Improving Video Super-Resolution with Long-Term Self-Exemplars [Abstract]
Learning-Based Relational Object Matching across Views [Abstract]
TransVisDrone: Spatio-Temporal Transformer for Vision-Based Drone-To-Drone Detection in Aerial Videos [Abstract]
Unsupervised RGB-To-Thermal Domain Adaptation Via Multi-Domain Attention Network [Abstract]
Adaptive-SpikeNet: Event-Based Optical Flow Estimation Using Spiking Neural Networks with Learnable Neuronal Dynamics [Abstract]
Reinforced Learning for Label-Efficient 3D Face Reconstruction [Abstract]
Bridging the Domain Gap for Multi-Agent Perception [Abstract]
UPLIFT: Unsupervised Person Labeling and Identification Via Cooperative Learning with Mobile Robots [Abstract]
Learning to Explore Informative Trajectories and Samples for Embodied Perception [Abstract]
Embodied Agents for Efficient Exploration and Smart Scene Description [Abstract]
Deep Neural Network Architecture Search for Accurate Visual Pose Estimation Aboard Nano-UAVs [Abstract]
Reuse Your Features: Unifying Retrieval and Feature-Metric Alignment [Abstract]