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Martin Morgan edited this page May 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

Join the 'BiocCheck-a-thon' during the week of May 18.

'BiocCheck' is run on packages contributed to Bioconductor. It implements checks that are different from those in R CMD build / R CMD check, with the overall goal of increasing the robustness, interoperability, and support of Bioconductor packages. Perhaps you have ideas or opinions about what makes a good Bioconductor package; implementing a check in BiocCheck is one way to help others see your wisdom!

The plan is to have an 'orientation' meeting on Monday, work in groups or individually to implement features during the week, and then have a 'review' meeting on Friday to assess the contributions. The meetings will be at 11am US Eastern Time on a bluejeans link to be made available on the community slack.

We'll use GitHub issues and pull requests on the BiocCheck repository to propose, implement, and review activities. This is a great opportunity to contribute to the project, and perhaps learn a little about R / Bioconductor software development processes. The BiocCheck repository is at

If you have ideas, open an issue, tag it with 'Hackathon' and your best guess at the level(s) of expertise required to implement the feature so that others can identify projects they might be interested in helping with.

Communication about the hackathon will be on the #bioccheck-a-thon channel of the Community Slack.

Use the following link to sign up for our slack

See you there!

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