffer.
+ * @var SPI_T::TX
+ * Offset: 0x20 SPI Data Transmit Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |TX |Data Transmit Register
+ * | | |The data transmit registers pass through the transmitted data into the 4-level transmit FIFO buffers
+ * | | |The number of valid bits depends on the setting of DWIDTH (SPIx_CTL[12:8]) in SPI mode or WDWIDTH (SPIx_I2SCTL[5:4]) in I2S mode.
+ * | | |For exampleIn SPI mode, if DWIDTH is set to 0x08, the bits TX[7:0] will be transmitted
+ * | | |If DWIDTH is set to 0x00 , the SPI controller will perform a 32-bit transfer.
+ * | | |In I2S mode, if WDWIDTH (SPIx_I2SCTL[5:4]) is set to 0x2, the data width of audio channel is 24-bit and corresponding to TX[243:0]
+ * | | |If WDWIDTH is set as 0x0, 0x1, or 0x3, all bits of this field are valid and referred to the data arrangement in I2S mode FIFO operation section
+ * | | |Note: In Master mode, SPI controller will start to transfer the SPI bus clock after 1 APB clock and 6 peripheral clock cycles after user writes to this register.
+ * @var SPI_T::RX
+ * Offset: 0x30 SPI Data Receive Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |RX |Data Receive Register
+ * | | |There are 8-/4-level FIFO buffers in this controller
+ * | | |The data receive register holds the data received from SPI data input pin
+ * | | |If the RXEMPTY (SPIx_STATUS[8] or SPIx_I2SSTS[8]) is not set to 1, the receive FIFO buffers can be accessed through software by reading this register
+ * | | |This is a read only register.
+ * @var SPI_T::I2SCTL
+ * Offset: 0x60 I2S Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |I2SEN |I2S Controller Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Disabled I2S mode.
+ * | | |1 = Enabled I2S mode.
+ * | | |Note:
+ * | | |1. If enable this bit, I2Sx_BCLK will start to output in master Master mode.
+ * | | |2
+ * | | |Before changing the configurations of SPIx_I2SCTL, SPIx_I2SCLK, and SPIx_FIFOCTL registers, user shall clear the I2SEN (SPIx_I2SCTL[0]) and confirm the I2SENSTS (SPIx_I2SSTS[15]) is 0.
+ * |[1] |TXEN |Transmit Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Data transmit Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Data transmit Enabled.
+ * |[2] |RXEN |Receive Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Data receiving receive Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Data receiving receive Enabled.
+ * |[3] |MUTE |Transmit Mute Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Transmit data is shifted from buffer.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit channel zero.
+ * |[5:4] |WDWIDTH |Word Width
+ * | | |00 = data size is 8-bit.
+ * | | |01 = data size is 16-bit.
+ * | | |10 = data size is 24-bit.
+ * | | |11 = data size is 32-bit.
+ * |[6] |MONO |Monaural Data
+ * | | |0 = Data is stereo format.
+ * | | |1 = Data is monaural format.
+ * |[7] |ORDER |Stereo Data Order in FIFO
+ * | | |0 = Left channel data at high byte.
+ * | | |1 = Left channel data at low byte.
+ * |[8] |SLAVE |Slave Mode
+ * | | |I2S can operate as master or slave
+ * | | |For Master mode, I2Sx_BCLK and I2Sx_LRCLK pins are output mode and send bit clock from NuMicrou00AEu00E4 NUC200 NUC126 series to Audio audio CODEC chip
+ * | | |In Slave mode, I2Sx_BCLK and I2Sx_LRCLK pins are input mode and I2Sx_BCLK and I2Sx_LRCLK signals are received from outer Audio audio CODEC chip.
+ * | | |0 = Master mode.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode.
+ * |[15] |MCLKEN |Master Clock Enable Bit
+ * | | |If MCLKEN is set to 1, I2S controller will generate master clock on SPIx_I2SMCLK pin for external audio devices.
+ * | | |0 = Master clock Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Master clock Enabled.
+ * |[16] |RZCEN |Right Channel Zero Cross Detection Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, when right channel data sign bit change or next shift data bits are all 0 then RZCIF flag in SPIx_I2SSTS register is set to 1
+ * | | |This function is only available in transmit operation.
+ * | | |0 = Right channel zero cross detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Right channel zero cross detection Enabled.
+ * |[17] |LZCEN |Left Channel Zero Cross Detection Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, when left channel data sign bit changes or next shift data bits are all 0 then LZCIF flag in SPIx_I2SSTS register is set to 1
+ * | | |This function is only available in transmit operation.
+ * | | |0 = Left channel zero cross detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Left channel zero cross detection Enabled.
+ * |[23] |RXLCH |Receive Left Channel Enable Bit
+ * | | |When monaural format is selected (MONO = 1), I2S controller will receive right channel data if RXLCH is set to 0, and receive left channel data if RXLCH is set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = Receive right channel data in Mono mode.
+ * | | |1 = Receive left channel data in Mono mode.
+ * |[24] |RZCIEN |Right Channel Zero- CCross Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and right channel zero- cross event occurs.
+ * | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[25] |LZCIEN |Left Channel Zero- CCross Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |Interrupt occurs if this bit is set to 1 and left channel zero- cross event occurs.
+ * | | |0 = Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[29:28] |FORMAT |Data Format Selection
+ * | | |00 = I2S data format.
+ * | | |01 = MSB justified data format.
+ * | | |10 = PCM mode A.
+ * | | |11 = PCM mode B.
+ * @var SPI_T::I2SCLK
+ * Offset: 0x64 I2S Clock Divider Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |MCLKDIV |Master Clock Divider
+ * | | |If MCLKEN is set to 1, I2S controller will generate master clock for external audio devices
+ * | | |The frequency of master clock rate, fMCLKF_MCLK, is determined by the following expressions:.
+ * | | |If MCLKDIV >= 1,. F_MCLK = F_I2SCLK/(2x(MCLKDIV)).
+ * | | |If MCLKDIV = 0,. F_MCLK = F_I2SCLK.
+ * | | |where
+ * | | |is the frequency of I2S peripheral clock source, which is defined in the clock control register CLK_CLKSEL2
+ * | | |F_I2SCLK is the frequency of I2S peripheral clock.
+ * | | |In general, the master clock rate is 256 times sampling clock rate.
+ * |[16:8] |BCLKDIV |Bit Clock Divider
+ * | | |The I2S controller will generate bit clock in Master mode
+ * | | |The bit clock rate frequency of bit clock , Ff_bclBCLKk, is determined by the following expression:.
+ * | | |F_BCLK = F_I2SCLK /(2x(BCLKDIV + 1)) ,
+ * | | |where
+ * | | |F_I2SCLK is the frequency of I2S peripheral clock source, which is defined in the clock control register CLK_CLKSEL2.
+ * | | |In I2S
+ * | | |Slave mode, this field is used to define the frequency of peripheral clock and itu2019s determined by .
+ * | | |The peripheral clock frequency in I2S Slave mode must be equal to or faster than 6 times of input bit clock.
+ * @var SPI_T::I2SSTS
+ * Offset: 0x68 I2S Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4] |RIGHT |Right Channel (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the current transmit data is belong to which channel.
+ * | | |0 = Left channel.
+ * | | |1 = Right channel.
+ * |[8] |RXEMPTY |Receive FIFO Buffer Empty Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Receive FIFO buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is empty.
+ * |[9] |RXFULL |Receive FIFO Buffer Full Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Receive FIFO buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is full.
+ * |[10] |RXTHIF |Receive FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The valid data count within the Rxreceive FIFO buffer is smaller than or equal to the setting value of RXTH.
+ * | | |1 = The valid data count within the receive FIFO buffer is larger than the setting value of RXTH.
+ * | | |Note: If RXTHIEN = 1 and RXTHIF = 1, the SPI/I2S controller will generate a SPI interrupt request.
+ * |[11] |RXOVIF |Receive FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When the receive FIFO buffer is full, the follow-up data will be dropped and this bit will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[12] |RXTOIF |Receive Time-out Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = No receive FIFO time-out event.
+ * | | |1 = Receive FIFO buffer is not empty and no read operation on receive FIFO buffer over 64 SPI peripheral clock period in Master mode or over 576 SPI peripheral clock period in Slave mode
+ * | | |When the received FIFO buffer is read by software, the time-out status will be cleared automatically.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[15] |I2SENSTS |I2S Enable Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The SPI/I2S control logic is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The SPI/I2S control logic is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: The SPI peripheral clock is asynchronous with the system clock
+ * | | |In order to make sure the SPI/I2S controller logic is disabled, this bit indicates the real status of SPI/I2S controller logic for user.
+ * |[16] |TXEMPTY |Transmit FIFO Buffer Empty Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Transmit FIFO buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit FIFO buffer is empty.
+ * |[17] |TXFULL |Transmit FIFO Buffer Full Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Transmit FIFO buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit FIFO buffer is full.
+ * |[18] |TXTHIF |Transmit FIFO Threshold Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The valid data count within the transmit FIFO buffer is larger than the setting value of TXTH.
+ * | | |1 = The valid data count within the transmit FIFO buffer is less than or equal to the setting value of TXTH.
+ * | | |Note: If TXTHIEN = 1 and TXTHIF = 1, the SPI/I2S controller will generate a SPI interrupt request.
+ * |[19] |TXUFIF |Transmit FIFO Underflow Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |When the transmit FIFO buffer is empty and there is no datum written into the FIFO buffer, if there is more bus clock input, this bit will be set to 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit will be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[20] |RZCIF |Right Channel Zero Cross Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = No zero cross event occurred on right channel.
+ * | | |1 = Zero cross event occurred on right channel.
+ * |[21] |LZCIF |Left Channel Zero Cross Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = No zero cross event occurred on left channel.
+ * | | |1 = Zero cross event occurred on left channel.
+ * |[23] |TXRXRST |TX or RX Reset Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = The reset function of TXRST or RXRST is done.
+ * | | |1 = Doing the reset function of TXRST or RXRST.
+ * | | |Note: Both the reset operations of TXRST and RXRST need 3 system clock cycles + 2 peripheral clock cycles
+ * | | |User can check the status of this bit to monitor the reset function is doing or done.
+ * |[26:24] |RXCNT |Receive FIFO Data Count (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit field indicates the valid data count of receive FIFO buffer.
+ * |[30:28] |TXCNT |Transmit FIFO Data Count (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit field indicates the valid data count of transmit FIFO buffer.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] SPI Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CLKDIV; /*!< [0x0004] SPI Clock Divider Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SSCTL; /*!< [0x0008] SPI Slave Select Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PDMACTL; /*!< [0x000c] SPI PDMA Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FIFOCTL; /*!< [0x0010] SPI FIFO Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x0014] SPI Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[2];
+ __O uint32_t TX; /*!< [0x0020] SPI Data Transmit Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[3];
+ __I uint32_t RX; /*!< [0x0030] SPI Data Receive Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[11];
+ __IO uint32_t I2SCTL; /*!< [0x0060] I2S Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t I2SCLK; /*!< [0x0064] I2S Clock Divider Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t I2SSTS; /*!< [0x0068] I2S Status Register */
+} SPI_T;
+ @addtogroup SPI_CONST SPI Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for SPI Controller
+@{ */
+#define SPI_CTL_SPIEN_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SPIEN Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_SPIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_SPIEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SPIEN Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_RXNEG_Pos (1) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: RXNEG Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_RXNEG_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_RXNEG_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: RXNEG Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_TXNEG_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: TXNEG Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_TXNEG_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_TXNEG_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: TXNEG Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_CLKPOL_Pos (3) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: CLKPOL Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_CLKPOL_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_CLKPOL_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: CLKPOL Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_SUSPITV_Pos (4) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SUSPITV Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_SUSPITV_Msk (0xful << SPI_CTL_SUSPITV_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SUSPITV Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_DWIDTH_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: DWIDTH Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_DWIDTH_Msk (0x1ful << SPI_CTL_DWIDTH_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: DWIDTH Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_LSB_Pos (13) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: LSB Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_LSB_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_LSB_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: LSB Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_HALFDPX_Pos (14) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: HALFDPX Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_HALFDPX_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_HALFDPX_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: HALFDPX Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_RXONLY_Pos (15) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: RXONLY Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_RXONLY_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_RXONLY_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: RXONLY Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_UNITIEN_Pos (17) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: UNITIEN Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_UNITIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_UNITIEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: UNITIEN Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_SLAVE_Pos (18) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SLAVE Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_SLAVE_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_SLAVE_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: SLAVE Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_REORDER_Pos (19) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: REORDER Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_REORDER_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_REORDER_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: REORDER Mask */
+#define SPI_CTL_DATDIR_Pos (20) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: DATDIR Position */
+#define SPI_CTL_DATDIR_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_CTL_DATDIR_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::CTL: DATDIR Mask */
+#define SPI_CLKDIV_DIVIDER_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::CLKDIV: DIVIDER Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SS_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SS Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SS_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_SSCTL_SS_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SS Mask */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SSACTPOL_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SSACTPOL Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_AUTOSS_Pos (3) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: AUTOSS Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_AUTOSS_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_SSCTL_AUTOSS_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: AUTOSS Mask */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SLVBEIEN_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SLVBEIEN Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SLVURIEN_Pos (9) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SLVURIEN Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SSACTIEN_Pos (12) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SSACTIEN Position */
+#define SPI_SSCTL_SSINAIEN_Pos (13) /*!< SPI_T::SSCTL: SSINAIEN Position */
+#define SPI_PDMACTL_TXPDMAEN_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::PDMACTL: TXPDMAEN Position */
+#define SPI_PDMACTL_RXPDMAEN_Pos (1) /*!< SPI_T::PDMACTL: RXPDMAEN Position */
+#define SPI_PDMACTL_PDMARST_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::PDMACTL: PDMARST Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXRST_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXRST Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXRST_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_FIFOCTL_RXRST_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXRST Mask */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXRST_Pos (1) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXRST Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXRST_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_FIFOCTL_TXRST_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXRST Mask */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXTHIEN_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXTHIEN Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXTHIEN_Pos (3) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXTHIEN Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXTOIEN_Pos (4) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXTOIEN Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXOVIEN_Pos (5) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXOVIEN Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXUFPOL_Pos (6) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXUFPOL Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXUFIEN_Pos (7) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXUFIEN Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXFBCLR_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXFBCLR Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXFBCLR_Pos (9) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXFBCLR Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXTH_Pos (24) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXTH Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_RXTH_Msk (0x3ul << SPI_FIFOCTL_RXTH_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: RXTH Mask */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXTH_Pos (28) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXTH Position */
+#define SPI_FIFOCTL_TXTH_Msk (0x3ul << SPI_FIFOCTL_TXTH_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::FIFOCTL: TXTH Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_BUSY_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: BUSY Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_BUSY_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_BUSY_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: BUSY Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_UNITIF_Pos (1) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: UNITIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_UNITIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_UNITIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: UNITIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SSACTIF_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SSACTIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SSINAIF_Pos (3) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SSINAIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SSLINE_Pos (4) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SSLINE Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SSLINE_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_SSLINE_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SSLINE Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SLVBEIF_Pos (6) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SLVBEIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SLVURIF_Pos (7) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SLVURIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXEMPTY_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXFULL_Pos (9) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXFULL Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_RXFULL_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXFULL Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXTHIF_Pos (10) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXTHIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_RXTHIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXTHIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXOVIF_Pos (11) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXOVIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXOVIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_RXOVIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXOVIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXTOIF_Pos (12) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXTOIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXTOIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_RXTOIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXTOIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_SPIENSTS_Pos (15) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: SPIENSTS Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXEMPTY_Pos (16) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXFULL_Pos (17) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXFULL Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_TXFULL_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXFULL Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXTHIF_Pos (18) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXTHIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_TXTHIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXTHIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXUFIF_Pos (19) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXUFIF Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXUFIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_STATUS_TXUFIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXUFIF Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXRXRST_Pos (23) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXRXRST Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXCNT_Pos (24) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXCNT Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_RXCNT_Msk (0xful << SPI_STATUS_RXCNT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: RXCNT Mask */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXCNT_Pos (28) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXCNT Position */
+#define SPI_STATUS_TXCNT_Msk (0xful << SPI_STATUS_TXCNT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::STATUS: TXCNT Mask */
+#define SPI_TX_TX_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::TX: TX Position */
+#define SPI_TX_TX_Msk (0xfffffffful << SPI_TX_TX_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::TX: TX Mask */
+#define SPI_RX_RX_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::RX: RX Position */
+#define SPI_RX_RX_Msk (0xfffffffful << SPI_RX_RX_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::RX: RX Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SEN_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: I2SEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_I2SEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_I2SEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: I2SEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_TXEN_Pos (1) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: TXEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_TXEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_TXEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: TXEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RXEN_Pos (2) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RXEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RXEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_RXEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RXEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MUTE_Pos (3) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MUTE Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MUTE_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_MUTE_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MUTE Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_WDWIDTH_Pos (4) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: WDWIDTH Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_WDWIDTH_Msk (0x3ul << SPI_I2SCTL_WDWIDTH_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: WDWIDTH Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MONO_Pos (6) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MONO Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MONO_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_MONO_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MONO Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_ORDER_Pos (7) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: ORDER Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_ORDER_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_ORDER_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: ORDER Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_SLAVE_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: SLAVE Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_SLAVE_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_SLAVE_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: SLAVE Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MCLKEN_Pos (15) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MCLKEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_MCLKEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_MCLKEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: MCLKEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RZCEN_Pos (16) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RZCEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_RZCEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RZCEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_LZCEN_Pos (17) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: LZCEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_LZCEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_LZCEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: LZCEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RXLCH_Pos (23) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RXLCH Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RXLCH_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_RXLCH_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RXLCH Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RZCIEN_Pos (24) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RZCIEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_RZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_RZCIEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: RZCIEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_LZCIEN_Pos (25) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: LZCIEN Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_LZCIEN_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SCTL_LZCIEN_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: LZCIEN Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_FORMAT_Pos (28) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: FORMAT Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCTL_FORMAT_Msk (0x3ul << SPI_I2SCTL_FORMAT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCTL: FORMAT Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCLK_MCLKDIV_Pos (0) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCLK: MCLKDIV Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCLK_MCLKDIV_Msk (0x3ful << SPI_I2SCLK_MCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCLK: MCLKDIV Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SCLK_BCLKDIV_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCLK: BCLKDIV Position */
+#define SPI_I2SCLK_BCLKDIV_Msk (0x1fful << SPI_I2SCLK_BCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SCLK: BCLKDIV Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RIGHT_Pos (4) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RIGHT Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RIGHT_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RIGHT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RIGHT Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXEMPTY_Pos (8) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXEMPTY Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXFULL_Pos (9) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXFULL Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXFULL_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXFULL Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXTHIF_Pos (10) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXTHIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXTHIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXTHIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXOVIF_Pos (11) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXOVIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXOVIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXOVIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXOVIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXTOIF_Pos (12) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXTOIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXTOIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXTOIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXTOIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_I2SENSTS_Pos (15) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: I2SENSTS Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_I2SENSTS_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_I2SENSTS_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: I2SENSTS Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXEMPTY_Pos (16) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXEMPTY_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXEMPTY_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXEMPTY Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXFULL_Pos (17) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXFULL Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXFULL_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXFULL_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXFULL Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXTHIF_Pos (18) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXTHIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXTHIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXTHIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXTHIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXUFIF_Pos (19) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXUFIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXUFIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXUFIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXUFIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RZCIF_Pos (20) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RZCIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RZCIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RZCIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_LZCIF_Pos (21) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: LZCIF Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_LZCIF_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_LZCIF_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: LZCIF Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXRXRST_Pos (23) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXRXRST Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXRXRST_Msk (0x1ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXRXRST_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXRXRST Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXCNT_Pos (24) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXCNT Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_RXCNT_Msk (0x7ul << SPI_I2SSTS_RXCNT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: RXCNT Mask */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXCNT_Pos (28) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXCNT Position */
+#define SPI_I2SSTS_TXCNT_Msk (0x7ul << SPI_I2SSTS_TXCNT_Pos) /*!< SPI_T::I2SSTS: TXCNT Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* SPI_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of SPI register group */
+/*---------------------- System Manger Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup SYS System Manger Controller(SYS)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for SYS Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var SYS_T::PDID
+ * Offset: 0x00 Part Device Identification Number Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |PDID |Part Device Identification Number (Read Only)
+ * | | |This register reflects device part number code.
+ * | | |Software can read this register to identify which device is used.
+ * @var SYS_T::RSTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x04 System Reset Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PORF |POR Reset Flag
+ * | | |The POR reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the Power-on Reset (POR) Controller or bit CHIPRST (SYS_IPRST0[0]) to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from POR or CHIPRST.
+ * | | |1 = Power-on Reset (POR) or CHIPRST had issued the reset signal to reset the system.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[1] |PINRF |nRESET Pin Reset Flag
+ * | | |The nRESET pin reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the nRESET Pin to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from nRESET pin.
+ * | | |1 = Pin nRESET had issued the reset signal to reset the system.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[2] |WDTRF |WDT Reset Flag
+ * | | |The WDT reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the Watchdog Timer or Window Watchdog Timer to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from watchdog timer or window watchdog timer.
+ * | | |1 = The watchdog timer or window watchdog timer had issued the reset signal to reset the system.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * | | |Note2: Watchdog Timer register RSTF(WDT_CTL[2]) bit is set if the system has been reset by WDT time-out reset.
+ * | | |Window Watchdog Timer register WWDTRF(WWDT_STATUS[1]) bit is set if the system has been reset by WWDT time-out reset.
+ * |[3] |LVRF |LVR Reset Flag
+ * | | |The LVR reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the Low Voltage Reset Controller to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from LVR.
+ * | | |1 = LVR controller had issued the reset signal to reset the system.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[4] |BODRF |BOD Reset Flag
+ * | | |The BOD reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the Brown-out Detector to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from BOD.
+ * | | |1 = The BOD had issued the reset signal to reset the system.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[5] |MCURF |MCU Reset Flag
+ * | | |The MCU reset flag is set by the Reset Signal from the Cortex-M0 Core to indicate the previous reset source.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from Cortex-M0.
+ * | | |1 = The Cortex-M0 had issued the reset signal to reset the system by writing 1 to the bit SYSRESETREQ(AIRCR[2], Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register, address = 0xE000ED0C) in system control registers of Cortex-M0 core.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[7] |CPURF |CPU Reset Flag
+ * | | |The CPU reset flag is set by hardware if software writes CPURST (SYS_IPRST0[1]) 1 to reset Cortex-M0 Core and Flash Memory Controller (FMC).
+ * | | |0 = No reset from CPU.
+ * | | |1 = The Cortex-M0 Core and FMC are reset by software setting CPURST to 1.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[8] |CPULKRF |CPU Lockup Reset Flag
+ * | | |The CPU lockup reset flag is set by hardware if Cortex-M0 lockup happened.
+ * | | |0 = No reset from CPU lockup happened.
+ * | | |1 = The Cortex-M0 lockup happened and chip is reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * @var SYS_T::IPRST0
+ * Offset: 0x08 Peripheral Reset Control Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CHIPRST |Chip One-shot Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Setting this bit will reset the whole chip, including Processor core and all peripherals, and this bit will automatically return to 0 after the 2 clock cycles.
+ * | | |The CHIPRST is same as the POR reset, all the chip controllers is reset and the chip setting from flash are also reload.
+ * | | |0 = Chip normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Chip one-shot reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |CPURST |Processor Core One-shot Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Setting this bit will only reset the processor core and Flash Memory Controller(FMC), and this bit will automatically return to 0 after the 2 clock cycles.
+ * | | |0 = Processor core normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Processor core one-shot reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |PDMARST |PDMA Controller Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Setting this bit to 1 will generate a reset signal to the PDMA.
+ * | | |User needs to set this bit to 0 to release from reset state.
+ * | | |0 = PDMA controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = PDMA controller reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3] |EBIRST |EBI Controller Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 will generate a reset signal to the EBI.
+ * | | |User needs to set this bit to 0 to release from the reset state.
+ * | | |0 = EBI controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = EBI controller reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |HDIVRST |HDIV Controller Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 will generate a reset signal to the HDIV controller.
+ * | | |User needs to set this bit to 0 to release from the reset state.
+ * | | |0 = HDIV controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = HDIV controller reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |CRCRST |CRC Calculation Controller Reset (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Set this bit to 1 will generate a reset signal to the CRC calculation controller.
+ * | | |User needs to set this bit to 0 to release from the reset state.
+ * | | |0 = CRC calculation controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = CRC calculation controller reset.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var SYS_T::IPRST1
+ * Offset: 0x0C Peripheral Reset Control Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |GPIORST |GPIO Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = GPIO controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = GPIO controller reset.
+ * |[2] |TMR0RST |Timer0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = Timer0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Timer0 controller reset.
+ * |[3] |TMR1RST |Timer1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = Timer1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Timer1 controller reset.
+ * |[4] |TMR2RST |Timer2 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = Timer2 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Timer2 controller reset.
+ * |[5] |TMR3RST |Timer3 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = Timer3 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Timer3 controller reset.
+ * |[8] |I2C0RST |I2C0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = I2C0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = I2C0 controller reset.
+ * |[9] |I2C1RST |I2C1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = I2C1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = I2C1 controller reset.
+ * |[12] |SPI0RST |SPI0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = SPI0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = SPI0 controller reset.
+ * |[13] |SPI1RST |SPI1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = SPI1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = SPI1 controller reset.
+ * |[16] |UART0RST |UART0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = UART0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = UART0 controller reset.
+ * |[17] |UART1RST |UART1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = UART1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = UART1 controller reset.
+ * |[18] |UART2RST |UART2 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = UART2 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = UART2 controller reset.
+ * |[20] |PWM0RST |PWM0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = PWM0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = PWM0 controller reset.
+ * |[21] |PWM1RST |PWM1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = PWM1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = PWM1 controller reset.
+ * |[22] |ACMP01RST |ACMP01 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = ACMP01 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = ACMP01 controller reset.
+ * |[27] |USBDRST |USB Device Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = USB device controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = USB device controller reset.
+ * |[28] |ADCRST |ADC Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = ADC controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = ADC controller reset.
+ * @var SYS_T::IPRST2
+ * Offset: 0x10 Peripheral Reset Control Register 2
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SC0RST |SC0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = SC0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = SC0 controller reset.
+ * |[1] |SC1RST |SC1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = SC1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = SC1 controller reset.
+ * |[8] |USCI0RST |USCI0 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = USCI0 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = USCI0 controller reset.
+ * |[9] |USCI1RST |USCI1 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = USCI1 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = USCI1 controller reset.
+ * |[10] |USCI2RST |USCI2 Controller Reset
+ * | | |0 = USCI2 controller normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = USCI2 controller reset.
+ * @var SYS_T::BODCTL
+ * Offset: 0x18 Brown-out Detector Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BODEN |Brown-out Detector Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CBODEN (CONFIG0 [23]).
+ * | | |0 = Brown-out Detector function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brown-out Detector function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2:1] |BODVL |Brown-out Detector Threshold Voltage Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CBOV (CONFIG0 [22:21]).
+ * | | |00 = Brown-Out Detector threshold voltage is 2.2V.
+ * | | |01 = Brown-Out Detector threshold voltage is 2.7V.
+ * | | |10 = Brown-Out Detector threshold voltage is 3.7V.
+ * | | |11 = Brown-Out Detector threshold voltage is 4.5V.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[3] |BODRSTEN |Brown-out Reset Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CBORST(CONFIG0[20]) bit.
+ * | | |0 = Brown-out interrupt function Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brown-out reset function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1:
+ * | | |While the Brown-out Detector function is enabled (BODEN high) and BOD reset function is enabled (BODRSTEN high), BOD will assert a signal to reset chip when the detected voltage is lower than the threshold (BODOUT high).
+ * | | |While the BOD function is enabled (BODEN high) and BOD interrupt function is enabled (BODRSTEN low), BOD will assert an interrupt if BODOUT is high
+ * | | |BOD interrupt will keep till to the BODEN set to 0.
+ * | | |BOD interrupt can be blocked by disabling the NVIC BOD interrupt or disabling BOD function (set BODEN low).
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BODIF |Brown-out Detector Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Brown-out Detector does not detect any voltage draft at VDD down through or up through the voltage of BODVL setting.
+ * | | |1 = When Brown-out Detector detects the VDD is dropped down through the voltage of BODVL setting or the VDD is raised up through the voltage of BODVL setting, this bit is set to 1 and the brown-out interrupt is requested if brown-out interrupt is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[5] |BODLPM |Brown-out Detector Low Power Mode (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = BOD operate in normal mode (default).
+ * | | |1 = BOD Low Power mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: The BOD consumes about 100uA in normal mode, the low power mode can reduce the current to about 1/10 but slow the BOD response.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[6] |BODOUT |Brown-out Detector Output Status
+ * | | |0 = Brown-out Detector output status is 0.
+ * | | |It means the detected voltage is higher than BODVL setting or BODEN is 0.
+ * | | |1 = Brown-out Detector output status is 1.
+ * | | |It means the detected voltage is lower than BODVL setting.
+ * | | |If the BODEN is 0, BOD function disabled, this bit always responds 0.
+ * |[7] |LVREN |Low Voltage Reset Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The LVR function resets the chip when the input power voltage is lower than LVR circuit setting.
+ * | | |LVR function is enabled by default.
+ * | | |0 = Low Voltage Reset function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Low Voltage Reset function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: After enabling the bit, the LVR function will be active with 200us delay for LVR output stable (default).
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[10:8] |BODDGSEL |Brown-out Detector Output De-glitch Time Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |000 = BOD output is sampled by RC10K clock.
+ * | | |001 = 4 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |010 = 8 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |011 = 16 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |100 = 32 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |101 = 64 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |110 = 128 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |111 = 256 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |Note: These bits are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[14:12] |LVRDGSEL |LVR Output De-glitch Time Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |000 = Without de-glitch function.
+ * | | |001 = 4 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |010 = 8 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |011 = 16 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |100 = 32 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |101 = 64 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |110 = 128 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |111 = 256 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |Note: These bits are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |VDETEN |Voltage Detector Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = VDET detect external input voltage function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = VDET detect external input voltage function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: This function is still active in whole chip power-down mode.
+ * | | |Note2: This function need use LIRC or LXT as VDET clock source, which is selected in VDETCKSEL (CLK_BODCLK[0]).
+ * | | |Note3: The input pin for VDET detect voltage is selectabe by VDETPINSEL (SYS_BODCTL[17]).
+ * |[17] |VDETPINSEL|Voltage Detector External Input Voltage Pin Selection
+ * | | |0 = The input voltage is from VDET_P0 (PB.0).
+ * | | |1 = The input voltage is from VDET_P1 (PB.1).
+ * | | |Note1: If VDET_P0 is selected, multi-function pin must be selected correctly in PB0MFP (SYS_GPB_MFPL[3:0]).
+ * | | |Note2: If VDET_P1 is selected, multi-function pin must be selected correctly in PB1MFP (SYS_GPB_MFPL[7:4]).
+ * |[18] |VDETIEN |Voltage Detector Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = VDET interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = VDET interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[19] |VDETIF |Voltage Detector Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = VDET does not detect any voltage draft at external pin down through or up through the voltage of Bandgap.
+ * | | |1 = When VDET detects the external pin is dropped down through the voltage of Bandgap or the external pin is raised up through the voltage of Bandgap, this bit is set to 1 and the brown-out interrupt is requested if brown-out interrupt is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by software writing 1.
+ * |[24] |VDETOUT |Voltage Detector Output Status
+ * | | |0 = VDET output status is 0.
+ * | | |It means the detected voltage is higher than Bandgap or VDETEN is 0.
+ * | | |1 = VDET output status is 1.
+ * | | |It means the detected voltage is lower than Bandgap.
+ * | | |If the VDETEN is 0, VDET function disabled, this bit always responds 0.
+ * |[27:25] |VDETDGSEL |Voltage Detector Output De-glitch Time Select (Write Protect)
+ * | | |000 = VDET output is sampled by VDET clock.
+ * | | |001 = 16 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |010 = 32 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |011 = 64 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |100 = 128 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |101 = 256 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |110 = 512 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |111 = 1024 system clock (HCLK).
+ * | | |Note: These bits are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var SYS_T::IVSCTL
+ * Offset: 0x1C Internal Voltage Source Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |VTEMPEN |Temperature Sensor Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable/disable temperature sensor function.
+ * | | |0 = Temperature sensor function Disabled (default).
+ * | | |1 = Temperature sensor function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: After this bit is set to 1, the value of temperature sensor output can be obtained from ADC conversion result.
+ * |[1] |VBATUGEN |VBAT Unity Gain Buffer Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable/disable VBAT unity gain buffer function.
+ * | | |0 = VBAT unity gain buffer function Disabled (default).
+ * | | |1 = VBAT unity gain buffer function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: After this bit is set to 1, the value of VBAT unity gain buffer output voltage can be obtained from ADC conversion result.
+ * @var SYS_T::PORCTL
+ * Offset: 0x24 Power-on Reset Controller Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |POROFF |Power-on Reset Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |When powered on, the POR circuit generates a reset signal to reset the whole chip function, but noise on the power may cause the POR active again.
+ * | | |User can disable internal POR circuit to avoid unpredictable noise to cause chip reset by writing 0x5AA5 to this field.
+ * | | |The POR function will be active again when this field is set to another value or chip is reset by other reset source, including:
+ * | | |nRESET, Watchdog, LVR reset, BOD reset, ICE reset command and the software-chip reset function.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var SYS_T::VREFCTL
+ * Offset: 0x28 VREF Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4:0] |VREFCTL |VREF Control Bits (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00000 = From VREF pin.
+ * | | |00011 = VREF is internal 2.56V.
+ * | | |00111 = VREF is internal 2.048V.
+ * | | |01011 = VREF is internal 3.072V.
+ * | | |01111 = VREF is internal 4.096V.
+ * | | |10000 = VREF is from AVDD.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: These bit are write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var SYS_T::GPA_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x30 GPIOA Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PA0MFP |PA.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PA1MFP |PA.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PA2MFP |PA.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PA3MFP |PA.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PA4MFP |PA.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PA5MFP |PA.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PA6MFP |PA.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PA7MFP |PA.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPA_MFPH
+ * Offset: 0x34 GPIOA High Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PA8MFP |PA.8 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PA9MFP |PA.9 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PA10MFP |PA.10 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PA11MFP |PA.11 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PA12MFP |PA.12 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PA13MFP |PA.13 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PA14MFP |PA.14 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PA15MFP |PA.15 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPB_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x38 GPIOB Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PB0MFP |PB.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PB1MFP |PB.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PB2MFP |PB.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PB3MFP |PB.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PB4MFP |PB.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PB5MFP |PB.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PB6MFP |PB.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PB7MFP |PB.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPB_MFPH
+ * Offset: 0x3C GPIOB High Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PB8MFP |PB.8 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PB9MFP |PB.9 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PB10MFP |PB.10 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PB11MFP |PB.11 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PB12MFP |PB.12 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PB13MFP |PB.13 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PB14MFP |PB.14 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PB15MFP |PB.15 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPC_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x40 GPIOC Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PC0MFP |PC.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PC1MFP |PC.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PC2MFP |PC.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PC3MFP |PC.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PC4MFP |PC.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PC5MFP |PC.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PC6MFP |PC.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PC7MFP |PC.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPC_MFPH
+ * Offset: 0x44 GPIOC High Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PC8MFP |PC.8 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PC9MFP |PC.9 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PC10MFP |PC.10 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PC11MFP |PC.11 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PC12MFP |PC.12 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PC13MFP |PC.13 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PC14MFP |PC.14 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PC15MFP |PC.15 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPD_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x48 GPIOD Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PD0MFP |PD.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PD1MFP |PD.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PD2MFP |PD.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PD3MFP |PD.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PD4MFP |PD.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PD5MFP |PD.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PD6MFP |PD.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PD7MFP |PD.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPD_MFPH
+ * Offset: 0x4C GPIOD High Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PD8MFP |PD.8 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PD9MFP |PD.9 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PD10MFP |PD.10 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PD11MFP |PD.11 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PD12MFP |PD.12 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PD13MFP |PD.13 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PD14MFP |PD.14 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PD15MFP |PD.15 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPE_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x50 GPIOE Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PE0MFP |PE.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PE1MFP |PE.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PE2MFP |PE.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PE3MFP |PE.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PE4MFP |PE.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PE5MFP |PE.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PE6MFP |PE.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PE7MFP |PE.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPE_MFPH
+ * Offset: 0x54 GPIOE High Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PE8MFP |PE.8 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PE9MFP |PE.9 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PE10MFP |PE.10 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PE11MFP |PE.11 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[19:16] |PE12MFP |PE.12 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[23:20] |PE13MFP |PE.13 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::GPF_MFPL
+ * Offset: 0x58 GPIOF Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |PF0MFP |PF.0 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[7:4] |PF1MFP |PF.1 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[11:8] |PF2MFP |PF.2 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[15:12] |PF3MFP |PF.3 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * | | |The default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CFGXT1(CONFIG0[27]) bit.
+ * | | |0 = PF.3 pin is configured as GPIO pins.
+ * | | |1 = PF.3 pin is configured as external 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) pins.
+ * |[19:16] |PF4MFP |PF.4 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * | | |The default value is set by flash controller user configuration register CFGXT1(CONFIG0[27]) bit.
+ * | | |0 = PF.4 pin is configured as GPIO pins.
+ * | | |1 = PF.4 pin is configured as external 4~24 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) pins.
+ * |[23:20] |PF5MFP |PF.5 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[27:24] |PF6MFP |PF.6 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * |[31:28] |PF7MFP |PF.7 Multi-function Pin Selection
+ * @var SYS_T::IRCTCTL0
+ * Offset: 0x80 HIRC0 Trim Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |FREQSEL |Trim Frequency Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the target frequency of internal high speed RC oscillator 0 (HIRC0) auto trim.
+ * | | |During auto trim operation, if clock error detected with CESTOPEN(SYS_IRCTCTL0[8]) is set to 1 or trim retry limitation count reached, this field will be cleared to 00 automatically.
+ * | | |00 = Disable HIRC0 auto trim function.
+ * | | |01 = Enable HIRC0 auto trim function and trim HIRC to 22.1184 MHz.
+ * | | |10 = Reserved.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[5:4] |LOOPSEL |Trim Calculation Loop Selection
+ * | | |This field defines that trim value calculation is based on how many clocks of reference clock (32.768 kHz, LXT).
+ * | | |00 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 4 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |01 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 8 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |10 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 16 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |11 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 32 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |Note: For example, if LOOPSEL is set as 00, auto trim circuit will calculate trim value based on the average frequency difference in 4 clocks of reference clock.
+ * |[7:6] |RETRYCNT |Trim Value Update Limitation Count
+ * | | |This field defines that how many times the auto trim circuit will try to update the HIRC0 trim value before the frequency of HIRC0 locked.
+ * | | |Once the HIRC0 locked, the internal trim value update counter will be reset.
+ * | | |If the trim value update counter reached this limitation value and frequency of HIRC0 still does not lock, the auto trim operation will be disabled and FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCTL0[1:0]) will be cleared to 00.
+ * | | |00 = Trim retry count limitation is 64 loops.
+ * | | |01 = Trim retry count limitation is 128 loops.
+ * | | |10 = Trim retry count limitation is 256 loops.
+ * | | |11 = Trim retry count limitation is 512 loops.
+ * |[8] |CESTOPEN |Clock Error Stop Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The trim operation is keep going if clock is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |1 = The trim operation is stopped if clock is inaccuracy.
+ * |[10] |REFCKSEL |Reference Clock Selection
+ * | | |0 = HIRC trim reference clock is from LXT (32.768 kHz).
+ * | | |1 = HIRC trim reference clock is from internal USB synchronous mode.
+ * @var SYS_T::IRCTIEN
+ * Offset: 0x84 HIRC Trim Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TFAILIEN |HIRC0 Trim Failure Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit controls if an interrupt will be triggered while HIRC0 trim value update limitation count reached and HIRC frequency still not locked on target frequency set by FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCTL0[1:0]).
+ * | | |If this bit is high and TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[1]) is set during auto trim operation, an interrupt will be triggered to notify that HIRC0 trim value update limitation count was reached.
+ * | | |0 = Disable TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[1]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * | | |1 = Enable TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[1]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * |[2] |CLKEIEN |HIRC0 Clock Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit controls if CPU would get an interrupt while HIRC0 clock is inaccuracy during auto trim operation.
+ * | | |If this bit is set to1, and CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[2]) is set during auto trim operation, an interrupt will be triggered to notify the clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |0 = Disable CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[2]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * | | |1 = Enable CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS0[2]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * |[9] |TFAILIEN1 |HIRC1 Trim Failure Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit controls if an interrupt will be triggered while HIRC1 trim value update limitation count reached and HIRC1 frequency still not locked on target frequency set by FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCTL1[1:0]).
+ * | | |If this bit is high and TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[1]) is set during auto trim operation, an interrupt will be triggered to notify that HIRC1 trim value update limitation count was reached.
+ * | | |0 = Disable TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[1]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * | | |1 = Enable TFAILIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[1]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * |[10] |CLKEIEN1 |HIRC1 Clock Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit controls if CPU would get an interrupt while HIRC1 clock is inaccuracy during auto trim operation.
+ * | | |If this bit is set to1, and CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[2]) is set during auto trim operation, an interrupt will be triggered to notify the clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |0 = Disable CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[2]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * | | |1 = Enable CLKERRIF(SYS_IRCTSTS[2]) status to trigger an interrupt to CPU.
+ * @var SYS_T::IRCTISTS
+ * Offset: 0x88 HIRC Trim Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FREQLOCK |HIRC Frequency Lock Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates the HIRC0 frequency is locked.
+ * | | |This is a status bit and doesnu2019t trigger any interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = The internal high-speed RC oscillator 0 frequency does not lock at 22.1184 MHz yet.
+ * | | |1 = The internal high-speed RC oscillator 0 frequency locked at 22.1184 MHz.
+ * |[1] |TFAILIF |Trim Failure Interrupt Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that HIRC0 trim value update limitation count reached and the HIRC0 clock frequency still does not be locked.
+ * | | |Once this bit is set, the auto trim operation stopped and FREQSEL(SYS_iRCTCTL0[1:0]) will be cleared to 00 by hardware automatically.
+ * | | |If this bit is set and TFAILIEN(SYS_IRCTIEN0[1]) is high, an interrupt will be triggered to notify that HIRC0 trim value update limitation count was reached.
+ * | | |Write 1 to clear this to 0.
+ * | | |0 = Trim value update limitation count does not reach.
+ * | | |1 = Trim value update limitation count reached and HIRC frequency still not locked.
+ * |[2] |CLKERRIF |Clock Error Interrupt Status
+ * | | |When the frequency of 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) or 22.1184 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator 0 (HIRC0) is shift larger to unreasonable value, this bit will be set and to be an indicate that clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |Once this bit is set to 1, the auto trim operation stopped and FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCL0[1:0]) will be cleared to 00 by hardware automatically if CESTOPEN(SYS_IRCTCTL0[8]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |If this bit is set and CLKEIEN(SYS_IRCTIEN0[2]) is high, an interrupt will be triggered to notify the clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |Write 1 to clear this to 0.
+ * | | |0 = Clock frequency is accuracy.
+ * | | |1 = Clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * |[8] |FREQLOCK1 |HIRC1 Frequency Lock Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates the HIRC1 frequency is locked.
+ * | | |This is a status bit and doesn not trigger any interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = The internal high-speed RC oscillator 1 frequency does not lock at 48 MHz yet.
+ * | | |1 = The internal high-speed RC oscillator 1 frequency locked at 48 MHz.
+ * |[9] |TFAILIF1 |HIRC1 Trim Failure Interrupt Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that HIRC1 trim value update limitation count reached and the HIRC1 clock frequency still doesn not be locked
+ * | | |Once this bit is set, the auto trim operation stopped and FREQSEL(SYS_iRCTCTL1[1:0]) will be cleared to 00 by hardware automatically.
+ * | | |If this bit is set and TFAILIEN(SYS_IRCTIEN1[1]) is high, an interrupt will be triggered to notify that HIRC1 trim value update limitation count was reached.
+ * | | |Write 1 to clear this to 0.
+ * | | |0 = HIRC1 trim value update limitation count does not reach.
+ * | | |1 = HIRC1 trim value update limitation count reached and frequency still not locked.
+ * |[10] |CLKERRIF1 |HIRC1 Clock Error Interrupt Status
+ * | | |When the frequency of 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator 1 (HIRC1) is shift larger to unreasonable value, this bit will be set and to be an indicate that clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |Once this bit is set to 1, the auto trim operation stopped and FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCL1[1:0]) will be cleared to 00 by hardware automatically if CESTOPEN(SYS_IRCTCTL1[8]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |If this bit is set and CLKEIEN(SYS_IRCTIEN1[2]) is high, an interrupt will be triggered to notify the clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |Write 1 to clear this to 0.
+ * | | |0 = HIRC1 Clock frequency is accuracy.
+ * | | |1 = HIRC1 Clock frequency is inaccuracy.
+ * @var SYS_T::IRCTCTL1
+ * Offset: 0x90 HIRC1 Trim Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |FREQSEL |Trim Frequency Selection
+ * | | |This field indicates the target frequency of internal high speed RC oscillator 1 (HIRC 1) auto trim.
+ * | | |During auto trim operation, if clock error detected with CESTOPEN(SYS_IRCTCTL1[8]) is set to 1 or trim retry limitation count reached, this field will be cleared to 00 automatically.
+ * | | |00 = Disable HIRC1 auto trim function.
+ * | | |01 = Reserved.
+ * | | |10 = Enable HIRC1 auto trim function and trim HIRC to 48 MHz.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[5:4] |LOOPSEL |Trim Calculation Loop Selection
+ * | | |This field defines that trim value calculation is based on how many clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |00 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 4 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |01 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 8 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |10 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 16 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |11 = Trim value calculation is based on average difference in 32 clocks of reference clock.
+ * | | |Note: For example, if LOOPSEL is set as 00, auto trim circuit will calculate trim value based on the average frequency difference in 4 clocks of reference clock.
+ * |[7:6] |RETRYCNT |Trim Value Update Limitation Count
+ * | | |This field defines that how many times the auto trim circuit will try to update the HIRC1 trim value before the frequency of HIRC1 locked.
+ * | | |Once the HIRC1 locked, the internal trim value update counter will be reset.
+ * | | |If the trim value update counter reached this limitation value and frequency of HIRC1 still does not lock, the auto trim operation will be disabled and FREQSEL(SYS_IRCTCTL1[1:0]) will be cleared to 00.
+ * | | |00 = Trim retry count limitation is 64 loops.
+ * | | |01 = Trim retry count limitation is 128 loops.
+ * | | |10 = Trim retry count limitation is 256 loops.
+ * | | |11 = Trim retry count limitation is 512 loops.
+ * |[8] |CESTOPEN |Clock Error Stop Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The trim operation is keep going if clock is inaccuracy.
+ * | | |1 = The trim operation is stopped if clock is inaccuracy.
+ * |[10] |REFCKSEL |Reference Clock Selection
+ * | | |0 = HIRC trim reference clock is from LXT (32.768 kHz).
+ * | | |1 = HIRC trim reference clock is from internal USB synchronous mode.
+ * @var SYS_T::MODCTL
+ * Offset: 0xC0 Modulation Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MODEN |Modulation Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables modulation funcion by modulating with PWM channel output and UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |0 = Modulation Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Modulation Function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |MODH |Modulation at Data High
+ * | | |Select modulation pulse(PWM) at UART1_TXD high or low.
+ * | | |0 = Modulation pulse at UART1_TXD low.
+ * | | |1 = Modulation pulse at UART1_TXD high.
+ * |[6:4] |MODPWMSEL |PWM0 Channel Select for Modulation
+ * | | |Select the PWM0 channel to modulate with the UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |000 = PWM0 channel 0 modulate with UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |001 = PWM0 channel 1 modulate with UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |010 = PWM0 channel 2 modulate with UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |011 = PWM0 channel 3 modulete with UART1_TXD.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: This bis is valid while MODEN (SYS_MODCTL[0]) is set to 1.
+ * Offset: 0xD0 System SRAM BIST Test Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SRBIST |SRAM BIST Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit enables BIST test for SRAM located in address 0x2000_0000~0x2000_4FFF
+ * | | |0 = System SRAM BIST Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System SRAM BIST Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |CRBIST |CACHE BIST Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit enables BIST test for CACHE RAM.
+ * | | |0 = System CACHE BIST Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System CACHE BIST Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |USBBIST |USB BIST Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit enables BIST test for USB RAM.
+ * | | |0 = System USB BIST Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System USB BIST Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * Offset: 0xD4 System SRAM BIST Test Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SRBISTEF |System SRAM BIST Fail Flag
+ * | | |0 = System SRAM BIST test pass.
+ * | | |1 = System SRAM BIST test fail.
+ * | | |0 = System CACHE RAM BIST test pass.
+ * | | |1 = System CACHE RAM BIST test fail.
+ * |[4] |USBBEF |USB SRAM BIST Fail Flag
+ * | | |0 = USB SRAM BIST test pass.
+ * | | |1 = USB SRAM BIST test fail.
+ * |[16] |SRBEND |SRAM BIST Test Finish
+ * | | |0 = System SRAM BIST active.
+ * | | |1 = System SRAM BIST finish.
+ * |[18] |CRBEND |CACHE SRAM BIST Test Finish
+ * | | |0 = System CACHE RAM BIST is active.
+ * | | |1 = System CACHE RAM BIST test finish.
+ * |[20] |USBBEND |USB SRAM BIST Test Finish
+ * | | |0 = USB SRAM BIST is active.
+ * | | |1 = USB SRAM BIST test finish.
+ * @var SYS_T::REGLCTL
+ * Offset: 0x100 Register Lock Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |REGLCTL |Register Lock Control Code
+ * | | |Write operation:
+ * | | |Some registers have write-protection function.
+ * | | |Writing these registers have to disable the protected function by writing the sequence value "59h", "16h", "88h" to this field.
+ * | | |After this sequence is completed, the REGLCTL bit will be set to 1 and write-protection registers can be normal write.
+ * | | |Read operation:
+ * | | |0 = Write-protection Enabled for writing protected registers. Any write to the protected register is ignored.
+ * | | |1 = Write-protection Disabled for writing protected registers.
+ * @var SYS_T::TSOFFSET
+ * Offset: 0x114 Temperature Sensor Offset Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |VTEMP |Temperature Sensor Offset Value
+ * | | |This field reflects temperature sensor output voltage offset at 25 Celsius degree from flash.
+ */
+ __I uint32_t PDID; /*!< [0x0000] Part Device Identification Number Register */
+ __IO uint32_t RSTSTS; /*!< [0x0004] System Reset Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t IPRST0; /*!< [0x0008] Peripheral Reset Control Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t IPRST1; /*!< [0x000c] Peripheral Reset Control Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t IPRST2; /*!< [0x0010] Peripheral Reset Control Register 2 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
+ __IO uint32_t BODCTL; /*!< [0x0018] Brown-out Detector Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t IVSCTL; /*!< [0x001c] Internal Voltage Source Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[1];
+ __IO uint32_t PORCTL; /*!< [0x0024] Power-on Reset Controller Register */
+ __IO uint32_t VREFCTL; /*!< [0x0028] VREF Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[1];
+ __IO uint32_t GPA_MFPL; /*!< [0x0030] GPIOA Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPA_MFPH; /*!< [0x0034] GPIOA High Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPB_MFPL; /*!< [0x0038] GPIOB Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPB_MFPH; /*!< [0x003c] GPIOB High Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPC_MFPL; /*!< [0x0040] GPIOC Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPC_MFPH; /*!< [0x0044] GPIOC High Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPD_MFPL; /*!< [0x0048] GPIOD Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPD_MFPH; /*!< [0x004c] GPIOD High Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPE_MFPL; /*!< [0x0050] GPIOE Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPE_MFPH; /*!< [0x0054] GPIOE High Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t GPF_MFPL; /*!< [0x0058] GPIOF Low Byte Multiple Function Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[9];
+ __IO uint32_t IRCTCTL0; /*!< [0x0080] HIRC0 Trim Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t IRCTIEN; /*!< [0x0084] HIRC Trim Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t IRCTISTS; /*!< [0x0088] HIRC Trim Interrupt Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE4[1];
+ __IO uint32_t IRCTCTL1; /*!< [0x0090] HIRC1 Trim Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE5[11];
+ __IO uint32_t MODCTL; /*!< [0x00c0] Modulation Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE6[3];
+ __IO uint32_t SRAM_BISTCTL; /*!< [0x00d0] System SRAM BIST Test Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t SRAM_BISTSTS; /*!< [0x00d4] System SRAM BIST Test Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE7[10];
+ __IO uint32_t REGLCTL; /*!< [0x0100] Register Lock Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE8[4];
+ __I uint32_t TSOFFSET; /*!< [0x0114] Temperature Sensor Offset Register */
+} SYS_T;
+ @addtogroup SYS_CONST SYS Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for SYS Controller
+@{ */
+#define SYS_PDID_PDID_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::PDID: PDID Position */
+#define SYS_PDID_PDID_Msk (0xfffffffful << SYS_PDID_PDID_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::PDID: PDID Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_PORF_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: PORF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_PORF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_PORF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: PORF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_PINRF_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: PINRF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_PINRF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_PINRF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: PINRF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_WDTRF_Pos (2) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: WDTRF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_WDTRF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_WDTRF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: WDTRF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_LVRF_Pos (3) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: LVRF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_LVRF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_LVRF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: LVRF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_BODRF_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: BODRF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_BODRF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_BODRF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: BODRF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_MCURF_Pos (5) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: MCURF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_MCURF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_MCURF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: MCURF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_CPURF_Pos (7) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: CPURF Position */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_CPURF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_RSTSTS_CPURF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: CPURF Mask */
+#define SYS_RSTSTS_CPULKRF_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::RSTSTS: CPULKRF Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CHIPRST_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CHIPRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CHIPRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_CHIPRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CHIPRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CPURST_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CPURST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CPURST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_CPURST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CPURST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_PDMARST_Pos (2) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: PDMARST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_PDMARST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_PDMARST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: PDMARST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_EBIRST_Pos (3) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: EBIRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_EBIRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_EBIRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: EBIRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_HDIVRST_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: HDIVRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_HDIVRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_HDIVRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: HDIVRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CRCRST_Pos (7) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CRCRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST0_CRCRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST0_CRCRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST0: CRCRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_GPIORST_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: GPIORST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_GPIORST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_GPIORST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: GPIORST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR0RST_Pos (2) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_TMR0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR1RST_Pos (3) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_TMR1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR2RST_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR2RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR2RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_TMR2RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR2RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR3RST_Pos (5) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR3RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_TMR3RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_TMR3RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: TMR3RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_I2C0RST_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: I2C0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_I2C0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_I2C0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: I2C0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_I2C1RST_Pos (9) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: I2C1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_I2C1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_I2C1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: I2C1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_SPI0RST_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: SPI0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_SPI0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_SPI0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: SPI0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_SPI1RST_Pos (13) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: SPI1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_SPI1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_SPI1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: SPI1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART0RST_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_UART0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART1RST_Pos (17) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_UART1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART2RST_Pos (18) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART2RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_UART2RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_UART2RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: UART2RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_PWM0RST_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: PWM0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_PWM0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_PWM0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: PWM0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_PWM1RST_Pos (21) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: PWM1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_PWM1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_PWM1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: PWM1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_ACMP01RST_Pos (22) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: ACMP01RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_ACMP01RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_ACMP01RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: ACMP01RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_USBDRST_Pos (27) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: USBDRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_USBDRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_USBDRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: USBDRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_ADCRST_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: ADCRST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST1_ADCRST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST1_ADCRST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST1: ADCRST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_SC0RST_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: SC0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_SC0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST2_SC0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: SC0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_SC1RST_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: SC1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_SC1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST2_SC1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: SC1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI0RST_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI0RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI0RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST2_USCI0RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI0RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI1RST_Pos (9) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI1RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI1RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST2_USCI1RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI1RST Mask */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI2RST_Pos (10) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI2RST Position */
+#define SYS_IPRST2_USCI2RST_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_IPRST2_USCI2RST_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::IPRST2: USCI2RST Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODEN_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODEN Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODEN_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_BODEN_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODEN Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODVL_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODVL Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODVL_Msk (0x3ul << SYS_BODCTL_BODVL_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODVL Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODRSTEN_Pos (3) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODRSTEN Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODIF_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODIF Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODIF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_BODIF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODIF Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODLPM_Pos (5) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODLPM Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODLPM_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_BODLPM_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODLPM Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODOUT_Pos (6) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODOUT Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODOUT_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_BODOUT_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODOUT Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_LVREN_Pos (7) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: LVREN Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_LVREN_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_LVREN_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: LVREN Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_BODDGSEL_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: BODDGSEL Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_LVRDGSEL_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: LVRDGSEL Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETEN_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETEN Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETEN_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_VDETEN_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETEN Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETPINSEL_Pos (17) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETPINSEL Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETIEN_Pos (18) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETIEN Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETIF_Pos (19) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETIF Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETIF_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_BODCTL_VDETIF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETIF Mask */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETOUT_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETOUT Position */
+#define SYS_BODCTL_VDETDGSEL_Pos (25) /*!< SYS_T::BODCTL: VDETDGSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IVSCTL_VTEMPEN_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::IVSCTL: VTEMPEN Position */
+#define SYS_IVSCTL_VBATUGEN_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IVSCTL: VBATUGEN Position */
+#define SYS_PORCTL_POROFF_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::PORCTL: POROFF Position */
+#define SYS_PORCTL_POROFF_Msk (0xfffful << SYS_PORCTL_POROFF_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::PORCTL: POROFF Mask */
+#define SYS_VREFCTL_VREFCTL_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::VREFCTL: VREFCTL Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPL_PA7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPL: PA7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA8MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA8MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA8MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA8MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA8MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA9MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA9MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA9MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA9MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA9MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA10MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA10MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA10MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA10MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA10MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA11MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA11MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA11MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA11MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA11MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA12MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA12MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA12MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA12MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA12MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA13MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA13MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA13MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA13MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA13MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA14MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA14MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA14MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA14MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA14MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA15MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA15MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA15MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPA_MFPH_PA15MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPA_MFPH: PA15MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPL_PB7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPL: PB7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB8MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB8MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB8MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB8MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB8MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB9MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB9MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB9MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB9MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB9MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB10MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB10MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB10MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB10MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB10MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB11MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB11MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB11MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB11MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB11MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB12MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB12MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB12MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB12MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB12MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB13MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB13MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB13MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB13MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB13MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB14MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB14MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB14MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB14MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB14MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB15MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB15MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB15MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPB_MFPH_PB15MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPB_MFPH: PB15MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPL_PC7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPL: PC7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC8MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC8MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC8MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC8MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC8MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC9MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC9MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC9MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC9MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC9MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC10MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC10MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC10MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC10MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC10MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC11MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC11MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC11MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC11MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC11MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC12MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC12MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC12MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC12MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC12MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC13MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC13MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC13MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC13MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC13MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC14MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC14MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC14MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC14MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC14MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC15MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC15MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC15MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPC_MFPH_PC15MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPC_MFPH: PC15MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPL_PD7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPL: PD7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD8MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD8MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD8MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD8MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD8MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD9MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD9MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD9MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD9MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD9MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD10MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD10MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD10MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD10MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD10MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD11MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD11MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD11MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD11MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD11MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD12MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD12MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD12MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD12MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD12MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD13MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD13MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD13MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD13MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD13MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD14MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD14MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD14MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD14MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD14MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD15MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD15MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD15MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPD_MFPH_PD15MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPD_MFPH: PD15MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPL_PE7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPL: PE7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE8MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE8MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE8MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE8MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE8MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE9MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE9MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE9MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE9MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE9MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE10MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE10MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE10MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE10MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE10MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE11MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE11MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE11MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE11MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE11MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE12MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE12MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE12MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE12MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE12MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE13MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE13MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE13MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPE_MFPH_PE13MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPE_MFPH: PE13MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF0MFP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF0MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF0MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF0MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF0MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF1MFP_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF1MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF1MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF1MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF1MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF2MFP_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF2MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF2MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF2MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF2MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF3MFP_Pos (12) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF3MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF3MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF3MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF3MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF4MFP_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF4MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF4MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF4MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF4MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF5MFP_Pos (20) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF5MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF5MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF5MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF5MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF6MFP_Pos (24) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF6MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF6MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF6MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF6MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF7MFP_Pos (28) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF7MFP Position */
+#define SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF7MFP_Msk (0xful << SYS_GPF_MFPL_PF7MFP_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::GPF_MFPL: PF7MFP Mask */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL0_FREQSEL_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL0: FREQSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL0_LOOPSEL_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL0: LOOPSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL0_RETRYCNT_Pos (6) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL0: RETRYCNT Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL0_CESTOPEN_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL0: CESTOPEN Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL0_REFCKSEL_Pos (10) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL0: REFCKSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTIEN_TFAILIEN_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTIEN: TFAILIEN Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTIEN_CLKEIEN_Pos (2) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTIEN: CLKEIEN Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTIEN_TFAILIEN1_Pos (9) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTIEN: TFAILIEN1 Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTIEN_CLKEIEN1_Pos (10) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTIEN: CLKEIEN1 Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTISTS_TFAILIF_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTISTS: TFAILIF Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTISTS_FREQLOCK1_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTISTS: FREQLOCK1 Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTISTS_TFAILIF1_Pos (9) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTISTS: TFAILIF1 Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTISTS_CLKERRIF1_Pos (10) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTISTS: CLKERRIF1 Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL1_FREQSEL_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL1: FREQSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL1_LOOPSEL_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL1: LOOPSEL Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL1_RETRYCNT_Pos (6) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL1: RETRYCNT Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL1_CESTOPEN_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL1: CESTOPEN Position */
+#define SYS_IRCTCTL1_REFCKSEL_Pos (10) /*!< SYS_T::IRCTCTL1: REFCKSEL Position */
+#define SYS_MODCTL_MODEN_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::MODCTL: MODEN Position */
+#define SYS_MODCTL_MODEN_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_MODCTL_MODEN_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::MODCTL: MODEN Mask */
+#define SYS_MODCTL_MODH_Pos (1) /*!< SYS_T::MODCTL: MODH Position */
+#define SYS_MODCTL_MODH_Msk (0x1ul << SYS_MODCTL_MODH_Pos) /*!< SYS_T::MODCTL: MODH Mask */
+#define SYS_MODCTL_MODPWMSEL_Pos (4) /*!< SYS_T::MODCTL: MODPWMSEL Position */
+#define SYS_SRAM_BISTSTS_SRBEND_Pos (16) /*!< SYS_T::SRAM_BISTSTS: SRBEND Position */
+#define SYS_SRAM_BISTSTS_CRBEND_Pos (18) /*!< SYS_T::SRAM_BISTSTS: CRBEND Position */
+#define SYS_TSOFFSET_VTEMP_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_T::TSOFFSET: VTEMP Position */
+/**@}*/ /* SYS_CONST */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var SYS_INT_T::IRQSRC
+ * Offset: 0x00 Interrupt Source Identity Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |INTSRC |Interrupt Source
+ * | | |Define the interrupt sources for interrupt event.
+ * | | |IRQSRC[0].0 - BOD INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[0].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[0].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[1].0 - WDT INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[1].1 - WWDT_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[1].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[2].0 - EINT0, external interrupt 0 from PA.0/PD.2/PE.4
+ * | | |IRQSRC[2].1 - EINT2, external interrupt 2 from PC.0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[2].2 - EINT4, external interrupt 4 from PE.0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[3].0 - EINT1, external interrupt 1 from PB.0/PD.3/PE.5
+ * | | |IRQSRC[3].1 - EINT3, external interrupt 3 from PD.0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[3].2 - EINT5, external interrupt 5 from PF.0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[4].0 - GPA_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[4].1 - GPB_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[4].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[5].0 - GPC_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[5].1 - GPD_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[5].2 - GPE_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[5].3 - GPF_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[6].0 - PWM1 INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[6].1 - BRAKE0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[6].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[6].3 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[7].0 - PWM1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[7].1 - BRAKE1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[7].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[7].3 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[8].0 - TMR0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[8].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[8].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[9].0 - TMR1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[9].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[9].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[10].0 - TMR2_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[10].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[10].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[11].0 - TMR3_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[11].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[11].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[12].0 - UART0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[12].1 - UART2_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[12].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[13].0 - UART1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[13].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[13].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[14].0 - SPI0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[14].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[14].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[15].0 - SPI1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[15].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[15].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[16].0 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[16].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[16].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[17].0 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[17].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[17].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[18].0 - I2C0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[18].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[18].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[19].0 - I2C1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[19].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[19].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[20].0 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[20].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[20].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[21].0 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[21].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[21].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[22].0 - USCI0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[22].1 - USCI1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[22].2 - USCI2_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[23].0 - USBD_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[23].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[23].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[24].0 - SMC0_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[24].1 - SMC1_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[24].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[25].0 - ACMP_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[25].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[25].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[26].0 - PDMA_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[26].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[26].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[27].0 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[27].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[27].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[28].0 - PWRWU_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[28].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[28].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[29].0 - ADC_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[29].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[29].2 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[30].0 - IRC_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[30].1 - CLKD_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[30].2 - SRAMF_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[31].0 - RTC_INT
+ * | | |IRQSRC[31].1 - 0
+ * | | |IRQSRC[31].2 - 0
+ * @var SYS_INT_T::NMISEL
+ * Offset: 0x80 NMI Source Interrupt Select Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[4:0] |NMISEL |NMI Interrupt Source Selection
+ * | | |The NMI interrupt to Cortex-M0 can be selected from one of the peripheral interrupt by setting NMISEL.
+ * |[8] |NMIEN |NMI Interrupt Enable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = NMI interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = NMI interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ */
+ __I uint32_t IRQSRC[32]; /*!< [0x0000-0x007C] MCU IRQn(n=0~31) Interrupt Source Identity Register */
+ __IO uint32_t NMISEL; /*!< [0x0080] NMI Source Interrupt Select Control Register */
+ @addtogroup INT_CONST INT Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for INT Controller
+@{ */
+#define INT_INTSRC_INTSRC_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_INT_T::INTSRC: INTSRC Position */
+#define INT_NMISEL_NMISEL_Pos (0) /*!< SYS_INT_T::NMISEL: NMISEL Position */
+#define INT_NMISEL_NMIEN_Pos (8) /*!< SYS_INT_T::NMISEL: NMIEN Position */
+#define INT_NMISEL_NMIEN_Msk (0x1ul << INT_NMISEL_NMIEN_Pos) /*!< SYS_INT_T::NMISEL: NMIEN Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* INT_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of SYS register group */
+/*---------------------- Timer Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup TIMER Timer Controller(TIMER)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for TIMER Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var TIMER_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 Timer Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |PSC |Prescale Counter
+ * | | |Timer input clock or event source is divided by (PSC+1) before it is fed to the timer up counter
+ * | | |If this field is 0 (PSC = 0), then there is no scaling.
+ * | | |Note: Update prescale counter value will reset internal 8-bit prescale counter and 24-bit up counter value.
+ * |[19] |INTRGEN |Inter-Timer Trigger Mode Enable Control
+ * | | |Setting this bit will enable the inter-timer trigger capture function.
+ * | | |The Timer0/2 will be in event counter mode and counting with external clock source or event
+ * | | |Also, Timer1/3 will be in trigger-counting mode of capture function.
+ * | | |0 = Inter-Timer Trigger Capture mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Inter-Timer Trigger Capture mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: For Timer1/3, this bit is ignored and the read back value is always 0.
+ * |[20] |PERIOSEL |Periodic Mode Behavior Selection Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The behavior selection in periodic mode is Disabled.
+ * | | |When user updates CMPDAT while timer is running in periodic mode,
+ * | | |CNT will be reset to default value.
+ * | | |1 = The behavior selection in periodic mode is Enabled.
+ * | | |When user update CMPDAT while timer is running in periodic mode, the limitations as bellows list,
+ * | | |If updated CMPDAT value > CNT, CMPDAT will be updated and CNT keep running continually.
+ * | | |If updated CMPDAT value = CNT, timer time-out interrupt will be asserted immediately.
+ * | | |If updated CMPDAT value < CNT, CNT will be reset to default value.
+ * |[21] |TGLPINSEL |Toggle-Output Pin Select
+ * | | |0 = Toggle mode output to Tx (Timer Event Counter Pin).
+ * | | |1 = Toggle mode output to Tx_EXT (Timer External Capture Pin).
+ * |[22] |CAPSRC |Capture Pin Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = Capture Function source is from Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |1 = Capture Function source is from internal ACMP output signal
+ * | | |User can set ACMPSSEL (TIMERx_EXTCTL[8]) to decide which internal ACMP output signal as timer capture source.
+ * |[23] |WKEN |Wake-Up Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, while timer interrupt flag TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0]) is 1 and INTEN (TIMERx_CTL[29]) is enabled, the timer interrupt signal will generate a wake-up trigger event to CPU.
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled if timer interrupt signal generated.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled if timer interrupt signal generated.
+ * |[24] |EXTCNTEN |Event Counter Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is for external counting pin function enabled.
+ * | | |0 = Event counter mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Event counter mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When timer is used as an event counter, this bit should be set to 1 and select PCLK as timer clock source.
+ * |[25] |ACTSTS |Timer Active Status Bit (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the 24-bit up counter status.
+ * | | |0 = 24-bit up counter is not active.
+ * | | |1 = 24-bit up counter is active.
+ * |[28:27] |OPMODE |Timer Counting Mode Select
+ * | | |00 = The Timer controller is operated in One-shot mode.
+ * | | |01 = The Timer controller is operated in Periodic mode.
+ * | | |10 = The Timer controller is operated in Toggle-output mode.
+ * | | |11 = The Timer controller is operated in Continuous Counting mode.
+ * |[29] |INTEN |Timer Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Timer time-out iInterrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer time-out iInterrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If this bit is enabled, when the timer time-out interrupt flag TIF is set to 1, the timer interrupt signal is generated and inform to CPU.
+ * |[30] |CNTEN |Timer Counting Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Stops/Suspends counting.
+ * | | |1 = Starts counting.
+ * | | |Note1: In stop status, and then set CNTEN to 1 will enable the 24-bit up counter to keep counting from the last stop counting value.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is auto-cleared by hardware in one-shot mode (TIMER_CTL[28:27] = 00) when the timer time-out interrupt flag TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0]) is generated.
+ * | | |Note3: Set enable/disable this bit needs 2 * TMR_CLK period to become active, user can read ACTSTS (TIMERx_CTL[25]) to check enabe/disable command is completed or not.
+ * |[31] |ICEDEBUG |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects TIMER counting.
+ * | | |TIMER counter will be held while CPU is held by ICE.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement Disabled.
+ * | | |TIMER counter will keep going no matter CPU is held by ICE or not.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var TIMER_T::CMP
+ * Offset: 0x04 Timer Comparator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[23:0] |CMPDAT |Timer Comparedator Value
+ * | | |CMPDAT is a 24-bit compared value register
+ * | | |When the internal 24-bit up counter value is equal to CMPDAT value, the TIF (TIMERx_INTSTS[0] Timer Interrupt Flag) will set to 1.
+ * | | |Time-out period = (Period of timer clock input) * (8-bit PSC + 1) * (24-bit CMPDAT).
+ * | | |Note1: Never write 0x0 or 0x1 in CMPDAT field, or the core will run into unknown state.
+ * | | |Note2: When timer is operating at continuous counting mode, the 24-bit up counter will keep counting continuously even if user writes a new value into CMPDAT field
+ * | | |But if timer is operating at other modes, the 24-bit up counter will restart counting from 0 and using newest CMPDAT value to be the timer compared value while user writes a new value into CMPDAT field.
+ * @var TIMER_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x08 Timer Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TIF |Timer Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates the interrupt flag status of Timer while 24-bit timer up counter CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) value reaches to CMPDAT (TIMERx_CMP[23:0]) value.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = CNT value matches the CMPDAT value.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[1] |TWKF |Timer Wake-Up Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates the interrupt wake-up flag status of timer.
+ * | | |0 = Timer does not cause CPU wake-up.
+ * | | |1 = CPU wake-up from Idle or Power-down mode if timer time-out interrupt signal generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * @var TIMER_T::CNT
+ * Offset: 0x0C Timer Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[23:0] |CNT |Timer Data Register
+ * | | |Read operation.
+ * | | |Read this register to get CNT value. For example:
+ * | | |If EXTCNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[24] ) is 0, user can read CNT value for getting current 24-bit counter value.
+ * | | |If EXTCNTEN (TIMERx_CTL[24] ) is 1, user can read CNT value for getting current 24-bit event input counter value.
+ * | | |Write operation.
+ * | | |Writing any value to this register will reset current CNT value to 0 and reload internal 8-bit prescale counter.
+ * |[31] |RSTACT |Timer Data Register Reset Active (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates if the counter reset operation active.
+ * | | |When user writes this CNT register, timer starts to reset its internal 24-bit timer up-counter to 0 and reload 8-bit pre-scale counter
+ * | | |At the same time, timer set this flag to 1 to indicate the counter reset operation is in progress
+ * | | |Once the counter reset operation done, timer clear this bit to 0 automatically.
+ * | | |0 = Reset operation is done.
+ * | | |1 = Reset operation triggered by writing TIMERx_CNT is in progress.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * @var TIMER_T::CAP
+ * Offset: 0x10 Timer Capture Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[23:0] |CAPDAT |Timer Capture Data Register
+ * | | |When CAPEN (TIMERx_EXTCTL[3]) bit is set, CAPFUNCS (TIMERx_EXTCTL[4]) bit is 0, and a transition on Tx_EXT pin matched the CAPEDGE (TIMERx_EXTCTL[14:12]) setting, CAPIF (TIMERx_EINTSTS[0]) will set to 1 and the current timer counter value CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) will be auto-loaded into this CAPDAT field.
+ * @var TIMER_T::EXTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x14 Timer External Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTPHASE |Timer External Count Phase
+ * | | |This bit indicates the detection phase of external counting pin Tx (x= 0~3).
+ * | | |0 = A falling edge of external counting pin will be counted.
+ * | | |1 = A rising edge of external counting pin will be counted.
+ * |[3] |CAPEN |Timer External Capture Pin Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the Tx_EXT capture pin input function.
+ * | | |0 =Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin Disabled.
+ * | | |1 =Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin Enabled.
+ * |[4] |CAPFUNCS |Capture Function Selection
+ * | | |0 = External Capture Mode Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = External Reset Mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: When CAPFUNCS is 0, transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin is using to save current 24-bit timer counter value (CNT value) to CAPDAT field.
+ * | | |Note2: When CAPFUNCS is 1, transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin is using to save current 24-bit timer counter value (CNT value) to CAPDAT field and then CNT value will be reset immediately.
+ * |[5] |CAPIEN |Timer External Capture Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin detection Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin detection Interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: CAPIEN is used to enable timer external interrupt
+ * | | |If CAPIEN enabled, timer will rise an interrupt when CAPIF (TIMERx_EINTSTS[0]) is 1.
+ * | | |For example, while CAPIEN = 1, CAPEN = 1, and CAPEDGE = 00, a 1 to 0 transition on the Tx_EXT pin will cause the CAPIF to be set then the interrupt signal is generated and sent to NVIC to inform CPU.
+ * |[6] |CAPDBEN |Timer External Capture Pin De-Bounce Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce or ACMP output de-bounce Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce or ACMP output de-bounce Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If this bit is enabled, the edge detection of Tx_EXT pin or ACMP output is detected with de-bounce circuit.
+ * |[7] |CNTDBEN |Timer Counter Pin De-Bounce Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Tx (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Tx (x= 0~3) pin de-bounce Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If this bit is enabled, the edge detection of Tx pin is detected with de-bounce circuit.
+ * |[8] |ACMPSSEL |ACMP Source Selection to Trigger Capture Function
+ * | | |0 = Capture Function source is from internal ACMP0 output signal.
+ * | | |1 = Capture Function source is from internal ACMP1 output signal.
+ * | | |Note: these bits only available when CAPSRC (TIMERx_CTL[22]) is 1.
+ * |[14:12] |CAPEDGE |Timer External Capture Pin Edge Detect
+ * | | |When first capture event is generated, the CNT (TIMERx_CNT[23:0]) will be reset to 0 and first CAPDAT (TIMERx_CAP[23:0]) should be to 0.
+ * | | |000 = Capture event occurred when detect falling edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |001 = Capture event occurred when detect rising edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |010 = Capture event occurred when detect both falling and rising edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin, and first capture event occurred at falling edge transfer.
+ * | | |011 = Capture event occurred when detect both rising and falling edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin, and first capture event occurred at rising edge transfer.
+ * | | |110 = First capture event occurred at falling edge, follows capture events are at rising edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |111 = First capture event occurred at rising edge, follows capture events are at falling edge transfer on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |100, 101 = Reserved.
+ * |[16] |ECNTSSEL |Event Counter Source Selection to Trigger Event Counter Function
+ * | | |0 = Event Counter input source is from Tx (x= 0~3) pin.
+ * | | |1 = Event Counter input source is from USB internal SOF output signal.
+ * Offset: 0x18 Timer0 External Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CAPIF |Timer External Capture Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates the timer external capture interrupt flag status.
+ * | | |0 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin interrupt occurred.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: When CAPEN (TIMERx_EXTCTL[3]) bit is set, CAPFUNCS (TIMERx_EXTCTL[4]) bit is 0, and a transition on Tx_EXT (x= 0~3) pin matched the CAPEDGE (TIMERx_EXTCTL[2:1]) setting, this bit will set to 1 by hardware.
+ * | | |Note3: There is a new incoming capture event detected before CPU clearing the CAPIF status
+ * | | |If the above condition occurred, the Timer will keep register TIMERx_CAP unchanged and drop the new capture value.
+ * @var TIMER_T::TRGCTL
+ * Offset: 0x1C Timer Trigger Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TRGSSEL |Trigger Source Select Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to select internal trigger source is form Timer timer time-out interrupt signal or capture interrupt signal.
+ * | | |0 = Timer tTime-out interrupt signal is used to internal trigger PWM, PDMA, and ADC.
+ * | | |1 = Capture interrupt signal is used to internal trigger PWM, PDMA, and ADC.
+ * |[1] |TRGPWM |Trigger PWM Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, each timer time-out event interrupt or capture interrupt event can be as PWM counter clock source.triggered PWM.
+ * | | |0 = Timer interrupt trigger PWM Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer interrupt trigger PWM Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will as trigger PWM counter clock source.
+ * | | |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 1, capture interrupt signal as PWM counter clock source will trigger PWM.
+ * |[2] |TRGADC |Trigger ADC Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, each timer time-out event interrupt or capture interrupt event can be triggered ADC conversion.
+ * | | |0 = Timer interrupt trigger ADC Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer interrupt trigger ADC Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will trigger EADC conversion.
+ * | | |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 1, capture interrupt signal will trigger EADC conversion.
+ * |[4] |TRGPDMA |Trigger PDMA Enable Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, each timer time-out interrupt event or capture interrupt event can be triggered PDMA transfer.
+ * | | |0 = Timer interrupt trigger PDMA Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timer interrupt trigger PDMA Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 0, time-out interrupt signal will trigger PDMA transfer.
+ * | | |If TRGSSEL (TIMERx_TRGCTL[0]) = 1, capture interrupt signal will trigger PDMA transfer.
+ * @var TIMER_T::ALTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x20 Timer Alternative Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |FUNCSEL |Function Selection
+ * | | |0 = Timer controller is used as timer function.
+ * | | |1 = Timer controller is used as PWM function.
+ * | | |Note: When timer is used as PWM, the clock source of time controller will be forced to PCLKx automatically.
+ * @var TIMER_T::PWMCTL
+ * Offset: 0x40 Timer PWM Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTEN |PWM Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter and clock prescale Stop Running.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter and clock prescale Start Running.
+ * |[2:1] |CNTTYPE |PWM Counter Behavior Type
+ * | | |00 = Up count type.
+ * | | |01 = Down count type.
+ * | | |10 = Up-down count type.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * |[3] |CNTMODE |PWM Counter Mode
+ * | | |0 = Auto-reload mode.
+ * | | |1 = One-shot mode.
+ * |[8] |CTRLD |Center Re-Load
+ * | | |In up-down count type, PERIOD will load to PBUF when current PWM period is completedat the end point of each period
+ * | | |always and CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the center point of current period at the center point of a period.
+ * |[9] |IMMLDEN |Immediately Load Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PERIOD will load to PBUF when current PWM period is completed no matter CTRLD is enabled/disabled.at the end point of each period
+ * | | |If CTRLD is disabled, CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF when current PWM period is completed; if CTRLD is enabled in up-down count type, CMPDAT will load to CMPBUF at the center point of current period at the end point of each period by setting CTRLD bit.
+ * | | |1 = PERIOD//CMPDAT will load to PBUF and /CMPBUF immediately when usersoftware update PPERIOD//CMPDAT.
+ * | | |Note: If IMMLDEN is enabled, CTRLD will be invalid.
+ * |[16] |OUTMODE |PWM Output Mode
+ * | | |0 = PWM independent mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWM complementary mode.
+ * |[30] |DBGHALT |ICE Debug Mode Counter Halt (Write Protect)
+ * | | |If debug mode counter halt is enabled, PWM all counters will keep current value until exit ICE debug mode.
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode counter halt disable.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode counter halt enable.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[31] |DBGTRIOFF |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable Bit (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects PWM output.
+ * | | |PWM output pin will be forced as tri-state while ICE debug mode acknowledged.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement disabled.
+ * | | |PWM output pin will keep output no matter ICE debug mode acknowledged or not.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * Offset: 0x44 Timer PWM Counter Clock Source Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |CLKSRC |PWM Counter External Clock Source Select
+ * | | |The PWM counter clock source can be selected from TMRx_CLK or internal timer time-out or capture event.
+ * | | |000 = TMRx_CLK.
+ * | | |001 = Internal TIMER0 time-out or capture event overflow.
+ * | | |010 = Internal TIMER1 time-out or capture event TIMER1 overflow.
+ * | | |011 = Internal TIMER2 time-out or capture event TIMER2 overflow.
+ * | | |100 = Internal TIMER3 time-out or capture event TIMER3 overflow.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: If TIMER0 PWM function is enabled, trigger sourcthe PWM counter clock source can be selected from TMR0_CLK, TIMER1 interrupt events, TIMER2 interrupt events, or TIMER3 interrupt eventse from different TIMER1, TIMER2, and TIMER3u2019s overflow.
+ * Offset: 0x48 Timer PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |CLKPSC |PWM Counter Clock Pre-Scale
+ * | | |The active clock of PWM counter is decided by counter clock prescale and
+ * | | |Each PWM channel pair share one PWM counter clock prescale
+ * | | |The clock of PWM counter is divided by (CLKPSC + 1)
+ * | | |If CLKPSC is 0, then there is no scaling in PWM counter clock source.
+ * Offset: 0x4C Timer PWM Clear Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTCLR |Clear PWM Counter Control Bit
+ * | | |It is automatically cleared by hardware.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Clear 16-bit PWM counter to 0000 0x10000 in up and up-down count type and reset counter value to PERIOD in down count type.H.
+ * Offset: 0x50 Timer PWM Period Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PERIOD |PWM Period Register
+ * | | |In uUp cCount typemode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 00 to PERIOD, and restarts from 00.
+ * | | |In dDown cCount typemode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from PERIOD to 0, and restarts from PERIOD.
+ * | | |In up-down count type: PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again.
+ * | | |In up and down count type:
+ * | | |PWM period time = (PERIOD + 1) ** (CLKPSC + 1) x * TMRx_PWMCLK.
+ * | | |In up-down count type:
+ * | | |Up-Down Count mode: In this mode, PWM counter counts from 0 to PERIOD, then decrements to 0 and repeats again.
+ * | | |PWM period time = 2 * * PERIOD * * (CLKPSC+ 1) x * TMRx_PWMCLK
+ * | | |Note: User should take care DIRF (TIMERx_PWMCNT[16]) bit in up/down/up-down count type to monitor current counter direction in each count type..
+ * Offset: 0x54 Timer PWM Comparator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CMPDAT |PWM Comparator
+ * | | |PWM CMPDAT is used to compare with PWM CNT to generate PWM output waveform, interrupt events and trigger ADC to start convert.
+ * Offset: 0x58 Timer PWM Dead-Time Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[11:0] |DTCNT |Dead-Time Counter (Write Protect)
+ * | | |The dead-time can be calculated from the following two formulas:
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0] + 1) * * TMRx_PWMCLK, if DTCKSEL is 0.
+ * | | |Dead-time = (DTCNT[11:0] + 1) * TMRx_PWMCLK * (CLKPSC + 1), if DTCKSEL is 1.
+ * | | |period.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |DTEN |Enable Dead-Time Insertion For PWM Pair (PWMx_CH0 and, PWMx_CH1) (PWM_CH2, PWM_CH3) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Dead-time insertion function is only active when this pair of complementary PWM complementary mode is enabled
+ * | | |If dead- time insertion is inactive, the outputs of pin PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1pair are complementary without any delay.
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time insertion Disabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time insertion Enabled on the pin pair.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[24] |DTCKSEL |Dead-Ttime Cclock Sselect (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Dead-time clock source from TMRx_PWMCLK without counter clock prescale.
+ * | | |1 = Dead-time clock source from TMRx_PWMCLK with counter clock prescale prescale output.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL REGWRPROT register.
+ * @var TIMER_T::PWMCNT
+ * Offset: 0x5C Timer PWM Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CNT |PWM Counter ValueData Register (Read Only)
+ * | | |User can monitor CNTR to know the current counter value in 16-bit period counter.
+ * |[16] |DIRF |PWM Counter Direction Indicator Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = Counter is active in dDown count.
+ * | | |1 = Counter is active upUP count.
+ * Offset: 0x60 Timer PWM Output Mask Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MSKEN0 |PWMx_CH0 Output Mask Enable Bit
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |The PWMx_CH0 output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled
+ * | | |The corresponding PWMx_CH0 channel n will output MSKDAT0n (TIMER_PWM_MSK[1:0]) data.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0 output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0M output signal is masked and output MSKDAT0n data.
+ * | | |Note: n=0, 1.
+ * |[1] |MSKEN1 |PWMx_CH1 Output Mask Enable Bit
+ * | | |The PWMx_CH1 output signal will be masked when this bit is enabled
+ * | | |The PWMx_CH1 will output MSKDAT1 (TIMER_PWMMSK[1]) data.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 output signal is non-masked.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 output signal is masked and output MSKDAT1 data.
+ * @var TIMER_T::PWMMSK
+ * Offset: 0x64 Timer PWM Output Mask Data Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |MSKDAT0 |PWMx_CH0 Output Mask Data Control Bit Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to control the output state of PWMx_CH0 pin whenThis data bit control the state of PWMn output pin, if PWMx_CH0 correspooutput nding mask mask function is enabled (MSKEN0 = 1)
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = Output logic Llow to PWMnPWMx_CH0.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic Hhigh to PWMx_CH0PWMn.
+ * | | |Note: n=0, 1.
+ * |[1] |MSKDAT1 |PWMx_CH1 Output Mask Data Control Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to control the output state of PWMx_CH1 pin when PWMx_CH1 output mask function is enabled (MSKEN1 = 1).
+ * | | |0 = Output logic Low to PWMx_CH1.
+ * | | |1 = Output logic High to PWMx_CH1.
+ * @var TIMER_T::PWMBNF
+ * Offset: 0x68 Timer PWM Brake Pin Noise Filter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKNFEN |Brake Pin Noise Filter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Pin dDe-bBounce detect of TMR_BRAKEx Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Pin dDe-bBounce detect of TMR_BRAKEx Enabled.
+ * |[3:1] |BRKNFSEL |Brake Edge Pin Detector De-Bounce Clock Selection
+ * | | |000 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx.
+ * | | |001 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/2.
+ * | | |010 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/4.
+ * | | |011 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/8.
+ * | | |100 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/16.
+ * | | |101 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/32.
+ * | | |110 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/64.
+ * | | |111 = De-Bounce clock = is PCLKx/128.
+ * |[6:4] |BRKFCNT |Brake Pin Edge Detector De-Bounce Count
+ * | | |The register fields is used to bits control the active de-bounce sample time.
+ * | | |Once de-bounce sample time = (Period time of BRKDBCS)Brake0 filter counter to count from 0 to BRK0FCNT
+ * | | |* BRKDBCNT.
+ * |[7] |BRKPINV |Brake Pin InverseDetection Control Bit
+ * | | |0 = The state of pin TM_BRAKEx is passed to the negative edge detector. x=0~3.
+ * | | |Set BRKPINV 0 will detect TM_BRAKEx Brake pin event will be detected if TM_BRAKEx pin status transfer from from low lowto to high in edge-detect, or pin status is high in level-detect.high
+ * | | |1 = Brake pin event will be detected if TM_BRAKEx pin status transfer from high to low in edge-detect, or pin status is low in level-detect The inversed state of pin TM_BRAKEx is passed to the negative edge detector
+ * | | |x=0~3.
+ * | | |Set BRKPINV 1 will detect TM_BRAKEx pin status from high to low.
+ * |[17:16] |BKPINSRC |Brake Pin Source Select
+ * | | |00 = Brake pin source comes from TMR_BRAKE0.
+ * | | |01 = Brake pin source comes from TMR_BRAKE1.
+ * | | |10 = Brake pin source comes from TMR_BRAKE2.
+ * | | |11 = Brake pin source comes from TMR_BRAKE3.
+ * Offset: 0x6C Timer PWM System Fail Brake Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CSSBRKEN |Clock Security System Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by CSS clock fail detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by clock fail CSS detection Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is only in TIMER0 and TIMER2.
+ * |[1] |BODBRKEN |Brown-Out Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by BOD event Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by BOD event Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is only in TIMER0 and TIMER2.
+ * |[3] |CORBRKEN |Core Lockup Detection Trigger PWM Brake Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Brake Function triggered by cCore lockup detection event Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Brake Function triggered by cCore lockup detection event Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is only in TIMER0 and TIMER2.
+ * Offset: 0x70 Timer PWM Brake Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CPO0EBEN |Enable Internal ACMP0_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Internal ACMP0_O signal as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Internal ACMP0_O signal as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Only internal ACMP0_O signal from low to high will be detected as brake event.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |CPO1EBEN |Enable Internal ACMP1_O Digital Output As Edge-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Internal ACMP1_O signal as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Internal ACMP1_O signal as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Only internal ACMP1_O signal from low to high will be detected as brake event.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[4] |BRKPEEN |Enable TMR_BRAKEx Pin As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = TMR_BRAKEx pin event as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = TMR_BRAKEx pin event as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |SYSEBEN |Enable System Fail As Edge-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System fFail condition as edge-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System fFail condition as edge-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |CPO0LBEN |Enable Internal ACMP0_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Internal ACMP0_O signal as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Internal ACMP0_O signal as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Only internal ACMP0_O signal from low to high will be detected as brake event.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |CPO1LBEN |Enable Internal ACMP1_O Digital Output As Level-detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Internal ACMP1_O signal as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Internal ACMP1_O signal as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Only internal ACMP1_O signal from low to high will be detected as brake event.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[12] |BRKPLEN |Enable TMR_BRAKEx Pin As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = TMR_BRAKEx Brake pin event as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = TMR_BRAKEx Brake pin event as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[15] |SYSLBEN |Enable System Fail As Level-Detect Brake Source (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = System fFail condition as level-detect brake source Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = System fFail condition as level-detect brake source Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[17:16] |BRKAEVEN |PWM Brake Action Select For Even ChannelPWMx_CH0 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = TIMERx_PWM even brake eventchannel level-detect brake functi willon not affect channel PWMx_CH0outpu outputt.
+ * | | |01 = PWMx_CH0PWM even channel output tri-state when TIMERx_PWM brake eventlevel-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWMx_CH0 outputPWM even channel output low level when TIMERx_PWM brake event level-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWMx_CH0 outputPWM even channel output high level when TIMERx_PWM brake eventlevel-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[19:18] |BRKAODD |PWM Brake Action Select For PWMx_CH1Odd Channel (Write Protect)
+ * | | |00 = TIMERx_PWM brake event will not affect PWMx_CH1 output.
+ * | | |01 = PWMx_CH1 output tri-state when TIMERx_PWM brake event happened.
+ * | | |10 = PWMx_CH1 output low level when TIMERx_PWM brake event happened.
+ * | | |11 = PWMx_CH1 output high level when TIMERx_PWM brake event happened.
+ * | | |00 = TIMER_PWM odd channel level-detect brake function not affect channel output.
+ * | | |01 = TIMER_PWM odd channel output tri-state when level-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |10 = TIMER_PWM odd channel output low level when level-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |11 = TIMER_PWM odd channel output high level when level-detect brake happened.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * Offset: 0x74 Timer PWM Output Pin Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |PINV0 |PWMx_CH0 Output Pin Polar Control Bit
+ * | | |The register bit is used to controlcontrols polarity state of PWMx_CH0 output pin
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0 output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0 output pin PWM output polar inverse Enabled.
+ * | | |n=0, 1.
+ * |[1] |PINV1 |PWMx_CH1 Output Pin Polar Control Bit
+ * | | |The bit is used to control polarity state of PWMx_CH1 output pin.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 output pin polar inverse Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 output pin polar inverse Enabled.
+ * Offset: 0x78 Timer PWM Output Pin Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |POEN0 |PWMx_CH0 Output Pin Output Enable Bit
+ * | | |Each bit n controls the corresponding PWM channel n.
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0 pin at tri-state mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0PWM pin in output mode.
+ * | | |n=0, 1.
+ * |[1] |POEN1 |PWMx_CH1 Output Pin Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 pin at tri-state mode.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 pin in output mode.
+ * Offset: 0x7C Timer PWM Software Trigger Brake Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKETRG |PWM Software Trigger Edge-Detect Brake SourceSoftware Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger PWM edge-detect brake source, then BRKEIF0 and BRKEIF1 will set to 1 automatically in TIMERx_PWMINTSTS1, and set BRKEIF to 1 in PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLTRG |Software Trigger Level-Detect Brake Source PWM Level Brake Software Trigger (Write Only) (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Write 1 to this bit will trigger PWM level-detect brake source, and then set BRKLIF0 and BRKLIF1 will set to 1 automatically in TIMERx_PWM_INTSTS1 register.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * Offset: 0x80 Timer PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ZIEN |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Zero point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Zero point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Odd channels will read always 0 at complementary mode.
+ * |[1] |PIEN |PWM Period Point Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Period point interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Period point interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When When in up-down count type, period point means the center point of current PWM period.
+ * |[2] |CMPUIEN |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Compare up count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare up count interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |CMPDIEN |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Compare down count interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Compare down count interrupt Enabled.
+ * Offset: 0x84 Timer PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKEIEN |PWM Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM eEdge-detect Brake brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM eEdge-detect Brake brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLIEN |PWM Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Enable For Channel0/1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWM lLevel-detect Brake brake interrupt for channel0/1 Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM level-detect brake interruptLevel-detect Brake interrupt for channel0/1 Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * Offset: 0x88 Timer PWM Interrupt Status Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ZIF |PWM Zero Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when TIMERx_PWM_CHx counter reaches zero, software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero
+ * | | |x=0, 1..
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[1] |PIF |PWM Period Point Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when TIMERx_PWMPWM_CHx counter reaches PWMPERIOD.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.Note1: When in up-down count type, PIF flag means the center point flag of current PWM period.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it., software can write 1 to clear this bit to zero. x=0, 1.
+ * |[2] |CMPUIF |PWM Compare Up Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag This bit is set by hardware when TIMERx_PWMPWM counter in up count direction and reaches PWMCMPDAT.,
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it. software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note12: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, there is no CMPUIF flag this flag is not working in up count type and up-down count type
+ * | | |selection.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[3] |CMPDIF |PWM Compare Down Count Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |Flag This bit is set by hardware when TIMERx_PWM PWM counter in down count direction and reaches PWMCMPDAT, software can clear this bit by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note12: If CMPDAT equal to PERIOD, this there is no CMPDIFflag flag is not working in down count type selection.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * Offset: 0x8C Timer PWM Interrupt Status Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BRKEIF0 |PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag on PWMx_CH0 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0 channel0 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[1] |BRKEIF1 |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag PWMx_CH1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 edge-detect brake event happened.
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[8] |BRKLIF0 |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag on PWMx_CH0 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0PWM channel0 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0When PWM channel0 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[9] |BRKLIF1 |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Interrupt Flag on PWMx_CH1 (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 level-detect brake event happened.
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel1 level-detect brake event do not happened.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake event happened, this bit is set to 1, writing 1 to clear.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This register is write protected. Refer toSYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[16] |BRKESTS0 |Edge -Detect Brake Status of PWMx_CH0 (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0 at edge-detect brake state.
+ * | | |Note: User can set BRKEIF0 1 to clear BRKEIF0 flag and PWMx_CH0 will release brake state when current PWM period finished and resume PWMx_CH0 output waveform start from next full PWM period.PWM Channel0 Edge-Detect Brake Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWM channel0 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel0 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state.
+ * |[17] |BRKESTS1 |PWM Channel1 Edge-Detect Brake Status of PWMx_CH1 (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 at edge-detect brake state.
+ * | | |Note: User can set BRKEIF1 1 to clear BRKEIF1 flag and PWMx_CH1 will release brake state when current PWM period finished and resume PWMx_CH1 output waveform start from next full PWM period.0 = PWM channel1 edge-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = When PWM channel1 edge-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state.
+ * |[24] |BRKLSTS0 |PWM Channel0 Level-Detect Brake Status of PWMx_CH0 (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH0PWM channel0 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH0 at level-detect brake stateWhen PWM channel0 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel0 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware
+ * | | |WhenIf TIMERx_PWM enabled level-detect brake source has released, both return to high level, PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1PWM will release brake state until when current PWM period finished and resume
+ * | | |The PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1 output waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * |[25] |BRKLSTS1 |PWM Channel1 Level-Detect Brake Status of PWMx_CH1 (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = PWMx_CH1PWM channel1 level-detect brake state is released.
+ * | | |1 = PWMx_CH1 at level-detect brake state.
+ * | | |Note: If TIMERx_PWM level-detect brake source has released, both PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1 will release brake state when current PWM period finished and resume PWMx_CH0 and PWMx_CH1 output waveform start from next full PWM period.1 = When PWM channel1 level-detect brake detects a falling edge of any enabled brake source; this flag will be set to indicate the PWM channel1 at brake state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and auto cleared by hardware
+ * | | |When enabled brake source return to high level, PWM will release brake state until current PWM period finished
+ * | | |The PWM waveform will start output from next full PWM period.
+ * Offset: 0x90 Timer PWM Trigger ADC Source Select Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |TRGSEL |PWM Counter Event Source Select To Trigger ADC ConversionPWM_CH Trigger ADC Source Select
+ * | | |000 = Trigger ADC conversion at PWM_CH0 zero point. (ZIF).
+ * | | |001 = Trigger ADC conversion atPWM_CH0 period point. (PIF).
+ * | | |010 = Trigger ADC conversion atPWM_CH0 zero or period point. (ZIF or PIF).
+ * | | |011 = Trigger ADC conversion atPWM_CH0 compare up count CMPDAT point (CMPUIF).
+ * | | |100 = Trigger ADC conversion atPWM_CH0 compare down count CMPDAT point (CMPDIF).
+ * | | |Others = Rreserved.
+ * |[7] |TRGEN |PWM Counter Event Trigger ADC Conversion Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter event trigger ADC conversion Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter event trigger ADC conversion Enabled.PWM_CH0 Trigger ADC enable bit.
+ * Offset: 0x94 Timer PWM Synchronous Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |SYNCMODE |PWM Synchronous Mode Enable Select
+ * | | |00 = PWM synchronous function Disabled.
+ * | | |01 = PWM synchronous counter start function Enabled.
+ * | | |10 = Reserved.
+ * | | |11 = PWM synchronous counter clear function Enabled.
+ * |[8] |SYNCSRC |PWM Synchronous Counter Start/Clear Start Source Select
+ * | | |0 = Counter sSynchronous start/clear source by triggercome from TIMER0_PWMSSTRG STRGENCNTSEN.
+ * | | |1 = Counter sSynchronous start/clear source by triggercome from TIMER2_PWMSSTRG STRGENCNTSEN.
+ * | | |Note1: If TIMER0/1/2/3 PWM counter synchronous source are from TIMER0, TIME0_PWMSCTL[8], TIME1_PWMSCTL[8], TIME2_PWMSCTL[8] and TIME3_PWMSCTL[8] should be 0.
+ * | | |Note2: If TIMER0/1/ PWM counter synchronous source are from TIMER0, TIME0_PWMSCTL[8] and TIME1_PWMSCTL[8] should be set 0, and TIMER2/3/ PWM counter synchronous source are from TIMER2, TIME2_PWMSCTL[8] and TIME3_PWMSCTL[8] should be set 1.Note: This register is only in TIMER0 and TIMER2.
+ * Offset: 0x98 Timer PWM Synchronous Trigger Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |STRGEN |PWM Counter Counter Synchronous Trigger Enable BitStart Enable (Write Only)
+ * | | |PMW counter synchronous enable function is used to make selected PWM channels (include TIMER0/1/2/3_ PWM, _CHx and TIMER02/1 PWM and TIMER2/33_ PWM_CHx) start counting or clear counter at the same time according to TIMERx_PWMSCTL setting.
+ * | | |Writing this bit to 1 will also set the counter enable bit (CNTEN) if correlated PWM channel counter synchronous start function is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This register bit is only available in TIMER0 and TIMER2.
+ * Offset: 0x9C Timer PWM Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CNTMAXF |Time-BasePWM Counter Counter Equal To 0xFFFF Latched SStatus
+ * | | |0 = Iindicates the timePWM counter-base coun valueter never reached its maximum value 0xFFFF.
+ * | | |1 = Iindicates the PWM counter value has time-base counter reached its maximum value, software can write 1 to clear this bit.e.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[16] |ADCTRGF |Trigger ADC Start Of Conversion Status
+ * | | |0 = PWM counter event trigger ADC start conversion is not occurred.Indicates no ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred.
+ * | | |1 = PWM counter event trigger ADC start conversion has occurredIndicates an ADC start of conversion trigger event has occurred, software can write 1 to clear this bit..
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * Offset: 0xA0 Timer PWM Period Buffer Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |PBUF |PWM Period Buffer Register Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as PERIOD active register.
+ * Offset: 0xA4 Timer PWM Comparator Buffer Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |CMPBUF |PWM Comparator Buffer Register Buffer (Read Only)
+ * | | |Used as CMPDAT active register.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] Timer Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CMP; /*!< [0x0004] Timer Comparator Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x0008] Timer Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CNT; /*!< [0x000c] Timer Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t CAP; /*!< [0x0010] Timer Capture Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t EXTCTL; /*!< [0x0014] Timer External Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t EINTSTS; /*!< [0x0018] Timer External Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TRGCTL; /*!< [0x001c] Timer Trigger Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ALTCTL; /*!< [0x0020] Timer Alternative Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[7];
+ __IO uint32_t PWMCTL; /*!< [0x0040] Timer PWM Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMCLKSRC; /*!< [0x0044] Timer PWM Counter Clock Source Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMCLKPSC; /*!< [0x0048] Timer PWM Counter Clock Pre-scale Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMCNTCLR; /*!< [0x004c] Timer PWM Clear Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMPERIOD; /*!< [0x0050] Timer PWM Period Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMCMPDAT; /*!< [0x0054] Timer PWM Comparator Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMDTCTL; /*!< [0x0058] Timer PWM Dead-Time Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t PWMCNT; /*!< [0x005c] Timer PWM Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMMSKEN; /*!< [0x0060] Timer PWM Output Mask Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMMSK; /*!< [0x0064] Timer PWM Output Mask Data Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMBNF; /*!< [0x0068] Timer PWM Brake Pin Noise Filter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMFAILBRK; /*!< [0x006c] Timer PWM System Fail Brake Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMBRKCTL; /*!< [0x0070] Timer PWM Brake Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMPOLCTL; /*!< [0x0074] Timer PWM Pin Output Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMPOEN; /*!< [0x0078] Timer PWM Pin Output Enable Register */
+ __O uint32_t PWMSWBRK; /*!< [0x007c] Timer PWM Software Trigger Brake Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMINTEN0; /*!< [0x0080] Timer PWM Interrupt Enable Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMINTEN1; /*!< [0x0084] Timer PWM Interrupt Enable Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMINTSTS0; /*!< [0x0088] Timer PWM Interrupt Status Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMINTSTS1; /*!< [0x008c] Timer PWM Interrupt Status Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMADCTS; /*!< [0x0090] Timer PWM ADC Trigger Source Select Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMSCTL; /*!< [0x0094] Timer PWM Synchronous Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t PWMSTRG; /*!< [0x0098] Timer PWM Synchronous Trigger Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PWMSTATUS; /*!< [0x009c] Timer PWM Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t PWMPBUF; /*!< [0x00a0] Timer PWM Period Buffer Register */
+ __I uint32_t PWMCMPBUF; /*!< [0x00a4] Timer PWM Comparator Buffer Register */
+ @addtogroup TIMER_CONST TIMER Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for TIMER Controller
+@{ */
+#define TIMER_CTL_PSC_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: PSC Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_PSC_Msk (0xfful << TIMER_CTL_PSC_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: PSC Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_INTRGEN_Pos (19) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTRGEN Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_INTRGEN_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_INTRGEN_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTRGEN Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_PERIOSEL_Pos (20) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: PERIOSEL Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_TGLPINSEL_Pos (21) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: TGLPINSEL Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_CAPSRC_Pos (22) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CAPSRC Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_CAPSRC_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_CAPSRC_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CAPSRC Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Pos (23) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKEN Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_EXTCNTEN_Pos (24) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: EXTCNTEN Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Pos (25) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ACTSTS Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ACTSTS Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos (27) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Msk (0x3ul << TIMER_CTL_OPMODE_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: OPMODE Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Pos (29) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTEN Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_INTEN_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: INTEN Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Pos (30) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CNTEN Position */
+#define TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: CNTEN Mask */
+#define TIMER_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos (31) /*!< TIMER_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Position */
+#define TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::CMP: CMPDAT Position */
+#define TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Msk (0xfffffful << TIMER_CMP_CMPDAT_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CMP: CMPDAT Mask */
+#define TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TIF Position */
+#define TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TIF Mask */
+#define TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TWKF Position */
+#define TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_INTSTS_TWKF_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::INTSTS: TWKF Mask */
+#define TIMER_CNT_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: CNT Position */
+#define TIMER_CNT_CNT_Msk (0xfffffful << TIMER_CNT_CNT_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: CNT Mask */
+#define TIMER_CNT_RSTACT_Pos (31) /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: RSTACT Position */
+#define TIMER_CNT_RSTACT_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_CNT_RSTACT_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CNT: RSTACT Mask */
+#define TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::CAP: CAPDAT Position */
+#define TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Msk (0xfffffful << TIMER_CAP_CAPDAT_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::CAP: CAPDAT Mask */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEN_Pos (3) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEN Position */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPIEN_Pos (5) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPIEN Position */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPDBEN_Pos (6) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPDBEN Position */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_CNTDBEN_Pos (7) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CNTDBEN Position */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_CAPEDGE_Pos (12) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: CAPEDGE Position */
+#define TIMER_EXTCTL_ECNTSSEL_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::EXTCTL: ECNTSSEL Position */
+#define TIMER_EINTSTS_CAPIF_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::EINTSTS: CAPIF Position */
+#define TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGSSEL_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::TRGCTL: TRGSSEL Position */
+#define TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGPWM_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::TRGCTL: TRGPWM Position */
+#define TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGADC_Pos (2) /*!< TIMER_T::TRGCTL: TRGADC Position */
+#define TIMER_TRGCTL_TRGPDMA_Pos (4) /*!< TIMER_T::TRGCTL: TRGPDMA Position */
+#define TIMER_ALTCTL_FUNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::ALTCTL: FUNCSEL Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTEN_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: CNTEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTTYPE_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: CNTTYPE Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_CNTMODE_Pos (3) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: CNTMODE Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_CTRLD_Pos (8) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: CTRLD Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_IMMLDEN_Pos (9) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: IMMLDEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_OUTMODE_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: OUTMODE Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCTL_DBGHALT_Pos (30) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCTL: DBGHALT Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCMPDAT_CMP_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCMPDAT: CMP Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMDTCTL_DTCNT_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMDTCTL: DTCNT Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMDTCTL_DTEN_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMDTCTL: DTEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCNT_CNT_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCNT: CNT Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCNT_CNT_Msk (0xfffful << TIMER_PWMCNT_CNT_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCNT: CNT Mask */
+#define TIMER_PWMCNT_DIRF_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCNT: DIRF Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMCNT_DIRF_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_PWMCNT_DIRF_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMCNT: DIRF Mask */
+#define TIMER_PWMMSKEN_MSKEN0_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMMSKEN: MSKEN0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMMSKEN_MSKEN1_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMMSKEN: MSKEN1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMMSK_MSKDAT0_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMMSK: MSKDAT0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMMSK_MSKDAT1_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMMSK: MSKDAT1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKNFEN_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMBNF: BRKNFEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKFCNT_Pos (4) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMBNF: BRKFCNT Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMBNF_BRKPINV_Pos (7) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMBNF: BRKPINV Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMBNF_BKPINSRC_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMBNF: BKPINSRC Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOLCTL_PINV0_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOLCTL: PINV0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOLCTL_PINV1_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOLCTL: PINV1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN0_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOEN: POEN0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN0_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN0_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOEN: POEN0 Mask */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN1_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOEN: POEN1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN1_Msk (0x1ul << TIMER_PWMPOEN_POEN1_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPOEN: POEN1 Mask */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTEN0_ZIEN_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTEN0: ZIEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTEN0_PIEN_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTEN0: PIEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS0_ZIF_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS0: ZIF Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS0_PIF_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS0: PIF Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKEIF0_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKEIF0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKEIF1_Pos (1) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKEIF1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKLIF0_Pos (8) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKLIF0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKLIF1_Pos (9) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKLIF1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKESTS0_Pos (16) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKESTS0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKESTS1_Pos (17) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKESTS1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKLSTS0_Pos (24) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKLSTS0 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMINTSTS1_BRKLSTS1_Pos (25) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMINTSTS1: BRKLSTS1 Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMADCTS_TRGEN_Pos (7) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMADCTS: TRGEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMSTRG_STRGEN_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMSTRG: STRGEN Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPBUF_PBUF_Pos (0) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPBUF: PBUF Position */
+#define TIMER_PWMPBUF_PBUF_Msk (0xfffful << TIMER_PWMPBUF_PBUF_Pos) /*!< TIMER_T::PWMPBUF: PBUF Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* TIMER_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of TIMER register group */
+/*---------------------- Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Controller(UART)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for UART Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var UART_T::DAT
+ * Offset: 0x00 UART Receive/Transmit Buffer Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |DAT |Data Receivinge/Transmit Buffer
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |By writing one byte to this register, the data byte will be stored in transmitter FIFO.
+ * | | |The UART Controller will send out the data stored in transmitter FIFO top location through the UART_TXD.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |By reading this register, the UART controller will return an 8-bit data received from receiver FIFO.
+ * |[8] |PARITY |Parity Bit Receive/Transmit Buffer
+ * | | |Write Operation:
+ * | | |By writing to this bit, the parity bit will be stored in transmitter FIFO.
+ * | | |If PBE (UART_LINE[3]) and PSS (UART_LINE[7]) are set, the UART controller will send out this bit follow the DAT (UART_DAT[7:0]) through the UART_TXD.
+ * | | |Read Operation:
+ * | | |If PBE (UART_LINE[3]) and PSS (UART_LINE[7]) are enabled, the parity bit can be read by this bit.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has effect only when PBE (UART_LINE[3]) and PSS (UART_LINE[7]) are set.
+ * @var UART_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x04 UART Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RDAIEN |Receive Data Available Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive data available interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive data available interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[1] |THREIEN |Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Transmit holding register empty interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit holding register empty interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[2] |RLSIEN |Receive Line Status Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive Line Status interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive Line Status interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |MODEMIEN |Modem Status Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Modem status interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Modem status interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[4] |RXTOIEN |RX Time-out Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = RX time-out interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RX time-out interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[5] |BUFERRIEN |Buffer Error Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Buffer error interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Buffer error interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[6] |WKIEN |Wake-up Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[8] |LINIEN |LIN Bus Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN bus interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN bus interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is used for LIN function mode.
+ * |[11] |TOCNTEN |Receive Buffer Time-out Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive Buffer Time-out counter Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive Buffer Time-out counter Enabled.
+ * |[12] |ATORTSEN |nRTS Auto-flow Control Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = nRTS auto-flow control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS auto-flow control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When nRTS auto-flow is enabled, if the number of bytes in the RX FIFO equals the RTSTRGLV (UART_FIFO[19:16]), the UART will de-assert nRTS signal.
+ * |[13] |ATOCTSEN |nCTS Auto-flow Control Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = nCTS auto-flow control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS auto-flow control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When nCTS auto-flow is enabled, the UART will send data to external device if nCTS input assert (UART will not send data to device until nCTS is asserted).
+ * |[14] |TXPDMAEN |TX PDMA Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit can enable or disable TX PDMA service.
+ * | | |0 = TX PDMA Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = TX PDMA Enabled.
+ * |[15] |RXPDMAEN |RX PDMA Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit can enable or disable RX PDMA service.
+ * | | |0 = RX PDMA Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RX PDMA Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If RLSIEN (UART_INTEN[2]) is enabled and HWRLSINT (UART_INTSTS[26]) is set to 1, the RLS (Receive Line Status) Interrupt is caused.
+ * | | |If RLS interrupt is caused by Break Error Flag BIF(UART_FIFOSTS[6]), Frame Error Flag FEF(UART_FIFO[5]) or Parity Error Flag PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]), UART PDMA receive request operation is stop.
+ * | | |Clear Break Error Flag BIF or Frame Error Flag FEF or Parity Error Flag PEF by writing 1 to corresponding BIF, FEF and PEF to make UART PDMA receive request operation continue.
+ * |[18] |ABRIEN |Auto-baud Rate Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[22] |TXENDIEN |Transmitter Empty Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |If TXENDIEN (UART_INTEN[22]) is enabled, the Transmitter Empty interrupt TXENDINT (UART_INTSTS[30]) will be generated when TXENDIF (UART_INTSTS[22]) is set (TX FIFO (UART_DAT) is empty and the STOP bit of the last byte has been transmitted).
+ * | | |0 = Transmitter empty interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitter empty interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var UART_T::FIFO
+ * Offset: 0x08 UART FIFO Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |RXRST |RX Field Software Reset
+ * | | |When RXRST (UART_FIFO[1]) is set, all the byte in the receiver FIFO and RX internal state machine are cleared.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the RX internal state machine and pointers.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit will automatically clear at least 3 UART peripheral clock cycles.
+ * | | |Note2: Before setting this bit, it should wait for the RXIDLE (UART_FIFOSTS[29]) be set.
+ * |[2] |TXRST |TX Field Software Reset
+ * | | |When TXRST (UART_FIFO[2]) is set, all the byte in the transmit FIFO and TX internal state machine are cleared.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the TX internal state machine and pointers.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit will automatically clear at least 3 UART peripheral clock cycles.
+ * | | |Note2: Before setting this bit, it should wait for the TXEMPTYF (UART_FIFOSTS[28]) be set.
+ * |[7:4] |RFITL |RX FIFO Interrupt Trigger Level
+ * | | |When the number of bytes in the receive FIFO equals the RFITL, the RDAIF (UART_INTSTS[0]) will be set (if RDAIEN (UART_INTEN [0]) enabled, and an interrupt will be generated).
+ * | | |0000 = RX FIFO Interrupt Trigger Level is 1 byte.
+ * | | |0001 = RX FIFO Interrupt Trigger Level is 4 bytes.
+ * | | |0010 = RX FIFO Interrupt Trigger Level is 8 bytes.
+ * | | |0011 = RX FIFO Interrupt Trigger Level is 14 bytes.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * |[8] |RXOFF |Receiver Disable Bit
+ * | | |The receiver is disabled or not (set 1 to disable receiver).
+ * | | |0 = Receiver Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receiver Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is used for RS-485 Normal Multi-drop mode.
+ * | | |It should be programmed before RS485NMM (UART_ALTCTL [8]) is programmed.
+ * |[19:16] |RTSTRGLV |nRTS Trigger Level for Auto-flow Control Use
+ * | | |0000 = nRTS Trigger Level is 1 byte.
+ * | | |0001 = nRTS Trigger Level is 4 bytes.
+ * | | |0010 = nRTS Trigger Level is 8 bytes.
+ * | | |0011 = nRTS Trigger Level is 14 bytes.
+ * | | |Others = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: This field is used for auto nRTS flow control.
+ * @var UART_T::LINE
+ * Offset: 0x0C UART Line Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |WLS |Word Length Selection
+ * | | |This field sets UART word length.
+ * | | |00 = 5 bits.
+ * | | |01 = 6 bits.
+ * | | |10 = 7 bits.
+ * | | |11 = 8 bits.
+ * |[2] |NSB |Number of STOP Bit
+ * | | |0 = One STOP bit is generated in the transmitted data.
+ * | | |1 = When select 5-bit word length, 1.5 STOP bit is generated in the transmitted data.
+ * | | |When select 6-, 7- and 8-bit word length, 2 STOP bit is generated in the transmitted data.
+ * |[3] |PBE |Parity Bit Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Parity bit generated Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Parity bit generated Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Parity bit is generated on each outgoing character and is checked on each incoming data.
+ * |[4] |EPE |Even Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Odd number of logic 1 is transmitted and checked in each word.
+ * | | |1 = Even number of logic 1 is transmitted and checked in each word.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has effect only when PBE (UART_LINE[3]) is set.
+ * |[5] |SPE |Stick Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Stick parity Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Stick parity Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: If PBE (UART_LINE[3]) and EPE (UART_LINE[4]) are logic 1, the parity bit is transmitted and checked as logic 0.
+ * | | |If PBE (UART_LINE[3]) is 1 and EPE (UART_LINE[4]) is 0 then the parity bit is transmitted and checked as 1.
+ * |[6] |BCB |Break Control Bit
+ * | | |0 = Break Control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Break Control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When this bit is set to logic 1, the transmitted serial data output (TX) is forced to the Spacing State (logic 0).
+ * | | |This bit acts only on TX line and has no effect on the transmitter logic.
+ * |[7] |PSS |Parity Bit Source Selection
+ * | | |The parity bit can be selected to be generated and checked automatically or by software.
+ * | | |0 = Parity bit is generated by EPE (UART_LINE[4]) and SPE (UART_LINE[5]) setting and checked automatically.
+ * | | |1 = Parity bit generated and checked by software.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit has effect only when PBE (UART_LINE[3]) is set.
+ * | | |Note2: If PSS is 0, the parity bit is transmitted and checked automatically.
+ * | | |If PSS is 1, the transmitted parity bit value can be determined by writing PARITY (UART_DAT[8]) and the parity bit can be read by reading PARITY (UART_DAT[8]).
+ * |[8] |TXDINV |TX Data Inverted
+ * | | |0 = Transmitted data signal inverted Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitted data signal inverted Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is valid when FUNCSEL (UART_FUNCSEL[1:0]) is select UART, LIN or RS485 function.
+ * |[9] |RXDINV |RX Data Inverted
+ * | | |0 = Received data signal inverted Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Received data signal inverted Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is valid when FUNCSEL (UART_FUNCSEL[1:0]) is select UART, LIN or RS485 function.
+ * @var UART_T::MODEM
+ * Offset: 0x10 UART Modem Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |RTS |nRTS (Request-to-send) Signal Control
+ * | | |This bit is direct control internal nRTS signal active or not, and then drive the nRTS pin output with RTSACTLV bit configuration.
+ * | | |0 = nRTS signal is active.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS signal is inactive.
+ * | | |Note1: This nRTS signal control bit is not effective when nRTS auto-flow control is enabled in UART function mode.
+ * | | |Note2: This nRTS signal control bit is not effective when RS-485 auto direction mode (AUD) is enabled in RS-485 function mode.
+ * |[9] |RTSACTLV |nRTS Pin Active Level
+ * | | |This bit defines the active level state of nRTS pin output.
+ * | | |0 = nRTS pin output is high level active.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS pin output is low level active. (Default)
+ * | | |Note3: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * |[13] |RTSSTS |nRTS Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit mirror from nRTS pin output of voltage logic status.
+ * | | |0 = nRTS pin output is low level voltage logic state.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS pin output is high level voltage logic state.
+ * Offset: 0x14 UART Modem Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CTSDETF |Detect nCTS State Change Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set whenever nCTS input has change state, and it will generate Modem interrupt to CPU when MODEMIEN (UART_INTEN [3]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = nCTS input has not change state.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS input has change state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[4] |CTSSTS |nCTS Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit mirror from nCTS pin input of voltage logic status.
+ * | | |0 = nCTS pin input is low level voltage logic state.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS pin input is high level voltage logic state.
+ * | | |Note: This bit echoes when UART controller peripheral clock is enabled, and nCTS multi-function port is selected.
+ * |[8] |CTSACTLV |nCTS Pin Active Level
+ * | | |This bit defines the active level state of nCTS pin input.
+ * | | |0 = nCTS pin input is high level active.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS pin input is low level active. (Default)
+ * | | |Note: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * @var UART_T::FIFOSTS
+ * Offset: 0x18 UART FIFO Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RXOVIF |RX Overflow Error Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set when RX FIFO overflow.
+ * | | |If the number of bytes of received data is greater than RX_FIFO (UART_DAT) size, 16 bytes, this bit will be set.
+ * | | |0 = RX FIFO is not overflow.
+ * | | |1 = RX FIFO is overflow.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[1] |ABRDIF |Auto-baud Rate Detect Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 when auto-baud rate detect function is finished.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate detect function is not finished.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate detect function is finished.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[2] |ABRDTOIF |Auto-baud Rate Detect Time-out Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 in Auto-baud Rate Detect mode when the baud rate counter is overflow.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate counter is underflow.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate counter is overflow.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[3] |ADDRDETF |RS-485 Address Byte Detect Flag
+ * | | |0 = Receiver detects a data that is not an address bit (bit 9 = 1).
+ * | | |1 = Receiver detects a data that is an address bit (bit 9 = 1).
+ * | | |Note1: This field is used for RS-485 function mode and ADDRDEN (UART_ALTCTL[15]) is set to 1 to enable Address detection mode.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[4] |PEF |Parity Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid parity bit.
+ * | | |0 = No parity error is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Parity error is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[5] |FEF |Framing Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid stop bit (that is, the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as logic 0).
+ * | | |0 = No framing error is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Framing error is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[6] |BIF |Break Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received data input (RX) is held in the spacing state (logic 0) for longer than a full word transmission time (that is, the total time of start bit + data bits + parity + stop bits).
+ * | | |0 = No Break interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Break interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[13:8] |RXPTR |RX FIFO Pointer (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the RX FIFO Buffer Pointer.
+ * | | |When UART receives one byte from external device, RXPTR increases one.
+ * | | |When one byte of RX FIFO is read by CPU, RXPTR decreases one.
+ * | | |The Maximum value shown in RXPTR is 15.
+ * | | |When the using level of RX FIFO Buffer equal to 16, the RXFULL bit is set to 1 and RXPTR will show 0.
+ * | | |As one byte of RX FIFO is read by CPU, the RXFULL bit is cleared to 0 and RXPTR will show 15.
+ * |[14] |RXEMPTY |Receiver FIFO Empty (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit initiate RX FIFO empty or not.
+ * | | |0 = RX FIFO is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = RX FIFO is empty.
+ * | | |Note: When the last byte of RX FIFO has been read by CPU, hardware sets this bit high.
+ * | | |It will be cleared when UART receives any new data.
+ * |[15] |RXFULL |Receiver FIFO Full (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit initiates RX FIFO full or not.
+ * | | |0 = RX FIFO is not full.
+ * | | |1 = RX FIFO is full.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is set when the number of usage in RX FIFO Buffer is equal to 16, otherwise it is cleared by hardware.
+ * |[21:16] |TXPTR |TX FIFO Pointer (Read Only)
+ * | | |This field indicates the TX FIFO Buffer Pointer.
+ * | | |When CPU writes one byte into UART_DAT, TXPTR increases one.
+ * | | |When one byte of TX FIFO is transferred to Transmitter Shift Register, TXPTR decreases one.
+ * | | |The Maximum value shown in TXPTR is 15
+ * | | |When the using level of TX FIFO Buffer equal to 16, the TXFULL bit is set to 1 and TXPTR will show 0.
+ * | | |As one byte of TX FIFO is transferred to Transmitter Shift Register, the TXFULL bit is cleared to 0 and TXPTR will show 15.
+ * |[22] |TXEMPTY |Transmitter FIFO Empty (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates TX FIFO empty or not.
+ * | | |0 = TX FIFO is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = TX FIFO is empty.
+ * | | |Note: When the last byte of TX FIFO has been transferred to Transmitter Shift Register, hardware sets this bit high.
+ * | | |It will be cleared when writing data into UART_DAT (TX FIFO not empty).
+ * |[23] |TXFULL |Transmitter FIFO Full (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates TX FIFO full or not.
+ * | | |0 = TX FIFO is not full.
+ * | | |1 = TX FIFO is full.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is set when the number of usage in TX FIFO Buffer is equal to 16, otherwise it is cleared by hardware.
+ * |[24] |TXOVIF |TX Overflow Error Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |If TX FIFO (UART_DAT) is full, an additional write to UART_DAT will cause this bit to logic 1.
+ * | | |0 = TX FIFO is not overflow.
+ * | | |1 = TX FIFO is overflow.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[28] |TXEMPTYF |Transmitter Empty Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when TX FIFO (UART_DAT) is empty and the STOP bit of the last byte has been transmitted.
+ * | | |0 = TX FIFO is not empty or the STOP bit of the last byte has been not transmitted.
+ * | | |1 = TX FIFO is empty and the STOP bit of the last byte has been transmitted.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared automatically when TX FIFO is not empty or the last byte transmission has not completed.
+ * |[29] |RXIDLE |RX Idle Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when RX is idle.
+ * | | |0 = RX is busy.
+ * | | |1 = RX is idle. (Default)
+ * |[31] |TXRXACT |TX and RX Active Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates TX and RX are active or inactive.
+ * | | |0 = TX and RX are inactive.
+ * | | |1 = TX and RX are active. (Default)
+ * | | |Note: When TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) is set and both TX and RX are in idle state, this bit is cleared.
+ * | | |The UART controller can not transmit or receive data at this moment. Otherwise this bit is set.
+ * @var UART_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x1C UART Interrupt Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RDAIF |Receive Data Available Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |When the number of bytes in the RX FIFO equals the RFITL then the RDAIF(UART_INTSTS[0]) will be set.
+ * | | |If RDAIEN (UART_INTEN [0]) is enabled, the RDA interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No RDA interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RDA interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and it will be cleared when the number of unread bytes of RX FIFO drops below the threshold level (RFITL(UART_FIFO[7:4]).
+ * |[1] |THREIF |Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the last data of TX FIFO is transferred to Transmitter Shift Register.
+ * | | |If THREIEN (UART_INTEN[1]) is enabled, the THRE interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No THRE interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = THRE interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and it will be cleared when writing data into UART_DAT (TX FIFO not empty).
+ * |[2] |RLSIF |Receive Line Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the RX receive data have parity error, frame error or break error (at least one of 3 bits, BIF(UART_FIFOSTS[6]), FEF(UART_FIFOSTS[5]) and PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]), is set).
+ * | | |If RLSIEN (UART_INTEN [2]) is enabled, the RLS interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No RLS interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RLS interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note1: In RS-485 function mode, this field is set include receiver detect and received address byte character (bit9 = 1) bit.
+ * | | |At the same time, the bit of ADDRDETF (UART_FIFOSTS[3]) is also set.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is read only and reset to 0 when all bits of BIF (UART_FIFOSTS[6]), FEF(UART_FIFOSTS[5]) and PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]) are cleared.
+ * | | |Note3: In RS-485 function mode, this bit is read only and reset to 0 when all bits of BIF (UART_FIFOSTS[6]) , FEF(UART_FIFOSTS[5]), and PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]) and ADDRDETF (UART_FIFOSTS[3]) are cleared.
+ * |[3] |MODEMIF |MODEM Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the nCTS pin has state change (CTSDETF (UART_MODEMSTS[0]) = 1)
+ * | | |If MODEMIEN (UART_INTEN [3]) is enabled, the Modem interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No Modem interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Modem interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and reset to 0 when bit CTSDETF is cleared by a write 1 on CTSDETF(UART_MODEMSTS[0]).
+ * |[4] |RXTOIF |RX Time-out Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the RX FIFO is not empty and no activities occurred in the RX FIFO and the time-out counter equal to TOIC (UART_TOUT[7:0])
+ * | | |If RXTOIENTOUTIEN (UART_INTEN [4]) is enabled, the Tout RX time-out interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No RX time-outTime-out interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RX time-outTime-out interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and user can read UART_DAT (RX is in active) to clear it.
+ * |[5] |BUFERRIF |Buffer Error Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the TX FIFO or RX FIFO overflows (TXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS[24]) or RXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS[0]) is set)
+ * | | |When BUFERRIF (UART_INTSTS[5]) is set, the transfer is not correct.
+ * | | |If BUFERRIEN (UART_INTEN [5]) is enabled, the buffer error interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No buffer error interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Buffer error interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared if both of RXOVIF(UART_FIFOSTS[0]) and TXOVIF(UART_FIFOSTS[24]) are cleared to 0 by writing 1 to RXOVIF(UART_FIFOSTS[0]) and TXOVIF(UART_FIFOSTS[24]).
+ * |[6] |WKIF |UART Wake-up Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when TOUTWKF (UART_WKSTS[4]), RS485WKF (UART_WKSTS[3]), RFRTWKF (UART_WKSTS[2]), DATWKIF (UART_WKSTS[1]) or CTSWKIF(UART_IWKSTS[0]) is set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No UART wake-up interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = UART wake-up interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared if all of TOUTWKF, RS485WKF, RFRTWKF, DATWKF and CTSWKF are cleared to 0 by writing 1 to the corresponding interrupt flag.
+ * |[7] |LINIF |LIN Bus Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when LIN slave header detect (SLVHDETF (UART_LINSTS[0] =1)), LIN break detect (BRKDETF(UART_LINSTS[98]=1)), bit error detect (BITEF(UART_LINSTS[9]=1)), LIN slave ID parity error (SLVIDPEF(UART_LINSTS[2] = 1)) or LIN slave header error detect (SLVHEF (UART_LINSTS[1] =1 ))
+ * | | |If LINIEN (UART_INTEN [8]) is enabled the LIN interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = None of SLVHDETF, BRKDETF, BITEF, SLVIDPEF and SLVHEF is generated.
+ * | | |1 = At least one of SLVHDETF, BRKDETF, BITEF, SLVIDPEF and SLVHEF is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared when SLVHDETF(UART_LINSTS[0]), BRKDETF(UART_LINSTS[8]), BITEF(UART_LINSTS[9]), SLVIDPEF (UART_LINSTS[2]) and SLVHEF(UART_LINSTS[1]) all are cleared and software writing 1 to LINIF(UART_INTSTS[7]).
+ * |[8] |RDAINT |Receive Data Available Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if RDAIEN (UART_INTEN[0]) and RDAIF (UART_INTSTS[0]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No RDA interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RDA interrupt is generated.
+ * |[9] |THREINT |Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if THREIEN (UART_INTEN[1]) and THREIF(UART_INTSTS[1]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No DATETHRE interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = THREDATE interrupt is generated.
+ * |[10] |RLSINT |Receive Line Status Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if RLSIEN (UART_INTEN[2]) and RLSIF(UART_INTSTS[2]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No RLS interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RLS interrupt is generated.
+ * |[11] |MODEMINT |MODEM Status Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if MODEMIEN(UART_INTEN[3]) and MODEMIF(UART_INTSTS[3]) are both set to 1
+ * | | |0 = No Modem interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Modem interrupt is generated..
+ * |[12] |RXTOINT |TRX Time-out Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if RXTOIEN (UART_INTEN[4]) and RXTOIF(UART_INTSTS[4]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No RX time-out interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = RX time-out interrupt is generated.
+ * |[13] |BUFERRINT |Buffer Error Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if BUFERRIEN(UART_INTEN[5]) and BUFERRIF(UART_INTSTS[5]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No buffer error interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Buffer error interrupt is generated.
+ * |[14] |WKINT |UART Wake-up Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if WKIEN (UART_INTEN[6]) and WKIF (UART_INTSTS[6]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No UART wake-up interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = UART wake-up interrupt is generated.
+ * |[15] |LININT |LIN Bus Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if LINIEN (UART_INTEN[8]) and LINIF(UART_INTSTS[7]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No LIN Bus interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = The LIN Bus interrupt is generated.
+ * |[18] |HWRLSIF |PDMA Mode Receive Line Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the RX receive data have parity error, frame error or break error (at least one of 3 bits, BIF (UART_FIFOSTS[6]), FEF (UART_FIFOSTS[5]) and PEF (UART_FIFOSTS[4]) is set).
+ * | | |If RLSIEN (UART_INTEN [2]) is enabled, the RLS interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No RLS interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = RLS interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |Note1: In RS-485 function mode, this field include receiver detect any address byte received address byte character (bit9 = 1) bit.
+ * | | |Note2: In UART function mode, this bit is read only and reset to 0 when all bits of BIF(UART_FIFOSTS[6]) , FEF(UART_FIFOSTS[5]) and PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]) are cleared.
+ * | | |Note3: In RS-485 function mode, this bit is read only and reset to 0 when all bits of BIF(UART_FIFOSTS[6]) , FEF(UART_FIFOSTS[5]), and PEF(UART_FIFOSTS[4]) and ADDRDETF (UART_FIFOSTS[3]) are cleared.
+ * |[19] |HWMODIF |PDMA Mode MODEM Status Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the nCTS pin has state change (CTSDETF (UART_MODEMSTS[0] =1)).
+ * | | |If MODEMIEN (UART_INTEN [3]) is enabled, the Modem interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No Modem statusinterrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = Modem status interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and reset to 0 when the bit CTSDETF (UART_MODEMSTS[0]) is cleared by writing 1 on CTSDETF (UART_MODEMSTS[0]).
+ * |[20] |HWTOIF |PDMA Mode RX Time-out Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the RX FIFO is not empty and no activities occurred in the RX FIFO and the time-out counter equal to TOIC (UART_TOUT[7:0]).
+ * | | |If RXTOIEN (UART_INTEN [4]) is enabled, the Tout RX time-out interrupt will be generated .
+ * | | |0 = No RX time-out interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = RX time-out interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only and user can read UART_DAT (RX is in active) to clear it.
+ * |[21] |HWBUFEIF |PDMA Mode Buffer Error Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when the TX or RX FIFO overflows (TXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS [24]) or RXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS[0]) is set). When BUFERRIF (UART_INTSTS[5]) is set, the transfer maybe is not correct.
+ * | | |If BUFERRIEN (UART_INTEN [5]) is enabled, the buffer error interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No buffer error interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = Buffer error interrupt flag is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared when both TXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS[24]]) and RXOVIF (UART_FIFOSTS[0]) are cleared.
+ * |[22] |TXENDIF |Transmitter Empty Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when TX FIFO (UART_DAT) is empty and the STOP bit of the last byte has been transmitted (TXEMPTYF (UART_FIFOSTS[28]) is set).
+ * | | |If TXENDIEN (UART_INTEN[22]) is enabled, the Transmitter Empty interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No transmitter empty interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitter empty interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared automatically when TX FIFO is not empty or the last byte transmission has not completed.
+ * |[26] |HWRLSINT |PDMA Mode Receive Line Status Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if RLSIEN (UART_INTEN[2]) and HWRLSIF(UART_INTSTS[18]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No RLS interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = RLS interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * |[27] |HWMODINT |PDMA Mode MODEM Status Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if MODEMIEN (UART_INTEN[3]) and HWMODIF(UART_INTSTS[19]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No Modem interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = Modem interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * |[28] |HWTOINT |PDMA Mode RX Time-out Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if RXTOIEN (UART_INTEN[4]) and HWTOIF(UART_INTSTS[20]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No RX time-out interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = RX time-out interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * |[29] |HWBUFEINT |PDMA Mode Buffer Error Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if BUFERRIEN (UART_INTEN[5]) and HWBUFEIF (UART_INTSTS[21]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No buffer error interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * | | |1 = Buffer error interrupt is generated in PDMA mode.
+ * |[30] |TXENDINT |Transmitter Empty Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if TXENDIEN (UART_INTEN[22]) and TXENDIF(UART_INTSTS[22]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No Transmitter Empty interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Transmitter Empty interrupt is generated.
+ * |[31] |ABRINT |Auto-baud Rate Interrupt Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set if ABRIEN (UART_INTEN[18]) and ABRIF (UART_ALTCTL[17]) are both set to 1.
+ * | | |0 = No Auto-baud Rate interrupt is generated.
+ * | | |1 = The Auto-baud Rate interrupt is generated.
+ * @var UART_T::TOUT
+ * Offset: 0x20 UART Time-out Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7:0] |TOIC |Time-out Interrupt Comparator
+ * | | |The time-out counter resets and starts counting (the counting clock = baud rate) whenever the RX FIFO receives a new data word if time out counter is enabled by setting TOCNTEN (UART_INTEN[11]).
+ * | | |Once the content of time-out counter is equal to that of time-out interrupt comparator (TOIC (UART_TOUT[7:0])), a receiver time-out interrupt (RXTOINT(UART_INTSTS[12])) is generated if RXTOIEN (UART_INTEN [4]) enabled.
+ * | | |A new incoming data word or RX FIFO empty will clear RXTOIF (UART_INTSTS[4]).
+ * | | |In order to avoid receiver time-out interrupt generation immediately during one character is being received, TOIC value should be set between 40 and 255.
+ * | | |So, for example, if TOIC is set with 40, the time-out interrupt is generated after four characters are not received when 1 stop bit and no parity check is set for UART transfer.
+ * |[15:8] |DLY |TX Delay Time Value
+ * | | |This field is used to programming the transfer delay time between the last stop bit and next start bit.
+ * | | |The unit is bit time.
+ * @var UART_T::BAUD
+ * Offset: 0x24 UART Baud Rate Divider Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |BRD |Baud Rate Divider
+ * | | |The field indicates the baud rate divider. This filed is used in baud rate calculation.
+ * |[27:24] |EDIVM1 |Extra Divider for BAUD Rate Mode 1
+ * | | |This field is used for baud rate calculation in mode 1 and has no effect for baud rate calculation in mode 0 and mode 2.
+ * |[28] |BAUDM0 |BAUD Rate Mode Selection Bit 0
+ * | | |This bit is baud rate mode selection bit 0.
+ * | | |UART provides three baud rate calculation modes.
+ * | | |This bit combines with BAUDM1 (UART_BAUD[29]) to select baud rate calculation mode.
+ * |[29] |BAUDM1 |BAUD Rate Mode Selection Bit 1
+ * | | |This bit is baud rate mode selection bit 1.
+ * | | |UART provides three baud rate calculation modes.
+ * | | |This bit combines with BAUDM0 (UART_BAUD[28]) to select baud rate calculation mode.
+ * | | |Note: In IrDA mode must be operated in mode 0.
+ * @var UART_T::IRDA
+ * Offset: 0x28 UART IrDA Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TXEN |IrDA Receiver/Transmitter Selection Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = IrDA Transmitter Disabled and Receiver Enabled. (Default)
+ * | | |1 = IrDA Transmitter Enabled and Receiver Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: In IrDA mode, the BAUDM1 (UART_BAUD [29]) register must be disabled, the baud equation must be Clock / (16 * (BRD + 2)).
+ * |[5] |TXINV |IrDA Inverse Transmitting Output Signal
+ * | | |0 = None inverse transmitting signal. (Default).
+ * | | |1 = Inverse transmitting output signal.
+ * | | |Note1: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is valid when FUNCSEL (UART_FUNCSEL[1:0]) is select IrDA function.
+ * |[6] |RXINV |IrDA Inverse Receive Input Signal
+ * | | |0 = None inverse receiving input signal.
+ * | | |1 = Inverse receiving input signal. (Default)
+ * | | |Note1: Before setting this bit, TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) should be set then waited for TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * | | |When the configuration is done, cleared TXRXDIS (UART_FUNCSEL[3]) to activate UART controller.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is valid when FUNCSEL (UART_FUNCSEL[1:0]) is select IrDA function.
+ * @var UART_T::ALTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x2C UART Alternate Control/Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |BRKFL |UART LIN Break Field Length
+ * | | |This field indicates a 4-bit LIN TX break field count.
+ * | | |Note1: This break field length is BRKFL + 1.
+ * | | |Note2: According to LIN spec, the reset value is 0xC (break field length = 13).
+ * |[6] |LINRXEN |LIN RX Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN RX mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN RX mode Enabled.
+ * |[7] |LINTXEN |LIN TX Break Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN TX Break mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN TX Break mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When TX break field transfer operation finished, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * |[8] |RS485NMM |RS-485 Normal Multi-drop Operation Mode (NMM)
+ * | | |0 = RS-485 Normal Multi-drop Operation mode (NMM) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RS-485 Normal Multi-drop Operation mode (NMM) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: It cannot be active with RS-485_AAD operation mode.
+ * |[9] |RS485AAD |RS-485 Auto Address Detection Operation Mode (AAD)
+ * | | |0 = RS-485 Auto Address Detection Operation mode (AAD) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RS-485 Auto Address Detection Operation mode (AAD) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: It cannot be active with RS-485_NMM operation mode.
+ * |[10] |RS485AUD |RS-485 Auto Direction Function (AUD)
+ * | | |0 = RS-485 Auto Direction Operation function (AUD) Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RS-485 Auto Direction Operation function (AUD) Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: It can be active with RS-485_AAD or RS-485_NMM operation mode.
+ * |[15] |ADDRDEN |RS-485 Address Detection Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit is used to enable RS-485 Address Detection mode.
+ * | | |0 = Address detection mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Address detection mode Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is used for RS-485 any operation mode.
+ * |[17] |ABRIF |Auto-baud Rate Interrupt Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is set when auto-baud rate detection function finished or the auto-baud rate counter was overflow and if ABRIEN(UART_INTEN [18]) is set then the auto-baud rate interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = No auto-baud rate interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate interrupt flag is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to ABRDTOIF (UART_FIFOSTS[2]) and ABRDIF(UART_FIFOSTS[1]).
+ * |[18] |ABRDEN |Auto-baud Rate Detect Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate detect function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate detect function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note : This bit is cleared automatically after auto-baud detection is finished.
+ * |[20:19] |ABRDBITS |Auto-baud Rate Detect Bit Length
+ * | | |00 = 1-bit time from Start bit to the 1st rising edge. The input pattern shall be 0x01.
+ * | | |01 = 2-bit time from Start bit to the 1st rising edge. The input pattern shall be 0x02.
+ * | | |10 = 4-bit time from Start bit to the 1st rising edge. The input pattern shall be 0x08.
+ * | | |11 = 8-bit time from Start bit to the 1st rising edge. The input pattern shall be 0x80.
+ * | | |Note : The calculation of bit number includes the START bit.
+ * |[31:24] |ADDRMV |Address Match Value
+ * | | |This field contains the RS-485 address match values.
+ * | | |Note: This field is used for RS-485 auto address detection mode.
+ * @var UART_T::FUNCSEL
+ * Offset: 0x30 UART Function Select Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |FUNCSEL |Function Select
+ * | | |00 = UART function.
+ * | | |01 = LIN function.
+ * | | |10 = IrDA function.
+ * | | |11 = RS-485 function.
+ * |[3] |TXRXDIS |TX and RX Disable Bit
+ * | | |Setting this bit can disable TX and RX.
+ * | | |0 = TX and RX Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = TX and RX Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: The TX and RX will not disable immediately when this bit is set.
+ * | | |The TX and RX compelet current task before disable TX and RX.
+ * | | |When TX and RX disable, the TXRXACT (UART_FIFOSTS[31]) is cleared.
+ * @var UART_T::LINCTL
+ * Offset: 0x34 UART LIN Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SLVEN |LIN Slave Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN slave mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN slave mode Enabled.
+ * |[1] |SLVHDEN |LIN Slave Header Detection Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN slave header detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN slave header detection Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit only valid when in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL[0]) = 1).
+ * | | |Note2: In LIN function mode, when detect header field (break + sync + frame ID), SLVHDETF (UART_LINSTS [0]) flag will be asserted.
+ * | | |If the LINIEN (UART_INTEN[8]) = 1, an interrupt will be generated.
+ * |[2] |SLVAREN |LIN Slave Automatic Resynchronization Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN automatic resynchronization Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN automatic resynchronization Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit only valid when in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL[0]) = 1).
+ * | | |Note2: When operation in Automatic Resynchronization mode, the baud rate setting must be mode2 (BAUDM1 (UART_BAUD [29]) and BAUDM0 (UART_BAUD [28]) must be 1).
+ * |[3] |SLVDUEN |LIN Slave Divider Update Method Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = UART_BAUD updated is written by software (if no automatic resynchronization update occurs at the same time).
+ * | | |1 = UART_BAUD is updated at the next received character
+ * | | |User must set the bit before checksum reception.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit only valid when in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL[0]) = 1).
+ * | | |Note2: This bit used for LIN Slave Automatic Resynchronization mode.
+ * | | |(for Non-Automatic Resynchronization mode, this bit should be kept cleared).
+ * |[4] |MUTE |LIN Mute Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN mute mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN mute mode Enabled.
+ * |[8] |SENDH |LIN TX Send Header Enable Bit
+ * | | |The LIN TX header can be "break field" or "break and sync field" or "break, sync and frame ID field", it is depend on setting HSEL (UART_LINCTL[23:22]).
+ * | | |0 = Send LIN TX header Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Send LIN TX header Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: These registers are This bit is shadow registers bit of LINTXEN (UART_ALTCTL [7]); user can read/write it by setting LINTXEN (UART_ALTCTL [7]) or SENDH (UART_LINCTL [8]).
+ * | | |Note2: When transmitter header field (it may be "break" or "break + sync" or "break + sync + frame ID" selected by HSEL (UART_LINCTL[23:22]) field) transfer operation finished, this bit will be cleared automatically.
+ * |[9] |IDPEN |LIN ID Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = LIN frame ID parity Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN frame ID parity Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be used for LIN master to sending header field (SENDH (UART_LINCTL[8])) = 1 and HSEL (UART_LINCTL[23:22]) = 10) or be used for enable LIN slave received frame ID parity checked.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only used when the operation header transmitter is in HSEL (UART_LINCTL[23:22]) = 10.
+ * |[10] |BRKDETEN |LIN Break Detection Enable Bit
+ * | | |When detect consecutive dominant greater than 11 bits, and are followed by a delimiter character, the BRKDETF (UART_LINSTS[8]) flag is set in UART_LINSTS register at the end of break field.
+ * | | |If the LINIEN (UART_INTEN [8])=1, an interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = LIN break detection Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN break detection Enabled.
+ * |[11] |LINRXOFF |LIN Receiver Disable Bit
+ * | | |If the receiver is enabled (LINRXOFF (UART_LINCTL[11]) = 0), all received byte data will be accepted and stored in the RX FIFO, and if the receiver is disabled (LINRXOFF (UART_LINCTL[11] = 1), all received byte data will be ignore.
+ * | | |0 = LIN receiver Enabled.
+ * | | |1 = LIN receiver Disabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is only valid when operating in LIN function mode (FUNCSEL (UART_FUNCSEL[1:0]) = 01).
+ * |[12] |BITERREN |Bit Error Detect Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Bit error detection function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Bit error detection function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: In LIN function mode, when occur bit error, the BITEF (UART_LINSTS[9]) flag will be asserted.
+ * | | |If the LINIEN (UART_INTEN[8]) = 1, an interrupt will be generated.
+ * |[19:16] |BRKFL |LIN Break Field Length
+ * | | |This field indicates a 4-bit LIN TX break field count.
+ * | | |Note1: These registers are shadow registers of BRKFL (UART_ALTCTL[3:0]), User can read/write it by setting BRKFL (UART_ALTCTL[3:0]) or BRKFL (UART_LINCTL[19:16]).
+ * | | |Note2: This break field length is BRKFL + 1.
+ * | | |Note3: According to LIN spec, the reset value is 12 (break field length = 13).
+ * |[21:20] |BSL |LIN Break/Sync Delimiter Length
+ * | | |00 = The LIN break/sync delimiter length is 1-bit time.
+ * | | |01 = The LIN break/sync delimiter length is 2-bit time.
+ * | | |10 = The LIN break/sync delimiter length is 3-bit time.
+ * | | |11 = The LIN break/sync delimiter length is 4-bit time.
+ * | | |Note: This bit used for LIN master to sending header field.
+ * |[23:22] |HSEL |LIN Header Select
+ * | | |00 = The LIN header includes break field.
+ * | | |01 = The LIN header includes break field and sync field.
+ * | | |10 = The LIN header includes break field, ync field and frame ID field.
+ * | | |11 = Reserved.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is used to master mode for LIN to send header field (SENDH (UART_LINCTL [8]) = 1) or used to slave to indicates exit from mute mode condition (MUTE (UART_LINCTL[4] = 1).
+ * |[31:24] |PID |LIN PID Bits
+ * | | |This field contains the LIN frame ID value when in LIN function mode, the frame ID parity can be generated by software or hardware depends on IDPEN (UART_LINCTL[9]) = 1.
+ * | | |If the parity generated by hardware, user fill ID0~ID5 , (PID [29:24] ), hardware will calculate P0 (PID[30]) and P1 (PID[31]), otherwise user must filled frame ID and parity in this field.
+ * | | |Note1: User can fill any 8-bit value to this field and the bit 24 indicates ID0 (LSB first).
+ * | | |Note2: This field can be used for LIN master mode or slave mode.
+ * @var UART_T::LINSTS
+ * Offset: 0x38 UART LIN Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SLVHDETF |LIN Slave Header Detection Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a LIN header is detected in LIN slave mode and be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |0 = LIN header not detected.
+ * | | |1 = LIN header detected (break + sync + frame ID).
+ * | | |Note1: This bitcan be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only valid when in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL [0]) = 1) and enable LIN slave header detection function (SLVHDEN (UART_LINCTL [1])).
+ * | | |Note3: When enable ID parity check IDPEN (UART_LINCTL [9]), if hardware detect complete header (u201Cbreak + sync + frame IDu201D), the SLVHDETF will be set whether the frame ID correct or not.
+ * |[1] |SLVHEF |LIN Slave Header Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a LIN header error is detected in LIN slave mode and be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |The header errors include "break delimiter is too short (less than 0.5 bit time)", "frame error in sync field or Identifier fieldu", "sync field data is not 0x55 in Non-Automatic Resynchronization modeu", "sync field deviation error with Automatic Resynchronization modeu", "sync field measure time-out with Automatic Resynchronization mode" and "LIN header reception time-out".
+ * | | |0 = LIN header error not detected.
+ * | | |1 = LIN header error detected.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only valid when UART is operated in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL [0]) = 1) and enables LIN slave header detection function (SLVHDEN (UART_LINCTL [1])).
+ * |[2] |SLVIDPEF |LIN Slave ID Parity Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when receipted frame ID parity is not correct.
+ * | | |0 = No active.
+ * | | |1 = Receipted frame ID parity is not correct.
+ * | | |Note1: This can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only valid when in LIN slave mode (SLVEN (UART_LINCTL [0])= 1) and enable LIN frame ID parity check function IDPEN (UART_LINCTL [9]).
+ * |[3] |SLVSYNCF |LIN Slave Sync Field
+ * | | |This bit indicates that the LIN sync field is being analyzed in Automatic Resynchronization mode.
+ * | | |When the receiver header have some error been detect, user must reset the internal circuit to re-search new frame header by writing 1 to this bit.
+ * | | |0 = The current character is not at LIN sync state.
+ * | | |1 = The current character is at LIN sync state.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is only valid when in LIN Slave mode (SLVEN(UART_LINCTL[0]) = 1).
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note3: When writing 1 to it, hardware will reload the initial baud rate and re-search a new frame header.
+ * |[8] |BRKDETF |LIN Break Detection Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set by hardware when a break is detected and be cleared by writing 1 to it through software.
+ * | | |0 = LIN break not detected.
+ * | | |1 = LIN break detected.
+ * | | |Note1: This bitcan be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only valid when LIN break detection function is enabled (BRKDETEN (UART_LINCTL[10]) =1).
+ * |[9] |BITEF |Bit Error Detect Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |At TX transfer state, hardware will monitoring the bus state, if the input pin (UART_RXD) state not equals to the output pin (UART_TXD) state, BITEF (UART_LINSTS[9]) will be set.
+ * | | |When occur bit error, if the LINIEN (UART_INTEN[8]) = 1, an interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |0 = Bit error not detected.
+ * | | |1 = Bit error detected.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is only valid when enable bit error detection function (BITERREN (UART_LINCTL [12]) = 1).
+ * @var UART_T::BRCOMP
+ * Offset: 0x3C UART Baud Rate Compensation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:0] |BRCOMP |Baud Rate Compensation Patten
+ * | | |These 9-bits are used to define the relative bit is compensated or not.
+ * | | |BRCOMP[7:0] is used to define the compensation of UART_DAT[7:0] and BRCOMP[8] is used to define the parity bit.
+ * |[31] |BRCOMPDEC |Baud Rate Compensation Decrease
+ * | | |0 = Positive (increase one module clock) compensation for each compensated bit.
+ * | | |1 = Negative (decrease one module clock) compensation for each compensated bit.
+ * @var UART_T::WKCTL
+ * Offset: 0x40 UART Wake-up Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKCTSEN |nCTS Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = nCTS Wake-up system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS Wake-up system function Enabled, when the system is in Power-down mode, an external nCTS change will wake-up system from Power-down mode.
+ * |[1] |WKDATEN |Incoming Data Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Incoming data wake-up system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Incoming data wake-up system function Enabled, when the system is in Power-down mode, incoming data will wake-up system from Power-down mode.
+ * |[2] |WKRFRTEN |Received Data FIFO Reached Threshold Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Received Data FIFO reached threshold wake-up system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Received Data FIFO reached threshold wake-up system function Enabled, when the system is .
+ * | | |in Power-down mode, Received Data FIFO reached threshold will wake-up system from Power-down mode.
+ * |[3] |WKRS485EN |RS-485 Address Match (AAD Mode) Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up system function Enabled, when the system is in Power-down mode, RS-485 Address Match will wake-up system from Power-down mode.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is used for RS-485 Auto Address Detection (AAD) mode in RS-485 function mode and ADDRDEN (UART_ALTCTL[15]) is set to 1.
+ * |[4] |WKTOUTEN |Received Data FIFO Reached Threshold Time-out Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Received Data FIFO reached threshold time-out wake-up system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Received Data FIFO reached threshold time-out wake-up system function Enabled, when the system is in Power-down mode, Received Data FIFO reached threshold time-out will wake-up system from Power-down mode.
+ * | | |Note: It is suggest the function is enabled when the WKRFRTEN (UART_WKCTL[2]) is set to 1.
+ * @var UART_T::WKSTS
+ * Offset: 0x44 UART Wake-up Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CTSWKF |nCTS Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set if chip wake-up from power-down state by nCTS wake-up.
+ * | | |0 = Chip stays in power-down state.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from power-down state by nCTS wake-up.
+ * | | |Note1: If WKCTSEN (UART_WKCTL[0]) is enabled, the nCTS wake-up cause this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[1] |DATWKF |Incoming Data Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set if chip wake-up from power-down state by data wake-up.
+ * | | |0 = Chip stays in power-down state.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from power-down state by Incoming Data wake-up.
+ * | | |Note1: If WKDATEN (UART_WKCTL[1]) is enabled, the Incoming Data wake-up cause this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[2] |RFRTWKF |Received Data FIFO Reached Threshold Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set if chip wake-up from power-down state by Received Data FIFO reached threshold wake-up.
+ * | | |0 = Chip stays in power-down state.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from power-down state by Received Data FIFO Reached Threshold wake-up.
+ * | | |Note1: If WKRFRTEN (UART_WKCTL[2]) is enabled, the Received Data FIFO Reached Threshold wake-up cause this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[3] |RS485WKF |RS-485 Address Match (AAD Mode) Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set if chip wake-up from power-down state by RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode).
+ * | | |0 = Chip stays in power-down state.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from power-down state by RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up.
+ * | | |Note1: If WKRS485EN (UART_WKCTL[3]) is enabled, the RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up cause this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[4] |TOUTWKF |Received Data FIFO Threshold Time-out Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set if chip wake-up from power-down state by Received Data FIFO Threshold Time-out wake-up.
+ * | | |0 = Chip stays in power-down state.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from power-down state by Received Data FIFO reached threshold time-out wake-up.
+ * | | |Note1: If WKTOUTEN (UART_WKCTL[4]) is enabled, the Received Data FIFO reached threshold time-out wake-up cause this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * @var UART_T::DWKCOMP
+ * Offset: 0x48 UART Imcoming Data Wake-up Compensation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |STCOMP |Start Bit Compensation Value
+ * | | |These bits field indicate how many clock cycle selected by UART_CLK do the UART controller can get the 1st bit (start bit) when the device is wake-up from power-down mode.
+ * | | |Note: It is valid only when WKDATEN (UART_WKCTL[1]) is set.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t DAT; /*!< [0x0000] UART Receive/Transmit Buffer Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0004] UART Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FIFO; /*!< [0x0008] UART FIFO Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LINE; /*!< [0x000c] UART Line Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MODEM; /*!< [0x0010] UART Modem Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MODEMSTS; /*!< [0x0014] UART Modem Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FIFOSTS; /*!< [0x0018] UART FIFO Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x001c] UART Interrupt Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TOUT; /*!< [0x0020] UART Time-out Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BAUD; /*!< [0x0024] UART Baud Rate Divider Register */
+ __IO uint32_t IRDA; /*!< [0x0028] UART IrDA Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ALTCTL; /*!< [0x002c] UART Alternate Control/Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FUNCSEL; /*!< [0x0030] UART Function Select Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LINCTL; /*!< [0x0034] UART LIN Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LINSTS; /*!< [0x0038] UART LIN Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BRCOMP; /*!< [0x003c] UART Baud Rate Compensation Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x0040] UART Wake-up Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0044] UART Wake-up Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t DWKCOMP; /*!< [0x0048] UART Imcoming Data Wake-up Compensation Register */
+} UART_T;
+ @addtogroup UART_CONST UART Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for UART Controller
+@{ */
+#define UART_DAT_DAT_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::DAT: DAT Position */
+#define UART_DAT_DAT_Msk (0xfful << UART_DAT_DAT_Pos) /*!< UART_T::DAT: DAT Mask */
+#define UART_DAT_PARITY_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::DAT: PARITY Position */
+#define UART_DAT_PARITY_Msk (0x1ul << UART_DAT_PARITY_Pos) /*!< UART_T::DAT: PARITY Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RDAIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RDAIEN Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_THREIEN_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: THREIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RLSIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RLSIEN Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_MODEMIEN_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: MODEMIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RXTOIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_BUFERRIEN_Pos (5) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: BUFERRIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: WKIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTEN_WKIEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: WKIEN Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_LINIEN_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: LINIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_LINIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTEN_LINIEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: LINIEN Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_TOCNTEN_Pos (11) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: TOCNTEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_ATORTSEN_Pos (12) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: ATORTSEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_ATOCTSEN_Pos (13) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: ATOCTSEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_TXPDMAEN_Pos (14) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: TXPDMAEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_RXPDMAEN_Pos (15) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: RXPDMAEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_ABRIEN_Pos (18) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: ABRIEN Position */
+#define UART_INTEN_ABRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTEN_ABRIEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: ABRIEN Mask */
+#define UART_INTEN_TXENDIEN_Pos (22) /*!< UART_T::INTEN: TXENDIEN Position */
+#define UART_FIFO_RXRST_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RXRST Position */
+#define UART_FIFO_RXRST_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFO_RXRST_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RXRST Mask */
+#define UART_FIFO_TXRST_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: TXRST Position */
+#define UART_FIFO_TXRST_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFO_TXRST_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: TXRST Mask */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RFITL Position */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_Msk (0xful << UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RFITL Mask */
+#define UART_FIFO_RXOFF_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RXOFF Position */
+#define UART_FIFO_RXOFF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFO_RXOFF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RXOFF Mask */
+#define UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Pos (16) /*!< UART_T::FIFO: RTSTRGLV Position */
+#define UART_LINE_WLS_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::LINE: WLS Position */
+#define UART_LINE_WLS_Msk (0x3ul << UART_LINE_WLS_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: WLS Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_NSB_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::LINE: NSB Position */
+#define UART_LINE_NSB_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_NSB_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: NSB Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_PBE_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::LINE: PBE Position */
+#define UART_LINE_PBE_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: PBE Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_EPE_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::LINE: EPE Position */
+#define UART_LINE_EPE_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_EPE_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: EPE Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_SPE_Pos (5) /*!< UART_T::LINE: SPE Position */
+#define UART_LINE_SPE_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_SPE_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: SPE Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_BCB_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::LINE: BCB Position */
+#define UART_LINE_BCB_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_BCB_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: BCB Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_PSS_Pos (7) /*!< UART_T::LINE: PSS Position */
+#define UART_LINE_PSS_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_PSS_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: PSS Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_TXDINV_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::LINE: TXDINV Position */
+#define UART_LINE_TXDINV_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_TXDINV_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: TXDINV Mask */
+#define UART_LINE_RXDINV_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::LINE: RXDINV Position */
+#define UART_LINE_RXDINV_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINE_RXDINV_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINE: RXDINV Mask */
+#define UART_MODEM_RTS_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::MODEM: RTS Position */
+#define UART_MODEM_RTS_Msk (0x1ul << UART_MODEM_RTS_Pos) /*!< UART_T::MODEM: RTS Mask */
+#define UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::MODEM: RTSACTLV Position */
+#define UART_MODEM_RTSSTS_Pos (13) /*!< UART_T::MODEM: RTSSTS Position */
+#define UART_MODEM_RTSSTS_Msk (0x1ul << UART_MODEM_RTSSTS_Pos) /*!< UART_T::MODEM: RTSSTS Mask */
+#define UART_MODEMSTS_CTSSTS_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::MODEMSTS: CTSSTS Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_RXOVIF_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: RXOVIF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_ABRDIF_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: ABRDIF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_PEF_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: PEF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_PEF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFOSTS_PEF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: PEF Mask */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_FEF_Pos (5) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: FEF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_FEF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFOSTS_FEF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: FEF Mask */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_BIF_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: BIF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_BIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_FIFOSTS_BIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: BIF Mask */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_RXPTR_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: RXPTR Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_RXEMPTY_Pos (14) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_RXFULL_Pos (15) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: RXFULL Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXPTR_Pos (16) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXPTR Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXEMPTY_Pos (22) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXFULL_Pos (23) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXFULL Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXOVIF_Pos (24) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXOVIF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXEMPTYF_Pos (28) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXEMPTYF Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_RXIDLE_Pos (29) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: RXIDLE Position */
+#define UART_FIFOSTS_TXRXACT_Pos (31) /*!< UART_T::FIFOSTS: TXRXACT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RDAIF_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RDAIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RDAIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTSTS_RDAIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RDAIF Mask */
+#define UART_INTSTS_THREIF_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: THREIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RLSIF_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RLSIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RLSIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTSTS_RLSIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RLSIF Mask */
+#define UART_INTSTS_MODEMIF_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: MODEMIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RXTOIF_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RXTOIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_BUFERRIF_Pos (5) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: BUFERRIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_WKIF_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: WKIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_WKIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTSTS_WKIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: WKIF Mask */
+#define UART_INTSTS_LINIF_Pos (7) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: LINIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_LINIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTSTS_LINIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: LINIF Mask */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RDAINT_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RDAINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_THREINT_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: THREINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RLSINT_Pos (10) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RLSINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_MODEMINT_Pos (11) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: MODEMINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_RXTOINT_Pos (12) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: RXTOINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_BUFERRINT_Pos (13) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: BUFERRINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_WKINT_Pos (14) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: WKINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_WKINT_Msk (0x1ul << UART_INTSTS_WKINT_Pos) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: WKINT Mask */
+#define UART_INTSTS_LININT_Pos (15) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: LININT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWRLSIF_Pos (18) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWRLSIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWMODIF_Pos (19) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWMODIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWTOIF_Pos (20) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWTOIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWBUFEIF_Pos (21) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWBUFEIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_TXENDIF_Pos (22) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: TXENDIF Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWRLSINT_Pos (26) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWRLSINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWMODINT_Pos (27) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWMODINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWTOINT_Pos (28) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWTOINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_HWBUFEINT_Pos (29) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: HWBUFEINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_TXENDINT_Pos (30) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: TXENDINT Position */
+#define UART_INTSTS_ABRINT_Pos (31) /*!< UART_T::INTSTS: ABRINT Position */
+#define UART_TOUT_TOIC_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::TOUT: TOIC Position */
+#define UART_TOUT_TOIC_Msk (0xfful << UART_TOUT_TOIC_Pos) /*!< UART_T::TOUT: TOIC Mask */
+#define UART_TOUT_DLY_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::TOUT: DLY Position */
+#define UART_TOUT_DLY_Msk (0xfful << UART_TOUT_DLY_Pos) /*!< UART_T::TOUT: DLY Mask */
+#define UART_BAUD_BRD_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BRD Position */
+#define UART_BAUD_BRD_Msk (0xfffful << UART_BAUD_BRD_Pos) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BRD Mask */
+#define UART_BAUD_EDIVM1_Pos (24) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: EDIVM1 Position */
+#define UART_BAUD_EDIVM1_Msk (0xful << UART_BAUD_EDIVM1_Pos) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: EDIVM1 Mask */
+#define UART_BAUD_BAUDM0_Pos (28) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BAUDM0 Position */
+#define UART_BAUD_BAUDM0_Msk (0x1ul << UART_BAUD_BAUDM0_Pos) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BAUDM0 Mask */
+#define UART_BAUD_BAUDM1_Pos (29) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BAUDM1 Position */
+#define UART_BAUD_BAUDM1_Msk (0x1ul << UART_BAUD_BAUDM1_Pos) /*!< UART_T::BAUD: BAUDM1 Mask */
+#define UART_IRDA_TXEN_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: TXEN Position */
+#define UART_IRDA_TXEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_IRDA_TXEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: TXEN Mask */
+#define UART_IRDA_TXINV_Pos (5) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: TXINV Position */
+#define UART_IRDA_TXINV_Msk (0x1ul << UART_IRDA_TXINV_Pos) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: TXINV Mask */
+#define UART_IRDA_RXINV_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: RXINV Position */
+#define UART_IRDA_RXINV_Msk (0x1ul << UART_IRDA_RXINV_Pos) /*!< UART_T::IRDA: RXINV Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_BRKFL_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: BRKFL Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_BRKFL_Msk (0xful << UART_ALTCTL_BRKFL_Pos) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: BRKFL Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_LINRXEN_Pos (6) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: LINRXEN Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_LINTXEN_Pos (7) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: LINTXEN Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485NMM_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485NMM Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485NMM_Msk (0x1ul << UART_ALTCTL_RS485NMM_Pos) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485NMM Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485AAD_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485AAD Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485AAD_Msk (0x1ul << UART_ALTCTL_RS485AAD_Pos) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485AAD Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485AUD_Pos (10) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485AUD Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_RS485AUD_Msk (0x1ul << UART_ALTCTL_RS485AUD_Pos) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: RS485AUD Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ADDRDEN_Pos (15) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ADDRDEN Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ABRIF_Pos (17) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ABRIF Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ABRIF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_ALTCTL_ABRIF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ABRIF Mask */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ABRDEN_Pos (18) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ABRDEN Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ABRDBITS_Pos (19) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ABRDBITS Position */
+#define UART_ALTCTL_ADDRMV_Pos (24) /*!< UART_T::ALTCTL: ADDRMV Position */
+#define UART_FUNCSEL_FUNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::FUNCSEL: FUNCSEL Position */
+#define UART_FUNCSEL_TXRXDIS_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::FUNCSEL: TXRXDIS Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SLVEN_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SLVEN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SLVEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINCTL_SLVEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SLVEN Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SLVHDEN_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SLVHDEN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SLVAREN_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SLVAREN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SLVDUEN_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SLVDUEN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_MUTE_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: MUTE Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_MUTE_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINCTL_MUTE_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: MUTE Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SENDH_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SENDH Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_SENDH_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINCTL_SENDH_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: SENDH Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_IDPEN_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: IDPEN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_IDPEN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINCTL_IDPEN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: IDPEN Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BRKDETEN_Pos (10) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BRKDETEN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_LINRXOFF_Pos (11) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: LINRXOFF Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BITERREN_Pos (12) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BITERREN Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BRKFL_Pos (16) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BRKFL Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BRKFL_Msk (0xful << UART_LINCTL_BRKFL_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BRKFL Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BSL_Pos (20) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BSL Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_BSL_Msk (0x3ul << UART_LINCTL_BSL_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: BSL Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_HSEL_Pos (22) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: HSEL Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_HSEL_Msk (0x3ul << UART_LINCTL_HSEL_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: HSEL Mask */
+#define UART_LINCTL_PID_Pos (24) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: PID Position */
+#define UART_LINCTL_PID_Msk (0xfful << UART_LINCTL_PID_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINCTL: PID Mask */
+#define UART_LINSTS_SLVHDETF_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: SLVHDETF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_SLVHEF_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: SLVHEF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_SLVIDPEF_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: SLVIDPEF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_SLVSYNCF_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: SLVSYNCF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_BRKDETF_Pos (8) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: BRKDETF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_BITEF_Pos (9) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: BITEF Position */
+#define UART_LINSTS_BITEF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_LINSTS_BITEF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::LINSTS: BITEF Mask */
+#define UART_BRCOMP_BRCOMP_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::BRCOMP: BRCOMP Position */
+#define UART_BRCOMP_BRCOMPDEC_Pos (31) /*!< UART_T::BRCOMP: BRCOMPDEC Position */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKCTSEN_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKCTSEN Position */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKDATEN_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKDATEN Position */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKRFRTEN_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKRFRTEN Position */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKRS485EN_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKRS485EN Position */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKRS485EN_Msk (0x1ul << UART_WKCTL_WKRS485EN_Pos) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKRS485EN Mask */
+#define UART_WKCTL_WKTOUTEN_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::WKCTL: WKTOUTEN Position */
+#define UART_WKSTS_CTSWKF_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: CTSWKF Position */
+#define UART_WKSTS_CTSWKF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_WKSTS_CTSWKF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: CTSWKF Mask */
+#define UART_WKSTS_DATWKF_Pos (1) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: DATWKF Position */
+#define UART_WKSTS_DATWKF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_WKSTS_DATWKF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: DATWKF Mask */
+#define UART_WKSTS_RFRTWKF_Pos (2) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: RFRTWKF Position */
+#define UART_WKSTS_RS485WKF_Pos (3) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: RS485WKF Position */
+#define UART_WKSTS_RS485WKF_Msk (0x1ul << UART_WKSTS_RS485WKF_Pos) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: RS485WKF Mask */
+#define UART_WKSTS_TOUTWKF_Pos (4) /*!< UART_T::WKSTS: TOUTWKF Position */
+#define UART_DWKCOMP_STCOMP_Pos (0) /*!< UART_T::DWKCOMP: STCOMP Position */
+/**@}*/ /* UART_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of UART register group */
+/*---------------------- I2C Mode of USCI Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup UI2C I2C Mode of USCI Controller(UI2C)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for UI2C Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var UI2C_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 USCI Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |FUNMODE |Function Mode
+ * | | |This bit field selects the protocol for this USCI controller.
+ * | | |Selecting a protocol that is not available or a reserved combination disables the USCI.
+ * | | |When switching between two protocols, the USCI has to be disabled before selecting a new protocol.
+ * | | |Simultaneously, the USCI will be reset when user write 000 to FUNMODE.
+ * | | |000 = The USCI is disabled. All protocol related state machines are set to idle state.
+ * | | |001 = The SPI protocol is selected.
+ * | | |010 = The UART protocol is selected.
+ * | | |100 = The I2C protocol is selected.
+ * | | |Note: Other bit combinations are reserved.
+ * @var UI2C_T::BRGEN
+ * Offset: 0x08 USCI Baud Rate Generator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RCLKSEL |Reference Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source signal of reference clock (fREF_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Peripheral device clock fPCLK.
+ * | | |1 = Reserved.
+ * |[1] |PTCLKSEL |Protocol Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source signal of protocol clock (fPROT_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Reference clock fREF_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = fREF_CLK2 (its frequency is half of fREF_CLK).
+ * |[3:2] |SPCLKSEL |Sample Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit field used for the clock source selection of a sample clock (fSAMP_CLK) for the protocol processor.
+ * | | |00 = fSAMP_CLK = fDIV_CLK.
+ * | | |01 = fSAMP_CLK = fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |10 = fSAMP_CLK = fSCLK.
+ * | | |11 = fSAMP_CLK = fREF_CLK.
+ * |[4] |TMCNTEN |Time Measurement Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the 10-bit timing measurement counter.
+ * | | |0 = Time measurement counter is Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Time measurement counter is Enabled.
+ * |[5] |TMCNTSRC |Time Measurement Counter Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = Time measurement counter with fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = Time measurement counter with fDIV_CLK.
+ * |[9:8] |PDSCNT |Pre-divider for Sample Counter
+ * | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the clock division from sample clock fSAMP_CLK.
+ * | | |The divided frequency fPDS_CNT = fSAMP_CLK / (PDSCNT+1).
+ * |[14:10] |DSCNT |Denominator for Sample Counter
+ * | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the sample clock fSAMP_CLK.
+ * | | |The divided frequency fDS_CNT = fPDS_CNT / (DSCNT+1).
+ * | | |Note: The maximum value of DSCNT is 0xF on UART mode and suggest to set over 4 to confirm the receiver data is sampled in right value.
+ * |[25:16] |CLKDIV |Clock Divider
+ * | | |This bit field defines the ratio between the protocol clock frequency fPROT_CLK and the clock divider frequency fDIV_CLK (fDIV_CLK = fPROT_CLK / (CLKDIV+1) ).
+ * | | |Note: In UART function, it can be updated by hardware in the 4th falling edge of the input data 0x55 when the auto baud rate function (ABREN(UI2C_PROTCTL[6])) is enabled
+ * | | |The revised value is the average bit time between bit 5 and bit 6
+ * | | |The user can use revised CLKDIV and new BRDETITV (UI2C_PROTCTL[24:16]) to calculate the precise baud rate.
+ * @var UI2C_T::LINECTL
+ * Offset: 0x2C USCI Line Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LSB |LSB First Transmission Selection
+ * | | |0 = The MSB, which bit of transmit/receive data buffer depends on the setting of DWIDTH, is transmitted/received first.
+ * | | |1 = The LSB, the bit 0 of data buffer, will be transmitted/received first.
+ * |[11:8] |DWIDTH |Word Length of Transmission
+ * | | |This bit field defines the data word length (amount of bits) for reception and transmission
+ * | | |The data word is always right-aligned in the data buffer.
+ * | | |USCI support word length from 4 to 16 bits.
+ * | | |0x0: The data word contains 16 bits located at bit positions [15:0].
+ * | | |0x1: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x2: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x3: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x4: The data word contains 4 bits located at bit positions [3:0].
+ * | | |0x5: The data word contains 5 bits located at bit positions [4:0].
+ * | | |...
+ * | | |0xF: The data word contains 15 bits located at bit positions [14:0].
+ * | | |Note: In I2C protocol, the length must be configured as 8 bits.
+ * @var UI2C_T::TXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x30 USCI Transmit Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |TXDAT |Transmit Data
+ * | | |Software can use this bit field to write 16-bit transmit data for transmission.
+ * @var UI2C_T::RXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x34 USCI Receive Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RXDAT |Received Data
+ * | | |This bit field monitors the received data which stored in receive data buffer.
+ * | | |Note 1: In I2C protocol, only use RXDAT[7:0].
+ * @var UI2C_T::DEVADDR0
+ * Offset: 0x44 USCI Device Address Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |DEVADDR |Device Address
+ * | | |In I2C protocol, this bit field contains the programmed slave address.
+ * | | |If the first received address byte are b1111 0AAX, the AA bits are compared to the bits DEVADDR[9:8] to check for address match, where the X is R/W bit.
+ * | | |Then the second address byte is also compared to DEVADDR[7:0].
+ * | | |Note: When I2C operating in 7-bit address mode, only use DEVADDR[6:0].
+ * @var UI2C_T::DEVADDR1
+ * Offset: 0x48 USCI Device Address Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |DEVADDR |Device Address
+ * | | |In I2C protocol, this bit field contains the programmed slave address.
+ * | | |If the first received address byte are b1111 0AAX, the AA bits are compared to the bits DEVADDR[9:8] to check for address match, where the X is R/W bit.
+ * | | |Then the second address byte is also compared to DEVADDR[7:0].
+ * | | |Note: When I2C operating in 7-bit address mode, only use DEVADDR[6:0].
+ * @var UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0
+ * Offset: 0x4C USCI Device Address Mask Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |ADDRMSK |USCI Device Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is donu2019t care).
+ * | | |USCI support multiple address recognition with two address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1
+ * Offset: 0x50 USCI Device Address Mask Register 1
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[9:0] |ADDRMSK |USCI Device Address Mask
+ * | | |0 = Mask Disabled (the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register).
+ * | | |1 = Mask Enabled (the received corresponding address bit is donu2019t care).
+ * | | |USCI support multiple address recognition with two address mask register.
+ * | | |When the bit in the address mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding address bit is don't-care
+ * | | |If the bit is set to zero, that means the received corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
+ * @var UI2C_T::WKCTL
+ * Offset: 0x54 USCI Wake-up Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKEN |Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |WKADDREN |Wake-up Address Match Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The chip is woken up according data toggle.
+ * | | |1 = The chip is woken up according address match.
+ * @var UI2C_T::WKSTS
+ * Offset: 0x58 USCI Wake-up Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKF |Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |When chip is woken up from Power-down mode, this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * @var UI2C_T::PROTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x5C USCI Protocol Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |GCFUNC |General Call Function
+ * | | |0 = General Call Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = General Call Function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |AA |Assert Acknowledge Control
+ * | | |When AA=1 prior to address or data received, an acknowledged (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when 1.) A slave is acknowledging the address sent from master, 2.) The receiver devices are acknowledging the data sent by transmitter.
+ * | | |When AA=0 prior to address or data received, a Not acknowledged (high level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line.
+ * |[2] |STO |I2C STOP Control
+ * | | |In Master mode, setting STO to transmit a STOP condition to bus then I2C hardware will check the bus condition if a STOP condition is detected this bit will be cleared by hardware automatically.
+ * | | |In a slave mode, setting STO resets I2C hardware to the defined "not addressed" slave mode when bus error (UI2C_PROTSTS.ERRIF = 1).
+ * |[3] |STA |I2C START Control
+ * | | |Setting STA to logic 1 to enter Master mode, the I2C hardware sends a START or repeat START condition to bus when the bus is free.
+ * |[4] |ADDR10EN |Address 10-bit Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Address match 10 bit function is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Address match 10 bit function is enabled.
+ * |[5] |PTRG |I2C Protocol Trigger
+ * | | |When a new state is present in the UI2C_PROTSTS register, if the related interrupt enable bits are set, the I2C interrupt is requested.
+ * | | |It must write one by software to this bit after the related interrupt flags are set to 1 and the I2C protocol function will go ahead until the STOP is active or the PROTEN is disabled.
+ * | | |0 = I2C's stretch disabled and the I2C protocol function will go ahead.
+ * | | |1 = I2C's stretch active.
+ * |[8] |SCLOUTEN |SCL Output Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables monitor pulling SCL to low.
+ * | | |This monitor will pull SCL to low until it has had time to respond to an I2C interrupt.
+ * | | |0 = SCL output will be forced high due to open drain mechanism.
+ * | | |1 = I2C module may act as a slave peripheral just like in normal operation, the I2C holds the clock line low until it has had time to clear I2C interrupt.
+ * |[9] |MONEN |Monitor Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables monitor mode.
+ * | | |In monitor mode the SDA output will be put in high impedance mode.
+ * | | |This prevents the I2C module from outputting data of any kind (including ACK) onto the I2C data bus.
+ * | | |0 = The monitor mode is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The monitor mode is enabled.
+ * | | |Note: Depending on the state of the SCLOUTEN bit, the SCL output may be also forced high, preventing the module from having control over the I2C clock line.
+ * |[25:16] |TOCNT |Time-out Clock Cycle
+ * | | |This bit field indicates how many clock cycle selected by TMCNTSRC (UI2C_BRGEN [5]) when each interrupt flags are clear.
+ * | | |The time-out is enable when TOCNT bigger than 0.
+ * | | |Note: The TMCNTSRC (UI2C_BRGEN [5]) must be set zero on I2C mode.
+ * |[31] |PROTEN |I2C Protocol Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = I2C Protocol disable.
+ * | | |1 = I2C Protocol enable.
+ * @var UI2C_T::PROTIEN
+ * Offset: 0x60 USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |TOIEN |Time-out Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |In I2C protocol, this bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a time-out event.
+ * | | |0 = The time-out interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The time-out interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[1] |STARIEN |Start Condition Received Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a start condition is detected.
+ * | | |0 = The start condition interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The start condition interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[2] |STORIEN |Stop Condition Received Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a stop condition is detected.
+ * | | |0 = The stop condition interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The stop condition interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[3] |NACKIEN |Non - Acknowledge Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if a non-acknowledge is detected by a master.
+ * | | |0 = The non-acknowledge interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The non-acknowledge interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[4] |ARBLOIEN |Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an arbitration lost event is detected.
+ * | | |0 = The arbitration lost interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The arbitration lost interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[5] |ERRIEN |Error Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an I2C error condition is detected (indicated by ERR (UI2C_PROTSTS [16])).
+ * | | |0 = The error interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The error interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[6] |ACKIEN |Acknowledge Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables the generation of a protocol interrupt if an acknowledge is detected by a master.
+ * | | |0 = The acknowledge interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The acknowledge interrupt is enabled.
+ * @var UI2C_T::PROTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x64 USCI Protocol Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5] |TOIF |Time-out Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = A time-out interrupt status has not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = A time-out interrupt status has occurred.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[6] |ONBUSY |On Bus Busy
+ * | | |Indicates that a communication is in progress on the bus.
+ * | | |It is set by hardware when a START condition is detected.
+ * | | |It is cleared by hardware when a STOP condition is detected.
+ * | | |0 = The bus is IDLE (both SCLK and SDA High).
+ * | | |1 = The bus is busy.
+ * |[8] |STARIF |Start Condition Received Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a start condition or repeated start condition has been detected on master mode.
+ * | | |However, this bit also indicates that a repeated start condition has been detected on slave mode.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.STARIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = A start condition has not yet been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A start condition has been detected.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[9] |STORIF |Stop Condition Received Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a stop condition has been detected on the I2C bus lines.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.STORIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = A stop condition has not yet been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A stop condition has been detected.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[10] |NACKIF |Non - Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a non - acknowledge has been received in master mode.
+ * | | |This bit is not set in slave mode.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.NACKIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = A non - acknowledge has not been received.
+ * | | |1 = A non - acknowledge has been received.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[11] |ARBLOIF |Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that an arbitration has been lost.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ARBLOIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = An arbitration has not been lost.
+ * | | |1 = An arbitration has been lost.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[12] |ERRIF |Error Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a Bus Error occurs when a START or STOP condition is present at an illegal position in the formation frame.
+ * | | |Example of illegal position are during the serial transfer of an address byte, a data byte or an acknowledge bit.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ERRIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = An I2C error has not been detected.
+ * | | |1 = An I2C error has been detected.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is set when slave mode, user must write one into STO register to the defined "not addressed" slave mode.
+ * |[13] |ACKIF |Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates that an acknowledge has been received in master mode.
+ * | | |This bit is not set in slave mode.
+ * | | |A protocol interrupt can be generated if UI2C_PROTCTL.ACKIEN = 1.
+ * | | |0 = An acknowledge has not been received.
+ * | | |1 = An acknowledge has been received.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[14] |SLASEL |Slave Select Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that this device has been selected as slave.
+ * | | |0 = The device is not selected as slave.
+ * | | |1 = The device is selected as slave.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
+ * |[15] |SLAREAD |Slave Read Request Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a slave read request has been detected.
+ * | | |0 = A slave read request has not been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A slave read request has been detected.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
+ * |[16] |WKAKDONE |Wakeup Address Frame Acknowledge Bit Done
+ * | | |0 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame isn't done.
+ * | | |1 = The ACK bit cycle of address match frame is done in power-down.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can't release when WKUPIF is set.
+ * |[17] |WRSTSWK |Read/Write Status Bit in Address Wakeup Frame
+ * | | |0 = Write command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
+ * | | |1 = Read command be record on the address match wakeup frame.
+ * |[18] |BUSHANG |Bus Hang-up
+ * | | |This bit indicates bus hang-up status.
+ * | | |There is 4-bit counter count when SCL hold high and refer fSAMP_CLK.
+ * | | |The hang-up counter will count to overflow and set this bit when SDA is low.
+ * | | |The counter will be reset by falling edge of SCL signal.
+ * | | |0 = The bus is normal status for transmission.
+ * | | |1 = The bus is hang-up status for transmission.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
+ * |[19] |ERRARBLO |Error Arbitration Lost
+ * | | |This bit indicates bus arbitration lost due to bigger noise which is can't be filtered by input processor.
+ * | | |The I2C can send start condition when ERRARBLO is set.
+ * | | |Thus this bit doesn't be cared on slave mode.
+ * | | |0 = The bus is normal status for transmission.
+ * | | |1 = The bus is error arbitration lost status for transmission.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has no interrupt signal, and it will be cleared automatically by hardware.
+ * @var UI2C_T::ADMAT
+ * Offset: 0x88 I2C Slave Match Address Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |ADMAT0 |USCI Address 0 Match Status Register
+ * | | |When address 0 is matched, hardware will inform which address used.
+ * | | |This bit will set to 1, and software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * |[1] |ADMAT1 |USCI Address 1 Match Status Register
+ * | | |When address 1 is matched, hardware will inform which address used.
+ * | | |This bit will set to 1, and software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * @var UI2C_T::TMCTL
+ * Offset: 0x8C I2C Timing Configure Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |STCTL |Setup Time Configure Control Register
+ * | | |This field is used to generate a delay timing between SDA edge and SCL rising edge in transmission mode.
+ * | | |The delay setup time is numbers of peripheral clock = STCTL x fPCLK.
+ * |[11:6] |HTCTL |Hold Time Configure Control Register
+ * | | |This field is used to generate the delay timing between SCL falling edge SDA edge in transmission mode.
+ * | | |The delay hold time is numbers of peripheral clock = HTCTL x fPCLK.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] USCI Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
+ __IO uint32_t BRGEN; /*!< [0x0008] USCI Baud Rate Generator Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[8];
+ __IO uint32_t LINECTL; /*!< [0x002c] USCI Line Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t TXDAT; /*!< [0x0030] USCI Transmit Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t RXDAT; /*!< [0x0034] USCI Receive Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[3];
+ __IO uint32_t DEVADDR0; /*!< [0x0044] USCI Device Address Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t DEVADDR1; /*!< [0x0048] USCI Device Address Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK0; /*!< [0x004c] USCI Device Address Mask Register 0 */
+ __IO uint32_t ADDRMSK1; /*!< [0x0050] USCI Device Address Mask Register 1 */
+ __IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x0054] USCI Wake-up Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0058] USCI Wake-up Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTCTL; /*!< [0x005c] USCI Protocol Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTIEN; /*!< [0x0060] USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTSTS; /*!< [0x0064] USCI Protocol Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[8];
+ __IO uint32_t ADMAT; /*!< [0x0088] I2C Slave Match Address Register */
+ __IO uint32_t TMCTL; /*!< [0x008c] I2C Timing Configure Control Register */
+} UI2C_T;
+ @addtogroup UI2C_CONST UI2C Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for UI2C Controller
+@{ */
+#define UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::CTL: FUNMODE Position */
+#define UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Msk (0x7ul << UI2C_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::CTL: FUNMODE Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PTCLKSEL Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PTCLKSEL Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: SPCLKSEL Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Msk (0x3ul << UI2C_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: SPCLKSEL Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTSRC Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: TMCNTSRC Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PDSCNT Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Msk (0x3ul << UI2C_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: PDSCNT Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos (10) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Msk (0x1ful << UI2C_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Mask */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Position */
+#define UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Mask */
+#define UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: LSB Position */
+#define UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_LINECTL_LSB_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: LSB Mask */
+#define UI2C_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: DWIDTH Position */
+#define UI2C_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Msk (0xful << UI2C_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::LINECTL: DWIDTH Mask */
+#define UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Position */
+#define UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UI2C_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Mask */
+#define UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Position */
+#define UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UI2C_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Mask */
+#define UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR0: DEVADDR Position */
+#define UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_DEVADDR0_DEVADDR_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR0: DEVADDR Mask */
+#define UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR1: DEVADDR Position */
+#define UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_DEVADDR1_DEVADDR_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::DEVADDR1: DEVADDR Mask */
+#define UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_ADDRMSK0_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK0: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Position */
+#define UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_ADDRMSK1_ADDRMSK_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADDRMSK1: ADDRMSK Mask */
+#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Position */
+#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKADDREN_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKADDREN Position */
+#define UI2C_WKCTL_WKADDREN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_WKCTL_WKADDREN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::WKCTL: WKADDREN Mask */
+#define UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::WKSTS: WKF Position */
+#define UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_WKSTS_WKF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::WKSTS: WKF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_GCFUNC_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: GCFUNC Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_GCFUNC_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_GCFUNC_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: GCFUNC Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: AA Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_AA_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: AA Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STO Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_STO_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STO Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Pos (3) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STA Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_STA_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: STA Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: ADDR10EN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_ADDR10EN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: ADDR10EN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PTRG Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_PTRG_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PTRG Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_SCLOUTEN_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: SCLOUTEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Pos (9) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: MONEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_MONEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: MONEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: TOCNT Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Msk (0x3fful << UI2C_PROTCTL_TOCNT_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: TOCNT Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Pos (31) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PROTEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTCTL: PROTEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: TOIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTIEN_TOIEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: TOIEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_STARIEN_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: STARIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_STORIEN_Pos (2) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: STORIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_NACKIEN_Pos (3) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: NACKIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ARBLOIEN_Pos (4) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ARBLOIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ERRIEN_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ERRIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ERRIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTIEN_ERRIEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ERRIEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ACKIEN_Pos (6) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ACKIEN Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTIEN_ACKIEN_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTIEN_ACKIEN_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTIEN: ACKIEN Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Pos (5) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: TOIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_TOIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: TOIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ONBUSY_Pos (6) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ONBUSY Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ONBUSY_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_ONBUSY_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ONBUSY Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STARIF_Pos (8) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STARIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STARIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_STARIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STARIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STORIF_Pos (9) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STORIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_STORIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_STORIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: STORIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_NACKIF_Pos (10) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: NACKIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_NACKIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_NACKIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: NACKIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ARBLOIF_Pos (11) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ARBLOIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Pos (12) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Pos (13) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ACKIF Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_ACKIF_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ACKIF Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_SLASEL_Pos (14) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: SLASEL Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_SLASEL_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_PROTSTS_SLASEL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: SLASEL Mask */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_SLAREAD_Pos (15) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: SLAREAD Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_WKAKDONE_Pos (16) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: WKAKDONE Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_WRSTSWK_Pos (17) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: WRSTSWK Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_BUSHANG_Pos (18) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: BUSHANG Position */
+#define UI2C_PROTSTS_ERRARBLO_Pos (19) /*!< UI2C_T::PROTSTS: ERRARBLO Position */
+#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT0 Position */
+#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT0_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT0 Mask */
+#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Pos (1) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT1 Position */
+#define UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Msk (0x1ul << UI2C_ADMAT_ADMAT1_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::ADMAT: ADMAT1 Mask */
+#define UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos (0) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Position */
+#define UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Msk (0x3ful << UI2C_TMCTL_STCTL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: STCTL Mask */
+#define UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos (6) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Position */
+#define UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Msk (0x3ful << UI2C_TMCTL_HTCTL_Pos) /*!< UI2C_T::TMCTL: HTCTL Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* UI2C_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of UI2C register group */
+/*---------------------- USB Device Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup USBD USB Device Controller(USBD)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for USBD Controller
+@{ */
+ * @brief USBD endpoints register
+ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var USBD_EP_T::BUFSEG
+ * Offset: 0x500/0x510/0x520/0x530/0x540/0x550/0x560/0x570 Endpoint Buffer Segmentation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:3] |BUFSEG |Endpoint Buffer Segmentation
+ * | | |It is used to indicate the offset address for each endpoint with the USB SRAM starting address The effective starting address of the endpoint is
+ * | | |USBD_SRAM address + { BUFSEG[8:3], 3u2019b000}
+ * | | |Where the USBD_SRAM address = USBD_BA+0x100h.
+ * | | |Refer to the section for the endpoint SRAM structure and its description.
+ * @var USBD_EP_T::MXPLD
+ * Offset: 0x504/0x514/0x524/0x534/0x544/0x554/0x564/0x574 Endpoint Maximal Payload Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:0] |MXPLD |Maximal Payload
+ * | | |Define the data length which is transmitted to host (IN token) or the actual data length which is received from the host (OUT token)
+ * | | |It also used to indicate that the endpoint is ready to be transmitted in IN token or received in OUT token.
+ * | | |(1) When the register is written by CPU,
+ * | | |For IN token, the value of MXPLD is used to define the data length to be transmitted and indicate the data buffer is ready.
+ * | | |For OUT token, it means that the controller is ready to receive data from the host and the value of MXPLD is the maximal data length comes from host.
+ * | | |(2) When the register is read by CPU,
+ * | | |For IN token, the value of MXPLD is indicated by the data length be transmitted to host
+ * | | |For OUT token, the value of MXPLD is indicated the actual data length receiving from host.
+ * | | |Note: Once MXPLD is written, the data packets will be transmitted/received immediately after IN/OUT token arrived.
+ * @var USBD_EP_T::CFG
+ * Offset: 0x508/0x518/0x528/0x538/0x548/0x558/0x568/0x578 Endpoint Configuration Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |EPNUM |Endpoint Number
+ * | | |These bits are used to define the endpoint number of the current endpoint
+ * |[4] |ISOCH |Isochronous Endpoint
+ * | | |This bit is used to set the endpoint as Isochronous endpoint, no handshake.
+ * | | |0 = No Isochronous endpoint.
+ * | | |1 = Isochronous endpoint.
+ * |[6:5] |STATE |Endpoint STATE
+ * | | |00 = Endpoint is Disabled.
+ * | | |01 = Out endpoint.
+ * | | |10 = IN endpoint.
+ * | | |11 = Undefined.
+ * |[7] |DSQSYNC |Data Sequence Synchronization
+ * | | |0 = DATA0 PID.
+ * | | |1 = DATA1 PID.
+ * | | |Note: It is used to specify the DATA0 or DATA1 PID in the following IN token transaction
+ * | | |hardware will toggle automatically in IN token base on the bit.
+ * |[9] |CSTALL |Clear STALL Response
+ * | | |0 = Disable the device to clear the STALL handshake in setup stage.
+ * | | |1 = Clear the device to response STALL handshake in setup stage.
+ * @var USBD_EP_T::CFGP
+ * Offset: 0x50C/0x51C/0x52C/0x53C/0x54C/0x55C/0x56C/0x57C Endpoint Set Stall and Clear In/Out Ready Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |CLRRDY |Clear Ready
+ * | | |When the USBD_MXPLDx register is set by user, it means that the endpoint is ready to transmit or receive data
+ * | | |If the user wants to disable this transaction before the transaction start, users can set this bit to 1 to disable it and it is auto clear to 0.
+ * | | |For IN token, write u20181u2019 to clear the IN token had ready to transmit the data to USB.
+ * | | |For OUT token, write u20181u2019 to clear the OUT token had ready to receive the data from USB.
+ * | | |This bit is write 1 only and is always 0 when it is read back.
+ * |[1] |SSTALL |Set STALL
+ * | | |0 = Disable the device to response STALL.
+ * | | |1 = Set the device to respond STALL automatically.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t BUFSEG; /*!< [0x0000] Endpoint Buffer Segmentation Register */
+ __IO uint32_t MXPLD; /*!< [0x0004] Endpoint Maximal Payload Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CFG; /*!< [0x0008] Endpoint Configuration Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CFGP; /*!< [0x000c] Endpoint Set Stall and Clear In/Out Ready Control Register */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var USBD_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x00 USB Device Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BUSIEN |Bus Event Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = BUS Event Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = BUS Event Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[1] |USBIEN |USB Event Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USB Event Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USB Event Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[2] |VBDETIEN |VBUS Detection Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = VBUS Detection Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = VBUS Detection Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |WKIDLEIEN |USB Wake-up Idle Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up Idle Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up Idle Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[4] |SOFIEN |Start of Frame Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = SOF Interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SOF Interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[8] |WKEN |Wake-up Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USB Wake-up Function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USB Wake-up Function Enabled.
+ * |[15] |INNAKEN |Active NAK Function and Its Status in IN Token
+ * | | |0 = When device responds NAK after receiving IN token, IN NAK status will not be updated to USBD_EPSTS register, so that the USB interrupt event will not be asserted.
+ * | | |1 = IN NAK status will be updated to USBD_EPSTS register and the USB interrupt event will be asserted, when the device responds NAK after receiving IN token.
+ * @var USBD_T::INTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x04 USB Device Interrupt Event Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |BUSIF |BUS Interrupt Status
+ * | | |The BUS event means that there is one of the suspense or the resume function in the bus.
+ * | | |0 = No BUS event occurred.
+ * | | |1 = Bus event occurred; check USBD_ATTR[3:0] and USBD_ATTR[13:12] to know which kind of bus event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[0].
+ * |[1] |USBIF |USB Event Interrupt Status
+ * | | |The USB event includes the SETUP Token, IN Token, OUT ACK, ISO IN, or ISO OUT events in the bus.
+ * | | |0 = No USB event occurred.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred, check EPSTS0~5[2:0] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[1] or EPSTS0~7 and SETUP (USBD_INTSTS[31]).
+ * |[2] |VBDETIF |VBUS Detection Interrupt Status
+ * | | |0 = There is not attached/detached event in the USB.
+ * | | |1 = There is attached/detached event in the USB bus and it is cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[2].
+ * |[3] |WKIDLEIF |No-event-wake-up Interrupt Status
+ * | | |0 = WKIDLE event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = No-event-wake-up event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[3].
+ * |[4] |SOFIF |Start of Frame Interrupt Status
+ * | | |0 = SOF event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = SOF event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[4].
+ * |[16] |EPEVT0 |Endpoint 0u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 0.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 0, check USBD_EPSTS[10:8] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[16] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[17] |EPEVT1 |Endpoint 1u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 1.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 1, check USBD_EPSTS[13:11] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[17] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[18] |EPEVT2 |Endpoint 2u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 2.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 2, check USBD_EPSTS[16:14] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[18] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[19] |EPEVT3 |Endpoint 3u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 3.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 3, check USBD_EPSTS[19:17] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[19] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[20] |EPEVT4 |Endpoint 4u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 4.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 4, check USBD_EPSTS[22:20] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[20] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[21] |EPEVT5 |Endpoint 5u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 5.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 5, check USBD_EPSTS[25:23] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[21] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[22] |EPEVT6 |Endpoint 6u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 6.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 6, check USBD_EPSTS[28:26] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[22] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[23] |EPEVT7 |Endpoint 7u2019s USB Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No event occurred in endpoint 7.
+ * | | |1 = USB event occurred on Endpoint 7, check USBD_EPSTS[31:29] to know which kind of USB event was occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[23] or USBD_INTSTS[1].
+ * |[31] |SETUP |Setup Event Status
+ * | | |0 = No Setup event.
+ * | | |1 = Setup event occurred, cleared by write 1 to USBD_INTSTS[31].
+ * @var USBD_T::FADDR
+ * Offset: 0x08 USB Device Function Address Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[6:0] |FADDR |USB Device Function Address
+ * @var USBD_T::EPSTS
+ * Offset: 0x0C USB Device Endpoint Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7] |OV |Overrun
+ * | | |It indicates that the received data is over the maximum payload number or not.
+ * | | |0 = No overrun.
+ * | | |1 = Out Data is more than the Max Payload in MXPLD register or the Setup Data is more than 8 Bytes.
+ * |[10:8] |EPSTS0 |Endpoint 0 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[13:11] |EPSTS1 |Endpoint 1 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[16:14] |EPSTS2 |Endpoint 2 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[19:17] |EPSTS3 |Endpoint 3 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[22:20] |EPSTS4 |Endpoint 4 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[25:23] |EPSTS5 |Endpoint 5 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[28:26] |EPSTS6 |Endpoint 6 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * |[31:29] |EPSTS7 |Endpoint 7 Status
+ * | | |These bits are used to indicate the current status of this endpoint
+ * | | |000 = In ACK.
+ * | | |001 = In NAK.
+ * | | |010 = Out Packet Data0 ACK.
+ * | | |110 = Out Packet Data1 ACK.
+ * | | |011 = Setup ACK.
+ * | | |111 = Isochronous transfer end.
+ * @var USBD_T::ATTR
+ * Offset: 0x10 USB Device Bus Status and Attribution Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |USBRST |USB Reset Status
+ * | | |0 = Bus no reset.
+ * | | |1 = Bus reset when SE0 (single-ended 0) more than 2.5us.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * |[1] |SUSPEND |Suspend Status
+ * | | |0 = Bus no suspend.
+ * | | |1 = Bus idle more than 3ms, either cable is plugged off or host is sleeping.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * |[2] |RESUME |Resume Status
+ * | | |0 = No bus resume.
+ * | | |1 = Resume from suspend.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * |[3] |TOUT |Time-out Status
+ * | | |0 = No time-out.
+ * | | |1 = No Bus response more than 18 bits time.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * |[4] |PHYEN |PHY Transceiver Function Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = PHY transceiver function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = PHY transceiver function Enabled.
+ * |[5] |RWAKEUP |Remote Wake-up
+ * | | |0 = Release the USB bus from K state.
+ * | | |1 = Force USB bus to K (USB_D+ low, USB_D-: high) state, used for remote wake-up.
+ * |[7] |USBEN |USB Controller Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = USB Controller Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = USB Controller Enabled.
+ * |[8] |DPPUEN |Pull-up Resistor on USB_DP Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Pull-up resistor in USB_D+ bus Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Pull-up resistor in USB_D+ bus Active.
+ * |[10] |BYTEM |CPU Access USB SRAM Size Mode Selection
+ * | | |0 = Word mode: The size of the transfer from CPU to USB SRAM can be Word only.
+ * | | |1 = Byte mode: The size of the transfer from CPU to USB SRAM can be Byte only.
+ * |[11] |LPMACK |LPM Token Acknowledge Enable
+ * | | |The NYET/ACK will be returned only on a successful LPM transaction if no errors in both the EXT token and the LPM token and a valid bLinkState = 0001 (L1) is received, else ERROR and STALL will be returned automatically, respectively.
+ * | | |0= the valid LPM Token will be NYET.
+ * | | |1= the valid LPM Token will be ACK.
+ * |[12] |L1SUSPEND |LPM L1 Suspend
+ * | | |0 = Bus no L1 state suspend.
+ * | | |1 = This bit is set by the hardware when LPM command to enter the L1 state is successfully received and acknowledged.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * |[13] |L1RESUME |LPM L1 Resume
+ * | | |0 = Bus no LPM L1 state resume.
+ * | | |1 = LPM L1 state Resume from LPM L1 state suspend.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is read only.
+ * @var USBD_T::VBUSDET
+ * Offset: 0x14 USB Device VBUS Detection Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |VBUSDET |Device VBUS Detection
+ * | | |0 = Controller is not attached to the USB host.
+ * | | |1 = Controller is attached to the USB host.
+ * Offset: 0x18 Setup Token Buffer Segmentation Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[8:3] |STBUFSEG |SETUP Token Buffer Segmentation
+ * | | |It is used to indicate the offset address for the SETUP token with the USB Device SRAM starting address The effective starting address is
+ * | | |USBD_SRAM address + {STBUFSEG[8:3], 3u2019b000}
+ * | | |Where the USBD_SRAM address = USBD_BA+0x100h.
+ * | | |Note: It is used for SETUP token only.
+ * @var USBD_T::LPMATTR
+ * Offset: 0x88 USB LPM Attribution Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[3:0] |LPMLINKSTS|LPM Linke State
+ * | | |These bits contain the bLinkState received with last ACK LPM Token
+ * |[7:4] |LPMBESL |LPM Best Effort Service Latency
+ * | | |These bits contain the BESL value received with last ACK LPM Token
+ * |[8] |LPMRWAKUP |LPM Remote Wakeup
+ * | | |This bit contains the bRemoteWake value received with last ACK LPM Token
+ * @var USBD_T::FN
+ * Offset: 0x8C USB Frame number Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[10:0] |FN |Frame Number
+ * | | |These bits contain the 11-bits frame number in the last received SOF packet.
+ * @var USBD_T::SE0
+ * Offset: 0x90 USB Device Drive SE0 Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SE0 |Drive Single Ended Zero in USB Bus
+ * | | |The Single Ended Zero (SE0) is when both lines (USB_D+ and USB_D-) are being pulled low.
+ * | | |0 = Normal operation.
+ * | | |1 = Force USB PHY transceiver to drive SE0.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0000] USB Device Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTSTS; /*!< [0x0004] USB Device Interrupt Event Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t FADDR; /*!< [0x0008] USB Device Function Address Register */
+ __I uint32_t EPSTS; /*!< [0x000c] USB Device Endpoint Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ATTR; /*!< [0x0010] USB Device Bus Status and Attribution Register */
+ __I uint32_t VBUSDET; /*!< [0x0014] USB Device VBUS Detection Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STBUFSEG; /*!< [0x0018] Setup Token Buffer Segmentation Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[27];
+ __I uint32_t LPMATTR; /*!< [0x0088] USB LPM Attribution Register */
+ __I uint32_t FN; /*!< [0x008c] USB Frame number Register */
+ __IO uint32_t SE0; /*!< [0x0090] USB Device Drive SE0 Control Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[283];
+ USBD_EP_T EP[8]; /*!< [0x0500~0x57C] USB Device Endpoints */
+} USBD_T;
+ @addtogroup USBD_CONST USBD Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for USBD Controller
+@{ */
+#define USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: BUSIEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_BUSIEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: BUSIEN Mask */
+#define USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Pos (1) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: USBIEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_USBIEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: USBIEN Mask */
+#define USBD_INTEN_VBDETIEN_Pos (2) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: VBDETIEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_WKIDLEIEN_Pos (3) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: WKIDLEIEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Pos (4) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: SOFIEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_SOFIEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: SOFIEN Mask */
+#define USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Pos (8) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: WKEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTEN_WKEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: WKEN Mask */
+#define USBD_INTEN_INNAKEN_Pos (15) /*!< USBD_T::INTEN: INNAKEN Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: BUSIF Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: BUSIF Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Pos (1) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: USBIF Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: USBIF Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Pos (2) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: VBDETIF Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_WKIDLEIF_Pos (3) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: WKIDLEIF Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Pos (4) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SOFIF Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_SOFIF_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SOFIF Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Pos (16) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT0 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT0 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Pos (17) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT1 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT1 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Pos (18) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT2 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT2 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Pos (19) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT3 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT3 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Pos (20) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT4 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT4 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Pos (21) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT5 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT5 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Pos (22) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT6 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT6 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Pos (23) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT7 Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: EPEVT7 Mask */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Pos (31) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SETUP Position */
+#define USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::INTSTS: SETUP Mask */
+#define USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::FADDR: FADDR Position */
+#define USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Msk (0x7ful << USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::FADDR: FADDR Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_OV_Pos (7) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: OV Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_OV_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_EPSTS_OV_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: OV Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS0_Pos (8) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS0 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS0_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS0_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS0 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS1_Pos (11) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS1 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS1_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS1_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS1 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS2_Pos (14) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS2 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS2_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS2_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS2 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS3_Pos (17) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS3 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS3_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS3_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS3 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS4_Pos (20) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS4 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS4_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS4_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS4 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS5_Pos (23) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS5 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS5_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS5_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS5 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS6_Pos (26) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS6 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS6_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS6_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS6 Mask */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS7_Pos (29) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS7 Position */
+#define USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS7_Msk (0x7ul << USBD_EPSTS_EPSTS7_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::EPSTS: EPSTS7 Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBRST Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBRST Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Pos (1) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: SUSPEND Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: SUSPEND Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Pos (2) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RESUME Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RESUME Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Pos (3) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: TOUT Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_TOUT_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: TOUT Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Pos (4) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: PHYEN Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_PHYEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: PHYEN Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Pos (5) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RWAKEUP Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_RWAKEUP_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: RWAKEUP Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Pos (7) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBEN Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_USBEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: USBEN Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Pos (8) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: DPPUEN Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_DPPUEN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: DPPUEN Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Pos (10) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: BYTEM Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: BYTEM Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Pos (11) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: LPMACK Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_LPMACK_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: LPMACK Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Pos (12) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1SUSPEND Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_L1SUSPEND_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1SUSPEND Mask */
+#define USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Pos (13) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1RESUME Position */
+#define USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_ATTR_L1RESUME_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::ATTR: L1RESUME Mask */
+#define USBD_VBUSDET_VBUSDET_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::VBUSDET: VBUSDET Position */
+#define USBD_LPMATTR_LPMBESL_Pos (4) /*!< USBD_T::LPMATTR: LPMBESL Position */
+#define USBD_FN_FN_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::FN: FN Position */
+#define USBD_FN_FN_Msk (0x7fful << USBD_FN_FN_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::FN: FN Mask */
+#define USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_T::SE0: SE0 Position */
+#define USBD_SE0_SE0_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos) /*!< USBD_T::SE0: SE0 Mask */
+#define USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Pos (3) /*!< USBD_EP_T::BUFSEG: BUFSEG Position */
+#define USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_EP_T::MXPLD: MXPLD Position */
+#define USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Msk (0x1fful << USBD_MXPLD_MXPLD_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::MXPLD: MXPLD Mask */
+#define USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: EPNUM Position */
+#define USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk (0xful << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: EPNUM Mask */
+#define USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos (4) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: ISOCH Position */
+#define USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_ISOCH_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: ISOCH Mask */
+#define USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos (5) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: STATE Position */
+#define USBD_CFG_STATE_Msk (0x3ul << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: STATE Mask */
+#define USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Pos (7) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: DSQSYNC Position */
+#define USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_DSQSYNC_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: DSQSYNC Mask */
+#define USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Pos (9) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: CSTALL Position */
+#define USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_CFG_CSTALL_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFG: CSTALL Mask */
+#define USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Pos (0) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: CLRRDY Position */
+#define USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_CFGP_CLRRDY_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: CLRRDY Mask */
+#define USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Pos (1) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: SSTALL Position */
+#define USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk (0x1ul << USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Pos) /*!< USBD_EP_T::CFGP: SSTALL Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* USBD_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of USBD register group */
+/*---------------------- SPI Mode of USCI Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup USPI SPI Mode of USCI Controller(USPI)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for USPI Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var USPI_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 USCI Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |FUNMODE |Function Mode
+ * | | |This bit field selects the protocol for this USCI controller
+ * | | |Selecting a protocol that is not available or a reserved combination disables the USCI
+ * | | |When switching between two protocols, the USCI has to be disabled before selecting a new protocol
+ * | | |Simultaneously, the USCI will be reset when user write 000 to FUNMODE.
+ * | | |000 = The USCI is disabled. All protocol related state machines are set to idle state.
+ * | | |001 = The SPI protocol is selected.
+ * | | |010 = The UART protocol is selected.
+ * | | |100 = The I2C protocol is selected.
+ * | | |Note: Other bit combinations are reserved.
+ * @var USPI_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x04 USCI Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TXSTIEN |Transmit Start Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a transmit start event.
+ * | | |0 = The transmit start interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit start interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[2] |TXENDIEN |Transmit End Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a transmit finish event.
+ * | | |0 = The transmit finish interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit finish interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[3] |RXSTIEN |Receive Start Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a receive start event.
+ * | | |0 = The receive start interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The receive start interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[4] |RXENDIEN |Receive End Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a receive finish event.
+ * | | |0 = The receive end interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The receive end interrupt is enabled.
+ * @var USPI_T::BRGEN
+ * Offset: 0x08 USCI Baud Rate Generator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RCLKSEL |Reference Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source of reference clock (fREF_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Peripheral device clock fPCLK.
+ * | | |1 = Reserved.
+ * |[1] |PTCLKSEL |Protocol Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source of protocol clock (fPROT_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Reference clock fREF_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = fREF_CLK2 (its frequency is half of fREF_CLK).
+ * |[3:2] |SPCLKSEL |Sample Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit field used for the clock source selection of sample clock (fSAMP_CLK) for the protocol processor.
+ * | | |00 = fDIV_CLK.
+ * | | |01 = fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |10 = fSCLK.
+ * | | |11 = fREF_CLK.
+ * |[4] |TMCNTEN |Time Measurement Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the 10-bit timing measurement counter.
+ * | | |0 = Time measurement counter is Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Time measurement counter is Enabled.
+ * |[5] |TMCNTSRC |Time Measurement Counter Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = Time measurement counter with fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = Time measurement counter with fDIV_CLK.
+ * |[25:16] |CLKDIV |Clock Divider
+ * | | |This bit field defines the ratio between the protocol clock frequency fPROT_CLK and the clock divider frequency fDIV_CLK (fDIV_CLK = fPROT_CLK / (CLKDIV+1) ).
+ * | | |Note: In UART function, it can be updated by hardware in the 4th falling edge of the input data 0x55 when the auto baud rate function (ABREN(USPI_PROTCTL[6])) is enabled
+ * | | |The revised value is the average bit time between bit 5 and bit 6
+ * | | |The user can use revised CLKDIV and new BRDETITV (USPI_PROTCTL[24:16]) to calculate the precise baud rate.
+ * @var USPI_T::DATIN0
+ * Offset: 0x10 USCI Input Data Signal Configuration Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Signal Synchronization Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal (with optionally inverted) or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI protocol, we suggest this bit should be set as 0.
+ * |[2] |ININV |Input Signal Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the inverter enable of the input asynchronous signal.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized input signal will not be inverted.
+ * | | |1 = The un-synchronized input signal will be inverted.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI protocol, we suggest this bit should be set as 0.
+ * @var USPI_T::CTLIN0
+ * Offset: 0x20 USCI Input Control Signal Configuration Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Synchronization Signal Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal (with optionally inverted) or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI protocol, we suggest this bit should be set as 0.
+ * |[2] |ININV |Input Signal Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the inverter enable of the input asynchronous signal.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized input signal will not be inverted.
+ * | | |1 = The un-synchronized input signal will be inverted.
+ * @var USPI_T::CLKIN
+ * Offset: 0x28 USCI Input Clock Signal Configuration Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Synchronization Signal Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI protocol, we suggest this bit should be set as 0.
+ * @var USPI_T::LINECTL
+ * Offset: 0x2C USCI Line Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LSB |LSB First Transmission Selection
+ * | | |0 = The MSB, which bit of transmit/receive data buffer depends on the setting of DWIDTH, is transmitted/received first.
+ * | | |1 = The LSB, the bit 0 of data buffer, will be transmitted/received first.
+ * |[5] |DATOINV |Data Output Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the relation between the internal shift data value and the output data signal of USCIx_DAT0/1 pin.
+ * | | |0 = Data output level is not inverted.
+ * | | |1 = Data output level is inverted.
+ * |[7] |CTLOINV |Control Signal Output Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the relation between the internal control signal and the output control signal.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The control signal will be inverted before its output.
+ * | | |Note: The control signal has different definitions in different protocol
+ * | | |In SPI protocol, the control signal means slave select signal
+ * |[11:8] |DWIDTH |Word Length of Transmission
+ * | | |This bit field defines the data word length (amount of bits) for reception and transmission
+ * | | |The data word is always right-aligned in the data buffer
+ * | | |USCI support word length from 4 to 16 bits.
+ * | | |0x0: The data word contains 16 bits located at bit positions [15:0].
+ * | | |0x1: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x2: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x3: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x4: The data word contains 4 bits located at bit positions [3:0].
+ * | | |0x5: The data word contains 5 bits located at bit positions [4:0].
+ * | | |...
+ * | | |0xF: The data word contains 15 bits located at bit positions [14:0].
+ * @var USPI_T::TXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x30 USCI Transmit Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |TXDAT |Transmit Data
+ * | | |Software can use this bit field to write 16-bit transmit data for transmission
+ * | | |In order to avoid overwriting the transmit data, user have to check TXEMPTY (USPI_BUFSTS[8]) status before writing transmit data into this bit field.
+ * |[16] |PORTDIR |Port Direction Control
+ * | | |This bit field is only available while USCI operates in SPI protocol (FUNMODE = 0x1) with half-duplex transfer
+ * | | |It is used to define the direction of the data port pin
+ * | | |When software writes USPI_TXDAT register, the transmit data and its port direction are settled simultaneously.
+ * | | |0 = The data pin is configured as output mode.
+ * | | |1 = The data pin is configured as input mode.
+ * @var USPI_T::RXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x34 USCI Receive Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RXDAT |Received Data
+ * | | |This bit field monitors the received data which stored in receive data buffer.
+ * @var USPI_T::BUFCTL
+ * Offset: 0x38 USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[6] |TXUDRIEN |Slave Transmit Under-run Interrupt Enable
+ * | | |0 = Transmit under-run interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit under-run interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[7] |TXCLR |Clear Transmit Buffer
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit buffer is cleared
+ * | | |Should only be used while the buffer is not taking part in data traffic.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[14] |RXOVIEN |Receive Buffer Overrun Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |0 = Receive overrun interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive overrun interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[15] |RXCLR |Clear Receive Buffer
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The receive buffer is cleared
+ * | | |Should only be used while the buffer is not taking part in data traffic.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[16] |TXRST |Transmit Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the transmit-related counters, state machine, and the content of transmit shift register and data buffer.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[17] |RXRST |Receive Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the receive-related counters, state machine, and the content of receive shift register and data buffer.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * @var USPI_T::BUFSTS
+ * Offset: 0x3C USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RXEMPTY |Receive Buffer Empty Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Receive buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Receive buffer is empty.
+ * |[1] |RXFULL |Receive Buffer Full Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Receive buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Receive buffer is full.
+ * |[3] |RXOVIF |Receive Buffer Overrun Interrupt Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a receive buffer overrun event has been detected
+ * | | |If RXOVIEN (USPI_BUFCTL[14]) is enabled, the corresponding interrupt request is activated
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit.
+ * | | |0 = A receive buffer overrun event has not been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A receive buffer overrun event has been detected.
+ * |[8] |TXEMPTY |Transmit Buffer Empty Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer is empty and available for the next transmission datum.
+ * |[9] |TXFULL |Transmit Buffer Full Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer is full.
+ * |[11] |TXUDRIF |Transmit Buffer Under-run Interrupt Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a transmit buffer under-run event has been detected
+ * | | |If enabled by TXUDRIEN (USPI_BUFCTL[6]), the corresponding interrupt request is activated
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * | | |0 = A transmit buffer under-run event has not been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A transmit buffer under-run event has been detected.
+ * @var USPI_T::WKCTL
+ * Offset: 0x54 USCI Wake-up Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKEN |Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled.
+ * |[1] |WKADDREN |Wake-up Address Match Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = The chip is woken up according data toggle.
+ * | | |1 = The chip is woken up according address match.
+ * |[2] |PDBOPT |Power Down Blocking Option
+ * | | |0 = If user attempts to enter Power-down mode by executing WFI while the protocol is in transferring, MCU will stop the transfer and enter Power-down mode immediately.
+ * | | |1 = If user attempts to enter Power-down mode by executing WFI while the protocol is in transferring, the on-going transfer will not be stopped and MCU will enter idle mode immediately.
+ * @var USPI_T::WKSTS
+ * Offset: 0x58 USCI Wake-up Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKF |Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |When chip is woken up from Power-down mode, this bit is set to 1
+ * | | |Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * @var USPI_T::PROTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x5C USCI Protocol Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SLAVE |Slave Mode Selection
+ * | | |0 = Master mode.
+ * | | |1 = Slave mode.
+ * |[1] |SLV3WIRE |Slave 3-wire Mode Selection (Slave Only)
+ * | | |The SPI protocol can work with 3-wire interface (without slave select signal) in Slave mode.
+ * | | |0 = 4-wire bi-direction interface.
+ * | | |1 = 3-wire bi-direction interface.
+ * |[2] |SS |Slave Select Control (Master Only)
+ * | | |If AUTOSS bit is cleared, setting this bit to 1 will set the slave select signal to active state, and setting this bit to 0 will set the slave select signal back to inactive state.
+ * | | |If the AUTOSS function is enabled (AUTOSS = 1), the setting value of this bit will not affect the current state of slave select signal.
+ * | | |Note: In SPI protocol, the internal slave select signal is active high.
+ * |[3] |AUTOSS |Automatic Slave Select Function Enable (Master Only)
+ * | | |0 = Slave select signal will be controlled by the setting value of SS (USPI_PROTCTL[2]) bit.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select signal will be generated automatically
+ * | | |The slave select signal will be asserted by the SPI controller when transmit/receive is started, and will be de-asserted after each transmit/receive is finished.
+ * |[7:6] |SCLKMODE |Serial Bus Clock Mode
+ * | | |This bit field defines the SCLK idle status, data transmit, and data receive edge.
+ * | | |MODE0 = The idle state of SPI clock is low level
+ * | | |Data is transmitted with falling edge and received with rising edge.
+ * | | |MODE1 = The idle state of SPI clock is low level
+ * | | |Data is transmitted with rising edge and received with falling edge.
+ * | | |MODE2 = The idle state of SPI clock is high level
+ * | | |Data is transmitted with rising edge and received with falling edge.
+ * | | |MODE3 = The idle state of SPI clock is high level
+ * | | |Data is transmitted with falling edge and received with rising edge.
+ * |[11:8] |SUSPITV |Suspend Interval (Master Only)
+ * | | |This bit field provides the configurable suspend interval between two successive transmit/receive transaction in a transfer
+ * | | |The definition of the suspend interval is the interval between the last clock edge of the preceding transaction word and the first clock edge of the following transaction word
+ * | | |The default value is 0x3
+ * | | |The period of the suspend interval is obtained according to the following equation.
+ * | | |(SUSPITV[3:0] + 0.5) * period of SPI_CLK clock cycle
+ * | | |Example:
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0x0 u2026. 0.5 SPI_CLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0x1 u2026. 1.5 SPI_CLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |u2026u2026
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0xE u2026. 14.5 SPI_CLK clock cycle.
+ * | | |SUSPITV = 0xF u2026. 15.5 SPI_CLK clock cycle.
+ * |[14:12] |TSMSEL |Transmit Data Mode Selection
+ * | | |This bit field describes how receive and transmit data is shifted in and out.
+ * | | |TSMSEL = 000b: Full-duplex SPI.
+ * | | |TSMSEL = 100b: Half-duplex SPI.
+ * | | |Other values are reserved.
+ * | | |Note: Changing the value of this bit field will produce the TXRST and RXRST to clear the TX/RX data buffer automatically.
+ * |[25:16] |SLVTOCNT |Slave Mode Time-out Period (Slave Only)
+ * | | |In Slave mode, this bit field is used for Slave time-out period
+ * | | |This bit field indicates how many clock periods (selected by TMCNTSRC, USPI_BRGEN[5]) between the two edges of input SCLK will assert the Slave time-out event
+ * | | |Writing 0x0 into this bit field will disable the Slave time-out function.
+ * | | |Example: Assume SLVTOCNT is 0x0A and TMCNTSRC (USPI_BRGEN[5]) is 1, it means the time-out event will occur if the state of SPI bus clock pin is not changed more than (10+1) periods of fDIV_CLK.
+ * |[28] |TXUDRPOL |Transmit Under-run Data Polarity (for Slave)
+ * | | |This bit defines the transmitting data level when no data is available for transferring.
+ * | | |0 = The output data level is 0 if TX under-run event occurs.
+ * | | |1 = The output data level is 1 if TX under-run event occurs.
+ * |[31] |PROTEN |SPI Protocol Enable
+ * | | |0 = SPI Protocol Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = SPI Protocol Enabled.
+ * @var USPI_T::PROTIEN
+ * Offset: 0x60 USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SSINAIEN |Slave Select Inactive Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables/disables the generation of a slave select interrupt if the slave select changes to inactive.
+ * | | |0 = Slave select inactive interrupt generation Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select inactive interrupt generation Enabled.
+ * |[1] |SSACTIEN |Slave Select Active Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |This bit enables/disables the generation of a slave select interrupt if the slave select changes to active.
+ * | | |0 = Slave select active interrupt generation Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Slave select active interrupt generation Enabled.
+ * |[2] |SLVTOIEN |Slave Time-out Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |In SPI protocol, this bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a Slave time-out event.
+ * | | |0 = The Slave time-out interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Slave time-out interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[3] |SLVBEIEN |Slave Mode Bit Count Error Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |If data transfer is terminated by slave time-out or slave select inactive event in Slave mode, so that the transmit/receive data bit count does not match the setting of DWIDTH (USPI_LINECTL[11:8])
+ * | | |Bit count error event occurs.
+ * | | |0 = The Slave mode bit count error interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The Slave mode bit count error interrupt Enabled.
+ * @var USPI_T::PROTSTS
+ * Offset: 0x64 USCI Protocol Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TXSTIF |Transmit Start Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Transmit start event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit start event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * |[2] |TXENDIF |Transmit End Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Transmit end event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit end event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * |[3] |RXSTIF |Receive Start Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Receive start event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receive start event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * |[4] |RXENDIF |Receive End Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = Receive end event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Receive end event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * |[5] |SLVTOIF |Slave Time-out Interrupt Flag (for Slave Only)
+ * | | |0 = Slave time-out event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Slave time-out event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * |[6] |SLVBEIF |Slave Bit Count Error Interrupt Flag (for Slave Only)
+ * | | |0 = Slave bit count error event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Slave bit count error event occurs.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit.
+ * |[8] |SSINAIF |Slave Select Inactive Interrupt Flag (for Slave Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates that the internal slave select signal has changed to inactive
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit
+ * | | |0 = The slave select signal has not changed to inactive.
+ * | | |1 = The slave select signal has changed to inactive.
+ * | | |Note: The internal slave select signal is active high.
+ * |[9] |SSACTIF |Slave Select Active Interrupt Flag (for Slave Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates that the internal slave select signal has changed to active
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writes one to this bit
+ * | | |0 = The slave select signal has not changed to active.
+ * | | |1 = The slave select signal has changed to active.
+ * | | |Note: The internal slave select signal is active high.
+ * |[16] |SSLINE |Slave Select Line Bus Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit is only available in Slave mode
+ * | | |It used to monitor the current status of the input slave select signal on the bus.
+ * | | |0 = The slave select line status is 0.
+ * | | |1 = The slave select line status is 1.
+ * |[17] |BUSY |Busy Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |0 = SPI is in idle state.
+ * | | |1 = SPI is in busy state.
+ * | | |The following listing are the bus busy conditions:
+ * | | |a. USPI_PROTCTL[31] = 1 and the TXEMPTY = 0.
+ * | | |b. For SPI Master mode, the TXEMPTY = 1 but the current transaction is not finished yet.
+ * | | |c
+ * | | |For SPI Slave mode, the USPI_PROTCTL[31] = 1 and there is serial clock input into the SPI core logic when slave select is active.
+ * | | |d
+ * | | |For SPI Slave mode, the USPI_PROTCTL[31] = 1 and the transmit buffer or transmit shift register is not empty even if the slave select is inactive.
+ * |[18] |SLVUDR |Slave Mode Transmit Under-run Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |In Slave mode, if there is no available transmit data in buffer while transmit data shift out caused by input serial bus clock, this status flag will be set to 1
+ * | | |This bit indicates whether the current shift-out data of word transmission is switched to TXUDRPOL (USPI_PROTCTL[28]) or not.
+ * | | |0 = Slave transmit under-run event does not occur.
+ * | | |1 = Slave transmit under-run event occurs.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] USCI Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0004] USCI Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BRGEN; /*!< [0x0008] USCI Baud Rate Generator Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
+ __IO uint32_t DATIN0; /*!< [0x0010] USCI Input Data Signal Configuration Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[3];
+ __IO uint32_t CTLIN0; /*!< [0x0020] USCI Input Control Signal Configuration Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[1];
+ __IO uint32_t CLKIN; /*!< [0x0028] USCI Input Clock Signal Configuration Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LINECTL; /*!< [0x002c] USCI Line Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t TXDAT; /*!< [0x0030] USCI Transmit Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t RXDAT; /*!< [0x0034] USCI Receive Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BUFCTL; /*!< [0x0038] USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BUFSTS; /*!< [0x003c] USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[5];
+ __IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x0054] USCI Wake-up Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0058] USCI Wake-up Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTCTL; /*!< [0x005c] USCI Protocol Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTIEN; /*!< [0x0060] USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTSTS; /*!< [0x0064] USCI Protocol Status Register */
+} USPI_T;
+ @addtogroup USPI_CONST USPI Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for USPI Controller
+@{ */
+#define USPI_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::CTL: FUNMODE Position */
+#define USPI_CTL_FUNMODE_Msk (0x7ul << USPI_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::CTL: FUNMODE Mask */
+#define USPI_INTEN_TXSTIEN_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::INTEN: TXSTIEN Position */
+#define USPI_INTEN_TXENDIEN_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::INTEN: TXENDIEN Position */
+#define USPI_INTEN_RXSTIEN_Pos (3) /*!< USPI_T::INTEN: RXSTIEN Position */
+#define USPI_INTEN_RXENDIEN_Pos (4) /*!< USPI_T::INTEN: RXENDIEN Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: PTCLKSEL Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: SPCLKSEL Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos (4) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Pos (5) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: TMCNTSRC Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos (16) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Position */
+#define USPI_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Msk (0x3fful << USPI_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Mask */
+#define USPI_DATIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::DATIN0: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define USPI_DATIN0_SYNCSEL_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_DATIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::DATIN0: SYNCSEL Mask */
+#define USPI_DATIN0_ININV_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::DATIN0: ININV Position */
+#define USPI_DATIN0_ININV_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_DATIN0_ININV_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::DATIN0: ININV Mask */
+#define USPI_CTLIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::CTLIN0: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define USPI_CTLIN0_SYNCSEL_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_CTLIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::CTLIN0: SYNCSEL Mask */
+#define USPI_CTLIN0_ININV_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::CTLIN0: ININV Position */
+#define USPI_CTLIN0_ININV_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_CTLIN0_ININV_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::CTLIN0: ININV Mask */
+#define USPI_CLKIN_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::CLKIN: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define USPI_LINECTL_LSB_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::LINECTL: LSB Position */
+#define USPI_LINECTL_LSB_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_LINECTL_LSB_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::LINECTL: LSB Mask */
+#define USPI_LINECTL_DATOINV_Pos (5) /*!< USPI_T::LINECTL: DATOINV Position */
+#define USPI_LINECTL_CTLOINV_Pos (7) /*!< USPI_T::LINECTL: CTLOINV Position */
+#define USPI_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos (8) /*!< USPI_T::LINECTL: DWIDTH Position */
+#define USPI_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Position */
+#define USPI_TXDAT_TXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << USPI_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Mask */
+#define USPI_TXDAT_PORTDIR_Pos (16) /*!< USPI_T::TXDAT: PORTDIR Position */
+#define USPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Position */
+#define USPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << USPI_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Mask */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_TXUDRIEN_Pos (6) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: TXUDRIEN Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_TXCLR_Pos (7) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: TXCLR Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_TXCLR_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_BUFCTL_TXCLR_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: TXCLR Mask */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_RXOVIEN_Pos (14) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: RXOVIEN Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_RXCLR_Pos (15) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: RXCLR Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_RXCLR_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_BUFCTL_RXCLR_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: RXCLR Mask */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_TXRST_Pos (16) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: TXRST Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_TXRST_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_BUFCTL_TXRST_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: TXRST Mask */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_RXRST_Pos (17) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: RXRST Position */
+#define USPI_BUFCTL_RXRST_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_BUFCTL_RXRST_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::BUFCTL: RXRST Mask */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_RXEMPTY_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_RXFULL_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: RXFULL Position */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_RXOVIF_Pos (3) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: RXOVIF Position */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_TXEMPTY_Pos (8) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_TXFULL_Pos (9) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: TXFULL Position */
+#define USPI_BUFSTS_TXUDRIF_Pos (11) /*!< USPI_T::BUFSTS: TXUDRIF Position */
+#define USPI_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::WKCTL: WKEN Position */
+#define USPI_WKCTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::WKCTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define USPI_WKCTL_WKADDREN_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::WKCTL: WKADDREN Position */
+#define USPI_WKCTL_PDBOPT_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::WKCTL: PDBOPT Position */
+#define USPI_WKCTL_PDBOPT_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_WKCTL_PDBOPT_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::WKCTL: PDBOPT Mask */
+#define USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::WKSTS: WKF Position */
+#define USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_WKSTS_WKF_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::WKSTS: WKF Mask */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SLAVE_Pos (0) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SLAVE Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SLV3WIRE_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SLV3WIRE Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SS Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_PROTCTL_SS_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SS Mask */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_AUTOSS_Pos (3) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: AUTOSS Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SUSPITV_Pos (8) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SUSPITV Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_TSMSEL_Pos (12) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: TSMSEL Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_SLVTOCNT_Pos (16) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: SLVTOCNT Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_TXUDRPOL_Pos (28) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: TXUDRPOL Position */
+#define USPI_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Pos (31) /*!< USPI_T::PROTCTL: PROTEN Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_TXSTIF_Pos (1) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: TXSTIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_TXENDIF_Pos (2) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: TXENDIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_RXSTIF_Pos (3) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: RXSTIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_RXENDIF_Pos (4) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: RXENDIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SLVTOIF_Pos (5) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SLVTOIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SLVBEIF_Pos (6) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SLVBEIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SSINAIF_Pos (8) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SSINAIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SSACTIF_Pos (9) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SSACTIF Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SSLINE_Pos (16) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SSLINE Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_BUSY_Pos (17) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: BUSY Position */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_BUSY_Msk (0x1ul << USPI_PROTSTS_BUSY_Pos) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: BUSY Mask */
+#define USPI_PROTSTS_SLVUDR_Pos (18) /*!< USPI_T::PROTSTS: SLVUDR Position */
+/**@}*/ /* USPI_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of USPI register group */
+/*---------------------- UART Mode of USCI Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup UUART UART Mode of USCI Controller(UUART)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for UUART Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var UUART_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 USCI Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[2:0] |FUNMODE |Function Mode
+ * | | |This bit field selects the protocol for this USCI controller.
+ * | | |Selecting a protocol that is not available or a reserved combination disables the USCI.
+ * | | |When switching between two protocols, the USCI has to be disabled before selecting a new protocol.
+ * | | |Simultaneously, the USCI will be reset when user write 000 to FUNMODE.
+ * | | |000 = The USCI is disabled. All protocol related state machines are set to idle state.
+ * | | |001 = The SPI protocol is selected.
+ * | | |010 = The UART protocol is selected.
+ * | | |100 = The I2C protocol is selected.
+ * | | |Note: Other bit combinations are reserved.
+ * @var UUART_T::INTEN
+ * Offset: 0x04 USCI Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TXSTIEN |Transmit Start Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a transmit start event.
+ * | | |0 = The transmit start interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit start interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[2] |TXENDIEN |Transmit End Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a transmit finish event.
+ * | | |0 = The transmit finish interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit finish interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[3] |RXSTIEN |Receive Start Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a receive start event.
+ * | | |0 = The receive start interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The receive start interrupt is enabled.
+ * |[4] |RXENDIEN |Receive End Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the interrupt generation in case of a receive finish event.
+ * | | |0 = The receive end interrupt is disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The receive end interrupt is enabled.
+ * @var UUART_T::BRGEN
+ * Offset: 0x08 USCI Baud Rate Generator Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RCLKSEL |Reference Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source signal of reference clock (fREF_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Peripheral device clock fPCLK.
+ * | | |1 = Reserved.
+ * |[1] |PTCLKSEL |Protocol Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects the source signal of protocol clock (fPROT_CLK).
+ * | | |0 = Reference clock fREF_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = fREF_CLK2 (its frequency is half of fREF_CLK).
+ * |[3:2] |SPCLKSEL |Sample Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |This bit field used for the clock source selection of a sample clock (fSAMP_CLK) for the protocol processor.
+ * | | |00 = fSAMP_CLK = fDIV_CLK.
+ * | | |01 = fSAMP_CLK = fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |10 = fSAMP_CLK = fSCLK.
+ * | | |11 = fSAMP_CLK = fREF_CLK.
+ * |[4] |TMCNTEN |Timing Measurement Counter Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit enables the 10-bit timing measurement counter.
+ * | | |0 = Timing measurement counter is Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Timing measurement counter is Enabled.
+ * |[5] |TMCNTSRC |Timing Measurement Counter Clock Source Selection
+ * | | |0 = Timing measurement counter with fPROT_CLK.
+ * | | |1 = Timing measurement counter with fDIV_CLK.
+ * |[9:8] |PDSCNT |Pre-divider for Sample Counter
+ * | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the clock division from sample clock fSAMP_CLK.
+ * | | |The divided frequency fPDS_CNT = fSAMP_CLK / (PDSCNT+1).
+ * |[14:10] |DSCNT |Denominator for Sample Counter
+ * | | |This bit field defines the divide ratio of the sample clock fSAMP_CLK.
+ * | | |The divided frequency fDS_CNT = fPDS_CNT / (DSCNT+1).
+ * | | |Note: The maximum value of DSCNT is 0xF on UART mode and suggest to set over 4 to confirm the receiver data is sampled in right value
+ * |[25:16] |CLKDIV |Clock Divider
+ * | | |This bit field defines the ratio between the protocol clock frequency fPROT_CLK and the clock divider frequency fDIV_CLK (fDIV_CLK = fPROT_CLK / (CLKDIV+1) ).
+ * | | |Note: In UART function, it can be updated by hardware in the 4th falling edge of the input data 0x55 when the auto baud rate function (ABREN(UUART_PROTCTL[6])) is enabled.
+ * | | |The revised value is the average bit time between bit 5 and bit 6.
+ * | | |The user can use revised CLKDIV and new BRDETITV (UUART_PROTCTL[24:16]) to calculate the precise baud rate.
+ * @var UUART_T::DATIN0
+ * Offset: 0x10 USCI Input Data Signal Configuration Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Signal Synchronization Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal (with optionally inverted) or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * |[2] |ININV |Input Signal Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the inverter enable of the input asynchronous signal.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized input signal will not be inverted.
+ * | | |1 = The un-synchronized input signal will be inverted.
+ * |[4:3] |EDGEDET |Input Signal Edge Detection Mode
+ * | | |This bit field selects which edge actives the trigger event of input data signal.
+ * | | |00 = The trigger event activation is disabled.
+ * | | |01 = A rising edge activates the trigger event of input data signal.
+ * | | |10 = A falling edge activates the trigger event of input data signal.
+ * | | |11 = Both edges activate the trigger event of input data signal.
+ * | | |Note: In UART function mode, it is suggested to set this bit field as 10.
+ * @var UUART_T::CTLIN0
+ * Offset: 0x20 USCI Input Control Signal Configuration Register 0
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Synchronization Signal Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal (with optionally inverted) or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * |[2] |ININV |Input Signal Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the inverter enable of the input asynchronous signal.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized input signal will not be inverted.
+ * | | |1 = The un-synchronized input signal will be inverted.
+ * @var UUART_T::CLKIN
+ * Offset: 0x28 USCI Input Clock Signal Configuration Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |SYNCSEL |Input Synchronization Signal Selection
+ * | | |This bit selects if the un-synchronized input signal or the synchronized (and optionally filtered) signal can be used as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |0 = The un-synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * | | |1 = The synchronized signal can be taken as input for the data shift unit.
+ * Offset: 0x2C USCI Line Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |LSB |LSB First Transmission Selection
+ * | | |0 = The MSB, which bit of transmit/receive data buffer depends on the setting of DWIDTH, is transmitted/received first.
+ * | | |1 = The LSB, the bit 0 of data buffer, will be transmitted/received first.
+ * |[5] |DATOINV |Data Output Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the relation between the internal shift data value and the output data signal of USCIx_DAT1 pin.
+ * | | |0 = The value of USCIx_DAT1 is equal to the data shift register.
+ * | | |1 = The value of USCIx_DAT1 is the inversion of data shift register.
+ * |[7] |CTLOINV |Control Signal Output Inverse Selection
+ * | | |This bit defines the relation between the internal control signal and the output control signal.
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The control signal will be inverted before its output.
+ * | | |Note: In UART protocol, the control signal means nRTS signal.
+ * |[11:8] |DWIDTH |Word Length of Transmission
+ * | | |This bit field defines the data word length (amount of bits) for reception and transmission.
+ * | | |The data word is always right-aligned in the data buffer.
+ * | | |USCI support word length from 4 to 16 bits.
+ * | | |0x0: The data word contains 16 bits located at bit positions [15:0].
+ * | | |0x1: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x2: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x3: Reserved.
+ * | | |0x4: The data word contains 4 bits located at bit positions [3:0].
+ * | | |0x5: The data word contains 5 bits located at bit positions [4:0].
+ * | | |...
+ * | | |0xF: The data word contains 15 bits located at bit positions [14:0].
+ * | | |Note: In UART protocol, the length can be configured as 6~13 bits.
+ * @var UUART_T::TXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x30 USCI Transmit Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |TXDAT |Transmit Data
+ * | | |Software can use this bit field to write 16-bit transmit data for transmission.
+ * @var UUART_T::RXDAT
+ * Offset: 0x34 USCI Receive Data Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[15:0] |RXDAT |Received Data
+ * | | |This bit field monitors the received data which stored in receive data buffer.
+ * | | |Note: RXDAT[15:13] indicate the same frame status of BREAK, FRMERR and PARITYERR (UUART_PROTSTS[7:5]).
+ * @var UUART_T::BUFCTL
+ * Offset: 0x38 USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[7] |TXCLR |Clear Transmit Buffer
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The transmit buffer is cleared (filling level is cleared and output pointer is set to input pointer value).
+ * | | |Should only be used while the buffer is not taking part in data traffic.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[14] |RXOVIEN |Receive Buffer Overrun Error Interrupt Enable Control
+ * | | |0 = Receive overrun interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive overrun interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[15] |RXCLR |Clear Receive Buffer
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = The receive buffer is cleared (filling level is cleared and output pointer is set to input pointer value).
+ * | | |Should only be used while the buffer is not taking part in data traffic.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[16] |TXRST |Transmit Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the transmit-related counters, state machine, and the content of transmit shift register and data buffer.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * |[17] |RXRST |Receive Reset
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = Reset the receive-related counters, state machine, and the content of receive shift register and data buffer.
+ * | | |Note 1: It is cleared automatically after one PCLK cycle.
+ * | | |Note 2: It is suggest to check the RXBUSY (UUART_PROTSTS[10]) before this bit will be set to 1.
+ * @var UUART_T::BUFSTS
+ * Offset: 0x3C USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |RXEMPTY |Receive Buffer Empty Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Receive buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Receive buffer is empty.
+ * |[1] |RXFULL |Receive Buffer Full Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Receive buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Receive buffer is full.
+ * |[3] |RXOVIF |Receive Buffer Over-run Error Interrupt Status
+ * | | |This bit indicates that a receive buffer overrun error event has been detected.
+ * | | |If RXOVIEN (UUART_BUFCTL[14]) is enabled, the corresponding interrupt request is activated.
+ * | | |It is cleared by software writes 1 to this bit.
+ * | | |0 = A receive buffer overrun error event has not been detected.
+ * | | |1 = A receive buffer overrun error event has been detected.
+ * |[8] |TXEMPTY |Transmit Buffer Empty Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer is not empty.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer is empty.
+ * |[9] |TXFULL |Transmit Buffer Full Indicator
+ * | | |0 = Transmit buffer is not full.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit buffer is full.
+ * @var UUART_T::WKCTL
+ * Offset: 0x54 USCI Wake-up Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKEN |Wake-up Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Wake-up function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Wake-up function Enabled.
+ * |[2] |PDBOPT |Power Down Blocking Option
+ * | | |0 = If user attempts to enter Power-down mode by executing WFI while the protocol is in transferring, MCU will stop the transfer and enter Power-down mode immediately.
+ * | | |1 = If user attempts to enter Power-down mode by executing WFI while the protocol is in transferring, the on-going transfer will not be stopped and MCU will enter idle mode immediately.
+ * @var UUART_T::WKSTS
+ * Offset: 0x58 USCI Wake-up Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WKF |Wake-up Flag
+ * | | |When chip is woken up from Power-down mode, this bit is set to 1.
+ * | | |Software can write 1 to clear this bit.
+ * Offset: 0x5C USCI Protocol Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |STOPB |Stop Bits
+ * | | |This bit defines the number of stop bits in an UART frame.
+ * | | |0 = The number of stop bits is 1.
+ * | | |1 = The number of stop bits is 2.
+ * |[1] |PARITYEN |Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |This bit defines the parity bit is enabled in an UART frame.
+ * | | |0 = The parity bit Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = The parity bit Enabled.
+ * |[2] |EVENPARITY|Even Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Odd number of logic 1 is transmitted and checked in each word.
+ * | | |1 = Even number of logic 1 is transmitted and checked in each word.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has effect only when PARITYEN is set.
+ * |[3] |RTSAUTOEN |nRTS Auto-flow Control Enable
+ * | | |When nRTS auto-flow is enabled, if the receiver buffer is full (RXFULL (UUART_BUFSTS[1] = 1)), the UART will de-assert nRTS signal.
+ * | | |0 = nRTS auto-flow control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS auto-flow control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit has effect only when the RTSAUDIREN is not set.
+ * |[4] |CTSAUTOEN |nCTS Auto-flow Control Enable Bit
+ * | | |When nCTS auto-flow is enabled, the UART will send data to external device when nCTS input assert (UART will not send data to device if nCTS input is dis-asserted).
+ * | | |0 = nCTS auto-flow control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS auto-flow control Enabled.
+ * |[5] |RTSAUDIREN|nRTS Auto Direction Enable Bit
+ * | | |When nRTS auto direction is enabled, if the transmitted bytes in the TX buffer is empty, the UART will reassert nRTS signal.
+ * | | |0 = nRTS auto direction control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nRTS auto direction control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note 1: This bit is used for nRTS auto direction control for RS485.
+ * | | |Note 2: This bit has effect only when the RTSAUTOEN is not set.
+ * |[6] |ABREN |Auto-baud Rate Detect Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate detect function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate detect function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When the auto-baud rate detect operation finishes, hardware will clear this bit.
+ * | | |The associated interrupt ABRDETIF (USCI_PROTST[9]) will be generated (If ARBIEN (UUART_PROTIEN [1]) is enabled).
+ * |[9] |DATWKEN |Data Wake-up Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Data wake-up mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Data wake-up mode Enabled.
+ * |[10] |CTSWKEN |nCTS Wake-up Mode Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = nCTS wake-up mode Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS wake-up mode Enabled.
+ * |[14:11] |WAKECNT |Wake-up Counter
+ * | | |These bits field indicate how many clock cycle selected by fPDS_CNT do the slave can get the 1st bit (start bit) when the device is wake-up from Power-down mode.
+ * |[24:16] |BRDETITV |Baud Rate Detection Interval
+ * | | |This bit fields indicate how many clock cycle selected by TMCNTSRC (UUART_BRGEN [5]) does the slave calculates the baud rate in one bits.
+ * | | |The order of the bus shall be 1 and 0 step by step (e.g. the input data pattern shall be 0x55).
+ * | | |The user can read the value to know the current input baud rate of the bus whenever the ABRDETIF (UUART_PROTCTL[9]) is set.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared to 0 by software writing 1 to the BRDETITV.
+ * |[26] |STICKEN |Stick Parity Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Stick parity Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Stick parity Enabled.
+ * |[29] |BCEN |Transmit Break Control Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Transmit Break Control Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Transmit Break Control Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: When this bit is set to logic 1, the serial data output (TX) is forced to the Spacing State (logic 0).
+ * | | |This bit acts only on TX line and has no effect on the transmitter logic.
+ * |[31] |PROTEN |UART Protocol Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = UART Protocol Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = UART Protocol Enabled.
+ * Offset: 0x60 USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |ABRIEN |Auto-baud Rate Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[2] |RLSIEN |Receive Line Status Interrupt Enable Bit
+ * | | |0 = Receive line status interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = Receive line status interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: UUART_PROTSTS[7:5] indicates the current interrupt event for receive line status interrupt.
+ * Offset: 0x64 USCI Protocol Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |TXSTIF |Transmit Start Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = A transmit start interrupt status has not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = A transmit start interrupt status has occurred.
+ * | | |Note 1: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * | | |Note 2: Used for user to load next transmit data when there is no data in transmit buffer.
+ * |[2] |TXENDIF |Transmit End Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = A transmit end interrupt status has not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = A transmit end interrupt status has occurred.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[3] |RXSTIF |Receive Start Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = A receive start interrupt status has not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = A receive start interrupt status has occurred.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[4] |RXENDIF |Receive End Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |0 = A receive finish interrupt status has not occurred.
+ * | | |1 = A receive finish interrupt status has occurred.
+ * | | |Note: It is cleared by software writing one into this bit.
+ * |[5] |PARITYERR |Parity Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid parity bit.
+ * | | |0 = No parity error is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Parity error is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by write 1 among the BREAK, FRMERR and PARITYERR bits.
+ * |[6] |FRMERR |Framing Error Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received character does not have a valid stop bit (that is, the stop bit following the last data bit or parity bit is detected as logic 0).
+ * | | |0 = No framing error is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Framing error is generated.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by write 1 among the BREAK, FRMERR and PARITYERR bits.
+ * |[7] |BREAK |Break Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the received data input (RX) is held in the spacing state (logic 0) for longer than a full word transmission time (that is, the total time of "start bit + data bits + parity + stop bits").
+ * | | |0 = No Break is generated.
+ * | | |1 = Break is generated in the receiver bus.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by write 1 among the BREAK, FRMERR and PARITYERR bits.
+ * |[9] |ABRDETIF |Auto-baud Rate Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit is set when auto-baud rate detection is done among the falling edge of the input data.
+ * | | |If the ABRIEN (UUART_PROTCTL[6]) is set, the auto-baud rate interrupt will be generated.
+ * | | |This bit can be set 4 times when the input data pattern is 0x55 and it is cleared before the next falling edge of the input bus.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate detect function is not done.
+ * | | |1 = One Bit auto-baud rate detect function is done.
+ * | | |Note: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[10] |RXBUSY |RX Bus Status Flag (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the busy status of the receiver.
+ * | | |0 = The receiver is Idle.
+ * | | |1 = The receiver is BUSY.
+ * |[11] |ABERRSTS |Auto-baud Rate Error Status
+ * | | |This bit is set when auto-baud rate detection counter overrun.
+ * | | |When the auto-baud rate counter overrun, the user shall revise the CLKDIV (UUART_BRGEN[25:16]) value and enable ABREN (UUART_PROTCTL[6]) to detect the correct baud rate again.
+ * | | |0 = Auto-baud rate detect counter is not overrun.
+ * | | |1 = Auto-baud rate detect counter is overrun.
+ * | | |Note 1: This bit is set at the same time of ABRDETIF.
+ * | | |Note 2: This bit can be cleared by writing 1 to ABRDETIF or ABERRSTS.
+ * |[16] |CTSSYNCLV |nCTS Synchronized Level Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit used to indicate the current status of the internal synchronized nCTS signal.
+ * | | |0 = The internal synchronized nCTS is low.
+ * | | |1 = The internal synchronized nCTS is high.
+ * |[17] |CTSLV |nCTS Pin Status (Read Only)
+ * | | |This bit used to monitor the current status of nCTS pin input.
+ * | | |0 = nCTS pin input is low level voltage logic state.
+ * | | |1 = nCTS pin input is high level voltage logic state.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] USCI Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t INTEN; /*!< [0x0004] USCI Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BRGEN; /*!< [0x0008] USCI Baud Rate Generator Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE0[1];
+ __IO uint32_t DATIN0; /*!< [0x0010] USCI Input Data Signal Configuration Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE1[3];
+ __IO uint32_t CTLIN0; /*!< [0x0020] USCI Input Control Signal Configuration Register 0 */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE2[1];
+ __IO uint32_t CLKIN; /*!< [0x0028] USCI Input Clock Signal Configuration Register */
+ __IO uint32_t LINECTL; /*!< [0x002c] USCI Line Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t TXDAT; /*!< [0x0030] USCI Transmit Data Register */
+ __I uint32_t RXDAT; /*!< [0x0034] USCI Receive Data Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BUFCTL; /*!< [0x0038] USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t BUFSTS; /*!< [0x003c] USCI Transmit/Receive Buffer Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t RESERVE3[5];
+ __IO uint32_t WKCTL; /*!< [0x0054] USCI Wake-up Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t WKSTS; /*!< [0x0058] USCI Wake-up Status Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTCTL; /*!< [0x005c] USCI Protocol Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTIEN; /*!< [0x0060] USCI Protocol Interrupt Enable Register */
+ __IO uint32_t PROTSTS; /*!< [0x0064] USCI Protocol Status Register */
+ @addtogroup UUART_CONST UUART Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for UUART Controller
+@{ */
+#define UUART_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::CTL: FUNMODE Position */
+#define UUART_CTL_FUNMODE_Msk (0x7ul << UUART_CTL_FUNMODE_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::CTL: FUNMODE Mask */
+#define UUART_INTEN_TXSTIEN_Pos (1) /*!< UUART_T::INTEN: TXSTIEN Position */
+#define UUART_INTEN_TXENDIEN_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::INTEN: TXENDIEN Position */
+#define UUART_INTEN_RXSTIEN_Pos (3) /*!< UUART_T::INTEN: RXSTIEN Position */
+#define UUART_INTEN_RXENDIEN_Pos (4) /*!< UUART_T::INTEN: RXENDIEN Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_RCLKSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: RCLKSEL Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_PTCLKSEL_Pos (1) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: PTCLKSEL Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_SPCLKSEL_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: SPCLKSEL Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_TMCNTEN_Pos (4) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: TMCNTEN Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_TMCNTSRC_Pos (5) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: TMCNTSRC Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_PDSCNT_Pos (8) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: PDSCNT Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos (10) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Position */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_DSCNT_Msk (0x1ful << UUART_BRGEN_DSCNT_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: DSCNT Mask */
+#define UUART_BRGEN_CLKDIV_Pos (16) /*!< UUART_T::BRGEN: CLKDIV Position */
+#define UUART_DATIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::DATIN0: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define UUART_DATIN0_ININV_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::DATIN0: ININV Position */
+#define UUART_DATIN0_ININV_Msk (0x1ul << UUART_DATIN0_ININV_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::DATIN0: ININV Mask */
+#define UUART_DATIN0_EDGEDET_Pos (3) /*!< UUART_T::DATIN0: EDGEDET Position */
+#define UUART_CTLIN0_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::CTLIN0: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define UUART_CTLIN0_ININV_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::CTLIN0: ININV Position */
+#define UUART_CTLIN0_ININV_Msk (0x1ul << UUART_CTLIN0_ININV_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::CTLIN0: ININV Mask */
+#define UUART_CLKIN_SYNCSEL_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::CLKIN: SYNCSEL Position */
+#define UUART_LINECTL_LSB_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::LINECTL: LSB Position */
+#define UUART_LINECTL_LSB_Msk (0x1ul << UUART_LINECTL_LSB_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::LINECTL: LSB Mask */
+#define UUART_LINECTL_DWIDTH_Pos (8) /*!< UUART_T::LINECTL: DWIDTH Position */
+#define UUART_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Position */
+#define UUART_TXDAT_TXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UUART_TXDAT_TXDAT_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::TXDAT: TXDAT Mask */
+#define UUART_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Position */
+#define UUART_RXDAT_RXDAT_Msk (0xfffful << UUART_RXDAT_RXDAT_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::RXDAT: RXDAT Mask */
+#define UUART_BUFCTL_TXCLR_Pos (7) /*!< UUART_T::BUFCTL: TXCLR Position */
+#define UUART_BUFCTL_RXOVIEN_Pos (14) /*!< UUART_T::BUFCTL: RXOVIEN Position */
+#define UUART_BUFCTL_RXCLR_Pos (15) /*!< UUART_T::BUFCTL: RXCLR Position */
+#define UUART_BUFCTL_TXRST_Pos (16) /*!< UUART_T::BUFCTL: TXRST Position */
+#define UUART_BUFCTL_RXRST_Pos (17) /*!< UUART_T::BUFCTL: RXRST Position */
+#define UUART_BUFSTS_RXEMPTY_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::BUFSTS: RXEMPTY Position */
+#define UUART_BUFSTS_RXFULL_Pos (1) /*!< UUART_T::BUFSTS: RXFULL Position */
+#define UUART_BUFSTS_RXOVIF_Pos (3) /*!< UUART_T::BUFSTS: RXOVIF Position */
+#define UUART_BUFSTS_TXEMPTY_Pos (8) /*!< UUART_T::BUFSTS: TXEMPTY Position */
+#define UUART_BUFSTS_TXFULL_Pos (9) /*!< UUART_T::BUFSTS: TXFULL Position */
+#define UUART_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::WKCTL: WKEN Position */
+#define UUART_WKCTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << UUART_WKCTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::WKCTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define UUART_WKCTL_PDBOPT_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::WKCTL: PDBOPT Position */
+#define UUART_WKSTS_WKF_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::WKSTS: WKF Position */
+#define UUART_WKSTS_WKF_Msk (0x1ul << UUART_WKSTS_WKF_Pos) /*!< UUART_T::WKSTS: WKF Mask */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_STOPB_Pos (0) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: STOPB Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_ABREN_Pos (6) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: ABREN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_CTSWKEN_Pos (10) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: CTSWKEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_WAKECNT_Pos (11) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: WAKECNT Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_STICKEN_Pos (26) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: STICKEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_BCEN_Pos (29) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: BCEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTCTL_PROTEN_Pos (31) /*!< UUART_T::PROTCTL: PROTEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTIEN_ABRIEN_Pos (1) /*!< UUART_T::PROTIEN: ABRIEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTIEN_RLSIEN_Pos (2) /*!< UUART_T::PROTIEN: RLSIEN Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_TXSTIF_Pos (1) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: TXSTIF Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_RXSTIF_Pos (3) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: RXSTIF Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_FRMERR_Pos (6) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: FRMERR Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_BREAK_Pos (7) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: BREAK Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_RXBUSY_Pos (10) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: RXBUSY Position */
+#define UUART_PROTSTS_CTSLV_Pos (17) /*!< UUART_T::PROTSTS: CTSLV Position */
+/**@}*/ /* UUART_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of UUART register group */
+/*---------------------- Watch Dog Timer Controller -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup WDT Watch Dog Timer Controller(WDT)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for WDT Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var WDT_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x00 WDT Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1] |RSTEN |WDT Time-out Reset Enable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |Setting this bit will enable the WDT time-out reset system function If the WDT up counter value has not been cleared after the specific WDT reset delay period expires.
+ * | | |0 = WDT time-out reset system function Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = WDT time-out reset system function Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[2] |RSTF |WDT Time-out Reset Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates the system has been reset by WDT time-out reset system event or not.
+ * | | |0 = WDT time-out reset system event did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = WDT time-out reset system event has been occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[3] |IF |WDT Time-out Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit will set to 1 while WDT up counter value reaches the selected WDT time-out interval
+ * | | |0 = WDT time-out interrupt event interrupt did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = WDT time-out interrupt interrupt event occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[4] |WKEN |WDT Time-out Wake-up Function Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, while WDT time-out interrupt flag IF (WDT_CTL[3]) is generated to 1 and interrupt enable bit INTEN (WDT_CTL[6]) is enabled, the WDT time-out interrupt signal will generate a event to trigger CPU wake-up trigger event to chip.
+ * | | |0 = Trigger wWake-up trigger event function Disabled if WDT time-out interrupt signal generated.
+ * | | |1 = Trigger wWake-up trigger event function Enabled if WDT time-out interrupt signal generated.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * | | |Note2: Chip can be woken-up by while WDT time-out interrupt signal generated only if WDT clock source is selected to 10 kHz (LIRC (10 kHz) or LXT (32 kHz).
+ * |[5] |WKF |WDT Time-out Wake-up Flag (Write Protect)
+ * | | |This bit indicates the WDT time-out event has triggered interruptchip wake-up or not.flag status of WDT
+ * | | |0 = WDT does not cause chip wake-up.
+ * | | |1 = Chip wake-up from Idle or Power-down mode if when WDT time-out interrupt signal is generated.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * | | |Note2: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[6] |INTEN |WDT Time-out Interrupt Enable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |If this bit is enabled, when WDT time-out event occurs, the IF (WDT_CTL[3]) will be set to 1 andthe WDT time-out interrupt signal is generated and inform to CPU.
+ * | | |0 = WDT time-out interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = WDT time-out interrupt Enabled.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[7] |WDTEN |WDT Enable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = Set WDT counter stopDisabled, and (This action will reset the internal up counter value will be reset also).
+ * | | |1 = Set WDT counter start Enabled.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * | | |Note2: Perform enable or disable WDTEN bit needs 2 * WDT_CLK period to become active, user can read SYNC (WDT_CTL[30]) to check enabe/disable command is completed or not.
+ * | | |Note32: If CWDTEN[2:0] (combined by with Config0[31] and Config0[4:3]) bits is not configure to 0x111, this bit is forced as 1 and user cannot change this bit to 0.
+ * | | |Note3: This bit disabled needs 2 * WDT_CLK.
+ * |[10:8] |TOUTSEL |WDT Time-out Interval Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |These three bits select the time-out interval period after for the WDT starts counting.
+ * | | |000 = 24 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |001 = 26 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |010 = 28 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |011 = 210 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |100 = 212 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |101 = 214 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |110 = 216 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |111 = 218 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * |[30] |SYNC |WDT Enable Control SYNC SYNC Flag Indicator (Read Only)
+ * | | |If usDue to synchronization, software er can check execute enable/disable this flag after enable WDTEN (WDT_CTL[7]), this flag can be indicated enable/disable WDTEN function is becomecompleted or not active or not..
+ * | | |SYNC delay is
+ * | | |0 = Set WDTEN bit is WDT enable control synccompletedhronizing is completion.
+ * | | |1 = Set WDTEN bit WDT enable control is synchronizing and not become active yet..
+ * | | |Note: Perform enable or disable WDTEN bit
+ * | | |This bit enabled needs 2 * WDT_CLK period to become active.
+ * |[31] |ICEDEBUG |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable Control (Write Protect)
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement affects WDT counting.
+ * | | |WDT up counter will be held while CPU is held by ICE.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement Disabled.
+ * | | |WDT up counter will keep going no matter CPU is held by ICE or not.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * @var WDT_T::ALTCTL
+ * Offset: 0x04 WDT Alternative Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[1:0] |RSTDSEL |WDT Reset Delay Period Selection (Write Protect)
+ * | | |When WDT time-out event happened, user has a time named WDT Reset Delay Period to clear execute WDT counter by setting RSTCNT (WDT_CTL[0]) reset to prevent WDT time-out reset system occurredhappened
+ * | | |User can select a suitable setting of RSTDSEL for different application programWDT Reset Delay Period.
+ * | | |00 = WDT Reset Delay Period is 1026 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |01 = WDT Reset Delay Period is 130 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |10 = WDT Reset Delay Period is 18 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |11 = WDT Reset Delay Period is 3 * WDT_CLK.
+ * | | |Note1: This bit is write protected. Refer to the SYS_REGLCTL register.
+ * | | |Note2: This register will be reset to 0 if WDT time-out reset system event occurredhappened.
+ * @var WDT_T::RSTCNT
+ * Offset: 0x08 WDT Reset Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |RSTCNT |WDT Reset Counter Register
+ * | | |Writing 0x00005AA5 to this register field will reset the internal 18-bit WDT up counter value to 0.
+ * | | |Note: This WDT_RSTCNT is not write protected, but this RSTCNT (WDT_CTL[0]) is write protected.
+ * | | |Note: Perform RSTCNT to reset counter needs 2 * WDT_CLK period to become active.
+ */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0000] WDT Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t ALTCTL; /*!< [0x0004] WDT Alternative Control Register */
+ __O uint32_t RSTCNT; /*!< [0x0008] WDT Reset Counter Register */
+} WDT_T;
+ @addtogroup WDT_CONST WDT Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for WDT Controller
+@{ */
+#define WDT_CTL_RSTEN_Pos (1) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: RSTEN Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_RSTEN_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_RSTEN_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: RSTEN Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_RSTF_Pos (2) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: RSTF Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_RSTF_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_RSTF_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: RSTF Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_IF_Pos (3) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: IF Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_IF_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_IF_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: IF Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_WKEN_Pos (4) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WKEN Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_WKEN_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_WKEN_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WKEN Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_WKF_Pos (5) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WKF Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_WKF_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_WKF_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WKF Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_INTEN_Pos (6) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: INTEN Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_INTEN_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_INTEN_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: INTEN Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_WDTEN_Pos (7) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WDTEN Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_WDTEN_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_WDTEN_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: WDTEN Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_TOUTSEL_Pos (8) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: TOUTSEL Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_TOUTSEL_Msk (0x7ul << WDT_CTL_TOUTSEL_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: TOUTSEL Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_SYNC_Pos (30) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: SYNC Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_SYNC_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_SYNC_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: SYNC Mask */
+#define WDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos (31) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Position */
+#define WDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Msk (0x1ul << WDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Mask */
+#define WDT_ALTCTL_RSTDSEL_Pos (0) /*!< WDT_T::ALTCTL: RSTDSEL Position */
+#define WDT_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_Pos (0) /*!< WDT_T::RSTCNT: RSTCNT Position */
+#define WDT_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_Msk (0xfffffffful << WDT_RSTCNT_RSTCNT_Pos) /*!< WDT_T::RSTCNT: RSTCNT Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* WDT_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of WDT register group */
+/*---------------------- Window Watchdog Timer -------------------------*/
+ @addtogroup WWDT Window Watchdog Timer(WWDT)
+ Memory Mapped Structure for WWDT Controller
+@{ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * @var WWDT_T::RLDCNT
+ * Offset: 0x00 WWDT Reload Counter Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[31:0] |RLDCNT |WWDT Reload Counter Register
+ * | | |Writing only 0x00005AA5 to this register will reload the WWDT counter value to 0x3F.
+ * | | |Note1: User can only write executeWWDT_RLDCNT register tothe reload WWDT counter value command when current current WWDT counter valueCNTDAT (WWDT_CNT[5:0]) is between 10 and CMPDAT (WWDT_CTL[21:16])
+ * | | |If user writes 0x00005AA5 in WWDT_RLDCNT register when current current CNTDATWWDT counter value is larger than CMPDAT, WWDT reset signal system event will be generated immediately.
+ * | | |Note2: Execute WWDT counter relaod always needs (WWDT_CLK *3) period to reload CNTDAT to 0x3F and intrenal prescale counter will be reset also.
+ * @var WWDT_T::CTL
+ * Offset: 0x04 WWDT Control Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WWDTEN |WWDT Enable Control Bit
+ * | | |Set this bit to enable start WWDT counter counting.
+ * | | |0 = WWDT counter is stopped.
+ * | | |1 = WWDT counter is starting counting.
+ * |[1] |INTEN |WWDT Interrupt Enable Control Bit
+ * | | |If this bit is enabled, when WWDTIF (WWDT_STATUS[0]) is set to 1, the WWDT counter compare match interrupt signal is generated and inform to CPU.
+ * | | |0 = WWDT counter compare match interrupt Disabled.
+ * | | |1 = WWDT counter compare match interrupt Enabled.
+ * |[11:8] |PSCSEL |WWDT Counter Prescale Period Selection
+ * | | |0000 = Pre-scale is 1; Max time-out period is 1 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0001 = Pre-scale is 2; Max time-out period is 2 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0010 = Pre-scale is 4; Max time-out period is 4 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0011 = Pre-scale is 8; Max time-out period is 8 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0100 = Pre-scale is 16; Max time-out period is 16 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0101 = Pre-scale is 32; Max time-out period is 32 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0110 = Pre-scale is 64; Max time-out period is 64 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |0111 = Pre-scale is 128; Max time-out period is 128 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1000 = Pre-scale is 192; Max time-out period is 192 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1001 = Pre-scale is 256; Max time-out period is 256 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1010 = Pre-scale is 384; Max time-out period is 384 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1011 = Pre-scale is 512; Max time-out period is 512 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1100 = Pre-scale is 768; Max time-out period is 768 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1101 = Pre-scale is 1024; Max time-out period is 1024 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1110 = Pre-scale is 1536; Max time-out period is 1536 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * | | |1111 = Pre-scale is 2048; Max time-out period is 2048 * 64 * WWDT_CLK.
+ * |[21:16] |CMPDAT |WWDT Window Compare RegisterValue
+ * | | |Set this register field to adjust the valid reload window interval when WWDTIF (WWDT_STATUS[0]) is generated..
+ * | | |Note: User can only write WWDT_RLDCNT register to reload WWDT counter value when current WWDT CNTDAT (WWDT_CNT[5:]) iscounter value between 10 and CMPDAT
+ * | | |If user writes 0x00005AA5 in WWDT_RLDCNT register when current WWDT counter valueCNTDAT is larger than CMPDAT, WWDT reset system event signal will be generated immediately.
+ * |[31] |ICEDEBUG |ICE Debug Mode Acknowledge Disable Control
+ * | | |0 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement effects WWDT counter counting.
+ * | | |WWDT down counter will be held while CPU is held by ICE.
+ * | | |1 = ICE debug mode acknowledgement Disabled.
+ * | | |WWDT down counter will keep going counting no matter CPU is held by ICE or not.
+ * @var WWDT_T::STATUS
+ * Offset: 0x08 WWDT Status Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[0] |WWDTIF |WWDT Compare Match Interrupt Flag
+ * | | |This bit indicates the that current CNTDAT (WWDT_CNT[5:0]) matches the CMPDAT (WWDT_CTL[21:16])interrupt flag status of WWDT while WWDT counter value matches CMPDAT (WWDT_CTL[21:16]).
+ * | | |0 = No effect.
+ * | | |1 = WWDT WWDT CNTDAT counter value matches the CMPDAT.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * |[1] |WWDTRF |WWDT Timer-out Reset System Flag
+ * | | |If this bit is set to 1, itThis bit indicates the that system has been reset by WWDT counter time-out reset system event.or not.
+ * | | |0 = WWDT time-out reset system event did not occur.
+ * | | |1 = WWDT time-out reset system event occurred.
+ * | | |Note: This bit is cleared by writing 1 to it.
+ * @var WWDT_T::CNT
+ * Offset: 0x0C WWDT Counter Value Register
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * |Bits |Field |Descriptions
+ * | :----: | :----: | :---- |
+ * |[5:0] |CNTDAT |WWDT Counter Value
+ * | | |CNTDAT will be updated continuously to monitor 6-bit WWDT down counter value.
+ */
+ __O uint32_t RLDCNT; /*!< [0x0000] WWDT Reload Counter Register */
+ __IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< [0x0004] WWDT Control Register */
+ __IO uint32_t STATUS; /*!< [0x0008] WWDT Status Register */
+ __I uint32_t CNT; /*!< [0x000c] WWDT Counter Value Register */
+} WWDT_T;
+ @addtogroup WWDT_CONST WWDT Bit Field Definition
+ Constant Definitions for WWDT Controller
+@{ */
+#define WWDT_RLDCNT_RLDCNT_Pos (0) /*!< WWDT_T::RLDCNT: RLDCNT Position */
+#define WWDT_RLDCNT_RLDCNT_Msk (0xfffffffful << WWDT_RLDCNT_RLDCNT_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::RLDCNT: RLDCNT Mask */
+#define WWDT_CTL_WWDTEN_Pos (0) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: WWDTEN Position */
+#define WWDT_CTL_WWDTEN_Msk (0x1ul << WWDT_CTL_WWDTEN_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: WWDTEN Mask */
+#define WWDT_CTL_INTEN_Pos (1) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: INTEN Position */
+#define WWDT_CTL_INTEN_Msk (0x1ul << WWDT_CTL_INTEN_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: INTEN Mask */
+#define WWDT_CTL_PSCSEL_Pos (8) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: PSCSEL Position */
+#define WWDT_CTL_PSCSEL_Msk (0xful << WWDT_CTL_PSCSEL_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: PSCSEL Mask */
+#define WWDT_CTL_CMPDAT_Pos (16) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: CMPDAT Position */
+#define WWDT_CTL_CMPDAT_Msk (0x3ful << WWDT_CTL_CMPDAT_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: CMPDAT Mask */
+#define WWDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos (31) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Position */
+#define WWDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Msk (0x1ul << WWDT_CTL_ICEDEBUG_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CTL: ICEDEBUG Mask */
+#define WWDT_STATUS_WWDTIF_Pos (0) /*!< WWDT_T::STATUS: WWDTIF Position */
+#define WWDT_STATUS_WWDTRF_Pos (1) /*!< WWDT_T::STATUS: WWDTRF Position */
+#define WWDT_CNT_CNTDAT_Pos (0) /*!< WWDT_T::CNT: CNTDAT Position */
+#define WWDT_CNT_CNTDAT_Msk (0x3ful << WWDT_CNT_CNTDAT_Pos) /*!< WWDT_T::CNT: CNTDAT Mask */
+/**@}*/ /* WWDT_CONST */
+/**@}*/ /* end of WWDT register group */
+/**@}*/ /* end of REGISTER group */
+/* Peripheral memory map */
+/** @addtogroup PERIPHERAL_BASE Peripheral Memory Base
+ Memory Mapped Structure for Series Peripheral
+ @{
+ */
+/* Peripheral and SRAM base address */
+#define FLASH_BASE (( uint32_t)0x00000000)
+#define SRAM_BASE (( uint32_t)0x20000000)
+#define AHB_BASE (( uint32_t)0x50000000)
+#define APB1_BASE (( uint32_t)0x40000000)
+#define APB2_BASE (( uint32_t)0x40100000)
+/* Peripheral memory map */
+#define GPIO_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x4000) /*!< GPIO Base Address */
+#define PA_BASE (GPIO_BASE ) /*!< GPIO PA Base Address */
+#define PB_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0040) /*!< GPIO PB Base Address */
+#define PC_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0080) /*!< GPIO PC Base Address */
+#define PD_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x00C0) /*!< GPIO PD Base Address */
+#define PE_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0100) /*!< GPIO PE Base Address */
+#define PF_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0140) /*!< GPIO PF Base Address */
+#define GPIO_DBCTL_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0180) /*!< GPIO De-bounce Cycle Control Base Address */
+#define GPIO_PIN_DATA_BASE (GPIO_BASE + 0x0200) /*!< GPIO Pin Data Input/Output Control Base Address */
+#define UART0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x50000) /*!< UART0 Base Address */
+#define UART1_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x50000) /*!< UART1 Base Address */
+#define UART2_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x54000) /*!< UART2 Base Address */
+#define TIMER0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x10000) /*!< Timer0 Base Address */
+#define TIMER1_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x10100) /*!< Timer1 Base Address */
+#define TIMER2_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x10000) /*!< Timer2 Base Address */
+#define TIMER3_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x10100) /*!< Timer3 Base Address */
+#define WDT_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x4000) /*!< Watch Dog Timer Base Address */
+#define WWDT_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x4100) /*!< Window Watch Dog Timer Base Address */
+#define SPI0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x30000) /*!< SPI0 Base Address */
+#define SPI1_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x34000) /*!< SPI1 Base Address */
+#define I2C0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x20000) /*!< I2C0 Base Address */
+#define I2C1_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x20000) /*!< I2C1 Base Address */
+#define RTC_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x08000) /*!< RTC Base Address */
+#define ADC_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0xE0000) /*!< ADC Base Address */
+#define ACMP01_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0xD0000) /*!< ACMP01 Base Address */
+#define CLK_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x00200) /*!< System Clock Controller Base Address */
+#define SYS_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x00000) /*!< System Global Controller Base Address */
+#define INT_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x00300) /*!< Interrupt Source Controller Base Address */
+#define FMC_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x0C000) /*!< Flash Memory Controller Base Address */
+#define PWM0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x40000) /*!< PWM0 Base Address */
+#define PWM1_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x40000) /*!< PWM1 Base Address */
+#define SC0_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x90000) /*!< SC0 Base Address */
+#define SC1_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x94000) /*!< SC1 Base Address */
+#define EBI_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x10000) /*!< EBI Base Address */
+#define HDIV_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x14000) /*!< HDIV Base Address */
+#define CRC_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x18000) /*!< CRC Base Address */
+#define USBD_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x60000) /*!< USB Device Base Address */
+#define PDMA_BASE (AHB_BASE + 0x08000) /*!< PDMA Base Address */
+#define USCI0_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x70000)
+#define USCI1_BASE (APB2_BASE + 0x70000)
+#define USCI2_BASE (APB1_BASE + 0x74000)
+/**@}*/ /* PERIPHERAL */
+/* Peripheral declaration */
+/** @addtogroup PMODULE Peripheral Pointer
+ The Declaration of Peripheral Pointer
+ @{
+ */
+#define PA ((GPIO_T *) PA_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTA Configuration Struct */
+#define PB ((GPIO_T *) PB_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTB Configuration Struct */
+#define PC ((GPIO_T *) PC_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTC Configuration Struct */
+#define PD ((GPIO_T *) PD_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTD Configuration Struct */
+#define PE ((GPIO_T *) PE_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTE Configuration Struct */
+#define PF ((GPIO_T *) PF_BASE) /*!< GPIO PORTF Configuration Struct */
+#define GPIO ((GPIO_DBCTL_T *) GPIO_DBCTL_BASE) /*!< Interrupt De-bounce Cycle Control Configuration Struct */
+#define UART0 ((UART_T *) UART0_BASE) /*!< UART0 Configuration Struct */
+#define UART1 ((UART_T *) UART1_BASE) /*!< UART1 Configuration Struct */
+#define UART2 ((UART_T *) UART2_BASE) /*!< UART2 Configuration Struct */
+#define TIMER0 ((TIMER_T *) TIMER0_BASE) /*!< TIMER0 Configuration Struct */
+#define TIMER1 ((TIMER_T *) TIMER1_BASE) /*!< TIMER1 Configuration Struct */
+#define TIMER2 ((TIMER_T *) TIMER2_BASE) /*!< TIMER2 Configuration Struct */
+#define TIMER3 ((TIMER_T *) TIMER3_BASE) /*!< TIMER3 Configuration Struct */
+#define WDT ((WDT_T *) WDT_BASE) /*!< Watch Dog Timer Configuration Struct */
+#define WWDT ((WWDT_T *) WWDT_BASE) /*!< Window Watch Dog Timer Configuration Struct */
+#define SPI0 ((SPI_T *) SPI0_BASE) /*!< SPI0 Configuration Struct */
+#define SPI1 ((SPI_T *) SPI1_BASE) /*!< SPI1 Configuration Struct */
+#define I2C0 ((I2C_T *) I2C0_BASE) /*!< I2C0 Configuration Struct */
+#define I2C1 ((I2C_T *) I2C1_BASE) /*!< I2C1 Configuration Struct */
+#define RTC ((RTC_T *) RTC_BASE) /*!< RTC Configuration Struct */
+#define ADC ((ADC_T *) ADC_BASE) /*!< ADC Configuration Struct */
+#define ACMP01 ((ACMP_T *) ACMP01_BASE) /*!< ACMP01 Configuration Struct */
+#define CLK ((CLK_T *) CLK_BASE) /*!< System Clock Controller Configuration Struct */
+#define SYS ((SYS_T *) SYS_BASE) /*!< System Global Controller Configuration Struct */
+#define SYSINT ((SYS_INT_T *) INT_BASE) /*!< Interrupt Source Controller Configuration Struct */
+#define FMC ((FMC_T *) FMC_BASE) /*!< Flash Memory Controller */
+#define PWM0 ((PWM_T *) PWM0_BASE) /*!< PWM0 Configuration Struct */
+#define PWM1 ((PWM_T *) PWM1_BASE) /*!< PWM1 Configuration Struct */
+#define SC0 ((SC_T *) SC0_BASE) /*!< SC0 Configuration Struct */
+#define SC1 ((SC_T *) SC1_BASE) /*!< SC1 Configuration Struct */
+#define EBI ((EBI_T *) EBI_BASE) /*!< EBI Configuration Struct */
+#define HDIV ((HDIV_T *) HDIV_BASE) /*!< HDIV Configuration Struct */
+#define CRC ((CRC_T *) CRC_BASE) /*!< CRC Configuration Struct */
+#define USBD ((USBD_T *) USBD_BASE) /*!< USB Device Configuration Struct */
+#define PDMA ((PDMA_T *) PDMA_BASE) /*!< PDMA Configuration Struct */
+#define UI2C0 ((UI2C_T *) USCI0_BASE) /*!< UI2C0 Configuration Struct */
+#define UI2C1 ((UI2C_T *) USCI1_BASE) /*!< UI2C1 Configuration Struct */
+#define UI2C2 ((UI2C_T *) USCI2_BASE) /*!< UI2C2 Configuration Struct */
+#define USPI0 ((USPI_T *) USCI0_BASE) /*!< USPI0 Configuration Struct */
+#define USPI1 ((USPI_T *) USCI1_BASE) /*!< USPI1 Configuration Struct */
+#define USPI2 ((USPI_T *) USCI2_BASE) /*!< USPI2 Configuration Struct */
+#define UUART0 ((UUART_T *) USCI0_BASE) /*!< UUART0 Configuration Struct */
+#define UUART1 ((UUART_T *) USCI1_BASE) /*!< UUART1 Configuration Struct */
+#define UUART2 ((UUART_T *) USCI2_BASE) /*!< UUART2 Configuration Struct */
+/**@}*/ /* end of group PMODULE */
+// TODO: Custom addition, IDK why it wasn't here :(
+#define UNLOCKREG() do{*((__IO uint32_t *)(SYS_BASE + 0x100)) = 0x59;*((__IO uint32_t *)(SYS_BASE + 0x100)) = 0x16;*((__IO uint32_t *)(SYS_BASE + 0x100)) = 0x88;}while(*((__IO uint32_t *)(SYS_BASE + 0x100))==0)
+#define LOCKREG() *((__IO uint32_t *)(SYS_BASE + 0x100)) = 0x00
+typedef volatile unsigned char vu8;
+typedef volatile unsigned long vu32;
+typedef volatile unsigned short vu16;
+#define M8(adr) (*((vu8 *) (adr)))
+#define M16(adr) (*((vu16 *) (adr)))
+#define M32(adr) (*((vu32 *) (adr)))
+#define outpw(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned int *)(port))=(value))
+#define inpw(port) ((*((volatile unsigned int *)(port))))
+#define outpb(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned char *)(port))=(value))
+#define inpb(port) ((*((volatile unsigned char *)(port))))
+#define outps(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(port))=(value))
+#define inps(port) ((*((volatile unsigned short *)(port))))
+#define outp32(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned int *)(port))=(value))
+#define inp32(port) ((*((volatile unsigned int *)(port))))
+#define outp8(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned char *)(port))=(value))
+#define inp8(port) ((*((volatile unsigned char *)(port))))
+#define outp16(port,value) (*((volatile unsigned short *)(port))=(value))
+#define inp16(port) ((*((volatile unsigned short *)(port))))
+#define E_SUCCESS 0
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define ENABLE 1
+#define DISABLE 0
+/* Bit Mask Definitions */
+#define BIT0 0x00000001
+#define BIT1 0x00000002
+#define BIT2 0x00000004
+#define BIT3 0x00000008
+#define BIT4 0x00000010
+#define BIT5 0x00000020
+#define BIT6 0x00000040
+#define BIT7 0x00000080
+#define BIT8 0x00000100
+#define BIT9 0x00000200
+#define BIT10 0x00000400
+#define BIT11 0x00000800
+#define BIT12 0x00001000
+#define BIT13 0x00002000
+#define BIT14 0x00004000
+#define BIT15 0x00008000
+#define BIT16 0x00010000
+#define BIT17 0x00020000
+#define BIT18 0x00040000
+#define BIT19 0x00080000
+#define BIT20 0x00100000
+#define BIT21 0x00200000
+#define BIT22 0x00400000
+#define BIT23 0x00800000
+#define BIT24 0x01000000
+#define BIT25 0x02000000
+#define BIT26 0x04000000
+#define BIT27 0x08000000
+#define BIT28 0x10000000
+#define BIT29 0x20000000
+#define BIT30 0x40000000
+#define BIT31 0x80000000
+/* Byte Mask Definitions */
+#define BYTE0_Msk (0x000000FF)
+#define BYTE1_Msk (0x0000FF00)
+#define BYTE2_Msk (0x00FF0000)
+#define BYTE3_Msk (0xFF000000)
+#define _GET_BYTE0(u32Param) (((u32Param) & BYTE0_Msk) ) /*!< Extract Byte 0 (Bit 0~ 7) from parameter u32Param */
+#define _GET_BYTE1(u32Param) (((u32Param) & BYTE1_Msk) >> 8) /*!< Extract Byte 1 (Bit 8~15) from parameter u32Param */
+#define _GET_BYTE2(u32Param) (((u32Param) & BYTE2_Msk) >> 16) /*!< Extract Byte 2 (Bit 16~23) from parameter u32Param */
+#define _GET_BYTE3(u32Param) (((u32Param) & BYTE3_Msk) >> 24) /*!< Extract Byte 3 (Bit 24~31) from parameter u32Param */
+/* Peripheral header files */
+#include "sys.h"
+#include "clk.h"
+#include "adc.h"
+#include "ebi.h"
+#include "fmc.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "i2c.h"
+#include "pwm.h"
+#include "spi.h"
+#include "timer.h"
+#include "timer_pwm.h"
+#include "wdt.h"
+#include "wwdt.h"
+#include "rtc.h"
+#include "uart.h"
+#include "hdiv.h"
+#include "acmp.h"
+#include "crc.h"
+#include "usbd.h"
+#include "pdma.h"
+#include "ebi.h"
+#include "sc.h"
+#include "scuart.h"
+#include "usci_spi.h"
+#include "usci_uart.h"
+#include "usci_i2c.h"
+/* Copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. */
diff --git a/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/system_NUC126.h b/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/system_NUC126.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..780648c5e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO/system_NUC126.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * @file system_NUC126.h
+ * @version V3.00
+ * $Revision: 5 $
+ * $Date: 16/10/25 4:25p $
+ * @brief NUC126 Series System Setting Header File
+ *
+ * @note
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __SYSTEM_NUC126_H__
+#define __SYSTEM_NUC126_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Macro Definition */
+#ifndef DEBUG_PORT
+# define DEBUG_PORT UART0 /*!< Select Debug Port which is used for retarget.c to output debug message to UART */
+ *
+ * @details This is used to enable PLL to speed up booting at startup. Remove it will cause system using
+ * default clock source (External crystal or internal 22.1184MHz IRC).
+ * Enable this option will cause system booting in 72MHz(By XTAL) or 71.8848MHz(By IRC22M) according to
+ * user configuration setting in CONFIG0
+ *
+ */
+ Define SYSCLK
+ *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define __HXT (12000000UL) /*!< External Crystal Clock Frequency */
+#define __LIRC (10000UL) /*!< Internal 10K RC Oscillator Frequency */
+#define __HIRC (22118400UL) /*!< Internal 22M RC Oscillator Frequency */
+#define __LXT (32768UL) /*!< External Crystal Clock Frequency 32.768KHz */
+#define __HSI (71884800UL) /*!< PLL default output is 71.8848MHz from HIRC */
+#define __HIRC48 (48000000UL) /*!< Internal high speed RC oscillator 48 MHz */
+extern uint32_t SystemCoreClock; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
+extern uint32_t CyclesPerUs; /*!< Cycles per micro second */
+extern uint32_t PllClock; /*!< PLL Output Clock Frequency */
+// TODO sane configuration
+#if !defined(USE_ASSERT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define USE_ASSERT 0
+#if USE_ASSERT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Assert Function
+ *
+ * @param[in] expr Expression to be evaluated
+ *
+ * @return None
+ *
+ * @details If the expression is false, an error message will be printed out
+ * from debug port (UART0 or UART1).
+ */
+#define ASSERT_PARAM(expr) { if (!(expr)) { AssertError((uint8_t*)__FILE__, __LINE__); } }
+void AssertError(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line);
+#define ASSERT_PARAM(expr)
+#define assert_param(expr) ASSERT_PARAM(expr)
+ * @brief System Initialization
+ *
+ * @param None
+ *
+ * @return None
+ *
+ * @details The necessary initialization of system.
+ */
+extern void SystemInit(void);
+ * @brief Update the Variable SystemCoreClock
+ *
+ * @param None
+ *
+ * @return None
+ *
+ * @details This function is used to update the variable SystemCoreClock
+ * and must be called whenever the core clock is changed.
+ */
+extern void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/* Copyright (C) 2014 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved. */
diff --git a/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xE4xx.ld b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xE4xx.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..66324f84ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xE4xx.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * NUC126xE4xx memory setup.
+ * 128k ROM, 20k ram
+ */
+ flash0 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0x20000 /* APROM */
+ flash1 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0 /* Data flash placeholder */
+ flash2 (rx) : org = 0x00100000, len = 0x1000 /* LDROM */
+ flash3 (rx) : org = 0x00300000, len = 4 /* Config0 */
+ flash4 (rx) : org = 0x00300004, len = 4 /* Config1 */
+ flash5 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ flash6 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ flash7 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram0 (wx) : org = 0x20000000, len = 0x5000
+ ram1 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram2 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram3 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram4 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram5 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram6 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram7 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ .nuc126_config0 : ALIGN(4)
+ {
+ KEEP(*(.nuc126_config0))
+ } > CONFIG0
+ .nuc126_config1 : ALIGN(4)
+ {
+ KEEP(*(.nuc126_config1))
+ } > CONFIG1
+/* For each data/text section two region are defined, a virtual region
+ and a load region (_LMA suffix).*/
+/* Flash region to be used for exception vectors.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for constructors and destructors.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for code text.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for read only data.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for various.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for RAM(n) initialization data.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for Main stack. This stack accommodates the processing
+ of all exceptions and interrupts.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for the process stack. This is the stack used by
+ the main() function.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for data segment.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for BSS segment.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for the default heap.*/
+/* Generic rules inclusion.*/
+INCLUDE rules.ld
diff --git a/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xG4xx.ld b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xG4xx.ld
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7932c8e842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld/NUC126xG4xx.ld
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * NUC126xG4xx memory setup.
+ * 256k ROM, 20k ram
+ */
+ flash0 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0x40000 /* APROM */
+ flash1 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0 /* Data flash placeholder */
+ flash2 (rx) : org = 0x00100000, len = 0x1000 /* LDROM */
+ flash3 (rx) : org = 0x00300000, len = 4 /* Config0 */
+ flash4 (rx) : org = 0x00300004, len = 4 /* Config1 */
+ flash5 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ flash6 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ flash7 (rx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram0 (wx) : org = 0x20000000, len = 0x5000
+ ram1 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram2 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram3 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram4 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram5 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram6 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ ram7 (wx) : org = 0x00000000, len = 0
+ .nuc126_config0 : ALIGN(4)
+ {
+ KEEP(*(.nuc126_config0))
+ } > CONFIG0
+ .nuc126_config1 : ALIGN(4)
+ {
+ KEEP(*(.nuc126_config1))
+ } > CONFIG1
+/* For each data/text section two region are defined, a virtual region
+ and a load region (_LMA suffix).*/
+/* Flash region to be used for exception vectors.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for constructors and destructors.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for code text.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for read only data.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for various.*/
+/* Flash region to be used for RAM(n) initialization data.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for Main stack. This stack accommodates the processing
+ of all exceptions and interrupts.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for the process stack. This is the stack used by
+ the main() function.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for data segment.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for BSS segment.*/
+/* RAM region to be used for the default heap.*/
+/* Generic rules inclusion.*/
+INCLUDE rules.ld
diff --git a/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_NUC126.mk b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_NUC126.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0bd474c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_NUC126.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# List of the ChibiOS generic NUC126 startup and CMSIS files.
+STARTUPSRC = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/crt1.c
+STARTUPASM = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/crt0_v6m.S \
+ $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/vectors.S
+STARTUPINC = $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/devices/NUC126 \
+ $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld \
+ $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ext/CMSIS/include \
+ $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ext/ARM/CMSIS/Core/Include \
+ $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/common/ext/CMSIS/Nuvoton/NUMICRO
+STARTUPLD = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld
+STARTUPLD_CONTRIB = $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/ld
+# Shared variables
diff --git a/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/devices/NUC126/cmparams.h b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/devices/NUC126/cmparams.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed10ed0a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/devices/NUC126/cmparams.h
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file NUC126/cmparams.h
+ * @brief ARM Cortex-M0 parameters for the NUC126.
+ *
+ * @defgroup ARMCMx_NUC126 NUC126 Specific Parameters
+ * @ingroup ARMCMx_SPECIFIC
+ * @details This file contains the Cortex-M0 specific parameters for the
+ * NUC126 platform.
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef CMPARAMS_H
+#define CMPARAMS_H
+ * @brief Cortex core model.
+ */
+#define CORTEX_MODEL 0
+ * @brief Floating Point unit presence.
+ */
+#define CORTEX_HAS_FPU 0
+ * @brief Number of bits in priority masks.
+ */
+ * @brief Number of interrupt vectors.
+ * @note This number does not include the 16 system vectors and must be
+ * rounded to a multiple of 8.
+ */
+/* The following code is not processed when the file is included from an
+ asm module.*/
+#if !defined(_FROM_ASM_)
+/* If the device type is not externally defined, for example from the Makefile,
+ then a file named board.h is included. This file must contain a device
+ definition compatible with the vendor include file.*/
+#if !defined(NUC126LG4AE) && !defined(NUC126LE4AE) && \
+ !defined(NUC126SG4AE) && !defined(NUC126SE4AE) && \
+ !defined(NUC126VG4AE) && !defined(NUC126NE4AE)
+#include "board.h"
+/* Including the device CMSIS header. Note, we are not using the definitions
+ from this header because we need this file to be usable also from
+ assembler source files. We verify that the info matches instead.*/
+#include "NUC126.h"
+/*lint -save -e9029 [10.4] Signedness comes from external files, it is
+ unpredictable but gives no problems.*/
+#error "CMSIS __CORTEX_M mismatch"
+#error "CMSIS __NVIC_PRIO_BITS mismatch"
+/*lint -restore*/
+#endif /* !defined(_FROM_ASM_) */
+#endif /* CMPARAMS_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.c b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8829c43f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.c
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#include "hal.h"
+const PALConfig pal_default_config;
+ * @brief Board-specific initialization code.
+ */
+void boardInit(void)
+ OnboardLED_Init();
+ * @brief Early initialization code.
+ * @details This initialization is performed just after reset before BSS and
+ * DATA segments initialization.
+ */
+void __early_init(void)
diff --git a/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.h b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70fb57f7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#ifndef BOARD_H
+#define BOARD_H
+ * Setup for a generic board.
+ */
+ * Board identifier.
+ */
+#define NUC126VG4AE
+#define BOARD_NAME "NUTINY SDK NUC126 V1.0"
+ * Board specific settings.
+ */
+ * External XTAL speed.
+ */
+#define NUC126_HSECLK 12000000UL
+ * LED macros.
+ */
+#define OnboardLED_Init() \
+#define OnboardLED_On() palClearLine(ONBOARD_LED_LINE)
+#define OnboardLED_Off() palSetLine(ONBOARD_LED_LINE)
+#define OnboardLED_Toggle() palToggleLine(ONBOARD_LED_LINE)
+// TODO: Is this correct?
+#if !defined(_FROM_ASM_)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void boardInit(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _FROM_ASM_ */
+#endif /* BOARD_H */
diff --git a/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.mk b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a99fc6e8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# List of all the board related files.
+BOARDSRC = $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.c
+# Required include directories
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/driver.mk b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/driver.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02410d74a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/driver.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),yes)
+ifneq ($(findstring HAL_USE_PAL TRUE,$(HALCONF)),)
+PLATFORMSRC += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.c
+PLATFORMSRC += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.c
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.c b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..696957c29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.c
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_pal_lld.c
+ * @brief PLATFORM PAL subsystem low level driver source.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup PAL
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "hal.h"
+#if (HAL_USE_PAL == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Driver local definitions. */
+/* Driver exported variables. */
+/* Driver local variables and types. */
+/* Driver local functions. */
+/* Driver interrupt handlers. */
+// TODO these are wrong (GPIOE) but commented out
+/* Driver exported functions. */
+ * @brief NUC126 I/O ports configuration.
+ * @details Ports A-D(E, F, G, H) clocks enabled.
+ *
+ * @param[in] config the NUC126 ports configuration
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#if defined(PAL_NEW_INIT)
+void _pal_lld_init(void) {
+ /* Set DeBounce conditions */
+ GPIO->DBCTL = 0x04u;
+void _pal_lld_init(const PALConfig *config) {
+ /* (void)config; */
+ /* Turn on GPIO subsystem
+ * Set all GPIO to Input/HZ
+ * Clear all GPIO Interrupts
+ * Set all GPIO Interrupt Modes to Level
+ * Turn off DeBounce
+ * Zero all GPIO Outputs (just in case)
+ */
+ GPIOA->MODE = config->PAData.MODE;
+ GPIOA->DINOFF = config->PAData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOA->DATMSK = config->PAData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOA->DBEN = config->PAData.DBEN;
+ GPIOA->INTEN = config->PAData.INTEN;
+ GPIOA->INTSRC = config->PAData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOA->SMTEN = config->PAData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOA->DOUT = config->PAData.DOUT;
+ GPIOB->MODE = config->PBData.MODE;
+ GPIOB->DINOFF = config->PBData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOB->DATMSK = config->PBData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOB->DBEN = config->PBData.DBEN;
+ GPIOB->INTEN = config->PBData.INTEN;
+ GPIOB->INTSRC = config->PBData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOB->SMTEN = config->PBData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOB->DOUT = config->PBData.DOUT;
+ GPIOC->MODE = config->PCData.MODE;
+ GPIOC->DINOFF = config->PCData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOC->DATMSK = config->PCData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOC->DBEN = config->PCData.DBEN;
+ GPIOC->INTEN = config->PCData.INTEN;
+ GPIOC->INTSRC = config->PCData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOC->SMTEN = config->PCData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOC->DOUT = config->PCData.DOUT;
+ GPIOD->MODE = config->PDData.MODE;
+ GPIOD->DINOFF = config->PDData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOD->DATMSK = config->PDData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOD->DBEN = config->PDData.DBEN;
+ GPIOD->INTEN = config->PDData.INTEN;
+ GPIOD->INTSRC = config->PDData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOD->SMTEN = config->PDData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOD->DOUT = config->PDData.DOUT;
+ GPIOE->MODE = config->PEData.MODE;
+ GPIOE->DINOFF = config->PEData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOE->DATMSK = config->PEData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOE->DBEN = config->PEData.DBEN;
+ GPIOE->INTEN = config->PEData.INTEN;
+ GPIOE->INTSRC = config->PEData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOE->SMTEN = config->PEData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOE->DRVCTL = config->PEData.DRVCTL;
+ GPIOE->DOUT = config->PEData.DOUT;
+ GPIOF->MODE = config->PFData.MODE;
+ GPIOF->DINOFF = config->PFData.DINOFF;
+ GPIOF->DATMSK = config->PFData.DATMSK;
+ GPIOF->DBEN = config->PFData.DBEN;
+ GPIOF->INTEN = config->PFData.INTEN;
+ GPIOF->INTSRC = config->PFData.INTSRC;
+ GPIOF->SMTEN = config->PFData.SMTEN;
+ GPIOF->DOUT = config->PFData.DOUT;
+ /* Set DeBounce conditions */
+ GPIO->DBCTL = 0x04u;
+ * @brief Pads mode setup.
+ * @details This function programs a pads group belonging to the same port
+ * with the specified mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port the port identifier
+ * @param[in] mask the group mask
+ * @param[in] mode the mode
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void _pal_lld_setgroupmode(ioportid_t port,
+ ioportmask_t mask,
+ iomode_t mode) {
+ uint32_t nucMode = 0;
+ if (mode == PAL_MODE_INPUT)
+ nucMode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT;
+ else if (mode == PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN)
+ else if (mode == PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL)
+ else /* mode == PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP */
+ nucMode = GPIO_MODE_QUASI;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < PAL_IOPORTS_WIDTH; i++) {
+ if (mask & (1 << i)) {
+ port->MODE = (port->MODE & ~(0x03ul << (i << 1))) | (nucMode << (i << 1));
+ }
+ }
+ if (nucMode == GPIO_MODE_QUASI) {
+ port->DOUT |= (uint32_t)(uint16_t)mask;
+ }
+#endif /* HAL_USE_PAL == TRUE */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17787252e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/hal_pal_lld.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_pal_lld.h
+ * @brief PLATFORM PAL subsystem low level driver header.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup PAL
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HAL_PAL_LLD_H
+#define HAL_PAL_LLD_H
+#if (HAL_USE_PAL == TRUE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#ifndef PAL_OLD_INIT
+#define PAL_NEW_INIT
+/* Unsupported modes and specific modes */
+ * @name NUC126 specific I/O mode flags
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief I/O port modes.
+ */
+#define GPIO_MODE_INPUT 0x00ul /*!< Input Mode */
+#define GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT 0x01ul /*!< Output Mode */
+#define GPIO_MODE_OPEN_DRAIN 0x02ul /*!< Open-Drain Mode */
+#define GPIO_MODE_QUASI 0x03ul /*!< Quasi-bidirectional Mode */
+ * @brief NUC126 specific alternate input mode.
+ */
+ * @brief NUC126 specific alternate push-pull output mode.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @brief NUC126 specific alternate output mode.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @brief NUC126 specific alternate output mode.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @brief Alternate GPIO pin defines
+ *
+ * @description SYS defines for alternative GPIO pin usage (instead of general I/O)
+ * These are all for two sets of registers - GPx_MFP and ALT_MFP/ALT_MFP1
+ *
+ */
+ * GPIO Port A Alternative Pin Modes
+ *
+ */
+//PA.0 MFP
+ * @brief Reads the output latch.
+ * @details The purpose of this function is to read back the latched output
+ * value.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @return The latched logical states.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_readlatch(port) ((port)->DOUT)
+ * @brief Writes a bits mask on a I/O port.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] bits bits to be written on the specified port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_writeport(port, bits) ((port)->DOUT = (bits))
+ * @brief Sets a bits mask on a I/O port.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] bits bits to be ORed on the specified port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_setport(port, bits) ((port)->DOUT |= (bits))
+ * @brief Clears a bits mask on a I/O port.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] bits bits to be cleared on the specified port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_clearport(port, bits) ((port)->DOUT &= ~(bits))
+ * @brief Toggles a bits mask on a I/O port.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] bits bits to be XORed on the specified port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_toggleport(port, bits) ((port)->DOUT ^= (bits))
+ * @brief Reads a group of bits.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] mask group mask
+ * @param[in] offset group bit offset within the port
+ * @return The group logical states.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+/* #define pal_lld_readgroup(port, mask, offset) 0U */
+ * @brief Writes a group of bits.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] mask group mask
+ * @param[in] offset group bit offset within the port
+ * @param[in] bits bits to be written. Values exceeding the group width
+ * are masked.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_writegroup(port, mask, offset, bits) \
+ do { \
+ uint32_t oldmask = (port)->DATMSK; \
+ (port)->DATMSK = ~((mask) << (offset)); \
+ (port)->DOUT = ((bits) & (mask)) << (offset); \
+ (port)->DATMSK = oldmask; \
+ } while (false)
+ * @brief Pads group mode setup.
+ * @details This function programs a pads group belonging to the same port
+ * with the specified mode.
+ * @note Programming an unknown or unsupported mode is silently ignored.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] mask group mask
+ * @param[in] offset group bit offset within the port
+ * @param[in] mode group mode
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_setgroupmode(port, mask, offset, mode) \
+ _pal_lld_setgroupmode(port, (mask) << (offset), mode)
+ * @brief Reads a logical state from an I/O pad.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ * @return The logical state.
+ * @retval PAL_LOW low logical state.
+ * @retval PAL_HIGH high logical state.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_readpad(port, pad) (((port)->PIN & PAL_PORT_BIT(pad)) >> (pad))
+ * @brief Writes a logical state on an output pad.
+ * @note This function is not meant to be invoked directly by the
+ * application code.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ * @param[in] bit logical value, the value must be @p PAL_LOW or
+ * @p PAL_HIGH
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_writepad(port, pad, bit) \
+ do { \
+ (void)port; \
+ (void)pad; \
+ (void)bit; \
+ } while (false)
+ * @brief Sets a pad logical state to @p PAL_HIGH.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_setpad(port, pad) \
+ ((port)->DOUT |= PAL_PORT_BIT(pad))
+ * @brief Clears a pad logical state to @p PAL_LOW.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_clearpad(port, pad) \
+ ((port)->DOUT &= ~(0xFFFF0000U | PAL_PORT_BIT(pad)))
+ * @brief Toggles a pad logical state.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_togglepad(port, pad) \
+ ((port)->DOUT ^= PAL_PORT_BIT(pad))
+ * @brief Pad mode setup.
+ * @details This function programs a pad with the specified mode.
+ * @note The @ref PAL provides a default software implementation of this
+ * functionality, implement this function if can optimize it by using
+ * special hardware functionalities or special coding.
+ * @note Programming an unknown or unsupported mode is silently ignored.
+ *
+ * @param[in] port port identifier
+ * @param[in] pad pad number within the port
+ * @param[in] mode pad mode
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define pal_lld_setpadmode(port, pad, mode) \
+ _pal_lld_setgroupmode(port, PAL_PORT_BIT(pad), mode)
+ /* GPIO_SetMode(port, PAL_PORT_BIT(pad), mode) */
+#if !defined(PAL_NEW_INIT) && !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+extern const PALConfig pal_default_config;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#if defined(PAL_NEW_INIT)
+ void _pal_lld_init(void);
+ void _pal_lld_init(const PALConfig *config);
+ void _pal_lld_setgroupmode(ioportid_t port,
+ ioportmask_t mask,
+ iomode_t mode);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HAL_USE_PAL == TRUE */
+#endif /* HAL_PAL_LLD_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/driver.mk b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/driver.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9ad8214a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/driver.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+PLATFORMSRC += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.c
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.c b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0252017f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.c
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file TIMv1/hal_st_lld.c
+ * @brief ST Driver subsystem low level driver code.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup ST
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "hal.h"
+#if (OSAL_ST_MODE != OSAL_ST_MODE_NONE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Driver local definitions. */
+#define ST_ARR_INIT 0x0000FFFF
+#if NUC126_ST_USE_TIMER == 2
+#if (OSAL_ST_RESOLUTION == 32) && !NUC126_TIM2_IS_32BITS
+#error "TIM2 is not a 32bits timer"
+#if defined(NUC126_TIM2_IS_USED)
+#error "ST requires TIM2 but the timer is already used"
+#define NUC126_TIM2_IS_USED
+#elif NUC126_ST_USE_TIMER == 3
+#if (OSAL_ST_RESOLUTION == 32) && !NUC126_TIM3_IS_32BITS
+#error "TIM3 is not a 32bits timer"
+#if defined(NUC126_TIM3_IS_USED)
+#error "ST requires TIM3 but the timer is already used"
+#define NUC126_TIM3_IS_USED
+#elif NUC126_ST_USE_TIMER == 4
+#if (OSAL_ST_RESOLUTION == 32) && !NUC126_TIM4_IS_32BITS
+#error "TIM4 is not a 32bits timer"
+#if defined(NUC126_TIM4_IS_USED)
+#error "ST requires TIM4 but the timer is already used"
+#define NUC126_TIM4_IS_USED
+#error "NUC126_ST_USE_TIMER specifies an unsupported timer"
+/* Driver exported variables. */
+/* Driver local types. */
+/* Driver local variables and types. */
+/* Driver local functions. */
+/* Driver interrupt handlers. */
+ * @brief System Timer vector.
+ * @details This interrupt is used for system tick in periodic mode.
+ *
+ * @isr
+ */
+OSAL_IRQ_HANDLER(SysTick_Handler) {
+ osalSysLockFromISR();
+ osalOsTimerHandlerI();
+ osalSysUnlockFromISR();
+ * @brief TIM2 interrupt handler.
+ * @details This interrupt is used for system tick in free running mode.
+ *
+ * @isr
+ */
+ /* Note, under rare circumstances an interrupt can remain latched even if
+ the timer SR register has been cleared, in those cases the interrupt
+ is simply ignored.*/
+ // TIMER_ClearIntFlag(NUC126_ST_TIM);
+ osalSysLockFromISR();
+ osalOsTimerHandlerI();
+ osalSysUnlockFromISR();
+ }
+/* Driver exported functions. */
+ * @brief Low level ST driver initialization.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void st_lld_init(void) {
+ /* Free running counter mode.*/
+ /* Enabling timer clock.*/
+ /* Initializing the counter in free running mode.*/
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->CCMR1 = 0;
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->CCR[0] = 0;
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->DIER = 0;
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->CR2 = 0;
+ /* IRQ enabled.*/
+ nvicEnableVector(ST_NUMBER, NUC126_ST_IRQ_PRIORITY);
+ // TIMER_EnableInt(ST_USE_TIMER);
+ /* Start the Timer! */
+ /* Periodic systick mode, the Cortex-Mx internal systick timer is used
+ in this mode.*/
+ SystemUnlockReg();
+ SysTick->LOAD = ((NUC126_HCLK / 2) / OSAL_ST_FREQUENCY) - 1;
+ SysTick->VAL = 0;
+ SysTick->CTRL = (~SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk) &
+ (SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk);
+ /* IRQ enabled.*/
+ nvicSetSystemHandlerPriority(HANDLER_SYSTICK, NUC126_ST_IRQ_PRIORITY);
+#else /* OSAL_ST_MODE == OSAL_ST_MODE_NONE!!! */
+ #error "We can't proceed without an OSAL_ST clock!"
+ * @brief Get PCLK0 frequency
+ * @param None
+ * @return PCLK0 frequency
+ * @details This function get PCLK0 frequency. The frequency unit is Hz.
+ */
+static uint32_t CLK_GetPCLK0Freq(void)
+ SystemCoreClockUpdate();
+ return SystemCoreClock >> 1;
+ else
+ return SystemCoreClock;
+ * @brief Get PCLK1 frequency
+ * @param None
+ * @return PCLK1 frequency
+ * @details This function get PCLK1 frequency. The frequency unit is Hz.
+ */
+static uint32_t CLK_GetPCLK1Freq(void)
+ SystemCoreClockUpdate();
+ return SystemCoreClock >> 1;
+ else
+ return SystemCoreClock;
+ * @brief Get Timer Clock Frequency
+ *
+ * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
+ *
+ * @return Timer clock frequency
+ *
+ * @details This API is used to get the timer clock frequency.
+ * @note This API cannot return correct clock rate if timer source is from external clock input.
+ */
+static uint32_t TIMER_GetModuleClock(TIMER_T *timer)
+ uint32_t u32Src, u32Clk;
+ const uint32_t au32Clk[] = {__HXT, __LXT, 0, 0, 0, __LIRC, 0, __HIRC};
+ if(timer == TIMER0)
+ else if(timer == TIMER1)
+ else if(timer == TIMER2)
+ else // Timer 3
+ if(u32Src == 2)
+ {
+ if((timer == TIMER0) || (timer == TIMER1))
+ {
+ u32Clk = CLK_GetPCLK0Freq();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Clk = CLK_GetPCLK1Freq();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Clk = au32Clk[u32Src];
+ }
+ return u32Clk;
+static uint32_t TIMER_Open(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32Freq) {
+ uint32_t u32Clk = TIMER_GetModuleClock(timer);
+ uint32_t u32Cmpr = 0UL, u32Prescale = 0UL;
+ /* Fastest possible timer working freq is (u32Clk / 2). While cmpr = 2, prescaler = 0. */
+ if(u32Freq > (u32Clk / 2UL))
+ {
+ u32Cmpr = 2UL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ u32Cmpr = u32Clk / u32Freq;
+ u32Prescale = (u32Cmpr >> 24); /* for 24 bits CMPDAT */
+ if (u32Prescale > 0UL)
+ u32Cmpr = u32Cmpr / (u32Prescale + 1UL);
+ }
+ timer->CTL = u32Mode | u32Prescale;
+ timer->CMP = u32Cmpr;
+ return(u32Clk / (u32Cmpr * (u32Prescale + 1UL)));
+ * @brief Stop Timer Counting
+ *
+ * @param[in] timer The pointer of the specified Timer module. It could be TIMER0, TIMER1, TIMER2, TIMER3.
+ *
+ * @return None
+ *
+ * @details This API stops timer counting and disable all timer interrupt function.
+ */
+static void TIMER_Close(TIMER_T *timer)
+ timer->CTL = 0;
+ timer->EXTCTL = 0;
+uint32_t st_lld_timer_getmoduleclock(TIMER_T *timer)
+ return TIMER_GetModuleClock(timer);
+uint32_t st_lld_timer_open(TIMER_T *timer, uint32_t tmrMode, uint32_t tmrFreq)
+ return TIMER_Open(timer, tmrMode, tmrFreq);
+void st_lld_timer_close(TIMER_T *timer)
+ TIMER_Close(timer);
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a52db109b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/hal_st_lld.h
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_st_lld.h
+ * @brief ST Driver subsystem low level driver header.
+ * @details This header is designed to be include-able without having to
+ * include other files from the HAL.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup ST
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HAL_ST_LLD_H
+#define HAL_ST_LLD_H
+#include "mcuconf.h"
+ * Registry definitions.
+ */
+#include "nuc126_registry.h"
+/* Driver constants. */
+ * @brief Sets the alarm time.
+ *
+ * @param[in] time the time to be set for the next alarm
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline void st_lld_set_alarm(systime_t time) {
+ // TIMER_SET_CMP_VALUE(NUC126_ST_TIM, (uint32_t)time);
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->CMP = (uint32_t)time;
+ * @brief Returns the current alarm time.
+ *
+ * @return The currently set alarm time.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline systime_t st_lld_get_alarm(void) {
+ return (systime_t)NUC126_ST_TIM->CMP;
+ * @brief Starts the alarm.
+ * @note Makes sure that no spurious alarms are triggered after
+ * this call.
+ *
+ * @param[in] time the time to be set for the first alarm
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline void st_lld_start_alarm(systime_t time) {
+ // NUC126_ST_TIM->TCMP = (uint32_t)time;
+ // NUC126_ST_TIM->SR = 0;
+ st_lld_timer_open(NUC126_ST_TIM, TIMER_MODE_CONTINUOUS | TIMER_CTL_CNTEN_Msk, st_lld_timer_getmoduleclock(NUC126_ST_TIM));
+ //TIMER_SET_CMP_VALUE(NUC126_ST_TIM, (uint32_t)time);
+ // NUC126_ST_TIM->CMP = (uint32_t)time;
+ st_lld_set_alarm(time);
+ NUC126_ST_TIM->CTL = (NUC126_ST_TIM->CTL & ~TIMER_CTL_PSC_Msk) | 0;
+ // TIMER_Start(NUC126_ST_TIM);
+ * @brief Stops the alarm interrupt.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline void st_lld_stop_alarm(void) {
+ // TIMER_DisableInt(NUC126_ST_TIM);
+ * @brief Determines if the alarm is active.
+ *
+ * @return The alarm status.
+ * @retval false if the alarm is not active.
+ * @retval true is the alarm is active
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline bool st_lld_is_alarm_active(void) {
+ return (bool)(((NUC126_ST_TIM->INTSTS & TIMER_INTSTS_TIF_Msk) & (NUC126_ST_TIM->CTL & TIMER_CTL_ACTSTS_Msk)) != 0);
+#endif /* HAL_ST_LLD_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/driver.mk b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/driver.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4b7e00467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/driver.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),yes)
+ifneq ($(findstring HAL_USE_USB TRUE,$(HALCONF)),)
+PLATFORMSRC += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.c
+PLATFORMASM += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/usb_memcpy.S
+PLATFORMSRC += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.c
+PLATFORMASM += $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/usb_memcpy.S
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.c b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d688e8a531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.c
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Ein Terakawa
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_usb_lld.c
+ * @brief NUC126 USB subsystem low level driver source.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup USB
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "hal.h"
+#if HAL_USE_USB || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Driver local definitions. */
+#define NUC126_USB_HW_ENDPOINTS 8
+#define NUC126_USBD_CFG_OUT (1UL << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)
+#define NUC126_USBD_CFG_IN (2UL << USBD_CFG_STATE_Pos)
+#define USBD_SRAM_BASE ((volatile uint8_t*)(USBD_BASE + 0x100))
+/* Driver exported variables. */
+ * @brief USB1 driver identifier.
+ */
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+USBDriver USBD1;
+/* Driver local variables and types. */
+ * @brief EP0 state.
+ * @note It is an union because IN and OUT endpoints are never used at the
+ * same time for EP0.
+ */
+static union {
+ /**
+ * @brief IN EP0 state.
+ */
+ USBInEndpointState in;
+ /**
+ * @brief OUT EP0 state.
+ */
+ USBOutEndpointState out;
+} ep0_state;
+* @brief Buffer for the EP0 setup packets.
+static uint8_t ep0setup_buffer[8];
+ * @brief EP0 initialization structure.
+ */
+static const USBEndpointConfig ep0config = {USB_EP_MODE_TYPE_CTRL,
+ _usb_ep0setup,
+ _usb_ep0in,
+ _usb_ep0out,
+ 0x40,
+ 0x40,
+ &ep0_state.in,
+ &ep0_state.out,
+ 1,
+ ep0setup_buffer};
+ * @brief Tracks the first unallocated word in the SRAM buffer
+ */
+static uint32_t sram_free_dword_offset = 1UL;
+/* Driver local functions. */
+ * @brief Converts a clock division factor to the appropriate bit setting
+ */
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_USB(x) (((x)-1) << CLK_CLKDIV0_USBDIV_Pos) /*!< CLKDIV0 Setting for USB clock divider. It could be 1~16 */
+ * @name Endpoint number convenience macros
+ * @{
+ */
+#define _HW_OUT_EPN(lepn) (2 * (lepn))
+#define _HW_IN_EPN(lepn) (2 * (lepn) + 1)
+#define LOGICAL_EPN(hwepn) ((hwepn) / 2)
+#define _HW_EP(hwepn) ((USBD->EP) + (hwepn))
+#define HW_OUT_EP(lepn) (_HW_EP(_HW_OUT_EPN(lepn)))
+#define HW_IN_EP(lepn) (_HW_EP(_HW_IN_EPN(lepn)))
+/** @} */
+ * @brief Convenience macro to round up to the nearest double word, used for SRAM allocation
+ */
+#define BYTES_TO_NEXT_DWORD(bytes) (((bytes) + 7) >> 3)
+ * @brief Returns the minimum of two unsigned values. A safer implementation
+ * of the classic macro
+ *
+ * @param[in] x An unsigned value
+ * @param[in] y An unsigned value
+ *
+ * @return The smaller of x and y
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline unsigned min(unsigned x, unsigned y)
+ return ((x > y) ? y : x);
+ * @brief Returns the maximum of two unsigned values. A safer implementation
+ * of the classic macro
+ *
+ * @param[in] x An unsigned value
+ * @param[in] y An unsigned value
+ *
+ * @return The larger of x and y
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static inline unsigned max(unsigned x, unsigned y)
+ return ((x > y) ? x : y);
+ * @brief memcpy-like function that should be used when either the source
+ * or the destination is the dedicated USB SRAM buffer. Ensures the correct
+ * memory access sizes are used.
+ *
+ * @note This is only the forward declaration. This function is defined in usb_memcpy.S
+ *
+ * @param[in] destination Buffer to copy the data to
+ * @param[in] source Buffer to copy the data from
+ * @param[in] num Number of bytes to copy
+ *
+ * @return The number of bytes copied. This always exactly equals num, but
+ * is returned purely for convenience.
+ * @notapi
+ */
+size_t usb_memcpy(volatile void* destination, const volatile void* source,
+ size_t num);
+ * @brief Common ISR code, serves the EP-related interrupts.
+ *
+ * @param[in] epn endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static void usb_serve_out_endpoint(uint32_t epn)
+ USBDriver *const usbp = &USBD1;
+ uint32_t mxpld = HW_OUT_EP(epn)->MXPLD;
+ uint32_t rxsize_actual = min(mxpld, usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxsize - usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxcnt);
+ usb_memcpy(usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxbuf +
+ usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxcnt,
+ rxsize_actual);
+ usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxcnt += rxsize_actual;
+ if ((rxsize_actual < usbp->epc[epn]->out_maxsize) ||
+ (usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxcnt >=
+ usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxsize)) {
+ _usb_isr_invoke_out_cb(usbp, epn);
+ } else {
+ HW_OUT_EP(epn)->MXPLD = min(usbp->epc[epn]->out_maxsize,
+ usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxsize -
+ usbp->epc[epn]->out_state->rxcnt);
+ }
+ * @brief Common ISR code, serves the EP-related interrupts.
+ *
+ * @param[in] epn endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static void usb_serve_in_endpoint(uint32_t epn)
+ USBDriver *const usbp = &USBD1;
+ usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txcnt += HW_IN_EP(epn)->MXPLD;
+ if (usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txcnt >= usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txsize) {
+ _usb_isr_invoke_in_cb(usbp, epn);
+ } else {
+ HW_IN_EP(epn)->MXPLD = usb_memcpy(
+ usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txbuf + usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txcnt,
+ min(usbp->epc[epn]->in_maxsize,
+ usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txsize -
+ usbp->epc[epn]->in_state->txcnt));
+ }
+ * @brief Common ISR code, serves general events and calls the appropriate endpoint routine
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to a @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+static void usb_lld_serve_interrupt(USBDriver* usbp)
+ uint32_t intsts = USBD->INTSTS;
+ uint32_t bussts = USBD->ATTR & 0xF;
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_VBDETIF_Msk) {
+ usbConnectBus(&USBD1);
+ } else {
+ usbDisconnectBus(&USBD1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_WKIDLEIF_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ _usb_wakeup(usbp);
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_BUSIF_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ if (bussts & USBD_ATTR_USBRST_Msk) {
+ /* Bus reset */
+ _usb_reset(usbp);
+ }
+ if (bussts & USBD_ATTR_SUSPEND_Msk) {
+ /* Enable USB but disable PHY */
+ _usb_suspend(usbp);
+ }
+ if (bussts & USBD_ATTR_RESUME_Msk) {
+ /* Enable USB and enable PHY */
+ _usb_wakeup(usbp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_USBIF_Msk) {
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_SETUP_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ /* Clear the data IN/OUT ready flag of control end-points */
+ _usb_isr_invoke_setup_cb(&USBD1, 0);
+ }
+ /* EP events */
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT0_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_out_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(0));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT1_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_in_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(1));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT2_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_out_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(2));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT3_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_in_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(3));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT4_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_out_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(4));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT5_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_in_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(5));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT6_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_out_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(6));
+ }
+ if (intsts & USBD_INTSTS_EPEVT7_Msk) {
+ /* Clear event flag */
+ usb_serve_in_endpoint(LOGICAL_EPN(7));
+ }
+ }
+/* Driver interrupt handlers and threads. */
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief USB event handler
+ *
+ * @isr
+ */
+ usb_lld_serve_interrupt(&USBD1);
+#endif /* NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 */
+/* Driver exported functions. */
+ * @brief Low level USB driver initialization.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_init(void)
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1
+ /* Driver initialization.*/
+ usbObjectInit(&USBD1);
+#endif /* NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 */
+ * @brief Configures and activates the USB peripheral.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_start(USBDriver* usbp)
+ uint32_t delay;
+ if (usbp->state == USB_STOP) {
+ /* Enables the peripheral.*/
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1
+ if (&USBD1 == usbp) {
+ }
+#endif /* NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 */
+ }
+ /* Configures the peripheral.*/
+ /* Reset procedure enforced on driver start.*/
+ for (delay = 0; delay < 0x800; ++delay)
+ ;
+ /* Post reset initialization.*/
+ /* Initial USB engine */
+ nvicEnableVector(USBD_IRQn, NUC126_USB_IRQ_PRIORITY);
+ for (delay = 0; delay < 0x800; ++delay)
+ ;
+ usb_lld_reset(usbp);
+ * @brief Deactivates the USB peripheral.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_stop(USBDriver* usbp)
+ if (usbp->state == USB_READY) {
+ /* Resets the peripheral. */
+ /* Disables the peripheral. */
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1
+ if (&USBD1 == usbp) {
+ }
+#endif /* NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 */
+ usbDisconnectBus(usbp);
+ nvicDisableVector(USBD_IRQn);
+ }
+ * @brief USB low level reset routine.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_reset(USBDriver* usbp)
+ sram_free_dword_offset = 1UL;
+ USBD->FADDR = 0;
+ /* EP0 initialization.*/
+ usbp->epc[0] = &ep0config;
+ usb_lld_init_endpoint(usbp, 0);
+ * @brief Sets the USB address.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_set_address(USBDriver* usbp)
+ USBD->FADDR = USBD_FADDR_FADDR_Msk & usbp->address;
+ * @brief Enables an endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_init_endpoint(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ if (usbp->epc[ep]->ep_mode == USB_EP_MODE_TYPE_ISOC) {
+ osalDbgAssert(FALSE, "isochronous mode not yet supported");
+ osalDbgAssert((usbp->epc[ep]->in_state == NULL) ||
+ (usbp->epc[ep]->out_state == NULL),
+ "isochronous EP cannot be IN and OUT");
+ }
+ /* If the out logical endpoint is used */
+ if (usbp->epc[ep]->out_state) {
+ switch (usbp->epc[ep]->ep_mode) {
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ break;
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ break;
+ default:
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ }
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->BUFSEG = sram_free_dword_offset << USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Pos;
+ sram_free_dword_offset +=
+ BYTES_TO_NEXT_DWORD((uint32_t)usbp->epc[ep]->out_maxsize);
+ } else {
+ /* The only important bits here are STATE ([6:5]), and we just need
+ to set them to 0 to disable the endpoint.
+ */
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->CFG = 0;
+ }
+ /* If the in logical endpoint is used */
+ if (usbp->epc[ep]->in_state) {
+ switch (usbp->epc[ep]->ep_mode) {
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ break;
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ break;
+ default:
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFG =
+ ((ep << USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Pos) & USBD_CFG_EPNUM_Msk) |
+ }
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->BUFSEG = sram_free_dword_offset << USBD_BUFSEG_BUFSEG_Pos;
+ sram_free_dword_offset +=
+ BYTES_TO_NEXT_DWORD((uint32_t)usbp->epc[ep]->in_maxsize);
+ } else {
+ /* The only important bits here are STATE ([6:5]), and we just need
+ to set them to 0 to disable the endpoint.
+ */
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFG = 0;
+ }
+ * @brief Disables all the active endpoints except the endpoint zero.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_disable_endpoints(USBDriver* usbp)
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUC126_USB_HW_ENDPOINTS; ++i) {
+ if (LOGICAL_EPN(i) != 0) {
+ }
+ }
+ sram_free_dword_offset = 1UL +
+ BYTES_TO_NEXT_DWORD(usbp->epc[0]->in_maxsize) +
+ BYTES_TO_NEXT_DWORD(usbp->epc[0]->out_maxsize);
+ * @brief Returns the status of an OUT endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ * @return The endpoint status.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_DISABLED The endpoint is not active.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_STALLED The endpoint is stalled.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_ACTIVE The endpoint is active.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+usbepstatus_t usb_lld_get_status_out(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+ if (!(HW_OUT_EP(ep)->CFG & USBD_CFG_STATE_Msk)) {
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief Returns the status of an IN endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ * @return The endpoint status.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_DISABLED The endpoint is not active.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_STALLED The endpoint is stalled.
+ * @retval EP_STATUS_ACTIVE The endpoint is active.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+usbepstatus_t usb_lld_get_status_in(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+ if (!(HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFG & USBD_CFG_STATE_Msk)) {
+ }
+ if (HW_IN_EP(ep)->CFGP & USBD_CFGP_SSTALL_Msk) {
+ }
+ * @brief Reads a setup packet from the dedicated packet buffer.
+ * @details This function must be invoked in the context of the @p setup_cb
+ * callback in order to read the received setup packet.
+ * @pre In order to use this function the endpoint must have been
+ * initialized as a control endpoint.
+ * @post The endpoint is ready to accept another packet.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ * @param[out] buf buffer where to copy the packet data
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_read_setup(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep, uint8_t* buf)
+ /* The setup packet should be exactly 8 bytes long.
+ We skip the frills of memcpy because it is always word-aligned,
+ and always 8 bytes long. However, we drop down into assembly because
+ we need to guarantee we only ever use word accesses to SRAM
+ (limitation of the hardware), and while I doubt any compiler
+ would optimize 32-bit reads and writes to multiple ldrb/strb
+ pairs, why not easily get the guarantee?
+ */
+ uint32_t rm, rn;
+ __ASM volatile(
+ "ldr %0, [%[src], #0]\n"
+ "str %0, [%[dest], #0]\n"
+ "ldr %0, [%[src], #4]\n"
+ "str %0, [%[dest], #4]\n"
+ : "=&r"(rm) /* Output operands */
+ : [src] "r"(USBD_SRAM_BASE), [dest] "r"(buf) /* Input operands */
+ : "memory" /* Clobber list */
+ );
+ (void)rn;
+ (void)rm;
+ (void)usbp;
+ (void)ep;
+ (void)buf;
+ * @brief Starts a receive operation on an OUT endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_start_out(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ HW_OUT_EP(ep)->MXPLD =
+ min(usbp->epc[ep]->out_state->rxsize, usbp->epc[ep]->out_maxsize);
+ * @brief Starts a transmit operation on an IN endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_start_in(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ uint32_t txsize =
+ min(usbp->epc[ep]->in_state->txsize, usbp->epc[ep]->in_maxsize);
+ HW_IN_EP(ep)->MXPLD = usb_memcpy(USBD_SRAM_BASE + (HW_IN_EP(ep)->BUFSEG),
+ usbp->epc[ep]->in_state->txbuf,
+ txsize);
+ * @brief Brings an OUT endpoint in the stalled state.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_stall_out(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+ * @brief Brings an IN endpoint in the stalled state.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_stall_in(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+ * @brief Brings an OUT endpoint in the active state.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_clear_out(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+ * @brief Brings an IN endpoint in the active state.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void usb_lld_clear_in(USBDriver* usbp, usbep_t ep)
+ (void)usbp;
+#endif /* HAL_USE_USB */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2647701537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/hal_usb_lld.h
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Copyright (C) 2021 Ein Terakawa
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_usb_lld.h
+ * @brief NUC126 USB subsystem low level driver header.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup USB
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HAL_USB_LLD_H
+#define HAL_USB_LLD_H
+#if HAL_USE_USB || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* Driver constants. */
+ * @brief Maximum endpoint address.
+ * @details This value does not include the endpoint 0 which is always present.
+ * @brief Status stage handling method.
+ */
+ * @brief The address can be changed immediately upon packet reception.
+ */
+ * @brief Method for set address acknowledge.
+ */
+ * @brief Speed of the USB hardware's input clock. This must be 48 MHz.
+ */
+#define NUC126_USBD_CLK 48000000UL
+/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
+ * @name NUC126 configuration options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief USB driver enable switch.
+ * @details If set to @p TRUE the support for USB1 is included.
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_USB_USE_USB1) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 TRUE
+ * @brief USB1 interrupt priority level setting.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_USB_IRQ_PRIORITY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define NUC126_USB_IRQ_PRIORITY 3
+/** @} */
+/* Derived constants and error checks. */
+// TODO Implement HSI48 usage for USB
+#error "HSI48 not yet supported for use with USB"
+// Use HSI48 for USB
+#define NUC126_USBD_CLKDIV (1)
+// Use PLL for USB
+#error "NUC126_PLLCLK must be at least 48 MHz for USB"
+#define NUC126_USBD_CLKDIV ((NUC126_PLLCLK) / (NUC126_USBD_CLK))
+#if ((NUC126_USBD_CLKDIV * NUC126_USBD_CLK) != NUC126_PLLCLK) || \
+ (16 < NUC126_USBD_CLKDIV)
+#error "Cannot generate required 48MHz from the configured PLL frequency"
+#endif /* NUC126_HSI48_ENABLED */
+#if !defined(NUC126_USB_USE_USB1) || (!NUC126_USB_USE_USB1)
+#error "NUC126 USB subsystem enabled, but no driver configured"
+/* Driver data structures and types. */
+ * @brief Type of an IN endpoint state structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * @brief Requested transmit transfer size.
+ */
+ size_t txsize;
+ /**
+ * @brief Transmitted bytes so far.
+ */
+ size_t txcnt;
+ /**
+ * @brief Pointer to the transmission linear buffer.
+ */
+ const uint8_t *txbuf;
+#if USB_USE_WAIT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ /**
+ * @brief Waiting thread.
+ */
+ thread_reference_t thread;
+ /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
+} USBInEndpointState;
+ * @brief Type of an OUT endpoint state structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * @brief Requested receive transfer size.
+ */
+ size_t rxsize;
+ /**
+ * @brief Received bytes so far.
+ */
+ size_t rxcnt;
+ /**
+ * @brief Pointer to the receive linear buffer.
+ */
+ uint8_t *rxbuf;
+#if USB_USE_WAIT || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ /**
+ * @brief Waiting thread.
+ */
+ thread_reference_t thread;
+ /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
+} USBOutEndpointState;
+ * @brief Type of an USB endpoint configuration structure.
+ * @note Platform specific restrictions may apply to endpoints.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * @brief Type and mode of the endpoint.
+ */
+ uint32_t ep_mode;
+ /**
+ * @brief Setup packet notification callback.
+ * @details This callback is invoked when a setup packet has been
+ * received.
+ * @post The application must immediately call @p usbReadPacket() in
+ * order to access the received packet.
+ * @note This field is only valid for @p USB_EP_MODE_TYPE_CTRL
+ * endpoints, it should be set to @p NULL for other endpoint
+ * types.
+ */
+ usbepcallback_t setup_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief IN endpoint notification callback.
+ * @details This field must be set to @p NULL if the IN endpoint is not
+ * used.
+ */
+ usbepcallback_t in_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief OUT endpoint notification callback.
+ * @details This field must be set to @p NULL if the OUT endpoint is not
+ * used.
+ */
+ usbepcallback_t out_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief IN endpoint maximum packet size.
+ * @details This field must be set to zero if the IN endpoint is not
+ * used.
+ */
+ uint16_t in_maxsize;
+ /**
+ * @brief OUT endpoint maximum packet size.
+ * @details This field must be set to zero if the OUT endpoint is not
+ * used.
+ */
+ uint16_t out_maxsize;
+ /**
+ * @brief @p USBEndpointState associated to the IN endpoint.
+ * @details This structure maintains the state of the IN endpoint.
+ */
+ USBInEndpointState *in_state;
+ /**
+ * @brief @p USBEndpointState associated to the OUT endpoint.
+ * @details This structure maintains the state of the OUT endpoint.
+ */
+ USBOutEndpointState *out_state;
+ /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
+ /**
+ * @brief Reserved field, not currently used.
+ * @note Initialize this field to 1 in order to be forward compatible.
+ */
+ uint16_t ep_buffers;
+ /**
+ * @brief Pointer to a buffer for setup packets, not currently used.
+ * @details Setup packets require a dedicated 8-bytes buffer, set this
+ * field to @p NULL for non-control endpoints.
+ */
+ uint8_t *setup_buf;
+} USBEndpointConfig;
+ * @brief Type of an USB driver configuration structure.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+ /**
+ * @brief USB events callback.
+ * @details This callback is invoked when an USB driver event is registered.
+ */
+ usbeventcb_t event_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief Device GET_DESCRIPTOR request callback.
+ * @note This callback is mandatory and cannot be set to @p NULL.
+ */
+ usbgetdescriptor_t get_descriptor_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief Requests hook callback.
+ * @details This hook allows to be notified of standard requests or to
+ * handle non standard requests.
+ */
+ usbreqhandler_t requests_hook_cb;
+ /**
+ * @brief Start Of Frame callback.
+ */
+ usbcallback_t sof_cb;
+ /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
+} USBConfig;
+ * @brief Structure representing an USB driver.
+ */
+struct USBDriver {
+ /**
+ * @brief Driver state.
+ */
+ usbstate_t state;
+ /**
+ * @brief Current configuration data.
+ */
+ const USBConfig *config;
+ /**
+ * @brief Bit map of the transmitting IN endpoints.
+ */
+ uint16_t transmitting;
+ /**
+ * @brief Bit map of the receiving OUT endpoints.
+ */
+ uint16_t receiving;
+ /**
+ * @brief Active endpoints configurations.
+ */
+ const USBEndpointConfig *epc[USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS + 1];
+ /**
+ * @brief Fields available to user, it can be used to associate an
+ * application-defined handler to an IN endpoint.
+ * @note The base index is one, the endpoint zero does not have a
+ * reserved element in this array.
+ */
+ void *in_params[USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS];
+ /**
+ * @brief Fields available to user, it can be used to associate an
+ * application-defined handler to an OUT endpoint.
+ * @note The base index is one, the endpoint zero does not have a
+ * reserved element in this array.
+ */
+ void *out_params[USB_MAX_ENDPOINTS];
+ /**
+ * @brief Endpoint 0 state.
+ */
+ usbep0state_t ep0state;
+ /**
+ * @brief Next position in the buffer to be transferred through endpoint 0.
+ */
+ uint8_t *ep0next;
+ /**
+ * @brief Number of bytes yet to be transferred through endpoint 0.
+ */
+ size_t ep0n;
+ /**
+ * @brief Endpoint 0 end transaction callback.
+ */
+ usbcallback_t ep0endcb;
+ /**
+ * @brief Setup packet buffer.
+ */
+ uint8_t setup[8];
+ /**
+ * @brief Current USB device status.
+ */
+ uint16_t status;
+ /**
+ * @brief Assigned USB address.
+ */
+ uint8_t address;
+ /**
+ * @brief Current USB device configuration.
+ */
+ uint8_t configuration;
+ /**
+ * @brief State of the driver when a suspend happened.
+ */
+ usbstate_t saved_state;
+ /* End of the mandatory fields.*/
+/* Driver macros. */
+ * @brief Returns the current frame number.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @return The current frame number.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define usb_lld_get_frame_number(usbp) 0
+ * @brief Returns the exact size of a receive transaction.
+ * @details The received size can be different from the size specified in
+ * @p usbStartReceiveI() because the last packet could have a size
+ * different from the expected one.
+ * @pre The OUT endpoint must have been configured in transaction mode
+ * in order to use this function.
+ *
+ * @param[in] usbp pointer to the @p USBDriver object
+ * @param[in] ep endpoint number
+ * @return Received data size.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define usb_lld_get_transaction_size(usbp, ep) \
+ ((usbp)->epc[ep]->out_state->rxcnt)
+ * @brief Connects the USB device.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+#define usb_lld_connect_bus(usbp) \
+ do { \
+ USBD->SE0 = (0 << USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos); \
+ } while (0)
+ * @brief Disconnect the USB device.
+ *
+ * @api
+ */
+#define usb_lld_disconnect_bus(usbp) \
+ do { \
+ USBD->SE0 = (1 << USBD_SE0_SE0_Pos); \
+ } while (0)
+ * @brief Start of host wake-up procedure.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+#define usb_lld_wakeup_host(usbp) \
+ do { \
+ osalThreadSleepMilliseconds(10); \
+ _usb_wakeup(&USBD1); \
+ } while (0)
+/* External declarations. */
+#if NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 && !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+extern USBDriver USBD1;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void usb_lld_init(void);
+void usb_lld_start(USBDriver *usbp);
+void usb_lld_stop(USBDriver *usbp);
+void usb_lld_reset(USBDriver *usbp);
+void usb_lld_set_address(USBDriver *usbp);
+void usb_lld_init_endpoint(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_disable_endpoints(USBDriver *usbp);
+usbepstatus_t usb_lld_get_status_in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+usbepstatus_t usb_lld_get_status_out(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_read_setup(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep, uint8_t *buf);
+void usb_lld_start_out(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_start_in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_stall_out(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_stall_in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_clear_out(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+void usb_lld_clear_in(USBDriver *usbp, usbep_t ep);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* HAL_USE_USB */
+#endif /* HAL_USB_LLD_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/usb_memcpy.S b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/usb_memcpy.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6411105b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/usb_memcpy.S
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file usb_memcpy.S
+ * @brief Definition of the usb_memcpy function
+ *
+ * @addtogroup USB
+ * @{
+ */
+#if !defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ .syntax unified
+ .cpu cortex-m0
+ .thumb
+ .section .text, "ax"
+ .align 4
+ .global usb_memcpy
+/* size_t usb_memcpy(volatile void* destination, const volatile void* source, size_t num); */
+ cmp r2, #0
+ beq.n zero_return
+ push {r2, r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
+ movs r3, #3
+ tst r0, r3
+ bne.n offset
+ tst r1, r3
+ bne.n unaligned
+/* r0: dest, r1: src, r2: num, r3: #3 */
+ movs r4, r2
+ bics r4, r3
+ movs r6, r4
+ b.n aligned_loop_check
+ subs r4, r4, #4
+ ldr r5, [r1, r4]
+ str r5, [r0, r4]
+ bne.n aligned_loop_top
+ ands r2, r3
+ beq.n return
+/* if there are leftovers, we can read them all in one */
+/* byte mode */
+ ldr r4, =0x40060000
+ ldr r5, [r4, #16]
+ movs r7, #128
+ lsls r7, r7, #3 /* USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk */
+ orrs r5, r7
+ str r5, [r4, #16]
+ adds r1, r1, r6
+ adds r0, r0, r6
+ * r0: dest
+ * r1: src
+ * r2 is 1, 2, or 3 (# of bytes left)
+ * r3: #3
+ * r4: &USBD
+ * r5: USBD->ATTR
+ * r6: leftover offset base
+ */
+ ldrb r3, [r1, #0]
+ strb r3, [r0, #0]
+ cmp r2, #1
+ beq.n word_mode_return
+ ldrb r3, [r1, #1]
+ strb r3, [r0, #1]
+ cmp r2, #2
+ beq.n word_mode_return
+ ldrb r3, [r1, #2]
+ strb r3, [r0, #2]
+ ldr r5, [r4, #16]
+ bics r5, r7
+ str r5, [r4, #16]
+ pop {r0, r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
+ movs r0, #0
+ bx.n lr
+ ldr r4, =0x40060000
+ ldr r5, [r4, #16]
+ movs r7, #128
+ lsls r7, r7, #3 /* USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk */
+ orrs r5, r7
+ str r5, [r4, #16]
+ ldrb r6, [r1, #0]
+ strb r6, [r0, #0]
+ adds r0, r0, #1
+ adds r1, r1, #1
+ subs r2, r2, #1
+ beq.n word_mode_return
+ tst r0, r3
+ bne.n offset_loop
+ tst r1, r3
+ bne.n unaligned_loop_top
+ ldr r5, [r4, #16]
+ bics r5, r7
+ str r5, [r4, #16]
+ b.n aligned
+ ldr r4, =0x40060000
+ ldr r5, [r4, #16]
+ movs r7, #128
+ lsls r7, r7, #3 /* USBD_ATTR_BYTEM_Msk */
+ orrs r5, r7
+ str r5, [r4, #16]
+ subs r2, r2, #1
+ ldrb r5, [r1, r2]
+ strb r5, [r0, r2]
+ bne.n unaligned_loop_top
+ b.n word_mode_return
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.c b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08580f0610
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.c
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file hal_lld.c
+ * @brief NUC126 HAL subsystem low level driver source.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup HAL
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "hal.h"
+/* Driver local definitions. */
+#define FREQ_25MHZ 25000000
+#define FREQ_50MHZ 50000000
+#define FREQ_72MHZ 72000000
+#define FREQ_100MHZ 100000000
+#define FREQ_200MHZ 200000000
+#define CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLK(x) (((x)-1) << CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Pos) /*!< CLKDIV0 Setting for HCLK clock divider. It could be 1~16 */
+// PLLCTL constant definitions. PLL = FIN * NF / NR / NO
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_NF(x) ((x)-2) /*!< x must be constant and 2 <= x <= 513. 200MHz < FIN*NF/NR < 500MHz. (FIN*NF/NR > 250MHz is preferred.) */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_NR(x) (((x)-2)<<9) /*!< x must be constant and 2 <= x <= 33. 1.6MHz < FIN/NR < 16MHz */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_NO(x) ((x-1)<<14) /*!< x must be either 1, 2 or 4. */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL(src, nr, nf, no) \
+ (src | CLK_PLLCTL_NR(nr) | \
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_72MHz_HXT CLK_PLLCTL(NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE, 4, 48, 2) /*!< Predefined PLLCTL setting for 72MHz PLL output with HXT(12MHz X'tal) */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_144MHz_HXT CLK_PLLCTL(NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE, 4, 48, 1) /*!< Predefined PLLCTL setting for 144MHz PLL output with HXT(12MHz X'tal) */
+#define CLK_PLLCTL_72MHz_HIRC CLK_PLLCTL(NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE, 8, 52, 2) /*!< Predefined PLLCTL setting for 71.8848MHz PLL output with HIRC(22.1184MHz IRC) */
+/* Driver exported variables. */
+/* Driver local variables and types. */
+_Bool clock_initialized = FALSE;
+uint32_t SystemCoreClock = __HSI; /*!< System Clock Frequency (Core Clock) */
+uint32_t CyclesPerUs = (__HSI / 1000000); /*!< Cycles per micro second */
+uint32_t PllClock = __HSI; /*!< PLL Output Clock Frequency */
+const uint32_t gau32ClkSrcTbl[] = {__HXT, __LXT, __HSI, __LIRC, __HIRC48, 0UL, 0UL, __HIRC};
+static volatile const uint32_t config0 __attribute__((used, unused, section(".nuc126_config0"))) = NUC126_CONFIG0;
+static volatile const uint32_t config1 __attribute__((used, unused, section(".nuc126_config1"))) = NUC126_CONFIG1;
+/* Driver local functions. */
+ * @brief Enable clock source
+ * @param[in] u32ClkMask is clock source mask. Including :
+ * - \ref CLK_PWRCTL_HXTEN_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_PWRCTL_LXTEN_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_PWRCTL_HIRCEN_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_PWRCTL_LIRCEN_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_PWRCTL_HIRC48EN_Msk
+ * @return None
+ * @details This function enable clock source. \n
+ * The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function.
+ */
+static void CLK_EnableXtalRC(uint32_t u32ClkMask)
+ CLK->PWRCTL |= u32ClkMask;
+ * @brief This function check selected clock source status
+ * @param[in] u32ClkMask is selected clock source. Including :
+ * - \ref CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_STATUS_LXTSTB_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Msk
+ * - \ref CLK_STATUS_HIRC48STB_Msk
+ * @retval 0 clock is not stable
+ * @retval 1 clock is stable
+ * @details To wait for clock ready by specified clock source stable flag or timeout (>500ms)
+ */
+static uint32_t CLK_WaitClockReady(uint32_t u32ClkMask)
+ uint32_t u32TimeOutCnt = SystemCoreClock>>1; /* 500ms time-out */
+ uint32_t u32Ret = 1U;
+ while((CLK->STATUS & u32ClkMask) != u32ClkMask)
+ {
+ if(--u32TimeOutCnt == 0)
+ {
+ u32Ret = 0U;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return u32Ret;
+ * @brief Set HCLK clock source and HCLK clock divider
+ * @param[in] u32ClkSrc is HCLK clock source. Including :
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSE
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_LSE
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_PLL
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_LSI
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSI48
+ * - \ref NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSI
+ * @param[in] u32ClkDiv is HCLK clock divider. Including :
+ * - \ref CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLK(x)
+ * @return None
+ * @details This function set HCLK clock source and HCLK clock divider.
+ * The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function.
+ */
+static void CLK_SetHCLK(uint32_t u32ClkSrc, uint32_t u32ClkDiv)
+ uint32_t u32HIRCSTB;
+ /* Read HIRC clock source stable flag */
+ /* Switch to HIRC for Safe. Avoid HCLK too high when applying new divider. */
+ /* Apply new Divider */
+ /* Switch HCLK to new HCLK source */
+ /* Update System Core Clock */
+ SystemCoreClockUpdate();
+ /* Disable HIRC if HIRC is disabled before switching HCLK source */
+ if(u32HIRCSTB == 0)
+ * @brief Get PLL clock frequency
+ * @param None
+ * @return PLL frequency
+ * @details This function get PLL frequency. The frequency unit is Hz.
+ */
+static inline uint32_t CLK_GetPLLClockFreq(void)
+ uint32_t PllReg;
+ uint32_t pllFIN, pllNF, pllNR, pllNO;
+ PllReg = CLK->PLLCTL;
+ if (PllReg & (CLK_PLLCTL_PD_Msk | CLK_PLLCTL_OE_Msk)) {
+ PllClock = 0; /* PLL is in power down mode or fix low */
+ } else {
+ if (PllReg & NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI) {
+ pllFIN = __HIRC; /* Use HXT for PLL clock */
+ } else {
+ pllFIN = NUC126_HSECLK; /* Use HXT for PLL clock */
+ }
+ if (PllReg & CLK_PLLCTL_BP_Msk) {
+ PllClock = pllFIN;
+ } else {
+ switch (((PllReg & CLK_PLLCTL_OUTDIV_Msk) >> CLK_PLLCTL_OUTDIV_Pos)) {
+ case 0: /* OUT_DIV == 00 : NO = 1 */
+ pllNO = 1;
+ break;
+ case 3: /* OUT_DIV == 11 : NO = 4 */
+ pllNO = 4;
+ break;
+ default: /* OUT_DIV == 01 or 10 : NO = 2 */
+ pllNO = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ pllNF = ((PllReg & CLK_PLLCTL_FBDIV_Msk) >> CLK_PLLCTL_FBDIV_Pos) + 2;
+ pllNR = ((PllReg & CLK_PLLCTL_INDIV_Msk) >> CLK_PLLCTL_INDIV_Pos) + 2;
+ /* Shift to avoid overflow condition */
+ PllClock = (((pllFIN >> 2) * pllNF) / (pllNR * pllNO) << 2);
+ }
+ }
+ return PllClock;
+ * @brief Set PLL frequency
+ * @param[in] pllSrc is PLL clock source. Including :
+ * - \ref NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE
+ * - \ref NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI
+ * @param[in] pllFreq is PLL frequency. The range of pllFreq is 25 MHz ~ 200 MHz.
+ * @return PLL frequency
+ * @details This function is used to configure PLLCTL register to set specified PLL frequency. \n
+ * The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function.
+ */
+uint32_t CLK_EnablePLL(uint32_t pllSrc, uint32_t pllFreq)
+ /* Disable PLL first to avoid unstable when setting PLL */
+ /* Check and setup correct clock source */
+ switch (pllSrc) {
+ case NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE:
+ /* Enable HXT clock */
+ /* Wait for HXT clock ready */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Msk);
+ break;
+ case NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI:
+ /* Enable HIRC clock */
+ /* Wait for HIRC clock ready */
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate best PLL variables from requested frequency
+ *
+ * See NUC126 Technical Reference Manual, PLL Control Register Description
+ *
+ * NF 1
+ * FOUT = FIN x -- x --
+ * NR NO
+ *
+ */
+ uint32_t NO = 0;
+ uint32_t NR = 0;
+ uint32_t clkCalc = 0;
+ /* Set "NO" for requested frequency */
+ if (pllFreq >= FREQ_25MHZ && pllFreq <= FREQ_50MHZ) {
+ /* Low frequency - use full variable headroom */
+ pllFreq <<= 2;
+ NO = 4;
+ } else if (pllFreq > FREQ_50MHZ && pllFreq <= FREQ_100MHZ) {
+ /* Medium frequency - use full variable headroom */
+ pllFreq <<= 1;
+ NO = 2;
+ } else if (pllFreq > FREQ_100MHZ && pllFreq <= FREQ_200MHZ) {
+ /* High frequency - full variable headroom already used */
+ NO = 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Frequency out of range - use default PLL settings */
+ /* Apply default PLL setting and return */
+ if(pllSrc == NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE)
+ else
+ CLK->PLLCTL = CLK_PLLCTL_72MHz_HIRC; /* 71.8848MHz */
+ /* Wait for PLL clock stable */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Msk);
+ return CLK_GetPLLClockFreq();
+ }
+ /* Setup "NR" and clkCalc */
+ switch (pllSrc) {
+ case NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE:
+ NR = 2;
+ clkCalc = NUC126_HSECLK;
+ break;
+ case NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI:
+ NR = 4;
+ clkCalc = __HIRC;
+ break;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loop to calculate best/lowest NR (between 0 or 2 and 31) and best/lowest NF (between 0 and 511)
+ *
+ * Best results are off-by-2 until final equation calculation (to allow use in PLLCTL)
+ *
+ */
+ uint32_t bestNR = 0;
+ uint32_t bestNF = 0;
+ uint32_t minLimit = -1;
+ while (NR <= 33) {
+ uint32_t tmpCalc1 = clkCalc / NR;
+ if (tmpCalc1 > 1600000 && tmpCalc1 < 16000000) {
+ uint32_t NF = 2;
+ while (NF <= 513) {
+ uint32_t tmpCalc2 = tmpCalc1 * NF;
+ if (tmpCalc2 >= 100000000 && tmpCalc2 <= 200000000) {
+ uint32_t tmpCalc3;
+ if (tmpCalc2 > pllFreq) {
+ tmpCalc3 = tmpCalc2 - pllFreq;
+ } else {
+ tmpCalc3 = pllFreq - tmpCalc2;
+ }
+ if (tmpCalc3 < minLimit) {
+ minLimit = tmpCalc3;
+ bestNF = NF;
+ bestNR = NR;
+ /* Stop NF calc loop when minLimit tends back to 0 */
+ if (minLimit == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ NF++;
+ }
+ }
+ NR++;
+ }
+ /* Enable and apply new PLL setting. */
+ CLK->PLLCTL = CLK_PLLCTL(pllSrc, NO, bestNR, bestNF);
+ /* Wait for PLL clock stable */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_PLLSTB_Msk);
+ /* Return equation result */
+ return (clkCalc / (NO * bestNR) * bestNF);
+ * @brief Set HCLK frequency
+ * @param[in] u32Hclk is HCLK frequency. The range of u32Hclk is 25 MHz ~ 72 MHz.
+ * @return HCLK frequency
+ * @details This function is used to set HCLK frequency. The frequency unit is Hz. \n
+ * It would configure PLL frequency to 50MHz ~ 144MHz,
+ * set HCLK clock divider as 2 and switch HCLK clock source to PLL. \n
+ * The register write-protection function should be disabled before using this function.
+ */
+uint32_t CLK_SetCoreClock(uint32_t u32Hclk)
+ uint32_t u32HIRCSTB;
+ /* Read HIRC clock source stable flag */
+ /* The range of u32Hclk is 25 MHz ~ 72 MHz */
+ if(u32Hclk > FREQ_72MHZ) {
+ u32Hclk = FREQ_72MHZ;
+ }
+ if(u32Hclk < FREQ_25MHZ) {
+ u32Hclk = FREQ_25MHZ;
+ }
+ /* Setup __HIRC */
+ /* Use __HIRC as HCLK temporarily */
+ /* Is HXT stable ? */
+ /* Use NUC126_HSECLK as PLL source */
+ u32Hclk = CLK_EnablePLL(NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE, (2 * u32Hclk));
+ } else {
+ /* Use __HIRC as PLL source */
+ u32Hclk = CLK_EnablePLL(NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI, (2 * u32Hclk));
+ /* Read HIRC clock source stable flag again (since we're using it now) */
+ }
+ /* Set HCLK clock source to PLL */
+ /* Disable HIRC if HIRC was disabled before we started */
+ if(u32HIRCSTB == 0) {
+ }
+ /* Return actual HCLK frequency is PLL frequency divide 2 */
+ return u32Hclk >> 1;
+#endif // NUC126_PLL_ENABLED
+/* Driver interrupt handlers. */
+/* Driver exported functions. */
+void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void)
+ uint32_t u32Freq, u32ClkSrc;
+ uint32_t u32HclkDiv;
+ /* Update PLL Clock */
+ PllClock = CLK_GetPLLClockFreq();
+ if(u32ClkSrc != NUC126_HCLKSRC_PLL)
+ {
+ /* Use the clock sources directly */
+ u32Freq = gau32ClkSrcTbl[u32ClkSrc];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Use PLL clock */
+ u32Freq = PllClock;
+ // Uh oh...
+ u32Freq = 0;
+ }
+ u32HclkDiv = (CLK->CLKDIV0 & CLK_CLKDIV0_HCLKDIV_Msk) + 1;
+ /* Update System Core Clock */
+ SystemCoreClock = u32Freq / u32HclkDiv;
+ CyclesPerUs = (SystemCoreClock + 500000) / 1000000;
+ * @brief Low level HAL driver initialization.
+ *
+ * @notapi
+ */
+void hal_lld_init(void)
+ if (!clock_initialized) {
+ NUC126_clock_init();
+ }
+void NUC126_clock_init(void)
+ clock_initialized = TRUE;
+ /* Always initialize HSI and go from there, things can change later */
+ /* Enable HSI */
+ /* Switch HCLK clock source to HSI */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_HIRC48STB_Msk);
+ /*
+ * Set PF[3:4] to output HSE
+ * Note: This is already set by CONFIG0[27] if NUC126_CONFIG_ENABLED is set
+ */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_HXTSTB_Msk);
+#endif /* NUC126_HSE_ENABLED */
+ CLK_WaitClockReady(CLK_STATUS_LXTSTB_Msk);
+#endif /* NUC126_LSE_ENABLED */
+#endif /* NUC126_LSI_ENABLED */
+ CLK_SetCoreClock(NUC126_HCLK);
+#endif /* NUC126_PLL_ENABLED */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db7f27a15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.h
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file NUC126/hal_lld.h
+ * @brief NUC126 HAL subsystem low level driver header.
+ * @pre This module requires the following macros to be defined in the
+ * @p board.h file:
+ * - NUC126_HSECLK.
+ * - NUC126_HSE_BYPASS (optionally).
+ * .
+ *
+ * @addtogroup HAL
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HAL_LLD_H
+#define HAL_LLD_H
+/* Driver constants. */
+ * @name Platform identification macros
+ * @{
+ */
+#if defined(NUC126VG4AE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126VG4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x40000
+#elif defined(NUC126SG4AE)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126SG4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x40000
+#elif defined(NUC126LG4AE)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126LG4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x40000
+#elif defined(NUC126SE4AE)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126SE4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
+#elif defined(NUC126LE4AE)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126LE4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
+#elif defined(NUC126NE4AE)
+#define PLATFORM_NAME "NUC126NE4AE NUC126 Cortex M0 USB Micro"
+#define NUC126xx4AE
+#define NUC126_FLASH_SIZE 0x20000
+#error "NUC126 device unsupported or not specified"
+/** @} */
+ * @name Absolute Maximum Ratings
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Maximum HSE clock frequency.
+ */
+#define NUC126_HSECLK_MAX 24000000
+ * @brief Minimum HSE clock frequency.
+ */
+#define NUC126_HSECLK_MIN 4000000
+ * @brief Minimum PLL frequency.
+ */
+#define NUC126_PLLCLK_MIN 25000000UL
+ * @brief Maximum PLL frequency.
+ */
+#define NUC126_PLLCLK_MAX 144000000UL
+ * @brief Minimum HCLK divider value.
+ */
+#define NUC126_HCLKDIV_MIN 1
+ * @brief Maximum HCLK divider value.
+ */
+#define NUC126_HCLKDIV_MAX 16
+/** @} */
+ * @name Internal clock sources
+ * @{
+ */
+#define NUC126_HSICLK __HIRC /**< High speed internal clock. */
+#define NUC126_HSI48CLK __HIRC48 /**< High speed internal clock. */
+#define NUC126_LSICLK __LIRC /**< Low speed internal clock. */
+/** @} */
+ * @name HCLKSEL bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSE (0 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is HSE. */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_LSE (1 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is LSE. */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_PLL (2 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is PLL. */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_LSI (3 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is LSI. */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSI48 (4 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is HSI48. */
+#define NUC126_HCLKSRC_HSI (7 << CLK_CLKSEL0_HCLKSEL_Pos) /**< HCLK source is HSI. */
+/** @} */
+ * @name PLLSRC bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+#define NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE (0 << CLK_PLLCTL_PLLSRC_Pos) /**< PLL source is HSE. */
+#define NUC126_PLLSRC_HSI (1 << CLK_PLLCTL_PLLSRC_Pos) /**< PLL source is HSI. */
+/** @} */
+ * @name User config bit definitions
+ * @{
+ */
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_DFEN_Pos 0
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_DFEN_Msk (1 << NUC126_CONFIG0_DFEN_Pos)
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_LOCK_Pos 1
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_LOCK_Msk (1 << NUC126_CONFIG0_LOCK_Pos)
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_CFGXT1_Pos 27
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_CFGXT1_Msk (1 << NUC126_CONFIG0_CFGXT1_Pos)
+/** @} */
+/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
+ * @name NUMICRO configuration options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Disables the PWR/RCC initialization in the HAL.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_NO_INIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define NUC126_NO_INIT FALSE
+ * @brief Enables or disables the HSI clock source.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_HSI_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables the LSI clock source.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_LSI_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables the HSI48 clock source.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_HSI48_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables the HSE clock source.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_HSE_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables the LSE clock source.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_LSE_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables PLL
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_PLL_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Core clock speed.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_HCLK) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define NUC126_HCLK 72000000UL
+#define NUC126_HCLK __HIRC
+ * @brief Enables the use of the CONFIG0/1 registers
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_CONFIG_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables or disables data flash
+ * @warning If data this is set to @p TRUE, the data flash
+ * is subtracted from the APROM. The linker script is not aware
+ * of this, so therefore it is the responsiblity of the user to ensure
+ * that the combination of the data flash & the text section still fit
+ * into ROM.
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_CONFIG_DATAFLASH_ENABLED) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Sets the data flash size. This is ignored if data flash is disabled.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_CONFIG_DATAFLASH_SIZE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#endif /* NUC126_CONFIG_ENABLED == TRUE */
+/** @} */
+/* Derived constants and error checks. */
+ * Configuration-related checks.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_MCUCONF)
+#error "Using a wrong mcuconf.h file, NUC126_MCUCONF not defined"
+ * HSE checks.
+ */
+#if !defined(NUC126_HSECLK)
+#error "HSE frequency not defined"
+#error "NUC126_HSECLK outside acceptable range (NUC126_HSECLK_MIN...NUC126_HSECLK_MAX)"
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0_HSE_PINS 0
+#define NUC126_PLLCLK (NUC126_HCLK * 2)
+* Persistant configuration settings.
+/* DFEN = 0 */
+/* DFEN = 1 */
+#define NUC126_DFBADDR 0xFFFFF800UL
+#define NUC126_CONFIG0 \
+#define NUC126_CONFIG1 NUC126_DFBADDR
+#else /* NUC126_CONFIG_ENABLED == FALSE */
+#error \
+#error \
+/* Driver data structures and types. */
+/* Driver macros. */
+/* Alias for compatibility */
+#define SystemUnlockReg() UNLOCKREG()
+/* External declarations. */
+/* Various helpers */
+#include "NUC126.h"
+#include "nuc126_isr.h"
+#include "nuc126_registry.h"
+#include "nvic.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ void hal_lld_init(void);
+ void NUC126_clock_init(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _HAL_LLD_H_ */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_isr.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_isr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcbacb5b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_isr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file NUC126/nuc126_isr.h
+ * @brief ISR remapper driver header.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup NUC126_ISR
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef NUC126_ISR_H
+#define NUC126_ISR_H
+/* Driver constants. */
+ * @name ISR names and numbers remapping
+ * @{
+ */
+// TODO Add other units as necessary
+ * GPIO units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_GPIOAB_HANDLER Vector50
+#define NUC126_GPIOCDEF_HANDLER Vector54
+ * Special ST unit
+ */
+#define NUC126_ST_HANDLER Vector3C
+#define NUC126_ST_NUMBER SysTick_IRQn
+ * DMA units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_PDMA_HANDLER VectorA8
+ * ADC units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_ADC_HANDLER VectorB4
+ * PWM units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_PWM0_HANDLER Vector58
+#define NUC126_PWM1_HANDLER Vector5C
+#define NUC126_PWM0_NUMBER PWM0_IRQn
+#define NUC126_PWM1_NUMBER PWM1_IRQn
+ * SPI units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_SPI0_HANDLER Vector78
+#define NUC126_SPI1_HANDLER Vector7C
+#define NUC126_SPI0_NUMBER SPI0_IRQn
+#define NUC126_SPI1_NUMBER SPI1_IRQn
+ * I2C units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_I2C0_HANDLER Vector88
+#define NUC126_I2C0_NUMBER I2C0_IRQn
+#define NUC126_I2C1_HANDLER Vector8C
+#define NUC126_I2C1_NUMBER I2C1_IRQn
+ * TIM units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_TIM1_HANDLER Vector60
+#define NUC126_TIM2_HANDLER Vector64
+#define NUC126_TIM3_HANDLER Vector68
+#define NUC126_TIM4_HANDLER Vector6C
+#define NUC126_TIM1_NUMBER TMR0_IRQn
+#define NUC126_TIM2_NUMBER TMR1_IRQn
+#define NUC126_TIM3_NUMBER TMR2_IRQn
+#define NUC126_TIM4_NUMBER TMR3_IRQn
+ * UART units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_UART02_HANDLER Vector70
+#define NUC126_UART1_HANDLER Vector74
+#define NUC126_UART02_NUMBER UART02_IRQn
+ * USB units.
+ */
+#define NUC126_USB1_HANDLER Vector9C
+/** @} */
+/* Driver pre-compile time settings. */
+/* Derived constants and error checks. */
+/* Driver data structures and types. */
+/* Driver macros. */
+/* External declarations. */
+#endif /* NUC126_ISR_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_registry.h b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_registry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce5de35b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/nuc126_registry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2019 /u/KeepItUnder
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file NUC126/nuc126_registry.h
+ * @brief NUC126 capabilities registry.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup HAL
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef NUC126_REGISTRY_H
+#define NUC126_REGISTRY_H
+/* Platform capabilities. */
+ * @name NUC126 capabilities
+ * @{
+ */
+/* RCC attributes. */
+#define NUC126_HAS_HSI48 TRUE
+/* ADC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_ADC1 TRUE
+// TODO Double check this, but it didn't change from NUC123
+#define NUC126_ADC1_HANDLER Vector70
+#define NUC126_ADC1_NUMBER Vector70_IRQn
+#define NUC126_ADC1_DMA_MSK (NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 1) |\
+#define NUC126_ADC1_DMA_CHN 0x00000011
+#define NUC126_HAS_ADC2 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_ADC3 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_ADC4 FALSE
+/* CAN attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_CAN1 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_CAN2 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_CAN3 FALSE
+/* DAC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_DAC1_CH1 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_DAC1_CH2 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_DAC2_CH1 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_DAC2_CH2 FALSE
+/* DMA attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_DMA1_NUM_CHANNELS 5
+#define NUC126_DMA2_NUM_CHANNELS 0
+// TODO Double check this, but it didn't change from NUC123
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH1_HANDLER Vector64
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH23_HANDLER Vector68
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_HANDLER Vector6C
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH1_NUMBER Vector64_IRQn
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH23_NUMBER Vector68_IRQn
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_NUMBER Vector6C_IRQn
+#define DMA1_CH2_CMASK 0x00000006U
+#define DMA1_CH3_CMASK 0x00000006U
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH4_NUMBER NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_NUMBER
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH5_NUMBER NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_NUMBER
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH6_NUMBER NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_NUMBER
+#define NUC126_DMA1_CH7_NUMBER NUC126_DMA1_CH4567_NUMBER
+#define DMA1_CH4_CMASK 0x00000078U
+#define DMA1_CH5_CMASK 0x00000078U
+#define DMA1_CH6_CMASK 0x00000078U
+#define DMA1_CH7_CMASK 0x00000078U
+/* ETH attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_ETH FALSE
+/* EXTI attributes.*/
+/* #define NUC126_EXTI_NUM_LINES 20 */
+/* #define NUC126_EXTI_IMR_MASK 0xFFF50000U */
+/* GPIO attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOA TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOB TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOC TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOD TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOE TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_GPIOF TRUE
+/* I2C attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_I2C0 TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_I2C1 TRUE
+/* QUADSPI attributes.*/
+/* RTC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_RTC TRUE
+#define NUC126_RTC_NUM_ALARMS 1
+/* SDIO attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_SDIO FALSE
+/* SPI attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI1 TRUE
+#define NUC126_SPI1_RX_DMA_MSK NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 2)
+#define NUC126_SPI1_RX_DMA_CHN 0x00000030
+#define NUC126_SPI1_TX_DMA_MSK NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 3)
+#define NUC126_SPI1_TX_DMA_CHN 0x00000300
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI2 TRUE
+#define NUC126_SPI2_RX_DMA_MSK NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 4)
+#define NUC126_SPI2_RX_DMA_CHN 0x00003000
+#define NUC126_SPI2_TX_DMA_MSK NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 5)
+#define NUC126_SPI2_TX_DMA_CHN 0x00030000
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI3 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI4 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI5 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_SPI6 FALSE
+/* TIM attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_TIM_MAX_CHANNELS 4
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM1 TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM1_IS_32BITS TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM1_CHANNELS 1
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM2 TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM2_IS_32BITS TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM2_CHANNELS 1
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM3 TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM3_IS_32BITS TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM3_CHANNELS 1
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM4 TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM4_IS_32BITS TRUE
+#define NUC126_TIM4_CHANNELS 1
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM5 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM6 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM7 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM8 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM9 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM10 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM11 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM12 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM13 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM14 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM15 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM16 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM17 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM18 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM19 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM20 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM21 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_TIM22 FALSE
+/* USART attributes.*/
+/* #define NUC126_HAS_USART1 TRUE
+#define NUC126_USART1_RX_DMA_MSK (NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 1) |\
+ NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 3) |\
+#define NUC126_USART1_RX_DMA_CHN 0x00080808
+#define NUC126_USART1_TX_DMA_MSK (NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 2) |\
+#define NUC126_USART1_TX_DMA_CHN 0x00008080
+#define NUC126_HAS_USART2 TRUE
+#define NUC126_USART2_RX_DMA_MSK (NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 1) |\
+ NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 3) |\
+#define NUC126_USART2_RX_DMA_CHN 0x00090909
+#define NUC126_USART2_TX_DMA_MSK (NUC126_DMA_STREAM_ID_MSK(1, 2) |\
+#define NUC126_USART2_TX_DMA_CHN 0x00009090 */
+#define NUC126_HAS_USART1 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_USART2 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_USART3 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_UART4 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_UART5 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_USART6 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_UART7 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_UART8 FALSE
+/* USB attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_USB TRUE
+#define NUC126_HAS_OTG1 FALSE
+#define NUC126_HAS_OTG2 FALSE
+/* IWDG attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_IWDG TRUE
+/* LTDC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_LTDC FALSE
+/* DMA2D attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_DMA2D FALSE
+/* FSMC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_FSMC FALSE
+/* CRC attributes.*/
+#define NUC126_HAS_CRC TRUE
+/** @} */
+#endif /* NUC126_REGISTRY_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/platform.mk b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/platform.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..482b641267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/platform.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+PLATFORMSRC := $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/common/ARMCMx/nvic.c \
+ $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/hal_lld.c
+# Required include directories.
+PLATFORMINC := $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/ports/common/ARMCMx \
+ $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126 \
+# Optional platform files.
+ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),yes)
+HALCONF := $(strip $(shell cat $(CONFDIR)/halconf.h $(CONFDIR)/halconf_community.h | egrep -e "\#define"))
+# Drivers compatible with the platform.
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/GPIOv2/driver.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/TIMv2/driver.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/LLD/USBv2/driver.mk
+# Shared variables
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/Makefile b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..349897590d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# Build global options
+# NOTE: Can be overridden externally.
+# Compiler options here.
+ifeq ($(USE_OPT),)
+ USE_OPT = -ggdb3 -g3 -gdwarf-3 -gstrict-dwarf -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 -pedantic -Wextra -Wall
+# C specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
+ifeq ($(USE_COPT),)
+# C++ specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
+ifeq ($(USE_CPPOPT),)
+ USE_CPPOPT = -fno-rtti
+# Enable this if you want the linker to remove unused code and data.
+ifeq ($(USE_LINK_GC),)
+ USE_LINK_GC = yes
+# Linker extra options here.
+ifeq ($(USE_LDOPT),)
+# Enable this if you want link time optimizations (LTO).
+ifeq ($(USE_LTO),)
+ USE_LTO = yes
+# Enable this if you want to see the full log while compiling.
+# If enabled, this option makes the build process faster by not compiling
+# modules not used in the current configuration.
+ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),)
+# Build global options
+# Architecture or project specific options
+# Stack size to be allocated to the Cortex-M process stack. This stack is
+# the stack used by the main() thread.
+# Stack size to the allocated to the Cortex-M main/exceptions stack. This
+# stack is used for processing interrupts and exceptions.
+# Enables the use of FPU (no, softfp, hard).
+ifeq ($(USE_FPU),)
+ USE_FPU = no
+# FPU-related options.
+ifeq ($(USE_FPU_OPT),)
+ USE_FPU_OPT = -mfloat-abi=$(USE_FPU) -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16
+# Architecture or project specific options
+# Project, target, sources and paths
+# Define project name here
+# Target settings.
+MCU = cortex-m0
+# Imported source files and paths.
+BASE_PATH := ../../../../../../..
+CONFDIR := ./cfg
+BUILDDIR := ./build
+DEPDIR := ./.dep
+# Licensing files.
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/license/license.mk
+# Startup files.
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_NUC126.mk
+# HAL-OSAL files (optional).
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/hal.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/platform.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt-nil/osal.mk
+# RTOS files (optional).
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/ARMv6-M/compilers/GCC/mk/port.mk
+# Auto-build files in ./source recursively.
+include $(CHIBIOS)/tools/mk/autobuild.mk
+# Other files (optional).
+#include $(CHIBIOS)/os/test/test.mk
+#include $(CHIBIOS)/test/rt/rt_test.mk
+#include $(CHIBIOS)/test/oslib/oslib_test.mk
+# Define linker script file here
+# C sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
+# setting.
+ $(TESTSRC) \
+ main.c
+# C++ sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
+# setting.
+# List ASM source files here.
+# List ASM with preprocessor source files here.
+# Inclusion directories.
+# Define C warning options here.
+CWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes
+# Define C++ warning options here.
+CPPWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef
+# Project, target, sources and paths
+# Start of user section
+# List all user C define here, like -D_DEBUG=1
+# Define ASM defines here
+# List all user directories here
+# List the user directory to look for the libraries here
+# List all user libraries here
+# End of user section
+# Common rules
+RULESPATH = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk
+include $(RULESPATH)/arm-none-eabi.mk
+include $(RULESPATH)/rules.mk
+# Common rules
+# Custom rules
+OPENOCD:=$(shell readlink -f `which openocd`)
+OPENOCDPATH:=$(shell dirname $(OPENOCD))/../share/openocd
+ rm -f $(OPENOCDPATH)/scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg && cp $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/ext/numicroM0.cfg $(OPENOCDPATH)/scripts/target/
+ openocd -f ../scripts/interface/nulink.cfg -f ../scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg
+flash: $(BUILDDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf
+ openocd -f ../scripts/interface/nulink.cfg -f ../scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg -c "program $< reset exit"
+# Custom rules
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/chconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/chconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ccb60fdf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/chconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file rt/templates/chconf.h
+ * @brief Configuration file template.
+ * @details A copy of this file must be placed in each project directory, it
+ * contains the application specific kernel settings.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup config
+ * @details Kernel related settings and hooks.
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef CHCONF_H
+#define CHCONF_H
+#define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_
+#define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_VER_7_0_
+ * @name System settings
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Handling of instances.
+ * @note If enabled then threads assigned to various instances can
+ * interact each other using the same synchronization objects.
+ * If disabled then each OS instance is a separate world, no
+ * direct interactions are handled by the OS.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_SMP_MODE)
+/** @} */
+ * @name System timers settings
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief System time counter resolution.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16, 32 or 64 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_RESOLUTION)
+ * @brief System tick frequency.
+ * @details Frequency of the system timer that drives the system ticks. This
+ * setting also defines the system tick time unit.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY)
+#define CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY 10000
+ * @brief Time intervals data size.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16, 32 or 64 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_INTERVALS_SIZE)
+ * @brief Time types data size.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16 or 32 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_TIME_TYPES_SIZE)
+ * @brief Time delta constant for the tick-less mode.
+ * @note If this value is zero then the system uses the classic
+ * periodic tick. This value represents the minimum number
+ * of ticks that is safe to specify in a timeout directive.
+ * The value one is not valid, timeouts are rounded up to
+ * this value.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Kernel parameters and options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Round robin interval.
+ * @details This constant is the number of system ticks allowed for the
+ * threads before preemption occurs. Setting this value to zero
+ * disables the preemption for threads with equal priority and the
+ * round robin becomes cooperative. Note that higher priority
+ * threads can still preempt, the kernel is always preemptive.
+ * @note Disabling the round robin preemption makes the kernel more compact
+ * and generally faster.
+ * @note The round robin preemption is not supported in tickless mode and
+ * must be set to zero in that case.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_TIME_QUANTUM)
+ * @brief Idle thread automatic spawn suppression.
+ * @details When this option is activated the function @p chSysInit()
+ * does not spawn the idle thread. The application @p main()
+ * function becomes the idle thread and must implement an
+ * infinite loop.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_NO_IDLE_THREAD)
+ * @brief Kernel hardening level.
+ * @details This option is the level of functional-safety checks enabled
+ * in the kerkel. The meaning is:
+ * - 0: No checks, maximum performance.
+ * - 1: Reasonable checks.
+ * - 2: All checks.
+ * .
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Performance options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief OS optimization.
+ * @details If enabled then time efficient rather than space efficient code
+ * is used when two possible implementations exist.
+ *
+ * @note This is not related to the compiler optimization options.
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_OPTIMIZE_SPEED)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Subsystem options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Time Measurement APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the time measurement APIs are included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_TM)
+ * @brief Time Stamps APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the time time stamps APIs are included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_TIMESTAMP)
+ * @brief Threads registry APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the registry APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_REGISTRY)
+ * @brief Threads synchronization APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the @p chThdWait() function is included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_WAITEXIT)
+ * @brief Semaphores APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the Semaphores APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES)
+ * @brief Semaphores queuing mode.
+ * @details If enabled then the threads are enqueued on semaphores by
+ * priority rather than in FIFO order.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE. Enable this if you have special
+ * requirements.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES.
+ */
+ * @brief Mutexes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the mutexes APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES)
+ * @brief Enables recursive behavior on mutexes.
+ * @note Recursive mutexes are heavier and have an increased
+ * memory footprint.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES.
+ */
+ * @brief Conditional Variables APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the conditional variables APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS)
+ * @brief Conditional Variables APIs with timeout.
+ * @details If enabled then the conditional variables APIs with timeout
+ * specification are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS.
+ */
+ * @brief Events Flags APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the event flags APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_EVENTS)
+ * @brief Events Flags APIs with timeout.
+ * @details If enabled then the events APIs with timeout specification
+ * are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_EVENTS.
+ */
+ * @brief Synchronous Messages APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the synchronous messages APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MESSAGES)
+ * @brief Synchronous Messages queuing mode.
+ * @details If enabled then messages are served by priority rather than in
+ * FIFO order.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE. Enable this if you have special
+ * requirements.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MESSAGES.
+ */
+ * @brief Dynamic Threads APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the dynamic threads creation APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_WAITEXIT.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_HEAP and/or @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC)
+/** @} */
+ * @name OSLIB options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Mailboxes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the asynchronous messages (mailboxes) APIs are
+ * included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MAILBOXES)
+ * @brief Memory checks APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory checks APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMCHECKS)
+ * @brief Core Memory Manager APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the core memory manager APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE)
+ * @brief Managed RAM size.
+ * @details Size of the RAM area to be managed by the OS. If set to zero
+ * then the whole available RAM is used. The core memory is made
+ * available to the heap allocator and/or can be used directly through
+ * the simplified core memory allocator.
+ *
+ * @note In order to let the OS manage the whole RAM the linker script must
+ * provide the @p __heap_base__ and @p __heap_end__ symbols.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_MEMCORE_SIZE)
+ * @brief Heap Allocator APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory heap allocator APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE and either @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES or
+ * @note Mutexes are recommended.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_HEAP)
+ * @brief Memory Pools Allocator APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory pools allocator APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS)
+ * @brief Objects FIFOs APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects FIFOs APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_OBJ_FIFOS)
+ * @brief Pipes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the pipes APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_PIPES)
+ * @brief Objects Caches APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects caches APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_OBJ_CACHES)
+ * @brief Delegate threads APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the delegate threads APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_DELEGATES)
+ * @brief Jobs Queues APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the jobs queues APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_JOBS)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Objects factory options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Objects Factory APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects factory APIs are included in the
+ * kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_FACTORY)
+ * @brief Maximum length for object names.
+ * @details If the specified length is zero then the name is stored by
+ * pointer but this could have unintended side effects.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables the registry of generic objects.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for generic buffers.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for semaphores.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for mailboxes.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for objects FIFOs.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for Pipes.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_FACTORY_PIPES) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Debug options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, kernel statistics.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_STATISTICS)
+ * @brief Debug option, system state check.
+ * @details If enabled the correct call protocol for system APIs is checked
+ * at runtime.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, parameters checks.
+ * @details If enabled then the checks on the API functions input
+ * parameters are activated.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_ENABLE_CHECKS)
+ * @brief Debug option, consistency checks.
+ * @details If enabled then all the assertions in the kernel code are
+ * activated. This includes consistency checks inside the kernel,
+ * runtime anomalies and port-defined checks.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_ENABLE_ASSERTS)
+ * @brief Debug option, trace buffer.
+ * @details If enabled then the trace buffer is activated.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK_DISABLED.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK)
+ * @brief Trace buffer entries.
+ * @note The trace buffer is only allocated if @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK is
+ * different from @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK_DISABLED.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, stack checks.
+ * @details If enabled then a runtime stack check is performed.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note The stack check is performed in a architecture/port dependent way.
+ * It may not be implemented or some ports.
+ * @note The default failure mode is to halt the system with the global
+ * @p panic_msg variable set to @p NULL.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, stacks initialization.
+ * @details If enabled then the threads working area is filled with a byte
+ * value when a thread is created. This can be useful for the
+ * runtime measurement of the used stack.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_FILL_THREADS)
+ * @brief Debug option, threads profiling.
+ * @details If enabled then a field is added to the @p thread_t structure that
+ * counts the system ticks occurred while executing the thread.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note This debug option is not currently compatible with the
+ * tickless mode.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Kernel hooks
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief System structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p ch_system_t structure.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_FIELDS /* Add threads custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief System initialization hook.
+ * @details User initialization code added to the @p chSysInit() function
+ * just before interrupts are enabled globally.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Add threads initialization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief OS instance structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p os_instance_t structure.
+ */
+ /* Add OS instance custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief OS instance initialization hook.
+ *
+ * @param[in] oip pointer to the @p os_instance_t structure
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_OS_INSTANCE_INIT_HOOK(oip) { \
+ /* Add OS instance initialization code here.*/ \
+ * @brief Threads descriptor structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p thread_t structure.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_EXTRA_FIELDS /* Add threads custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief Threads initialization hook.
+ * @details User initialization code added to the @p _thread_init() function.
+ *
+ * @note It is invoked from within @p _thread_init() and implicitly from all
+ * the threads creation APIs.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_INIT_HOOK(tp) \
+ { \
+ /* Add threads initialization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Threads finalization hook.
+ * @details User finalization code added to the @p chThdExit() API.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_EXIT_HOOK(tp) \
+ { \
+ /* Add threads finalization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Context switch hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked just before switching between threads.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_HOOK(ntp, otp) \
+ { \
+ /* Context switch code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief ISR enter hook.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* IRQ prologue code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief ISR exit hook.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* IRQ epilogue code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle thread enter hook.
+ * @note This hook is invoked within a critical zone, no OS functions
+ * should be invoked from here.
+ * @note This macro can be used to activate a power saving mode.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Idle-enter code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle thread leave hook.
+ * @note This hook is invoked within a critical zone, no OS functions
+ * should be invoked from here.
+ * @note This macro can be used to deactivate a power saving mode.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Idle-leave code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle Loop hook.
+ * @details This hook is continuously invoked by the idle thread loop.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_IDLE_LOOP_HOOK() \
+ { \
+ /* Idle loop code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief System tick event hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked in the system tick handler immediately
+ * after processing the virtual timers queue.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* System tick event code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief System halt hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked in case to a system halting error before
+ * the system is halted.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_HALT_HOOK(reason) \
+ { \
+ /* System halt code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Trace hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked each time a new record is written in the
+ * trace buffer.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_TRACE_HOOK(tep) \
+ { \
+ /* Trace code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Runtime Faults Collection Unit hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked each time new faults are collected and stored.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_RUNTIME_FAULTS_HOOK(mask) { \
+ /* Faults handling code here.*/ \
+/** @} */
+/* Port-specific settings (override port settings defaulted in chcore.h). */
+#endif /* CHCONF_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/halconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/halconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb5af940cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/halconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file templates/halconf.h
+ * @brief HAL configuration header.
+ * @details HAL configuration file, this file allows to enable or disable the
+ * various device drivers from your application. You may also use
+ * this file in order to override the device drivers default settings.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup HAL_CONF
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HALCONF_H
+#define HALCONF_H
+#define _CHIBIOS_HAL_CONF_VER_8_0_
+#include "mcuconf.h"
+ * @brief Enables the PAL subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_PAL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the ADC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_ADC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the CAN subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_CAN) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the cryptographic subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_CRY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the DAC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_DAC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the EFlash subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_EFL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the GPT subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_GPT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the I2C subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_I2C) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define HAL_USE_I2C FALSE
+ * @brief Enables the I2S subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_I2S) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define HAL_USE_I2S FALSE
+ * @brief Enables the ICU subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_ICU) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the MAC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_MAC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the MMC_SPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_MMC_SPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the PWM subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_PWM) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the RTC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_RTC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SDC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SDC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SERIAL subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SERIAL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SERIAL over USB subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SERIAL_USB) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SIO subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SIO) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the TRNG subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_TRNG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the UART subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_UART) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the USB subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_USB) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the WDG subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_WDG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the WSPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_WSPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* PAL driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(PAL_USE_CALLBACKS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(PAL_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* ADC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(ADC_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p adcAcquireBus() and @p adcReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(ADC_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* CAN driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Sleep mode related APIs inclusion switch.
+ */
+#if !defined(CAN_USE_SLEEP_MODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enforces the driver to use direct callbacks rather than OSAL events.
+ */
+#if !defined(CAN_ENFORCE_USE_CALLBACKS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* CRY driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the SW fall-back of the cryptographic driver.
+ * @details When enabled, this option, activates a fall-back software
+ * implementation for algorithms not supported by the underlying
+ * hardware.
+ * @note Fall-back implementations may not be present for all algorithms.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_CRY_USE_FALLBACK) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Makes the driver forcibly use the fall-back implementations.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_CRY_ENFORCE_FALLBACK) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* DAC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(DAC_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p dacAcquireBus() and @p dacReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(DAC_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* I2C driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the mutual exclusion APIs on the I2C bus.
+ */
+#if !defined(I2C_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* MAC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the zero-copy API.
+ */
+#if !defined(MAC_USE_ZERO_COPY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables an event sources for incoming packets.
+ */
+#if !defined(MAC_USE_EVENTS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* MMC_SPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Delays insertions.
+ * @details If enabled this options inserts delays into the MMC waiting
+ * routines releasing some extra CPU time for the threads with
+ * lower priority, this may slow down the driver a bit however.
+ * This option is recommended also if the SPI driver does not
+ * use a DMA channel and heavily loads the CPU.
+ */
+#if !defined(MMC_NICE_WAITING) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SDC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Number of initialization attempts before rejecting the card.
+ * @note Attempts are performed at 10mS intervals.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_RETRY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_RETRY 100
+ * @brief Include support for MMC cards.
+ * @note MMC support is not yet implemented so this option must be kept
+ * at @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_MMC_SUPPORT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Delays insertions.
+ * @details If enabled this options inserts delays into the MMC waiting
+ * routines releasing some extra CPU time for the threads with
+ * lower priority, this may slow down the driver a bit however.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_NICE_WAITING) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief OCR initialization constant for V20 cards.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_OCR_V20) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_OCR_V20 0x50FF8000U
+ * @brief OCR initialization constant for non-V20 cards.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_OCR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_OCR 0x80100000U
+/* SERIAL driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Default bit rate.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, this is the baud rate selected for the
+ * default configuration.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_DEFAULT_BITRATE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Serial buffers size.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, you can change the depth of the queue
+ * buffers depending on the requirements of your application.
+ * @note The default is 16 bytes for both the transmission and receive
+ * buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SERIAL_USB driver related setting. */
+ * @brief Serial over USB buffers size.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, the buffer size must be a multiple of
+ * the USB data endpoint maximum packet size.
+ * @note The default is 256 bytes for both the transmission and receive
+ * buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_SIZE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Serial over USB number of buffers.
+ * @note The default is 2 buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_NUMBER) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables circular transfers APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_CIRCULAR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p spiAcquireBus() and @p spiReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Handling method for SPI CS line.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_SELECT_MODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* UART driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(UART_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p uartAcquireBus() and @p uartReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(UART_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* USB driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(USB_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* WSPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(WSPI_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p wspiAcquireBus() and @p wspiReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(WSPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+//#include "halconf_community.h"
+#endif /* HALCONF_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/mcuconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/mcuconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c4cd98e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/mcuconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 Stephane D'Alu
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#ifndef _MCUCONF_H_
+#define _MCUCONF_H_
+ * Board setting
+ */
+ * HAL driver system settings.
+ */
+#define NUC126_MCUCONF
+#endif /* _MCUCONF_H_ */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/osalconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/osalconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b67c88d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/cfg/osalconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/main.c b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54fbab8dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#include "hal.h"
+uint8_t buf;
+ * Application entry point.
+ */
+int main(void)
+ /*
+ * System initializations.
+ * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers
+ * and performs the board-specific initializations.
+ */
+ halInit();
+ /*
+ * Enabling interrupts, initialization done.
+ */
+ osalSysEnable();
+ while (true) {
+ OnboardLED_Toggle();
+ osalThreadSleepMilliseconds(1000);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/readme.txt b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dc583c4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/Blinky/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+** ChibiOS/HAL - Blinky demo for NUC126. **
+** TARGET **
+The demo runs on a NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0 board with a NUC126VG4AE MCU.
+** The Demo **
+The application demonstrates the use of the NUC126 platform driver, and a little
+bit of the PAL. A successful run of the test involves the on-board LED blinking at .5 Hz
+(on for 1 second, then off for one second).
+** Board Setup **
+- None
+** Build Procedure **
+The demo has been tested using gcc version 10.3.1 (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.07).
+Just modify the TRGT line in the makefile in order to use different GCC ports.
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/Makefile b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed84ee9aa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -O2 -g
+SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)
+OBJS = $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
+EXE = test-usb-hid
+all: $(EXE)
+$(EXE): $(OBJS)
+-include $(subst .c,.d,$(SRCS))
+%.d: %.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -MM -MF $@ -MP -MT $(subst .c,.o,$<) $<
+ rm -f $(EXE)
+ rm -f $(OBJS)
+ rm -f $(subst .c,.d,$(SRCS))
+ rm -f *~
+.PHONY: clean all
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/test-usb-hid.c b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/test-usb-hid.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9f8573592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/test-usb-hid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2014 Guillaume Duc
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+ of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+ in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+ to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+ copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+struct usb_hid_in_report_s {
+ uint8_t sequence_number;
+struct usb_hid_out_report_s {
+ uint8_t sequence_number;
+static uint8_t usb_hid_in_report_buf[USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE];
+/* +1 for the report index */
+static uint8_t usb_hid_out_report_buf[USB_HID_OUT_REPORT_SIZE + 1];
+static struct usb_hid_in_report_s* usb_hid_in_report =
+ (struct usb_hid_in_report_s*)usb_hid_in_report_buf;
+static struct usb_hid_out_report_s* usb_hid_out_report =
+ (struct usb_hid_out_report_s*)(&usb_hid_out_report_buf[1]);
+static int usb_hid_fd;
+static uint8_t wkup_pb_old_value = 0;
+static void read_in_report()
+ int res, i;
+ printf("read()\n");
+ res = read(usb_hid_fd, usb_hid_in_report_buf, USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ perror("read");
+ } else {
+ printf("read() read %d bytes:\t", res);
+ for (i = 0; i < res; i++)
+ printf("%02hhx ", usb_hid_in_report_buf[i]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+static void send_out_report()
+ int res;
+ usb_hid_out_report_buf[0] = 0;
+ res = write(usb_hid_fd, usb_hid_out_report_buf, USB_HID_OUT_REPORT_SIZE + 1);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ perror("write");
+ }
+ usb_hid_out_report->sequence_number++;
+static void usb_hid_init(const char* dev_name)
+ int i, res;
+ int desc_size = 0;
+ char buf[256];
+ struct hidraw_report_descriptor rpt_desc;
+ struct hidraw_devinfo info;
+ usb_hid_fd = open(dev_name, O_RDWR);
+ if (usb_hid_fd < 0) {
+ perror("Unable to open device");
+ }
+ memset(&rpt_desc, 0x0, sizeof(rpt_desc));
+ memset(&info, 0x0, sizeof(info));
+ memset(buf, 0x0, sizeof(buf));
+ /* Get Report Descriptor Size */
+ res = ioctl(usb_hid_fd, HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE, &desc_size);
+ if (res < 0)
+ else
+ printf("Report Descriptor Size: %d\n", desc_size);
+ /* Get Report Descriptor */
+ rpt_desc.size = desc_size;
+ res = ioctl(usb_hid_fd, HIDIOCGRDESC, &rpt_desc);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ perror("HIDIOCGRDESC");
+ } else {
+ printf("Report Descriptor:\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < rpt_desc.size; i++)
+ printf("%02hhx ", rpt_desc.value[i]);
+ puts("\n");
+ }
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s /dev/hidrawX\n", argv[0]);
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ memset(usb_hid_out_report_buf, 0, sizeof(usb_hid_out_report_buf));
+ usb_hid_init(argv[1]);
+ usb_hid_out_report->sequence_number = 4;
+ send_out_report();
+ while (1) {
+ read_in_report();
+ if (usb_hid_in_report->sequence_number == 40) {
+ usb_hid_out_report->sequence_number = usb_hid_in_report->sequence_number / 2;
+ send_out_report();
+ }
+ }
+ close(usb_hid_fd);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/udev.rules b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/udev.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c93f15bb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Client/linux/udev.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0179", ATTR{idProduct}=="0002", MODE:="0666"
+KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0179", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0002", MODE:="0666"
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Makefile b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f69ae4281b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Build global options
+# NOTE: Can be overridden externally.
+# Compiler options here.
+ifeq ($(USE_OPT),)
+ USE_OPT = -ggdb3 -g3 -gdwarf-3 -gstrict-dwarf -fomit-frame-pointer -falign-functions=16 -pedantic -Wextra -Wall
+# C specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
+ifeq ($(USE_COPT),)
+# C++ specific options here (added to USE_OPT).
+ifeq ($(USE_CPPOPT),)
+ USE_CPPOPT = -fno-rtti
+# Enable this if you want the linker to remove unused code and data.
+ifeq ($(USE_LINK_GC),)
+ USE_LINK_GC = yes
+# Linker extra options here.
+ifeq ($(USE_LDOPT),)
+# Enable this if you want link time optimizations (LTO).
+ifeq ($(USE_LTO),)
+ USE_LTO = yes
+# Enable this if you want to see the full log while compiling.
+# If enabled, this option makes the build process faster by not compiling
+# modules not used in the current configuration.
+ifeq ($(USE_SMART_BUILD),)
+# Build global options
+# Architecture or project specific options
+# Stack size to be allocated to the Cortex-M process stack. This stack is
+# the stack used by the main() thread.
+# Stack size to the allocated to the Cortex-M main/exceptions stack. This
+# stack is used for processing interrupts and exceptions.
+# Enables the use of FPU (no, softfp, hard).
+ifeq ($(USE_FPU),)
+ USE_FPU = no
+# FPU-related options.
+ifeq ($(USE_FPU_OPT),)
+ USE_FPU_OPT = -mfloat-abi=$(USE_FPU) -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16
+# Architecture or project specific options
+# Project, target, sources and paths
+# Define project name here
+# Target settings.
+MCU = cortex-m0
+# Imported source files and paths.
+BASE_PATH := ../../../../../../..
+CONFDIR := ./cfg
+BUILDDIR := ./build
+DEPDIR := ./.dep
+# Licensing files.
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/license/license.mk
+# Startup files.
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk/startup_NUC126.mk
+# HAL-OSAL files (optional).
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/hal.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/ports/NUMICRO/NUC126/platform.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/os/hal/boards/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/board.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/hal/osal/rt-nil/osal.mk
+# RTOS files (optional).
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/rt/rt.mk
+include $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/ports/ARMv6-M/compilers/GCC/mk/port.mk
+# Auto-build files in ./source recursively.
+include $(CHIBIOS)/tools/mk/autobuild.mk
+# Other files (optional).
+# Define linker script file here
+# C sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
+# setting.
+ $(TESTSRC) \
+ usbcfg.c \
+ main.c
+# C++ sources that can be compiled in ARM or THUMB mode depending on the global
+# setting.
+# List ASM source files here.
+# List ASM with preprocessor source files here.
+# Inclusion directories.
+# Define C warning options here.
+CWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes
+# Define C++ warning options here.
+CPPWARN = -Wall -Wextra -Wundef
+# Project, target, sources and paths
+# Start of user section
+# List all user C define here, like -D_DEBUG=1
+# Define ASM defines here
+# List all user directories here
+# List the user directory to look for the libraries here
+# List all user libraries here
+# End of user section
+# Common rules
+RULESPATH = $(CHIBIOS)/os/common/startup/ARMCMx/compilers/GCC/mk
+include $(RULESPATH)/arm-none-eabi.mk
+include $(RULESPATH)/rules.mk
+# Common rules
+# Custom rules
+OPENOCD:=$(shell readlink -f `which openocd`)
+OPENOCDPATH:=$(shell dirname $(OPENOCD))/../share/openocd
+ rm -f $(OPENOCDPATH)/scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg && cp $(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB)/ext/numicroM0.cfg $(OPENOCDPATH)/scripts/target/
+ openocd -f ../scripts/interface/nulink.cfg -f ../scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg
+flash: $(BUILDDIR)/$(PROJECT).elf
+ openocd -f ../scripts/interface/nulink.cfg -f ../scripts/target/numicroM0.cfg -c "program $< reset exit"
+# Custom rules
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/chconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/chconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ccb60fdf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/chconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2006..2018 Giovanni Di Sirio
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file rt/templates/chconf.h
+ * @brief Configuration file template.
+ * @details A copy of this file must be placed in each project directory, it
+ * contains the application specific kernel settings.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup config
+ * @details Kernel related settings and hooks.
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef CHCONF_H
+#define CHCONF_H
+#define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_
+#define _CHIBIOS_RT_CONF_VER_7_0_
+ * @name System settings
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Handling of instances.
+ * @note If enabled then threads assigned to various instances can
+ * interact each other using the same synchronization objects.
+ * If disabled then each OS instance is a separate world, no
+ * direct interactions are handled by the OS.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_SMP_MODE)
+/** @} */
+ * @name System timers settings
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief System time counter resolution.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16, 32 or 64 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_RESOLUTION)
+ * @brief System tick frequency.
+ * @details Frequency of the system timer that drives the system ticks. This
+ * setting also defines the system tick time unit.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY)
+#define CH_CFG_ST_FREQUENCY 10000
+ * @brief Time intervals data size.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16, 32 or 64 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_INTERVALS_SIZE)
+ * @brief Time types data size.
+ * @note Allowed values are 16 or 32 bits.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_TIME_TYPES_SIZE)
+ * @brief Time delta constant for the tick-less mode.
+ * @note If this value is zero then the system uses the classic
+ * periodic tick. This value represents the minimum number
+ * of ticks that is safe to specify in a timeout directive.
+ * The value one is not valid, timeouts are rounded up to
+ * this value.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_ST_TIMEDELTA)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Kernel parameters and options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Round robin interval.
+ * @details This constant is the number of system ticks allowed for the
+ * threads before preemption occurs. Setting this value to zero
+ * disables the preemption for threads with equal priority and the
+ * round robin becomes cooperative. Note that higher priority
+ * threads can still preempt, the kernel is always preemptive.
+ * @note Disabling the round robin preemption makes the kernel more compact
+ * and generally faster.
+ * @note The round robin preemption is not supported in tickless mode and
+ * must be set to zero in that case.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_TIME_QUANTUM)
+ * @brief Idle thread automatic spawn suppression.
+ * @details When this option is activated the function @p chSysInit()
+ * does not spawn the idle thread. The application @p main()
+ * function becomes the idle thread and must implement an
+ * infinite loop.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_NO_IDLE_THREAD)
+ * @brief Kernel hardening level.
+ * @details This option is the level of functional-safety checks enabled
+ * in the kerkel. The meaning is:
+ * - 0: No checks, maximum performance.
+ * - 1: Reasonable checks.
+ * - 2: All checks.
+ * .
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Performance options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief OS optimization.
+ * @details If enabled then time efficient rather than space efficient code
+ * is used when two possible implementations exist.
+ *
+ * @note This is not related to the compiler optimization options.
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_OPTIMIZE_SPEED)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Subsystem options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Time Measurement APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the time measurement APIs are included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_TM)
+ * @brief Time Stamps APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the time time stamps APIs are included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_TIMESTAMP)
+ * @brief Threads registry APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the registry APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_REGISTRY)
+ * @brief Threads synchronization APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the @p chThdWait() function is included in
+ * the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_WAITEXIT)
+ * @brief Semaphores APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the Semaphores APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES)
+ * @brief Semaphores queuing mode.
+ * @details If enabled then the threads are enqueued on semaphores by
+ * priority rather than in FIFO order.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE. Enable this if you have special
+ * requirements.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES.
+ */
+ * @brief Mutexes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the mutexes APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES)
+ * @brief Enables recursive behavior on mutexes.
+ * @note Recursive mutexes are heavier and have an increased
+ * memory footprint.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES.
+ */
+ * @brief Conditional Variables APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the conditional variables APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS)
+ * @brief Conditional Variables APIs with timeout.
+ * @details If enabled then the conditional variables APIs with timeout
+ * specification are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_CONDVARS.
+ */
+ * @brief Events Flags APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the event flags APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_EVENTS)
+ * @brief Events Flags APIs with timeout.
+ * @details If enabled then the events APIs with timeout specification
+ * are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_EVENTS.
+ */
+ * @brief Synchronous Messages APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the synchronous messages APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MESSAGES)
+ * @brief Synchronous Messages queuing mode.
+ * @details If enabled then messages are served by priority rather than in
+ * FIFO order.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE. Enable this if you have special
+ * requirements.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MESSAGES.
+ */
+ * @brief Dynamic Threads APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the dynamic threads creation APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_WAITEXIT.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_HEAP and/or @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_DYNAMIC)
+/** @} */
+ * @name OSLIB options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Mailboxes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the asynchronous messages (mailboxes) APIs are
+ * included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_SEMAPHORES.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MAILBOXES)
+ * @brief Memory checks APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory checks APIs are included in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMCHECKS)
+ * @brief Core Memory Manager APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the core memory manager APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE)
+ * @brief Managed RAM size.
+ * @details Size of the RAM area to be managed by the OS. If set to zero
+ * then the whole available RAM is used. The core memory is made
+ * available to the heap allocator and/or can be used directly through
+ * the simplified core memory allocator.
+ *
+ * @note In order to let the OS manage the whole RAM the linker script must
+ * provide the @p __heap_base__ and @p __heap_end__ symbols.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_MEMCORE_SIZE)
+ * @brief Heap Allocator APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory heap allocator APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ * @note Requires @p CH_CFG_USE_MEMCORE and either @p CH_CFG_USE_MUTEXES or
+ * @note Mutexes are recommended.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_HEAP)
+ * @brief Memory Pools Allocator APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the memory pools allocator APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_MEMPOOLS)
+ * @brief Objects FIFOs APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects FIFOs APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_OBJ_FIFOS)
+ * @brief Pipes APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the pipes APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_PIPES)
+ * @brief Objects Caches APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects caches APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_OBJ_CACHES)
+ * @brief Delegate threads APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the delegate threads APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_DELEGATES)
+ * @brief Jobs Queues APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the jobs queues APIs are included
+ * in the kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p TRUE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_JOBS)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Objects factory options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Objects Factory APIs.
+ * @details If enabled then the objects factory APIs are included in the
+ * kernel.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_USE_FACTORY)
+ * @brief Maximum length for object names.
+ * @details If the specified length is zero then the name is stored by
+ * pointer but this could have unintended side effects.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables the registry of generic objects.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for generic buffers.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for semaphores.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for mailboxes.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for objects FIFOs.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables factory for Pipes.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_CFG_FACTORY_PIPES) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/** @} */
+ * @name Debug options
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, kernel statistics.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_STATISTICS)
+ * @brief Debug option, system state check.
+ * @details If enabled the correct call protocol for system APIs is checked
+ * at runtime.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, parameters checks.
+ * @details If enabled then the checks on the API functions input
+ * parameters are activated.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_ENABLE_CHECKS)
+ * @brief Debug option, consistency checks.
+ * @details If enabled then all the assertions in the kernel code are
+ * activated. This includes consistency checks inside the kernel,
+ * runtime anomalies and port-defined checks.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_ENABLE_ASSERTS)
+ * @brief Debug option, trace buffer.
+ * @details If enabled then the trace buffer is activated.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK_DISABLED.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK)
+ * @brief Trace buffer entries.
+ * @note The trace buffer is only allocated if @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK is
+ * different from @p CH_DBG_TRACE_MASK_DISABLED.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, stack checks.
+ * @details If enabled then a runtime stack check is performed.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note The stack check is performed in a architecture/port dependent way.
+ * It may not be implemented or some ports.
+ * @note The default failure mode is to halt the system with the global
+ * @p panic_msg variable set to @p NULL.
+ */
+ * @brief Debug option, stacks initialization.
+ * @details If enabled then the threads working area is filled with a byte
+ * value when a thread is created. This can be useful for the
+ * runtime measurement of the used stack.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(CH_DBG_FILL_THREADS)
+ * @brief Debug option, threads profiling.
+ * @details If enabled then a field is added to the @p thread_t structure that
+ * counts the system ticks occurred while executing the thread.
+ *
+ * @note The default is @p FALSE.
+ * @note This debug option is not currently compatible with the
+ * tickless mode.
+ */
+/** @} */
+ * @name Kernel hooks
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @brief System structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p ch_system_t structure.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_EXTRA_FIELDS /* Add threads custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief System initialization hook.
+ * @details User initialization code added to the @p chSysInit() function
+ * just before interrupts are enabled globally.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Add threads initialization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief OS instance structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p os_instance_t structure.
+ */
+ /* Add OS instance custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief OS instance initialization hook.
+ *
+ * @param[in] oip pointer to the @p os_instance_t structure
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_OS_INSTANCE_INIT_HOOK(oip) { \
+ /* Add OS instance initialization code here.*/ \
+ * @brief Threads descriptor structure extension.
+ * @details User fields added to the end of the @p thread_t structure.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_EXTRA_FIELDS /* Add threads custom fields here.*/
+ * @brief Threads initialization hook.
+ * @details User initialization code added to the @p _thread_init() function.
+ *
+ * @note It is invoked from within @p _thread_init() and implicitly from all
+ * the threads creation APIs.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_INIT_HOOK(tp) \
+ { \
+ /* Add threads initialization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Threads finalization hook.
+ * @details User finalization code added to the @p chThdExit() API.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_THREAD_EXIT_HOOK(tp) \
+ { \
+ /* Add threads finalization code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Context switch hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked just before switching between threads.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_HOOK(ntp, otp) \
+ { \
+ /* Context switch code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief ISR enter hook.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* IRQ prologue code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief ISR exit hook.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* IRQ epilogue code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle thread enter hook.
+ * @note This hook is invoked within a critical zone, no OS functions
+ * should be invoked from here.
+ * @note This macro can be used to activate a power saving mode.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Idle-enter code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle thread leave hook.
+ * @note This hook is invoked within a critical zone, no OS functions
+ * should be invoked from here.
+ * @note This macro can be used to deactivate a power saving mode.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* Idle-leave code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Idle Loop hook.
+ * @details This hook is continuously invoked by the idle thread loop.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_IDLE_LOOP_HOOK() \
+ { \
+ /* Idle loop code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief System tick event hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked in the system tick handler immediately
+ * after processing the virtual timers queue.
+ */
+ { \
+ /* System tick event code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief System halt hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked in case to a system halting error before
+ * the system is halted.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_SYSTEM_HALT_HOOK(reason) \
+ { \
+ /* System halt code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Trace hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked each time a new record is written in the
+ * trace buffer.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_TRACE_HOOK(tep) \
+ { \
+ /* Trace code here.*/ \
+ }
+ * @brief Runtime Faults Collection Unit hook.
+ * @details This hook is invoked each time new faults are collected and stored.
+ */
+#define CH_CFG_RUNTIME_FAULTS_HOOK(mask) { \
+ /* Faults handling code here.*/ \
+/** @} */
+/* Port-specific settings (override port settings defaulted in chcore.h). */
+#endif /* CHCONF_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6b79db20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file templates/halconf.h
+ * @brief HAL configuration header.
+ * @details HAL configuration file, this file allows to enable or disable the
+ * various device drivers from your application. You may also use
+ * this file in order to override the device drivers default settings.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup HAL_CONF
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef HALCONF_H
+#define HALCONF_H
+#define _CHIBIOS_HAL_CONF_VER_8_0_
+#include "mcuconf.h"
+ * @brief Enables the PAL subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_PAL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the ADC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_ADC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the CAN subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_CAN) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the cryptographic subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_CRY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the DAC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_DAC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the EFlash subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_EFL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the GPT subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_GPT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the I2C subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_I2C) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define HAL_USE_I2C FALSE
+ * @brief Enables the I2S subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_I2S) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define HAL_USE_I2S FALSE
+ * @brief Enables the ICU subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_ICU) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the MAC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_MAC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the MMC_SPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_MMC_SPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the PWM subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_PWM) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the RTC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_RTC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SDC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SDC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SERIAL subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SERIAL) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SERIAL over USB subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SERIAL_USB) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SIO subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SIO) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the SPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_SPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the TRNG subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_TRNG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the UART subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_UART) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the USB subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_USB) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the WDG subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_WDG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the WSPI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_WSPI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* PAL driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(PAL_USE_CALLBACKS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(PAL_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* ADC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(ADC_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p adcAcquireBus() and @p adcReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(ADC_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* CAN driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Sleep mode related APIs inclusion switch.
+ */
+#if !defined(CAN_USE_SLEEP_MODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enforces the driver to use direct callbacks rather than OSAL events.
+ */
+#if !defined(CAN_ENFORCE_USE_CALLBACKS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* CRY driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the SW fall-back of the cryptographic driver.
+ * @details When enabled, this option, activates a fall-back software
+ * implementation for algorithms not supported by the underlying
+ * hardware.
+ * @note Fall-back implementations may not be present for all algorithms.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_CRY_USE_FALLBACK) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Makes the driver forcibly use the fall-back implementations.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_CRY_ENFORCE_FALLBACK) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* DAC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(DAC_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p dacAcquireBus() and @p dacReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(DAC_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* I2C driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the mutual exclusion APIs on the I2C bus.
+ */
+#if !defined(I2C_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* MAC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the zero-copy API.
+ */
+#if !defined(MAC_USE_ZERO_COPY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables an event sources for incoming packets.
+ */
+#if !defined(MAC_USE_EVENTS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* MMC_SPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Delays insertions.
+ * @details If enabled this options inserts delays into the MMC waiting
+ * routines releasing some extra CPU time for the threads with
+ * lower priority, this may slow down the driver a bit however.
+ * This option is recommended also if the SPI driver does not
+ * use a DMA channel and heavily loads the CPU.
+ */
+#if !defined(MMC_NICE_WAITING) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SDC driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Number of initialization attempts before rejecting the card.
+ * @note Attempts are performed at 10mS intervals.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_RETRY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_RETRY 100
+ * @brief Include support for MMC cards.
+ * @note MMC support is not yet implemented so this option must be kept
+ * at @p FALSE.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_MMC_SUPPORT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Delays insertions.
+ * @details If enabled this options inserts delays into the MMC waiting
+ * routines releasing some extra CPU time for the threads with
+ * lower priority, this may slow down the driver a bit however.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_NICE_WAITING) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief OCR initialization constant for V20 cards.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_OCR_V20) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_OCR_V20 0x50FF8000U
+ * @brief OCR initialization constant for non-V20 cards.
+ */
+#if !defined(SDC_INIT_OCR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#define SDC_INIT_OCR 0x80100000U
+/* SERIAL driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Default bit rate.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, this is the baud rate selected for the
+ * default configuration.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_DEFAULT_BITRATE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Serial buffers size.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, you can change the depth of the queue
+ * buffers depending on the requirements of your application.
+ * @note The default is 16 bytes for both the transmission and receive
+ * buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_BUFFERS_SIZE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SERIAL_USB driver related setting. */
+ * @brief Serial over USB buffers size.
+ * @details Configuration parameter, the buffer size must be a multiple of
+ * the USB data endpoint maximum packet size.
+ * @note The default is 256 bytes for both the transmission and receive
+ * buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_SIZE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Serial over USB number of buffers.
+ * @note The default is 2 buffers.
+ */
+#if !defined(SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_NUMBER) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* SPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables circular transfers APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_CIRCULAR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p spiAcquireBus() and @p spiReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Handling method for SPI CS line.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(SPI_SELECT_MODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* UART driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(UART_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p uartAcquireBus() and @p uartReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(UART_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* USB driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(USB_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* WSPI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables synchronous APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(WSPI_USE_WAIT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the @p wspiAcquireBus() and @p wspiReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(WSPI_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+#include "halconf_community.h"
+#endif /* HALCONF_H */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf_community.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf_community.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb7ebf6bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/halconf_community.h
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2014 Uladzimir Pylinsky aka barthess
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @brief Enables the community overlay.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_COMMUNITY) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the FSMC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_FSMC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the NAND subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_NAND) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the 1-wire subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_ONEWIRE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the EICU subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_EICU) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the CRC subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_CRC) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the RNG subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_RNG) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the EEPROM subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_EEPROM) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the TIMCAP subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_TIMCAP) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the TIMCAP subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_COMP) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the QEI subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_QEI) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the USBH subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_USBH) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the USB_MSD subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_USB_MSD) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables the USB_HID subsystem.
+ */
+#if !defined(HAL_USE_USB_HID) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* FSMCNAND driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables the @p nandAcquireBus() and @p nanReleaseBus() APIs.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+#if !defined(NAND_USE_MUTUAL_EXCLUSION) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* 1-wire driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables strong pull up feature.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+ * @brief Enables search ROM feature.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+/* QEI driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables discard of overlow
+ */
+#if !defined(QEI_USE_OVERFLOW_DISCARD) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+ * @brief Enables min max of overlow
+ */
+#if !defined(QEI_USE_OVERFLOW_MINMAX) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
+/* EEProm driver related settings. */
+ * @brief Enables 24xx series I2C eeprom device driver.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+ /**
+ * @brief Enables 25xx series SPI eeprom device driver.
+ * @note Disabling this option saves both code and data space.
+ */
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/mcuconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/mcuconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c69b884451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/mcuconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#ifndef _MCUCONF_H_
+#define _MCUCONF_H_
+ * Board setting
+ */
+ * HAL driver system settings.
+ */
+// Old configuration
+#define NUC126_HSI48_ENABLED TRUE
+//#define NUC126_HSE_ENABLED TRUE
+//#define NUC126_PLL_ENABLED TRUE
+//#define NUC126_PLLSRC NUC126_PLLSRC_HSE
+#define NUC126_HCLKDIV 1
+//#define NUC126_HCLKDIV 2
+//#define NUC126_PLL_NF 144
+#define NUC126_USB_USE_USB0 TRUE
+#define NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 TRUE
+// New configuration
+#define NUC126_HCLKDIV 2
+#define NUC126_PLL_NF 144
+#define NUC126_USB_USE_USB0 TRUE
+#define NUC126_USB_USE_USB1 TRUE
+#define NUC126_MCUCONF
+#endif /* _MCUCONF_H_ */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/osalconf.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/osalconf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b67c88d15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/cfg/osalconf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ ChibiOS - Copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/main.c b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/main.c
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index 0000000000..4cafe4ad6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 Jonathan Struebel
+ Modifications copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+#include "hal.h"
+#include "usbcfg.h"
+ * Onboard LED blinker thread, times are in milliseconds.
+ */
+static THD_WORKING_AREA(waBlinkThread, 128);
+static THD_FUNCTION(BlinkThread, arg)
+ (void)arg;
+ chRegSetThreadName("blinker");
+ while (true) {
+ systime_t time = USBD1.state == USB_ACTIVE ? 250 : 500;
+ OnboardLED_Toggle();
+ chThdSleepMilliseconds(time);
+ }
+ * Application entry point.
+ */
+int main(void)
+ /*
+ * System initializations.
+ * - HAL initialization, this also initializes the configured device drivers
+ * and performs the board-specific initializations.
+ * - Kernel initialization, the main() function becomes a thread and the
+ * RTOS is active.
+ */
+ halInit();
+ chSysInit();
+ OnboardLED_Init();
+ /*
+ * Turn off the onboard LED.
+ */
+ OnboardLED_Off();
+ /*
+ * Initializes a USB HID driver.
+ */
+ hidObjectInit(&UHD1);
+ hidStart(&UHD1, &usbhidcfg);
+ /*
+ * Activates the USB driver and then the USB bus pull-up on D+.
+ * Note, a delay is inserted in order to not have to disconnect the cable
+ * after a reset.
+ */
+ usbDisconnectBus(usbhidcfg.usbp);
+ chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000);
+ usbStart(usbhidcfg.usbp, &usbcfg);
+ chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000);
+ usbConnectBus(usbhidcfg.usbp);
+ /*
+ * Creates the blinker thread.
+ */
+ chThdCreateStatic(
+ waBlinkThread, sizeof(waBlinkThread), NORMALPRIO, BlinkThread, NULL);
+ while (true) {
+ if (usbhidcfg.usbp->state == USB_ACTIVE) {
+ uint8_t report;
+ size_t n = hidGetReport(0, &report, sizeof(report));
+ hidWriteReport(&UHD1, &report, n);
+ n = hidReadReportt(&UHD1, &report, sizeof(report), TIME_IMMEDIATE);
+ if (n > 0)
+ hidSetReport(0, &report, n);
+ }
+ chThdSleepMilliseconds(1000);
+ }
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/readme.txt b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/readme.txt
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index 0000000000..e1f8bc3e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+** ChibiOS/HAL - USB driver demo for NUC126. **
+** TARGET **
+The demo runs on a NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0 board with a NUC126VG4AE MCU.
+** The Demo **
+The application demonstrates the use of the NUC126 USB driver. A successful run of the test
+should begin with the on-board LED blinking slowly, then faster when the USB driver initializes.
+The host should recognize the board as a USB HID, and when run with the appropriate VID/PID, the
+supplied client application should communicate with the board.
+** Board Setup **
+- None
+** Build Procedure **
+The demo has been tested using gcc version 10.3.1 (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10.3-2021.07).
+Just modify the TRGT line in the makefile in order to use different GCC ports.
+The client code was tested on Linux (TODO specify version). It uses the kernel's native hidraw API.
+** Notes **
+This test was adapted from Jonathan Struebel's USB_HID test for the KINETIS FRDM-KL25Z. All files
+are copyright their original authors, as indicated in the headers.
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.c b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c322ddf8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 Jonathan Struebel
+ Modifications copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file usbcfg.c
+ * @brief USB driver config.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup USB
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "hal.h"
+#include "usbcfg.h"
+#define VID 0x1209
+#define PID 0x0003
+ * Endpoints to be used for USBD1.
+ */
+ * USB HID Driver structure.
+ */
+ * Data used for feedback
+ */
+uint8_t increment_var = 0;
+ * USB Device Descriptor.
+ */
+static const uint8_t hid_device_descriptor_data[] = {
+ USB_DESC_DEVICE (0x0110, /* bcdUSB (1.1). */
+ 0x00, /* bDeviceClass. */
+ 0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass. */
+ 0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol. */
+ 0x40, /* bMaxPacketSize. */
+ VID, /* idVendor. */
+ PID, /* idProduct. */
+ 0x000, /* bcdDevice. */
+ 1, /* iManufacturer. */
+ 2, /* iProduct. */
+ 3, /* iSerialNumber. */
+ 1) /* bNumConfigurations. */
+ * Device Descriptor wrapper.
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor hid_device_descriptor = {
+ sizeof hid_device_descriptor_data,
+ hid_device_descriptor_data
+ * Configuration Descriptor tree for a HID device
+ *
+ * The HID Specifications version 1.11 require the following order:
+ * - Configuration Descriptor
+ * - Interface Descriptor
+ * - HID Descriptor
+ * - Endpoints Descriptors
+ */
+static const uint8_t hid_configuration_descriptor_data[] = {
+ /* Configuration Descriptor.*/
+ USB_DESC_CONFIGURATION(41, /* wTotalLength. */
+ 0x01, /* bNumInterfaces. */
+ 0x01, /* bConfigurationValue. */
+ 0, /* iConfiguration. */
+ 0xC0, /* bmAttributes (self powered). */
+ 50), /* bMaxPower (100mA). */
+ /* Interface Descriptor.*/
+ USB_DESC_INTERFACE (0x00, /* bInterfaceNumber. */
+ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting. */
+ 0x02, /* bNumEndpoints. */
+ 0x03, /* bInterfaceClass (HID Interface
+ Class). */
+ 0x00, /* bInterfaceSubClass (None). */
+ 0x00, /* bInterfaceProtocol (None). */
+ 0), /* iInterface. */
+ /* HID Descriptor.*/
+ USB_DESC_HID (0x0110, /* bcdHID. */
+ 0x00, /* bCountryCode. */
+ 0x01, /* bNumDescriptors. */
+ 0x22, /* bDescriptorType (Report
+ Descriptor). */
+ 34), /* wDescriptorLength. */
+ /* Endpoint 1 Descriptor.*/
+ 0x03, /* bmAttributes (Interrupt). */
+ 0x0040, /* wMaxPacketSize. */
+ 0x0A), /* bInterval (10ms). */
+ /* Endpoint 1 Descriptor.*/
+ USB_DESC_ENDPOINT (USBD1_DATA_REQUEST_EP|0x80, /* bEndpointAddress.*/
+ 0x03, /* bmAttributes (Interrupt). */
+ 0x0040, /* wMaxPacketSize. */
+ 0x0A) /* bInterval (10ms). */
+ * Configuration Descriptor wrapper.
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor hid_configuration_descriptor = {
+ sizeof hid_configuration_descriptor_data,
+ hid_configuration_descriptor_data
+ * HID Descriptor wrapper.
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor hid_descriptor = {
+ &hid_configuration_descriptor_data[HID_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET]
+ * HID Report Descriptor
+ *
+ * This is the description of the format and the content of the
+ * different IN or/and OUT reports that your application can
+ * receive/send
+ *
+ * See "Device Class Definition for Human Interface Devices (HID)"
+ * (http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/HID1_11.pdf) for the
+ * detailed description of all the fields
+ */
+static const uint8_t hid_report_descriptor_data[] = {
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x06), /* Usage Page - */
+ USB_DESC_WORD (0xFF00), /* Vendor Defined. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x09), /* Usage - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* Vendor Defined. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0xA1), /* Collection - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* Application. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x09), /* Usage - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* Vendor Defined. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x15), /* Logical Minimum - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x00), /* 0. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x26), /* Logical Maximum - */
+ USB_DESC_WORD (0x00FF), /* 255. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x75), /* Report size - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x08), /* 8 bits. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x95), /* Report count - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* 1. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x81), /* Input - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x02), /* Data, Variable, Absolute. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x09), /* Usage - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* Vendor Defined. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x15), /* Logical Minimum - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x00), /* 0. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x26), /* Logical Maximum - */
+ USB_DESC_WORD (0x00FF), /* 255. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x75), /* Report Size - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x08), /* 8 bits. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x95), /* Report Count - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x01), /* 1. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x91), /* Output - */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0x02), /* Data, Variable, Absolute. */
+ USB_DESC_BYTE (0xC0) /* End Collection. */
+ * HID Report Descriptor wrapper
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor hid_report_descriptor = {
+ sizeof hid_report_descriptor_data,
+ hid_report_descriptor_data
+ * U.S. English language identifier.
+ */
+static const uint8_t usb_string_langid[] =
+ USB_DESC_STRING(USB_DESC_WORD(0x0409)); /* wLANGID (U.S. English) */
+ * Vendor string.
+ */
+static const uint8_t usb_string_vendor[] =
+ USB_DESC_STRING('N', 0, 'u', 0, 'v', 0, 'o', 0, 't', 0, 'o', 0, 'n', 0);
+ * Serial Number string.
+ */
+static const uint8_t usb_string_serial[] =
+ USB_DESC_STRING('0', 0, 'x', 0, 'D', 0, 'E', 0, 'A', 0, 'D', 0, 'B', 0, 'E', 0, 'E', 0, 'F', 0);
+ * Device Description string.
+ */
+static const uint8_t usb_string_description[] =
+ USB_DESC_STRING('C', 0, 'h', 0, 'i', 0, 'b', 0, 'i', 0, 'O', 0, 'S', 0, '/', 0, 'H', 0, 'A', 0,
+ 'L', 0, ' ', 0, 'U', 0, 'S', 0, 'B', 0, ' ', 0, 'D', 0, 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'o', 0);
+ * Strings wrappers array.
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor hid_strings[] = {
+ {sizeof usb_string_langid, usb_string_langid},
+ {sizeof usb_string_vendor, usb_string_vendor},
+ {sizeof usb_string_description, usb_string_description},
+ {sizeof usb_string_serial, usb_string_serial}
+ * Handles the GET_DESCRIPTOR callback. All required descriptors must be
+ * handled here.
+ */
+static const USBDescriptor *get_descriptor(USBDriver *usbp,
+ uint8_t dtype,
+ uint8_t dindex,
+ uint16_t lang) {
+ (void)usbp;
+ (void)lang;
+ switch (dtype) {
+ return &hid_device_descriptor;
+ return &hid_configuration_descriptor;
+ if (dindex < 4)
+ return &hid_strings[dindex];
+ break;
+ break;
+ return &hid_descriptor;
+ case HID_REPORT:
+ return &hid_report_descriptor;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * @brief IN EP1 state.
+ */
+static USBInEndpointState ep1instate;
+ * @brief OUT EP1 state.
+ */
+static USBOutEndpointState ep1outstate;
+ * @brief EP1 initialization structure (both IN and OUT).
+ */
+static const USBEndpointConfig ep1config = {
+ hidDataTransmitted,
+ hidDataReceived,
+ 0x0040,
+ 0x0040,
+ &ep1instate,
+ &ep1outstate,
+ 0,
+ * Handles the USB driver global events.
+ */
+static void usb_event(USBDriver *usbp, usbevent_t event) {
+ switch (event) {
+ return;
+ return;
+ osalSysLockFromISR();
+ /* Enables the endpoints specified into the configuration.
+ Note, this callback is invoked from an ISR so I-Class functions
+ must be used.*/
+ usbInitEndpointI(usbp, USBD1_DATA_REQUEST_EP, &ep1config);
+ /* Resetting the state of the CDC subsystem.*/
+ hidConfigureHookI(&UHD1);
+ osalSysUnlockFromISR();
+ return;
+ return;
+ return;
+ return;
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+static bool req_handler(USBDriver *usbp) {
+ size_t n;
+ if ((usbp->setup[0] & USB_RTYPE_TYPE_MASK) == USB_RTYPE_TYPE_CLASS) {
+ switch (usbp->setup[1]) {
+ n = hidGetReport(0, &increment_var, sizeof(increment_var));
+ usbSetupTransfer(usbp, &increment_var, n, NULL);
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return hidRequestsHook(usbp);
+ }
+ }
+ return hidRequestsHook(usbp);
+ * @brief Generate HID Report
+ * @details This function generates the data for an HID report so
+ * that it can be transferred to the host.
+ *
+ * @param[in] id report ID
+ * @param[out] bp data buffer pointer
+ * @param[in] n the maximum number of bytes for data buffer
+ * @return number of bytes of report in data buffer
+ */
+size_t hidGetReport(uint8_t id, uint8_t *bp, size_t n) {
+ (void) id;
+ (void) n;
+ increment_var++;
+ *bp = increment_var;
+ return sizeof(increment_var);
+ * @brief Set HID Report
+ * @details This function sets the data for an HID report
+ * that was transferred from the host.
+ *
+ * @param[in] id report ID
+ * @param[in] bp data buffer pointer
+ * @param[in] n the number of bytes in data buffer
+ * @return The operation status.
+ * @retval MSG_OK if the report was set.
+ */
+msg_t hidSetReport(uint8_t id, uint8_t *bp, size_t n) {
+ (void) id;
+ (void) n;
+ increment_var = *bp;
+ return MSG_OK;
+ * USB driver configuration.
+ */
+const USBConfig usbcfg = {
+ usb_event,
+ get_descriptor,
+ req_handler,
+ * USB HID driver configuration.
+ */
+const USBHIDConfig usbhidcfg = {
+ &USBD1,
+/** @} */
diff --git a/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.h b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.h
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index 0000000000..f6728822ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testhal/NUMICRO/NUC126/NUTINY-SDK-NUC126-V1.0/USB_HID/usbcfg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2016 Jonathan Struebel
+ Modifications copyright (C) 2020 Alex Lewontin
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ * @file usbcfg.h
+ * @brief USB driver config header.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup USB
+ * @{
+ */
+#ifndef USBCFG_H
+#define USBCFG_H
+#include "hal_usb_lld.h"
+extern const USBConfig usbcfg;
+extern const USBHIDConfig usbhidcfg;
+extern USBHIDDriver UHD1;
+#define USB_DESC_STRING(...) \
+ { \
+ USB_DESC_BYTE((sizeof((int[]){__VA_ARGS__}) / sizeof(int)) + 2), \
+ }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ size_t hidGetReport(uint8_t id, uint8_t *bp, size_t n);
+ msg_t hidSetReport(uint8_t id, uint8_t *bp, size_t n);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* USBCFG_H */
+/** @} */