First the bin
folder will need to be in the path.
You will need to create the adapter before you can make the request, we will start with a dummy adapter, can be written in any language as long as it output json but will use Python for this.
#!/usr/env/bin python3
import json
import sys
"url": "", # The beginning of the URL
"headers": { # The header to merge with in the request
"Content-Type": "application/xml; charset=UTF-8",
"X-TOKEN": "I-am-token"
"verify": True # to verify TLS certificate
}, sys.stdout, indent="\t")
Also give it execute permission. oAuth are to be done with the adapter and place the token into the header.
To build the first request
#!/usr/env/bin -S rest_toml_xml --adapter
# The adapter url will be prepended to the endpoint
endpoint = "hello/world"
Make it executable and run ./request.toml
#!/usr/env/bin -S rest_toml_xml --adapter
# All argument default to string, but can type hinted with the following.
[] # --arg id=5
type = "int"
# Optional
# It works with anything that return json. Mandatory
script = "./other_request.toml"
# argument to pass to script defaults to []
arg = ["--arg", 'hello=world']
# add `--pipe` flag to script, default to true
pass_pipe_flag = true
# Pass `--arg` to script, default to false
pass_arg = false
# Mandatory
# Endpoint of the url. Mandatory, do not add query use [http.params]
# `hello/world/{id}` (`#d!` can be terminated with `//` or by another `#d!`)
endpoint = "hello/world/#d!arg/id"
# Http Method, default to "get"
method = "get"
# Optional, url query string
hello="world" # ?hello=world
# Optional, http headers
X-Custom = "custom"
# Optional, http cookies
ACookie = "yum yum"
# The xml payload
'@attr' = "attribute" # <Body attr="attribute" ...
value = "test"
# get a piece of data from the pipe (can also be use with params, headers and cookies)
title = "#d!pipe/name/body/title"
usage: rest_toml_xml [-h] [--adapter ADAPTER] [--show-request] [--show-header] [--pipe] [--indent] [--arg ARG] toml
Process HTTP Rest request for XML
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--adapter ADAPTER
--arg ARG
#!/usr/env/bin -S rest_toml_xml_batch --adapter
# Mandatory
# It works with anything that return json. Mandatory
# Recommended with csv2json and toml2json
script = "./other_request.toml"
# argument to pass to script defaults to []
arg = []
# The key that contains the list, default to batch
key = "batch"
# Mandatory
# Endpoint of the url. Mandatory, do not add query use [http.params]
endpoint = "hello/world"
# Http Method, default to "get"
method = "get"
# Optional, url query string
hello="world" # ?hello=world
# Optional, http headers
X-Custom = "custom"
# Optional, http cookies
ACookie = "yum yum"
# The xml payload
'@attr' = "attribute" # <Body attr="attribute" ...
value = "test"
# get a piece of data from batch row (can also be use with params, headers and cookies)
title = "#d!batch/title"
usage: rest_toml_xml_batch [-h] [--adapter ADAPTER] [--show-request] toml
Process Batch HTTP Rest request for XML
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--adapter ADAPTER