Thanks for your interest in contributing. We're excited to welcome you into our community. :)
We value kindness, humility, and low-ego communication. You can read our Code of Conduct for a poetic version of this.
There are many ways you can contribute.
- If you're interested in doing smart contract work, you're in the right place.
- If you want to work on our UI, check out the dao-dao-ui repo.
- If you want to contribute documentation, check out our docs repo.
Getting started contributing to an open source project can be daunting. A great place to ask questions is the DAO DAO Discord.
To work on the DAO DAO smart contracts you'll need a reasonable understanding of the Rust programming language. The Rust book is a really good place to pick this up.
Before picking up any issues, you may also want to read our design wiki page which gives an overview of how all of the DAO DAO smart contracts fit together.
Our development workflow is just like a regular Rust project:
cargo build
from the repository root to build the contracts.cargo test
from the repository root to test the contracts.
To build WASM files for deploying on a blockchain, run:
just workspace-optimize
From the repository root.
Before making a PR, you'll need to do two things to get CI passing:
- Generate schema files for the contracts.
- Generate Typescript interfaces from those schemas.
You can do both of these by running:
just gen
We generate JSON schema files for all of our contracts' query and execute messages. We use those schema files to generate Typescript code for interacting with those contracts via ts-codegen. This generated Typescript code is then used in the UI to interact with our contracts. Generating this code means that frontend developers don't have to manually write query and execute messages for each method on our contracts.
To make sure these files are generated correctly, make sure to add any
new data types used in contract messages to examples/
If you are adding a new query, ts-codegen expects:
- There is a corresponding query response type exported from
for that contract. - The query response has a name in the form
For example, if you added a ListStakers {}
query, you'd also need to
make sure to export a type from the schema file called
Most of the time, this will just be a struct with the same
name. Occasionally though you may have queries that return types like
. In these cases you'll still need to export a type from
the schema file for this. You can do so with:
export_schema_with_title(&schema_for!(Vec<Addr>), &out_dir, "Cw20TokenListResponse");
Once you have exported these types, you can generate schema files for all the contracts by running:
just gen-schema
To generate the Typescript interface, after generating the schema files, run:
just gen-typescript
To do this you'll need yarn installed.
If you get errors complaining about a missing query response type it
is likely because you forgot to export that type from
for that contract.
Build and deploy the contracts to a local chain running in Docker with:
just bootstrap-dev
Note: These juno accounts are from the test accounts, which you can use for testing (DO NOT store any real funds with these accounts). You can add more juno account addresses you wish to test here.
This will run a chain locally in a docker container, then build and deploy the contracts to that chain.
The script will output something like:
This output can be directly copy and pased into a .env
file in the
DAO DAO UI for local
Note, to send commands to the docker container:
docker exec -i cosmwasm junod status
Some commands require a password which defaults to xxxxxxxxx
. You can use them like so:
echo xxxxxxxxx | docker exec -i cosmwasm junod keys show validator -a