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File metadata and controls

142 lines (108 loc) · 4.53 KB

WIP . V 0.0.1

#G Design System

G - DS - UI Design Language


This work for svelte so you need to first create a svelte app. Use the following command.

# create svelte app
npm create svelte@latest myapp
cd myapp
npm install
npm run dev

G - DS is not affliated with bits-ui but it built on top of it so you need to install it first. Documentation for bits-ui at Bits-ui Documentaion.

To install bits-ui use the following command.

# install bits-ui
npm install bits-ui


The design system follows the BEM naming convention for css. Material Design System 3 heirarchy for colors and fonts.

Ultimately everything below are just guidelines you do NOT need to strictly follow.

Design System Heirarchy

All the design files are placed in the style folder. If you change the location, make sure to change the imports in the files.



The file just contains all the imports from other scss files. You will just need to import app.scss in any svelte file for you to start using the styles.


themes.scss contains all the base constants. Brand colors, Baseline sizes and Font family. If you don't want more finer control, just changing the values on this file should have an effect globally.

The variables in this file are NOT meant to be used when using the design system.

//font family
$theme__font-family--primary: "Source Code Pro", monospace;
$theme__font-family--secondary: "Merriweather", serif; 

//baseline size
$baseline__radius: 12px;
$baseline__gap: 1rem; 
$baseline__font-size: 1rem; 
$baseline__asset-size: 1.25rem; 
$baseline__padding: 0.75rem; 
$baseline__border-size: 1px;
$baseline__line-height: 1.5;
$baseline__font-weight: 500;

//theme colors
$theme__color--primary: #fa7317;
$theme__color--secondary: #7317fa;
$theme__color--neutral: #939190;
$theme__color--destructive: #c72525;
$theme__color--confirmative: #23a030;
$theme__color--cautionary: #d1921c;


This file contains all the color styles you will be using throughout your app. To use color styles use varibales starting with $color__ .You can add new color variables on this file to use throughout your app.

Color Usage

$color__primary: $theme__color--primary

You should use $color__primary when you want to use your brand primary color not any variable named with $theme__

Programatically generated tones

$color__primary--100: primary-color-tone($color__primary, 0);

Tones are generated using an scss function so you don't have to define them yourself. Tones are named begining with $tone__ and ending with 0, 10, 20...90, 95, 100 with 100 being the lightest and 0 being the darkest.

$tone_ variables should only be used to extend other variables. Do NOT use the raw variables in your projects.

Color Usage $color__ styles

//primary color
$color__primary: $theme__color--primary;

//surface colors
$color__surface__container--lowest: $color__neutral--100;
$color__surface__container--low: $color__neutral--95;
$color__surface__container: $color__neutral--90;
$color__on--surface: $color__neutral--10;
$color__on--surface--var: $color__neutral--30;

The color system is using the Google Material 3 color system and naming convention. To use the colors in your app, only use color variables beginning with $color__


The font heirachy is also using the Google Material 3 convention. To use the font styles, use @extend %font-style__

%font-style__body--md {
	font-family: $theme__font-family--primary;
	font-size: $font__size--sm;
	font-weight: $baseline__font-weight;
	line-height: $baseline__line-height;


The sizes are mathematically calculated using a baseline. The baseline are defined in the theme.scss so you don't need to edit anything here unless you want to change the modular scale.

Some examples

$gap--sm: $baseline__gap * 0.75;
$gap--md: $baseline__gap;
$gap--lg: $baseline__gap * 1.5; 

$padding--sm: $baseline__padding * 0.75; 
$padding--md: $baseline__padding; 

$asset--md: $baseline__asset-size; 

$radius--md: $baseline__radius; 

$font-size--md: $baseline__font-size;

$border-size--md: $baseline__border-size;

You can use the following variables in your app. $gap, $padding, $asset, $radius, $font-size, $border-size. They end with xxs, xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl on the size scale.