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Helm chart to deploy SSI DIM Wallet stub application

Source Code


Repository Name Version keycloak 22.1.0


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.2.0+

Install with released helm chart

helm repo add tractusx-dev
helm repo update
helm install ssi-dim-wallet-stub tractusx-dev/ssi-dim-wallet-stub

Install with local configuration


  1. Create docker image locally with command docker build -t ssi-dim-wallet-stub .
  2. Change docker image in values.yaml
helm dep up charts/ssi-dim-wallet-stub
kubectl create namespace wallet
helm install wallet-stub -n wallet charts/ssi-dim-wallet-stub

Configuration Values

Parameter Description Default Value
wallet.replicaCount The amount of replicas to run 1 Hostname for the wallet stub application localhost
wallet.nameSpace The namespace "wallet"
wallet.appName The application name "ssi-dim-wallet-stub"
wallet.configName The configmap name "ssi-dim-wallet-config"
wallet.serviceName The service name "ssi-dim-wallet-service"
wallet.secretName The secret name "ssi-dim-wallet-secret"
wallet.ingressName The ingress name "ssi-dim-wallet-ingress"
wallet.image.repository Image repository tractusx/managed-identity-wallet
wallet.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the image IfNotPresent
wallet.image.tag Image tag (leave empty to use "appVersion" value from chart definition) ""
wallet.resources.requests.cpu CPU resource requests 250m
wallet.resources.requests.memory Memory resource requests 512Mi
wallet.resources.limits.cpu CPU resource limits 500m
wallet.resources.limits.memory Memory resource limits 1Gi
wallet.livenessProbe.enabled Enables/Disables the liveness probe true
wallet.livenessProbe.failureThreshold Number of failures before restarting the container 3
wallet.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay before starting the liveness probe 20
wallet.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout for the liveness probe 15
wallet.livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the liveness probe 5
wallet.readinessProbe.enabled Enables/Disables the readiness probe true
wallet.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Number of failures before marking the Pod as Unready 3
wallet.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Initial delay before starting the readiness probe 30
wallet.readinessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the readiness probe 5
wallet.readinessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful 1
wallet.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Timeout for the readiness probe 5
wallet.ingress.enabled Enable ingress configuration false
wallet.ingress.tls Enable TLS for ingress false
wallet.ingress.urlPrefix URL prefix for the ingress /
wallet.ingress.className Ingress class name nginx
wallet.ingress.annotations Annotations for the ingress {}
wallet.swagger.ui.status Enable Swagger API documentation UI true
wallet.swagger.apiDoc.status Enable OpenAPI documentation true
wallet.logLevel Application log level "debug"
wallet.environment Name of the landing zone (e.g., dev, int, prod) "default"
wallet.baseWalletBpn Operator Business Partner Number (BPN) "BPNL000000000000"
wallet.didHost DID document host, used as part of the DID string (e.g., did:web:) "localhost"
wallet.stubUrl Wallet stub server URL, used as part of the presentation query API in the DID document "http://localhost"
wallet.statusListVcId Default status list Verifiable Credential (VC) ID "8a6c7486-1e1f-4555-bdd2-1a178182651e"
wallet.tokenExpiryTime Token expiry time in seconds "5"
wallet.portal.waitTime Wait time before pushing data to portal backend after wallet creation 60 Portal backend application host "http://localhost"
wallet.portal.clientId Keycloak client ID for accessing portal backend APIs "client_id"
wallet.portal.clientSecret Keycloak client secret for accessing portal backend APIs "client_secret"
wallet.keycloak.realm Keycloak realm name "CX-Central"
wallet.keycloak.authServerUrl Keycloak host URL "http://localhost:28080/auth"
wallet.service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
wallet.service.port Kubernetes service port 8080
keycloak.enabled Enable Keycloak configuration false