This is a lightweight JSON serializer written in C. The implementation is quite lightweight, and can find application within microcontrollers, for example. In my case I have used this implementation on the ATmega328P microcontroller among others. The aim was to transmit different values of I2C sensors, whereby the values should be easily and universally deserialized.
Since a dynamic buffer is used, the first thing you need to do is call the function initialize_json_data
. Then you can add tags with, for example, the function add_json_float_object
. Note the use of the end_of_json
parameter. If you want to name the end of a JSON object, this value must be true
, otherwise false
. If the JSON serializer is no longer used, you have to clear the buffer independently by calling destruct_json_data
An application can be generated as follows:
json_data_t data;
add_json_float_object(&data, "Temperature", 34, false);
add_json_int_object(&data, "Firmware", 1, false);
add_json_str_object(&data, "SensorType", "BMP280", false);
printf("Data: %s\n", data.data_string);