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Ceterai edited this page Jun 24, 2022 · 19 revisions

Gil (icon) is a type of food; it's also an ingredient in cooking recipes.

Salty! At least on the outside. If you peel off it's tasty coat you'll reveal sweet insides filled with small nutty seeds that are thankfully fully okay to swallow.
Together this fruit makes a pretty unique sweet and salty combination with a slight hint of a nut, making it hard to forget and pretty easy to distinquish.
The easily separated flavors of this fruit make it very convenient for cooking.


  • Alta Tier 1 Pod - can be found in chests on alterash planets with a very small chance.


Can be eaten to replenish health.

Can be left to ferment to turn into icon Ionic Ferment.


Technical Information

Item ID: ctgil

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