We are collecting bird photo URLs from WikiMedia for an educational game
We'd like to add more birds, but looking up images is a lot of work
Pick a bird from the list below (birds marked -- are MOST NEEDED)
Google the name of the bird and site:wikimedia.org
- For example...
- american crow site:wikimedia.org
Find a GOOD IMAGE of the bird.
- Not blurry
- You can see the full body of the bird (not just the head)
- Landscape or square image (not portrait orientation)
Copy/paste the URL for a good image below the bird name OR WE WOULD PREFER that you add it to trivia.json
- The URL should begin with https://upload.wikimedia.org ...etc.
Make a Pull Request
-- Barred Owl
-- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Blue-gray_gnatcatcher_in_PP_%2872317%29.jpg/800px-Blue-gray_gnatcatcher_in_PP_%2872317%29.jpg?20210428122125
-- Cedar Waxwing
-- Chimney Swift
-- Common Nighthawk
-- Common Yellowthroat
-- Double-crested Cormorant
-- Eastern Meadowlark https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Eastern_meadowlark_%28Sturnella_magna_mexicana%29_Orange_Walk.jpg/800px-Eastern_meadowlark_%28Sturnella_magna_mexicana%29_Orange_Walk.jpg
-- Eastern Phoebe
-- Eastern Towhee
-- Herring Gull
-- House Wren
-- Indigo Bunting https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/62/Indigo_Bunting_by_Dan_Pancamo_4.jpg/799px-Indigo_Bunting_by_Dan_Pancamo_4.jpg?20110501234652
-- Northern Mockingbird
-- Purple Martin
-- Ruby-throated Hummingbird https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Ruby-throated_Hummingbird_%28Archilochus_colubris%29_RWD4.jpg
-- Wood Duck