This is a Tensorflow implementation for the CVPR 2019 paper 'Fully Automatic Video Colorization with Self-Regularization and Diversity'.
More results are shown on our project website
We propose a novel and general framework Deep-Video-Prior that can address the temporal inconsistency problem given an input video and a processed video. We can obtain high-quality video using a single-image colorization method and our novel framework.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate automatic-video-colorization
bash pretrained_models/
the results are saved in test_result/
This code is based on tensorflow. It has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Anaconda is recommended: Ubuntu 18.04 | Ubuntu 16.04
After installing Anaconda, you can setup the environment simply by
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate automatic-video-colorization
We provide the ckpt to colorize a single image, the temporal consistency is not as good as video colorization but the colorization performance is better.
You can colorization a single image, e.g.:
python --img_path PATH/TO/IMAGE
python --img_path demo_imgs/ILSVRC2012_val_00040251.JPEG
or colorize the images in a folder by:
python --img_path PATH/TO/FOLDER
python --img_path demo_imgs/
The results are saved in test_result/
Step1. the video should be split to frames first:
python --video2frames --video_dir demo.mkv --out_frames_dir demo_framesdir
Step2. Colorizing blanc-and-white frames (you can also use the image colorization pretrained model to colorize the frames):
python --use_gpu 1 --video_path demo_framesdir
Results are saved in video_path_colorized, e.g., demo_framesdir_colorized
Step3. Convert colorized frames to video, note that you need to check the fps of original video
python --frames2video --colorized_video_dir demo_colorized.mp4 --colorized_frames_dir demo_framesdir_colorized --fps 24
Step4. Add the sound of original video (again, you need to make sure the fps of colorized vide is consistent with the original video)
python --add_sound --colorized_video_dir demo_colorized.mp4 --video_dir demo.mkv
python --model YOUR_MODEL_NAME --data_dir data
For the video dataset, please download the DAVIS dataset and generate the optical flow by PWC-Net by yourself. If you want to use FlowNet2 or other methods, please make sure the file format is the same.
At last, please arrange your data in the following format:
For the image dataset, please download the ImageNet dataset.
If you use our code or paper, please cite:
author = {Lei, Chenyang and Chen, Qifeng},
title = {Fully Automatic Video Colorization With Self-Regularization and Diversity},
booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2019}
If you have any question, please feel free to contact me (Chenyang LEI,