wallet.replicaCount |
The amount of replicas to run |
1 |
wallet.host |
Hostname for the wallet stub application |
localhost |
wallet.nameSpace |
The namespace |
"wallet" |
wallet.appName |
The application name |
"ssi-dim-wallet-stub" |
wallet.configName |
The configmap name |
"ssi-dim-wallet-config" |
wallet.serviceName |
The service name |
"ssi-dim-wallet-service" |
wallet.secretName |
The secret name |
"ssi-dim-wallet-secret" |
wallet.ingressName |
The ingress name |
"ssi-dim-wallet-ingress" |
wallet.image.repository |
Image repository |
tractusx/managed-identity-wallet |
wallet.image.pullPolicy |
Pull policy for the image |
IfNotPresent |
wallet.image.tag |
Image tag (leave empty to use "appVersion" value from chart definition) |
"" |
wallet.resources.requests.cpu |
CPU resource requests |
250m |
wallet.resources.requests.memory |
Memory resource requests |
512Mi |
wallet.resources.limits.cpu |
CPU resource limits |
500m |
wallet.resources.limits.memory |
Memory resource limits |
1Gi |
wallet.livenessProbe.enabled |
Enables/Disables the liveness probe |
true |
wallet.livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
Number of failures before restarting the container |
3 |
wallet.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay before starting the liveness probe |
20 |
wallet.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout for the liveness probe |
15 |
wallet.livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often to perform the liveness probe |
5 |
wallet.readinessProbe.enabled |
Enables/Disables the readiness probe |
true |
wallet.readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
Number of failures before marking the Pod as Unready |
3 |
wallet.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
Initial delay before starting the readiness probe |
30 |
wallet.readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
How often to perform the readiness probe |
5 |
wallet.readinessProbe.successThreshold |
Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful |
1 |
wallet.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds |
Timeout for the readiness probe |
5 |
wallet.ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress configuration |
false |
wallet.ingress.tls |
Enable TLS for ingress |
false |
wallet.ingress.urlPrefix |
URL prefix for the ingress |
/ |
wallet.ingress.className |
Ingress class name |
nginx |
wallet.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for the ingress |
{} |
wallet.swagger.ui.status |
Enable Swagger API documentation UI |
true |
wallet.swagger.apiDoc.status |
Enable OpenAPI documentation |
true |
wallet.logLevel |
Application log level |
"debug" |
wallet.environment |
Name of the landing zone (e.g., dev, int, prod) |
"default" |
wallet.baseWalletBpn |
Operator Business Partner Number (BPN) |
"BPNL000000000000" |
wallet.didHost |
DID document host, used as part of the DID string (e.g., did:web:) |
"localhost" |
wallet.stubUrl |
Wallet stub server URL, used as part of the presentation query API in the DID document |
"http://localhost" |
wallet.statusListVcId |
Default status list Verifiable Credential (VC) ID |
"8a6c7486-1e1f-4555-bdd2-1a178182651e" |
wallet.tokenExpiryTime |
Token expiry time in seconds |
"5" |
wallet.portal.waitTime |
Wait time before pushing data to portal backend after wallet creation |
60 |
wallet.portal.host |
Portal backend application host |
"http://localhost" |
wallet.portal.clientId |
Keycloak client ID for accessing portal backend APIs |
"client_id" |
wallet.portal.clientSecret |
Keycloak client secret for accessing portal backend APIs |
"client_secret" |
wallet.keycloak.realm |
Keycloak realm name |
"CX-Central" |
wallet.keycloak.authServerUrl |
Keycloak host URL |
"http://localhost:28080/auth" |
wallet.service.type |
Kubernetes service type |
ClusterIP |
wallet.service.port |
Kubernetes service port |
8080 |
keycloak.enabled |
Enable Keycloak configuration |
false |