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File metadata and controls

230 lines (152 loc) · 13.7 KB


REMS contains a number of configuration options that can be used to alter authentication options, theming or to add integration points, just to name a few.

Configuration uses the cprop library. You can specify the location of the configuration file by setting the rems.config system property: java -Drems.config="../somepath/config.edn" -jar rems.jar run You can also configure the application using environment variables as described in the cprop documentation.

The full list of available configuration options can be seen in config-defaults.edn.

REMS tries to validate your config file when starting. Errors or warnings will be logged for problems found in the configuration file.

Authentication options

Currently the only real authentication method is OpenId Connect (e.g. Auth0). The authentication method to be used can be defined with the key :authentication and the following values are recognized:

  • :oidc for OpenId Connect
  • :fake for development login

OpenId Connect (:oidc)

The :oidc authentication method has the following configuration options:

  • :oidc-metadata-url - URL of the OAuth Server Metadata JSON document. See RFC 8414. Typically of the form https://my.oidc.service/.well-known/openid-configuration. The metadata can contain:

    • authorization_endpoint - where to do direct the user for the login
    • token_endpoint - where to fetch the user's login token with the code
    • revocation_endpoint - where to POST a request to revoke the login token
    • issuer - issuer to check for validating a login token
    • jwks_uri - where to find public key for validating a login token
    • userinfo_endpoint - where to fetch user details (claims)
  • :oidc-domain – DEPRECATED, prefer :oidc-metadata-url. The openid connect configration is fetched from https://{oidc-domain}/.well-known/openid-configuration

  • :oidc-client-id

  • :oidc-client-secret

  • :oidc-scopes - which scopes to request, defaults to "openid profile email"

  • :oidc-userid-attributes – which id-token attributes to use as the REMS userid. A sequence of multiple attributes, which are searched in order and the first non-empty one used. The format is such that each attribute is a map where the :attribute specifies which token attribute is used, and (optionally) :rename specifies to which attribute it is stored in the REMS user details (returned in API, stored in DB).

    E.g. :oidc-userid-attributes [{:attribute "sub" :rename "elixirId"} {:attribute "sub2"}]

    Default is to use the attribute called "sub".

  • :oidc-name-attributes – which id-token attributes can be used as the name of the user, first will be used Like in the default: :oidc-name-attributes ["name" "unique_name" "family_name"]

  • :oidc-email-attributes – which id-token attributes can be used as the email address of the user, first will be used Like in the default: :oidc-email-attributes ["email"]

  • :oidc-extra-attributes - extra attributes to read and store for users

  • :oidc-require-name - whether a non-empty name attribute is required (defaults to true)

  • :oidc-require-email - whether a non-empty email attribute is required (defaults to false)

  • :public-url - the redirect uri sent to the openid endpoint is {public-url}/oidc-callback

  • :oidc-additional-authorization-parameters - additional query parameters to add to the OIDC authorization_endpoint url when logging in

  • :oidc-logout-redirect-url - to which URL a user is redirected to after a successful logout? (defaults to "/")

  • :oidc-perform-revoke-on-logout - should REMS POST to the revocation_endpoint received from OIDC metadata? (defaults to true)

See details and formats from config-defaults.edn.

User attributes

By default, REMS reads the following attributes from the OIDC id token:

  • sub - the username
  • name, unique_name or family_name – looked up in this order to decide the display name for the user
  • email - user email

You can configure additional properties to read via the :oidc-extra-attributes configuration key. The additional attributes are only shown to users handling the application, and super-users like the owner and reporter. In praticular, application members cannot see the additional user properties of each other.

Development login (:fake)

This option should not be used in production. Keep also in mind that anyone with access to the dev/test server using development authentication can login with your fake credentials.


REMS can push entitlements to external systems with a few different options. There are currently two distinct versions. The original entitlement post (v1) and a newer refined approach called entitlement push (v2).

Entitlement push (v2)

For a completely customizable way to process entitlements. See the extension point :extension-point/process-entitlements in Plugins

Entitlement post (v1)

REMS can submit a HTTP POST request for every entitlement granted or revoked.

To use this feature, add :entitlements-target {:add "http://url/to/post/to" :remove "http://other/url"} to config.edn.

The payload of the POST request is JSON, and looks like this:

{"application": 137,
 "user": "username",
 "resource": "resource_name_maybe_urn_or_something",
 "email": ""}


To add localization in a new language, make a copy of the English localization file and change the texts. Place it in a directory and configure :translations-directory to point to that directory. The localization file must be named after the language code. Add the language code to :languages to make it available in the application. You can change the default language by configuring :default-language.

For example, to add German localization, create a file my-translations/de.edn and use the following configuration:

{:translations-directory "my-translations"
 :languages [:de :en]
 :default-language :de}

Overriding default localizations

To override certain localization key, create a new folder called extra-translations under theme folder.

Create new localization files to the new directory. You don't need to copy whole localization files, it is enough to add only the localizations you want to override. For example to override English localizations for keys: administration.catalogue-item, administration.catalogue-items, applicant-info.applicant, applicant-info.applicants create the following en.edn file to the new translations folder.

 {:administration {:catalogue-item "Research item"
                   :catalogue-items "Research items"}
  :applicant-info {:applicant "Student"
                   :applicants "Students"}}}

See resources/translations/en.edn for a list of all translation keys and their format parameters. Format parameters are pieces of text like %3 that get replaced with certain information.

Localization format parameters

Localizations may use format parameters for dynamic translations, e.g. emails. Format parameters are pieces of text that get replaced with certain information. Vector format parameters are default, which typically look like "Application %1", where "%1" refers to specific position in the translation arguments.

Experimental support exists for named format parameters, which can be used alternatively. Named format parameters are included in text like "Application %:application/id%", and unlike vector format parameters, do not rely on specific ordering of translation arguments.


Custom themes can be used by creating a file, for example my-custom-theme.edn, and specifying its location in the :theme-path configuration parameter. The theme file can override some or all of the theme attributes (see :theme in config-defaults.edn). Static resources can be placed in a public directory next to the theme configuration file. See example-theme/theme.edn for an example.

To quickly validate that all UI components look right navigate to /guide. See it in action at

Note! REMS sets a Cache-Control max-age of 23 hours for static resources (:theme-static-resources, :extra-static-resources). Consider using a different filename when updating static resource to avoid caching issues.

Extra pages

Extra pages can be added to the navigation bar using :extra-pages configuration parameter. Each extra page can be either a link to an external url or it can show the content of a markdown file to the user. See :extra-pages in config-defaults.edn for examples of how to define the extra pages.

PDF customization

Should you require to change the PDF output, there are styling options under the :pdf-metadata configuration key.

By default a system font will be chosen (randomly), which many not be what you like, and which may not support all the characters you intend to use (diacritics etc.). You can customize the font like so:

:pdf-metadata {:font {:encoding :unicode
                      :ttf-name "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu/Ubuntu-M.ttf"}}

A full list of options is described in clj-pdf documentation.


REMS uses Logback for logging. By default everything is printed to standard output. If you wish to customize logging, create your own Logback configuration file and specify its location using the logback.configurationFile system property:

java -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback-prod.xml -jar rems.jar run

Extended Logging

The config option :enable-extended-logging can be toggled to additionally log the content of entity mutations. These logs enable auditors to unequivocally determine the state of a given entity at a given time. Which may aid with various regulatory requirements.

The extended logging is at INFO level and the log messages are prefixed with > params:. Use these together with the regular request logging to know the API URL, user etc.

For example, the third line of this log is the extended logging (actual parameters sent by the user).

2023-10-16 19:54:40,626 [6b31f9b67c20 rqc:1 owner lGpEJ6Ke] INFO  rems.middleware - req > :post /api/resources/create
2023-10-16 19:54:40,631 [6b31f9b67c20 rqc:1 owner lGpEJ6Ke] INFO  rems.middleware - > :post /api/resources/create lang: :en user: {:userid owner, :name Owner, :email}  roles: #{:logged-in :owner}
2023-10-16 19:54:40,637 [6b31f9b67c20 rqc:1 owner lGpEJ6Ke] INFO  rems.api.resources - > params: {:licenses [], :organization #:organization{:id nbn}, :resid my-res-test}
2023-10-16 19:54:40,640 [6b31f9b67c20 rqc:1 owner lGpEJ6Ke] INFO  rems.middleware - req < :post /api/resources/create 200 14ms

Extended logging occurs before the business logic is executed, i.e. mutation is persisted. As such, the logged information is only authoritative about the state of the respective entity if and only if the request was successful.

Application expiration scheduler

REMS can be configured to delete applications after a set period of time has passed since last activity. Expiration can be defined for application states with ISO-8601 duration formatting, and optionally email notification can be configured to be sent to applicant and members before deletion. Application expiration scheduler is disabled by default. See :application-expiration in config-defaults.edn for details.

 {:application.state/draft {:delete-after "P90D" :reminder-before "P7D"} ; delete draft applications that are over 90 days old, and send reminder emails 7 days before deletion
  :application.state/closed {:delete-after "P7D"}}} ; delete closed applications that are over 7 days old

Shopping cart

REMS has a shopping cart feature which allows bundling multiple resources into single application. Shopping cart is enabled by default, and it can be enabled or disabled using the :enable-cart key in your config.edn. See config-defaults.edn for details.

Attachment Malware Scanning

REMS can be configured to automatically scan user uploaded files for malware.

 :malware-scanning {:scanner-path "/path/to/malware/scanner" ; Path to scanner executable
                    :logging true} ; Whether REMS should log output of malware scanner 

The executable must implement the following behaviour:

Given a binary stream on STDIN, exit with a status-code of zero if and only if the file constituting the binary stream is scanned to be malware free.

In its current implementation, users will be notified with a generic error message if the file they attach does not pass the malware scanner.

Disabling logging will make REMS discard malware scanner output. If left enabled, scanner output written to STDOUT is logged at INFO level, and output on STDERR at ERROR level.

Example setup using ClamScan

Using ClamScan from the ClamAV Toolkit, it is possible to set up malware scanning by setting :scanner-path such that it points to an executable shellscript with the following content:


/usr/bin/clamscan -