Platform-Agnostic CellNet (PACNet) is our newest version of CellNet that is agnostic to transcriptome profiling method, computational preprocessing method, and gene availability arising from preprocessing method, thus allowing cross-study comparisons of cell fate engineering protocol performance.
We also provide reference panels of human engineered cell types from state-of-the-field protocols for HSPC, heart, intestine/colon, liver, lung, neuron, and skeletal_muscle samples against which you can compare your own samples. Engineered reference panels for other human cell types and all mouse cell types are not yet available. However, we provide the resources and instructions for training and running both human and mouse PACNet here.
Below is a walk-through tutorial on
- how to train a PACNet classifier using a preprocessed training expression matrix and
- how to apply the classifier to a preprocessed query study (and reference engineered panel, if applicable).
All the code below is also available in a single R file, agnosticCellNet_example.R
PACNet is also available as a web application, which takes as input an expression matrix (counts, TPM, or FPKM) and sample meta-data. The application performs CellNet analysis. Additionally, this tool includes analysis of many state-of-the-art differentiation protocols so that you can benchmark your results against those commonly used methods.
View our PACNet publication here.
For previous versions of CellNet, please visit the original CellNet repository.
Training Data
Species | Metadata table | Expression matrix | Grn Object | Training Parameters |
Human | Hs_stTrain_Jun-20-2017.rda | Hs_expTrain_Jun-20-2017.rda | Hs_grnAll_curatedTFs_Apr-22-2020.rda | Hs_trainingNormalization_Apr-22-2020.rda |
Mouse | Mm_stTrain_Oct-24-2016.rda | Mm_expTrain_Oct-24-2016.rda | Mm_grnAll_curatedTFs_Apr-22-2020.rda | Mm_trainingNormalization_Apr-22-2020.rda |
Human Engineered Reference Panels
install_github("pcahan1/CellNet", ref="master")
install_github("pcahan1/cancerCellNet@v0.1.1", ref="master")
Other required packages: plyr, ggplot2, RColorBrewer, pheatmap, plotly
Load required R packages.
Expression matrix should have gene symbols as row names and sample names as column names. Sample metadata table should have sample names as row names and sample features as column names. Column names of expression matrix must match row names of metadata table. (See the example_data folder for a small example of an expression matrix and metadata table.)
For classifier training to be robust, there should be at least 60 independent replicates per training type.
Load training data:
expTrain <- utils_loadObject("Hs_expTrain_Jun-20-2017.rda")
stTrain <- utils_loadObject("Hs_stTrain_Jun-20-2017.rda")
Load engineered reference data and query data. We need to load these at this point to identify genes found in across all datasets.
liverRefExpDat <- utils_loadObject("liver_engineeredRef_normalized_expDat_all.rda")
liverRefSampTab <- utils_loadObject("liver_engineeredRef_sampTab_all.rda")
queryExpDat <- read.csv("example_data/example_counts_matrix.csv", row.names=1)
querySampTab <- read.csv("example_data/example_sample_metadata_table.csv")
rownames(querySampTab) <- querySampTab$sample_name
study_name <- "liver_example"
Identify intersecting genes:
iGenes <- intersect(rownames(expTrain), rownames(liverRefExpDat))
iGenes <- intersect(iGenes, rownames(queryExpDat))
# Subset training expression matrix based on iGenes
expTrain <- expTrain[iGenes,]
Split the training data into a training subset and a validation subset:
set.seed(99) # Setting a seed for the random number generator allows us to reproduce the same split in the future
stList <- splitCommon_proportion(sampTab = stTrain, proportion = 0.66, dLevel = "description1") # Use 2/3 of training data for training and 1/3 for validation
stTrainSubset <- stList$trainingSet
expTrainSubset <- expTrain[,rownames(stTrainSubset)]
#See number of samples of each unique type in description1 in training subset
stValSubset <- stList$validationSet
expValSubset <- expTrain[,rownames(stValSubset)]
#See number of samples of each unique type in description1 in validation subset
Train the random forest classifier, takes 3-10 minutes depending on memory availability:
system.time(my_classifier <- broadClass_train(stTrain = stTrainSubset,
expTrain = expTrainSubset,
colName_cat = "description1",
colName_samp = "sra_id",
nRand = 70,
nTopGenes = 100,
nTopGenePairs = 100,
nTrees = 2000,
sampsize=25, # Must be less than the smallest number in table(stTrainSubset$description1)
quickPairs=TRUE)) # Increasing the number of top genes and top gene pairs increases the resolution of the classifier but increases the computing time
save(my_classifier, file="example_outputs/cellnet_classifier_100topGenes_100genePairs.rda")
Plot validation heatmap:
stValSubsetOrdered <- stValSubset[order(stValSubset$description1), ] #order samples by classification name
expValSubset <- expValSubset[,rownames(stValSubsetOrdered)]
cnProc <- my_classifier$cnProc #select the cnProc from the earlier class training
classMatrix <- broadClass_predict(cnProc, expValSubset, nrand = 60)
stValRand <- addRandToSampTab(classMatrix, stValSubsetOrdered, desc="description1", id="sra_id")
grps <- as.vector(stValRand$description1)
# Create validation heatmap
png(file="classification_validation_hm.png", height=6, width=10, units="in", res=300)
ccn_hmClass(classMatrix, grps=grps, fontsize_row=10)
Plot validation precision-recall curves:
assessmentDat <- ccn_classAssess(classMatrix, stValRand, classLevels="description1", dLevelSID="sra_id")
png(file="example_outputs/classifier_assessment_PR.png", height=8, width=10, units="in", res=300)
genePairs <- cnProc$xpairs
# Get gene to gene comparison of each gene pair in the expression table
expTransform <- query_transform(expTrainSubset, genePairs)
avgGenePair_train <- avgGeneCat(expDat = expTransform, sampTab = stTrainSubset,
dLevel = "description1", sampID = "sra_id")
genePairs_val <- query_transform(expValSubset, genePairs)
geneCompareMatrix <- makeGeneCompareTab(queryExpTab = genePairs_val,
avgGeneTab = avgGenePair_train, geneSamples = genePairs)
val_grps <- stValSubset[,"description1"]
val_grps <- c(val_grps, colnames(avgGenePair_train))
names(val_grps) <- c(rownames(stValSubset), colnames(avgGenePair_train))
png(file="example_outputs/validation_gene-pair_comparison.png", width=10, height=80, units="in", res=300)
plotGeneComparison(geneCompareMatrix, grps = val_grps, fontsize_row = 6)
Create and save xpairs_list object for grn reconstruction and training normalization parameters:
xpairs_list <- vector("list", 14)
for (pair in rownames(avgGenePair_train)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(avgGenePair_train)) {
if (avgGenePair_train[pair,j] >= 0.5) {
if (is.null(xpairs_list[[j]])) {
xpairs_list[[j]] <- c(pair)
} else {
xpairs_list[[j]] <- c(xpairs_list[[j]], pair)
xpair_names <- colnames(avgGenePair_train)
xpair_names <- sub(pattern="_Avg", replacement="", x=xpair_names)
names(xpairs_list) <- xpair_names
for (type in names(xpairs_list)) {
names(xpairs_list[[type]]) <- xpairs_list[[type]]
save(xpairs_list, file="example_outputs/Hs_xpairs_list.rda")
classMatrixLiverRef <- broadClass_predict(cnProc = cnProc, expDat = liverRefExpDat, nrand = 10)
grp_names1 <- c(as.character(liverRefSampTab$description1), rep("random", 10))
names(grp_names1) <- c(as.character(rownames(liverRefSampTab)), paste0("rand_", c(1:10)))
# Re-order classMatrixQuery to match order of rows in querySampTab
classMatrixLiverRef <- classMatrixLiverRef[,names(grp_names1)]
Plot classification heatmap:
png(file="example_outputs/heatmapLiverRef.png", height=12, width=9, units="in", res=300)
heatmapRef(classMatrixLiverRef, liverRefSampTab) # This function can be found in pacnet_utils.R
# Alternatively, for an interactive plotly version:
heatmapPlotlyRef(classMatrixLiverRef, liverRefSampTab)
Perform log transform:
queryExpDat <- log(1+queryExpDat)
Classify query samples:
classMatrixQuery <- broadClass_predict(cnProc = cnProc, expDat = queryExpDat, nrand = 3)
grp_names <- c(as.character(querySampTab$description1), rep("random", 3))
names(grp_names) <- c(as.character(rownames(querySampTab)), paste0("rand_", c(1:3)))
# Re-order classMatrixQuery to match order of rows in querySampTab
classMatrixQuery <- classMatrixQuery[,names(grp_names)]
save(classMatrixQuery, file="example_outputs/example_classificationMatrix.rda")
Plot classification heatmap:
png(file="example_outputs/query_classification_heatmap.png", height=4, width=8, units="in", res=300)
# This function can be found in pacnet_utils.R
acn_queryClassHm(classMatrixQuery, main = paste0("Classification Heatmap, ", study_name),
grps = grp_names,
fontsize_row=10, fontsize_col = 10, isBig = FALSE)
Subset grnAll
and trainNormParam
objects based on intersecting genes.
grnAll <- utils_loadObject("liver_grnAll.rda")
trainNormParam <- utils_loadObject("liver_trainNormParam.rda")
# These two functions can be found in pacnet_utils.R
grnAll <- subsetGRNall(grnAll, iGenes)
trainNormParam <- subsetTrainNormParam(trainNormParam, grnAll, iGenes)
queryExpDat_ranked <- logRank(queryExpDat, base = 0)
queryExpDat_ranked <-
Compute and save TF scores:
network_cell_type <- "liver"
target_cell_type <- "liver"
system.time(TF_scores <- pacnet_nis(expDat = queryExpDat_ranked, stQuery=querySampTab, iGenes=iGenes,
grnAll = grnAll, trainNorm = trainNormParam,
subnet = network_cell_type, ctt=target_cell_type,
colname_sid="sample_name", relaWeight=0))
save(TF_scores, file="example_outputs/my_study_TF_scores.rda")
Choose top-scoring 25 TFs for plotting:
TFsums <- rowSums(abs(TF_scores))
ordered_TFsums <- TFsums[order(TFsums, decreasing = TRUE)]
if(length(TFsums) > 25) {
top_display_TFs <- names(ordered_TFsums)[1:25]
} else {
top_display_TFs <- names(ordered_TFsums)
TF_scores <- TF_scores[top_display_TFs,]
Plot TF scores:
sample_names <- rownames(querySampTab)
pdf(file="example_outputs/my_study_TF_scores_my_cell_type.pdf", height=6, width=8)
for(sample in sample_names) {
descript <- querySampTab$description1[which(rownames(querySampTab) == sample)]
plot_df <- data.frame("TFs" = rownames(TF_scores),
"Scores" = as.vector(TF_scores[,sample]))
sample_TFplot <- ggplot(plot_df, aes(x = reorder(TFs,Scores,mean) , y = Scores)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") + #aes(fill = medVal)) +
theme_bw() +
ggtitle(paste0(sample, ", ", descript, ", ", target_cell_type, " transcription factor scores")) +
ylab("Network influence score") + xlab("Transcriptional regulator") +
theme(legend.position = "none", axis.text = element_text(size = 8)) +
theme(text = element_text(size=10),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, vjust=0.5))
Negative TF scores indicate that a given TF should be upregulated to achieve an identity more similar to the target cell type. Positive TF scores indicate that a given TF should be downregulated to achieve an identity more similar to the target cell type.