Learning objectives:
- To gain familiarity with the various panes in the RStudio IDE
- To gain familiarity with the buttons, short cuts and options in the Rstudio IDE
- To understand variables and how to assign to them
- To be able to manage your workspace in an interactive R session
- To be able to use mathematical and comparison operations
- To be able to call functions
Section headings:
Introduction to RStudio
- includes layout info -- screenshot?
Work flow within Rstudio
- 2 workflows.
Introduction to R
Using R as a calculator
Mathematical functions
Comparing things
Variables and assignment
Managing your environment
A possible solution
Best practices for project organisation
Treat data as read only
Data Cleaning
Treat generated output as disposable
Separate function definition and application
Save the data in the data directory
Version Control
Reading Help files
Special Operators
Getting help on packages
When you kind of remember the function
When you have no idea where to begin
When your code doesn't work: seeking help from your peers
Other ports of call
Data Types
Data Structures
Data frames
Reading in data
Using dataframes: the
Accessing elements using their indices
Skipping and removing elements
Subsetting by name
Subsetting through other logical operations
Handling special values
Factor subsetting
Matrix subsetting
List subsetting
Data frames
Defining a function
Combining functions
Transformations and statistics
Multi-panel figures
Modifying text
conditional logic
control flow
Saving plots
Writing data
Best practices for writing nice code
Make code readable
Documentation: tell us what and why, not how
Keep your code modular
Break down problem into bite size pieces
Know that your code is doing the right thing
Don't repeat yourself
Remember to be stylish