Library that includes entity models, repositories for CRUD actions for both MS-SQL, ElasticSearch and support Util classes for the NEDS-Modernization system.
The database-entities library is currently being used by both the mondernization-api and patient-listener projects Some packages to note include:
- gov.cdc.nbs.address - Location records for Country, County and City.
- gov.cdc.nbs.audit - Contains classes related to auditing a record.
- gov.cdc.nbs.entity - Contains entity classes to interact with MS SQL DBMS and ElasticSearch. Also contains entity related enums and converters.
- gov.cdc.nbs.patient - Contains interface with commands related to patient record actions.
- gov.cdc.nbs.repository - Contains repository interfaces for MS SQL Dialect and ElasticSearch.
- gov.cdc.nbs.util - Contains helpful util classes and constants.
In your project gradle build file build.gradle include:
implementation project(':database-entities')
Also in the bottom of your gradle build file include:
In addition ensure that the project is on the classpath of the importing project.