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Installing Arch Linux with Arcolinux Spices

1) Installation of bare Arch Linux

1.1) download Arch Linux image from and put on USB

1.3) OPTIONAL backup-clone partitions with bare installation on extern HDD (do this once per machine)

2) Installation of Video Drivers (if necessary)

2.1) on ThinkPad no additional drivers seem to be necessary

2.1.1) the required driver should be xf86-video-intel for future purposes

2.2) on main computer the installation was not tested yet, so no further information about drivers

2.2.1) since the main computer is using a Nvidia video card the proprietary Nvidia drivers should be installed

3) Installation of Desktop/Window Manager and Utils

3.1) install git

3.2) clone repo from arcolinuxd: into ~/Apps

3.3) run scripts in ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay to prepare installation from arcolinux repositories

3.3.1) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/ first if script #20 comes up with an error run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/ first and then rerun ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/

3.3.2) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/ and ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/

3.3.3) OPTIONAL if you want to setup autologin, additionally run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ArchWay/

3.4) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/, it will optimize installation time during building packages from AUR

3.5) install yay and trizen as AUR helpers

3.5.1) open etc/pacman.conf and copy the 3 lines starting with /[arcolinux_repo]

3.5.2) rename the the repo name of the copy to [arcolinux_repo_iso]

3.5.3) update pacman repos: # pacman -Syyu

3.5.4) from the arcolinux_repo_iso you can install yay and trizen: # pacman -S yay trizen

3.5.5) remove the arcolinux_repo_iso repo afterwards by simply deleting the 3 copied lines from 3.5.2

3.6) now install LightDM and i3 by running ~/Apps/arco-i3/

3.6.1) add line: sudo pacman -S –noconfirm –needed i3lock

3.7) ~/Apps/arco-i3/, ~/Apps/arco-i3/, ~/Apps/arco-i3/, ~/Apps/arco-i3/, ~/Apps/arco-i3/

3.7.1) IMPORTANT don’t install ~/Apps/arco-i3/, since it can conflict with later packages (it’s not needed neither)

3.8) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ to install utilities from official Arch repos

3.8.1) IMPORTANT there are many programmes going to be installed which you probably don’t need, so go through the list and comment out those you don’t want to use

3.8.1) uncomment: geany, atom, gimp, inkscape, nomacs, ristretto, firefox, pragha, simplescreenrecorder, evolution

3.8.2) add line: sudo pacman -S –noconfirm –needed thunderbird archey3 bdf-unifont network-manager-applet emacs

3.8.3) add line: sudo pacman -S –noconfirm –needed lolcat :P

3.9) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ to install utilities from AUR (takes longest)

3.9.1) IMPORTANT there are many programmes going to be installed which you probably don’t need, so go through the list and comment out those you don’t want to use

3.9.2) uncomment: sublime, vivaldi, gradio, peek, radiotray, virtualbox

3.10) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ and ~/Apps/arco-i3/ without modifications

3.11) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ to install arcolinux configurations

3.11.1) IMPORTANT there are many programmes going to be installed which you probably don’t need, so go through the list and comment out those you don’t want to use

3.11.2) uncomment: geany-git, discord, dropbox

3.12) run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ to install some fonts (needs no modifications)

3.13) OPTIONAL run ~/Apps/arco-i3/ if you wish to setup autologin

3.14) reboot the system and you should boot into LightDM and i3

4) Configuring the new System

set keyboard layout permanently

follow instruction from @ Persistent Configuration

clone .dotfiles from git: git clone

set zsh as default shell: chsh -s /bin/zsh (before check chsh -l if zsh is installed, if not install from Arch repos)

install oh-my-zsh as described in

copy my_robbyrussell theme: cp ~/.dotfiles/oh-my-zsh/themes/my_robbyrussell.zsh-theme ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes

install zsh-syntax-highlighting for fish-like syntax highlighting: sudo pacman -S zsh-syntax-highlighting

install vim powerline

sudo pacman -S powerline-vim powerline-fonts

install Source-Code-Pro fonts

cp ~/.dotfiles/.fonts/* ~/.fonts/

$ fc-cache

install Spacemacs

start emacs once to create the direcory ~/.emacs.d

clone spacemacs repo into ~/.emacs.d: git clone ~/.emacs.d

install cmake-ide by following the steps in:

install rtags into Apps

install blurlock script as lock screen

copy blurlock script to usr/bin: sudo ~.dotfiles/i3/blurlock /usr/bin

make it executable: sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/blurlock

create softlinks

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/oh-my-zsh/.zshrc ~/.zshrc

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/spacemacs/.spacemacs ~/.spacemacs

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/i3/config ~/.config/i3/config && cp ~/.dotfiles/i3/scripts/ ~/.config/i3/scripts/

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/polybar/config ~/.config/polybar/config

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/neofetch/config.conf ~/.config/neofetch/config.conf && cp ~/.dotfiles/neofetch/arch-logo.png ~/.config/neofetch

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

ln -s ~/.dotfiles/archey3/.archey3.cfg ~/.archey3.cfg

reload i3: mod+shift+R

config LightDM (display manager)

copy login wallpapers: sudo cp -r ~/.dotfiles/lightdm/login* /usr/share/backgrounds

copy gtk-greeter config: sudo cp ~/.dotfiles/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf /etc/lightdm

install opencv

sudo pacman -S opencv opencv-samples vtk hdf5 glew

set .vimrc for root aswell

$ su -l

# cd /root

# ln -s home/claudio.dotfiles/vim/.vimrc .vimrc