Until MVP is finished, external contributions most likely won't be handled.
The projects uses Conventional Commits
Commit messages are supposed to look like this:
<type>(<optional scope>): <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer(s)]
Where type is one of the following:
- build Tooling, etc
- chore Housekeeping, dependency management, go.mod etc.
- ci Continuous integration, workflows, etc.
- docs Readme, doc comments
- feat Source code changes introducing new functionality
- fix Bug fixes, no new functionality
- refactor Source code changes without changing behavior
- revert Revert a commit
- test Add tests, increase coverage, which where not committed initially with a fix or feat commit
If you want to enable commitlint locally, check out
You can skip the husky part and just use github hooks out of the box:
Rename .git/hooks/commit-msg.sample
into .git/hooks/commit-msg
and put in
npx commitlint --edit
This change will not be populated to the remote repo.
You can bypass commitlint locally like so: git commit --no-verify -m"commitlint won't like"
Beside standart gofmt and staticcheck, this project uses golangci-lint to run a collection of linters. The and settings will be adapted as the project grows.
For faster development cycle you can integrate golangci-lint into your local setup. The current version and configuration is pinned in .golangci.yml