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BlenderKit Preferences

Andreas Gajdosik edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 10 revisions

Navigate to Blender Preferences -> Add-ons -> 3D View: BlenderKit Online Asset Library to open BlenderKit add-on preferences, in which you can:

  • fine tune the add-on behaviour,
  • sign up, login or logout your BlenderKit account,
  • update the add-on,
  • get redirection to add-on documentation and bug tracker,
  • see information about add-on version and file paths used on your computer.

The BlenderKit add-on preferences are split into 6 sections: Preferences, File Paths, GUI Settings, Networking Settings, Updater Settings and Runtime Info.



General preferences located at the top allows you to handle your account and tweak some other general behaviour.

Sign up

Click to open a webpage where you can create a new account on and then login to the add-on.

Even with free account, you get improvements for the add-on functionality. As logged free/full user you can:

  • use free private upload space to privately save your creations and download them later anywhere, anytime,
  • bookmark your favourite assets for which you can search later,
  • give feedback to creators of asssets, rate and comment assets,
  • upload your creations publicly, became a creator.


Click on the login button to login into the add-on - this will open domain in your default browser.

  1. Login on web - if you are not already logged in on the web, please fill in your username and password and confirm.
  2. Authorize on web - Once you are logged-in, or if you were already logged-in, authorize that you want to use your logged account in the add-on.
  3. Success - After confirmation text Login went splendidly should be shown. Congratulations, you are successfully logged into the BlenderKit add-on! You can now close the browser tab and start using the BlenderKit add-on.

Successful login will fill in the Your API Key field bellow.

Log Out

Click to log out from BlenderKit. This will delete Your API Key.

Your API Key

Crypted API Key for your account which is used to authorize all API calls (search, download, upload etc.) to the server. This field is automatically populated during the login process. You can also paste the API Key in here manually from your profile page on, please use this permanent API key only when normal login process fails.


File Paths

Use Directories:

Which directories will be used for storing download data:

  • Global directory and Project's subdirectory: Save downloaded asset files in both the global directory and the subdirectory of the current project.

  • Global directory: Store downloaded files only in a global directory. This can bring problems when moving your projects, since assets won't be in the subdirectory of current project. But it will save your hard disk space.

  • Project's Subdirectory: Store downloaded files only in a local directory. This can use more bandwidth when you reuse assets in different projects.

Global Directory

Global storage for your asset files, which will use subdirectories for the contents. This directory will be also used by the Client to save its logs and other information in client subdirectory. By default this directory is named blenderkit_data and is located in your HOME directory (C:\Users\username on Windows, \Users\username\ on Mac, ~ on Linux).

Project Assets Subdirectory

Name of the subdirectory in the currently open project, where add-on will store asset data used in individual project.

Unpack files

Whether to unpack assets after download.

  • With unpack on, you can access your textures easier, and resolution swapping of assets is possible.
  • With unpack off, you can avoid some issues that are caused by other addons like e.g. Megascans. Switch unpack off if you encounter problems like stuck downloads.

GUI Settings

Show Assetbar when Starting Blender

When checked the assetbar will be automatically shown on startup of every Blender instance.

Assetbar Thumbnail Size

Size of the asset thumbnails in the Assetbar. Lower this number to make the thumbnails smaller.

Max Assetbar Rows

Max rows of assetbar in the 3D view. Increase this number to see more assets without need for scrolling.

Search Field Width

On default value 0, the BlenderKit will automatically adjusts the width of the text search field based on the width of the Blender window. Set the value of Search Field Width to number higher than 0 to adjust and fix the width as you need.

Show Blenderkit search in 3D view header

Unselect this option to hide the BlenderKit search in the 3D view. You can search in the right add-on column.

Show BlenderKit in Object Context Menu

BlenderKit shortcut menu is displayed by default in the Object Context Menu (right click on the object). If you do not want the BlenderKit menu in there, uncheck this option.

Show tips when starting Blender

BlenderKit will show you tips for the usage when you start new Blender instance. Deselect this option to stop tips from showing.

Receive online announcements when starting Blender

BlenderKit checks for important announcements on the BlenderKit server and show them on the start in form similar to tips. (Tip will be skipped if announcement is present.) You can turn the online announcements off by deselecting this option.

Networking settings

Client port

Port to be used for startup and communication with BlenderKit-Client. Changing the port will cancel all running downloads and searches and will force the Client to restart.

IP version

Which address family should be used for connections to server.

  • Use both IPv4 and IPv6: Add-on will use both IPv4 and IPv6 families of addresses for connections.
  • Use only IPv4: Add-on will use only IPv4 family of addresses for connections. This might fix connection issues on some systems connected to only IPv4 networks.

SSL Verification

WHether BlenderKit-Client should check for validity of certificates durring secured HTTPS communication with server.

  • Enabled SSL Verification: Client will use default SSL settings and will check the validity of server's certificates to secure the communication with the server is encrypted, private and not manipulated by anyone between your computer and server.
  • Disabled SSL Verification - This setting will cause the Client to not verify the TLS/SSL certificates. You may resort to this if you're encountering TLS/SSL errors, but please note that this is a less secure approach and should only be applied in debugging situations. If your corporate network, proxy server, or VPN introduces custom certificates to the chain, the preferred and safer approach would be to properly configure the path for your CA certificates.


  • SYSTEM: Add-on will detect proxy configuration in system settings, if nothing is found it will try to detect it from HTTPS_PROXY environment variable. Custom proxy settings in add-on preferences will be ignored.
  • ENVIRONMENT: Add-on will detect proxy configuration only from environement variable HTTPS_PROXY.
  • NONE: Add-on will ignore system proxy settings, HTTPS_PROXY env var, and custom proxy settings defined in add-on preferences. All add-on HTTP requests will not go through any proxy server.
  • CUSTOM: Add-on will use custom proxy settings, system proxy settings will be ignored. Please set the address in the add-on preferences below in the field “Custom proxy address”.

Updater Settings

Auto-check for updates

BlenderKit automatically checks if there is newer version of the add-on available. Deselect to turn automatic update checks off.

Interval between checks

Value defining how often the BlenderKit should check for newer versions. Months - Number of months between checking for updates. Days - Number of days between checking for updates.

Enable pre-releases

Enable this option if you want BlenderKit auto-updater to also check for pre-release versions. The pre-release versions (alpha, beta, release-candidate) can be unstable, however they contain latest features and bug fixes. Enable pre-release if you want to try the newest versions of BlenderKit and give feedback on its functionality. But be aware there can be problems - which we will fix soon after you write us.

Check now for blenderkit update

Check now for and update to the blenderkit add-on.

(Re)install add-on version

Install a targeted version of the blenderkit add-on.

Restore add-on backup

Restore add-on backup.

Runtime Info

Greyed out part which provides some useful information about the locations where the add-on currently uses:

  • Installed at: where add-on is installed
  • Global directory: current global directory used by the add-on
  • BlenderKit-client log: path of file to which Client process logs its messages (useful for debugging)
  • Temp directory: temporary directory which add-on uses to save thumbnails and other smaller files
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