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331 lines (230 loc) · 14.9 KB

File metadata and controls

331 lines (230 loc) · 14.9 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.






v0.16.4 - 2021-04-03


  • Templates: Added pfs2-12,13,14
  • Templates: Added Age of Ashes adventure path

v0.16.3 - 2021-02-17


  • Templates: Added pfs2.s2-11


  • Updated external dependencies
  • Minor improvements of help texts

v0.16.2 - 2021-01-17


  • Templates now distinguish between layout parents and display hierarchie parents. Finally a properly sorted list without having two separate entries for PFS2 season 2 with old and new layout
  • Command line arguments provided within the CSV file now automatically remove enclosing quotation marks
  • Combine templates for the different tiers of pfs2.s2-00 into a single template, as the content is identical anyways


  • If a command line parameter was set in a CSV file, then it was not possible to overwrite this from the command line in the following batch fill call

v0.16.1 - 2021-01-11


  • Various PFS2e templates

v0.16.0 - 2021-01-03


  • Batch mode: Allow to set values for command line parameters from within CSV file
  • Batch mode: Allow to set pattern for generated chronicle output filenames to include things like, e.g. character name or society ID.
  • PFS2: Scenarios 2-07,2-08; Quests 10-13


  • Batch mode: Convert most mandatory arguments so that they can be stored within the CSV file now.

v0.15.2 - 2020-11-22


  • Added new layout for recent scenarios in PFS 2e season 02


  • The eventinfo section will now appear at the top in CSV files generated for PFS 2e.
  • Renamed pfs2.s2 to pfs2.s2.oldLayout, as the scenarios switched layout beginning with pfs2.s05.

v0.15.1 - 2020-11-11


  • Release artifacts contained relative paths beginning with .../. Only the and LICENSE files were affected, but this still caused errors during unpacking.
  • Input from command line and csv file that is UTF8-encoded should now be correctly displayed. So officially now UTF8 and ISO 8859-1 / CP1252 are now supported as input encodings. However, only those UTF8 values are supported that can be displayed by the selected PDF font. So most likely no poo emoji on chronicle sheets.

v0.15.0 - 2020-11-04


  • For ease of (template creation) simplicity, items are no longer indexed directly, but their lines are indexed instead. So instead of providing parameter strikeout_item=1,3, this might now be something like strikeout_item_lines=1,3,4 if the third item takes up two lines on the chronicle. Really, really simplifies things for me!
  • Finished all PFS2 templates for season 01, quests, season 02 up to s2-04 (incl)

v0.14.2 - 2020-10-26


  • Print warnings if provided input CSV file does not contain any entries
  • Print warnings if provided file names do not have expected file extension
  • Templates for PFS2 bounties


  • Template files whose filename begins with a dot are now ignored as intended

v0.14.1 - 2020-10-12


  • Completed some additional scenarios for PFS2 Season 01 that I was asked for.

v0.14.0 - 2020-10-11


  • New content type line to draw lines. Can be used to configure item strikeouts in chronicle templates.
  • New content type strikeout to draw crosses to the chronicle. These can either be done by providing the center coordinates of the cross in percent and a size in points for things like checkboxes, or by providing two sets of coordinates to span an area for striking out other things like, e.g. a boon.
  • Generated CSV files now contain the example values for each parameter in the last column
  • First templates for PFS2 Season 02 using the old season 01 layout


  • Content type rectangle now supports an additional field style. Currently this accepts two values, filled and strikeout. With filled you get the previous behavior where the rectangle area is filled with the color. With strikeout a cross is placed on the area, e.g. to strike out boons. Default is filled if no value for field style was provided.
  • All content types that can directly generate output (i.e. everything except choice and trigger) will no longer report validation errors in case they have coordinates and sizes that imply no output should be generated. For example a rectangle with a width or height of zero will generate no output. Same if e.g. the fontsize for a textentry is zero. This can be used to have "inactive" content entries in a parent template that will only become active if viable values are provided in a template that inherits from that one, e.g. by providing appropriate preset entries.

v0.12.0 - 2020-10-05


  • Templates can now have flags. Added hidden flag to be able to add technical layout layers in the inheritance hierarchie that should not be displayed with the template list command. Will make things easier to handle when different layouts are in place for different seasons (else things would get messy starting with season 3 (yes, 3, not 2))
  • New parameter type and content type multiline. Currently the content is not automatically split at line end, so this has to be done manually for the moment.


  • Parameter and content entries of type choice can now handle multiple selections. Arguments need to be provided as comma-separated list, e.g. remove-boons=1,3. Consequently, the field with name choice inside such entries was renamed to choices.
  • Added layout template pfs2.sheet_layout1 in hierarchie between templates pfs2 and pfs2.s1, pfs2.quests and pfs2.specials. This new template contains the description of the "old" layout that was used in PFS2 season 01. For season 02 and others there will be a new layout template pfs2.sheet_layout2.
  • Output of template describe is now grouped and sorted in a similar way to what was already done for the generated CSV files
  • Canvases (and their subcanvases) are now considered being "inactive" if their width or height is 0, i.e. if their x and x2 coordinates or y and y2 coordinates are equal. This can be used to define inactive canvases with well-defined names in a parent template, e.g. for striking out boons, that can then easily be filled with the correct coordinates in other templates that inherit from the parent template.


  • When calling pfscf template describe -v <template>, then the example value for param type choice was missing.

v0.11.3 - 2020-09-29


  • New command line action open to have an easy way to open files (e.g. PDF or CSV) with their default application


  • Generated CSV files had some typos in comments

v0.11.2 - 2020-09-27


  • New parameter type 'choice'. Mostly to be used in combination with content type 'choice'.
  • New command line flags --offset-x <value> and --offset-y <value> for the fill and batch fill commands to fine-tune results in case the result is slightly off.


  • Template validation now happens in deterministic order, with parent templates being evaluated first
  • Renamed content type textCell to text for simplicity
  • Renamed cmd line flag --exampleValues to --examples
  • Renamed cmd line flag --cellBorder to --cell-border


  • Cyclic parent relations in canvas entries are now recognized and lead to error messages

v0.11.1 - 2020-09-25


  • Generated CSV files now include an alphabetically sorted list of all parameters at the end of the file, including the description and example text.
  • pfscf batch fill now automatically creates the specified output dir if it does not already exist.


  • Generated CSV file now containes an additional column labelled "GM"

v0.11.0 - 2020-09-22


  • CSV files generated by the batch command are now auto-opened with the program registered in the OS for CSV files. This behavior can be suppressed with a new command line switch, but is active by default.
  • New parameters for pfs2 template for everything in the right chronicle bar.


  • Parameter configuration in the template files has changed:
    • An additional layer has been introduced to put each parameter entry into a group. For example, parameters player and societyid are now part of group "Player Information", while parameter gold is part of group "Rewards".
    • Parameter entries are o longer sorted alphabetically, but by order of appearance within the CSV file.
    • Together, this should greatly enhance the user experience when filling out a CSV file generated by the pfscf batch mode.


  • Coordinates for "sfs" template were broken

v0.10.1 - 2020-09-21


  • Fixed issue with canvas entries in textCell objects

v0.10.0 - 2020-09-20


  • Content type rectangle now has a new field transparency to allow semi-transparent regions. Accepted values are from 0.0 (0%, fully opaque) to 1.0 (100%, fully transparent).
  • Documentation is now automatically generated out of the MD files using mkdocs and published to
  • The pfscf fill command will now automatically open the resulting filled chronicle PDF in the systems default PDF viewer. This can be suppressed with the new --no-auto-open command line switch.


  • The canvas concept. Now totally different than before.
  • The option to draw a coordinate grid across the entire page was replaced. Now it is possible to draw a coordinate grid on the canvas with the specified name.



v0.9.2 - 2020-09-13


  • Release now includes a batch file that, when executed via clicking from windows explorer, will open a cmd prompt in the current directory. This should make it easier for windows users to use a command line application like pfscf.
  • New subcommand template search to search for templates based on search terms.
  • New content type choice for things like choosing the subtier
  • New and improved documentation on usage


  • Releases for macOS now have "macOS" in their name instead of "Darwin" for clarification

v0.9.1 - 2020-09-11


  • Basic stubs for all PFS2 season 1 scenarios plus quests
  • Templates now try to do some basic auto-guessing on possible page margins to reduce the number of cases where values on the produced sheet are misaligned.
  • Text is now also automatically shrunk if a textcell is not high enough


  • Template listing (pfscf template list) now shows inheritance relations

v0.9.0 - 2020-09-10


  • Autoshrink for textCell: Automatically reduce font size if text is too wide
  • If y2 coordinate is missing or 0, then the cell height is automatically determined via font size
  • New template section parameters: No longer integrated into content entries. This allows for reusing parameters in a sheet, e.g. GM initials on a Starfinder chronicle
  • Content type rectangle: Finally drawing colored boxes!
  • Content type trigger: Can be used to conditionally print other content entries when a specific argument is provided
  • Content type canvas: Allows to reduce the drawing canvas. Required for easily adapting PFS2 chronicle templates if the right sidebar has different coordinates again
  • Chronicle template for Starfinder
  • Several chronicle templates for Pathfinder 2 where the right sidebar had a different position in the released sheets


  • Switched template measurement unit from points to percent
  • Empty/missing coordinates are now treated as 0
  • Update golang dependencies
  • Add missing error check during content generation
  • Content entries do no longer have an ID
  • Content type textCell now also supports static values not related to any passed arguments
  • Basically replaced the complete internal data structures and data handling


  • Content type societyid


  • Fixed wrong handling of command line arguments in batch mode
  • Yaml files with empty sections like presets: left the underlying data structure uninitialized due to unexpected behavior in go-yaml module. Workaround was implemented.

v0.8.0 - 2020-07-30


  • Heavily restructured internal coding regarding content handling

v0.7.1 - 2020-07-18


  • Changed source code structure on disk and goreleaser config

v0.7.0 - 2020-07-16


  • Documentation on how to write templates
  • Batch mode for filling out chronicles


  • Renamed x1 and y1 to x and y.
  • Renamed content societyid to societyId
  • Renamed content code to eventcode
  • Renamed cmd line option --dummyValues to --exampleValues


  • #33: Now correctly only reads files with .yml extension, not with .yml~ or .ymla
  • Action template describe -v now works again

v0.6.0 - 2020-07-08


  • New content type societyid. This is specifically meant for printing a PFS society id following the pattern <player_id>-<char_id>, e.g. 123456-789. This is easier to use than providing both values separately, and also allows better formatting / placement.


  • Template pfs2 now provides a societyid entry instead of separate playerid and charid entries. These were removed.

v0.5.0 - 2020-07-07


  • Template inheritance mechanism
  • Mechanism for preset values


  • Template pfs2 now uses presets instead of defaults
  • Improved error texts


  • The default section is no longer supported / usable

v0.4.0 - 2020-07-02


  • Align wording: An ID is no longer sometimes called Name
  • Allow to fill out chronicles with dummy/example values


  • pfsct is now called pfscf
  • Updated pdfcpu from v0.3.3 to v0.3.4
  • Use global temp dir now for storing intermediate files
  • The default section in yaml files was replaced with the section default in presets


  • Now printing filename if an error occurs during reading a yaml file

v0.3.2 - 2020-06-27


  • Short aliases for cmd line commands, e.g. f for fill, t for template
  • verbose flag and output for template list and template describe
  • Provide example values in verbose output of template describe

v0.3.1 - 2020-06-26


  • First version of template describe command

v0.3.0 - 2020-06-26


  • Proper handling of template files
  • First version of template list command
  • Stubs for other template commands


  • Allow to execute pfsct command when in a different directory

v0.2.0 - 2020-06-24


  • Check whether required template fields are present
  • Mechanism for default values in templates


  • Configs are now named templates, and thus the config subdir was renamed to template as well
  • Yaml unmarshalling now set to strict

v0.1 - 2020-06-20


  • First more or less working version that can fill out chronicles for PFS2