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Code of Conduct

ChaosDAO is a “multi-ape protocol” comprised of members who support, promote, invest, and build projects within the Dotsama ecosystem. Each and every member of ChaosDAO has been invited due to the value that they brings, and all members shall be treated with dignity and respect. Being a member within ChaosDAO is a privilege regardless of rank, and membership can be withdrawn due to violations of the Code of Conduct contained herein. Should any member violate these norms, they will be subject to escalating penalties, finalizing in removal from ChaosDAO.

  • Discrimination – under no circumstance will discrimination of any type (e.g. political afflitiation, gender identification, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age, etc) be permitted among members within ChaosDAO. If any given member believes that they are being discriminated against for any reason, please report the transgression to any DAOist.

  • Harassment/Bullying – will not be tolerated at all. Should any member of our organization feel that another member is putting them under undue pressure or otherwise intimidating them for any reason, please report this incident to a DAOist.

  • Externally re-posting internal conversations - screenshots are not allowed to be taken of conversations within ChaosDAO and then shared externally, regardless of wehther they are shared privately or through social media. ChaosDAO is a protected safe space so that members can be candid, open, and straightforward in their assessments, in order to maximize useful converstations. Externally posting screenshots is only permissible if explicit approval has been granted by everyone whose comments are included in the screenshot.

  • Recording of internal voice / video calls - Recording voice / video calls, without the express permission of all of those involved in the conversation is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that voice / video calls contain identifying information of members who may be pseudonymous in their external (outside of ChaosDAO) public represenation. Voice / video calls may contain information which can be used to identify those members. Members identified as recording voice / video calls will be immediately removed from ChaosDAO.

  • Sharing images / video from IRL meetups - There are times where our members may meet up in-real-life (IRL). This may occur at general crypto / technology events, or at ChaosDAO specific events. Members should not share any photos / videos of these events without the permission of those within that media. Someone simply being part of a photo does not mean they wish that photo to be shared online.These images contain identifying information of members who may be pseudonymous in their external (outside of ChaosDAO) public represenation. This media may contain information which can be used to identify those members.

  • Conflict of Interest - Conflict of Interest is defined as a direct or indirect financial gain from the proposal by the voters. If there is a convincing argument on a breach of COI on a specific ref, the DAO should investigate by checking the cast votes privately by two DAOists.

  1. If a COI has been identified but the vote(s) doesn't change the outcome of the ref, the member should get a warning and jail time for a week.
  2. If a COI has been identified on a referendum and the vote (or one of the votes in case there are multiple people cast decisive votes) is decisive on the outcome the member(s) should be stripped from all their roles and reduced to regular member status.

Although ChaosDAO is not a place of employment and does not require many other elements of a typical Code of Conduct, this is not an exhaustive list. Should any member believe she or he has been unfairly targeted or treated by a fellow member, please report said behavior to a DAOist. If there is not a clear guideline in place, a proposal can be made to amend this section of our handbook. Below is a list of escalation actions for those who flagrantly flaunt ChaosDAO’s code of conduct. Ultimately, any and all actions will be handled by the core group of DAOists.

  • First infraction – the member violating the code of conduct will receive a written warning via DMs from a DAOist after a decision has been made as to whether or not the infraction warrants said warning. DAOists shall strive to bring harmony between the two parties prior to escalation, but if it becomes necessary a warning will be issued to the offending member.

  • Second infraction – the member who has already received a warning and continues to engage in similar behavior(s) toward–regardless of length of time between infractions–shall have access to other channels restricted and only allowed to participate in conversations contained within the "jail" channel for a period of two weeks. If the member has not left the server of their own accord and has demonstrated better behavior toward others during the probationary period, their rights of access shall be restored, regardless of rank or role.

  • Third infraction – the member is permanently removed from ChaosDAO.