- spdb
- version bump to 2.0.0
- tab completion moved to mainline now. not experimental anymore
- search features for searching the database
- database stats summary
- spraycannon
- updated database to support sparytype
- spdb
- spdb now uses tables
- help menu updated
- added prebuilt release for Ubuntu
- added prebuilt release for Kali
- added prebuilt release for Debain
- added a couple options to makefile for building and installing experimental features
- make experimental
- make install-experimental
- currently this will install only the experimental version of spdb with tab completion.
- o365 now alerts when valid accunt conditional access is found
- o365 spray not detecting valid accounts when conditional access is applied
- some spelling fixes
- Theres a wiki now!
- VmWare Horizons
- Expiramental build of spdb as spdb2. With support for tab completion.
- esxi was set to spray to "/" not the "/sdk" endpoint which handles the actual auth request. This is now mapped to /sdk and auth works with
-t 'https://esxi.ip.or.domain'
- Theres actualy a release notes now...
- ESXI web page ( Tested v6.5, v7.0 )
- Better WebHook support. Not just teams anymore.
Now supports:
- Teams
- Discord
- Slack