- Acre
- A Half Shekel
- Alabaster Jar
- Aloes
- Altar
- Anchor
- Animal Pen
- Anointing Flask
- Anointing Oil
- Anvil
- Apron
- Arena
- Ark of the Covenant
- Arrow
- Assarion
- Audience Hall
- Awl
- Axe
- Bag
- Bagpipe
- Balance
- Band of Cloth
- Barn
- Basket
- Bath
- Battering-Ram
- Battle-Axe
- Beam
- Bed
- Bedroom
- Bellows
- Belt
- Bier
- Birthstool
- Bit and Bridle
- Boat
- Bow
- Bowl
- Bowl
- Bread of Display
- Breast-Piece
- Breastplate
- Breeches
- Brick
- Brick Mold
- Brick Pavement
- Cage
- Cake
- Capital
- Casting Net
- Censer
- Chain
- Chariot
- Chisel
- City Wall
- Clay Jar
- Cloak
- Clothing
- Coat of Mail
- Compass
- Container
- Cooking Pot
- Cornerstone
- Courtyard
- Covering
- Cover Lid
- Craftsman
- Cross
- Crown
- Crown
- Cubit
- Cubit
- Cup
- Curtain
- Cushion
- Cymbals
- Daric
- Deck
- Denarius
- Dish
- Door
- Doorpost
- Doorstep
- Drachma
- Dragnet
- Drum
- Dyed Cloth
- Earring
- Emblem
- Embroidered Cloth
- Entrance
- Ephah
- Ephod
- Eye Salve
- Fathom
- Festival of the Tabernacles
- Fetter
- Fig Cake
- Finger
- Fishhook
- Fishnet
- Floor
- Flute
- Footstool
- Fork
- Fork
- Fortification
- Fortress
- Foundation
- Frame
- Garland
- Gerah
- Goad
- Goat Hair Strips
- Gold Jewelry
- Gomed
- Grating
- Grave
- Graven Image
- Greaves
- Griddle
- Guest Room
- Half a Mile
- Hammer
- Hand-Mill
- Handbreadth
- Harpoon
- Helmet
- Hewn Stone
- High Place
- Hin
- Hinge
- Hoe
- Homer
- Horns of Altar
- House
- Household Idols
- Housetop
- Image
- Incense
- Ink
- Inn
- Inner Room
- Javelin
- Jinglet
- Judgment Seat
- Jug
- Kab
- Key
- Kiln
- Knife
- Kor
- Kor
- Lamp
- Lampstand
- Lampstand
- Lantern
- Large Shield
- Leather
- Lecture Hall
- Lepton
- Linen
- Linen Cloth
- Linen Strips
- Log
- Loincloth
- Loop
- Lot
- Lute
- Lyre
- Manger
- Mast
- Mattock
- Measure
- Measuring Reed
- Measuring Rod
- Mile
- Mina
- Mirror
- Molten Image
- Money
- Money Box
- Most Holy Place
- Must
- Myrrh
- Myrrhed Wine
- Nail
- Needle
- Net
- Oar
- Oil of Nard
- Olive Oil
- Omer
- Oven
- Palace
- Paper
- Parchment
- Patch
- Peg
- Peg
- Pen
- Perimiter Curtain
- Phylactery
- Piece of Money
- Pin
- Pinnacle
- Pit
- Plaster
- Plate
- Plate
- Plough
- Plumb Line
- Point of Spear
- Pool
- Porch
- Pottery Wheel
- Pouch
- Pound
- Prison
- Protective Shield
- Pruning Knife
- Purple Cloth
- Quadrans
- Quart
- Quiver
- Rafts
- Raisin Cake
- Rams Horn
- Razor
- Reed
- Replica Temple
- Robe
- Rod
- Room
- Rope
- Rudder
- Rug
- Sackcloth
- Sacred Cakes
- Sacred Pillar
- Sacred Pole
- Sail
- Sandal
- Sash
- Saton
- Saw
- Screen
- Scroll
- Seah
- Seal
- Seat
- Second Story
- Shaker
- Sheaf
- Sheath
- Sheepfold
- Shekel
- Ship
- Shovel
- Shuttle
- Sickle
- Siege-Works
- Siege Ramp
- Siege Tower
- Sieve
- Silk
- Skin-Bottle
- Skin
- Sling
- Small Shield
- Soap
- Sour Wine
- Span
- Spear
- Spindle
- Stade
- Staff
- Standard
- Stater
- Step
- Stew
- Stone Altar
- Stone Jar
- Stone Plane
- Storeroom
- Strap
- Strong Drink
- Stylus
- Stylus
- Sweet Wine
- Sword
- Synagogue
- Tabernacle
- Tabernacle Altar
- Tablet
- Talent
- Tassel
- Temple
- Temple Altar
- Temple of an Idol
- Tent
- Tent of Meeting
- Theater
- The Holy Place
- Thorn Hedge
- Thread
- Threshing-Sledge
- Threshing Floor
- Throne
- Tile
- To Muzzle
- Torch
- To Saddle
- Towel
- Tower
- Train
- Trap
- Treasury
- Trumpet
- Tunic
- Tunic
- Turban
- Turban
- Two-Drachma Piece
- Unleavened Bread
- Upstairs Room
- Veil
- Wagon
- War Club
- Watch-Tower
- Water-Tunnel
- Weapons
- Weavers Beam
- Wheel
- Whip
- Wick Trimmer
- Window
- Wine
- Winepress
- Winged Creature
- Winnowing Fork
- Wool
- Woven or Knitted Material
- Writing Case
- Yoke