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COPYRIGHT(C) 2020 - Transportation, Bots, and Disability Lab - CMU
Code released under MIT.
Contact - Zhi -

A collection of ROS Packages that handles audio processing from capture to recognition (Utterance). The collection consist of the following packages:


This repository consist of ROS Messages used throughout the collections


Currently this is a republish of audio signal from audio_capture with our own message (tbd_audio_msgs/AudioStamped) which encodes the same data but adds additional information about originating time in the header.


This package is a wrapper for WebRTCVADPy which conducts voice activity detection on the received stamped audio


This package is a wrapper for Mozilla's open source implementation of DeepSpeech. It takes in both the VAD and Stamped audio and publishes a detected utterances.


This package is a wrapper for Amazon's AWS Transcribe service. It takes in both the VAD and Stamped audio and publishes a detected utterances.

Quick 10-Step Setup Instructions

  1. Install ROS Melodic.
  2. Install these ROS dependencies:
    sudo apt install ros-melodic-audio-common*
    sudo apt install ros-melodic-audio-capture*
  3. Install Python 3 dependencies:
    sudo apt install python3-venv
  4. Create a new ros workspace and python3 virtual environment.
    mkdir catkin_ws && cd catkin_ws
    python3 -m venv venv
    source vevn/bin/activate
  5. Install the following python3 dependencies into the virtual environment:
    pip install webrtcvad deepspeech==0.7.4 rospkg empy alloylib
  6. Create and navigate to the src directory.
    mkdir src && cd src
  7. Clone the tbd_audio_stack repo into src.
    git clone
  8. Download the correct deepspeech model files.
    cd src/tbd_audio_stack/tbd_audio_recognition_deepspeech && mkdir models && cd models
  9. Go back to the workspaces's root directory and build and run your project. Make sure to be in the python3 virtual environment.
    cd ~/<path_to_your_workspace>/catkin_ws
    catkin build -DPYTHON_VERSION=3
    source devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch tbd_audio_recognition_deepspeech run_recognition.launch
  10. Every thing sould run correctly, and you should be able to see the text output by running rostopic echo /utterance and speaking into your computers microphone.