- Remove the old package:
npm uninstall @codetrix-studio/capacitor-google-auth
- Install the new package:
npm install @capgo/capacitor-social-login
npx cap sync
The plugin now uses exclusively the Web Client ID for authentication. You'll need to:
- Create a Web Client ID in Google Cloud Console if you don't have one (How to get the credentials)
- Use this Web Client ID in the
field for all platforms - For Android, you still need to create an Android Client ID with your SHA1, but this is only for verification - the token won't be used (Android setup guide)
- import { GoogleAuth } from '@codetrix-studio/capacitor-google-auth';
+ import { SocialLogin } from '@capgo/capacitor-social-login';
- GoogleAuth.initialize({
- clientId: 'CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com',
- scopes: ['profile', 'email'],
- grantOfflineAccess: true,
- });
+ await SocialLogin.initialize({
+ google: {
+ webClientId: 'WEB_CLIENT_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com', // Use Web Client ID for all platforms
+ iOSClientId: 'IOS_CLIENT_ID', // for iOS
+ mode: 'offline' // replaces grantOfflineAccess
+ }
+ });
- const user = await GoogleAuth.signIn();
+ const res = await SocialLogin.login({
+ provider: 'google',
+ options: {
+ scopes: ['email', 'profile'],
+ forceRefreshToken: true // if you need refresh token
+ }
+ });
- Update your
(Full Android setup guide):
+ import ee.forgr.capacitor.social.login.GoogleProvider;
+ import ee.forgr.capacitor.social.login.SocialLoginPlugin;
+ import ee.forgr.capacitor.social.login.ModifiedMainActivityForSocialLoginPlugin;
+ import com.getcapacitor.PluginHandle;
+ import com.getcapacitor.Plugin;
+ import android.content.Intent;
+ import android.util.Log;
- public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
+ public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity implements ModifiedMainActivityForSocialLoginPlugin {
+ @Override
+ public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
+ super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
+ if (requestCode >= GoogleProvider.REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_GOOGLE_MIN && requestCode < GoogleProvider.REQUEST_AUTHORIZE_GOOGLE_MAX) {
+ PluginHandle pluginHandle = getBridge().getPlugin("SocialLogin");
+ if (pluginHandle == null) {
+ Log.i("Google Activity Result", "SocialLogin login handle is null");
+ return;
+ }
+ Plugin plugin = pluginHandle.getInstance();
+ if (!(plugin instanceof SocialLoginPlugin)) {
+ Log.i("Google Activity Result", "SocialLogin plugin instance is not SocialLoginPlugin");
+ return;
+ }
+ ((SocialLoginPlugin) plugin).handleGoogleLoginIntent(requestCode, data);
+ }
+ }
+ public void IHaveModifiedTheMainActivityForTheUseWithSocialLoginPlugin() {}
No major changes needed in AppDelegate.swift (iOS setup guide)
Update your configuration in
"plugins": {
- "GoogleAuth": {
- "scopes": ["profile", "email"],
- "serverClientId": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
- "forceCodeForRefreshToken": true
- }
+ "SocialLogin": {
+ "google": {
+ "webClientId": "xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
+ "iOSClientId": "your-ios-client-id",
+ "mode": "offline"
+ }
+ }
- Remove the Google Sign-In meta tags from your
if you were using them:
- <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="{your client id here}" />
- <meta name="google-signin-scope" content="profile email" />
The response object structure has changed. Here's how to handle the new response:
interface GoogleLoginResponse {
provider: 'google';
result: {
accessToken: {
token: string;
expires: string;
// ... other token fields
} | null;
idToken: string | null;
profile: {
email: string | null;
familyName: string | null;
givenName: string | null;
id: string | null;
name: string | null;
imageUrl: string | null;
The new plugin offers additional social login providers:
Check the main documentation for setting up these additional providers.