arc42, the template for documentation of software and system architecture.
Template Version 8.1 EN. (based upon AsciiDoc version), May 2022
Created, maintained, and © by Dr. Peter Hruschka, Dr. Gernot Starke, and contributors. See <
This document describes the Wallet Stub, which is used to replace some functionalities of a real wallet implementation. It provides a set of mocked Restful API resources that can be used for testing and development purposes.
Currently, the SSI Credential Issuer component depends on a configured wallet in order to start running and execute a sequence of steps to issue or revoke a credential. As the usage of a real wallet is not always possible and the component has to be tested, it became essential to create a stub wallet allowing the component to execute required API calls.
There are similar dependencies of Portal and the EDC with the wallet component, and those dependencies also have to be addressed with the stub wallet for E2E and integration test while preparing the new landing zones for the release 24.05.
The following goes have been established for the Wallet Stub:
Functionality | Description |
Wallet | Creation of mocked resources for the following endpoints: * /credentials [Post] * /credentials/{credentialId} [Patch, GET] These endpoints are used to create, sign, store, and revoke a credential. |
DID | Creation of mocked resources for the following endpoints: * /{bpn}/did.json [GET] |
Portal | Creation of mocked resources for the following endpoints: * /dim/setup-dim [Post] * /dim/technical-user/{bpn} [Post] |
Token | Creation of mocked resources for the following endpoints: * /oauth/token [Post] |
EDC | Creation of mocked resources for the following endpoints: * /api/sts [Post] * /api/presentations/query [Post] |
Create, sign, store, revoke, and get credential
Request DID document
Create tech user
Request Status List
Create access token, Create token with and without scope
Request Verifiable Presentations
Get BPN did mappings
The wallet stub service is independent of any other service. The primary goal is that all components and systems can interact with the wallet stub and simulate the required resources. DevOps teams, developers and testers can make use of it in order to validate environments that depend on such service.
Service stubs: Service stubs are simulations of an actual service, which can be used to functionally replace the service in a test environment. A stub server replaces the actual application server.
From the point of view of the client application, the service stub looks identical to the actual service that it simulates. To use a service stub in replacement of the actual service, you must be able to replace the URL of the original service in the client application with the URL of the stub server.
Mocks: programmable interface observers, that verifies outputs against expectations defined by the test. It is frequently created using a third party library, for example in Java that is Mockito, JMock or WireMock.
Virtual service: a test double often provided as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), is always called remotely, and is never working in-process directly with methods or functions. A virtual service is often created by recording traffic using one of the service virtualization platforms instead of building the interaction pattern from scratch based on interface or API documentation.
Issuer Component
Unknown full scope: The full scope of the expectations from the stub service is at this point unclear. So far the minimum requirement to address is enabling the dependent microservices to deploy and pass the E2E tests. However, the business logic of multiple services outside of this scope might be too complex and error-prone for simulation. We have to define a minimum viable stub and continue delivering if there is any necessity or further requirement. Currently only
are supported. -
Security: Security features such as authentication, authorization, and data encryption must also be simulated with the stub service.
Case coverage: The stub service must pass comprehensive test coverage across all microservices, excluding edge cases and “not happy” scenarios.
Data Consistency: Deployment of dependent microservices is persistent, and they keep logs and DB entries. The returns of the stub service must be consistent, disregarding the overall software component architecture (i.e., design choices around in-memory vs database), even when the stub service has to restart.
Maintenance: The service must be maintained with further breaking changes to the wallet service. In the near future, those include the DCP issuance flow implementation.
Benefits of the stub service are:
Fully managed and maintained by Open source community
Eclipse tractus-X can deploy the microservices that depends on a wallet to be deployed
Deployed microservices can be tested with the wallet stub
After the deployment of this service, the below requirements shall be fulfilled:
Creation of a wallet (Portal)
Request a DID document (Portal)
Create, sign, store, get, and revoke a credential (Issuer Component)
Token creation (EDC / …)
Request for a status list (EDC/BDRS)
Create a tech user (Portal)
Create Verifiable Presentation (EDC)
Get BPN did mappings (EDC/BDRS)
The service contains a set of mocked resources that simulate all above requirements. All of them must succeed when requested. At the moment simulation of errors are partially covered.
Quality Goals
All endpoints can be successfully executed
No errors are expected
Sonar Quality Gate should be passed
No issues in code scanning (Trivy/Vera)
Unit test coverage shall be more than 80%
Plant UML
*Wallet Stub
** Performance
*** API response time
*** Network latency
** Availability
*** In memory storage
*** Horizontal scalability
** Usability
*** Simple API interface
*** API documentation
** Security
*** Mock for Oauth Access Token
*** Attribute-based authorization
** Consistency
*** Consistent response for wallet generation
*** Consistent response for VCs/VPs
*** Consistent response for Status List VC
*** Consistent response for Oauth and SI tokens
Development Team: Responsible for implementing the integration.
Security Team: Ensures the security of the key management solution.
Operations Team: Manages the deployment and ongoing operation of the integrated system.
The wallet stub can be deployed as a docker image, e.g., on Kubernetes (platform-independent, cloud, on-premise, or local)
It should be horizontally scalable
Data will be stored in-memory storage. However, each time when a VP request is made, a VC is created as well. The persistence of signing keys is achieved via creating the keys with seeds derived from the BPN or the issuer and holder.
Token based authentication - there will be no roles assigned for the tokens but each token is unique due to differentiation with BPN and issuance date and expiry date. Tokens can be generated on demand.
Only happy cases are covered - there will be no stubbing for unhappy cases
Token based authentication - for each BPN a different OAuth token can be created on
demand (clientId and secret == BPN
Note: Create wallet also creates technical user. Mention it during the API spec. Revocation is mock only it doesn’t change the status but deliver success message back to issuer component.
Plant UML
left to right direction
actor "Portal" as portal
actor "Issuer Component" as issuer
actor "EDC" as edc
rectangle "Wallet Stub" {
usecase "Create Tech User" as UC1
usecase "Create Wallet" as UC2
usecase "Create new Credential" as UC3
usecase "Sign Credential" as UC11
usecase "Get Credential" as UC12
usecase "Store Credential" as UC4
usecase "Revoke Credential" as UC5
usecase "Get Status List" as UC6
usecase "Get OAuth Token" as UC7
usecase "Get SI token with Scope" as UC8
usecase "Get SI token without Scope" as UC9
usecase "Query credential presentations" as UC10
portal --> UC1
portal --> UC2
issuer --> UC3
issuer --> UC11
issuer --> UC12
issuer --> UC4
issuer --> UC5
issuer --> UC7
portal --> UC7
edc --> UC6
edc --> UC7
edc --> UC8
edc --> UC9
edc --> UC10
Plant UML
skinparam defaultFontName Arial
skinparam rectangle {
BackgroundColor<< Backend >> White
BackgroundColor<< Issuer >> White
BackgroundColor<< Wallet >> White
BackgroundColor<< EDC >> White
BackgroundColor<< BDRS >> White
rectangle "Portal Backend" << Backend >> as PortalBackend
rectangle "Issuer Component" << Issuer >> as IssuerComponent
rectangle "SSI DIM Wallet Stub" << Wallet >> as WalletStub
rectangle "EDC (as a Service)" << EDC >> as EDCService
rectangle "BDRS" << BDRS >> as BDRSService
PortalBackend --> WalletStub : Setup DJM\nCreate Tech User
IssuerComponent --> WalletStub : Create Credentials\nSign Credentials\nStore Credentials
WalletStub --> EDCService : Query Presentation\nStatusList\nSTS
EDCService --> WalletStub : Query\nStatusList
EDCService --> BDRSService : Present VP
EDCService --> EDCService : Catalog Request to other EDC
Portal <> Wallet Stub:
CX-Operator onboards business partner that will create a wallet for them. It automatically creates a tech user in return.
CX-Operator creates optionally (and additionally) technical user without creating a new wallet.
CX-Operator (Frontend) can revoke a credential. A success post will return without changing the Status List VC ( static)
Issuer Component <> Wallet Stub:
CX-Operator creates a new credential template related to a business partner. It returns a credentialID.
CX-Operator requests signature for a credentialID. Signed credential is returned.
CX-Operator requests storage of the signed credential in the corresponding wallet.
EDC <> Wallet Stub:
EDC requests creation of an SI token with Scope to use it for itself, i.e., accessing BDRS with Membership VP.
EDC (Data Provider) requests creation of an SI token without Scope using the access token from STS (Data Consumer) to share with another EDC (Data Consumer), i.e., for catalog request.
Any EDC requests creation of a VP using either SI token with or without Scope for the above-mentioned use cases.
EDC / BDRS requests VC Status List from the issuer wallet.
EDC Request for BPN Did mapping using directory API
Topic | Tech. stack |
Backend | Java version 17 with Sprint Boot 3.2.6 |
Storage | In-Memory |
Role Management | Token-based (JWT), attribute-based (BPN) |
DevOps | Docker, ArgoCD, Kubernetes |
Infra | SonarCloud, Trivy Scan |
Version Control | GitHub |
Other Lib | Swagger Open API, SSI Agent, Lombok, org.eclipse.edc:verifiable-credentials-api:0.7.0, org.eclipse.edc:identity-trust-sts-api, org.eclipse.edc:crypto-common-lib |
Wallet stub service offers external interfaces for issuer component, portal, and EDC.
POST Token
Create OAuth token to access wallet APIs.
Request Body:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/oauth/token' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=BPNL000000000000' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=BPNL000000000000' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=string'
Response Body:
"access_token": "JWT",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "int",
"refresh_expires_in": "int",
"not-before-policy": "int",
"scope": "string"
This API is used to create a wallet and DID document. It waits for 60 seconds before creating the tech user.
Currently externalId == BPN
but if the wallet stub is connected to a Keycloak, an externalId
from Keycloak can be
passed to order the BPN.
Request Parameter:
"companyName": "string"
"bpn": "string"
"didDocumentLocation": "string"
Response Body: 201 Success with no content
After 60 second Stub app will call portal-backend /api/administration/registration/dim/{bpn}
Request Parameter:
"did": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"didDocument": {
"service": [
"id": "http://localhost#credential-service",
"type": "CredentialService",
"serviceEndpoint": "http://localhost/api"
"verificationMethod": [
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#c3932ff5-8da4-3de9-a942-62125f394e41",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"controller": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"use": "sig",
"crv": "secp256k1",
"x": "NytYgtL_rte4EIXpb46e7pntJiPjH4l_pN1j1PVxkO8",
"y": "99JkYiCOkBfb8qCncv_YWdHy3eZGAQojWbmaEDFwSlU"
"authentication": [
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"@context": [
"authenticationDetails": {
"authenticationServiceUrl": "http://localhost/oauth/token",
"clientSecret": "BPNL000000000000",
"clientID": "BPNL000000000000"
Response Body: 200 Success with no content
This API creates a tech user for an existing BPN. It also can take externalId
and name
as request body to order the
tech user for Keycloak.
Request Parameter:
"bpn": "string"
Request Body:
"externalId": "string",
"name": "string"
Response Body:
200 OK
After 60 second Stub app will call portal-backend callback url
Request Parameter:
"authenticationServiceUrl": "stubHost/api/token",
"clientId": "string", //--> currently BPN
"clientSecret": "string" //--> currentlyBPN
Response Body: 200 Success with no content
Can be used for creating a credential (without signing) and if it is a signed credential, it is used to store the credential in the corresponding wallet. The business logic depends on the request body.
Create New Credential
The following request body results in creating a credential and returns a credentialID
as a response.
Request Body:
"application": "catena-x",
"payload": {
"issue": {
"@context": [
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#a1f8ae36-9919-4ed8-8546-535280acc5bf",
"type": [
"issuer": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"issuanceDate": "2023-07-19T09:14:45Z",
"expirationDate": "2023-09-30T18:30:00Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"bpn": "BPNL000000000001",
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000001",
"type": "BpnCredential"
Response Body:
200 Success
"id": "string"
Store Credential for Holder
The following request body results in storing a signed Verifiable Credential for the holder of the VC. It returns
a credentialId
as a response.
Request Body:
"application": "catena-x-portal",
"payload": {
"derive": {
"verifiableCredential": "eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6d2ViOnNvbWUtaXNzdWVyI2tleS0xIiwiYWxnIjoiRVMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiJkZWdyZWVTdWIiLCJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6d2ViOmJkcnMtY2xpZW50IiwibmJmIjoxNzE4MzQzOTAzLCJpc3MiOiJkaWQ6d2ViOnNvbWUtaXNzdWVyIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE4MzQzOTYzLCJpYXQiOjE3MTgzNDM5MDMsInZjIjp7IkBjb250ZXh0IjpbImh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDE4L2NyZWRlbnRpYWxzL3YxIiwiaHR0cHM6Ly93M2lkLm9yZy9jYXRlbmF4L2NyZWRlbnRpYWxzL3YxLjAuMCJdLCJpZCI6IjFmMzZhZjU4LTBmYzAtNGIyNC05YjFjLWUzN2Q1OTY2ODA4OSIsInR5cGUiOlsiVmVyaWZpYWJsZUNyZWRlbnRpYWwiLCJNZW1iZXJzaGlwQ3JlZGVudGlhbCJdLCJpc3N1ZXIiOiJkaWQ6d2ViOmNvbS5leGFtcGxlLmlzc3VlciIsImlzc3VhbmNlRGF0ZSI6IjIwMjEtMDYtMTZUMTg6NTY6NTlaIiwiZXhwaXJhdGlvbkRhdGUiOiIyMDk5LTA2LTE2VDE4OjU2OjU5WiIsImNyZWRlbnRpYWxTdWJqZWN0Ijp7ImlkIjoiZGlkOndlYjpiZHJzLWNsaWVudCIsImhvbGRlcklkZW50aWZpZXIiOiJCUE5MMDAwMDAwMDAxIn19LCJqdGkiOiJlZDlhNjhkMS0yZjFkLTQxZjgtYWUwOS1hNDBhMTA2OTUwMTUifQ.tdLmrcQpGH-SGBpRpRmFX4AXQJx99uUhDOwuGtSejWkkQ2N_yNtEsoP93xDuBod_AY7zVqY4P_Ofdz-H4zE6nw"
Response Body: 200 OK
"id": "string"
For signing and revoking (depending on the query parameter / request body)
Sign Credential
The following query parameter and request body results in signing a credential and making it a Verifiable Credential.
Query Parameter:
"credentialId": "string"
Request Body:
"sign": {
"proofMechanism": "external",
"proofType": "jwt"
Response Body:
200 OK
"jwt": "string"
Revoke Credential
The following query parameter and request body results in revoking a VC
Query Parameter:
"credentialId": "string"
Request Body:
"payload": {
"revoke": true
Response Body:
200 OK
This API results in getting a VC by credentialId
Query Parameter:
"externalCredentialId": "string"
Response Body:
200 OK
"verifiableCredential": "eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6d2ViOmxvY2FsaG9zdDpCUE5MMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwI2MzOTMyZmY1LThkYTQtM2RlOS1hOTQyLTYyMTI1ZjM5NGU0MSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IkVTMjU2SyJ9.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._mGVXN4ublBx0-r0lG7_2tSGzwIlhjTWtx-ZFcQMmg4Q9pvF-RnbSDZ0vJLfvWv9egVtFSPE9oqbChCLXVg21g",
"credential": {
"issuanceDate": "2023-07-19T09:14:45Z",
"credentialSubject": {
"bpn": "BPNL000000000001",
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000001",
"type": "BpnCredential"
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#19cb6562-bac7-3dc3-aaf6-4612e349a011",
"type": [
"@context": [
"issuer": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"expirationDate": "2023-09-30T18:30:00Z"
"revocationStatus": "false",
"signing_key_id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#c3932ff5-8da4-3de9-a942-62125f394e41"
Note: credentialID == externalCredentialId
Depending on the request body, this API either creates an STS for self-usage (with Scope) or for the provider EDC to create SI token for querying presentation (without scope).
Create Token with Scope
Is used by Data Consumer for VPP or when accessing services that require VPs such as BDRS. In case of VPP providerDid
is the DID of the data provider. If it is used for accessing services such as BDRS, providerDid
and consumerDid
the same.
Request Body:
"grantAccess": {
"scope": "read",
"credentialTypes": [
"consumerDid": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"providerDid": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000"
Response Body:
200 OK
"jwt": "string"
Create Token without Scope
Is used by data provider after getting the SI token that contains the access token with scopes from the data provider. The provider EDC extracts the access token and wraps it into a new SI token.
Request Body:
"signToken": {
"audience": "DID Data Consumer",
"subject": "DID Data Provider",
"issuer": "DID Data Provider",
"token": "Access Token Data Consumer"
Response Body:
200 OK
"jwt": "string"
This API is responsible for creating Verifiable Presentations based on the scope and tokens being passed. For the scope
of the stub service, only type:MembershipCredential
, type:BpnCredential
and type:DataExchangeGovernanceCredential
are supported.
Request Body:
"scope": [
"@context": [
"@type": "PresentationQueryMessage"
Response Body:
200 OK
"presentation": [
"@context": [
"@type": "PresentationResponseMessage"
This API will give BPN Did mapping of all wallets available in the application. bpn
request param is optional, user can pass comma separated BPN number. In this case it will return only requested BPN Did mapping and wallet will be created runtime if not created.
We need to pass VP of membership VC in form of JWT in authorization header. This VP must be generated using wallet stub application using query presentation API else token validation will not work, and it will give http status 401.
Response Body:
200 OK
"BPNL000000000003": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000003",
"BPNL000000000002": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000002",
"BPNL000000000001": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000001",
"BPNL000000000000": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000"
This API returns the VC Status List related to a BPN. For stub purposes, the VC Status List is static and its state
cannot be changed. The statusListVcId is set in the application.yaml
file in ssi-issuer-component app
Request Parameter:
"bpn": "string"
"vcId": "string"
Response Body:
"credentialSubject": {
"statusPurpose": "revocation",
"type": "StatusList2021Credential",
"issuanceDate": "2024-07-01T05:03:16Z",
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#8a6c7486-1e1f-4555-bdd2-1a178182651e",
"type": [
"@context": [
"issuer": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"expirationDate": "2025-07-01T05:03:16Z"
This API returns the DID document related to a BPNL.
Request Parameter:
"bpn": "string"
Response Body:
"service": [
"id": "https://localhost#credential-service",
"type": "CredentialService",
"serviceEndpoint": "https://localhost/api"
"verificationMethod": [
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000#c3932ff5-8da4-3de9-a942-62125f394e41",
"type": "JsonWebKey2020",
"controller": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"publicKeyJwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"use": "sig",
"crv": "secp256k1",
"x": "NytYgtL_rte4EIXpb46e7pntJiPjH4l_pN1j1PVxkO8",
"y": "99JkYiCOkBfb8qCncv_YWdHy3eZGAQojWbmaEDFwSlU"
"authentication": [
"id": "did:web:localhost:BPNL000000000000",
"@context": [
All the data generated during the interaction with Wallet Stub is only used in runtime. The data is kept in memory during the lifetime of the application.
During initialization of Wallet Stub, a wallet is automatic created by calling the RestAPI api/dim/setup-dim. All the initial setup can be done via configuration file.
The VCs are signed at runtime for test purposes
env: ${STUB_ENV:local}
baseWalletBPN: ${BASE_WALLET_BPN:BPNL000000000000}
clientId: ${CLIENT_ID:clientId}
clientSecret: ${CLIENT_SECRET:secret}
stubHost: ${STUB_HOST:localhost}
stubUrl: ${STUB_URL:https://localhost}
portalWaitTime: ${PORTAL_WAIT_TIME:1000}
statusListVcId: ${STATUS_LIST_VC_ID:8a6c7486-1e1f-4555-bdd2-1a178182651e}
- To refresh the memory storage the Wallet Stub service must be restarted.
Creation of a new repository for Wallet Stub service.
Unit/integration test using Spring boot test framework with more than 80% code coverage
New test cases/modifications in existing test cases in the Wallet stub service
API testing:
- API integration testing will be done using Swagger OpenAPI or Postman
The following sequence diagrams depicts the interactions between services with wallet dependencies and the wallet stub. The blue arrows represent wallet endpoints. The red arrows represent the wallet app will call API to another service.
Plant UML
participant PortalBackend
participant Issuer as "Issuer component"
participant DIM as "Issuer Wallet DIM"
participant BDRS
participant HW as "Holder Wallet DIM"
PortalBackend -[#blue]> DIM: Create a Wallet(/api/dim/setup-dim)
PortalBackend <-- DIM: 201 created
DIM -[#red]> PortalBackend: Send a DID (api/administration/registration/dim/{bpn})
DIM <-- PortalBackend: 204 no content
PortalBackend -> PortalBackend: Validate DID Document via universalResolver
PortalBackend -> Issuer: Create Bpnl/Membership Credential(/api/issuer/(bpn oe membership)) with holder client details
PortalBackend <-- Issuer: 200 success
Issuer -[#blue]> DIM: Create a new credential (/api/v2.0.0/credentials)
Issuer <-- DIM: credentialId with 200 success
Issuer -[#blue]> DIM: Sign a credential (/api/v2.0.0/credentials/{credentialId})
Issuer <-- DIM: credential as jwt with 200 success
Issuer -> Issuer: save jwt vc in db
Issuer -[#blue]> DIM: Get credential (/api/v2.0.0/credentials/{externalCredentialId})
Issuer <-- DIM: credential as json-ld with 200 success
Issuer -> Issuer: save credential as json-ld in db
Issuer -[#blue]> HW: Create Credential For Holder (/api/v2.0.0/credentials)
Issuer <-- HW: credential id with 200 success
Issuer -> PortalBackend: Callback (/api/administration/registration/issuer/(bpncredential or membershipcredential))
Issuer <-- PortalBackend: 200 success
PortalBackend -> BDRS: Add bpn and did map (api/management/bpn-directory)
PortalBackend <-- BDRS: 204 no content
Issuer -[#blue]> DIM: Revoke credential (/api/v2.0.0/credentials/{externalCredentialId})
Issuer <-- DIM: 200 success
PortalBackend -[#blue]> DIM: Create Technical User(/api/dim/technical-user/{bpn})
PortalBackend <-- DIM: 201 created
DIM -[#red]> PortalBackend: Send DIM Technical user details (/api/administration/serviceAccount/callback/{externalId})
DIM <-- PortalBackend: 204 no content
Plant UML
participant ConsumerEDC
participant Auth as "IDP DIM"
participant STS as "Secure Token Service DIM"
participant ProviderEDC
participant BDRS
participant HW as "Consumer Wallet DIM"
ConsumerEDC -[#blue]> Auth: Create auth token with technical user detail
ConsumerEDC <-- Auth: return auth token
alt Resolve provider did using BDRS
ConsumerEDC -[#blue]> STS: Create si token with scope(grantAccess, consumberDid and providerDid are same) with auth token
ConsumerEDC <-- STS: return si token (incl. access token)
ConsumerEDC -[#blue]> HW: Request VP to holder wallet (/presentations/query) with consumer si token
HW -> HW: Validate si token
ConsumerEDC <-- HW: return vp
ConsumerEDC -> BDRS: call directory API with VP
ConsumerEDC <-- BDRS: return all bpn and did mapping
ConsumerEDC -> ConsumerEDC: get provider DID from bpn
ConsumerEDC -[#blue]> STS: Create si token (consumer) with scope(grantAccess, consumerDid and providerDid are different) with auth token
ConsumerEDC <-- STS: return si token (consumer, incl. access token)
ConsumerEDC -> ProviderEDC: DSP request with si token
ProviderEDC -[#blue]> Auth: Create auth token with technical user detail
ProviderEDC <-- Auth: return auth token
ProviderEDC -[#blue]> STS: Create si token (provider) without scope(signToken: get access token from si token (consumer)) with auth token
ProviderEDC <-- STS: return si token (provider)
ProviderEDC -[#blue]> HW: Request Membership VP (/presentations/query) with si token (provider)
HW -> HW: Validate si token (provider)
ProviderEDC <-- HW: return vp
ProviderEDC -> ProviderEDC: validate vp
alt VP validated successfully
ConsumerEDC <-- ProviderEDC: DSP response
ConsumerEDC <-- ProviderEDC: throw error
This API is present in the Wallet Stub
Endpoint: /api/dim/
Plant UML
actor Client as client
control PortalController as portalController
participant PortalStubService as portalStubService
control DIDController as didController
participant DidDocumentService as didDocumentService
collections MemoryStorage as memoryStorage
client --> didController: GET[{bpn}/did.json]
didController --> memoryStorage: getDIDDocument()
didController <-- memoryStorage: DIDDocument
client <-- didController: DIDDocument(http 200)
client --> portalController: POST[/dim/setup-dim]
portalController --> portalStubService: setupDim()
portalStubService --> portalStubService: create\Key Pair
portalStubService --> portalStubService: create\nDIDDocument
portalStubService --> portalStubService: create Tech User
portalStubService --> portalStubService: wait 60 secs
portalStubService --> client: send DID and Tech User\nto portal
portalController <-- portalStubService: (void)
client <-- portalStubService: POST [/api/administration/registration/dim/{bpn}]
client <-- portalController: created(http 201)
client --> portalController: POST[/dim/technical-user/{bpn}]
portalController --> portalStubService: createTechUser()
portalStubService --> portalStubService: request tech user\n to portal
portalController <-- portalStubService: (void)
client <-- portalController: OK(http 200)
Plant UML
actor Client as client
participant PortalStubService as portalStubService
control IssuerController as issuerController
participant IssuerCredentialService as issuerService
participant DidDocumentService as didDocumentService
collections MemoryStorage as memoryStorage
client --> issuerController: POST\[/credential\]
issuerController --> issuerService: issueCredential()
issuerService --> issuerService: get key pair\\nfrom wallet settings
issuerService --> didDocumentService: getDidDocument()
issuerService <-- didDocumentService: issuerDIDDocument
issuerService --> didDocumentService: getDidDocument()
issuerService <-- didDocumentService: holderDIDDocument
issuerService --> issuerService: create VC Jwt
issuerService --> issuerService: sign VC
issuerService --> memoryStorage: save credentials
issuerService <-- memoryStorage:(void)
issuerService --> issuerService: create VC as JsonLd
issuerService --> issuerService: sign VC
issuerService --> memoryStorage: saveCredential()
issuerController <-- issuerService: VC-ID
client <-- issuerController: IssueCredential(http 201)
client --> issuerController: PATCH\[/credentials/{credentialId}\]
issuerController --> issuerService: signCredential()
issuerService --> didDocumentService: getDidDocument()
issuerService <-- didDocumentService: issuerDIDDocument
issuerService --> memoryStorage: getCredentialAsJwt()
issuerService <-- memoryStorage: jwt
issuerController <-- issuerService: jwt
client <-- issuerController: jwtVC(http 200)
client --> issuerController: GET\[/credentials/{externalCredentialId}\]
issuerController --> issuerService: getCredential()
issuerService --> didDocumentService: getDidDocument()
issuerService <-- didDocumentService: issuerDIDDocument
issuerService --> memoryStorage: getCredentialAsJSonLd()
issuerService <-- memoryStorage: JSonLd
issuerController <-- issuerService: credential
client <-- issuerController: credential(http 200)
Plant UML
actor Client as client
control EDCStubController as edcController
participant EDCStubService as edcService
participant KeyService as keyService
participant DIDDocumentService as didDocument
client --> edcController: POST\[/api/sts\]
edcController --> edcService: createTokenWithScope()
edcService --> keyService: getKeyPair()
edcService <-- keyService: KeyPair
edcService --> didDocument: getDidDocument()
edcService <-- didDocument: SelfDidDocument
edcService --> edcService: search BPN partner
edcService --> edcService: find scope
edcService --> didDocument: getDidDocument()
edcService <-- didDocument: PartnerDidDocument
edcService --> edcService: create Jws Header
edcService --> edcService: create Jwt Claims
edcService --> edcService: sign Jwt
edcController <-- edcService: signed Jwt
client <-- edcController: Jwt(http 200)
Plant UML
actor Client as client
control EDCStubController as edcController
participant EDCStubService as edcService
participant KeyService as keyService
participant DIDDocumentService as didDocument
participant TokenService as tokenService
participant MemoryStorage as memoryStorage
client --> edcController: GET\[/api/presentations/query\]
edcController --> edcService: queryPresentations()
edcService --> tokenService: verifyTokenAndGetClaims()
edcService <-- tokenService: Jwt Claims
edcService --> keyService: get IssuerKeyPair\\nand BaseWalletKeyPair
edcService <-- keyService: IssuerKeyPair/BaseWalletKeyPair
edcService --> didDocument: get IssuerDidDocument\\nand BaseWalletDidDocument
edcService <-- didDocument: IssuerDidDocument/BaseWalletDidDocument
edcService --> edcService: create membership VC as JWt
edcService --> memoryStorage: saveCredentialAsJwt
edcService <-- memoryStorage: (void)
edcService --> edcService: create VP as JSonLd
edcController <-- edcService: list of presentations
client <-- edcController: list of presentations(http 200)
Plant UML
actor Client as client
control TokenController as tokenController
participant TokenService as tokenService
participant DidDocumentService as didDocumentService
client --> tokenController: POST\[/oauth/token\]
tokenController --> tokenService: createAccessTokenResponse()
tokenService --> tokenService: get key pair\\nfrom wallet settings
tokenService --> didDocumentService: getDidDocument()
tokenService <-- didDocumentService: DIDDocument
tokenService --> tokenService: signToken()
tokenController <-- tokenService: Token
client <-- tokenController: Token(http 200)
Plant UML
actor Client as client
control StatusListController as statusListController
collections MemoryStorage as memoryStorage
client --> statusListController: GET\[api/dm/status-list/{bpn}/{vcId}\]
statusListController --> memoryStorage: getVerifiableCredentials()
statusListController <-- memoryStorage: VerifiableCredential
client <-- statusListController: VerifiableCredential(http 200)
Data loss in case the wallet stub service is restarted
The usage of the wallet stub resources does not guarantee that clients are 100% compatible to a real world wallet implementation
During integration with wallet stub service, not all test case scenarios are possible to simulate
Lack of Realistic Behavior / Missing Functionalities: The wallet stub service provides happy case responses to the services with dependencies. Furthermore, stub service comes with a static StatusListVC, meaning no credential can be truly revoked.
Maintenance Overhead: As the real services evolve (i.e., SAP DIM but also services with wallet dependency) the stub service needs to be updated to reflect these changes.
Incomplete Test Coverage: The wallet stub service does not cover the unhappy cases and error scenarios that the real wallet would encounter. This leaves gaps in test coverage, allowing potential bugs to go unnoticed until later stages.
Integration Issues: We do not have in-depth knowledge of the SAP DIM wallet or any other wallet that will be the real wallet service. Dependencies on wallet stub can mask integration issues that only become apparent when the actual wallet service is there.
AuthN / AuthZ: Currently wallet stub service relies on attribute-based JWT for authentication and authorization. The clientID and clientSecret are BPN, potentially causing security vulnerabilities.
Delayed Real Service Integration: Over-reliance on wallet stub service can delay the integration with the real wallet service. The longer the delay, the higher the risk of integration problems and greater potential for technical debt accumulation.
Term | definition |
EDC | Eclipse Dataspace Components |
VC | Verifiable Credential |
VP | Verifiable Presentation |
UC | User Case |
BPN | Business Partner Number |
DID | Decentralized identification |
E2E | End to End |
DIM | Decentralized Identity Management |
This work is licensed under the Apache-2.0.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
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